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Cummins Powers Women update
The Cummins Powers Women corporate responsibility strategic program has been operating with partner organisations across Asia Pacific since 2018.
In 2021, a key partner, Girls Academy, dissolved and led Cummins on a path to seek new partnerships across the region, particularly in Australia. We are delighted to announce a new key partnership for the next three years with the National Aboriginal Sporting Chance Academy (NASCA). It is led by our Cummins Powers Women sponsors in Asia Pacific, Nathan Howell and Kate Teixeira.
What is NASCA?
For more than 20 years, NASCA has worked with thousands of young Aboriginal people and their resilient communities. NASCA’s vision will continue until every Aboriginal child is free from racism, inequality and social injustices – fee to live their lives to the full as they determine. The NASCA Board is 100% Aboriginal and uses trained staff and volunteers to drive the NASCA vision of a proud, prosperous and healthy Australia for all.
NASCA believes in the natural resilience of young Indigenous people and takes a strengths-based approach to its young people and programs. There is a natural alignment with Cummins’ key pillars of corporate social responsibility, reconciliation action plan objectives, and the Cummins Powers Women initiative. NASCA believes education is the foundation for future success. It believes in providing equal opportunity, regardless of gender, and empowers young people with self-belief to determine their own futures.
NASCA seeks impactful, shared-value partnerships with corporate and community partners that align with NASCA’s values of excellence, collaboration, integrity, trust, cultural pride and inclusion, creating a strong foundation for meaningful social impact. Key programs, based on Cummins’ shared impact areas of education and gender equality, are: • Targeted Out of the Box workshops for young women • Provision for more young women to participate in the annual
NASCA Career Fit Leadership Conference • Providing laptop computers, enabling shared resources in the 11 NASCA Academies for Young Women • Tracking and documenting the educational journey and high school completion rates of all young women in NASCA academies.
For more information, go to: www.nasca.org.au.