The System of Self Organized Urban Plan

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Dessau Institute of Architecture Hochschule Anhalt, Dessau Bauhausstr. 5 06846 Dessau Germany

The System of Self Organized Urban Plan In respect to flexibility, mixed, dynamic and vibrant living in the context of Amsterdam, the Netherlands


Baluch, Zuhair Alam Mtrl Nr. 4053459

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The System of Self Organized Urban Plan Table of Content 1. 3. 4.

Amsterdam Houthaven Vibrant Living

01 05 09

Acknowledgment : God, Family, Friends, and Animals. Advisors:

Professor Arie Graafland Xml Architecture Research Urbanism ( David Mulder & Max Cohen de Lara )


Larisa Tsvetokova (3rd semester group member) Piangpim Thongsawang (3rd semester group member ) Mostafa Mahdy Zohal Bashariar Egor Goryachev Wu Siu Lun Guley Alagoz Aliya Muslimova Ksenia Petrova Polina Plotkina Abhishiek Shishir Sinha Roman Kochergin Alexandra Dominic


Amsterdam is a dream. We were really excited to see fine examples of Dutch architecture in Amsterdam and imagining the excellence of living and keen to experience the Dutch way of life. As for me Amsterdam is a European economical capital and one of the crowded city but it was unknown experience & most exciting trip of my life.

A fishing village of 12th century to Amsterdam of 20th century but still keeping the historical part of city. It can be imaginable early Dutch period of growth. UNESCO World Heritage listed Amsterdam city center as part of Heritage. The canals of Amsterdam gives amazing view in night streets are crowded specially in red light district, which really attracts people to Amsterdam center, where as in day time streets are shinning with cycle riders and boats are moving in every part of city like Venice. If we can imagine the trading system of Early Dutch culture in Amsterdam city, one can easily convinced with the system with in. The City Amsterdam is surrounded with branches of canal where Central Station is exactly located on river bank on the north side of Amsterdam. Route A10 is considerable ring road of city & internal services are mostly use by trams and undergrounds. Bicycle riding is very common in center because its fastest and cheapest way of reaching point A to B. Car parking is considerably high to rest of European cities. Amsterdam is one of the higher populated region of Europe, with 7 million of population, where it self has no place to grow further, and social housing problems are increasing day by day that some people have to wait even 7 years to get a house from Social housing companies. As part of housing research we had visited several parts of Amsterdam such as South Amsterdam, ijburg, ijplein ( North Amsterdam ), Westreos, Spaarndammerbuurt and Houthaven ( site ).

Sud Ij Plein Borneo Sporenburg Java & KNSM 2

Ij Burg Osterdok Westerdok



a. The city Amsterdam’s architecture couldn’t have developed as it did without certain earlier political changes. In 1901, members of the liberal government succeeded in passing the First Housing Act. b. The Spaarndammerbuurt is for a working class district in the northwesterly edge of amsterdam. It was rather isolated from the rest of the city and has been retained its architectural unity. Micheal De Klerk designed three blocks in Spaarndammerbuurt and style was known as `Amsterdam School’ De Woningwet 1901 telde 10 paragrafen: 1. Voorschriften van aan woningen te stellen eisen 2. Aangifte omtrent het aantal bewoners 3. Verbetering van woningen en tegengaan van overbewoning 4. Onbewoonbaarverklaring, ontruiming, sluiting en afbraak van woningen 5. Onteigening van woningen in het belang van de volkshuisvesting 6. Vaststellen van een uitbreidingsplan 7. Geldelijke steun van de gemeente voor volkshuisvesting 8. Geldelijke steun van het rijk voor volkshuisvesting 9. Strafbepalingen 10. Slotbepalingen


Site plan

The Housing Act 1901, there were 10 sections: 1. Requirements of applicable requirements for residential 2. Declaration concerning the number of residents 3. Improving housing and tackling overcrowding 4. Statement uninhabitable, evacuation, closure and house demolitions 5. Expropriation of dwellings in the interests of public housing 6. Establishing an expansion 7. The monetary support of the community for housing 8. Financial support from the government for housing 9. penalty provisions 10. Final provisions

City Connections

Value of Housing


Spaarndammerbuurt was North-west extention of Amsterdam in early 20th century due to extensive harbour workers are settling down in city. people from small villages of The Netherlands travelled to Amsterdam for better jobs and living. after extensive poppulation to Amsterdam the situation of Health and Housing was very poor. In early 20th century the city implement First Health Act and later First Housing Act, Spaarndammerbuurt is one of the example of First Housing Act. Spaarndammerbuurt was design by famous Dutch architect De Klerk. This area was developed for low middle class small family houses who came to city from small towns of country. De Klerk planned the area with both enviorment of inside and outside public spaces. In Spaarndammerbuurt, De Klerk also planned double ring structure. Double Ring Block was works as public spaces in between the building block. De Klerk also planned this area height not more then 5 floor from the road side and 2/3 floors from innersides with red brick block facades. thats makes in part of amsterdam very calm and gentle.



Built-up Area

No of Houses : 452 Density : 166 wo/ Ha. Average Block size : 110 x 240 Spaarndammerbuurt is not far from City Center as well as its also not far from coastal line. so it was best location for the Labour workers to live and work together. Spaandammerbuurt is very next area to Houthaven.


Early 20th century development in Amsterdam. it was located on the North-West side of Amsterdam for Harbour Labours .

Public Transportation

As considering Spaandammerbuurt transportation system, its is well connected to city center with two main bus lanes 22, 48. both are main bus lines of Amsterdam. where as no 22 was only planned for Spaarndammerbuurt people. where as the main road from city center to ring road is also showing in a yellow colour.


Spaandammerbuurt has one main street with alot of coffee shops , health center, kindergarten, bar ,resturants etc which makes that street very lively and active. As there is no main traffic is crossing that street except bus 22. that makes street more safe and full of people.

Double Block Typology

Appt Size 60 to 90 Sq.m Private Garden Exclusive access to interior courtyards No Specified Parking External Block 5-6 Layers Internal Block 2-3 Layers


Parking seems to be the main problem for people living in spaandammerbuurt. as on our personal measurements we can guess that there are 1 car parking per unit. As housing units are very small comparing to parking area. This area doesnt have parking facility even not in buildings . we can Imagine that this area was built early car age so the architect might didnt consider for middle class people to afford this expensive machines.

Building Typology

Block Typlogy

Appt. Size 37 - 40 sq.m Private Gardens Exclusive access to Interior courtyards No Specified Parking External Block 4-5 Layers

Sun Light Study

The above mentioned Sunlight study for spaandammerbuurt is considering for the month of October. it shows that most of the area in early day is very bright and accessable to sun. but in the evening few streets are shaded but internal semi Public courtyards are still useable for social activities.

Zuhair A. Baluch. Larisa Tsvetkova & Piangpim Thongsawang


WS 2011/2012 Studio Master: Prof. Arie Graafland & XML





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Gymnasium & School

ve Ri

Current Features

Student Housing



Informal Beach Activites Living Boats

Other Sport Activities


ng i rk ts a p oa t a gb o B vin Li

Pet area




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Houthaven is located at North-West of Amsterdam, exactly on IJ bank. It is neighbour quarter to Spaarndammerbuurt which itself famous old part of Amsterdam. The conditions of this area is not so good but people liked that neighbourhood because its lively. Existing site includes temporal structures for student living and currently in use

Site also include empty spaces, where locals are using it for informal purpose.

Houthaven has both land and water values, where more than 40% of the area is land. Houthaven is currently functioning in many ways, majorly in student housing, School, Gymnasium, Storage, Living boats, Beach activities, Bar, Restaurant, and many other informal Activities Houthaven is 10 min away from City Center by bus, 15 min by Cycle , and 5 min by Car. Houthaven also connects the fairy route line linked to Northern Amsterdam. Houthaven is also linked to ring road by 5- 10 min drive Houthaven is majorly facing river, where as west side is more offices and commercial zone and southern part is Spaarndammerbuurt.

IJ River

Silodam Amsterdam Nord

Bus route 22 Bus route 48

Site Plan


Central Station Spaarndammerbuurt


A Panoroma to Houthaven


Vibrant Living Dynamic Flexibile Diverse Lively

Design is not a product of delivery, It is a process

Creating oppertunities instead of creating Beauty

Dealing with mixed society leads to mixed design

Through Public space to Pluralism and Integration

Final Product was never our priority, As an Architect we were always looking for a process of design and maximum use of functions and facilities as currently available for instant Houthaven existing function are very few but a attractive to use and possible improvable. Current activities can bring us to a housing solution for new quarter in Houthaven so we consider a slow development at site but maximum use at most of time, we consider the area is mix use and mixed functions, we consider Houthaven is lively, diverse and flexible, we also considering other non housing functions parallel use and acting vice versa at different time of day.


Tokyo bay 1961. The Transformation from CentralizedCity into Linear City as in Kenzo Tange’s Project where communities and smaller towns would settle along a main axis appears as a very obvious and useful solution for Tokyo

The Spontaneous City

Reference Projects

The Spontaneous City is dealt by its inhabitants, in a never ending process of transformation and adaptation indivduals and groups, including both residents and business people, re-use and re organized space in a apartment block, work places, Parks and streets


The Open Building 1974- The project is set up an urban tissue in which building form courtyards from where access to houses is given, because House units have been designed by users , no two floor plans are alike as can be seen as the documentary drawing made after completion of Project

The Plug-in City Plug-in city as a mega structure with no building just a massive framework intor which dwelling in the form of cells or standardised componenets could be slotted. The machine had taken over and people. where the raw material being processed, the difference being that people are meant to enjoy the experience. The Metal Cabin Housing was a prototype in the sense that it placed removable house elements intor megastructure of concrete

a. Initializing the project by enhancing the existing functions at houthaven with adding temporal activities e.g. boating, beach activities, camping and park, CafĂŠs and clubs climbing, scatting, dogs playing, informal use b. Keeping the most use function and building up student housing on the south west quarter of houthaven, and bring up living boat for student allow car parking for surrounding


Building up the process after designing is also a considerable task. Which definably includes a period of time, this period of time can bring many unfortunate possibilities in positive or Negative sense. The building of Master plan for such a big area would cost approximate 7 years of time. Considering positive and negative sides of time, we consider houthaven design in several stages of building up, and dividing into temporal and permanent functions Such as ;

c. Keeping the area alive by adding some more temporal use buildings such as exhibitions, outdoor market. Building up some houses with peoples own effort and plot sizing the area d. Initializing Commercial activities by adding Marina club and Hotel with cafÊ into IJ river. Meanwhile house can be built as house owner’s requirement e. Houthaven was always variable and flexible in past. Considering the fact as adding temporal buildings that can always change into public function , community center.


Daylight Study Analysis




We consider infomal use of site, where all age groups and mutually involved in development, we believe Houthaven is a self built and self sustainable neighbourhood. It was always unlacking from city center to reach to peir of water, in Houthaven people can actually go into water but there found hardly any activity, considering the fact we generate same function as Public places to water. 14









Houthaven 24

urban parameters 1 People like to


Considering the fact of human react to the nature and eviorment a book by Jane Jacob “The Life and death of American Cities” & “Urban Codes” by Anne Mikoleit & Moritz Pürckauer, some man-made parameters were exgarurated, some of the short listed parameters are defined below :

Sunshine in a

Street Venders are path according to


2 sun direction


Rent Rise with Increasing Pedestrian Density

12 Shop



other Shops

Hugo Parada

13 Brand names attract People, People attracts Brand names 25


16 Human Traffic

with Shop Openning time

20 24



park one on each other


Cars can

Sketchbook**** Equal grid provoke unequal Blocks ( Rem koolhas)


Each building has atleast one entrance, No entrance is same as other entrance also enterances are meeting points. Hallo, Wie gehts ?

31 New Indian Spicy food

Shop attacts people into the depth of blocks.


Lady Gaga

Display windows are mirrors


47 Locals have dogs.

50 Benches are found in Public places.

51 playground draws children inside.


56 Cross roads are Public square, people waits at crossroads, hotdogs & informal stands at crossroads.


68 People sit with their back protected Tourist stand still, Resident pass.

70 Group attacts people

71 Street performers AniM@t3 public space 27


Paradise Point

Night life hotspot increase pedestrain traffic

76 Street cafes lie at the center of event

85 grocery shop on the street corners have an advantage

Deutsche Bank


People who walk have a desitination in their mind , desitnations are more attactive when invite a stay P



People wait for taxi , taxi waits for people

Weed Reduce Aggression

94 Traffic lights creats traffic noise

Cobble Stone Tell Stories

95 Zuhair A. Baluch 1983-2012 Berlin, Died because of blond girl smile. on the day of his Architecture graduation.

Zohal Ba 1985- 2013 Frankfurt, Architect who was lost & never found in Paramids of Giza

Mostafa Abdul Hakim 1885- 2012 Built Super expensive first Sustainable House for King of Eygpt, Later on Kings Pride he Presented his Head.

Larisa Tsvetkova 1986- 2012 after successful living in shared living for 1 year, murdered by flatmate.


Basis of Selection : *Most probably it would be considered as one of the main center of Houthaven. *This place can be the earlier or earliest part to start Houthaven project. *Location already have potentional e.g. exhibitions, summer sports *Location of that place will be transformed in every face

Instant city

Plugin city

The Current Design have severals place for a considerable detail design.


The Zooming in Area

Several Forces ( Human traffic, Visual Imact,etc ) to Location


Higlighted places are mostly expensive due to parameters

As a huge Public Space , it should be segregated by functions of informal activities


A day light Study for a public space

Assigning Functions to the surrounding buildings


As in Amsterdam water becomes the important part of city, but its not easily accessable , This public space meets water to join water related activities

In Amsterdam Public Spaces are not directly attach to water. Here is first attempt to involve water with public space

Leveling edges will give better view to water. also define cirulations

Lifting -up the background for adding slope in public space


Assigning Pixels to Public Space for Maximum use and Spatial plan

Adding Pixel to Dynamic shape tfor maximum Use


Public Space 36

Experiencing Space

Spatial Activites in Open Space (glass exhibition)

Vegetation on blocks



Water Level Houthaven level

Commerical Corner The Location plot for Parking, Commerical Unit and Cafeteria

Extrude block as possible built area

Defining block by adding space inbetween

Access and Vision to the enviorment

Reducing size of the building to add vision to back building and adding roof activities.

Commerical Corner This location will be one of the important places for Houthaven, as it is commerical building directly facing to main public area, thats why in this building it will be better to consider indoor public activities, such as Exhibition place,community zone, Restaurant, access to roof. adding roof activities



Simplex House Single storey house type: dim 5m x 25m a longitudinal row house and a issue of single story house, due to narrow width of house sufficient daylight illumination can only be accomplished by organizing the personal room around the central space, with possible inviting daylight. The interior are interlocked by identical planning. wide lounges and access of light through corridors reflects wider spaces


Comfortable House Double storey house type: dim 5m x 25m a dual story longitudinal row house, The room sizes and attached bathroom with flexiblity of using uper floor, this house design is considered as a comfortable house design. it provide sufficient daylight and wind circulation on the both floors even the neighboorhood is high density. The ground floor is more Semi private space, where upper floor is private space with Balcony aswell.


Luxury Style House Double storey house type: dim 10m x 25m A Luxury Style House means many possiblities of living, Such as Space flexibility, Parking facility, low dense neighbour, Here is one of those examples. House has a small pool, where as room size are bigger than average with attached Bathroom, Balconies ( front and back ). House is been segregated into several small and big sections to organized an event. where as there is an access to roof aswell for vegetation.


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