Learning Experience
Brawijaya University Advanced Diploma of Visual Communication Design
Purwadhika Coding School Course Web and Mobile Development Jul 2019 - Feb 2020
Purwadhika Coding School
Workshop and Course Foundamental UX design Des 2019
Working Experience
Jun 2019 Present
Jul 2018 Mei 2019
- Gather and evaluate user requirments in collaboration with product owner, Delivery Owner, engineers and Business Analyst - Make a product from user persona, user journey, user flow, untill wirefremes and prototyping
PT. Mitra Erat Technology ( UI/UX Designer and Head Creative ) - Gather and evaluate user requirments in collaboration with CEO, Stackholder, Engineers Team and Business Team - Make a product from user persona, user journey, user flow, untill wirefremes and prototyping - Make a logo, brand identity, design system, and style design company - Make a produce and visual asset - Make a decision design product design.
Feb 2018 Jul 2018
I’m a 24 years old, an Diploma III in major visual communication design of Brawijaya University, I’m Creative, High motivated, a self-help and fast learing person. I loverelated to art and design, Currently I live in Jakarta. My link portfolio bit.ly/portfolio_endah
PT. Prudential Life Assurance ( UI/UX Designer )
PT. Eannovate Creative Technology ( UI Designer and Graphic Designer ) - Make a product from user persona, user journey, user flow, untill wirefremes and prototyping - Make a banner website, Icon, logo and visual asset
Sep 2017 Des 2017
Jul 2016 Jul 2017
PT. Eannovate Creative Technology ( Freelance Illustration designer and Motion Animation designer) - Make Asset illustration, story board, story line, and illutration story board - Make a motion graphic and animation frame by frame. - Make editting video and sound effect.
PT. Fruity Logic Design ( Graphic Design) - Make asset visual, logo, banner, brand identity - Make design graphic for social media like Instagram, facebook, twitter, and website
( Intern Graphic Design)
- Make asset visual, logo, banner, brand identity - Make design graphic for social media like Instagram, facebook, twitter, and website
UI/UX Designer
Graphic Design
Editing Video
Logo Design
Design Interface
Animation Motion Graphic
Skill PhotoSHop
Marvel app
Premier Pro
After Effect
Adobe XD
Adobe Animate
Adobe Muse
React JS
UX CASE STUDY This Project is for creating a dashboard web application for fill form Prudential customer . The main objective of PRUHub is to help the user (prudential admin) input data customer easly and quickly with the method Automation Service.
Research process The User Target user is admin prudetial have a habits use life asia to help thier
The Problem
- user difficult to input data form user with life asia - users slow to service costumer .
User Goal - User could easly input data form costumer - User could easly access pruhub in anytime and anywhere
Based on problem users the application offer the following solution : 1. Building online ecosystem of online form. 2. Provides online forms that can be used by users anywhere and anytime
Costumer Journey
Mariah Scenario Amelia Dwi Santika is a wants to process customer requests
Mariah open pruhub
input data costumer
Process finish and get letter
process doing automation after input data
User Flow Login
Main Dashboard
Menu Paymentout
to workbaket
take case payment out
to brms verification
input data costomer
take decision
Interface Design Login page
Dashboard page
BRMS page
workbasket page
desicion page
UX CASE STUDY This Project is for creating a web and mobile application for make online course to student in elementary school, junior high school, senior high school and student don’t have to go to thecourse place. The main objective of QUPintar is to help the user can be study in everyehere and everytime with online course. the goal of QUPintar is making the user's time more efficient to learning all subjects in school.
Research process The User I defined the target user as : 9 - 18 years old and have a habits use internet.
The Problem
and need improve knowladge.
- course fees are very expensive
User Goal
- users find it difficult to find a suitable course - the course is far away - user need courses to get favorite university.
- User could easly to learning their study in everywhere and everytime. - User could easly take a online courses their want - User could easly set their time to learning.
Solution Based on problem users the application offer the following solution : 1. Building online ecosystem of online study. which provides courses online, library online, tutor online and etc 2. Provided courses online cheaper than courses offline, so user can study everytime and everywhere.
Costumer Journey
Amelia Dwi Santika Scenario Amelia Dwi Santika is a student in 12 classes. and she want take a course suitable with her parent budget.
Amelia Searching courses in internet
he is looking for a cheap course
she found QUPintar as cousers online
she get information
she take a trial online courses
she get information fee of online courses
she buying online courses
User Flow Register
Landing page
Main Dashboard
Menu QU Belajar
Search level study
get a materi in this level
Start to Learning
Wacthing video
get material to learning
get summary with infographic
get Quiz
get pricelist courses
Buying courses
Interface Design landing Page Testimoni user banner web for get user try courses
Animation rocket to get user try trial courses Product in QUPintar
Reason why user to buy packet courses.
choose material
Register and login page
Main Dashboard student
Subject courses page
Material courses page
video page
Quiz page
summary infographic page
MY DOCTER Design a booking app
Appointment with Doctor
UX CASE STUDY This Project is for creating a mobile application for make an appointment with a doctor.The main objective of MY DOCTER is to help the user make an appointment or booking schedule with doctor professional quickly and easily. the goal of MY DOCTER is provide time efficiency for user find docter and booking docter quickly
Research process
The User I defined the target user as : 20 - 45 years old and always user mobile phone in the their behaviour. and
The Problem
care with their health.
- Users difficult to make an
Solution Based on problem users the application
appointment with docter
User Goal
- user is difficult to contact hospital - user have a busy schedule
- User could easly to make appointment
- In this condition more effective to make appointment through mobile apps
for check up routine
offer the following solution : 1. Building application to make an appointment with docter 2. Building an online health ecosystem
- User could easly to set a time appointment with docter - User could make an appointment anytime
User Idetification User Persona Behaviour - Always check up her condition once every month - Care with her family - Busy schedule - Looking great doctor
Technology Expertise
Dewi Age : 25 th Job : Project Manager Origin : Jakarta
- Always make IOS mobile phone
Problem - Dewi have a busy schedule and she want to make appiontment with professional doctor. - Someday dewi have a meeting and she must reschedule the appointment with doctor. So, she want change the schedule easily .
Family Oriented Professional Healty Care
Need - Can make an appointment easily - Can knowing the professional doctor in the city - Can reschedule easily.
Emphaty Map Think & Feel
See See professional doctor
Want meet professional doctor
Booking Promosion
make an appoitment easily with doctor
see health video
Want doctor in nearest hospital
news paper & magazine Billboard
USER Hear Social Media
Say & Do Make a doctor easily
Want meet professional doctor
Suggestion from her friends
Want good hospital in nearest area
TV advertisement
Pain point
- User don’t know where the great hospitas
- User can see professional doctor
- User don’t know where is professional doctor - User don’t know schedule doctor
- User don’t know how to reschedule with doctor
- User can make an appointment with doctor - User can know good hospital in nearest area.
Costumer Journey
Dewi Scenario Dewi is office worker and she have a busy schedule. she want to make appointment with doctor for checkup her health . she want looking professional doctor in nearest hospital and she want used her insurance.
want checkup
Searching Searching professional near doctor hospital
open apps
Compere Hour
when is the date for inspection?
does it have does it have Nearest a professional hospital ? doctor in nearest area?
where is the good hospital?
Touch Point
Own Self
moment of truth
I want check up 1 week later ?
I don’t know where is the good hospital and professional doctor
Maybe, tommorow I can booking o customize with my schedule
cant used my insurance
Apps Aplication
Information information nearest professional hospital doctor
notification to set the schedule
choose the professional doctor with good hospital
Searching schedule
which doctor is good?
Input data
is my data right ?
can use insurance to pay?
Compare Competitors Good - Can search nearest hospital - Call doctor to make an appointment
- Don’t have guide in the page appointment
- Can booking doctor with order
- Don’t have a doctor complete profile
- Use trend illustration
- Can’t use trigger data with profile - Don’t have star for doctor
- Can look the price for consultant - Have a doctor profile - Can know the nearest hospital Alodocter
- have a guide to complete the data form - have a features trigger data user - have a payying with insurance
- Can’t searching the nearest doctor - Don’t use trend illutration
User Flow
Profile Doctor
Search Doctor
Search Hospital
Choose a Doctor
Complete the Form
Book doctor
Interaction Design
In hospital list have Menu All Product
a menu search
(Product and tittle
doctors in hospital
description product)
distance between hospital and user
have a step for guide user booking docter
have button cancel maybe user want to reschedule
Conslusion After we do everything from the start, it's time to do usability testing. That's because, we want to make sure again that the user will not find any pain or obstacle again to reach their goals in our application. and always makes users easy to use this app.
or maybe we can redesign and use A / B Testing with optimizely to see which design the user prefers and make useful design to users.
Thank You below is link prototype High Fidelity
Case Study How to Improve conversion rete from Product List and Product Detail
UX CASE STUDY This Project is for creating a mobile application ecommarce for selling game voucher . The main objective of this app is how to improve conversion rate from product list and product detail
Research Problem User 1. User is not satisfied because seller doesn’t send item to the customer.
2. Increasing item make user complain and buying at other competitors .
Solution Based on user problem , We can offer of solution to solve the problem :
Best Merchant
1. We can offer the new features “Flash Sell” or event “big sell” to get the increase purchase user. 2. and we can selection good merchant and make sign/watermark “Best merchant” in the item and build user trust to buying the item in itemku.
User Journey
Scenario Angga 17th Angga want to buy item skin mobile legend and he not enough money to purchase the items.
Checkout item and checking data?
open apps
Compere Price
Searching Good marchent
Searching item skin game ML
Where is the good store and low price?
What applications sell skin items ML?
where is the trusted store?
Where is low price?
Where is store selling item skin ML?
Touch Point
Own Self
moment of truth
I want play game tonight
I don’t know where is the good store and have low price?
Maybe, letter I want buy the item skin.
I get trusted store and have a low price
Apps Aplication
notification item in Cart
choose good store and promo items.
want to buy item skin
Looking low price items
Information Promo sell
item information hunt
User Flow Login
Landing Page
Flash Sale
product detail
Buy product
Check out
Take a basket
is my data right ?
Design Low Fidelity / Wireframe Landing Page /Home page
Flash sale Page
Page Product Detail
Page Payment
Design High Fidelity This link prototype High Fidelity https://bit.ly/prototypeUI Thank You
Page Payment Detail
User Flow Prototype
Home Page
Page Product Detail
Page Flash Sales
Page Product Detail
Page Payment
Page Payment Detail
Finish Transaction
: : :
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freelancer manage social media pasarwarga feb 201 - mei 2019
Design Social Media for Pasar warga
Design Social Media for wifi.id
TH A NK YO U purwatiendah22@gmail.com 087754959145 @endah_design_ @Endahmaya_d
Endah maya Purwati endah darmayanti
Purwati endah darmayanti
Maya endah
Link web portfolio http://bit.ly/portfolio_endah