~~fĂŠvrier 2017~~
There is something about this guy, he is sweet and broken. He always leaves with a “take care” and “you know everything is going to be alright in the end, right?” and a smile. I’m a bit uptight around him, though. I can’t open up. “You look tense”, “let it go, you closed book”. He likes sweetest leaves a knows he
it rough but brings up the convos after sex. He always pack of condoms cause he will be back.
The day I caught Station Sherbrooke on fire
This old lady with the sweetest smile came at me while I was walking to the Station Sherbrooke: “Hagwydba jsdgwhe bwygd shygryg?” Said she, with a unintelligible Québécois accent. “Sorry, I don’t speak french ”, I said. I should at least had tried a “Je ne parle pas français” but when I am embarrassed, english is my go-to language here.
The only question I can understand from strangers in the street is when they are asking for cigarettes. That woman asked for it but she said something else after her sentence and I just nodded a “oui”. Then when she got it, I realized she meant “deux cigarettes”.
**pussy juice its the actual name of a fragrance
where to find cool ppl in MTL??? where to go out by yrslf in MTL?? is it weird to sit by yrslf at a bar???
Living in MontrÊal feels like a dream sometimes. Maybe it’s the insane weather.
I feel a bit guilty every time I post a selfie.
Things I would like to put on my dating app profile to save me time but I’d prob scare guys away: 1.Yeah, I know you love to travel, everybody does
2. “Hobbies: sarcasm” Telling me you’re sarcastic sounds just as a socially acceptable excuse to allow yourself being an asshole and making mean jokes 3.I won’t “surprise you” or “entertain you”. 4. I hate hiking and sports and my outdoor activities goes as far as getting drunk at the park 5. I DON’T TRUST PPL WHO DOESNT LOVE CATS 6. Barely any man looks better in suits than in regular clothes, you don’t need to put out every pic you have of yourself on a suit 7. If you have cat pics and/or a bio, your changes of being swiped right increases significantly 8. DON’T ASK ME IF I HAVE A BRAZILIAN BOOTY (at least not as the first thing you say after “hi”)
backseat stories:
1. Last night I took an uber back home and I couldn’t help crying a little bit and I think the driver noticed: “Did you have a good night, girl?” in a thick Algerian accent. He tried to entertain me teaching me a bunch of Arabic words, that was nice. He aso told me I should find a canadian husband so I could stay in canada forever. 2. Last night on my way home I was crying so much in the cab, the driver asked if everything was alright with me. Twice.
Am I too promiscuous??? :c
tinder dates & hookups are easier than making new friends
I’m just looking for company, I get lonely af on weekend nights
You are on your path of success. 13 23 30 33 34 Vous ĂŞtes sur le chemin de la rĂŠussite. 3 5 14 24 49