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Range Focus: Trudi
Inset: The Trudi range sits well within both toy and gift retailers. Below left: Iulia Toader, marketing manager, GP Flair.
With a 65+ year heritage, the Trudi soft toy brand is renowned for its quality and refined designs. Having been welcomed to the GP Flair portfolio, the company is now working hard to make it the go-to brand for plush gifting with both retailers and consumers. PPS finds out how from marketing manager, Iulia Toader.

Asoft toy is likely one Left: The Trudi Charms sit at a lower price point of the first items ensuring there is something for everyone in the range. that a baby will be social media to connect with consumers gifted, and the plush through aspirational and high quality content category remains solid business over the course of the year.for retailers all year-round. “We have comprehensive marketing plans
For GP Flair, the addition of in place to create a strong pull at retail. the Trudi brand – which has Our social campaign involves some familiar a heritage spanning over 65 celebrity faces, as well as many high profile years – to its portfolio helps it to UK-based influencers and bloggers. The further cement its position as a purpose of this campaign is to raise the one-stop-shop for preschoolers, brand’s profile in the UK, and ensure that Trudi says Iulia Toader, the is widely recognised for its exceptional quality and company’s marketing manager. Instagrammable appeal.”
Founded in Italy, the Trudi brand offers a wide Retail reaction, says Iulia, has so far been “fantastic”. selection of plush product which is popular with both She comments: “Trudi is now supported by numerous toy and gift retailers. retailers, both independents and majors, as well as
“Carefully crafted to last a lifetime, these soft toys online. We really are delighted by how well they’ve make wonderful gifts, plus because the range is so been received by both retailer and consumer alike. And comprehensive, Trudi caters for all “As a collection that sits so beautifully the collection is set to go from strength to sizes and tastes,” Iulia tells PPS. with both gift and toy retailers, Trudi strength this year, so consider this just the The Classic plush range includes eight hand-made and stitched cements Flair’s position as a onestop-shop for preschoolers.” beginning.” Flair is further supporting its retail partners with bespoke animals in small and medium sizes; Trudini includes CDUs and FSDUs including stands for the puppets. six miniatures which come in their own collectable “It’s also worth noting that our retailers have had great bag; Fluffies are cuddly cub characters with extra success with Trudi window displays, as the product long fur; Trudi Puppets are designed to stimulate the looks so lovely that it really does sell itself,” Iulia adds.imagination and encourage storytelling, with eight “We’re forever reviewing the Trudi range and available; and Trudi Charms are little plush pals which adding newness to the collection. Throughout the can be attached to prams, backpacks or loop over door year retailers and buyers can look forward to many handles or bed frames in a nursery. new additions, with new
Because of the range’s aesthetic, characters joining the Flair is choosing social media to collection, as well as whole help connect with customers. Iulia new segments added to explains: “Trudi is not just a soft the range.” Extensions toy, it’s a lifestyle choice. These are to the traditional plush plush toys which are designed to be range will include the photographed, as well as cuddled. new Trudi Bags and the For this reason, Flair is choosing Cremino Bears with Music Right: The Trudi Puppets are Box. These will launch for designed to stimulate imagination AW21 with a number of and encourage storytelling. in-store display options.Below: Flair is looking to create a strong pull at retail, employing a social “As a collection that sits campaign involving celebrities, so beautifully with both influencers and bloggers to help gift and toy retailers, Trudi raise Trudi’s profile cements Flair’s position as a one-stop-shop for preschoolers. We’re working hard to make Trudi the go-to brand for plush gifting and high-quality soft toys. Retailers should know that we are deeply committed to Trudi and we truly believe in the brand,” Iulia concludes.