The Smart Bomb November 2012

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NOV E M BE R 2012

W elcom e Welcome to the November Edition of the Smart BOMB About The Smart BOMB: Publisher Maxiom Group Pty Ltd 2/710 Collins Street Docklands Vic 3008 Editor Jo Poland Digital Magazine Created By Maxiom Digital Advertising Enquiries 1300 855 696 (within Australia) + 613 8199 3486 (International) Editorial, Media Releases & Article Submission

Written by some of the world’s most exciting marketing minds, the Smart BOMB focuses on cutting edge marketing strategies that business owners can implement in their business today! The Smart BOMB is a great resource as it provides guidance for business owners to develop ideas and concepts from their peers and leading edge entrepreneurs and organisations. Boasting exceptionally high quality information, tips and advice, every issue is packed with unparalleled levels of value added content including videos and webinars. Best of all, it’s completely free and open to everyone!

Contributors For This Issue:

A Message From Smart Bomb Editor Jo Poland

Tony Falkenstein James Hourigan Scot McKee

Welcome to the November Smart BOMB.

Ron Carroll Ivan Misner

We at the BOMB feel incredibly lucky to be working with the writers you will find represented in the following pages. As I work with these writers I am struck repeatedly by the enthusiasm, knowledge, wisdom, authenticity and integrity that speaks from the pages they have written.

Naomi Simson Timothy R. Pearson Ian Altman Rachel Henke Terry Dean

What great food for the mind these articles are. They offer both ‘how to’ advice and encouragement. Instead of feeling like you are dealing with marketing issues alone and isolated, you have experienced marketers alongside you, helping you and your business.

Jessica Swanson Trevor Cooke Richard Petrie Corrinne Armour Geoff Vautier

Please enjoy this month’s offering. I am sure you will find ideas to implement in your own marketing, and maybe ideas to support you in making changes or presenting ideas to your colleagues. Have a blast of a month!

Wendy Montes de Oca Georgina Lester Emily Cressey Troy White


PS. Click here to subscribe to the Daily BOMB drops!


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What’s in this month’s Magazine? Regular Features Page 3:

A Quick Word With Tom Poland

Page 38:

Getting To Know You

Page 66:

Smart Marketer

Page 17:

Bargains4Business Deals of the Month

Profiles Page 38:

Scot McKee - Birddog

Page 66:

Corrinne Armour - Extraordinary Future

Special Features Page 6:

Boost Web Site Sales: 8 Must Know eComm Tips

Page 10:

Please Give me the Strength to Keep Smiling - and a big #Fackoff Key for my ‘Phone

Page 12:

Say “No” to Manage Your Time, Increase Your Leadership Effectiveness and Honour Yourself

Page 14:

Principle #9: Mind Your P’s (and You Can Forget About Your A’s)

Page 18:

Trailer Park Success….and Fly-By-Night Tenants

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Why Outsourcing has Become the key to Business Success

Special Features Page 22:

Business Lessons From the Wine List

Page 24:

Why are You Making This Incredible Offer

Page 28:

Social Selection - Survival of the Fittest

Page 30:

Sales Equivalency - The Surprising Power of Cutting Costs

Page 32:

Should Your Spend Your Time and Money on Networking Groups?

Page 36:

What to look for When Hiring a Professional Graphic Design Agency

Page 40:

How to Blog Like a Rock Star

Page 42:

Power Selling - Advanced Strategy

Page 48:

Google Keywords Tool - The Best Place to Start SEO

Page 50:

What’s in a Number? The Psychology of Pricing

Page 52:

SEO - Content is King But Keywords Still Rule

Page 52:

Five Ways Happiness Can Help Your Business

Page 54:

Top Ten Tips for Skill Development in Your Busy Life

Page 56:

Revealed: The Professionals Top-Secret SEO Strategies for Putting Your Website on Page 1 of Google

Page 62:

F is for Focus

Page 66:

G is for Green


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8 Tips that boost ecomm sales! Ecomm sales hurting?

Boost online sales and gain loyal customers.

How can you get the most out of retail marketing and advertising by establishing your brand and your niche?

These 8 simple, but powerful tactics could help.

Website. Check. SEO. Check. Traffic generation. Check. Visitors converting …not so much. Once you’ve launched your website, optimized it and starting driving traffic, that is only half the battle. Now you got to ensure your visitors covert - that is, buy something. This is a challenge that almost every website that sells a product faces. The following are some tried and true tactics, that over the years, I’ve seen make a difference. Some may seem simplistic, but they DO most definitely impact your online conversion rate. They can be applied and refined for most any business, industry or niche:

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1. Instill Shopper Confidence: order on line with confidence. Make Sure Your SSL Seal And Other Consumer-Trust Logos Other logos that are in plain view and are anchors on each page of Are Prominent. your website can also instill SSL or secure socket layer is a confidence with potential buyers, some may require membership sign that the site is or purchase, when applicable, encrypted...that the information and may include Better Business consumers enter, such as Bureau (“BBB”), PayPal Verified, personal and credit card Verified Merchant, information, is protected. and virus protection software (i.e. Most eCommerce sites must file “McAfee Secure”). for an SSL certificate from Also, if you accept credit cards vendors such as VeriSign, GoDaddy, eTrust, TRUSTe, and and have a money back guarantee, there’s nothing more others. powerful than strong, eyeIt's a good practice to display the catching graphic image icons, vendors logo on your order page, such as “100% Money Back Guarantee” or “We Accept All as well as make sure in the Major Credit Cards” (that have browser window the "https" or images of Visa, Mastercard, image of a lock is present. Amex, and Discover). This is a clear and comforting sign to consumers that they can


2. Encourage Online Sales vs. product quality and value, offering Other Response Mechanisms. free shipping can make all the difference regarding the final purchase decision. Offer special "Internet Only Pricing" to customers. It could be a discount of 5-10% if they order 4. Take Advantage of online versus by phone, fax or Customer Feedback. mail. This reduces any potential overhead costs for staffing fees Have an area on your website or such as telesales or order entry indicate next to select items personnel. These web only "Customer Favorite" or "Hot specials can be highlighted on Item". Also, have some glowing your home page via a banner ad customer testimonials or reviews as well as on your product pages next to the product itself for near qualified items. potential prospects to see. Sites like Amazon, BabiesRUs and 3. Offer Free Shipping. others are pros at this strategy as well as using ratings and ‘Likes’ Many eTailers already factor all to convey a product’s popularity. or a portion of shipping into the retail price of an item as part of Consumers like to feel good their COGS (cost of goods sold). about the item they are about to purchase as well as see that it’s popularity with the masses. If you are truly offering free shipping, already factored shipping into the product’s cost, Seeing a great testimonial and knowing that others purchased or are simply having a limited the product provides validation time free shipping special - if you’re offering it, mention it - big and a feeling of comfort to a consumer. and bold on your home page. Free shipping offers have a huge psychological affect on consumers when they’re comparing competitor’s products and websites. In addition to


In addition to helping the conversion rate, this tactic also helps reduce buyer's remorse and product returns.

5. Free Advertising in Google Shopping (formerly Google Product Search, and before that, Froogle). is a free product information platform from Google where you can post a single item or submit a data feed. Your products will appear in Google Shopping search and may also appear in search results, depending on keywords used. This is simple and easy and increases your product’s visibility and market share. 6. Optimized Product and Catalog Pages. Sounds obvious, but many folks overlook their catalog and product pages. After doing some keyword research on actual search behavior for your product, refine your meta description, meta keywords and title tag of your product pages. This will help consumers find your product in the organic listing of search engine results.

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7. Leverage ‘Special Coupon’ payments of $33.33" that is conveniently auto-billed to their Home Page Banners. credit card. Just be diligent when This is a best practice with online calculating your payment prices as well as creating your fashion retailers who typically return/refund policy for these have a banner ad or interstitial items. ad on their home page stating something like, "Summer Blow The general rule is that your Out Sale, Use Coupon Code actual production costs/hard 1234". But this concept can be applied to virtually any industry. costs should be covered in the first 1-3 payments. This is another great way to offer a special discount for your online It’s all about being strategically customers that makes them feel creative and taking the consumer’s point of view into good about the purchase. You can also encourage viral activity account regarding eComm strategies. by having "forward to friend" or “share”. Make sure to have some great intro copy mentioning how Remember to keep testing methods that help improve sales customers should "pass on the great savings to friends, family, and drive prospects to your storefront. and colleagues." 8. Spread Payments Out. For higher ticket items, consider setting up extended payment plans that allow customers to pay for an item over a few payments. and have mastered this. If an item is let's say, $200, you might want to offer a flex pay option of "6 easy

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Wendy Montes de Oca, MBA has 20 years of direct response, online marketing, media and publishing experience for top publishers and Fortune 500 companies. In her career she has generated over $150 million in total revenues for various corporations, consulting clients, and her own firm, Precision Marketing & Media, LLC. She is Make note of when you implement new tactics and then the best-selling author of Content Is Cash: Leveraging Great after a month of being live, Content and the Web for compare sales results year-over- Increased Traffic, Sales, Leads year to see if your efforts had and Buzz [Que Publishing} which made an improvement. was #1 and #13 on’s web marketing and business bestseller book list I'm confident that you will see a positive difference in your online and remained an Amazon ‘top 100’ bestseller list for 10 conversion rates. consecutive weeks. Follow her on Twitter @PrecisionMktg.



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Marketing annoyances - would you buy from someone who annoys you? Smooch me, court me, tempt me, seduce me but please do NOT bludgeon me, use emotional blackmail or play on false hopes and dreams to get business from me. Atrocious marketing anywhere makes me want to be superlatively brilliant - at least better than 'them'. On a quiet day, my face lights My patience must be wearing up at the thought of speaking very thin because instead of just ignoring the intrusion as normal, I with another human being. have found myself swearing rather vehemently at a tinpot Every day for months now the robot voice far more frequently telephone goes - no surprises there. It has a tendency to do that than I like. from time to time. Sometimes it Quite frankly I don't care that does it lots of times in a very you think you can claim back short period of time. thousands from mis-sold Payment Protection Insurance. I On some days when it is quiet, my face lights up at the thought of couldn't give a fig that the banks have LOST BOO HOO whatever speaking with another human legal case that seems to matter being. When you work on your to you so much and I care even own, things like that matter. less that you believe that you BUT when I answer the telephone have the magical powers to wave only to hear yet another recorded your twinkly wand over my world voice that is designed to interrupt and send little gold coins falling from the sky straight into my my very interesting thought processes I am not best pleased. living room.

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The absolute antithesis of the best relationship marketing The thing that gets me more than anything is the fact that these companies have this stupid notion that disruption marketing works. Sadly I suspect that they get enough responses to justify their approach. Will it last though? I think that "consumers' choice" will win and they will not be able to get away with it. I personally want a BIG spam button on my telephone which I can calmly press (or violently stab) every time I get such a call. On Twitter lots of people are complaining about these nuisance calls ..... they have


occupied our lives like some alien parasite. The valuable lesson, of course, is that this is the absolute antithesis of the best relationship marketing. I know that it is futile trying to cause an inhuman object pain but I can't help noticing just how vindictive I feel to a supplier I will never buy from because they have annoyed me so much. That cannot be good for business. Smooch me, court me, tempt me, seduce me but please do NOT bludgeon me, use emotional blackmail or play on false hopes and dreams to get business from me. Get to know me. Learn to love me. Find out more about me and I might become your friend and buy useful and valuable services from you. There is no other way to get my attention and loyalty.

clients. It matters to me enormously to know and understand what matters to them. I want to put balm on their wounds and make them feel safe and secure so that they know that I have their best interests at heart. I want to reach out and offer a helping hand when they need it most and work with them to spot the best opportunities to expand and grow their business. Atrocious marketing anywhere makes me want to be superlatively brilliant at working WITH people so that together we do a great job. It matters to me that there is love and joy in all that we do. Have you been inspired to act in a completely opposite way in your business because of the way that you have been treated elsewhere?

Georgina was brought up with ‘business in her blood’, spending many years in the family luxury fashion and textiles business In her 30 plus years in business, Georgina has gained hands on experience offering insight and understanding as well as the opportunity for lots of ‘mistakes’ that have ‘shown her a thing or two’.

With a passion for our new superconnected world she is fascinated Atrocious marketing anywhere makes me want to Do you treat customers differently by the power of attention and how traditional marketing is being because of the way you have be superlatively brilliant superseded by valuable been treated as a customer? relationships that help develop These experiences make me authentic and sustainable want to go to the ends of the business growth. Life is an adventure and so is business! earth and back to get to know my


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Saying ‘no’ is a common challenge for high achievers. Saying ‘yes’ to all opportunities limits your leadership, reduces your personal effectiveness and creates a time management nightmare. Understanding what drives your ‘yes’ is key to saying ‘no’ with confidence. Saying ‘no’ is a very common challenge for high achievers. Saying ‘yes’ to all opportunities shifts us off purpose and creates the sort of to-do list that wakes us up at 2 am worrying about how to get it all done!

What happened? Many of us grow up to be people pleasers and ‘no’ disappears from our vocabulary.

Even worse, ‘no’ can drop from our notion of what’s possible for us. When we believe for what ever reason, that we should say ‘yes’, is it any wonder that ‘no’ Two year olds have mastered the becomes such a challenge for art of saying ‘no’! My 2-year-old us? daughter can absolutely embody ‘no’ – her words, her tone, her And so the to-do list gets body language, and her heavier, we pay attention to what behaviour are all entirely we think others expect from us, consistent with her intention. I and we no longer truly honor guarantee that you, also, were an ourselves. expert in ‘no’ at age two.

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Understanding what drives your ‘yes’ is key to saying ‘no’ with confidence. There are eight overarching reasons why we find ourselves saying ‘yes’: 1. Good Samaritan. We feel compelled to step in and help. We jump in automatically to help our colleagues, staff, friends, and family members. And do they always want (or truly need) our help? 2. Saying ‘no’ is rude. From very young children we are encouraged to please others.


Now as adults, many of us worry that saying ‘no’ will be seen as rude.

heading for. Do you know your purpose? What drives your ‘yes’ and gets in the way of your ‘no’?

3. Fear-based ‘yes’. Fear of conflict; fear of being judged; fear that someone else won’t do the Can I leave you with a universal truth? Saying yes is job as well as we would do it… simultaneously saying no! 4. Burning bridges. A specific Every time you say ‘yes’, you are type of fear - the fear of lost opportunities driven by a scarcity simultaneously - and often unconsciously - saying ‘no’ to mindset. If we don’t take the opportunity now, it may never be something else… Or to someone else… offered to us again… 5. Success addiction. Feeding an addiction to success drives us to over commit. Sometimes we operate from an imposter mindset, and the urge to prove to ourselves and others that we can succeed drives ‘yes’. 6. Lack of thought. Sometimes we simply respond without thinking. 7. Captive to enthusiasm. It all sounds so interesting and before we know it we have committed to something else. 8. Unclear on purpose. Any train is a good train if we don’t know what station we are


What or who are you saying ‘no’ to by saying ‘yes’? I would love to know - leave a comment below. Corrinne Armour Learn to say ‘no’ to manage your time, increase your personal effectiveness, strengthen your leadership & honour yourself.

Empowering leaders to exceed objectives Twitter @corrinnearmour Email: LinkedIn: rmour Corrinne empowers leaders to exceed their objectives. Through leadership coaching, facilitation and training, her clients crack the code for performance and get results.

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Learn from the master of penetration. Preference is more crucial than differentiation. Do your consumers brag about your brand? Today, in our data-abundant, Internet-oriented world - driven increasingly by the evolving nature of personally applied technology - marketers must have more than a shallow or superficial understanding of the customer or consumer. In this new world, the three P’s (penetration, preference, and price-value) must replace the three A’s (availability, acceptability, and affordability) because they are more relevant to driving sales and to creating consumer or customer demand.

must create a desire for the Company,” which affirms Apple’s product that stimulates purchase. ascendancy and confirms that consumer taste has overtaken To accomplish this, marketers the needs of business as the must enter the consumer or leading force shaping customer’s mind by making technology: connections that are relevant to the environment and to their ● Apple, on the brink of mind-set. Marketing must create bankruptcy when Chief an “ownable” environment for the Executive Officer Steve product or service, which Jobs reclaimed the top requires the right brand, right job more than a decade package, right configuration, ago, now has a bigger right channel, and right message market value - oftentimes in 140 characters or than Microsoft Corp. less. (MSFT) and Intel Corp. (INTC) combined, fueled Penetration and the Digital The Penetration Master by new products such as World the iPhone and iPad. Apple is a master at penetration Shares are up from a stock-adjusted $5.48 on Penetration does not simply refer - from iPods to iPhones to iPads to its reinvented Macintosh line Sept. 16, 1997, the day to how deeply a brand has now better known as MacBooks. Jobs returned after his penetrated a market. It also 1985 ouster [to $403.41]. refers to how deeply a brand has penetrated the consciousness of Nowhere is this better substantiated then in the July 26, ● The stock price gives the consumer. 2011, Bloomberg story, “Apple Cupertino, Californiabased Apple a market And, in this new digital world, to Tops $400, Chases Exxon as World’s Most Valuable capitalization of about drive penetration, marketers

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$374 billion, trailing by $41.6 billion the $416 billion value of Irving, Texas-based Exxon. Critically, Apple creates a pervasive environment that compels and drives the consumer to buy and matches it with unparalleled manufacturing and distribution prowess and exquisite industrial product design. And with Apple, it’s always about reinvention-led innovation - that’s its core essence, and the key attribute consumers associate with the brand. Preference and Brand Reinvention

Apple evangelists - queuing to buy! This is particularly applicable to Apple, which uses an interesting method to drive value.

In building or reinventing a brand, Michael Gartenberg at discusses while differentiation may be a Apple’s approach: motivating factor, preference is even more crucial. ● The key to Apple’s success is that the Consumers will pay a higher company often takes the price for the brands they prefer. time to explain things to the consumer that no other Simply, affordability is not about vendor bothers to do. By price; it’s about the value derived keeping a laser focus on from the product or service by the key features and consumer or customer. introducing them one at a


time over a period of years, Apple taught and evangelized everything the consumer needed to know to understand the iPad from day one. Without that foundation, it’s not likely the product would have been nearly the success it has been. Conversely, other competitors like Dell and Lenovo have failed miserably because they weren’t as effective at story telling or at providing a successful hands-on retail experience.

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Price Value and Brand Values The New Rules of Marketing: Principle # 9 Microsoft is, without a doubt, a behemoth. But consumers don’t Penetration, preference, and brag about upgrading to price-value must be the key Microsoft Office like they do drivers of any marketing plan in about getting the newest iPhone today’s global marketplace. on a 4G network. With Apple, it’s Why? Penetration creates the about a total experience, not a pervasiveness for the product or product. With Microsoft it’s about service that stimulates purchase. - well, it’s about attempting to reinvent itself. If any company has Acceptability is not a lost its way, Microsoft has. Its differentiator. If you don’t know advertising featuring a broad your company’s or your brand’s spectrum of typical users value proposition, you can’t promoting that “Windows 7 was determine new ways to leverage my idea” pales when compared it or expand on it to create to Apple’s creativity and differentiation and drive pervasiveness. The idea that preference. Microsoft listens to its customers is greeted with skepticism, while Lastly, emphasizing value Apple’s intrusiveness is creates a brand; emphasizing welcomed - as a window into the price creates a commodity. new world. For these reasons, as well as for many others, price should be communicated in context of other brand values - never in isolation. Consumers need reasons functional and nonfunctional, rational and emotional - to buy a brand. And, these reasons must come from the brand positioning

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Timothy R. Pearson Timothy R. Pearson is founder and president of Pearson Advisors || Partners, a marketing management consulting firm serving Fortune 1000 and brand-driven clients; a highly sought advisor to senior management and a frequent keynote speaker at industry conferences, at leadership meetings, and on the lecture circuit; and author of the New York Times and USA Today #1 best seller The Old Rules of Marketing are Dead: 6 New Rules to Reinvent Your Brand & Reignite Your Business. (McGraw-Hill) Visit www.pearsonadvisorsandpartner


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From dirt to dreams… The BIG reason so many people fail in online marketing The simple switch that directs your marketing where it should go. Make a stance that attracts your ideal buyers… and repels the ones you don't want Fellow business builder, Today, I want to share 2 dramatically different small business stories. First, a local disaster. There is a little strip mall by my house. On the end of the mall is a small bay that continues to struggle. The last attempt was “Food 123”. They spent $15,000 on the renovations of the inside and kitchen. They were excited about opening day. And they were destined to fail. Opening day came, and went. And they closed their doors for good. These morons thought they would make enough money on Day One to float them through their big grand opening.

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They had no marketing in place. ● The name of their restaurant… sucked.

● To top it off… they blew all their money on renovations, saving nothing for getting people in the door.

● They had no differentiation When they didn’t make their (deep fried foods is all they millions on Day One, they had no choice but to pull a midnight offered) move and disappear. ● And they did NOTHING to get people in the door! (In It reminds me a LOT of people their business, all they had online these days. to do was create a powerful offer for the local They think they need a fancy flash neighbourhood. That would website. So they spend $10,000 have given them a decent with some “creative design team” start on Day One. They and get a wiz bang site that says didn’t even do that). nothing useful. They get all the nice business cards and ● They honestly thought that letterhead. They hire a by opening their doors they copywriter, thinking that a great would be swamped with sales letter is all they need. people, cash in hand. Then they are shocked to learn that a website does not magically draw people to the site.


They can’t understand why they aren’t making a mint with their creative web design.

They blame the economy.

They blame the competition.

Never once do they blame themselves for not having a plan of attack re HOW they will get actual prospects to their site to buy.

● ● ●

In contrast to the morons with Food 123 (what a great name… hey?), here is a story I am very familiar with. About a business that WAS thought through properly. This is the start of a long weekend here, and I am heading out of town with the kids to a secret location 90 minutes northeast of where I live. Ok, it ain’t that much of a secret… I am heading to the campground that I grew up in. You could kinda say… “My name is Troy, and I grew up in a trailer park”…


…and it would be factually accurate. When I was 8 yrs old, my folks, along with 2 other couples, bought 60 acres of land in Sundre, Alberta. Their plan was to build a quality campground with 400+ sites in an area that did not have campgrounds like this. There were a couple of run down “shanty town” type parks, but nothing that anyone was really proud to call their “home-a-wayfrom-home”.

Every single chance we had, we were up in Sundre working on the campground, which was named “Tall Timber Leisure Park”. Weekends during school. Entire summers during time off. Every chance we had, we were out there working on building that park up the way it was envisioned. They made me do every grunt job possible out there…

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mowing miles and miles of grass It ran successfully for 25 years every time I was there. that way. Then in 1999 or so, they sold individual lots off as private ● picking up rocks and parcels. clearing They are out of it now, and have ● trees for new campsites. a condo board that runs everything. ● building picnic tables.

families, not baseball teams and young teenagers on a mission to get as drunk as possible. They had lots of rules in place on how you had to act in the campground, if you wanted to stay.

They kept their 60 foot mobile out They were priced at a premium. there, and the kids and I love And they hired tyrants as going out there for the weekends managers for the place, to keep everyone in line. Hang out at the river. Go ● installing power lines, swimming (it has an indoor They worked their asses off for sewer lines and water. swimming pool and hot tub). decades… and it paid off in the end. ● picking up garbage. Sometimes I sneak off for a round of golf. They didn’t build it, and ● painting. expect people to come. Sometimes when I am on a ● building playgrounds. serious deadline, I will pack up They built it, and worked their ● and so on. the laptop and head out to the tails off getting people out there trailer for some serious focus to try it out. A great place to learn the value time. of hard work, as I saw that place Then to get them to commit for a come together bit by bit and The reason I bring this up? year. Knowing full well that one morph itself into a premier year would mean the next year, “leisure park”. With over 385 Because they invested a small the next, and so on. permanent sites (rented by the fortune building that place from year) and another 100+ overnight the ground up. Many seasonal campers stayed sites, it quickly became “the there for 25 years, then ended up place” for bringing your family They had a vision in mind on buying the lots once they and having a good time. what type of campground it would privatized it. be. They knew it was targeted at ● climbing in sewer tanks (still have nightmares about that one.)

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The Food 123 business built it and expected a flood of traffic the first day. My folks knew better. They knew they were in it for the long haul and had to actually work to build it. They did. My folks cashed out. Food 123 owners are on the run with a multi-year lease in place and lawyers on their tail. Do not fall for the get rich overnight crap out there.

of… financial independence and retirement on your own terms. No reliance on the government, or some pension plan. But with your own money, that you earned in your own business. And THAT does not happen overnight with little thought to the future. Think it through, have a big vision of where you are going with it, and be prepared to stick to it until you get there. It won’t go perfectly smoothly. You will have awful weeks, months, even years.

It takes a lot of work, persistence, investment and tears to start and But it will pay off if you persist. build a successful business. If you don’t have a marketing plan of attack in place But, the fact remains… ANYONE can do it if they set – NOW is the time to do it. their mind to it. 2012 is over three quarters done… are you more than 75% As long as they are willing to through your goals for the year? If hang in there through thick and not, get a plan of attack in place through thin. The economy is in the toilet now, and some people and GET BUSY. are struggling. Some people are Success won’t be magically thriving too. Those in a tough drawn to you while you sit on your spot, now, need remember the couch meditating. YOU have to Tall Timber story - 30 years of go out and MAKE IT HAPPEN. days, nights and weekends. And they cashed out to enjoy what most entrepreneurs dream


That is the only way you can guarantee your success.

Troy White is a Calgary based entrepreneur that has been involved in sales and marketing for over 23 years. In just the past decade he has helped hundreds of small business owners generate more leads and improve their sales conversions with the ability to “Turn Words Into Wealth” Troy won the Business Leader of Tomorrow Award presented by the Calgary Chamber of Commerce, and he has been interviewed on talk radio shows around North America. If you want to stand out from the crowd, you will love Troy’s techniques on his blog at http://blog.smallbusinesscopywri

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Select your prospects as deliberately as you would select a fine wine Patience is often the difference between a disappointing experience and great experience (in wine and in sales) If improperly handled, great wine can go bad... Just like a great Last week I was speaking with the CEO of a $40 million consulting company. She explained that her team has a ton of activity, yet business is actually declining a bit. And, they have increased spending on sales and business development without results.

Next to that is a letter that suggests if that wine is likely to be “ready to drink” or not (remember Gallo’s commercial, “We will serve no wine before its time”)? So, as an example, Robert Parker, a top wine reviewer and expert, rates 2005 South Australian wine 96 points.

The next night, my wife and I So, you are likely to get a good were at dinner with some friends, wine if you order a 2005 South and as a group we were trying to Australian Shiraz. decide which wine to order. Most of us are self-proclaimed wine snobs, whereas one of our friends is somewhat of a novice. He went down the list, pointed to one of the most expensive bottles and said, “This one must be good.” One of our other friends pulled up an app on his Smartphone that showed a vintage chart: a table that shows the expected quality of a type of wine from that region in that year.

Unless you are a true wine aficionado, each wine on the list could appear to you to have the same potential for success. Perhaps the more expensive bottles are better. Or, maybe a name you’ve heard before – which reminds me of my wonderful, late mother who used to go to horse races and bet on the horses based on name.

The closer you get to 100, the better quality you can expect from that type of wine from that year.

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The key to success is to become 2. Check the Vintage: The outrageously successful great wine at the wrong time targeting and winning business. can be horrible. Similarly, Targeting is much like a wine when you get to an ideal vintage chart. prospect, you want the timing to be right. Ideally, you’d arrive You want to define criteria that when they have identified a help you focus your efforts on problem, but not yet those opportunities that are most the solution. In those likely to have a positive outcome. opportunities, when the timing In business, too often I hear is right, you will have a high someone say “I’m interested in chance for success. When the any client over $50 million in timing is not right, they might revenue.” Or “we help be “a good wine that is not companies with more than 500 ready to drink.” employees.” Those targets are too broad, and may result in you, 3. Be Patient and Nurture: metaphorically, investing big Even a great wine requires dollars in bad wine. Here are patience. You might need to three keys to select the right wait a few months for it to be targets. ready to drink. Even when you open it, you might need to let it 1. Proper Pairing: Each wine breathe or decant it to have it pairs well with specific foods. reach its potential. Similarly, I Similarly, your products and often see companies rush to services are not a great fit for close the deal. Be patient and every client. Think about the nurture the prospect to reach types of businesses and the full potential. specific challenges they might be facing where you are Don’t waste resources on the first strongly positioned to help bottle or prospect you see. Be them succeed. Focus more on deliberate in how you target the challenges you excel at business, and you might just solving instead of your become outrageously successful features. Tough love – nobody targeting and winning business. cares about your features.


Ian Altman Ian Altman is the CEO of A speaker and author of Upside Down Selling, Ian helps companies become outrageously successful targeting and winning business. His Book “Upside Down Selling: An integrity-based sales approach to avoid being predictable” launched in mid 2012 as a straight-forward guide to comfortably engage your entire company to grow revenue.

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The fastest way to generate a new surge in immediate orders is by making a special offer. The biggest barrier to making those sales is believability and credibility. 8 ways to prove the offer you're making is a special deal. If something sounds too good who replies. See how many people take you up on this offer if to be true, it probably is! you don’t provide them with any other information. Would you You’ve designed your powerful reply? I’ll bet you wouldn’t. You offer, but now you have to get over the next hurdle. Why should wouldn’t believe it no matter how good the offer was. You’d need a anyone believe you? You lot more proof before you’d take probably heard the same action. statement I heard when I was growing up, “If something sounds Whenever you make any great too good to be true, it probably offer, you have to tell your is.” You would think that people would jump at the chance to get a prospects and clients why you’re making this offer. You’re giving totally free lunch, but no one believes you. Everyone of us has away a free lunch, but why should been lied to and cheated enough I believe you. What’s your angle? times by other businesses not to Here’s a novel concept. believe everything we hear or read. People will think you have some ulterior motive to whatever Tell them the truth! Tell them you’re giving away or that you’re you’re giving away free lunches not telling them the whole story. because your restaurant is brand new to this area. You know that a If you don’t believe me, try this large percentage of people who test. Put a classified ad in the try your food will love it. They’ll paper. Tell people to send $10 to say it’s the best Mexican food a fictitious business name at they’ve ever tried. They’ll become some PO Box. Tell them you’ll regular customers. So instead of send back $100 bills to everyone requiring the customers to bet on

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your restaurant, you’d take all the risk. They get a free meal and you’ll only profit if your food is so good they can’t resist coming back in the future. You may be holding a grand opening sale with prices so low you won’t make a dime. The reason why you’d be willing to do this is to generate customers who you know will come back once they see just how high quality your items are. You may be having a car sale with every car priced under invoice because its tax time and you have to pay extra for every car still on your lot. You may be having a private sale for your clients because you know how much they’ll appreciate it and you just received 75 new dresses from France - and you know they won’t last long once they go on the floor.


The more you tell, the more you sell. Tell your prospects and clients the whole story.

You’re not limited to just these methods. They are simply idea generators. Every offer must include a unique benefit, scarcity, You may be having your sale and a reason why. If you get because new inventory comes these items in place, your ad out next month. You have copy is already mostly written for $100,000 tied up in the current any sales piece. Neglect these inventory and you’re letting steps and the best copywriter in everything go for 50% off of what the world won’t be able to people would have paid only 1 produce for you. month ago. Tell them how high quality the items are and how you Reason Why #1: Grand love to keep selling these same Opening or Generating New garments, but you have to make Customers/Clients room for the new inventory. Your loss is their bargain. It’s the grand opening sale or the new customer/client drive. You’re For a continuity offer, you could making your incredible offer to simply say you have all these tree generate new clients for your trimming workers who you have business. You understand the to pay 40 hours a week. value of every client in your business, and you’re willing to You often end up with large make their first purchase an surges of business at specific experience they’ll remember. weeks of the year. By offering You’re willing to lose some your clients the 4 times per year money upfront and invest in them. deal you’re able to schedule your workers to more consistent Once they try out your hours. So you’re willing to charge “product/service” they will have to much less for this deal since you come back for more. They won’t save money on it yourself. get a deal like this anytime soon. Below are 8 possible reasons why you could be making such a wonderful offer.


customers.They’re the ones who have made you successful in your business. You’re making this deal available only to your best clients as a thank you for shopping or doing business with you. They shouldn’t share the letter, postcard, or coupon you’ve sent them with anyone else. It’s exclusively just for them. You may have just received one hundred new items into your inventory and you know how much they enjoy high quality widgets. Reason Why #3: Need Surge of Income Your business needs a surge of income. You’re making this offer available to generate the income you need to do ____________. It may be something in your personal life such as paying for your eighteen year old child’s college education. It could be your wife wants a new kitchen or your husband wants a fishing boat. It may be that your business needs a new truck or to expand its location.

Reason Why #2: Customer Appreciation

Reason Why #4: Going out of business or Clearing Out Inventory

You appreciate your loyal

Going out of business sales and

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inventory clearance sales are extremely profitable.

returned productsfor a discount price.

Reason Why #8: You Want to Celebrate

These are powerful “reasons why” that appeal to all bargain shoppers. Clothing stores sell seasonal merchandise or fashions while car dealers sell off last year’s models. All types of stores clearance off discontinued products. If you mess up and order too many of something, you can hold a liquidation to clear out that inventory. Be honest with your customers/clients and tell them why you’re making the offer.

The appliance dealer had a poor delivery person who put small dents in several items which now can’t be sold at full price. The furniture store had heavy winds and a hole in the roof let rain in causing slight damage to several items. Some items at the retail or clothing shop may not measure up to their exacting standards.

It’s your 30th anniversary. Your daughter just graduated college. Your dog had its first litter of puppies. Your girlfriend said yes when you asked her to marry you. The high school team won the state championship. The Indianapolis Colts won the Superbowl. It’s a celebration. You’re excited about what happened and you want to share it with your customers by giving them a special, “She Said Yes” event. This technique makes you seem more real and personable as a business owner.

Reason Why #7: Need Testimonials & Case Studies For New Product/service

Reason Why #5: Inventory tax time You may have hundreds of testimonials in your overall Inventory taxes (or inventory time) business, but you’re launching a are coming up. Whatever you brand new product/service. You don’t sell, you’ll pay additional want to get a “test market” of taxes on. If people buy now, you’ll people using it and giving you pass on the savings to them. Or it feedback. For people to receive might be that you just were hit this special offer, they must give with a large tax bill because your you back feedback on the exact accountant made a mistake. You results they get from using it. The must pay the bill immediately or “marketing test” is another you’ll face stiff fines and interest. variation of this. You’re making Your customers save from the offer as a marketing test helping you out quickly. because a marketing coach named Terry Dean suggested it Reason Why #6: Scratch and and you simply don’t know what Dent Sale kind of results you’ll get or how busy you’ll be. A mail order company may sell

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Terry and Julie Dean "The Internet Lifestyle Mentor" Earn More. Work Less. Enjoy Life!



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Social customers expect to engage with social brands Traditional methods can only produce, at best, traditional returns Building a social community is your new sales pipeline Slow to market places your brand at a disadvantage Turns out, I’m using social media to select clients. I’ve been nagging you to follow a similar strategy, so imagine my surprise when I started taking my own advice. Yeah, living the dream.

There isn’t a hope of most SMBs managing, resourcing and paying for anything other than the most accessible CRM tools to nurture new customer relationships. So without large corporate resource, what are we Capturing and filtering social left with? There’s the old-school conversation is viable these methodology of data trawling, but days. Businesses suck in data I’d rather hang naked by my from Google and filter it for toenails from the Olympic relevant information. Marketing Stadium. (It could be any automation solutions profile data, building, but the Olympic assess interactions, template reference may impact SEO…). responses, activate triggers and transition customers to the sales That leaves the utopian dream of team. It’s a neat trick, if you can a social eco-system where pull it off. It can also be everyone talks to each other and expensive, cumbersome and out the customers just miraculously of reach of SMBs. ‘appear’. Yay!

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Well that’s not going to happen anytime soon. It absolutely will happen though - my 3 largest clients started with a tweet. But it won’t happen fast enough to support business plans because the B2B market has yet to fully grasp the opportunity for social engagement. And that, ladies and gentlemen, is when I found myself subconsciously and subliminally following my own advice that I hadn’t even given myself. (I know, it’s complicated.) The temptation was to say, “Screw it. Find me a list and light up the sky with emails because 0.0001% response so totally ROCKS!”


But, uncharacteristically resisting temptation, I looked to my social network. So when I was presented with a fresh database of prospects, I didn’t call them. I didn’t mass-email them either. What I actually did was trash the vast majority. They’d all ‘expressed an interest’ in my services, but they weren’t part of my (or any) social network.

The point then, is not that I’ve started to exclude conversations, meetings and ‘opportunities’. The point is that if I’ve done it, you can be damn sure customers and prospects are also making (and will increasingly make) the same decision. If I don’t even want to sell to you, are you seriously expecting a digital and social audience to want to buy?

We respond in business to associative brands – we project our values, beliefs and personalities into like-minded individuals and organizations. If you’re not in my (or any) social There’s a valid point right there – space, you’re not the type of don’t get left behind etc. But brand I want to associate with. that’s not ‘the’ point. The point is that without a moment’s Based on the who’s who of hesitation I dumped over 85% of brands that I’ve just thrown away, a well-qualified database there are a surprising number of because the named contacts ‘haves’ that will ultimately ‘have weren’t ‘social’ – not just with me, not’. Play the long game people. but anywhere. If the difference between survival Those individuals and and extinction is opposable organizations have missed the thumbs, you should try to use boat. The train has left the them, instead of sitting on them. station. Elvis has left the building. Arguably they represent an opportunity, but not for me. I want to actually do it, not just think about doing it.

From now on, and forever more, those brands will be playing catch-up. Ouch.


Scot McKee, Brand Strategy Legend, Managing Director Brand/Digital Agency Birddog, Author ‘Creative B2B Branding (no, really)’, B2B Marketing Columnist, Social/Mobile Advocate & Rock God. Twitter: LinkedIn: ee Slideshare: 2b YouTube: ogB2B Amazon: Web:

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A dollar of cost savings is worth far more than a dollar of sales. Discover the sales equivalency of a dollar saved. Learn the surprising impact of a dollar saved on your bottom-line profits. Every dollar you save through cost reduction is far more valuable than the dollars that come from sales. In tough times, cost cutting can preserve your bottom-line profit when your topline sales are struggling. Let me explain.


The smaller your net profit margin, the greater the impact your cost reduction has. In the example above, if your profit margin is 5%, the $100 of savings has a sales equivalent of Sales Equivalency $2000; with a 3% margin the sales equivalent is $3,333. What Another way to look at this is to is the sales equivalent of a $100 calculate the “sales equivalency” A sales dollar is reduced by saved in YOUR company? of your dollars saved. If your commissions and other sales company has an 8% net profit, costs, the actual expense of the Here are a few examples of eyeand you save $100, it has the product or service you are opening sales equivalents from same effect on earnings as selling, and even administrative our company with an 8% profit $1250 in sales. The formula for or overhead costs. In fact, a net margin. calculating sales equivalency is profit is all that remains. For as follows: example, if you sell a $100 ● A tweak to a telephone product, and you have an 8% net system saving $50 per Amount of Savings ÷ Profit profit margin, that $100 sale will month is equal to $7500 Margin = Sales Equivalent eventually put eight dollars in your in annual sales. ($100 ÷ .08 = $1250) pocket.

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● Preventing $1000 of lost, damaged, or obsolete inventory in a year produces the same financial result as $12,500 in new sales.

Impact on Profit Here’s another fact: The average small business has at least 3% waste or excess cost within its operations and often times much more. In our example of the business with 8% profit margin, 3% of waste equals 37.5% of lost profit (.03 ÷ .08).

● An annual saving of $5000 by finding a better supplier of materials or product, reducing freight cost, taking advantage of Remember: All waste comes purchase discounts, and straight off the bottom line! so forth, is worth $62,500 Improving the quality and in sales. efficiency of your business operations - its systems and ● An improved business system that can perform a processes - is the gift that keeps on giving. task with one less employee earning $25,000 per year and no The payoff in added sales equivalency or profit continues benefits is equal to year after year. $312,500 in sales. YES, THREE-HUNDRED In good times and bad, it’s AND TWELVE always the right time to be cost THOUSAND, FIVEconscious! HUNDRED DOLLARS! What’s one way you could you reduce costs today? Now, go do it!


Ron Carroll Helping business owners dramatically increase customer loyalty, profitability, and growth by elevating the performance of their vital business systems and processes. What is it like to do business with Your Company? Do you know what your customers really think about you? Do you have “killer customer care” that draws customers back again and again?

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Here’s Some Hard Data Why You Should! Understand the communication roadblocks that occur between women and men in the networking process Tips to help start you on your way to career-long success in networking with the opposite sex Results from a 4 year survey of 12,000 businesspeople. There are many reasons why people join networking groups.

(weekly) basis, and where there was only one member per business category allowed in The most obvious – and what each group. In the survey, 83% of makes them remain in these all members in the region same groups year after year – is participated in the project, and that the relationships they make the average group size was over in these groups lead to their 25 members. getting more business through referrals. This article focuses on The survey found that members that particular benefit. in the study generated $156 million in referral business for Recently, I had a chance to their fellow members. review the data and findings by an independent organization that Survey Objectives conducted a comprehensive survey of several networking The following were some of the groups in to determine the value objectives of this independent of a member’s “seat” in his or her survey: networking group. Note – the networking groups as defined in 1. To quantify the financial the survey were of the type where value of referrals received members attended on a regular by members,

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both in the last 12 months and since being a member. 1. To evaluate referrals received, including what percentage are internal and what percentage have been converted into closed business. 2. To update the extent of value-added indirect referrals through repeat business and referrals to other clients by the initially referred clients. Value of Referral Networks – The Stunning Results The results of the survey were better than expected, especially


considering the state of the economy. Below is a summary of some of the findings from the survey. ● The average amount of business gained from business referrals in the last 12 months was or $37,055.

membership in a networking group of this type of $54,723 per year. ● On average, members who were involved in their networking group for 7 years generated $383,038 since they joined it, thereby underpinning the lifetime value of the membership in a referral network.

● When asked about further orders they had received as the “spin-off” (new ● Value to the total referral business that stemmed from the original membership in the referral) effect of referrals, regions surveyed equalled the surveyed business $25 million per year—and networking members we are still recovering were able to identify, on from a recession! average, an additional $17,668 per year of The Longer You Remain Actively membership. Involved in a networking group, The Larger the ROI. ● Combining closed The findings of the survey did business in the last 12 months with the average also illustrate an important point: value of 2nd/ 3rd generation It took time within the first couple referrals in a year gives a years to build relationships, with a return of $54,720. true value of a


However, when members moved into years 3-7 of their memberships, the figures jumped to a yearly return of $312,700! Even more dramatically, the survey discovered that there were six new millionaires created out of the members surveyed just from referrals from their fellow members! Can You Benefit from Training on “How To” Network? Survey says… As someone who has studied business networking both academically and anecdotally since the early 80s, I always knew that training helped members get more business, but I was pleased to see that this survey corroborated this fact. Those members who attended any and all training sessions offered on the “art” of networking saw their businesses increase by 58%, compared to those who did

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not attend or who attended only one session.

This is why I’m surprised that there are still so many out there who have not yet begun to make This backs up the fact that taking business networking a vital advantage of any offered training element in their overall marketing support by a networking group is and sales plans. the cornerstone to members’ returns on their time and investment. The ROI for members who stay actively involved with their particular networking group for several years is many times more than the annual cost of participation. In the survey results, it was very easy to see a linear correlation between the amount of time dedicated by the member to a networking group and the average and substantial return on investment that the member receives as he or she stays longer. Clearly, the ROI based on this survey is incredible - what entrepreneur would take a pass on those numbers?

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Dr. Ivan Misner Called the “father of modern networking” by CNN, Dr. Ivan Misner is a New York Times best selling author. He is the Founder and Chairman of BNI, the world’s largest business networking organization. His newest book can be viewed at www.BusinessNetworkingandSex. com. Dr. Misner is also the Sr. Partner for the Referral Institute, an international referral training company.



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The benefits of hiring a good graphic design agency are many There are an oversupply of designers out there, so why are the great ones so hard to find? Choosing the right design agency - one who will clearly understand your vision - can be a time consuming and tedious exercise. You want a designer who can take the visualisation you have of your company name or trademark, what your business represents and the message you want to send to your audience and replicate it. Here are some things to look for in a graphic design professional.

Skills Required - The design agency you decided to use should be capable of designing with the most up to date software. Creativity is part of the Personable - The graphic job, and that aspect should be designer you work with should be evident as they carry out the approachable. They should project. carefully listen to your instructions so that they do not miss any But it shouldn’t end there. Too detail. In addition, they should many designers and agencies ask questions where necessary, are just proficient at using the so that they access as much software but lack real knowledge information as possible and understanding of modern Open communication business requirements, channels - A professional Pricing - Dealing with design marketing and brand development as well as specific creative design agency should agencies can get a bit tricky industry knowledge relative to have an open communication when it comes down to pricing. channel with you at all times. This So be cautious about the agency your business. will keep you in the loop you pick, and ensure all the costs The best agencies have industry throughout the design process. It are given in writing, prior to specialists, who have worked will also give you a chance to starting the project. Be sure to with many companies like yours gauge how much time and effort read all documents before and understand the audience you they are putting into your project. signing. This eliminates any are trying to reach. future misunderstandings or Prior research - To get a hidden costs. The agency should also have complete understanding of your vision and be proficient in the Passionate Good designers creative design needs, an agency should be willing and are genuinely passionate about technology available to ensure your message is consistent able to conduct thorough their work. across all channels. research.

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This will give them insight into your company, industry and target market as well as your business focus.


maxiom Group of Companies

Advertising Tailored To Your Requirements

A great way to be seen! How else will your Potential Clients Find You?


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GETTING TO KNOW YOU: SCOT MCKEE BIRDDOG Birddog is known as the brand and the digital consultancy that achieves creative change. Founder and managing Director Scot McKee lets us in on some of his secrets including what inspired him to specialise in Digital. 1. What inspired you to start your business? What are your goals and values?

I was frustrated with the riskaversion of most consumer brands.

When the first words from the Money, greed and the impending mortgage payment… client are, “Whatever happens, don’t screw it up…” it’s hard to The marketing agency I worked be creative. for at the time was being The business market, by mismanaged. I thought I could contrast, had no clue about do better. branding and marketing, but interest was growing. I believed That was about 20 years ago. B2B offered better opportunities My values have remained constant throughout (as all good to be creative. brand values should) – to be natural, passionate, original and 3. What experience do you have fun. My goals also remain have helping small business clients? constant – breathe in, breathe out, repeat as necessary. 25 years experience as a B2B 2. What was the driving force Brand Consultant and author of behind your decision to 2 business books including the Amazon No.1 ranked, ‘Creative specialize in the small business marketing sector? B2B Branding (no, really)’, Keynote event speaker and B2B Marketing Magazine Columnist. 20 years ago, Business to Business (B2B) marketing was like the Wild West. It still is.

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4. Do you service other sectors as well? I work exclusively in the B2B sector, but across all vertical markets and with international and large corporate brands as well as the SMB (small/medium business) markets. 5. What are the main reasons that someone would choose your business to assist with developing their business? They choose me when no one else has been able to solve their problems. I’m rarely the first choice. I say “bollocks” too much and generally tell them what they don’t want to hear. Would you want to choose that option first? They have to learn the hard way – we all do – and then they call me to make a difference. If you don’t want to change, don’t call.


6. What process, services and 8. Tell us about some of the support do your clients expectations that you had. receive? Have they been met? All roads lead to the brand. I am a Brand Consultant at heart and that defines my core strategic services. Implementing brand strategy has changed significantly in recent years and, in addition to brand consultancy, digital, social media and, content marketing form the basis of tactical delivery to clients. 7. What challenges did you face in setting up your business?

I wanted to be retired and swinging in a hammock in the Bahamas by now. Hasn’t happened (yet). I thought I’d be bored with in in a couple of years. That hasn’t happened either…


I expect my overseas business to grow, but the internet will bring it to me, not the other way round. I could be anywhere. I already am. 12. What would you say to someone looking to grow and develop their business?

9. Who is the target market for your business? Build a brand (not a logo). Stay ahead of the digital market. I work with business owners, Adopt social media practices. directors and/or senior level marketing professionals across Believe. If you don’t believe you all business sectors and all can be successful, no one else company sizes all over the world. will. In the end, there can be only I’ll take almost anyone’s money. one.

Few people cared about B2B marketing. Those who did had no cash. When they had cash they had unrealistic expectations 10. Do you provide services of what might be achieved with it. nationally? ‘Marketing’ meant short-term ‘sales’. B2B Brand Strategy didn’t exist. The biggest challenge was therefore credibility - Other start-up businesses struggle with finance, resourcing, product, staff, logistics. I struggled with making them roll the dice. Still do.

11. Do you have any plans for overseas expansion?

That last comment needs a longer explanation - and a bottle of Jack Daniels.

Nationally, internationally – worldwide. The internet, digital and social media have enabled small companies to reach the world – and it’s made many large companies appear small and irrelevant. If there was an intergalactic option, I’d provide that too.

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21 quick tips for setting up a successful small business blog. How to ensure that your blog readers come back again and again. Simple blog fixes that result in more traffic, leads and fans. In today’s small business environment, it almost goes without saying that the small business owner needs to blog.

to read and balance out longer sentences. Utilize short sentences throughout your blog for some added pizazz.

But, it’s not quite as simple as it may seem. If you feel that you are up on stage blogging your heart out to an empty stadium, don’t despair.

4. Omit the fluff. Omit all unnecessary words, especially fluffy, frilly adjectives. Just the facts, Jack.

5. Use keywords phrases. To help the search engines find your posts, use your most important keyword phrase in the first three words of your title. In addition, sprinkle the keyword phrase 1. Write compelling headlines. throughout the body of your post. Your headline is how people (The rule of thumb is to insert one decide if they’re going to read keyword phrase for each 100 your blog post of not. So make words.) sure that it reaches out and grabs hold of your reader. 6. Use white space. Using plenty of white space throughout 2. Capture your reader’s your post makes it easier to attention in the first read. When your readers are paragraph. Your first paragraph faced with a page of dense, should draw in your reader and black text, they’ll literally give up entice them to keep reading. before they even begin. Keep it simple, snappy and sassy. 7. Make use of lists. Bulleted or numbered lists make your posts 3. Keep sentences short. Short simple to scan. And, since so sentences stand out, are simple many of your readers are “scan Here are 21 quick and easy ways to blog like a rockstar and fill your blogging stadium with die-hard fans.

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readers” this strategy ensures that they stick with you ‘til the bitter end. 8. Use bold text and italics. When you want to emphasis a certain point or draw attention to an important word, use bold text or italics. 9. Link like crazy. One characteristic of bloggers is that they link, link and then link some more. They link externally to other relevant blogs and they link internally to their own past blog posts. In addition, links help Google determine what your post is about. 10. Keep your posts short. We’re living in a world packed with people who have short attention spans and overloaded lives. Aim for posts that are 300 500 words. Short, sweet and to the point. 11. Talk directly to your reader. As you write your post, imagine that you’re talking to one person in a face-to-face conversation.


Your goal is to make the reader feel as if you’re having a conversation with them and only them. 12. Solve your readers’ problem. One of the main purposes of your blog is to help your readers solve some of their most pressing problems. This is how you position yourself as an expert. 13. Don't preach. Blogs aren’t meant to be a personal pulpit in order to preach to your congregation. They’re a social platform meant for connection, interaction and creating relationships.

the strict rules of grammar, you still need to adhere to some of the basics. Make sure that you don’t have glaring typos, misspellings or jumbled sentences.

21. Provide closure. Never leave your readers hanging. Wrap up your blog posts with a short conclusion that signals to your reader that you have finished.

17. Read your post out loud. Reading your posts out loud helps capture your authentic voice so that you sound natural and real.

So there you have it. As you implement these 21 quick and easy tips, you’ll soon discover that you can be a blogging rockstar.

18. Let your personality shine. Your personality should be a part of every single post that you write. If you’re funny, then be funny. If you’re serious, then be serious. Just make sure that the “real you” is shining through each and every post.

14. Have some fun. If you’re not having fun writing your blog, your readers aren’t going to have fun reading your blog. So kick back, relax and have some fun!

19. Voice your opinions. Don’t be afraid to have opinions when you blog. Let your readers know what makes you happy, what makes you sad and what drives 15. Forget what you learned in you crazy. high school English class. 20. Interact with your readers. Forget the tight-laced rules that Since blogging is a social you learned in English class. platform, it’s natural to interact Blogging is more about with your audience. Use your connecting with your audience blog as a way to connect with than worrying about sentence your prospects by encouraging fragments, run-ons or dangling comments and replying to participles comments. 16. Proofread. Even though your blog posts can break some of


Jessica has helped thousands of small business owners, all over the world, implement low-cost, highimpact marketing campaigns. Armed with years of teaching and a M.S. in Written Communications, Jessica takes complicated marketing concepts, turns them upside-down, and makes them incredibly simple and outrageously straightforward. To download Jessica’s FREE Shoestring Marketing Kit go to:

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Use psychology to have clients lining up to pay you premium prices. Leverage assumptions to position yourself as an industry expert. Reduce your sales cycle because you have zero resistance After running a marketing and investigate where power seminar one night I read an comes from. application form from a coaching group applicant. There are many sources of power but here are three to He wrote ‘I want a business get us started where people ‘apply’ to give me their money. I can see what you 1. Exclusivity: People want are doing but I am still scared I things that will make them might miss out.’ appear superior.

Naturally we felt ‘special’.

Fortunately for him he made the cut and was ‘accepted’ into our $12,000 marketing coaching group.

2. Scarcity: People want what not everyone can have.

I could see the clichéd ‘velvet rope’ sectioning off a special VIP area.

3. Expert status: People follow the advice of perceived experts.

Inside the ‘VIP’ area people were laughing, smiling, looking attractive and receiving free champagne and nibbles.

Traditionally and logically it is the buyer who has all the power. But for selling your services to be easy, and the price to be Exclusivity - The Velvet Rope irrelevant, the sales person must take power away from the buyer. People want things that will make them appear superior The seller has to be perceived by the buyer as having all the My young daughter played a power. minor role in a feature movie How can this counter intuitive logic be achieved? We need to leverage psychology

42 | Smart B.O.M.B. Magazine

‘Separation City’. As parents we were invited to attend the ‘World Premiere’.

All was fine. We watched the movie, sat in our ‘special’ seats with our friends and then headed upstairs to buy our ‘special’ drinks after the viewing. But when we got upstairs ‘special’ came crashing down.

The bastards. We were standing on the same floor but some people were allowed to stand to the right of the velvet rope and feel ‘extra special’ while the rest of us looked in to see who was ‘deemed worthy’. Now ‘special’ was worthless.


I wanted to be in the ‘extra Scarcity – ‘We select you, you special’ zone and started plotting don’t select us’ ways to get in. People want what not everyone Could I talk my way in? can have.

By reducing the supply of diamonds De Beers have been able to command premium pricing for decades.

Up until the late 19th century Could we buy our way in? With my coaching group we went diamonds were only found in a to great lengths to make sure few riverbeds in India and jungles Could I sneak under the ropes people knew we had room for 10 of Brazil but when huge diamond without being seen? businesses only and more than reserves were discovered near 10 were applying. the Orange River of South Africa It was ridiculous and I felt silly – they were soon being scooped but I still wanted to be in the VIP Applicants had to ‘sell’ us on why up by the ton. area. they should be accepted into our group. And they did. In doing this The sellers of diamonds realized If you want clients to fight to work we created a scarcity. they needed to control production with you, offer an area where they and perpetuate the illusion of can be seen publically as being This strategy is nothing new. scarcity of diamonds. ‘superior’, ‘preferred’ and ‘exclusive’. Other examples. The airlines have their First class, ‘Gold Elite’ frequent fliers clubs with windows so ‘outsiders’ can see those on the inside. Casinos have high rollers areas. Concerts and cinemas will now provide VIP areas with large chairs and a waiter to bring drinks and food. ACTION: Create a ‘special’ category of client who gets superior status. Price resistance will dissolve before your eyes.


Scarcity - People want what not everyone can have.

Smart B.O.M.B. Magazine | 43

So in 1888 the industry was incorporated into a company called De Beers Consolidated Mines, Ltd.

So she is usually overworked and underpaid.

The same applies to a real estate agent. Unless we have two agents competing side-byside on the same house we will never know.

The ‘Specialist’ on the other hand is an ‘expert’, He wears a While other commodities like suit or casual clothes – what ever gold silver copper fluctuate wildly, he feels like wearing - and So how do people find experts? De Beers proved to be the most charges outrageous fees for successful cartel arrangement in small pockets of work. They look for symbols of power modern commerce. and expertise. You travel to him, wait for him (he De Beers is a monopoly for fixing always makes you wait,) see him There is a list I normally work with diamond prices. There is no sometimes months out on a date my clients on but here are three world shortage. that suits him and thank him of the biggest symbols (and profusely for every morsel he probably all you need). ACTION: Create a category of dispenses. service that is limited in its The symbols of expertise are availability and where people will Experts wield power, get paid things like price, whether you miss out. better and get better compliance have written a book or not and from people than almost anyone whether others interview you in (except celebrities). If you are in public media platform. Expert status business dispensing information or advice then getting yourself Expert Symbol #2 Price People prefer to follow the positioned as an expert should advice of perceived experts be priority number 1. I was buying a pen the other day, nothing significant, just needed Expert Symbol #1 Here’s the catch – when it comes something to write with for the Question: What happens if your to buying professional services day. the general punter has no idea GP is away sick? who is an expert. I did not buy the most expensive pen at $80 but I bought one in the Answer: You go see the locum How will we ever know if one mid price range. It looked just who takes over the GP’s clients lawyer is better than another like the cheapest pen but was for the day. unless we commit two murders more expensive. The General Practitioner is not a under the same circumstances Why pay more? specialist expert, hence the term and get trialled for both. ‘general’.

44 | Smart B.O.M.B. Magazine


I assumed that the higher price means ‘it must be better’ than the cheap one. This is ridiculous, but in the absence of knowledge price was the ONLY gauge I could use. In fact price is used as a gauge of quality far more than people care to admit.

Expert Symbol #3 Writing a book these days has never been easier. If you were going to get your brain operated on then why not use the guy who wrote the book on it.

Our perception of authors as experts is 100% flawed but, while Who wants to be serviced by the it does exist, why not capitalize ‘cheapest brain surgeon in on it? town’? Publish your book with a printer Putting your price up is effortless. or on Kindle and bingo you are an author and instant ‘expert’. Yet most people hyperventilate Richard Petrie over the idea, thinking their clients will run for the hills. Richard is author of the book the Here is how to do it with zero risk. Offer a new super duper deluxe version of your service as an upsell. Expensive enough that even if no one takes you up you still have an expert credible expensive service to boast, parade and quote.

Persuasion Equation, writes on his web site and develops research backed sales processes to increase conversion. If you have a question, comment or want to reach Richard he is available at

This expensive level of service has the double benefit of making your regular service look cheap.


Smart B.O.M.B. Magazine | 45

GET YOUR MESSAGE OUT TO THE WORLD Maxiom helps brands increase revenue by inspiring their customers to buy products, engage and share content. It enables marketers to create beautiful content experiences in a variety of formats on the web, on many different platforms and across mobile devices.

This is particularly powerful for organisations that are looking to create commerce enabled content experiences and distribute them efficiently across multiple channels. Maxiom helps you create the ultimate digital lead generation campaign.

CLICK HERE To Find Out More about How Maxiom Can Provide a Solution to All Your Digital Content and Creative Needs 46 |Smart B.O.M.B. Magazine


maxiom 64 | Smart Company Magazine

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Calculate ROI on SEO First

Eliminate useless keywords

Conduct “What If” Analysis for 100’s of Keywords

Set the Benchmark for SEO Services

Before you invest in any Search Engine Optimization (SEO) activities, you would be wise to visit the free Google keyword tool. It allows you to quantify the number of searches being conducted on millions of search keywords every month of the year.

Google Adwords The keyword tool is used extensively by online marketers to manage their paid advertising in their Google Adwords account and is the best place to conduct some research before you get started on your search engine optimization activities.

But the best thing is that it is absolutely free to use. You do not How to use Google Keyword even need to have a Google Tool account. Before you click the link, you may We do recommend that you sign wish to print this page. up for a Google account which is also free. 1. Click the link; it takes you to the Google Adwords However if you do not wish to Keyword Tool site. send your information to the search giant, then you can use 2. Under Tools on the top the tool by typing in the captcha. left, Keyword Tool will be highlighted. We recommend having an account as it will also help your 3. Click on Saved Ideas to visibility in the search engines open the complete menu. and that, after all, is the fundamental purpose of all SEO 4. Under Match Types, unactivities. tick Broad and tick

48 | Smart B.O.M.B. Magazine

[Exact]. We recommend that you use [Exact] Match but you can use Broad or “Phrase” match types if you wish. 5. Go to Website; enter your website address. 6. Click Locations and highlight your country and language. 7. Click Advanced Options and Filters to collapse this box. 8. Enter the captcha characters as indicated or sign in if you have a Google account. You now have access to use the tool. 9. Click Search and the tool shows the Global Monthly Searches and Local Monthly Searches for keywords relevant to your website.




When you become more familiar with the tool, enter other keywords that you believe are relevant to your site and sort by number of searches. While the Google keyword tool shows you the number of searches, it does not show how many visitors will click on your site should it appear on page 1 of the search engine results pages (SERPs). James Hourigan The free Rank Assess Tool™ calculates the expected site visits based on Google ranking. Not only does it estimate site visitors for ranks 1 through to 10, it also estimates the revenue and the profit for all ranks on page 1.

James is passionate about eliminating the mystery surrounding SEO to enable business owners to extract the maximum return on their investment from this modern marketing activity. E. W. Click to access your GST Calculator.




Which numbers make a difference to sales? Using the power of FREE. How to get a split site price test free (worth $97.) Numbers You may think its mumbo jumbo, but there seems to be an attraction or repellence factor around certain numbers. We don’t know why but as this is the case, why not take advantage of it in your pricing?

Does it really make a difference to sales if you price something at $9.99 rather than $10? Certain prices have a psychological impact – for example, most pricing is set at $9.99 rather than $10, or $997 rather than $1000. This is now common practice and attracts interest from buyers which wouldn't exist if the 'higher' price was quoted. But there's more to it than that as this article shows.

50 | Smart B.O.M.B. Magazine

In Marlene Jensen's 'Pricing Psychology Report' (http://www.pricingpsychology.c om/) she speaks of "magic" numbers and "poison" numbers. Examples of "magic" numbers:

character for 8 is the symbol for infinite good fortune'. But only an 8 at the end of the price will work – choose $78 and not $80 1. When you put up your price notice, don't include the cents if the price is in round numbers. If you sell something for $37, don't list it at $37.00 as that looks bigger to our eyes and we think it's more expensive. On the other hand if you are discounting by $37, then write '$37.00' up big and bold as customers will think they are getting a better bargain!

1. A price with a 7 in it, considered to be a "lucky number", has been proven by all sorts of trials to bring Examples of "poison" numbers in more sales. Jensen says as much as 10%. For ● A price containing a example $97 outsells $99. number 3 is said to be a turn off to customers. 2. But if you are selling to Jensen gives this markets in the East as in astonishing example of China and Japan, 8 at the price testing she's end of a price is considered conducted: lucky as the Chinese


Prices tested: $295, $395, $495 you make free offers in your business, then in this case, you Results: are the one bearing the cost.

It allows you to carry out "Split Testing" of 2 or more web pages to find out which sells the most so you can test 73 orders @ $295 Too much 'free,' like too much which price brings in the best 26 orders @ $395 discounting, can also look cheap response and choose that for 51 orders @ $495! and won't necessarily draw in the your price. high-end buyers you want, so use The number 13 is generally seen it sparingly and for impact. as an 'unlucky' number in the West though price testing hasn't If you're going to use 'free' for been done to prove this. bringing new customers in, then also mention the monetary value The Power Of Free of the free gift, so customers know that this item is usually sold Of course, FREE doesn't have for such-and-such and is worth any numbers in it but it fits in well that sum. with this article on the psychology of pricing as it is used to get Price Testing people in. There aren't many people who will say 'No' to You'll want to make some tests of something FREE. your own to convince yourself that this is true. You should be testing But beware of building a list of out different prices anyway Geoff Vautier potential customers who only before you introduce a new want free stuff and aren't Geoff Vautier is an 80-20 guru and product or service. A FREE way pricing specialist. He successfully prepared to invest at some point, to do this (and yes, it is free but helps businesses of all sizes to as this can happen! its value is $97!) is to sign up for find ways to increase their profits SIMA (Scientific Internet and grow. Your product or service is not for Marketing Assistant). Originally everyone in the universe anyway, developed by Duncan Carver so don't try to attract too big a and now offered by Dan market with 'free'. Porteous (just scroll down then click on 'Scientific Internet Also we all know that nothing is “Boost your profit: Marketing Assistant' to really 'free' and that there is a Understand, and charge for, the download). cost to someone somewhere; if value you provide�


Smart B.O.M.B. Magazine | 51


Happiness might be considered by some as a “fluffy” topic in business - but I couldn’t disagree more I’ve been accused before of starting a “namby pamby revolution” because through RedBalloon I am showing how happy people equal happy profits Happiness makes sense at every level - on a personal, community, social, organisational, national and global level. Yet happiness is often overlooked as a critical component.

It is not hard to share happiness by showing a little kindness - and saying an authentic Thank You We spend so much time at work surely it is important to have fun, be ourselves and as a result benefit the organisation and society

Happy people: 1. Feel Great

Happiness is fun and it feels good. Waking up each morning feeling excited to discover what the day holds - going to bed satisfied that it was a great day A new Human Resources manager joining a business that I feeling gratitude for whatever the day presented. Having truly been know of questioned one of its aware of those around you. values - ‘fun - saying that that didn’t make business sense. We 2. Are Healthier spend so much time at work surely it is important to have fun, Happy people live longer. A be ourselves and as a result study that followed nearly 5,000 benefit the organisation and university students for more than society. 40 years, found that those who were most pessimistic as And it’s not hard to share students tended to die younger happiness - by showing a little than their peers. kindness - and saying an authentic Thank You

52 | Smart B.O.M.B. Magazine

Is it that happy people are healthier or healthy people are happier? “Everything else being equal, if you are happy and satisfied with your life now, you are more likely to be healthy in the future,” said lead author of another happiness study Mohammad Siahpush. Even Professor Fiona Wood, Head of Royal Perth Hospital’s Burns Unit and Director of the Western Australia Burns Service said that those with the predisposition topositive energy are far more likely to heal well, than those who are negative


3. Keep Going

5. Are productive

Happiness and positivity work together. Positive people see that the ‘glass is half full.’ Their positive view that good things will happen helps them see and act on options and opportunities faster.

Happy people = Happy profits.

Thomas Wright, professor of organisational behavior at the University of Nevada states, “Employee happiness accounts for as much as 10% to 15% of the variance in performance Many studies have shown that between different workers”. In a people who are positive or happy 40-hour week, that could mean solve problems better and faster. up to three-quarters of an hour’s lost productivity per day. Their solutions are more inventive and they concentrate Managers who don’t attend to the Naomi Simson better. happiness of their staff are unlikely to be getting the best out Naomi Simson is founder of fast4. Have deeper conversations of them. growth experiential gifting retailer

Gallup tell us that disengaged “Those who reported higher workers cost billions in lost levels of well-being spent less time alone and more time talking productivity. with others,” according to Sonja Yet those organisations with a Lyubormirsky, professor of happy workforce also have 20% psychology at the University of higher profits. California. “There’s lots of research showing that happiness You do the math. is linked with greater social support.

An employee engagement advocate and sought after employer, RedBalloon is listed as one of only six Hewitt Best Employers in Australia and New Zealand with an engagement score of over 90 percent. Comments and questions can be sent to Naomi via her blog at

Happier people spend more time with others.”


Smart B.O.M.B. Magazine | 53


When should you invest in the next course?

Focus on your self education How to make time for study.

Schedule your skill development. The power of a mentor. Some people spend all their time learning because they enjoy it .. or use it as a form of procrastination because they’re afraid of getting into action. Others spend no time learning and just fly by the seat of their pants. So what’s best?

If you’re flying by the seat of your pants and working on pure enthusiasm, run with that as far as you can, and when you hit the wall (which you most certainly will) identify what’s holding you back and study that skill in detail.

So, in your busy life when should Well I am an enthusiastic student you actually make time and and I LOVE studying mindset invest your resources into and marketing stuff which is one studying to improve your skill of the reasons why being in a development or ‘personal home based internet business is technology?’ perfect for me. Here are the top ten tips that I’ve BUT I make sure to take the stuff found helpful in keeping myself I learn and APPLY it in my and my clients on track with skill business. development which is essential if you want to position yourself as Learning without action is like not an expert in your niche: really knowing what you learned at all. Right? It’s just theory and 1. ONLY get the next course we all know that theory doesn’t when you feel ready to get you very far financially or learn a specific skill set results wise unless, perhaps, taught in it. you’re an academic.

54 | Smart B.O.M.B. Magazine

2. Make a good business decision and don’t invest because of get rich quick promises and hype. 3. Listen to your gut and sleep on it if necessary but don’t let FEAR dictate your actions. 4. Study in down time (not business hours) OR if you must study when you have a clear mind then get up an hour early and do some each day. 5. If you’re a night owl study late at night when the kids are in bed and the T.V is off! 6. If you work from home and have kids and people coming in and out a lot, make yourself a quiet corner somewhere in the


LOOKING TO IMPROVE BUSINESS PERFORMANCE TIPS, ADVICE & GUIDANCE ON OUTSOURCING FOR BEST RESULTS house and set yourself up for success by committing to a certain study time when you know the other stuff is taken care of. 7. Resist overloading yourself with too many skills to learn at once. 8. Choose a mentor that is doing exactly what you want to do and INVEST in working with them.

Rachel Henke

Rachel is the author of The Niche Expert and founder of Rachel Henke Global, a virtual training and coaching company showing entrepreneurs and small business 10. Create a Marketing Game owners how to stand out online Plan so you create content and build a visible brand to attract perfect clients, sales and or do some other lead opportunities. generating/marketing

9. When you invest in working with them DO WHAT THEY TEACH YOU!

activity every day at least five days a week. And remember what the great Jim Rohn said, ‘Study, Practice, Teach.’ Studying without action is not of much value, and action without knowledge doesn’t always get you where you want to go!


To receive Rachel’s free Niche Expert Training video series visit To connect with Rachel on Facebook pop over to henkefan



Any time a client tells me he wants more sales, I start by taking a look at his web presence. Assuming he has a halfway decent website, I ask him - "How are you getting traffic to your site?" Usually this perfectly-reasonable query is met with "uhhh...." and then mumbles about "We're doing a lot of things but none of them seem to be working..." If you've ever tried Google's free keyword tool , you know you can use it to easily check Google's database and see if your type of business is getting significant search volume from potential As you can see, there are likely customers searching for you on to be plenty of potential clients the web. looking for you online. But there are only two ways they’re going In many cases, I find there are to find you: thousands of people searching online every month for the client's 1. Pay Per Click business, but he is nowhere on Advertisements: Page 1 of Google. You pay to be on the first page Here's an example of Google’s with Google Adwords. This is Search Volumes for a few their cost-per-click program, and different types of businesses frankly it can get pricey. You can from my town: see Google’s estimated cost per click for these keywords in the far right column.

However, the advantages of this approach are that Pay Per Click (that’s Pay Per Click) marketing is very fast, and has a very measurable ROI, you can see right away if your campaign is working). If you’re interested in doing PPC marketing, let me know. Thanks to my relationship with Google, I have a couple of vouchers to give away for $100 in free advertising, so you can try it and see if it will work for you. This type of Pay-Per-Click advertising generally garners

56 | Smart B.O.M.B. Magazine


about 1/3 of the traffic on the page, so if there are 1,000 people searching per month, 300 of them might be willing to click on your ad. This is high-quality traffic because usually web surfers who click on an ad are closer to making a buying decision.

working every day to reverse engineer the search engine algorithms and figure out the nuances of getting to the top of Page One on Google. You can take advantage of their research and copy what the best-ranking sites are doing, to place your business among the ranks of other big businesses and rank on If you’ve tried and failed with pay page 1 on Google. per click advertising before, I’d be happy to audit your campaign Ideally you want to be in for you, to see if you can turn it Positions 1 - 3 on the first page from unprofitable, to profitable. of Google Search Results, or else you’re not going to get a lot Sometimes a few tweaks can of clicks. make all the difference in getting this powerhouse revenue source The advantages of this approach working for you. are, you don’t have to pay per visitor, and once you lay claim to 2. Search Engine top results, you can send thousands of visitors to your site Optimization. This is often called “natural,” “organic” or every month, for no marginal cost. “free” search engine traffic. The truth is, it’s usually The cost with this approach is anything else but. generally staff time – either your own staff, or through an There are thousands of people


outsourced SEO provider. If you want to bring your SEO campaign in-house, or have been doing it yourself and want to know if you’re on track, here’s a quick overview of what needs to happen. Here is Search Engine Optimization for business, boiled down into a few simple steps. a. First - write interesting and relevant content on your website. Make your site valuable - the type visitors will want to visit and will remain on the page, reading, when they come to your site. Google actually tracks the “stickiness” of your site – whether visitors “stick” there, so please give them something of value.

Smart B.O.M.B. Magazine | 57

Oh, and include lots of keywords throughout the page. b. Second - Get links to your

site from other websites. How do you do that? Trade content for links… write articles for article directories, submit press releases, do guestblogging. Build your Visitors. The more your reputation around the site appears on “social” web, and be a good “web sites like Facebook, citizen.” When you Twitter, and YouTube, the contribute content to the better for your site and its ‘Net and link back to your rankings. site, Google will find your links and start tallying How Long Does It Take? them up. If that sounds like too much work, you Assuming you are doing all the can always hire it out. right things, an aggressive link building and SEO campaign for c. Third - Garner social a well-established site would recognition. Google is involve building hundreds to starting to rely more and thousands of links per month for more on “social signals” a reasonably challenging and to determine which sites commercially valuable keyword. offer good information for

58 | Smart B.O.M.B. Magazine

Realistically, you’d probably need to devote a 20-hrs/week to this job, or else outsource it. With that level of aggressive link building, businesses using our system are seeing themselves on Page 1 of Google within 3 months, in 70% of the cases. For more challenging keywords, it can take longer to appear on Page 1, and the importance of links from high-quality sites, like news sites, or authorities in your field, goes up.


However, there’s nothing more exciting than seeing your business explode when you do finally reach Page 1 of Google for your high-commercial-value keywords. This almost always more than pays for the SEO investment, assuming your website has decent conversions.

This is actually much easier and faster once you have a significant amount of traffic coming in to the site.

This would be great to hand off to a staffer, or follow yourself if you’re ready to see your search engine rankings improve.

More Detailed Instructions And Our Step-By-Step Video Training On Link Building:

For more detail, including stepby-step instructions and videos explaining our SEO-link building If you’re getting the traffic, but not process, click here to download the conversion you expect, you this Special Report - How To Get can always test multiple versions Your Website On The First Page of your site, and sales message. Of Google right now. Emily is the bestselling author of Online Business Marketing: Proven Strategies You Can Implement Yourself To Market Your Business On The Internet. Website: Contact Phone (Cell) 206-2458813

What We Do: The River Rock Group creates online marketing strategies for business owners who want to use technology to: • Attract new prospects, • Convert prospects into sales, and • Build deeper relationships with their clients

Contact Email:


Smart B.O.M.B. Magazine | 59

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Smart B.O.M.B. Magazine | 61

F IS FOR FOCUS By Tony Falkenstein

“If you chase two rabbits, both will escape” - Unknown author Napoleon knew it; Hitler didn’t - every time you compete on more than one front, you open yourself up for attack. Small companies get big when they focus on a larger competitor’s open flank, and big companies shrink when they forget how important it is to focus on what made them big. Every day there are millions of opportunities, and it is always tempting to add something on to your existing business – typically it is in the form of: “we are already going to that customer why not sell him this product too”. Soon you end up with a hundred different products in your bag, and you are not making money on any of them. Not focusing on the core business is probably the most common fault of management. We own a business which sells office chairs…..nothing else but office chairs. Wouldn’t you think we should sell office desks as well - they seem to go together? That is not our business - we are known for being the specialists in office chairs.

62 | Smart B.O.M.B. Magazine

A building company I know only works on large office blocks, and when the recession hit and he was having to consider laying off staff, it was very tempting to diversify and work on housing renovations, but by sticking to what he did best, and focusing on his core business activities, he was more than ready to get back into full swing when the market picked up again. By being a specialist in one area, it’s easier to charge for your expertise too. Three words to remember focus, focus, focus!

Tony Falkenstein Tony Falkenstein OMNZ has worked as an entrepreneur with multinationals and public companies, and now owns the majority share in publicly listed Just Water International Limited, as well as privately- owned Bartercard New Zealand Limited. He founded Red Eagle Corporation in 1987, a week after the sharemarket crash….Read more


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Smart B.O.M.B. Magazine | 63

G IS FOR GREEN By Tony Falkenstein

“Today’s mighty oak is just yesterday’s nut that held its ground” - Anonymous Are you old enough to remember reds under the bed, or singing the blues - well there’s a new colour in town - GREEN, and it is here to stay!

The business winners in the green arena are B2B companies - companies who deal with other organisations. If something about your product or service is green, start with your local council or Government Department - there Whether you believe in global warming or the climate scientists’ are more dedicated Greenies in claim that it is a con, there is no these places per square inch than any other organisation on doubt that the world has gone the planet. green. What ‘green’ means for us in business is big opportunity!

We operate a company that sells plumbed in water coolers.

The average consumer will not personally pay extra for green products, but if it’s someone else paying for it, then they will, so go green now!

You cannot be green and have your water in big plastic bottles delivered by diesel-burning trucks - local councils and Government Departments agree… and I love them for their dedication to the cause!

Tony Falkenstein OMNZ has worked as an entrepreneur with multinationals and public companies, and now owns the majority share in publicly listed Just Water International Limited, as well as privately - owned Bartercard New Zealand Limited. He founded Red Eagle Corporation in 1987, a week after the sharemarket crash. In 1989, he established Just Water as a subsidiary company.

64 | Smart B.O.M.B. Magazine

Regardless of whether you believe global-warning is a con, it is reality that the world is going green, and that is where many of the most promising business opportunities are.

T he Company has continued to grow both organically and through acquisitions. The Company floated on New Zealand Stock Exchange in 2005, and operates in both New Zealand and Australia. He is a member of the AUT Business School Advisory Board. Tony was inducted into the New Zealand Business Hall of Fame in 2008, and in 2010 was appointed as an Officer of the New Zealand Order of Merit (ONZM).



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GETTING TO KNOW YOU: CORRINNE ARMOUR Empowering leaders to exceed objectives - Corrinne Armour from Extraordinary Future 1. What inspired you to start your business? What are your goals and values?

energy, direct communication, real world experience and outcome focus. They come from the combination of my personality, 20 years of I was inspired to begin I grew up in a family business leadership experience in the Extraordinary Future by a desire and watched my father work to help leaders get out of their incredibly hard, rarely taking any corporate and community own way and create their own time off for family when I was a sectors, and extensive extraordinary futures. I am a child. Repeating this pattern was professional practice in leadership coach, trainer and a fear I had to overcome before coaching and training. facilitator, and I help my clients starting my own business. 4. What are the main reasons to achieve their objectives that someone would choose faster. Helping others achieve a your business to assist with balance that works for them is 2. What was the driving force now part of what I do. developing their business? behind your decision to My clients range from SMEs I offer leadership coaching specialize in the small through to corporates, with a (individuals and groups), team business marketing sector? strong dose of not-for-profits development centered on thrown into the mix. All are fearless leadership, and ‘Community’ is a big driver for leaders and teams looking for leadership training. me. If you surveyed my client organisational outcomes such base you would find ‘community’ The role of effective is a value shared by most, and as growth, culture change and productivity. Personally, clients communication in leadership expressed in many different ways. Fun is another key value are typically seeking confidence, interests me and is integral to balance, influence, inspiration, my work. for me. clarity, and self-awareness. I operate nationally and I invest a lot of time into my work People choose to work with me internationally, working with local and I’m enjoying what is because they get results. My clients face to face and clients in important to me. Creativity flows clients say they appreciate my Europe and Asia by virtual and results happen when I am creative approach, positive meeting technology. having fun.

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3. What experience do you have helping small business clients?


5. What process, services and support do your clients receive? Here’s a ‘typical’ day for me: Starting ‘in Bulgaria’ at 6 am, Melbourne time, for a virtual coaching session

day leadership retreat the next day ● Bed (later than I should), tired but satisfied. 6. What challenges did you face in setting up your business?

● Breakfast with my kids and school drop off

What have been my biggest challenges in setting up my business? That’s an easy ● Long-lunch workshop on question for me. The first was Language of Leadership coming up with a name for my at an aged care provider business – I nearly gave up before I hit on the name I have ● Leadership coaching in now. And the second is an engineering firm in the containing my enthusiasm because there is so much I want afternoon to do! (Maybe I am more like my father than I admit?) ● Dinner with the kids ● Evening career transition coaching for a corporate executive who wants a career change into the community sector

7. What would you say to someone looking to grow and develop their business?

To someone looking to grow and develop their business, I ● Packing for a trip to the would say ‘Do what you love – country to facilitate a two- people are attracted to happy and confident people’.


Corrinne Armour Empowering leaders to exceed objectives Twitter @corrinnearmour Email: LinkedIn: rmour Corrinne empowers leaders to exceed their objectives. Through leadership coaching, facilitation and training, her clients crack the code for performance and get results.

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