Outsource Resource Magazine December 2011

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December 2011


What’s in this month’s Magazine?

Regular Features Page 4:

A Quick Word

Page: 16: Welcome to the Revolution

36 24

Page 58:

In the “Spotlight”

Special Features Page 6:

How to Outsource for Optimum Results

Page 10:

Lessons From the Global Chief Marketing Officer Study

Page 18:

Why You Should Comply With the New WHS Standards Now

Page 22:

How to Choose the Right Outsourcing Partner

Page 48:

Rethinking the “F” Word

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6 In the Spotlight Page 58: The Fortune Institute

Articles Page 20: Why a Digital Agency is a Good Investment for Your Business


Page 24: Why the Internet as we Know it is Dead! Page 26: Recruitment Agencies are no Longer Needed Page 30: Smaller Professional Service Firms Outperform Larger Ones Page 32: Using Outsourcing to Reduce Expenses Page 54: Is Crowdsourcing an Alternative to Outsourcing


44 58

A QUICK WORD with Mark Matthews Welcome to the Outsourcing Revolution! And of course the December edition of Outsource Resource Magazine! Well it’s nearly Christmas and another exciting and interesting year has almost come to an end. Outsourcing has become a key factor in business success so in this issue we look at how to outsource to gain the best result for your business in 2012. We have packed together a huge edition this month! We take a look at “Outsourcing for optimum Results”. The benefits and the range of services that are commonly outsourced and “How to choose the right outsourcing partner”.

Last month we introduced a section called “In the Spotlight” where we take a look at an outsource business, entrepreneur or service. This month we take a look at Siimon Reynolds new venture - the Fortune Institute - a business dedicated to helping entrepreneurs achieve success.

We also take a look at the lessons from the recent Global Chief Marketing Officer Study and the predicted outsourcing opportunites.

Federal Government this week granted businesses up to 12 months to implement the the harmonised WHS regulations if it results in them having to undertake “significant change”. Joanne Solis This month Kristin McNicol also talks about the changes in the way from Building Up Consulting we employ new staff in her article looks into why most businesses should still implement the new about “Why recruitment national regulations now. agencies are no longer needed”. We investigate why professional We also look at the changes in the services franchises outperform both larger and independent firms way people now search the

which found that workplace culture is directly linked to increased profits, so in this issue we look into “Why employee behaviour and attitude can determine your ultimate success”. In rethinking the “F” word, we look into the benefits of outsourcing your operations through franchising and why franchising is such a successful business model. And of course information about our recommended outsourced providers ....and a few ads, which is of course why you subscribed to the magazine in the first place!

And if you hadn’t noticed, on the next page there’s some information about our other FREE internet and how these changes digital magazines. We hope you With the Australian Dollar still will effect your marketing enjoy this issue of Outsource strategies in “Why the Internet as trading at or near all time highs, we Resource Magazine. take a look into the advantages of . we know it is dead!” exporting your business now and “Wishing you a very Merry the extra bang you’ll get for your We get you thinking in “When your Christmas and an enjoyable & export marketing buck! customers Google you, are you prosperous 2012!” an expert?” Last month we reviewed the

Leadership, Culture and

We also ask, “Is Crowdsourcing Management Practices of Highan alternative to outsourcing?”

performing Workplaces Report

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Outsource Resource Magazine | 5

THE OUTSOURCING REVOLUTION - HOW TO OUTSOURCE FOR OPTIMUM RESULTS One of the most frequently asked questions we receive in feedback from readers is “we would love to free up more of our time, resources or reduce costs by outsourcing, but where do we start?” There are several things to consider before outsourcing any business function. What are your business aims? What is your vision for the business? Where do you want to be in 1, 2 or 3 years? This is because you need to be able to communicate to the outsource contractor what your business is about, what it stands for and what you expect from them. Know what to outsource and the results you want to achieve. Being clear on what services you do not wish to undertake in house and the scope of services you want to outsource along with the results expected from your outsourced contractor is critical to the success of the relationship. So how do you decide what tasks you do not wish to undertake?

There is simple process for this. “Competent” at that task then find someone to outsource it to First, start off with little projects, straight away. particularly the things you are not great at. Do an exercise and If you’re not good at something pretend you are being or just OK, then you may as well videotaped for a month. Write get someone else to do it! down everything that you do in the business. Start a Look for really strong experts spreadsheet and record each function on a separate row, such For every task, function, service as “checked email”, “replied to or job there are really strong emails”, “called prospective experts available who can help clients”, “designed new sales you. So why not use their brochure” etc..Whatever it is that expertise to benefit you. If you you have done, record it on the don’t your competitor probably spreadsheet. Record every task, will. every little thing that you have done throughout the business for These experts can be anywhere a month. Then take each task in the world. Look on websites and categorise it in one of 4 such as Odesk, Elance & Guru, ways. check your Facebook, Google+, LinkedIn & Twitter connections. Are you either: Ask for referrals from other business owners. 1. “Incompetent” at the task 2. “Competent” at the task There are literally thousands of 3. “Excellent” at the task; or great outsource service 4. Have a “Unique Ability” providers whose expertise and for the task knowledge that you can tap into. Once you have that list then if you are “incompetent” or

6 | Outsource Resource Magazine


So, first outsource the things you are “incompetent” or “competent” at, then take a look at the rest of your list. There will be things that you are “excellent “at and things that your “unique ability” is.

Then take a look at the lowest hourly rate and start outsourcing that, because surely your time is worth more than the lowest paid task!

When you need to employ more staff, or outsource a task or key business function, then you will have a clear picture of the “unique ability” required so that you gain the best results for your business.

The same process can be upscaled to larger businesses so you can continue to implement it Not only will your business Your “unique ability” is the one or as you grow. become more efficient as a two things that you are clearly result, but you’ll have really good at and love doing, in fact, For instance, ask your staff to happy, motivated and inspired you’d do them for free except follow the same process. employees, which can only be a you have bills to pay, and you Document their daily routine (this good thing for your business! create energy from doing it! is also useful for position descriptions, operations and You will also find you will not only That’s your “unique ability”, when procedures manuals anyway, be more efficient and you get energised from doing it especially if you intend to build a accomplish much more, but you and other people get energised larger or multi-site business so it and your staff will have more and inspired watching you can be easily scaled and time to enjoy the benefits of what that’s your “unique ability”. replicated) and rate their you have created and to spend competencies the same way you with your family and just There might also be tasks that rated your own. generally enjoy life. you’re really good at but you don’t love, start looking to If the position or job function they outsource those things as well. are performing doesn’t match their “unique ability” or they don’t Then the second way to start have excellent skills, then look at looking at that list is to put a outsourcing this role, redefining price next to each item on the the role and outsourcing the list. Then, let’s say you had remaining tasks, moving the someone whose full-time job it employee or changing their role was just to do that task, day-in- completely to suit their “unique day-out, all year - what would you ability” and excellent skill set. pay them as an hourly rate?


Outsource Resource Magazine | 7

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Outsource Resource IntelBuildMagazine Magazine| |93

OUTSOURCING MORE MARKETING FUNCTIONS A KEY COMPONENT OF NEW BUSINESS STRATEGY The digital revolution is transforming the marketplace. Empowered customers can see and say more about the organisations that serve them than ever before. But this revolution has also left many businesses struggling to respond. The recently released 2011 Global Chief Marketing Officer Study, From Stretched to Strengthened shows that companies are struggling with the challenges of modern marketing. This is the same for companies around the world, regardless whether they are engaging B2B or B2C markets or both.

Customer intimacy is crucial and CEOs know it. In the last CEO study, we learned CEOs regard getting closer to customers as one of three prerequisites for success in the twenty-first century. This sits squarely in the CMO’s domain.

bonds with customers to a much greater extent than less successful enterprises.

The outperformers are committed to developing a clear ‘corporate character.’ CMOs in such organisations recognise that The practice of marketing is what a business believes and going through a period of how it subsequently behaves are unparalleled change, putting as important as what it sells. And CMOs and businesses Key findings they make it their job to help everywhere to the test. management and employees The interviews reveal that Chief exemplify the company’s values Many larger companies are also marketing Officers (CMOs) see and purpose. facing tougher competition from four challenges as pervasive, smaller more flexible firms that universal game-changers: the Most CMOs are struggling in are able to engage customers in data explosion, social media, one vital respect - return on a more meaningful and relevant investment (ROI). The report proliferation of channels and way utilising the same channels shows the measures used to devices and shifting consumer and tools now that the digital demographics. evaluate marketing are changing. revolution has changed the Nearly two-thirds of CMOs think marketing landscape by levelling return on marketing investment But CMOs from outperforming the playing field somewhat. organisations address these will be the primary measure of challenges differently from other their effectiveness by 2015. But The most successful CMOs. proving that value is difficult. enterprises are focusing on Even among the most successful relationships, not just The most proactive CMOs are enterprises, half of all CMOs feel transactions. They are using trying to understand insufficiently prepared to provide data to stimulate interest in their individuals as hard numbers. organisations’ offerings and form well as markets.

10 | Outsource Resource Magazine


Deliver value to empowered customers The digital revolution has forever changed the balance of power between the individual and the institution. If businesses are to understand and provide value to empowered customers, they will have to concentrate on getting to know individuals as well as markets. They will also have to invest in new technologies and advanced analytics to get a better grasp of how individual customers behave. Foster Foster lasting lasting connections connections To To effectively effectively cultivate cultivate meaningful meaningful relationships relationships with with their their customers, businesses will have to connect customers, businesses will have with them in ways their to connect with them in customers ways their perceive asperceive valuable.as valuable. customers This This entails entails engaging engaging with with customers throughout customers throughout the the entire entire customer customer lifecycle, lifecycle, building building online online and offline communities of and offline communities of interest interest and and collaborating collaborating with with all all employees to fuse the internal employees to fuse the internal and and external external faces faces of of the the enterprise. enterprise.


Capture value, measure results

But greater connectivity has also created strong and often unpredictable interdependencies. Lastly, CMOs will have to quantify And like CEOs, CMOs don’t feel and analyse the financial results completely ready to handle the of their marketing initiatives and situation. communicate them to the wider A full 79 percent of the CMOs organisation to enhance the believe the level of complexity will marketing function’s credibility be high or very high over the next and effectiveness. five years. But only 48 percent feel prepared to cope with it. They also will have to inject new skills into the marketing function These percentages mirror those by expanding the digital, from the 2010 CEO study, when analytical and financial capabilities of existing employees asked the same questions about and by hiring staff or by partnering future complexity. with specialists to fill the gaps. More than 50 percent of And since it’s important to lead by respondents think they are underprepared to manage all but example, CMOs will need to two of the 13 key market factors: invest in enhancing their own expertise in these areas as well. regulatory considerations and corporate transparency. Complexity multiplies Worse still, some of the changes CMOs are least prepared to CMOs are well aware of the manage are those likely to cause challenges that confront them. They recognise, like CEOs, that the biggest upheavals. the world in which they operate is much more volatile, uncertain and Indeed, the marketplace itself is fracturing. Mass markets don’t complex. exist anymore; they are splintered, ‘The perfect solution is Increasingly interconnected economies, enterprises, societies to serve each consumer and governments have given rise individually. The problem? There are seven billion of them.’ to huge new opportunities. Outsource Resource Magazine |11

The pressure is universal To sum up, CMOs are stretched. Even those who work for the most successful organisations are struggling. The analysis shows CMOs in outperforming organisations are better prepared to manage some of the most critical pain points. Yet less than half of them feel completely ready. Those in underperforming organisations are even more uncertain of their ability to cope. The most effective CMOs focus on getting to know individuals, not just markets. They mine new digital information sources. And they use customer analytics to turn data into insights on which their organisations can act. Most CMOs have not traditionally been expected to provide hard financial evidence of their ROI. But given the current economic volatility and pressure to be profitable, organisations can no longer afford to write a blank cheque for their marketing initiatives. CMOs recognise they now need to quantify the value they bring to the business, be it from investing in advertising, new technologies or any other activity. This increasing emphasis on ROI also reflects the scrutiny the marketing function is currently 12 | Outsource Resource Magazine

attracting, itself a reflection of the function’s growing prominence. Today’s CMOs are in much the same position as CFOs were a decade ago, when their role was evolving from guardian of the purse strings to strategic business adviser.

It’s not enough just to understand customers, of course. An organisation also has to act on what it learns and do so faster than its competitors. Nowadays, it’s easy for disaffected customers to go elsewhere, as CMOs are intensely aware. Hence, their top priority is to Concerns about the level of skill enhance customer loyalty and and lack of technology ownership encourage satisfied customers to within the marketing function also advocate their brands. suggest CMOs will have to work much more closely with CIOs in The question is: how do you earn the future. Some CMOs feel they that loyalty? More than half of all don’t see how they can go CMOs think social media is a key forward without embedding IT key channel for engaging channel for engaging with with into marketing. customers. Yet, an earlier study by IBM shows that many One recommendation of the executives don’t understand what report is to reprioritise triggers customers to ‘follow’ their investment to analyse digital their organisations. Nearly 70 organisations. Nearly 70 percent channels, such as blogs, tweets, assume percent assume that customers that customers interact social networks, peer reviews interact with them via social with them via social media to get and consumer-generated media to getexpress information, information, an opinion content, to access customers’ express an opinion and feelbrand and feel connected to their honest, unmediated views, to reality, their brand -connected whereas, in customers values and expectations. Use whereas, in reality, customers are most interested in receiving advanced analytics to recognise tangible are mostvalue. interested in receiving Indeed, when preferences, trends and patterns asked tangible value. Indeed, why they choosewhen to follow a across every touch point. asked why they choose to follow company, the top reasons a company,cite the are top ‘getting reasons consumers Proactive CMOs forge consumers cite are ‘getting discounts’ (61 percent) and discounts’ (61 percent) customer relationships that ‘making purchases’ (55 and percent). ‘making purchases’ (55 continue after the sale. And Only 33 percent seek outpercent). Only 33 percent seek out they fortify these bonds by companies to ‘feel connected. companies to ‘feel connected. creating a corporate character that manifests itself in everything their employees do and say.


Moreover, engaging with customers is not just about communicating with them. It’s also about helping them enjoy the products and services they’ve bought and collaborating with them to co-create new products and services. But our research shows less than half of the organisations surveyed currently use social media to perform these activities.

mission statement, logo or advertising. It is, rather, the sum of everything its management and employees say and do - the beliefs they hold, values they profess and ways they behave, visible for all to see.

In other words, what an organisation stands for is as important as what it sells. It has a ‘corporate character’ - the differentiating attributes that make it a distinct enterprise. And that corporate character is not simply a product of its

Moreover, many CMOs recognise they have a major role to play in helping to ensure the workforce embraces and exemplifies their organisation’s corporate character.

Business must capitalise on new digital channels to stimulate conversations with existing and potential customers and create new types of relationships to reveal untapped opportunities. Use tangible incentives to attract followers and connect continuously . Engage with your customers at every stage in the customer lifecycle and build online and offline communities to strengthen your brand. Champion your organisation’s corporate character.

More than half of the CMOs we talked with think their organisation’s corporate character is well understood in the marketplace and contributes In fact, most CMOs are still strongly to the success of their focusing on the transaction brands. CMOs in outperforming instead of the relationship. They organisations are especially are using data primarily to positive on this score (64 percent Help the enterprise define and segment and sell, not to generate versus 37 percent of those in activate the traits that make it awareness, stimulate interest underperforming organisations). unique. Work with the entire and ‘create customer tribes’. organisation to meld the internal However, further questioning and external faces of the However, organisations that only revealed that many respondents enterprise. look at segmentation and sales are much less confident than their data are missing the opportunity preliminary responses might The pressure is rising. CMOs to learn from the other phases of suggest. have to show a real return on the customer lifecycle. their marketing expenditure. Fifty-seven percent of CMOs They also have to hire people And those phases are becoming admit there’s still a lot of work to with technical, digital and increasingly important as be done to get employees fully on financial skills and become customers connect with brands in board. Only 20 percent believe savvier in such areas totally new ways. they have already succeeded. themselves.


The CMO’s last challenge is to measure the success of the marketing function’s efforts. At one stage, it was enough to point to advertising recall, brand perception or website traffic.

Outsource Resource Magazine |13

But CMOs are under increasing pressure to provide quantifiable evidence of how their marketing expenditure is helping the organisation achieve its goals. If they are to use their budgets as wisely as possible, CMOs also need to know which initiatives deliver the best returns. In other words, they need to know what to stop investing in, as well as what to ramp up. CMOs are well aware they will have to be much more financially accountable in the future. In fact, 63 percent of respondents believe marketing ROI will become the most important measure of success over the next three to five years. Importantly, though, only 44 percent of respondents feel sufficiently prepared to manage the increasing importance of ROI. Even those in outperforming organisations are finding it hard. It’s difficult to measure the ROI of our marketing effort because many feel they don’t have the right tools to provide them with the analysis. In order to identify the right metrics and use them accurately, many CMOs will need to work more closely with their colleagues in the finance function, starting with the CFO. 14 | Outsource Resource Magazine

They will also need to provide financial training for their staff and recruit marketing people with strong financial acumen.

In many firms, employees have very traditional marketing skills. They know about things that mattered in the past, but they don’t necessarily understand the However, if CMOs are to be held new picture. responsible for the marketing returns they deliver, they must However, recruiting people with also have significant influence suitable abilities won’t be easy. over all four Ps: promotion, Time and again, the CMOs products, place and price. referred to the shortage of talent. Surprisingly, this is often not the Finding the right people is very case. difficult. There’s also a mood of individual entrepreneurialism CMOs told us they exert a strong right now. The “best” candidates influence over promotional just don’t want to work for a large activities such as advertising, company any more. Many large external communications and companies focus too much on social media initiatives. implementation and procedure rather than entrepreneurialism. But, in general, they play a smaller role in shaping the other This may explain why a three Ps. Less than half of all substantial number of CMOs respondents have much sway also plan to call on external over key parts of the pricing expertise. At present, most process, for example. Similarly, CMOs use outsourced less than half have much impact partnerships primarily to on product development cycles augment their promotional or channel selection. activities, such as advertising and event management. But Improve Improve your your digital digital IQ IQ respondents say they intend to tap external resources more Many Many respondents respondents already already heavily over the next three to five recognise recognise the the importance importance of of years, there was a marked shift acquiring acquiring fresh fresh talent. talent. ‘We ‘We need need a in emphasis. new mix of of skills, especially with a new mix skills, especially the of web withadvent the advent of and web mobile and technologies. mobile technologies.


The increase increase in in the the percentage percentage of The of CMOs planning to outside CMOs planning to useuse outside agencies for for lead lead management, management, agencies customer and and data data analytics analytics and and customer direct or or relationship relationship marketing marketing direct was especially especially pronounced. pronounced. The The was percentage of of CMOs CMOs planning planning to to percentage get help help with with IT, IT, call call or or service service get centre management and tracking centre management and tracking and measurement measurement also also rose rose by by and more than than half. half. more Companies must be able to track what their customers say and do, extrapolate from the data and manage touch points systematically. This change of focus suggests that CMOs are eager to move beyond traditional marketing. Since that’s uncharted territory for many organisations and the talent they require isn’t readily available, they are looking for new partners to help them.

The CMO’s role is expanding, as the digital revolution transforms the orthodoxies of marketing.

Lastly, look at the organisation through your customers’ eyes, as they progress through the full relationship lifecycle.

The practice of marketing is going through a period of unparalleled change, putting CMOs everywhere to the test. So how should you respond?

While you may believe you already capture this information, all the data in the world cannot replace the personal experience of walking in your customers’ shoes.

You can carry on as before - and continue to feel stretched. Or you can seize the opportunity to transform your marketing function by responding to these new realities:

Think, too, about how your employees interacted with you. Did they exhibit the qualities that exemplify the unique corporate character your customers value?

1. The empowered customer is Did the sum of the online and offline touch points leave you with now in control of the an accurate impression of your business relationship organisation’s corporate 2. Delivering customer value is Character? paramount - and an Armed with this personal organisation’s behaviour is as much a part understanding of your customers’ Enhance business acumen. of the value equation as the experience, the insights this provides, you will be able to start products and services it building a marketing function with Adjust your talent mix to increase provides the sinews to succeed in the technical and financial skills digital era. and grow your digital expertise 3. The pressure to be by finding new outsourced accountable to the business partners to supplement your inis not just a symptom of hard A Lesson For All Business house resources. times; it is a permanent shift Leaders that requires new Lead by example approaches, tools and skills. It doesn’t matter how large . your business is. The same Expand your horizons by rules apply whether you are enhancing your personal the CEO of an SME or the financial, technical and digital CMO of the largest enterprise. savviness.


Outsource Resource Magazine |15


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Outsource Resource Magazine | 17

BUSINESSES URGED TO MAKE SURE THEY COMPLY WITH THE NEW NATIONAL WHS (OH&S) STANDARDS NOW! Even though Victoria & WA will miss the Jan 2012 start, businesses are urged to ensure they meet the new harmonised OH&S Standards. By Joanne Solis All organisations are advised to ensure they comply with the new harmonised WHS laws, despite recent concessions from the Federal Government that grant businesses up to 12 months to implement the regulations if they create “new duties” for organisations. This has mainly been due to Victoria and Western Australia missing the start date for the changes that are due to take effect on 1st January 2012.

In this situation the current safety laws in these two States will be enforced by their State-based regulators. The expectation is that ultimately both States will adopt the harmonised laws. Importantly, this means that any work already started in preparation for the new laws has not been wasted.

Additionally, many requirements of the new WHS laws are equally relevant to workplaces in nonharmonised States and so Seven out of nine jurisdictions obligations of the new laws can have now approved the model be followed in many situations regulations and codes of practice without being in breach of the and have committed to meeting current laws. the COAG deadline of 1 January 2012. Victoria and WA, run by It makes good business sense, Liberal governments, although where no conflict exists with the remaining committed to the current laws, to move to the harmonisation process, have harmonised obligations. requested a delay in implementing the new laws in their Building-Up Consulting is States, stating delays in the developing a detailed analysis to process throughout the year. assist organisations that wish to adopt this approach. They have indicated harmonisation will occur in January 2013.

18 | Outsource Resource Magazine

Building-up Consulting’s advice to clients is don't wait - ensure you are prepared now, because in many ways this is best practice so there's little downside. Companies should undertake a review of all their WHS practices, procedures, manuals and policies. Special care should be taken when reviewing contractor arrangements under the new laws and their contractor management system, and make sure their staff are prepared for the changes. Company directors and managers must be aware of the positive obligation on an officer of a company to exercise due diligence to ensure the company is discharging its safety obligation. Organisations may need to implement training in the coming weeks to ensure that all managers and employees are up to speed with the changes and understand the requirements placed upon them.


The Australian Industry Group (Ai Group) said if Victoria and Western Australia truly believe a longer transition period is needed, "all states have the option of legislating the model Act (which was finalised in 2009!) to demonstrate they retain their stated commitment to harmonisation, whilst retaining the option of a later operational date."

Arrangements established by Safe Work Australia allow a 12 month transitional period for any regulations which create new duties for organisations; it is our understanding that each jurisdiction will determine which regulations these transitional arrangements should be applied to and include these provisions in their respective regulations.

"We believe these "The transition arrangements for arrangements will allow business under the new Work companies to implement these Health and Safety (WHS) important laws in a logical and legislation, announced by practical way. Senator Evans, are a very important part of this "Ai Group has put an enormous harmonisation process and will amount of effort into the be key to the success of the new harmonisation process laws in the workplace," Ai Group recognising that safety should Chief Executive Heather Ridout, come first rather than said today. compliance with nine acts and all the inefficiencies and costs "These arrangements recognise that entails. the importance of harmonisation but also the impact it will have on We are very pleased to see the business. vast majority of states and territories have now approved the regulations and codes of practices that were endorsed in principle on 10 August 2011.


It is disappointing that Victoria and Western Australia have not committed to a 1 January 2012 commencement date so we can finally achieve a single national standard on workplace safety," Mrs Ridout said. While some building industry bodies have voiced their disapproval of the new harmonised laws, the reaction has generally been positive. Victoria and Western Australia really have no excuses for failing to meet the start date. Companies that operate across multiple states may have to maintain state relevant policies for Victoria & WA until the laws are passed in these procrastinating states. Joanne Solis is principal of Building Up Consulting, an integrated, WHS, Training & Recruitment Services firm based in Melbourne. For more information on WHS you can contact Joanne at: jsolis@buildingup.com.au or visit their web site: www.buildingup.com.au

Outsource Resource Magazine | 19

WHY A DIGITAL MEDIA AGENCY IS A GREAT INVESTMENT FOR YOUR BUSINESS With the Internet moving through the next stage of it’s lifecycle choosing the right Digital Agency is vital to your business growth and performance. If you are looking to optimise your online presence, boost your search ranking, or if you are new to all of this and don't know were to start, digital media agencies will be your best asset.

marketing and as such will help you to attract traffic, capture leads, nurture prospects, convert sales, deliver & satisfy, up-sell customers and get referrals.

take care of the re-design of your site or design one for you.

You need to make sure the digital media agency you have chosen is in tune with your visions for your Before you sign up with an business. It would be a waste of A digital media agency is agency, it helps to do a little money to let them take charge of responsible for boosting and research. your campaign without knowing polishing your company's online what you want or what your presence. Find out what the company's commercial goals are. Take strengths and weaknesses are. If advantage of companies that offer They will have a team of experts you need a company that free trials or free consultations. ranging from SEO, to web design. provides everything, check and This way, you can rest easy With the rise of social networking, see what services they offer. If you knowing you can focus on what it would be ideal to contract an are unsure what services you matters most to you and your agency that has a social media need, check to see if they offer business manager who engages with your free consultations and take customers and citizens. advantage of them. Often Take advantage of the companies companies will have a money and sites that have the money There are a number of options, back guarantee if you are not back guarantee. depending on what you choose to satisfied. undertake in house or you can You can be assured you are outsource your entire digital Digital media agencies do much getting their best service and requirements. more than just social media or attention because companies do web sites. They are usually a not like to loose or refund money. There are agencies that team of experts that are well They will bend over backwards for specialise in maintaining your qualified to take care of all your you to make sure you are Social Media pressence, others online reputation management satisfied and will always have topthat are SEO specialists and like needs. notch customer service to handle the publisher of this magazine, any and all questions or concerns. others that are digital publishing They can help boost your search and document preparation & engine ranking with proven Choosing the right digital media hosting specialists. techniques, set up and implement agency can really be the best digital marketing strategies that investment decision for your The best agencies take a multiwill increase your ROI and even business you can possibly make. channel approach to digital 20 | Outsource Resource Magazine


New National OHS Laws coming into effect soon WILL require you to make significant changes to your OHS practices, manuals & training. The good news is that you will only need to learn about one set of rules. The bad news is that the rules are complex, and will require changes in your OHS policies and Safety Management systems, so it’s important to get it right from the start. There is now just over 8 months to fully review your OHS safety systems, documentation, training and education to be compliant on January 1, 2012 At Building Up we make it our business to ensure your risks are minimised and your potential maximised. We hold the solutions to your OHS problems, so you can rest assured that your business is able to tick all the boxes.


Outsource Resource Magazine | 21

HOW TO CHOOSE THE RIGHT OUTSOURCING PARTNER Outsourcing has become a key component of modern business strategy to improve efficiency, flexibility and knowledge while reducing costs. There are numerous organisations in the market, which provide outsourcing solutions, but the real hassle lies in choosing the right one for your business. Outsourcing should give you enormous profits, if you choose the right partner. However, you could choose the right partner by merely sticking to certain guidelines before you collaborate with an outsourcing solutions provider. 1. Ask around for options A good reference from a trusted source or a positive reference is always better when you are choosing the right outsource partner. Consequently, you could try to get references from similar organisations much like yours. Ask your professional advisors for instance. Most accountants, solicitors, and bankers have professional networks that extend beyond their own industry

22 | Outsource Resource Magazine

2. Try online platforms for outsourcing solutions

When companies respond to your job posting, always choose the one with good customer reviews the ones that offer a great price.

If you have a small or medium sized organisation and looking to outsource jobs, you can try online outsourcing platforms like 3. Size of the organization Odesk and Elance.com. You should be well aware of the Always search for companies size of the company you are with proven record of going to work with. accomplishment and with specific experience and talent For a small or medium sized pool that will satisfy your business, it may not be outsourcing requirement. advisable to go for big multinational organisations. You may be able to find some great companies who are They should be able to cater to offering some great prices too. your requirement, but they would, be interested only in large-scale If you are looking for a company processes for big corporations. as an outsourcing partner for your customer support In addition, they might not be requirements, you can post the affordable too. job on these Internet based outsourcing platforms or wait for For example, if you are looking companies to respond. to outsource for your small/medium sized Another method is to search for organization, it is generally companies, in the same better to find an outsourcing platforms with experience in the partner that specialises in required field with very good similar sized businesses to rating and experience in yours while still having the customer support. scalability, expertise and talent pool to cope with your needs as you grow.


4. Gather maximum information about your prospective partner It is always better to gather maximum information about your prospective outsourcing partner through any medium necessary. You can always search on the Internet for reviews, though Internet reviews can sometimes be misleading or have been managed by PR specialists. Therefore, it is better to ask the organization about their clientele and their history with their clients and client satisfaction. Get some references and call their clients to ask. 5. Infrastructure of the outsourcing partner

which is already working 24/7 and which has back up servers and back up power generators in case of power, technical or network discrepancies.

7. Cost and other additional services the company provide

You would also want to look into data, operational and network After all, the reason you are security of the company that you outsourcing is to get someone are going to collaborate. that can do the job better than you can do it yourself, at a fair 6. Resources, Expertise and price, so that you you have to Talent pool worry about it. Always look for companies with sufficient resources, expertise and talent pool for your requirements. If you are looking to outsource your back office, look for companies with expertise in non-voice process implementation. You would also want to check into their response time and quality of the work they have already done.

You should be well aware of the infrastructure of the company and examine whether they have adequate infrastructure to satisfy Also look into the training your business. provided to their employees, WHS compliance, whether their It is always better not to employees are properly paid collaborate with organizations including entitlements, even the without sufficient infrastructure terms of their staff employment. suitable for your requirement. Recent IR law changes and Fair Work Australia rulings could If you are searching for a 24/7 support team for your office, it is mean you could get caught out always better to find a company ending up been seen as their ultimate employer and


responsible for any unpaid wages and entitlements

Organizations offering the cheapest prices may not be able to provide the best service. So look for cost effectiveness, transparency, history of delivery and reputation. We have merely pointed out some crucial points for you to go through in the "identification" phase of an outsourcing partner. There are other areas that you should be consider like account management, client communication, confidentiality and security and the point of contact. Outsourcing can reap great benefits for your business. We hope this article helps you find the right outsourcing partner.

Outsource Resource Magazine |23

WHY THE INTERNET AS WE KNOW IT IS DEAD! Search engine use has been steadily declining for a few years and younger generations now see it as boring and outdated. We are seeing the evolution of the web with new innovations changing the way we use, search and think about the Internet. But how many businesses are adapting to this change? Many businesses are just starting to learn about Internet marketing or adapting their business to the Internet. And good for them. But the way we use the Internet is changing…and rapidly. Only a few years ago anyone could set up a web based business and and it was pretty easy to make some money, and for some, a lot of money. Things have changed over the last few years though. Getting ranked on page 1 of Google is harder than ever, and with the top 10 websites worldwide commanding 72% of ALL web traffic in 2010 and this is estimated to grow to 82-85% in 2012 it leaves just 15-18% of web traffic for the other tens of millions of businesses worldwide to fight over. Pretty much just the scraps the top 10 companies have left behind. Add to this that search engine use is now heading back down towards the same levels it was in 2000, many businesses are finding it hard to even get a look in. Compounding this, much of the Internet marketing information available is 12-24 months old by the time you find out about it and the so called Internet gurus that are hawking their teaching programs have either never made any significant money on the Internet or made it a few years

24 | Outsource Resource Magazine

ago and just aren’t up to date with where things are now let alone where they’ll be in 12 months. Most are still talking about the same things they did 2, 3 or even worse, 5 years ago.

Amazon grow to 63 billion in sales last quarter while posting a 10 billion dollar proftit for the quarter and this is just he beginning of it’s super growth.

In Australia, we’ve just seen Apps and virtual assistants like Siri Harvey Norman enter the realm of which bypass Google altogether the Internet, after fighting it for are also changing the way we find years. things on the web. Social Media has made massive inroads into These corporate giants (which Google’s territory and will continue have grown from nothing inside of to do so. Today, more Internet 10 -15 years) now dominate their searches are conducted by other markets and with growth of around means than via search engines. 3% predicted for next year want an ever bigger slice of the pie. This Businesses that rely on ranking on means that they want YOUR slice. search engines to get found will simply go out of business and this Businesses that try and compete is predicted by leading industry using traditional Internet marketing experts to happen within a year. and search methods will be eaten alive! The fragmentation of marketing channels is leaving many Getting smart about Internet marketers and business owners marketing means staying ahead of feeling under-equipped to deal with the game and your competition. the continual evolution of Internet Tryng to compete with the big marketing. Many find generating a dogs on their terms is business decent return on investment suicide. harder and harder. Outsourcing to a highly We have been going through a professional Internet marketing period of consoldation over the last firm can be a good start, but make year or so. The big players have sure you are in control and you been buying up smaller ones. have set goals and both parties Google and Facebook have understand what they should be purchased or invested in many achieving. You can download a young tech companies and free Internat marketing roadmap delivery platforms. We’ve seen from Maxiom as a starting point. Click Here to Download


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Outsource Resource Magazine | 25

RECRUITMENT AGENCIES ARE NO LONGER NEEDED! Contingency Fees charged by Recruitment Agencies are going to be a thing of the past by 2015. B y K r i s t i n M c N i c o l There is a strong perception that traditional recruitment agencies don’t provide great value for the work that they do - that is they are overpriced, do very little for their money, and are little more than a sales operation when they charge contingency fees.

In fact many of the newer recruitment models such as pay by the month recruiters provide the same or better service for a fraction of the cost and that cost is spread out over the whole year and Generally, recruitment firms charge you can cancel at any time. between 15-25% of the employees salary package (not just base Traditional recruitment agencies This perception has been more salary). This can easily run into may refute some of these claims, pronounced in the Digital Age many thousands of dollars per but the reality is that very little work where many facets of business employee. And generally, smaller is put into the actual recruitment can be streamlined by the use of companies pay more that larger process and the cost involved per Internet technologies. The ones. Professional firms and those hour is probably more than the Recruitment Industry is one that looking for very senior staff can pay clients themselves earn. has been most affected. even higher fees. We have also seen some larger With a shortage of talent and new So is there still a place for businesses being tied up into long recruitment models based around recruitment agencies in the global term deals by managed service new ways of finding that scarce marketplace? The industry is still providers (MSPs), who take away talent eating into recruitment worth more than 12 billion dollars a the entire outsourcing process agencies traditional territory, many year in Australia alone. across a range of different types of recruitment firms are feeling the service including recruitment, and pinch and have failed to react to However, it is a fact that control the spend. this rapidly changing industry. employers, particularly SME’s, are starting to wake up to the fact that These MSPs are similarly being When it comes down to it, finding there are many alternative squeezed out of business by more the best talent for your business is opportunities out there to recruit employers choosing better value something most recruitment staff, and paying a one-off hit for an new recruitment models or by agencies simply aren’t even employee who may not stay going directly to candidates through equipped to do. around for very long, is not job boards or recruitment particularly conducive to good marketing firms. With these new Many agencies employ young staff business practice. recruitment firms taking more straight out of university that have business away from traditional no or little business experience. Traditional agencies would argue recruiters and recruitment They are trained to sell you about the ease of their service - it marketing firms making it easier for recruitment services but is very straightforward to call companies to run their own have no real idea what your someone else and let them do the recruitment, both traditional business really needs. leg work on finding a new member recruitment agencies and MSP’s of staff. However it is not rocket are predicted to find their business And let’s face it. The majority of science to do recruitment and all but disappear inside of 3 years. applicants that submit their hardly a profession requiring resumes to CV banks and job particular specialisation. Is your business taking advantage boards are at best B grade of the new recruitment models or employees anyway. are are you still paying too much?

26 | Outsource Resource Magazine

A grade employees already have jobs and can get work anywhere, so to entice them to work for your business takes some special talents.


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Outsource Resource Magazine | 27

SEE YOUR BUSINESS SKYROCKET Web technologies are accelerating changes in how we perceive marketing as well as how and where we place advertisements to get to our target markets. Build Trust and Win New Customers Reach the “Right” Customers Unrivalled Analytics and Measurement

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To learn more about Maxiom’s Web Marketing Solutions visit our website: www.maxiom.com.au or contact us on 1300 855 696 28 | Outsource Resource Magazine


WEB MARKETING STRATEGY GUARANTEED TO WORK! Maxiom is launching a new digital magazine platform in 2012 which will change the way you view online advertising. With Google changing it’s algorithm again to reward new and original content, articles about your business will have increased relevance. Another trend that is changing search marketing is the move from search engines to apps inside platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Yelp etc…along with Siri - the voice-activated virtual assistant that comes with the latest iPhone - and other similar applications that bypass Google all together. All these changes require relevant up-to-date information about your business to get and keep you at the top of searches and peoples minds! Maxiom’s new technology has automated the process of distributing your magazine content - articles & advertorials - to hundreds of article and press release services around the world. You can also include videos, flash, HTML5 & CSS Java Script coding in your advertisements. Bring your ads to life, turn 1 page ads into multi-page ads at no extra cost and interact with your market more effectively. Maxiom also provides your business with the ability to track each and every person that looks at your article, advertisement or page, which link they click on and which page of your website they visit. But unlike other analytics, with Maxiom we can now see the names and email addresses of the readers that view your pages or that click a link in your ad. This means that automated follow up emails, information and offers can be sent to the actual people who viewed your page, article or ad or that clicked a link on your page. Imagine what this could do for your sales. And better still we have obtained their permission to do so! But obviously we can’t service everybody, so call us today to see how we can change your online marketing forever…and guarantee the results!

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Outsource Resource Magazine | 29

PROFESSIONAL SERVICE FRANCHISES & SMALL OPERATORS OUTPERFORM LARGER FIRMS: NEW REPORT The growth of professional services franchises might just get an unexpected kick-along due to larger firms cutting staff and smaller firms earning significantly more per partner. Recently, accounting giant KPMG announced that it will offer thousands of staff alternative employment options including voluntary redundancies and part paid leave, similar to the benefits offered at the height of the global financial crisis.

Contradicting the findings of the Ai Group and results of larger firms, smaller services businesses are actually performing quite well.

A new benchmark report published by Nixon Advantage found the average revenue of It seems that although revenue firms grew by 15% over 2010, has increased, there has been a while profit per partner grew by slowdown at the top end of town 5.5% to $323,000 with the and margins are under pressure, highest performer being a 2.8 experts are warning. million dollar profit for a sole practitioner. Conditions are different to the global finaincial crisis, when This is backed up by Goodes & larger accounting and other Co which says, “smaller professional services firms professional services firms can offered staff alternative outperform larger firms but they employment options as well. need good support from other professionals in the areas they The Australian Industry Group lack expertise”. announced in its Performance of Services Index that the industry One of the clear advantages that recorded an index of 50.3 - only larger firms have is sales & 0.3 points above the 50 point marketing skills. Another is level that separates expansion access to a wider range of from contraction. expertise across a variety of services.

gap for services businesses. Services franchises reported an increase in earnings of 18% according to the PwC Sector report, easily outperforming nonfranchised firms. This shows that the franchise model, with it’s ongoing training, support and marketing systems offers much more to professionals than other alternatives. There are many opportunites across the SME sector for professionals to provide valuable support while earning excellent income at the same time. With challenging economic conditions forecast, SME’s are looking for experienced and connected mentors, coaches and advisors to help them achieve their business goals and see smaller firms as a better fit for their business.

Firms like Goodes & Co can help professionals bridge this 30 | Outsource Resource Magazine


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Outsource Resource Magazine | 31

USING OUTSOURCING METHODS TO REDUCE EXPENSES One of the main reasons businesses outsource is to reduce cost. So how do we achieve the cost savings outcomes we desire when outsourcing while maintaining the quality and services to amaze and delight our customers? By Michelle R Jones It is possible to reduce your business expenses by outsourcing certain tasks to third parties. Not only does this free up your time, enabling you to focus on activities more suited to your skills, but you can save a fair bit of money than if you staffed up to carry out intermittent work internally.

What is Outsourcing?

Outsourcing is contracting a third party to carry our certain tasks for your business. The third party can be an individual, such as an accountant to look after your finances, or a business, such as using a hiring agency to recruit new employees. Many small In the current economic situation, business owners carry out a when every cent saved is multitude of tasks, many of which valuable, no business can afford they are not genuinely qualified to spend money where it is not to do. necessary. You could spend a great deal of There are many jobs carried out time learning how to maintain within every business that your sole company car, for requires specialized skills or example, and then carry out an training, but that are undertaken amateurish job that would likely too rarely to justify employing result in your vehicle running less staff to accomplish. efficiently that it would have had a professional carried out the In such situations it is generally work. more economical to have the work done by a third party than Not only would it have been to hire part time or temporary cheaper in the long run to have staff, or even to try to do it had a skilled mechanic do the yourself. work, but your time would have been better spent running your business than tinkering with your car - that's outsourcing!

32 | Outsource Resource Magazine

Another option would have been to employ a mechanic to maintain your car. However, you would not only have had the mechanic's wages to pay, but also the overhead that goes along with employing staff members, and he or she would be spending most of their time doing nothing or carrying out menial tasks. It's therefore more economical to outsource certain tasks, particularly those required only occasionally. What Tasks Can I Outsource? Any task that is not a full-time job can be outsourced. Examples include building your website, electrical and mechanical maintenance work, bookkeeping and many other accounting and financial tasks. In fact, just about any task required in running your business can be outsourced other than your own.


What Are the Benefits of Outsourcing?

The list could go on. Perhaps another major benefit is that by outsourcing you gain from the contracted firm's experience and How long do you have? There knowledge gained through are many benefits of outsourcing, and it could take all working with other businesses in your field. day to enumerate them. However, the major benefits are: Although third-party contractors will generally maintain a high degree of security and client Reduction in overheads confidentiality, they will certainly apply experience gained from Enables you to focus on the companies they work for to your core function their other customers. Use of specialist skills and knowledge If you are running a business, Reduced training costs Reduced equipment or software costs High quality of work and services

whether large or small, and you have certain work that must be done on an incidental basis, then outsourcing makes sense.

One example is payroll processing, which can be very time-consuming for a small business. Larger businesses can justify dedicated payroll staff and software, but it is more economical for smaller businesses to pass the work to a third party. Repetitive and time-consuming tasks can take your time away from your core business demands, and also involve investment in infrastructure used only occasionally in running your business. This investment would be better spent on your core activities rather than on those that can be outsourced and carried out more effectively and efficiently by a third party.

For example, you may have seasonal variations in orders, Use of best current when you could either employ technology and knowledge temporary staff or outsource the Outsourcing is part of any extra work. company's business planning, Use of experts in their and by carrying this out chosen field It is far more economical to judiciously you can significantly Avoid seasonal fluctuations outsource in such situations, and improve the profitability of your in staffing levels even more economical to business. outsource temporary work Increased efficiency involving specialist equipment Maintaining a competitive edge through use of best practices


Outsource Resource Magazine | 33

WHEN YOUR CUSTOMERS GOOGLE YOU, ARE YOU AN EXPERT? Being seen as the expert in your industry or sector, is the best way to drive more traffic to your website, build greater trust with your clients and your market, and become the first point of call for someone looking for your products or services. By Richard Wozniak Have you Googled yourself lately? Become an Expert to Google: What about your business? What was the result? Not everyone can be on page 1 of Google. But if you can’t be found We’d all like more business. Who what will your clients think? A wouldn't? If you want to increase recent study found that 96% of the chances that you will sell people turn to the Internet first something, the only way to do it, is when searching for information on to add specifically targeted traffic a product or service and 73% of to your website. people Google the person they are considering doing business with Sure, you can go to those before they decide whether to go websites we have all seen where ahead, or not. So what happens they promise ten thousand hits in when you can’t be found? What a week to your website. Before happens when you don’t look like you sign up, ask yourself, are you an expert in your field? doing more damage than good? What happens is that they choose One of the worst things you can to go with your competitor who is do to build traffic to your website is an expert to Google. build the wrong kind of traffic. So how do you become an Some of these link building sites expert? Well Google loves you see that advertise huge content, especially amounts of traffic to your site professionally written, aren't going to help you actually interesting content. Content sell your products or services. about you, about what your business does and how to find a Rather, what they are going to do reliable and ethical expert within is drive a huge amount of spam your industry and sector. traffic to your site. What Do You Offer: This means, most of the coveted traffic you are paying for, has no When it comes down to interest in you or your product. becoming an expert, you need to offer Google something they don't have - original information about your business that is

34 | Outsource Resource Magazine

written in way that isn't pushing your product or service, but rather gives general information about your industry and field of expertise. Google ultimately provides a product. That product is answers. That's why they hate commercialised messages and generally make people and companies pay for them, instead of doing it for free. But, if you can provide Google with expert information from an expert source, they are happy to let you play in their sandbox. So, if your goal is to be found on Google, start with developing interesting content about you and your website. The sooner you present yourself to Google as an expert, the sooner you can start drawing traffic. Want proof? A client who was frustrated getting one or two hits a day, now averages over two thousand quality hits a month. He didn't spend a fortune, and he didn't work too hard to get it done. He outsourced it to a professional and became an expert.



Outsource Resource Magazine | 35

6 THINGS TO OUTSOURCE IN YOUR BUSINESS. Outsourcing your business functions can get you better talent and at a much lower cost. Outsourcing small business resources can spur on great success. Many small businesses outsource their functions that are not a part of their main business. By doing so, you add more value to your main business.

3. Outsource Your Human Resources (HR). Recruiting and training staff can be time consuming and costly if you get it wrong. Plus the constant changes in industrial relations (IR) law can be a minefield to navigate through.

There are also some good offshore options though to maintain quality and security a local IT company would be preferable. Some basic IT functions or tasks could be outsourced offshore. Check out taskarmy.com.or freelancer.com 6. Outsource Your Website

Outsourcing these functions can Consider outsourcing to a firm give your small business the that can help you with all aspects opportunity to grow faster. of HR including recruitment and training and that can grow as 1. Outsource Your Marketing your small business continues to grow. Use one that doesn’t charge placement fees when you For any small business to employ new staff. continue growing, you need to have a well thought out marketing 4. Outsource Your Legal plan. That plan may include outsourcing your marketing and Matters. possibly a marketing mentor to help implement your plan, keep it Outsourcing your legal matters to a law firm that specializes in on course and so that your small businesses can help you business will grow. navigate through the local, state and federal laws. 2. Outsource Financial Services. Avoiding legal roadblocks is what you need to not only save Financial services so that you money but to also grow. can save money. Consider hiring an outside accounting team and as you grow possibly a for-hire CFO to help you get some great strategies without paying a high price for them.

36 | Outsource Resource Magazine

5. Outsource IT Resources

The cost of having a full-time web designer or developer is usually prohibitive for most SME’s. Having the access to outsourcing your website is essential. A website needs to be well designed, easy to navigate, have the right search engine optimisation (SEO) tools, and other marketing functions to be successful. Outsourcing this part of the business happens first as it is the easiest to hand over to others to run. There are many web design companies that will compete for the chance to develop and maintain your website.

There are many great local IT firms that you can outsource your IT need to.


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Outsource Resource Magazine | 37

GOING GLOBAL - WHAT TO CONSIDER WHEN EXPORTING YOUR BUSINESS. With conditions in certain segments of the Australian economy still challenging for business growth, some enterprising local companies are spending their marketing dollars on growing their business overseas. “This makes good sense” says international export consultant Marjane Beaugeois. With the Australian dollar at an all time high against most foreign currencies local businesses now get more bang for their marketing buck by carefully targeting overseas expansion opportunities. “The conditions for exporting particularly services or technology businesses has never been more favourable to Australian companies,” Says Marjane. “There are a number of things you should consider before embarking on an overseas growth plan.” adds Marjane. What you Must Know About Developing Your Business Internationally

technology or even your intellectual property.

Download your complimentary self-assessment checklist from www.mariebexportlink.com

While this is true there are many challenges to operating away Choose carefully your target from a familiar environment. markets The decision of entering foreign markets implies a long-haul commitment with financial and operational consequences and is likely to impact the course of your business, for the better we all hope! But taking the opportunity of a larger customer base doesn’t need to be a guess work! Assessing your ability to export your business is a start and along with good preparation is primordial as the success in exporting requires a lasting presence in the markets.

Exporting your business may be a strategic decision or it may simply be a solution for selling more and selling fast a surplus production or seasonal stock or even an opportunistic move, taking advantage of an enquiry for your goods or services in which case, beyond the initial phase, there is still a need for adopting a more diligent approach in selecting the markets in which you would like to do business. Selecting similar markets

You would select these markets for their fairly familiar business The export diagnosis environment. They are limited in questionnaire is a tool to explore number and are usually safer but the strengths and weaknesses are likely to be mature, 1 Assess your potential of your business through a stagnating markets in which, you simple checklist and helps Your business should not are likely to encounter a similar evaluate your readiness for necessarily be restricted to your level of competition. New developing internationally. domestic market. There are Zealand is a good example. many more customers for your goods and services or

38 | Outsource Resource Magazine


Other markets with the high potential for growth You would consider these markets if your company is specialised in niche technology or your domestic market is too narrow for a fair return on investment or may require fast, seasonal, higher volume sales. In such scenarios, markets with high level of similarities do not always offer the best business opportunities. It makes sense to identify countries that have greater potential for growth. Needless to say that these markets are likely to be riskier and require stronger commitment Know your markets Regardless, of what market you would choose, it is essential that you familiarise yourself with the target country. Business ethics and culture vary hugely from one country to another even within the same region. Visit relevant international fairs, go on a discovery tour of the country joining, why not, business and leisure, find out about supply


chains and the market players in your industry, identify your competitors, seek advice from government bodies and chambers of commerce and industries and seek assistance from international market specialists.

For all but the largest companies better value might lye in B2B professional solutions of specialised advice and accompaniment.

In fact, being assisted in international negotiations, handling of international sales An inexpensive method is the and commercial contracts, DIY planning for export, using selecting reliable readily available international representatives, area managers communication tools such as or partners, distributors or sales Internet. That is if you know agents are important to make where to start and what to do. sure that your brand, image and reputation are not damaged and Conducting a comprehensive to minimise the risk and the cost market research by specialised of doing business in a foreign organisations may be useful to environment. larger businesses with dedicated financial resources. Marjane Beaugeois is the principal of Marie.b.exportlink By targeting the country, the right experts in international entry strategy and the adequate business development and consumer segments you can global marketing. decide where to allocate the resources. However, there is a Marjane has held international good chance that you would not sales management positions make full use of the statistical within leading multinationals in tools, economic data and Western and Northern Europe graphs and illustrations of such and the Middle East. She has comprehensive research. degrees in Science and International Business and a This type of research is Masters in Commercial Project expensive and the cost is not Management. Marjane is always justified for smaller based in Melbourne, Australia players.

Outsource Resource Magazine | 39

TRAINING YOUR STAFF WITH CLARIFY TRAINING Wouldn’t it be great if all your staff had the same passion and vision for your business and you? Clarify Training can help you create a dynamic culture where your staff thrive enabling you to reach your business goals faster. Our organisation has a deep commitment to you and your people and offers a unique service based on the values of Accountability, Respect and High Performance. Our professional services are tailored to be tightly aligned to the commercial aims of your business: In line with your organization’s strategy, we will formulate, lead and implement a learning framework that is linked to business performance, maximise individual capability and builds leadership competence. Coach business leaders in your organization so as to ensure the optimal delivery of all tactical people programs and to ensure business results are achieved.

As accomplished practitioners your business to ensure business they can help your people display results are achieved. effective influencing skills, the Attract & Recruit the Best ability to inspire and engage others Talent and the capability to lead and Provide an Environment empower change in a for Your Talent to Thrive performance driven setting. Optimise Individual Capacity With extensive experience in Build Influencing Skills and helping organizations analyze their Leadership Capacity needs and design strategic Ensure Business Results learning and development Are Achieved solutions, our highly qualified See the Results in Your consultants will work closely with Bottom Line you to determine your company’s individual requirements. We can design tailored solutions for individual employees, project teams, departments and entire companies.

We will help you implement a suite We can also help you develop a of HR practices and policies to learning culture, while fitting in with reflect contemporary, consistent the overall strategic goals of your best practice. organization. Our consultants are individuals Our programs are strategically who have carved their careers within leading, complex business aligned to the commercial aims of environments.

40 | Outsource Resource Magazine

If you want to optimise your business, give Clarify Training a call.



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Wouldn’t it be great if all your staff had the same passion and vision for your business and you? Clarify Training can help you create a dynamic culture where your staff thrive enabling you to reach your business goals faster. Attract & Recruit the Best Talent Provide an Environment for Your Talent to Thrive Optimise Individual Capacity Build Influencing Skills and Leadership Capacity Ensure Business Results Are Achieved See the Results in Your Bottom Line


Outsource Resource Magazine | 41

ACHIEVING THE BEST RESULTS FROM EVENTS! The tactic of marketing to bring qualified sales leads into your business and reduce the cost of sales has never been more important than it is today. With the growth and reach of the Internet, you can communicate with more potential customers and existing customers than ever before. One thing to remember though, is that the internet can be quite impersonal. So what is the most effective way of peronalising your online marketing? Combining it with events gives you the perfect solution that can be tailored to suit your individual business aims and maximise the return on your marketing dollar. Event Marketing is proven to provide the greatest ROI due to the face-to-face interaction that it yields. Now more than ever, companies are finding that the results produced by event marketing far outweigh the return from other marketing platforms, such as print advertising, tv, radio, public relations and even Internet Marketing. Studies have shown that the conversion rate can tripled as a result of face-to-face events and meetings. The profit from your next event or meeting can be considerably higher, if you know what steps to take. Combining Internet Marketing and Events can provide you with an extraodinary ROI compared to all other forms of marketing. Building stronger and lasting relationships, converting prospects, retaining customers, and investing in people are the key reasons for which companies hold eventsand meetings. Our online marketing, meeting and event management specialists are trained to recognize the specific needs of each client and will work along side you to ensure that your meeting includes all vital elements, NWE Events will focus on creating a customized marketing campaign designed to meet your business aims are achieved and that the maximum results are achieved.

42 | Outsource Resource Magazine


Events with Impact! A lifestyle business that’s full of life and has plenty of style Our meeting and event planners have one of the most exciting and rewarding lifestyles assisting in creating an unforgettable experience for our clients and their attendees. Product Launches Charitable Causes Meetings Conferences Corporate Events Awards Nights Marketing Events

Join one of the world’s fastest growing industries and have fun at the same time If you’d like to help create a memorable, lasting impression on your client’s attendees and you have a professional outlook and a desire to build your own lifestyle business, then this opportunity could be for you. Our franchisees enjoy a comprehensive induction and ongoing training, low establishment costs, great head office support plus a lifestyle and rewards that most people envy. For more information or to receive a franchise kit visit our website:

www.nweevents.com or email: franchise@nweevents.com NWE EVENTS


Outsource Resource Magazine | 43


By Elise May

Once you’re business starts growing one of the challenges new business owners face is hiring and training employees. The success of your business ultimately depends on the quality, performance and behaviour of its employees. The challenge is particularly relevant in retail concepts, or professional & trade services where the quality of staff performance and communication with customers is vital to the success of the business. Front-line employees are the face of the brand, dealing directly with each customer every day. And your “brand” is the experience customers have in their dealings with your business. Creating productive employees with a positive attitude is a key ingredient for success. In fact, many experienced business people follow the adage: "Hire for attitude, train for skills."

44 | Outsource Resource Magazine

A good attitude goes a long way in a team-oriented environment; skills can be learned. Attitude is inherent.

In other words, once you’ve conquered the marketing challenges and have customers coming into your business, the ultimate success of your Training staff to be effective at business is directly related to the customer service, marketing and quality of your employees' creating a positive brand behaviour and attitude. And of experience is a challenge for course your own and the any business operator, example you set for your staff. especially new businesses with little or no background in human Any business owner that is truly resources, marketing or interested in their business customer relations. success will provide training for their employees. Everything your staff does makes an impression on each After all continual learning and customer - creating a positive development is the key to your experience, driving satisfaction own self development and and loyalty, or driving them to a business success so why competing brand. wouldn’t you also implement programs that will improve your As a business owner, it's all staff performance too? about managing the "customer experience," and training staff in Consider outsourcing this whole the ways to deliver it, in every function a company that can interaction with customers, every manage the entire process for transaction, every day. you. There are now some very well structured and cost effective options out there.


Don’t forget OH&S either. There are very hefty penalties for failure to comply with OHS Laws, Standards and Regulations.

If you hire for attitude, then training for skills is both something the outsourced recruitment & training company can assist with, as well as your business in its day to day operations.

These are going to be much tougher and more strongly enforced with the introduction of This training will differ from the new National Standards in business to business and January 2012. between industries, as every business will have unique Even failure to have basic training needs. This is where it is paperwork up to date will attract best to rely on the guidance of large penalties. your outsourced provider in how to best train your staff. There is an old saying in staff recruitment - "Hire slowly, fire Most of these providers have quickly." Taking the time to been through this hundreds or screen and interview new even thousands of times and employees is crucial. should have distilled best practices in how to train Many small-business owners employees most effectively for find themselves under time their brand.your industry and pressure and need the should be able to first additional staff “yesterday." understand and then implement these practices to suit your Balancing the urgency of filling a business and your brand position with finding high-quality employees is an ongoing Managing staff can be an art. challenge. Poor hiring decisions, Business operators must not and insufficient training is certain only be adept at judging to have an adverse effect on character, they also must comply your business performance. with a long list of laws and regulations if they want to stay out of trouble.


A minefield of potential legal traps and penalties can trip up even the best-intentioned employer. If you need help, or if you don't know what to ask, say, or do, or what not to, consider contracting with an outsourced specialist who can help you through the minefield without setting off any of the mines. If you can find a recruitment agency that understands your business and your needs, it can lead to excellent results. Make sure you fully explain what you are looking for in an employee so the agency knows what type of person to send you. The costs can be very reasonable and having a specialist do it is usually much more effective than than doing it yourself for most businesses, (but shop around as some still charge hefty placement fees). More often than not, the additional time you spend interviewing, doing paperwork, HR & OHS compliance is better and more profitably spent on your business than on these tasks. Outsource Resource Magazine | 45

WE CALL IT PART-TIME .......OUR CLIENTS CALL IT PERFECT! Looking to hire an additional staff member, or need to outsource a particular job or project? Having a committed, responsible & educated professional join your workforce part-time, to complete or manage a project, or on flexible work arrangements offers the ideal solution for many organisations looking to employ additional staff but without the added cost or risk of a full-time employee. Casual Careers are the experts in recruiting educated professionals looking for a more flexible work environment or for outsourced projects. Employers Ever wish you had an experienced, intelligent, capable person in your office without spending valuable funds hiring another full-time employee or using an uncommitted temp? Having a committed, inspired and educated professional join your workforce part-time offers the ideal solution for many organisations looking to employ additional staff but without the added cost of a full-time employee. With more and more companies looking for high calibre staff and more job seekers looking for a better balance between work and lifestyle, Casual Careers offers the perfect solution to meet your needs. We have the highest calibre of professionals - high achievers all who are seeking a more flexible or part-time work environment. We can provide you with a

46 | Outsource Resource Magazine

professional, experienced, part- Looking For Work? time employee that meets your needs. Ever wish you had a job that met your work/life balance You can even leave the Human requirements? Resource issues to us Looking for something flexible Ÿ We search all our that still fits in with your lifestyle? proprietary databases to find just the right person Casual Careers has the perfect to fit your needs answer whether you are looking for work or looking for a new Ÿ We handle all Payroll member to join your team. (inlcuding Payroll Tax, Superannuation & Workcover) Ÿ We bill you weekly only for actual hours worked Casual Careers Pty Ltd Ÿ You have to option to Level 5, 365 Little Collins Street employ directly for a Melbourne Vic 3008 Ph: (03) 9005 9015 fraction of traditional Fax: (03) 9005 9030 recruitment fees at any info@casualcareers.com.au time www.casualcareers.com.au Ÿ Perfect for long-term or short-term staffing needs and special projects

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welcome Casual Careers specializes in placing educated professionals into long-term, part-time careers. Having a committed, responsible & educated professional join your workforce part-time offers the ideal solution for many organisations looking to employ additional staff but without the added cost of a full-time employee. With more and more organisations looking for high calibre staff and more job seekers looking for a better balance between work and lifestyle, Casual Careers offers the perfect solution to meet your needs. Casual Careers offers both the employer and job seekers the ideal solution between staffing needs and work/life balance. We even look after the Human Resources issues to help make it even easier for you.





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Whether you are an employer or w hether you are looking for w ork Casual Careers is all about solutions that suit YOU.....thats w hy our clients call it “PERFECT!”

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Outsource Resource Magazine | 47


Outsourcing operations by franchising has been one of Australia’s most robust growth industries for 3 decades, yet the strongest growth is yet to come. We are often asked “What is the difference between licensing and franchising and what is an appropriate solution?” says Vicki Prout, Chief Sherpa, Sherpa Group On a very basic level, licensing and franchising both deal with the selling of certain intellectual properties, whether software, trademark, or business process and systems, to third parties. However, franchising, under the watchful eye of the ACCC, has a much greater deal of control by the owner/franchisor than licensing has by the owner/licensor. For a business that is seeking to grow their brand across Australia and potentially internationally, franchising offers a methodology that can potentially allow you to reach a larger size in a relatively short period of time due to: Efficient leveraging of your Intellectual Property, systems and processes Fast growth with less risk and less of your own funds and sales representative Learning from a talented group of franchisees – human resources

48 | Outsource Resource Magazine

Accessing difficult local The licensor is often free to sell markets and increasing similar licenses and products to buying power other people in the same geographic area. Licensees Sharing your success don’t usually receive much in the with others way of training or ongoing support from the licensor. Increased marketing spend and power On the other side, license Increased brand opportunities are often less awareness, strength expensive than franchises in and viability both the up-front investment and ongoing fees. The major Substantial financial negative aspect of licensing is a rewards after critical mass for stakeholders lack of control over licensees to get them to follow crucial systems such as sales Some remarkable businesses that have been hugely successful techniques, which can eventually hinder the success of the utilising the methodology of operator and the business. franchising include Cartridge World, Wokinabox, Gloria Businesses need to be aware of Jeans, Poolwerx, Telcoinabox their crucial success factor and Wendy’s to name a few. within their business. For example, if it is a critical Whereas Licensing in most component for the business to cases only distributes goods respond to client enquiries and and services and the licensee does not retain rights to use the address how they service clients every time, then to duplicate this licensor trademark and licensees usually don’t receive level of service would usually require comprehensive training exclusive territorial rights. and strict compliance to business systems. This would normally not occur within a licensing relationship.



In order to enable third parties to conduct business in accordance with the business methodology and business system, third parties must be licensed to use a range of business know-how and intellectual property (such as software, documentation, trademarks and so on). It is therefore clear that a license agreement is required. A franchise agreement is, in essence, a license agreement, but one that is regulated by the Franchising Code of Conduct (Code). The Code is a proscribed industry code under the Trade Practices Act 1974 (TPA). The question of whether a particular license agreement will be regarded as a 'franchise agreement' under the Franchising Code of Conduct (Code) depends on a strict set of elements. Whether a particular agreement,

arrangement or understanding will be regulated by the Code depends entirely on if the elements of a 'franchise agreement' as defined under the Code are present. The Franchising Code of Conduct specifically defines a structure as a franchise if it contains all of the following four elements: An agreement between the parties, written or oral (Contract) A payment, either upfront or ongoing for the provision of goods or services, (except at wholesale price) Provision of a marketing plan substantially determined, controlled or suggested by the franchisor (Control) Use of Trademarks, Brands or Names owned by the franchisor Cont: next page >>


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RETHINKING THE ‘F’ WORD continued... By Vicki Prout

Growth Option


Sub-Entity Productivity

Level of Control

Growth Rate


Franchising Licensing

Take action: Rethink the “F” word – its true value, its compliance, overall control, its systems and processes and blueprint framework. Seek expertise advice early and ask yourself: Why would businesses remove any of these critical elements from their offering to avoid relatively modest compliance requirements? It falsely hinders and limits their growth, quality and brand values, which in return lead to poor performance and limited growth of the business.

The “F” word needs to be taken seriously and the business owner needs to ensure it will underpin the best business model for their business and manage the resulting compliance issues in a cost effective and efficient manner. The best model whether franchise or licence, from our point of view, depends on only one factor - the level of CONTROL. If you asked any of the top 100 businesses what is their one tip for success, the answer would be to maintain control! Vick i Prout is Chief Sherpa at Sherpa Group, leading franchise and business growth specialists. Vick i has been awarded the FCA - SA Franchise Woman of the Year 2006, 2007, 2008, 2010. For more information contact Vick i on +61 2 9267 6277 or Email: vick iprout@sherpagroup.com.au

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CFO’s, Marketing Managers, HR Managers and other specialists for a fraction of the cost of full-time employees or high priced firms. When you want someone to deliver the “Goodes” for your business. www.goodes.com.au maxiom

Outsource Resource Magazine | 51

WOULD YOU LIKE A CONSTANT FLOW OF NEW CUSTOMERS? No matter what your business we can help you consistently gain more customers and build your business and your brand FAST!

Stand out from the crowd Consistently Win New Customers Be Seen as the Experts in Your Industry Strengthen Your Client Relationships Expand Your Database by Thousands or More... Develop Profitable Alliances Look More Professional Build Your Brand

Run with the big dogs...and WIN!!! maxiom

52 | Outsource Resource Magazine


RUN WITH THE BIG DOGS....AND WIN!!! Would you like to promote your business to pre-qualified customers regionally, nationally or internationally for very little or no cost? Once upon a time advertising to a marketing tool that many more wide audience was limited to only readers are interested in receiving the largest of companies. and will open every time it hits their inbox. The Internet has changed that forever. The playing field, at least After all they have asked us to as far as the Internet goes, is far send it to them! more level and enables almost any business to promote and market All our magazines are FREE to themselves regionally, nationally or subscribers meaning that more internationally at a very small cost. people are likely to subscribe and more people will see and hear SME’s now have the opportunity to your message. take advantage of Internet Marketing and grow their business All magazines are compatible with in a manner to meet their business iPads & Smartphones and are aims. structured in a way to maximise the readership via mobile media. Maxiom is an Australian leader in the field of online publications and Being an online publication has Internet Marketing. With over many other advantages, enabling 120,000 subscribers to our online you to incorporate links to your publications, and growing daily, the web site, video & audio opportunities for our clients to presentations, including YouTube, exploit permission marketing are PowerPoint presentations, RSS enormous. Feeds, blogs, social media links all of which can be accessed from Publishing your own company’s or any computer, laptop, iPad or organisation’s magazine is a Smartphone. terrific way to been seen in the market place. With many more Advertisers also get the same companies targeting email functionality, meaning readers can marketing it is sometime easy for immediately click through to your your message to get lost amongst site for more information or to take the plethora of messages received up your offer. everyday. It offers instant and constant By publishing an informative and communication with your target appealing online magazine, market and is supported with businesses now have an online email marketing campaigns and


other Internet marketing tools all included in the packages available. Every publication has its own dedicated account manager and marketing consultant whose sole function is to assist our clients maximise the effectiveness of their Internet marketing. We earn the bulk of our revenue from selling advertising in the publications which means for most companies who partner with Maxiom to deliver their online message, there is very little cost in preparing, publishing and distributing the online publications. You can find out more about how Maxiom can help your business grow by contacting one of our consultants:

maxiom Maxiom Group Pty Ltd Level 2, 710 Collins Street Docklands Vic 3008 Tel: (03) 9097 1606 Fax: (03) 9097 1607 Email: info@maxiom.com.au www.maxiom.com.au

Outsource Resource Magazine | 53

IS CROWDSOURCING AN ALTERNATIVE TO OUTSOURCING? Crowdsourcing sites have gained in popularity as an alternative to the tried and proven methods of outsourcing. So is it a genuine alternative to outsourcing or just a form of freelance marketplace? By Aiden Williams Crowdsourcing is defined by Wikipedia as the act of outsourcing tasks, traditionally performed by an employee or contractor, to an undefined, large group of people or community (a "crowd"), through an open call. It is a system wherein you have a “crowd” that independently work on an assignment that you requested and then they would submit their best effort. From there, you may then pick your favourite submission and pay only that person for their work. It is in reality a form of workcontest. Crowdsourcing is not totally different from outsourcing Outsourcing marketplaces such as oDesk, Elance and Freelancer might also be considered crowdsourcing as buyers or those looking to have a project completed would post what they need and you have service providers who would bid on a project. Technically, this is not crowdsourcing as you don’t get to see the finished product before you chose the “winner”. 54 | Outsource Resource Magazine

A good idea on how online crowdsourcing works is that you want a logo and you're willing to reward someone $300 to provide you with the best design. So post your "project" on website such as Crowdspring or 99Designs and wait for the "crowd" to send in their work and you reward the person whose logo you selected. Crowdsourcing is not for everyone There are some business models wherein the power of the crowd works. However, crowdsourcing is not a genuine alternative to outsourcing. Most outsourcing requires personal contact. It requires the service provider to develop an understanding of your business so that they can deliver a key function of your business better then you can do it yourself, and so that you don’t have to worry about it. Cowdsourcing probably wouldn’t work to find a great accountant, lawyer, logistics supplier, marketing firm or IT contractor.

Obviously, in many of these instances you need an outsource supplier who has the infrastructure, business knowledge, team and experience to be able to deliver on a long-term basis. There is a big debate when it comes to crowdsourcing, to the point that it’s integrity is being questioned. Even when considering graphic design, if you don’t have any grand plans for your business and are just looking for a logo then crowdsouricing might be a solution, but if you are looking to tie in or develop your image with your brand, then outsourcing to a professional marketing firm is a far better option that will save you time and money in the long run. The fact is, that both crowdsourcing and outsourcing play an important role in modern business. Choosing the best option depends on how you plan to capitalize on it and on the type of work.


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Outsource Resource Magazine | 55

The Siimon Reynolds Strategic Entrepreneur

THE AUSTRALIAN MARKETING EVENT YOU SIMPLY CAN’T AFFORD TO MISS! This is the business workshop of the year. They have organised a lineup of expert business speakers over the three day event. These are the professionals that Siimon Reynolds uses to create businesses online and in the real world. They have a multitude of disciplines involved and will cover everything from copywriting, pay per click advertising, exit strategy, backend systems, search engine optimization, webdesign, sales technique, social media, remarketing, public relations, franchising, online marketing and raising finance. You name it - they have an expert that specialises in it!

The Next Siimon Reynolds - Strategic Entrepreneur Seminar will held in Melbourne - coming soon! Stay tuned for the dates... AND YOU WON’T BELIEVE THE PRICE!

56 | Outsource Resource Magazine


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About Outsource Resource Magazine Publisher Maxiom Group Pty Ltd 2/710 Collins Street Docklands Vic 3008 Australia www.maxiom.com.au Editor Mark Matthews Digital Magazine Created By Outsource Resource Magazine www.outsourceresource.com.au Advertising Enquiries 1300 855 696 (within Australia) + 613 9097 1606 (International) advertising@maxiom.com.au Editorial, Media Releases & Article Submission magazine@maxiom.com.au

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If you have any queries about our privacy policy or this magazine, please contact our editor. In the meantime, thank you and we trust you enjoyed this issue of Outsource Resource Magazine!

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