The Vision The Olympic Committee of Serbia is dedicated to: The future development of sports, striving towards excellence at the Olympic Games and implementing values of the Olympic Movement while creating the sport environment to foster a healthy nation.
The Mission The mission of the Olympic Committee of Serbia is to create the environment for further development of sports in Serbia and to: •
Encourage and contribute to promote the Olympic Ideals
Respect fundamental principles of the Olympic Movement;
Develop and protect the Olympic Movement in accordance with Olympic Charter;
Represent Serbia at the Olympic Games and other sports events related to the Olympic Movement;
Implement the Olympic Charter and fight against all forms of discrimination and violence in sports and to support and encourage development of sports ethics;
Adopt and implement anti-doping policy and rules, thereby ensuring
Ensure the co-operation with all NOCs and other respective
Organise the Olympic Games, sport and other events if entrusted by
Encourage education of sport experts;
Provide material conditions for preparations and participation of
continious fight anainst doping and commitment to drug free sport; International Sport Organisations; the IOC;
Serbian athletes at the Olympic Games.
Contents 1. Introduction
2. The Serbian Olympic Hundreds
• 100 years of fostering the Olympic Values - Events celebrating a century of NOC Serbia existence - Central 100th Anniversary Celebration
08 08 08
• 100 in the Co-operation with Partners - “Let us clean Serbia” - “Olympic playground”
09 09 09
• Anniversary celebrations
• 100th Medal in London 2012 - 100 years of universality - Competitions in 2009 - Competitions in 2010
11 11 11 11
3. NOC Serbia Projects 2008 - 2012
• The XXX Olympiad - Step forward in financing athletes - Development programmes for young experts - General guidelines of the NOC Serbia
14 15 15 16
• On the way to London 2012
• Identity: London 2012 - Visa team and Visa Co-Branding - Contribution to the top results
18 19 19
• Athlete in focus - Athlete career programme /career after sports - Education of athletes and coaches - Lifetime national awards
20 20 21 21
4. Future Development Highlights
• Positive and Lasting Changes
• Priority Development Projects - Olympic Training Centers - Improvements in Serbia’s sports: three directions - The NOC Serbia legacy: Sports and Olympism Museum - The NOC Serbia it system (oksis) - The NOC Serbia headquarters
25 25 26 26 28 28
• Activities towards the implementation of positive lasting changes • Expectations
29 31
The Serbian Olympic Hundreds
Introduction Olympic Ideals “My goal is to move, mobilise and motivate all social forces and to bring all Serbia’s people together guided by the universal idea of Olympism, exactly as we always gather spontaneously and with no exception - under the Olympic realm whenever the Serbian flag flies victorious and the national anthem is heard”. Equal Opportunity “I believe that all sports and all athletes have to be given the equal opportunity and the right to success. I will therefore be personally and most directly committed to setting up transparent and precise procedures, and defining the requirements for sport federations to apply for the support under the NOC Serbia programmes following the same criteria that are used on the IOC level”.
President of the Olympic
Striving towards Excellence
Committee of Serbia
“I will make every effort to ensure that our high performance athletes, with their talent and persistence, enjoy the same conditions as all other athletes in the world”. Historical Legacy “Today, after the times of wars and sanctions imposed in sports and culture, the Sports and Olympism Museum placed on the banks of the Sava, at the spot where it meets the Danube, conveys a clear message of the strong ties between the Olympic Movement and sustainable development, peace and tolerance, human progress and growth, but also of our desire to have the sport history lived by the people in the region actually preserved on the chosen site”. Future Development “In addition to its short-term development strategy to provide for the effective overall arrangements in the current Olympiad, the Olympic Committee of Serbia has to deal with accomplishing its strategic missions in the long run and strive to create the adequate environment for Serbia’s success in the period following the Olympic Games on London. Some of the talents that will make Serbia famous around the world and continue to promote the Olympic Values are today still playing in kindergartens or sitting at school desks”. *From the Programme presented by Vlade Divac, January 2009
The Serbian Olympic Hundreds
100 Years of fostering the Olympic Values The Olympic Committee of Serbia was founded on 23 February 1910 as the Serbian Olympic Club. At the Congress in 1912 it was recognised by the International Olympic Committee. The Serbian athletes have so far participated twice in the Olympic Games under the name of Serbia. Serbia competed for the first time at the 1912 Olympic Games in Stockholm and participated again under its name 96 years afterwards, at the Olympic Games in Beijing in 2008.
100 years of fostering the Olympic Values
The history of the NOC Serbia has been reflected in a 100 years of efforts to endorse the Olympic Games, spirit and values of the Olympic Movement all over Serbia and all member republics of the former country they had belonged to. With its presence at all summer Olympic Games since the day it was founded, while being active in the IOC bodies and those belonging to the continental and regional sports organisations, in the past 100 years of its existence the NOC Serbia has honoured the principle of universality and has consistently promoted it through its activities. EVENTS CELEBRATING A CENTURY OF NOC SERBIA EXISTENCE The celebration of a century of its existence will undoubtedly make a part of major events for the NOC Serbia in 2010. The anniversary will be marked by 60 events throughout the year to promote the history of the Olympic Movement in Serbia while seizing the opportunity to publicly present valuable audio visual materials, records and photographs portraying the past of the Serbian sports and Olympism.
60 events to honour the 100th anniversary of Olympism in Serbia
Among the events organised by the NOC Serbia, the Sports and Olympism Fund will stage (a total of 12) multimedia exhibitions named A Hundred Years of Olympism in Serbia in the native towns of the first Serbian Olympians and in major cities in Serbia. CENTRAL 100TH ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION The central event will follow in November, with Belgrade hosting the 39th General Assembly of the European Olympic Committees. The NOC Serbia, Serbia and Belgrade will have the honour of welcoming the highest officials of the European NOCs, IOC, European Olympic Committees, and other members of the Olympic Family. We have no doubt that the Olympic Committee, Belgrade and Serbia will once again demonstrate their traditional hospitality.
Belgrade hosting the 39th EOC General Assembly
The Serbian Olympic Hundreds
100 in the Co-operation with Partners “LET US CLEAN SERBIA” To support the commitment to the ideal of environmental protection, the institutional cooperation has been launched with the Serbian Ministry of Environmental Protection through the Let Us Clean Serbia effort. The common endeavours are aimed at educating children and youngsters to show them how necessary it is to preserve and protect the environment.
Let Us Clean Serbia effort, with the NOC Serbia in 30 Serbian cities
The NOC Serbia sponsors, as socially responsible companies, have recognised the importance of environmental protection and joined the Let Us Clean Serbia effort. “OLYMPIC PLAYGROUND” The programme supported by the IOC Olympic Solidarity, apart from teaching the importance of environmental protection, animates children towards physical activity and competition to become aware of the importance of consistently respected fair play. Children learn about the Olympic Movement both globally and in Serbia, its history, size and values. The programme is participated by athletes, as role models for the coming generations, who make the effort more effective by inviting children and their parents to join the project.
Making the Olympic Values and Ideals closer to the youngest
Anniversary celebrations EVENTS staged BY The noc sERBIA Exhibition 100Th Anniversary of the NOC Serbia – Nis
Olympic Team send-off to the Winter Olympic Games and the Event to mark 100 years since the NOC Serbia was founded
21St Winter Olympic Games - Vancouver
Exhibition 100Th Anniversary of the NOC Serbia – Petrovac Na Mlavi
Exhibition 100Th Anniversary of the NOC Serbia – Kosjeric
Olympic Playground on the Olympic Alley
Exhibition 100Th Anniversary of the NOC Serbia - Subotica
NOC Serbia Annual Assembly - Subotica
Exhibition 100Th Anniversary of the NOC Serbia - Kraljevo
Exhibition 100Th Anniversary of the NOC Serbia - Zajecar
2Nd Belgrade International Sport Film Festival
Exhibition 100Th Anniversary of the NOC Serbia - Belgrade
Exhibition 100Th Anniversary of the NOC Serbia - Negotin
Olympic Playground in the Country
May May
Exhibition 100Th Anniversary of the NOC Serbia - Kragujevac
NOC Serbia Executive Board Meeting Kosjeric
Olympic Day and Summer Olympic Week
Exhibition 100 Anniversary of the NOC Serbia - Zrenjanin
Promotion of the Singapore 2010 Team
Exhibition 100Th Anniversary of the NOC Serbia - Vranje
July August
Exhibition 100Th Anniversary of the NOC Serbia - Sombor
Olympic Playground
Central Exhibition, 100Th Anniversary of the NOC Serbia Exhibition 100Th Anniversary of the NOC Serbia – Novi Sad NOC Serbia 100Th Anniversary Celebration / Events Dedicated to Students and Academic Community
Exhibition 100Th Anniversary of the NOC Serbia – Belgrade
NOC Serbia Day and Awarding Ceremony for the Athletes, Teams and Coaches of the Year
events with the noc serbia presence in the anniversary year New Year’s Eve Belgrade Square Party Open Heart Street Ice City Tourism Fair Green Caravan – Let Us Clean Serbia
Student Day
September September October
1 January 1 January January And February 24-28. February February – June April 4 April
Belgrade Days
16-19 April
Museum Night
“Artur Takac” Memorial
1St Summer Youth Olympic Games Singapore
39Th Eoc General Assembly
Belgrade Children’s Marathon Challenge
Engso General Assembly and Executive Committee Meeting
Exhibition 100Th Anniversary of the NOC Serbia – Indjija
City Promotions
May Throughout June
Belgrade Sport Fest
Belgrade Boat Festival Rolleriade Belgrade Race Through History Best Ads Night
August September October December
Petrovac Na Mlavi
The Serbian Olympic Hundreds
100th Medal in London 2012 100 years of universality The XXX Olympiad (2009-2012) is of particular significance for the NOC Serbia, as it is marked by the number 100 and hence unique: 2010 – 100 years since the NOC Serbia was founded 2012 – 100 years since the admission to the IOC 2012 – 1 00 y ears since the NOC Serbia first participation in the Olympic Games in Stockholm 2012 – 100th medal expected (98 won so far)
100 years of universality, respecting and promoting the principles of the Olympic Movement
Competitions in 2009 The NOC Serbia praises the Olympic Games, strengthens the Olympic Movement and endorses the Olympic Values. It was one of 205 NOCs at the Beijing Games and one of 80 at the Games in Turin. In the current Olympic cycle the NOC Serbia has been present or will participate at 9 international competitions. In 2009 alone the NOC Serbia attended three multi-sport events and created three teams for the purpose of: - Mediterranean Games, Pescara: 160 athletes - Winter EYOF, Slask Beskidy: 11 athletes - Summer EYOF, Tampere: 99 athletes
2009: NOC Serbia at three multi-sport events
Competitions in 2010 Within the XXX Olympiad until the Games in London, the NOC Serbia set up its Mission for the participation in the Olympic Games in Vancouver. The preparations are under way for the Mission for the First Youth Olympic Games in Singapore. The NOC Serbia YOG team in Singapore will be one of the largest teams coming from this part of Europe. As one of the first NOCs which arrived to UK within the preparations for the London Games, the NOC Serbia sees the Olympic Camp to be set up in the two cities as the central activity preparing it for Singapore. The objective of the camp is to create synergy between the sports, cultural and educational programmes. The athletes in the NOC Serbia YOG team will have a number of joint training sessions and promotional matches with the UK athletes while also attending the English classes to overcome the language barrier and make them capable of taking part in cultural and educational programmes designed by the Organising Committee of the Singapore Games in 2010.
2010: Two NOC Serbia teams taking part in international competitions
The NOC Serbia, whether as a part of the Olympic organisation in the common state or as an independent Olympic organisation, has honoured the principle of universality and, with its best athletes, takes part in all the Olympic and multi-sport events.
Striving towards excellence: The 100th medal in London
There were 98 medals won in the past Olympic Games. London 2012 is an opportunity for the Serbian team to bring home the 100th medal in the XXX Olympiad, with the NOC Serbia celebrating a century of its existence.
NOC Serbia Projects 2008-2012
XXX Olympiad The XXX Olympiad may be described by the NOC Serbia first-step endeavours to reconfirm its position in the Serbian sport and social system, and to encourage the reorganisation of sport system that would lead to new relationships between the former stakeholders, while also approaching the reorganisation to the effect of promoting new stakeholders, relationships and values within the sport system. The results of these efforts reveal that the Serbian sport system is at the stage of development, with the stakeholders committed to the new forms of partnerships and enhanced relationships, while the Ministry of Youth and Sports and the Sports Council are operating on the national level.
The NOC Serbia: Key player in creating a new sports system in Serbia
The Olympic Games are the focus of activities pursued by all Serbia’s sports stakeholders. Guided by the intention to provide for the quality and a larger number of athletes at the London Games, as well as to take part in more sports and events than in Beijing, the NOC Serbia has created the documents to endorse this vision and to implement a number of projects under the common name of the Olympic Serbia.
Olympic Serbia: Joint project implemented by the NOC Serbia and Serbian local governments
The initiative is basically focused on encouraging the Serbian local governments to actively involve in creating adequate conditions for Serbia’s athletes to prepare for and participate in the London Games. The NOC Serbia ambition to go beyond the two preceding Olympic cycles means that in the current Olympiad it will focus on: - Coping with financial difficulties caused by the economic crisis; - Enhancing the partnership with national federations to prepare and implement the programmes; - Supervising the trainings of athletes included in the programmes, as well as the progress of overall preparation programmes; - Activities of specialised and professional associations; - Health care and anti-doping control; - Professionalization of athletes and coaches; - Athlete career and post career management; - Conditions to have as many sports as possible qualified; - Improvements to adequate training areas for the Olympians; - Involving professions that may be seen as relevant in building up the top sport results.
Defining the activities: Best possible results at the 2012 Olympic Games in London
The Serbian Olympic Hundreds
STEP FORWARD IN FINANCING ATHLETES The NOC Serbia is committed to its objective and a long-term mission which requires a sound material support and the optimum conditions for preparations to be provided in the period until the London Games for athletes with outstanding results. According to the NOC Serbia categorisation, athletes have been grouped into 4 categories of individual sport branches taking into account the results accomplished since the Olympic Games in Beijing.
Financial stability and optimum preparations for the best athletes
The main objective of the NOC Serbia is to have as many Serbian athletes as possible taking part in the Olympic Games, as the major global sport event, and to see the best possible results achieved by members of the Serbian Olympic Team in London 2012. DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMMES FOR YOUNG EXPERTS Over the past cycle a satisfactory number of contacts have been made with the Serbian educational institutions, with their teachers and students taking part in the programmes organised by the OS, MOA and NOC Serbia partners. The co-operation resulted in international advance training provided for some 30 young research experts, students, postgraduates, teachers, and the NOC Serbia staff.
Education of young experts: The NOC Serbia Sports Commission and Programme Commission
In the coming period the participation of the NOC Serbia representatives in the MOA programmes will be intensified along with the need to launch the Serbian Olympic Academy. The visits of university students and faculty from Serbia and those of international experts coming to Serbia will be included in responsibilities of the NOC Serbia commissions (in charge of programmes, international issues, culture and education, health, etc.).
The issue of professional career poses a serious problem. Combining sports and education is a great challenge while the setup of the distance learning system is only one of the ways to solve the problem. A wider social effort, the involvement of universities and the existing NOC Serbia technological resources give hope that this issue may also be addressed and gradually solved. The coaching staff is faced with similar if not the same situation. Within its Beijing 2008 project the NOC Serbia made efforts and succeeded in selecting a group of ‘Olympic coaches’. Further development of the group towards coaching talented athletes falls within the issues of strategic resource management to be dealt with by the Serbian Coaches Association, national federations, NOC Serbia, and others. However, as the operating programme for coaches is a key to the development of sports, the NOC Serbia focuses on: - Improving the quality of coaching; - Increasing the number of qualified coaches; - Introducing coaching as profession and the job position of sport coach; - Enhancing the social welfare, retirement and health care status of coaches; - Promoting the professional and ethical values in coaching; - Introducing the national competence standards; - Licensing professionals; - Ensuring permanent education and additional training; - Providing for the transfer of coaching technologies; - Applying sport science; - Coaching to be associated, interdependent with and systemically conditioned by the athlete career development. GENERAL GUIDELINES OF THE NOC SERBIA The NOC Serbia has timely made additions to its Anti-Doping Code in accordance with the WADA and IOC Rules. Zero tolerance on doping, but also on any behaviour in sports that may be described as violence, a threat to ethics and fair play are solely some of ethical issues falling within the focus of the NOC Serbia activities which are dealt with by special commissions and bodies. The NOC Serbia has demonstrated its zero tolerance on the attempt to jeopardise the autonomy of sports by the draft of the Serbian Sports Law.
“Olympic Coaches” Development
Zero tolerance on doping and violence in sports
The Serbian Olympic Hundreds
On the Way to London 2012 Development programmes for young athletes have been recognised by the NOC Serbia, and the Games in Singapore will be the platform to continue the programme aimed at identifying and developing talents which had been pursued by the NOC Serbia since the EYOF in Belgrade. Under the slogan ‘From Talent to Beijing, and from Beijing to London Games’ the NOC Serbia initiated the ongoing career planning programme for athletes.
The First Youth Olympic Games in Singapore: Serbia with a large team
‘From Talent to Beijing, and from Beijing to London Games’ is a programme endorsing the talent, proper care of athletes and coaches, improved training conditions, control and qualifying competitions, supervised health and training status, anti-doping, supplementation, physical preparation. New training methods have been applied in the programme implementation, with a number of analysts and statistical experts involved to follow up trainings and competitions.
Talent: Quality that guarantees the entry into the world of high performance sports
The athletes of the NOC Serbia team for Beijing 2008 were younger than their competitors and the realistic assumption was that the optimum programmes and the ongoing follow-up would add to the quality of preparations for London 2012. While the preparation programmes for Beijing were implemented within the period of 18 months preceding the Games, preparations for London started at the time those for Beijing were still under way. This unique experience has led to the NOC Serbia strategy to initiate the preparations for Rio de Janeiro in 2009. The implementation of development programmes was supported by the Memorandum of Understanding with Leeds and Sheffield, UK, signed by the NOC Serbia in 2009. As one of the first NOCs that initiated the co-operation with the UK training camps to prepare for the Games in London, the NOC Serbia plans to use the Olympic camps in the two UK cities for the focus of preparations for Singapore. The objective of the camp is to create synergy between the sports, cultural and educational programmes. The athletes in the NOC Serbia YOG team will have a number of joint training sessions and promotional matches with the UK athletes. The Serbian athletes will attend the English classes during their stay to overcome the language barrier and make them capable of taking part in cultural and educational programmes designed by the Organising Committee of the Singapore Games in 2010.
The YOG concept already applied at the stage of preparations: Synergy between sports, cultural and educational programmes
The long-term development programme was broadened by parts of the programme dealing with social welfare for athletes, encouraged education, more intensively applied psychological preparation. Similar to the OS programmes, the NOC Serbia offered the UK training camps to its athletes, but also a high altitude training camp in Spain. For the purpose of followup and evaluation, adequate tools have been created to ensure that the respective quarterly reports are presented by national federations, coaches, athletes, and medical experts.
Future Olympians protected against poor training conditions and adverse economic circumstances in Serbia
Identity: London 2012 For the XXX Olympiad the NOC Serbia has initiated the pool called Together to London with the Best Team which directly followed the effectively implemented sponsorship project Together to Beijing. The concept in creating the NOC Serbia sponsor pool relies on the Olympic marketing and benefits enjoyed by sponsors while observing all the rules resulting from the Olympic Charter (Rules 41 and 51). The NOC Serbia thus recognises and complies with the Olympic Charter and the IOC property rights, whereas it also protects them through the supervised application of the rules within Serbia. By promoting the Olympic marketing philosophy on the local level, the IOC Top Partner rights are protected and companies are properly directed to use the benefits resulting from the sponsorship provided to the NOC Serbia and the Serbian Olympic Team.
NOC Serbia marketing efforts: Fully observed IOC Charter and protection of IOC property
The NOC Serbia preventively acts against ambush marketing by making national federations, athletes, marketing agencies, media and companies sponsoring national teams and athletes aware of the IOC marketing rules, as well as the consequences in case of any breach. Communication and education to that effect will continue in this cycle to ensure that all interested parties are timely informed of their respective rights and obligations. Telenor, a world renowned mobile operator, was the NOC Serbia general sponsor in the preceding cycle. Telenor’s marketing campaign was the best example of all the benefits provided to companies by the Olympic marketing that may be used to support their business interests through enhanced brand awareness and improved sales. Mutual satisfaction was followed by continued co-operation in the current cycle which has made Telenor the NOC Serbia general sponsor for London 2012, too.
NOC Serbia partners: 15 local and international companies
Mercator S, the company which was the bronze sponsor in the preceding cycle, is the golden sponsor in the current one. Vojvodjanska banka (National Bank of Greece) continues its successful cooperation with the NOC Serbia with the third successive Olympic cycle of sponsorship. The IOC campaign BEST OF US, which conveys gratitude messages to sponsors supporting the Olympic Movement, particularly those sponsoring the Olympic Games, is intensively applied by the NOC Serbia in the campaigns within its territory. Notwithstanding the effects of the last year’s global economic crisis, the NOC Serbia sponsorship revenues increased relative to the preceding Olympic cycle. The result clearly shows that the quality of the NOC Serbia operation and the value of its brand in Serbia have rightly been appraised. This certainly creates the adequate environment for further development of the Olympic Movement in Serbia.
Support and commitment of sponsors to the Olympic Idea
The Serbian Olympic Hundreds
VISA TEAM AND VISA CO-BRANDING Upon the initiative of the IOC Marketing Department, VISA included the NOC Serbia in the VISA Team project by sponsoring the Serbian athletes in the Olympic and Paralympic sports for the period of one year prior to the Beijing Games. VISA representatives were apparently satisfied with the past co-operation and announced that the NOC Serbia would again be included in the VISA Team project in the current cycle.
This year started with developing the VISA co-branded card project. This is the first project of this type in the southeast Europe and it is jointly carried out by VISA, Vojvodjanska banka as the official bank, and the NOC Serbia. The objective is to attract as many cardholders who would use the card thus supporting the successful appearance of the Serbian Olympic Team at the 2012 Olympic Games in London and the young sport talents preparing for the 2016 Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro. CONTRIBUTION TO THE TOP RESULTS Being fully aware of the fact that athletes make the heart of the Olympic Movement and that considerable funding is provided through sponsorships owing to sport successes, the NOC Serbia primary goal is to use most of the funding to finance high performance athletes and their coaches. Guided by this goal, the NOC Serbia developed a project of financial support intended for preparations and successful performance of top athletes. The project ensures that the financial support also extends to the health care for athletes, supplementation and anti-doping. The partnership in the project includes the Ministry of Youth and Sports, Autonomous Province of Vojvodina, and sponsors. The member companies of the Together to London pool have recognised the importance of the project and the NOC Serbia commitment to its implementation by the effort to allocate over 90% of funding directly to the programmes intended for athletes and the efforts to foster the Olympic Values. This approach to the financing of athletes has inspired great confidence among sponsors assuring them that their sponsorship is truly beneficial.
Together to London
Athlete in focus ATHLETE CAREER PROGRAMME /CAREER AFTER SPORTS Dual career and employment after the career in sports is over are just some of the parts included in the NOC Serbia programme which encourages the system to be oriented toward athletes, their athletic and professional attributes. In 2009 the NOC Serbia launched the Athlete Career Programme. The programme, which consists of three pillars: education, life guidelines and employment highlighting the importance of education, advance thinking and planning of life following the active career in sports, is pursued in co-operation with Adecco Group. Through interviews and seminars athletes are profiled taking into account their individual qualities, abilities, and desires. In this way, they receive the adequate support and guidelines they should be following in future. Presentations organised so far included 50 athletes coming from 8 national federations. Through seminars the programme also includes coaches who may largely influence the athletes, stress the importance of combining sports and education, and explain the ways to do it. In late December a page dedicated to the programme was created on the NOC Serbia website (, in addition to the mailing list intended for all involved parties to obtain information on the launched and future activities. A MEMOS student (2009) is also a chairman of the NOC Serbia Sports Commission. One of the reasons he was selected among other candidates was the issue of dual career he had chosen for his thesis which is being pursued as a part of the NOC Serbia integrated project.
Athlete Career Programme: Over 50 athletes included since October 2009
The Serbian Olympic Hundreds
EDUCATION OF ATHLETES AND COACHES In the coming Olympic cycle the athlete career, both in terms of sports and profession, will be the responsibility of the NOC Serbia Sports Commission and Programme Commission. Social and health care issues, and adequate training conditions are a part of obligations to be met by national federations, however, the NOC Serbia will anyway make every effort to find systemic solutions to these issues to the benefit of all Olympic Games participants. This approach may well serve as a model solution for all athletes supervised by national federations. LIFETIME NATIONAL AWARDS Serbia is one of the few countries which has provided monthly financial support to the Olympian, World and European Championships medallists. The support is also awarded to coaches of the winning athletes who accomplished the top results in these competitions. As from the age of 40 the medallists receive monthly support in return for their contribution to the development and recognition of sports in Serbia. This approach to the post-career and social importance of sports and athletes had been initiated by the NOC Serbia by its effort launched together with the Serbian Olympians Association. The Serbian Government positively responded to the idea (2006) and the decree enacted to that effect made over 500 athletes and their coaches entitled to the right to receive the award.
Lifetime national awards: More than 500 socially secure former athletes and coaches
Future Development Highlights
Positive Lasting Changes Positive and lasting changes brought in by the NOC Serbia and Olympic Movement in Serbia are best proved by the things actually done. Historical facts show that: -T here have been a 100 years since the NOC Serbia was founded; - 98 medals have been won; -B y taking part in almost all the Games the NOC Serbia has remained fully loyal to the principle of universality.
Historical facts positive lasting changes
Besides the historical accomplishments, those from the recent past and aimed at positive and lasting changes in Serbia should also be highlighted, e.g.: - Including sports in Serbia’s constitution; - Changes in the Serbian sport system; -E nhancing the position and role of the NOC Serbia in the Serbian sport system; - Improved preparation programmes for the Olympic Games; -D ecree enacted by the Government for the lifetime national awards on account of the contribution to the development and recognition of sports; - Imperative need to preserve the autonomy of sports; - Experience as the legacy of the EYOF hosted by Belgrade; - Good relationships and cooperation with all NOCs; - Good relationships and cooperation with all IOC bodies; - Strengthened marketing capacity.
future Activities -positive lasting changes
The positive and lasting changes resulting from the efforts pursued by the NOC Serbia are reflected in the projects which – with respect to their role aimed at further recognition of the Olympic Movement, their far-reaching effects and extensive challenge while closely relying on the IOC support – make the priority and create a sound background for the NOC Serbia strategy in its operation over the first years in the second century of its existence.
Future activities of the NOC Serbia: Projects aimed at further recognition of the Olympic Movement
This primarily involves: - The Olympic training camps; - The NOC Serbia legacy; - The NOC Serbia IT system (OKSIS); - The NOC Serbia Headquarters.
The Serbian Olympic Hundreds
Priority Development Projects OLYMPIC TRAINING CENTRES The existing facilities are inappropriate in terms of the equipment, high maintenance costs, and overstaffing problems which make them unsustainable and incapable of being financed from their own sources. These facilities are mostly managed by local communities and there are no legal grounds for any private initiative. The situation has threatened both the sustainability of sports in general and the actual results. The NOC Serbia and national federations allocate considerable portions of their budgets to provide for adequate conditions in international training camps.
Faced with the sustainability of sports and results, in 2002 the NOC Serbia initiated the project to revitalise the Republic Sports Institute with the IOC support. The first stage of the joint effort, which was later joined by the Government, resulted in the investment exceeding â‚Ź300,000 including the furnishing, measuring and analytical equipment, library and staff training. Though the institution is owned by the Republic of Serbia, the activity towards its revitalisation was launched by the NOC Serbia. In the reconstructed facility the NOC Serbia arranged for medical examinations of athletes taking part in the Beijing Games, Mediterranean Games in Pescara (2009), Winter and Summer EYOF (2009). More than 300 best athletes were examined. The OS funding was used by the NOC Serbia to purchase the psychodiagnostic equipment, and seminars for sports medicine specialists were arranged within the EOC programmes. In 2007 the Republic of Serbia joined the effort to revitalise the Sports Institute and provided for the partly reconstruction of training facilities. A section dedicated to sports medicine and rehabilitation is planned to be added.
2002: Reconstruction of the Republic Sports Institute initiated with the support of the IOC funding Over â‚Ź300,000 invested in the Sports Institute by the NOC Serbia
Since 2008: Over 11000 examinations and 300 tests for athletes participating in the Games in Beijing and Pescara, Winter and Summer EYOF 2009
2007: Republic of Serbia actively involved in the revitalisation of the Sports Institute
IMPROVEMENTS IN SERBIA’S SPORTS: THREE DIRECTIONS Implementation of IT system (using OKSIS) in the area of sports medicine, and development of the Information and Records Centre; Setting up the testing protocol and creating the national standards, both for physically active children and adults, and for athletes on all levels; Medical and clinical specialisation with the focus on sports medicine, nutritionism, sports paediatrics, endocrinology, cardiology, and rehabilitation.
Improvements in Serbia’s sports: Developing strategies to build up specialised centres
The project documentation for specialised training centres, proposed legislation, decentralisation and opportunities for private initiatives, but also the involvement of national federations in the jointly designed strategy to build up such centres, are just some of the activities that should reflect the effort of the NOC Serbia and the entire sport system over the coming years. THE NOC SERBIA LEGACY: SPORTS AND OLYMPISM MUSEUM The items representing the NOC Serbia legacy are currently prepared to be stored in adequate facilities of the Sports and Olympism Fund. The NOC Serbia activities that may be defined as positive and lasting changes, while they were aimed at preserving the Olympic and sports heritage, have been marked by three stages: -A ltering a part of the Olympic House to meet the needs of the Olympic Museum (1998-2008); -S igning the agreement with the Faculty of Sports and Physical Education to found the Sports and Olympism Fund (merging the legacies owned by the NOC Serbia and the Faculty, within the Serbian Physical Culture Museum (2008) increasing the number of exhibits to over 70,000); - I nitiative taken by the Sports and Olympism Fund and the request filed to the Republic of Serbia for the building to preserve and promote the Olympic and sports legacy. The site allocated to the Sports and Olympism Fund by the Republic of Serbia is an attractive location at the confluence of two Belgrade rivers. Today, after the wars following the disintegration of the former Yugoslavia, and sanctions imposed in sports and culture, the choice of location for the Sports and Olympism Museum placed on the banks of the Sava, at the spot where it meets the Danube, conveys a clear message of the strong ties between the Olympic Movement and sustainable development, the Olympism, peace and tolerance, human progress and growth.
Sports and Olympic legacy: More than 70,000 exhibits
Symbolic location: Confluence of the Sava and Danube
The Serbian Olympic Hundreds
To make the Sports and Olympism Museum fully operative, it is necessary to arrange for: - Interior and exterior reconstruction; - Equipping the exhibition area and storage; - Listing and catalogisation of exhibits; -M oving the exhibits from the NOC Serbia and the storage kept by the Faculty of Sports and Physical Education; - Developing the software for internal and external use; - Posting the website; - Restoration of exhibits. (No funding has been allocated for the project described.)
THE NOC SERBIA IT SYSTem (OKSIS) The NOC Serbia, as the national sports organisation with the high-profile identity, with its programmes and the Olympic Games, is capable of integrating the Serbian sport system while also playing the key role in implementing the mission of the International Sports Movement within Serbia.
OKSIS: A tool integrating the Serbian sport system
Being aware of its position and role in the society, the NOC Serbia initiated the development of the IT system based on the advanced IT and communication technologies, and multilayer architecture with fully centralised data within the complex database. Designed as a network serving a number of users on different organisational levels in the Serbian sports environment, the IT system is being developed with the intent to link different levels of sports organisations with the Serbian society. This reflects the need to make the Serbian sport system and, therefore, Serbia as a whole, an integrated part of the single IT system of the International Sports Movement. With the support of the IOC, EOC, Ministry of Youth and Sports, Microsoft Serbia, and its own sources, the NOC Serbia has so far funded: - Project design; - Purchased hardware and software. In the coming period it is necessary to: - Develop the software for different purposes and user groups; - Provide for links to the global network; - Train the staff. The new environment and the use of advanced technologies are only some of the inherent components in building up the distinctive Olympic value which further means creating new jobs, enhancing the quality of a sport product, making sports accessible to all urban and rural areas. OKSIS will bring improvements to the workflow, encourage the development of well informed society, and motivate children to go in for sports. The NOC Serbia IT system will provide for the full coverage in spreading the values of the Olympic Movement while operating as a system which truly builds up the strategies towards more active and healthier Serbian society. THE NOC SERBIA HEADQUARTERS Building the NOC Serbia Headquarters is an undertaking that has both material and symbolic dimensions. In material terms: It ensures that different departments and services may be developed to meet the requirements of the mission followed by the roof organisation.
Cooperation with the IOC in OKSIS implementation: Key support
Improvements in Serbia’s sports: Developing strategies to build up specialised centres
The future NOC Serbia Headquarters: A real need of the leading organisation in the Serbian high performance sports in the coming period
The Serbian Olympic Hundreds
In symbolic terms: 100 years of the Olympism; clear and vigorous projects dedicated to the Olympic Movement and preparations of athletes for the Olympic Games; new expert profiles; new technologies, etc. convey a message showing that the organisation keeps modernising its operation and programmes while respecting the UN millennia objectives and the vision expressed by the IOC in the documents supporting the conclusions made at the Congress in Copenhagen. The property currently used by the NOC Serbia includes: - Lot in the elite Belgrade neighbourhood, owned by the NOC Serbia; - Offices in central Belgrade, owned by the NOC Serbia; - Offices leased and currently used by the NOC Serbia, owned by the Republic of Serbia.
Further expansion of departments and services requires the adequate space
The future efforts towards a definite solution for the NOC Serbia Headquarters will be aimed at combining all property owned by the NOC Serbia to build the Olympic House with the support of all partners. ACTIVITIES TOWARDS THE IMPLEMENTATION OF POSITIVE LASTING CHANGES The NOC Serbia has made a remarkable step forward in the area of operation, particularly to the extent of its efficiency, position and role within the Serbian sport system. The genuine pride of the NOC Serbia are its athletes and the programmes aimed at mitigating poor training conditions, as well as other developed programmes which will define us as the LEADING organisation of Serbia’s HIGH PERFORMANCE sports. The efforts aimed at protecting the Olympic Values, above all the autonomy of sports, ask for a powerful and respectable Olympic organisation. Over the past 100 years of its existence the NOC Serbia has been pacing vigorously through the Olympic Movement, while observing the ties between the past, the present and the future. The future will be evaluated bearing in mind the strength, ambition, vision and competence we are nurturing today. Consequently, the founding and operation of the Olympic Legacy and Development Fund will reflect the substance of the future development of the Serbian sport system, as the institution expected to balance the needs and strategies of the Olympic Movement in Serbia in the 21st century. The current operation of the NOC Serbia actually shows that a sort of Fund already exists and operates: Reconstruction of the National Training Centre in Belgrade; Sports and Olympism Fund; improvements to the existing building; projects; OKSIS development; programmes attaching the NOC Serbia to the IOC, EOC, government institutions, etc. – these are all the efforts that could hardly be described otherwise.
The NOC Serbia : Organisation of Serbia’s high performance sports
Olympic Legacy and Development Found
The Serbian Olympic Hundreds
Expectations Therefore, the Olympic Legacy and Development Fund virtually exists, and it now needs to become reality with the NOC Serbia and its partners taking the following steps: - Understanding and support for the NOC Serbia vision by the IOC, EOC and the Republic of Serbia in building up the vertical organisation of sports in Serbia led by the NOC Serbia; - Understanding and support for the operation of the Olympic Legacy and Development Fund (expanding the legal norms to the effect that the funding, grants and legacy trusts may be allocated to additional equipment for the existing training camps and building the new ones, as well as to the programmes dedicated to the parties involved in sports, etc.); - Understanding and support by all major stakeholders in introducing the services and setting up the Olympic Legacy and Development Fund; - The NOC Serbia involvement in the IOC, EOC, ANOC expert commissions and bodies. To bring in the positive and lasting changes, while complying with our Mission, the NOC Serbia will initiate and pursue: - Preparations of athletes and organisation of Missions applying the optimum technological and organisational standards; - Further development of coaching staff and administration of national federations; - Amendments to the documents and rules to get closer to the optimum number of departments and staff improvements in the NOC Serbia; - Enhanced competence and efficiency in the NOC Serbia operation; - Intensified upgrading and start-up operation of the IT system (OKSIS); - Strengthened marketing efforts of the NOC Serbia, with the funding earned by marketing allocated to the NOC Serbia programmes to the maximum possible extent; - Further promotion and recognition of the Olympic Values throughout Serbia, in all regions, local communities and ethnic groups and minorities (there are 38 ethnic groups and minorities living in Serbia, all of them supporting the Olympic Games and the NOC Serbia Team).
Olympic Committee of Serbia 5, Generala Vasica Sreet Belgrade 11040 Serbia Phone: +381 11 3671 574, 575 Fax: + 381 11 3671 887