Portfolio Update

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Max Jarosz Academic Portfolio


A NEW FACE FOR THE CPL This studio was based on the exploration of the Midwest and using Narrative in architecture. Researching how different Midwestern Monuments worked we altered the stories and created collages to occumpany the story. The mechanism was then abstracted and applied to a building type of choice, which would eventually replace a similar building type in Chicago. A Backstory was written to give these buildings a home in a new fictional Chicago. This library became the outcome of using facial profiles to create an iconic figure-head for the Chicago Public Library. To create strong facial profiles, Giambatista Della Porta’s physiognony studies were used and the animal temperaments associated with the faces organized the different parts of the library into the four towers created by the facial profiles. The Interior would work in reference to Boullee’s Deuxieme projet pour la Bibliothèque du Roi with a series of stepped library stacks that become occupiable. The patterns and layouts in plan were formed from ct scans cut through a head in the same location.


(The Gemini Giant, Wilmington, Il, USA)

The Gemini Giant is a monument along side the historic Route 66. Its distinct astronaut style created an iconic identity for the people in the small town. This identity became very symbolic along with the emergence of the space race during the 1960’s. However, its once iconic identity is beginning to fade out with the memories of the space race becoming less known and a youth that doesn’t understand its historical significance to the people of that era.

Adult Library - Dedicated to recreational reading (anything that is not considered research) for adults, it contains different subjects of books and offers digital media collections. Goats are extremely intelligent and tend to their boundaries of understanding. Left brain introverted horses have tendencies to stop and think about situations rather than turn and flee like others.

During the 60’s many “muffler men” were placed along side Route 66 with different props in their hand. Most of them were insignificant and were taken down and only a few remain today.

The Gemini Giant’s name comes from the Gemini Program which came in between the Mercury and Apollo missions. Its historical importance is embedded within the complexity of the space race. During this time the space race was an escalation from the Cold War which effected the entire nation. The space race stood for more than just a race to the moon, but a monumental showdown between democracy and communism, and touched the hearts of people across the nation. Many of the midwesterners that were isolated on their farms were only able to look in awe as rockets launched and inspired everyone from children to grandparents.

The outfit for the Gemini Giant consists of completely wrong pieces that form a whole that was still capable of sending its message and appears almost as the costume of a kid playing with a rocket and pretending to be an astronaut. For example, the helmet looks more like a welding mask than an actual space helmet., the space suit is a short sleeve shirt and is not what astronauts wore, the space ship looks more like a rocket than a space shuttle.

School Library/Kid Library - Dedicated to children's books and books used most frequently by ages K-12. Lion's hunt in prides, they develop their skills with other young lion's until they become mature enough to form their own pride. Dogs temperament depends strongly on how they are raised, but have a tendency to be nurturing and protective over children.

Research Tower - Dedicated to Academic Studies and Research, occupants come to spend long hours researching and processing information. Chicken and Fish both operate rather quietly, they have adapt easily to confinement and are generally not aggressive when confined in small spaces.

MONUMENTAL MIDWESTERN MECHANISM Create an iconic figure that represents a powerful and nastalgic historical era using a series of familiar objects. Public Area - Dedicated to offering larger spaces for gathering, occupants can have book clubs, meetings, and discussions. Crows workk wellll with others, they are one of the few bird species that is known to actually play with each other. Donkeys need companions, without other animals around them they suffer from extreme anxiety and depression.


A BROKEN LINK This project investigated the deterioration of the industrial chain throughout the south side of Chicago. It’s breakdown has lead to a shrinking economy for the south side and seriously questions Chicago’s ability to remain an infrastructural hub for the nation. This project proposes to reconnect this chain and in the process plan for a long term solution to Chicago’s shipping infrastructure. Located in the heart of some of the most violent neighborhoods, a center was chosen based on its proximity to many existing infrastructure lines, trains, highways, public transit, and the fading emerald necklace. By starting with this hub as a catalyst this project leverages the expansion and development of an infrastructural architecture to create a new intertwined public space to improve the conditions of the local community. The basis for this project results from understanding existing city policy and using incentives provided by the city to fund major portions of the project.

Enterprise Zone Program

TIF Zone 6 (Tax Increment Financing)

-Sales Tax Exemption

-Promote Public/Private Investing

-Property Tax Reduction

-Support Residntial and Mixed Use Development

-Finance Assistance

-Rehabilitation of Existing Structures

-Real Estate Tax Exemption

-Improve Public Infrastructure

-Investment Tax Credit

-Redevelop roughly 120 Acres of Vacant Land

-State Jobs Creation Credit

-As Property Value Increases, Property Tax Increase used for continued redevelopment

-Machinery + Equipment Sales Tax Exemption -Utility Tax Exemption




Closed C losed C Closed Closed Closed Closed


Closed Closed

Closed Closed


Existing Food Desert Crisis

Existing Food Desert Crisis

Rahm Emmanuel’s solution was to fill a truck from Pilsen and drive it down to be sold fresh. However this has failed 3 times so there has to be a better way to fiz fix this issue.

The site is located in the center of the largest food desert in Chicago with about a 4 mile commute to fresh grocery stores.

Gang Lines

Public School Closings

A large problem is the previlant -53 in 2013 amount of gang territories near the site. -All but 2 in Predominiately African This creates a ton of issues American Communites for social growth and causes -Large Portion Located Within the Site. a lot of people to be forced to join and trapped by their surroundings.


Public Park

Create Industrial Spine Chicago has always been and will continue to be a huge shipping center due to its location. However it is severely unprepared to handle the expected growth. With an industry expected to hit 7 trillion dollars, it needs large, extremely efficient hubs that can quickly and efficiently handle the volume and allow the economy to grow.

Elevated Grid

Reconnect Grid

Densification Matrix

This large land spot lacks connections and has become a large untraversable sore. By reconnecting the grid the area can continue to become more developable.

As it develops, it needs an increased density towards the new urban core near the transit hubs as more people will be drawn in through those lines. It also needs to increase density towards the open block social housing developments allowing them to intergrate into the developing system. At the same time it should decrease in density as it blends back into the city fabric and Emerald Necklace.

Infrastructural Spine + Open Blocks

Clip Buildings

Elevate Grid

Buildings will fill in under the matrix, taller and denser near the two cores and shrinking and sprawling as it meets the existing fabric and Emerald Necklace.

The grid has historically been used as a means of segregation and dividing the blocks. This can be seen throughout historical boundary lines and current gang lines. Raising allows the streets to maintain a connection through the spine but also allow the blocks to develop.

Connect Blocks

Extend Emerald Necklace

Blocks can grow and connect as one large urban block instead of small segregated blocks. This creates unique spatial conditions between the blocks and allow more large public programs to connect and bring the community together.

The Public Program on top acts as a catalyst to draw people and development into the site. By creating a heavily programmed core to the project it also returns something for the current residents. The System connects to the Emerald Necklace along the Green Line and expands as it meets the Public Spaceon top of the Spine. When it slims back down to just rail, the roads continue the Emerald Necklace like theycurrently do.

Section A

Section B

Meta-Ball Geometry



UNFLAT EXPLORATIONS This project aimed to understand the structural advantages to developing curved forms. It also aimed to address the inevitability of demands for these forms to be able to take on architectural problems. Starting with a precedent study of the Situation Room by Marc Fornes and the Very Many, an analysis on how curvature can be used to increase structural efficiency was abstracted and then applied to an architectural form that could have people occupy it, in this case as an ADA accessable ramp. This portion of the work was all done individually, then as a group we combined to make a structure that using logics developed early on in the studio could produce a form capable of being walked on, having a stair, and walked under.

Continuous Curvature Shell

The Situation Room


Storefront for Art and Architecture, New York, 2014 The Situation Room by Marc Fornes is a light-weight, ultra-thin, self-supported panelized aluminum shell structure. The form is created by the aggregation of twenty spheres with incremental diameters, which similar to meta-ball physics, that blend curvature from one sphere to the next to create a shell with continuous double curvature as they attract to each other. The installation engages and explores the increased performance of thin aluminum sheets that are rigidified through the resulting curvature of the geometry. To prevent local bending failures, a rhizomatic network of columns was created by developing involutions between tangent points of local spheres where curvature shifts from negative to positive. The columns, three of which resolve the structure to the ground inside, then act to stiffen the shell. The Situation Room also tests the development of computational structural analysis by attempting to analyze the movement of forces through the shell, and using the results to define where material can be removed to create apertures.

S.R. Elevation

.00147 Kips

0 Kips

Highest Utilization in flatness

S.R. Section through internal network

Highest Von Mises Stress in channels between spheres that don’t produce enough curvature in their geometry

Greatest Bending In areas of relative flatness

Based on computational structural analysis, stress tends to increase in the moments the surface transitions between two or more of the spheres. These channels that develop by smoothing the geometry between spheres are pulled into tension by the spheres resulting in increased stress in the material. Aluminum can take tensile and compressive forces so the transition between compressive and tensile forces isn’t necessarily problematic. In fact, the continuous curvature produced between spheres in these channels naturally stiffens the material in opposition to the tensile forces, allowing the geometry to account for the increased stress, which supports the relationship between geometry and structural performance in terms of curvature producing strength. The analysis does show moments of increased bending moment that puts the structure in risk of local deformation, which can possibly cause catastrophic failure. By comparing moments of high material utilization, Von Mises stress, and bending moment to a surface curvature analysis, it is clear that areas of relative flatness produced in the geometry are at the highest risk for bending failure. A more in depth analysis of these moments reveal that in areas where there curvature of two spheres are blended before the point of inflection on either sphere, the resulting surface is flatter, producing moments of weakness in the surface.

Stair Network To address the problems that arise out of this challenge, the production of involuted networks as a mode of occupiation arose. By creating a network of involutions between spheres a walkable, 1:12, surface was developed. To counter the increased load of people walking, the network of involutions intersect each other to produce rigidity. This not only produced enough strength for the local load, but increased the performance and reduced bending moment for most of the overall structure.

Network Intersections

Section A Scale 1/4” : 1’


Walkable slope Plan Scale 1/8” : 1’


Section A Scale 1/4” : 1’

Initial Geometry produced anticipated high moments of bending between spheres.

Intersecting network that acts as internal ribbing while keeping a clean formal continuity in the curvature of the geometry.

The reduction in bending moment from the addition of the network, only small moments remain on the surface of occupation.

Concrete Jungle

Group Portion: Max Jarosz, Sixto Cordero, Myung Duk, Zhao Mao As we combined into groups, the process shifted more towards optimization strategies, surface through stress line anaylsis, and topological optimization of solids. This installation attempted to create a fabric formed truss network, that addressed issues of occupiablity through creating stair members in the front, and a canopy in the back. A cycle between formal adjustments for these demands and optimization of members created a form that met these demands, and was optimized to reduce tension throughout the network.

Initial Displacement Analysis areas of concern.

Formal Adjustments to Improve Performance

Reduction in Tension From Optimization of Member Size

Fabric Formed Concrete Test

Addition of Rebar

Fabric Left as Tensile Member for Composite

Resin Coating Test for Improved Performance

Fabrication Process Fabric Templates

Sew Pipes Together

Attach to Frame and Pour

Coat with Resin

Composite Layers Resin Coating


Cotton Fabric Pour Holes

Cast Member 1/2� Rebar

Types of Failures Large Nodes Ripped Fabric

Clogged Tubes

Self Weight Deformation

Support Instability

Desired Form

Casted Result

As undesirable as the final result was, we learned a lot from it. The instability of the form was highlighted as we poured concrete into the base and it started to build more than expected from the simulation. The weight pushed and stretched the fabric far more than expected. Also, the self deformation on diagonal members was an unexpected outcome, stronger reinforcement with rebar will be necessary. Another unexpected problem was the clogging of tubes that happened as concrete begin to solidfy, this could be solved by using a concrete pump which we didn’t have the option for. Finally the last issue was the ripping of some the fabric at some of the nodes which made for unclean edges.

EARLY LEARNING FOUNDATIONS The Early Learning Play Column aims to educate the mind and stimulate the body of children ages 2-5 by working with the preschooler's ability to recognize the distinction between figure and primitive shape. The project proposes to thicken an existing column and occupy its base, or plinth, with mobile play elements, or a 'contract and expand' program of interaction. Once the elements are removed, the interior of the column is accessible as a playhouse, providing for a tactile interior circulation and allowing for views out onto the larger playroom. On its exterior the column's shaft gradates vertically with pattern complexity, primary color balance, as well as transitioning from relief to surface. Overall, the play column resolves its concise set of functional and educational strategies under the framework of a visual and physical evolution of pattern, color, and tactility. Team Members: Prof. Thomas Kelley, Jacob Waas, Anges Rutkowski, Agustin Bernal. Images: NORMAN KELLEY, LLC

Images Courtesy of NORMAN KELLEY. All rights reserved.

Images Courtesy of NORMAN KELLEY. All rights reserved.

Left: Column in classroom, with removable shapes Top: Children in Play Shape Bottom: Children playing with the removed shapes, combining and exploring their configurations

Images Courtesy of NORMAN KELLEY. All rights reserved.

Images Courtesy of NORMAN KELLEY. All rights reserved.

Image Courtesy of SPORTS. All rights reserved.

Image Courtesy of SPORTS. All rights reserved.

Image Courtesy of SPORTS. All rights reserved.

MYTH Molly Hunker, 2013-2014 Douglas A. Garofalo Fellow Molly Hunker’s fellowship research during the 2013–2014 academic year has centered on kitsch artifacts and their potential to recalibrate contemporary notions of atmosphere and engagement. Hunker’s culminating fellowship project, Myth, focuses specifically on the religious genre of the home shrine, re-imagining the richly decorative and kitsch assembly through the lens of the architectural installation. Myth uses the decorative prayer candle as the primary object-tradition through which to explore how home shrines may provoke new understandings of visual and atmospheric opulence in the architectural interior. Made with traditional candle-making techniques, hundreds of handmade wax candles are suspended on embedded cotton wicks, accumulating to create a semi-enclosed chromaphilic space. While the overhead candles are geometrically simple and clean, the candles closer to the ground are increasingly articulated with a grotesque rustication captured during the transformation of the material from its liquid state to its solid state. This rustication technique partners with a gradient of increasing color saturation to engage with the traditional shrine organization that establishes a narrative describing the change between heaven and earth. Contemporary expressions of religious architecture tend to reinforce a clean, open-minded spatial construct that leaves the spiritual narrative to be defined by each visitor’s imagination and beliefs (however rich or bland those may be). Instead, Myth aims to establish a space of greater emotional and spiritual resonance by employing familiar materials, crafts and even smells present in more common devotional spaces. Project Members: with Danny Travis, Preston Welker, Samra Pecanin, Max Jarosz, Nichole Tortorici, Jacob Comerci

Image Courtesy of SPORTS. All rights reserved.


Image Courtesy of SPORTS. All rights reserved.

Image Courtesy of SPORTS. All rights reserved.

Guiding Light This project was developed in a workshop taught by Senseable Cities Lab at MIT as an investigation into redeveloping the lighting infrastructure of Amsterdam. Amsterdam is currently experiencing the “Disney-fication� in its historic center. This produces problems of huge crowds and traffic and the citizens moving out of these areas. This project aims to combat this issue by using a smart network to visualize large urban flows and providing that data to the public to to allow citizens to figure out directions to move through the city to avoid large crowds, for tourists to find groups and optimize their trips based on current crowds. The post work by reflecting images off a cone, processing images to record position, then deleting the images for privacy concerns then sending the data to be cross refered for paths, destinations, landmarks, and previous urban data patterns. This data would then be actively available through a graphical interface accessable as phone application.

Active “Sensing” from the post.

Unwarped Image

Equirectangular Panorama

Reflective Cone Sealed Argon Filled Container Camera Processor Wifi/4G 3mm LED Strip Angled Perimeter Lighting


1/4� Acrylic Tube

4G Post

Electric Cables

Extruded Steel Tube Frame Bolt System for Easy Removal/Upgrade

Electric Connection City Power Grid

CLOUD Information Systems to Cross Ref -Paths -Destinations -Landmarks -Previous Urban Volumes

TRANLUSCENT CONCRETE MEDIA FACADE This project was developed throughout a workshop as an exploration in the milieu of Chongqing. The project developed firstly, as a response to the lack of sunlight due to the intense fog present in the city. Due to the lack of sunlight (around one hour of clear skys per day ) we looked into Seasonal Affective Disorder and how it is combated with artificial light. This led us to the developlment of a programmed LED Facade that would provide yellow and orange light during the morning - yellow, blue and white during the day - pink, purple, and orange at sunset, and dim white during the night. By using acrylic rods cast in concrete similar to the woven fiber optic fabric used in translucent concrete blocks, we could achieve a facade that could be strucutral, embedded with electronics, and also bring in light from the exterior. To achieve all of this we allowed larger acrylic rods that were densely packed to be located and faceted towards the day light that went through the entire wall, smaller acrylics rods to each go through one side of the concrete panels allowing light from the embedded leds to shine separately to the exterior and interior. The exterior lights would also allow the building to communicate with other buildings in the culture of media facades heavily prevalant in the city. Partner - JAMES ADDISON


Acrylic Rods @ 13mm (Artificial Lighting)

Acrylic Rods @ 3.175mm (Corrective Lighting)


50mm Rigid Insulation

Acrylic Rods @ 25mm (Daylighting)


Exterior LED Matrix

100 400

TOP: This diagram shows the facades ability to produce a false landscape for the interior to ignore the exterior conditions of the city while also providing hues to combat season affective disorder. At the same time the exterior could be programmed to be responsive to environmental conditions



200mm Concrete Panel


BOTTOM: Precast Concrete formwork tests with different sizes of acrylic rods to test visibility.

Interior LED Matrix 50mm Concrete Panel

Incoming LED Light

1.5” Concrete embedded with Acrylic Rods and Optic Fibers

2” Rigid Insulation Routed for LED’s and Acrylic Rods

LED Matrix

As a personal interest I developed the micro controller board myself and experimented with how to program the lights.

Acrylic Rods for Exterior Only

Outgoing LED Light

Front Concrete Panel embedded with Acrylic rods at varied scales

Incoming sunlight


150 350 100

1800 600 50




1850 50 400 100



2050 100 5100

TOP: Material Tests of light and scale of acrlyic rods embedded in the concrete. RIGHT: Full Scale mock up testing scaling density and “windows” with rods going through the entire wall. BOTTOM: Fully Functioning Prototype at a smaller scale.

ACTION/REACTION The focus of this project was the translation of built details into an occupiable scale. Our group used the Reliance Building as our precedent, focusing on the double bay and joint details. These pieces were then examined through three different scales, too big, too small, and just right. The just right scale became the final design and created a field of interconnected planks and each movement creates a reaction across the field of planks. The final task was creating a series of games that forced participants to experience the object. Personal Contribution: I was personally responsible for all of the grasshopper and firefly programming and the wiring of the LED lights. Before we reached that step, I worked on the inital design within a group of 4 students. After this I helped with the construction of the final product. Team Members: Jacob D, Afshan A, Radu A, Jessica L, Salvador C, Matt M, Crystal T, Nichole T, Steven K, Diana K, and Conor L.

The slip connection of the metal from plank to plank.

Plank to fulcrum connection.

Fulcrum to base connection.

18 4A

18. Plexi Glass 1/2" x 3/4" x 15"

4B 4C 17. Nuts D - 3/4"

16. Washers D - 3/4"

15. Stainless Steel 20 Gauge


14. Sheet Metal Connections 20 Gauge


8, 13 13. Birch Wood 1/2" x 4"

2, 8,10,13


12. Birch Wood 1/2" x 15"

11. Sheet Metal 20 Gauge

10. Plywood Strips 3/4" x 4"

9 9. Steel Tubing Supports 2" x 1 1/4" x 1/8"

6 Ready-To-Use

8. Plywood 4' x 8'


Mezcla de Concreto Lisa Para Su Uso

QUIKRETE Just Add Water!

80 LB




7. Nuts D - 1/2"

6. Washers D - 1/2"

6, 7, 16, 17 5. Concrete

4A. LED lights 4B. Amplifiers 4C. Arduino Megabaord 4D. Wires 4E. Computer

3A. Rebar 3B. Bolts 3C. Conduits 3D. Ties


2. Base Wood 2" x 4"


1. Angle Iron 2" x 3"

Kit of parts.

Top: Early plank strength and safety test Bottom: Final

Top: Arduino and amplifier detail Bottom: Final

Balance it out

Balance masters

Balancing act

One person

one team

Team one

Team two

one person from team one goes to step on the lit up plank

a person from team two goes on the plank that is lit up


the second person from team one goes on to the model to balance it out

as the different planks light up one person at a time has to step onto the model until the group of people are on the model while trying to keep it balanced, but noone is allowed to stand in the center of the plank

the second person from the team two goes to the plank to balance out plank, while also trying to imbalance the other team’s plank

one person from team one goes to step on the lit up plank

people from the other team go on one by one to try to balance out the model again trying to keep the fewest number of people on the model as possible

once all members of the group are on the model it should be balanced the planks will light up if they are balanced

if both team’s planks are balanced then a new light will light up and the game start again with team two

the lights will light up if the team was able to successfully balance the model Levels of Difficulty Beginner Intermediate Difficult

if they are not able to with eight people, then the planks will light up red, and the single player is the winner

OMA COMPETITION During my externship at OMA during winter break, I worked on a competition for a small scale school building on an existing campus. As part of ten person team I worked mostly on developing a 1/8� scale model to be presented at the competition, towards the deadline other members of the team joined in on the model. I also worked produced a few diagrams. All work was developed by and for the Office for Metropolitan Architecture, New York. All rights reserved. Partners: Jason Long + Rem Koolhaas Project Manager: Lawrence Sui

Image Courtesy of Office of Metropolitan Office of Architecture, New York. All right reserved.
















Image Courtesy of Office of Metropolitan Office of Architecture, New York. All right reserved.

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