Lei Feng (May) Master in Urban Design of UoM, UK Bachelar in Construc�on Engineering of PolyU, Hong Kong 2012-2022

The new design of Hong Kong Public Housing concerns about the severe housing problems for the all-generation.
This project means to create a new house interactive with living and working function for the craftsmen of ShadowPuppet.
The Coral Ark
This project is a coral-shaped floating building to cope with the rising sea-level inducing the loss of islands.
The utlisation of on-site materials with limited budget is the effective way to improve the environment of the stray-doghouse.
The Stray Dog's House
48-5334-4717-3334-16 2
2017 Placement 2014 Placement
- GPA: 3.43 out of 4
2016-2017 MSc in Urban Design & Int. Planning
A strategic planning and tourism design project in Lijiang Laojun Mountain, Lijiang, Yunan.
The Catholic University of America
- Awards for creative research models and best employee
The HK Polytechnic University, Hong Kong, China.
- MajorBuildingCourse:Environment; Structure Iⅈ Project MGT; Building Law
2019 Best Innovation Awards
- Participate in projects in conceptual design, interior design, architectural design, etc.
- Organize and lead the designated team for projects, including the commercial real estate, market research, or the corporate strategic -managementConductthe product design, economic assessment, feasibility, etc.
- Awards for outstanding graduation students and first grades
Email: leifeng94@163.com TEL: +85257284171
Since high school, I have been passionate about design and space. During my master’s degree, I learned the basic ideas of design and planning. After that, as a senior manager with 3.5 years of experience in consultancy and strategic planning in real estate, I have applied my strong observation and coordination skills to analyze the market and provide optimization and solutions to the main demands of clients.
- Assist the manager with technic drawing
- GPA: Distinction

2015 Exchange, Architecture and Civil Engineering 2012-2016 BSc in Building Engineering & MGT
Turley(Planning & Design Consultancy), UK. SIADR, Shanghai, China.

- Assist the manager with technic drawing, design project, etc.

3 FENG LEI MAY Contact
- A strategic planning and insutrial park in Dongguan, Guangdong.
2018 - 2021 Senior Manager 2022 - now Placement
2017 Heywood Prize
- Cultural tourism planning project of a benchmark tourist island in Sanya, Hainan.
A port strategic planning and resource introduction project in Bao'an Port District, Shenzhen. 2020-2021
Cushman & Wakefiled, Shenzhen, China. B.L.U.E. Studio, Beijing, China.
While I have found my preference and passion in design, I have gained a great sense of satisfaction through the realization of my design. Therefore, I am eager to put myself into interior and architectural design and participate in more great projects.
The University of Manchester, Manchester, UK.
A Logistics Park Planning and Design in Tianfu District, Chengdu. 2021-2022 -Hong Kong Cafe Brand Pop-up Store -Office Interior Design(400sq m)
Mandarin English Cantonese Japanese
- MajorUrbanUrbanCourse:designStudio,designProject,Integratedclient-based project, International urban design, International planning
Year: 2021
Location: Pacific Ocean/Tuvalu
Instructor: Wei-Yi Tang
Key Words: Rising-Sea-Level/Small Islands and Developing States
The residents from the Small Islands and Developing States (SIDS) have been facing great threats same as the coral reef forming their living lands. Although, nearby countries provide some helps, there still great numbers of Tuvaluans want to live their own lands, remain their culture and have their own future. This coral-shaped floating building will provide the temporary settlement and training course to enable themselves could live better future. To the end, the coral-shaped building landing in their ‘new’ lands will be the memorial square for Tuvalu and also the warning to protect environment.

No 10-501-9500,000-999,0001000,000-499,000<100,000datamillionmillion People Affected by Rising sea level Sea level change (mm. yr-1) 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3
Pacific Ocean SIDS
Caribbran Ocean SIDS
Middle East North Africa Ocean SIDS
In the next decades, Sea-level Rise (SLR) is a slow-onset and very long-lasting event the lives and livelihoods of hundreds of millions of people, infrastructure, ecosystems, coastlines. Whereas, Small Island Developing States (SIDS) due to the concentration zones has been suffered great damages and loses

Latin America
2020 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 99 98 97 96 95 94 932010 2000
SINGAPORE The truth & Data 93 92 91 1990 MicronesiaTuvalu Kiriba� PapuaTimor-LesteNew Guniea MarshallTongaCookNiueFijiVanuatuSamoaSolomonIslandsislands Epidemic,Droughts Typhoon, Others Storms and Cyclones Floods 2000 2025 2050 2075 21002000 2025 2050 2075 21002000 Senario 1 Senario 1 Senario 1 Senario 2 Senario 2 Senario 2 Senario 3 Senario 3 Senario 3 2025 2050 2075 2100 2000 2025 2050 2075 21002000 2025 2050 2075 21002000 Senario 1 Senario 1 Senario 1 Senario 2 Senario 2 Senario 2 Senario 3 Senario 3 Senario 3 2025 2050 2075 2100 2000 2025 2050 2075 21002000 2025 2050 2075 21002000 Senario 1 Senario 1 Senario 1 Senario 2 Senario 2 Senario 2 Senario 3 Senario 3 Senario 3 2025 2050 2075 2100 event of climate change posing a significant threat to ecosystems, and world heritage located near the Earth’s concentration of people, assets, and infrastructure in coastal The Major Land Loss by SLR(+1m) The most land lost countries The projection of sea level rising RCP2.6 RCP 8.5RCP4.5 80%Maldives Tuvalu63%Tonga43%Marshall40%Kribate32%Bahrain27%Comoros10%Samoa9%Mauritus5% EventsTrendsExtreme 803,719 BCE 1850 2019 1978 2019 803,719 BCE 19781850 CO2 Concentration 99% by the Rest 100400350300250200150 803,719 BCE 1850 2019 1978 2019 803,719 BCE 2018 1850 2019 1978 2019 Arctic ice melting Globle temperature 8765432 -0.3-0.600.60.30.9 Unit: Million km² Unit: ℃ South Asia 7

Tuvalu 26km2 Atolls12000 Population 80% Fishing and Agriculture 1986 19891987197918th- Treaty Friendshipof - Trust Fund - Listed as one of the disappearislandsbymonarchyconstitutionalIndependent - Formation of -islandsColonisation Independence 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 7 9 TUVALU SOUTHPACIFICOCEAN
Tuvalu has a relatively youth population, with more than 30% of total population below 15 year-olds. And 80% of the population 15 years and older participate in agricultural production and fishing.
Funafuti International
The third smallest country, among which 60% population lives on the Capital Funafuti and density is ~400 pp/km2

Airport - Shortage Water Security - Water Source Voice from The Frontline 8

The 3rd smallest country all made up of atolls, as well as the smallest economy of any country in the world

1978SecurityPacific Ocean SIDS Town Hall
- Crop Productivity and Biodiversity - Coral Reefs at Risk

Tuvalu’s Project Officially declared shortage as Participated in COP25, global efforts to reduce
global warming - '.tv' forenoughsellingdomaingotfundsapplication- Ask compensationfor Joined UN COP 26 headercisterntank Shortage of Potable Water Security Source Pollution - Limited Chance for "The Climate Refugee" - Local Cosmology - Sea Level Rising - Storm Surge and Flood Risks - Ocean Acidification Extreme weather Undefined Environment Migration 2000 2021 9
emergency -
1998 2001 2011 2015 1991incomelinesTelephoneas - New islandersofferredZealandresettle -
—— Simon Kofe Minster Tuvalu COD26

islandsoneUN Airport
We will not stand idly by as the water rises around us. We are not just talking in Tuvalu, in our region, and on the international stage to secure our future. We are sinking!

"We don’t want to leave this place. We don’t want to leave, it’s our land, our God given land, it is our culture, we can’t leave. People won’t leave until the very last minute.”
Future Now
Training Center The Floating Community

Outter protective public space and supportive structure
Quay for small craft which is connected to the inner partMain platform for radial CenterconnectionCommunity MonumentResettlementTraining Security WorseIdeal FoundationWellbeingSkills Traditional Advanced 2040s 2060s 2080s nic Radial Prop Unit Hyperbolic Structure Usage of building Timeline 11

A B DC 5 SpiralWatertankRampDome Central Tower (a-a) Living units PodiumPodium Upper Podium (b-b) 0 20Unit: meter0 20Unit: meter 2 SECTION & PLAN 122

A B DC Hyperbolic Dome Water UpperOutterPodiumTankDomeSpiralRampLivingUnitLowerLivingUnitTrainingRoomSpacePodium Hexagon Supporting Structure Public Space Metal Supporting Structure Floating Pipe Filtration & Purification Pipe 1 1 141312111098765432 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13140 20Unit: meter 0 20Unit: meter Farming Connected bridgeLivingTrainingroomsunits Outter space Pier board Ground Floor (c-c) Training rooms Underwater floor (d-d) 113

Single units Supporting base structure UsagePeople/UnitAreaDimension Floating supports Waterproof Tensile Dome 'Coral' SupportingHomes&Water Structure 5.4m x 3.5m 23 m2 4 people Fabric tensioned membrane EXPLOSIVE DIAGRAM & STRUCTURE 14

membrane structure of outter dome - Farming systems - Water recycle systems - Lifting wing - Tensile structures - System details Supports & water recycle systems Triple unitsDouble units Common bathroom lifting TensionStretch ShowersToiletsWashing Mashinee Wash basins Baby Changer Lockers Fixed FloatingStructurepipe salt water filtering & storage Rainwater Oceanwater Potable waterNonpotablewater NonpotablewaterPotable water Filter & Purification Storage tank Greywater collectiondistribution The membrane structure is anchored by wooden structure in hyperbolic shape which could make use of wind force to lift the whole structure. 1. Taro (native traditional crops) 2. Hydroponics (new types crops) 3. Oceanic veggies & fruits (environmentalfriendly4.4m5.6mcrops)x3.5mx3.0m 5.6m x 3.5m 4.4m x 3.0m x 2 5.6m x 3.5m 4.4m x 3.0m x 2 6-8 people 10-12 people - 6 showers - 8 toilets - 6 mashinewashing - 5 basins 40 m2 54 m2 54 m2 Membrane anchored into the floor will result in tensile strength. 18m 1.2m2.0m 5.8m0.80m 0.50m 0.65m13.40m 1 2 3 15

The main entrance of the floating village, which consists of 70-meter bridge which enable the residents from the boat pier to get access to the community. In the 3rd phase, this bridge will take an important part in the connection between lands and the ark.

The underwater tunner is connect different part of outter structure, which has a great view of the vivid submarine world in the Pacific Ocean.
This structure could freely float in the offing, where not far away from the lands.

Also, sufficient open area could provide the space for activities.
The inner building, half below the sea level, can provide sufficient rooms for the Tuvaluans, including the basic living skills and advanced technique skills (diving, new technologies, etc.)
The central water tank is the main resource collection and restoration for the community and there are floating farming structure surrounded by living units.
Senario of the ark
- Resettle the islanders
- Provide basic training course for settlement
PHASE III: - Memorial for the success to cope with climate change and new future - Remianing training space for the next generation

This coral-shaped floating building will provide the temporary settlement and training course to enable themselves could live better future. Therefore, it could temporarily those Tuvaluans who want to live their own lands, remain their culture and have their own future. To the end, the coral-shaped building landing in their ‘new’ lands will be the memorial square for Tuvalu and also the warning to protect environment.
- Temporary community for -TuvaluProvide advanced skills course such as underwater/ high-tech skills etc.

LIfecycle of the ark

A new type of public housing
From this TV series, we can understand that rather than developing new housing systems or improving housing conditions through class promotion, solving specific housing problems in the current situation is also an effective way out. This project will take the current Hong Kong as the background, generating public housing buildings that can meet the living needs of different groups through the operation of the limited living space and parameterized aggregation.
Location: Hong Kong
Instructor: Mei-Zi Li
Year: 2022
Key Words: High-Rise Typology
Since the 20th century, Hong Kong, one of the most important economic centers of Asia, has faced severe housing problems. Under the prudent land development strategy, from the Kowloon Walled City to public housing and subdivided housing, high-density and smallarea housing is still the living situation of most Hong Kong people. The popular TV drama Hong Kong Love Story not only narrates love, but also shows the diverse living environment of Hong Kong citizens of different classes and the conflicts between people in the face of the housing crisis.
Building/ Housing Issues/ New
Vertical Community

- Limited provision of Housing - Result in crowded Hong Kong - Highest housing price - P.R.H & Smaller size CROWDED & EXPENSIVE HONG KONG 20

Level of crowding 0.8 rooms/person 1.2 rooms/person 1.7 rooms/person≥ 600 80 29.6%17.0%51.5%1.9% 1.9% 1.9% 29.1%15.8%53.2% 5.7% 5.0% 6.0% %43.7 %38.529.3%15.7%52.9% 180160140120100 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2010 2011 2016 2021 0160100704020137 2016 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 1,2001,1001,000900800700 Construc�on Area (�²)HONG KONG IndexRentalIndexPriceSINGAPOREPARISNEWLONDONYORK Top 5 Ci�es Residen�al home prices in HK Popula�on by type of housing Domes�c households by floor area(m²) Average residential property price per square foot, in dollarsPublic rental housing Subsidised home ownership housing Private permanent Non-domestic/Temporaryhousinghousing Predic�on

Housing Crisis in Hong kong

Along with the density living spaces, inequality in Hong Kong is reaching its highest level in 45 years. According to the development plan in Hong Kong, the land and tax systems which spawned the so-called "high land price policy" might be embedded in main social and economic problems. That resultes in higher housing prices and poorer housing considtions. Therefore, more and more public housing policy should be implemented to cope with the severer housing crisis.

6 5 4 3 7 261 5 4 3 7 2 1 VOICE FROM ''HONG KONG LOVE STORY''

Poor Living Quality
Hong Kong Love Story is a popular TV series produced by TVB. The plot focuses on Hong Kong people facing land problems such as nowhere to "open a house" and subdivided houses. The story of the family of five shows the life contradictions caused by the various living patterns and living spaces in Hong Kong, and is a microcosm of the housing problems commonly faced by Hong Kong people.
the Yaus the Chens FamilyDwelling No. Property Users ElderlyElderly-sharedYoungCoupleLargeFamilyLargeFamilyFriend-sharedCoupleSingelPrivatePrivatePrivateRentalPublicPublicRental7452631 Divorced Married Married Dating Deceased ElderlySingleElderlySingle Contidion ComfortableCrowdedCrowdedCrowdedCrowdedComfortableLuxurious 21

Multiculture Affordable prices All-aged membersfamily housingConvinent Area: 12 m² 3m 1m 1m 1.5m 1.5m 1.5m 4m 1.5m3m1.5m 1.5m 2m 3m 1.5m1.5m 2.5m3m2.5m2.5m1.5m 3m 1m 3m1.5m2m 2m1m 2m 2m 1.5m1m 1.5m 1m 1.5m 1m 1m 1m 1m 2m 1m 1m1m 4m 3m Area: 24 m² Area: 36 m² Area: 48 m² Area: 60 m² Area: 72 m² The Percentage of Popu. Architectural Area VarietyBalcony The Percentage of Popu. The Percentage of Popu. The Percentage of Popu. Shared FamilyOne-person ElderlyShared room Able to change in different modes demandsGrowing Caring needs High level of Personality and Privacy High level uncerntaintyof Changing size or units for new members Improved retirementconditionslivingafter 11.4% 60% native 33% 65+(age) 118.3%unit33% foreign 41% 24-65 226.5%units living49% with familyothers7% 24% 15-24 324.4%units couples&alone38%2% 0-15 4+20.8%units hospital13% 19.6 % 48.6 % 20.5 % Personailty FlexibilityConvenienceImprovementAffordability 1 2 34 5 Personailty FlexibilityConvenienceImprovementAffordability 1 2 34 5 Personailty FlexibilityConvenienceImprovementAffordability 1 2 34 5 Personailty FlexibilityConvenienceImprovementAffordability 1 2 34 5 A-1 A-1 B-1 C-1 D-1 E-1 F-1D-2 E-2 F-2 A-3 B-3 C-3 D-3 E-3 F-3D-4 E-4 F-4 A-2 B-2 C-2 A-4 B-4 C-4 B-1 C-1 D-1 E-1 F-1 A-3 B-3 C-3 D-3 E-3 F-3 A-2 B-2 C-2 D-2 E-2 F -2 A-4 B-4 C-4 D-4 E-4 F-4 LIVING MODULAR MAIN HOUSEHOLDS 22

In that situation, the sliding wall could be folded up for more open space.
Transformable interior system of changable functions and smart furniture
The rail could be diversed according to different housing types and make space more flexible during bedtime.
Divisible interior system of moveable wall units

1.InfoGuding rails 2. Sliding track 3. Cabinet 4. Rotatable body 5. Guiding rails bed
During meal time or party time, this systems could transfer the living space into dining space.
Cooking with less oily smoke
During mealtime or party time, the structure could be folded up so that to provide more space for activity.
1.InfoGuiding rails 2. Sliding tracks 3. Partitions Divisible TransformableinteriorinteriorDivisibleinterior 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 33 544 1.8-3m 1.8-3m 1.8-3m 1.8-2.0m 1.8-2.0m 1.8-2.0m 2.5m 2.5m 2.5m 0.3-0.5m 0.3-0.5m 0.3-0.5m2-4m 2-4m 2-4m 1.8-2.2m 1.1-1.5m 0.4-0.7m 0.3-0.7m Living RoomLivingMode Room Dining Room Bedoom Dining ModeWorkingor ModeBedroom SMART SYSTEM 23
Convertible interior system of convertible and sliding partition walls
Mealtime/Party Time
Cooking with oily smoke
Considering with the cooking method and fire protection requirements, the kitchen should be well protected from fire when the oily smoke will not extend to another room.
The structure is transfered into bed during bedtime.
In the day time, the movable systems could provide more space for activity
In the day time, this structure could be transfered into living room furniture, e.g. sofa etc..
Mealtime/Party Time
Couple (2P)
Require for cooking space and enought room for their guests
Greater space for living and working space for both of all
Seperate rooms for different members and flexible space for creation and

Friends/Shareddining. (1-2P)
Seperate space during bedtime and function for working/studying B-2C-2A-2

Require for recreation and seperate space for working or studying
Middle Age (1P)

Couple (2P)
Better living quality and certain level of privacy for a couple
Friends/Shared (2-3P)
Young People (1P)
More accessible and convenient space B-4C-4A-4

Fully use of space and seperate
Thepersonselderly (1-2P)

enough space for the children, e.g. studying and living

The elderly (1P)
Accessible space for living and enough space another caring
Enough space for cookin, accessible and simple to active
Seperate(1.5P) space for working ands studying
Single-parent family


Single-parentfunctions family

The elderly (2P)
kids (4P)
Seperate rooms for each members and changeable space for uncertainty

Friends/Shared (4P)
Friends/Shared (2-3P)
Seperate rooms for each members and changeable space for uncertainty

Personal(2-3P)space and seperate room for studing or working, enough space for

Couple (2-3P)
Couple with kids

Personal space and seperate room for studing or working, enough space for recreation
Friends/Shareduncertainty (3P)

Personal space and seperate room for studing or working, enough space for recreation
Seperate rooms for each members and changeable space for

E-1F-1D-1 E-2F-2D-2 E-2F-2D-2 MODULAR PLANS 26

Seperate rooms for each members and changeable and accessible space for caring
All-aged family (3P)

Seperate rooms for each members and changeable and accessible space for caring

E-3F-3D-3 E-4F-4D-4 E-4F-4D-4 27
Family (4P)
Family (3P)
Seperate rooms for parents and children and enough space for activity, studying and working
All-aged family (5P)
Seperate rooms for each members and changeable and accessible space for (4P)

Seperate rooms for parents and children and enough space for activity, studying and working
Seperate rooms for parents and children and even young couple
Family (5P)

Public zones comprise the activity rooms and open green space.
FORMATION & FUNCTIONAL SYSTEMS 222m217m196m189m136.5m122.5m94.5m84m14m0m7m Residential Zone 4 FFFormationoFthestructureormationoFpubliczonesormationoFresidentialzonesResidential Zone 3 Residential Zone 2 Residential Zone 1 Public Zone 4 Rooftop Garden Public Zone 3 Public Zone 2 Public Zone 1 Commercial Zone Property Office DynamicprivateStatic/ Cafe 1 31432 DayProjectionClassroomCommunityClassroomCommunityRoomCare 28

- Aggregation of Residential Units
- Functional Blocks & Formation

Living blocks on one side of the core will serve as the 'container 'of the aggregation operation.

Six types of living modules are aggregated in the large residential block according to the set rules.

- Main Components of

will be further
The building is mainly composed of a core tube structure with living blocks surrounded by four sides. Public functional blocks are inserted in the

- Grid & Central Structure

Public Units
The public blocks and the residential blocks are arranged according to the 4m*4m grids, so that the two areas with different functions and mass could have a unified order.Thestaircase will be the link between the green spaces and enhances the continuity of the hanging garden.

The glass curtain wall divides the hanging garden into semi-open area and open are while retaining natrual light.
to the living space, it meets the diverse living needs of the residents of the building. While it breaks the order of residential blocks of the building and forms a breathing space in the depressing and highdensity city context.

The living modules randomly
transformed into corresponding specific apartment types. Community Library Study Room Chess GYMSharedRoomOffice42 29

- Details of Public Zones
The spatialgardenformingoneheightspublicinterspersedTheandspacesblocksbetweenrelationshipfunctionalandgreenislikesolidvoid.greenspacesareinthezones,withrangingfromtothreefloors,ahangingwithvariousexperiences.


C-1 Interior
The room for parent with two kids have seperate room and flexible space for working ands studying within the limited area of the house.

This is the room for a middle-aged household, who requires better quality of living, including the nature light and cooking.
B-1 Interior
The room for two friends or roommates with the moveable wall could seperate space for both of all to maintain the privacy.

D-3 Interior
A-2 Interior
The senario is a party held by the households while the moveable wall save more space for recreation and curtain could keep privacy of different rooms.
Colorful and vivid finishes with greenery will provide great skyline in the designated districts.
Public space
Half outdoor space will provide the nature light and air for the residents.

Half-outdoor space
There are four gathering public space in the building with indoor agarden providing the recidents places for different activities.

Year: 2022
Area: 500 m2
Location: Beijing, Dongcheng District
Instructor: Jia-Hui Yuan
Craftman's Home
Craftsman, an artisan who has achieved such a standard that he may establish his own workshop and take on apprentices, used to be the essential parts of the ancient society in the middle age. Also, they take the most vital role in Chinese traditional arts, who inherits the art from their parents. Because of the higher costs of house, studio, operation and less competitiveness with new media, one of the most valuable art, Shadow Puppetry, has been continually in decline.
This project means to create a new house interactive with living and working function for this craftsman regarding to reduce their operation costs and provide space for exhibition and performance.
Key Words: Craftman/Single House
Madame White Snake Generals of Yang Journey to the West Newformationofspaceforthem emocniartxeniagotmehtrofyawelbixelferoMitsrutamadnaecneiduarofyawevitcaretnieroMeonteractwithMoreflexibleand creative space to perform Limted space for performing tneHomeasworkingspaceLackofHeritageRequirmfodellikssnosrep aidemevititepmoC fdeNesonewwayforpromoting roomsettingWellEnoughspaceforbothbandsandperformers Self-madestudioFamilyasateamTrainingspaceExhibitionManufacturing LessTraditionpromotioninteractivewithyounggenerationNeweraofentertainmentMovie,TVandothersreplacethefunctioncreatedbyshadowPuppets LessculturePrejudiceengagementLackareandSomeofskillstechiniqueslostofpassionandofoldcourage Higher costsLower UnstableROIincomesNeedsoflong-termlearning 16th 19th 20th 2006Ming and Qing Dynasty as the famous art in the Beijing Shadow puppets have been threatened by movie and other entertainment One of the Intangible Cultural Heritage TIME DevelopmentLINE History SWOTs of THE ART Art Form & Classic Shows Audience Famous Shows PuppetsScreen players Lights (civilian & royal) (paper or curtain) (1-5 (candlepersons)orlamps) S WTO - High Value of Art - Long History - Unique Way of with---Audience-PerformanceInteractivewithRenaissanceofCultureProtectivePoliciesCreativeCombinationNewMedia - Less Profit - Lower Productivity - Limits of Performance - High Costs - Threat from New Media - Lack of Heritage - Less Attractions to the new age - Lack of Space THE ART OF SHADOW PUPPETS 35

1 1 5 5 3 3 2 2 6 6 4 4 Site

100m Legend Hutong Site Site I'm a successor of shadow puppet I'm an apprentice of shadow puppet I'm an amateur to study shadow puppets I'm a designer and like elements of shadow puppets Site GreeneryRiver Attractions Schools Main street Subway 2nd roads Bus 3rd roads Parks and Attractions Gulou and Hutong Art Collages 400m 800m

Beijing, a city with rich culture and long history, has been gathering lots of artists and authorities established for protecting traditional culture. The Dongcheng and Xicheng district will be an ideal place to have this home for craftsman to promote and present.


Partial living function will be surrounded by the working rooms.

The overall structure of building inspired by the Mobius Ring which indicate the cycle of cultural heritage and the formation function is referred to the story of tradition.

Mobiusband represented the cycle and development of the traditional art.
Shadow puppet artists need multiple space for the art ofgreatvisitorstraditionalthemcost-savingthewhichintowithNewlivingworkingperformaingincludingspace,spaceandspace.waytointeractthreespaceacomplexhomewillprovideconvnientandwayfortosustainthisart.Thecouldhaveunderstandingthisart.
Workingarea CanteenKitchen& privateBedroom&otherspace Livingroom&Guestsroom
Working space Mobiusband MainInteractivefunctionssolution
Living space

The Mobius ramps within the degree of 15 will be the main access and connect two units of the house.
There are two different systems for the facade. One is Cementitious Siding and another with membranehalf-transparentfacade.
Formation Process
The screen between the audience and artists as the wall of different rooms in a building.
Symbolic & Functional

Performing Public space

The working space will be built underneath the living space.
1st floor area is mainly used for working.
1st Floor Ramp
2nd floor area is mainly used for the residents with the certain level of privacy.

The roof is 'bended' along the outter structure, which looks like Mobius Ring from the front view.
RooftopSidewall Thin-film
Curverd sidewalls with different sizes of windows provide enough light.
This membrane strcuture is half-transparent to ensure enough light for the inner space.
2nd floor
The sidewalls of the ramp have windows with different angle could have view on working scenarios. So-called "The journey of Shadow Puppets"
ProcessingGardeningPerforming 23:3021:3019:3017:3015:3013:3011:3009:3007:3019:30 21:30 23:30 08:30 13:30 09:3015:30 17:30InteractingExhibitionTeaching Watching TV Scratching Washing Selecting Drawing Carving Painting Joining Playing Cooking Sleeping CleaningWorkingLivingInteracting FUNCTIONS & MOVEMENT 39

metermeter 0 1F FLOOR PLAN 2F FLOOR PLAN 0 5.85.8 7.37.3 1. Southern Entrance 2. Storage of leather and equipment 3. Scratching Bench 4. Washing Bench 5. Curving & Painting Bench 6. Water Bar 7. Kitchen Counter 8. Canteen 9. Performing Space 10. Audience Space 11. Northern Entrance 12. Garden 1. Clothing shelf 2. Balcony 3. Main Bathroom 4. Bedroom1 5. Bedroom 2 6. Bathroom 7. Guest room 8. Living room 9. Atrium (hinging up the propetries) 10. Balcony 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 910 11 12 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 40

The south entrance is mainly for the residents, which is close to the trail for the major pedestrian movement.
The northern entrance is mainly for the audience with relatively public location. The passengers from the outside could have view of inner households through the thin-films, which seems like shadow puppets.
1. Northern Entrance 2. Semi-transparent film 3. Balcony 4. Windows that can look into the house 1. Southern Entrance 2. Semi-transparent film 3. Balcony 4. Windows that can look into the house 1 1 22 223 3 4 4

C C A A 8.00m 7.00m 14.60m 13.10m 8.00m 1.30m6.70m0.03m0.05m 0.02m0.05m0.50m0.15m Roof structure Thin film Supporting structure 4.00m 4.00m 3.00m 3.00m 1.00m 0.24m0.12m 0.24m0.36m0.48m 1.78m 5.78m 1.38m2.00m0.24m0.24m0.72m 0.24m 4.00m 1.38m 10.00m Section A-A Section C-C 28.90m2.70m SECTION & DETAILS 42

B B 14.60m 13.10m 1.30m6.70m 8.00m 0.75m 0.75m 0.75m handrailGlazing 0.50m0.15m Cladding floorSlidingCladdingSurfacehandrail'T'Tracktrack28.90m2.70m 7.00m 8.00m 4.00m 4.00m 3.00m 3.00m 1.00m 0.24m0.12m 0.36m 0.24m 1.50m 1.36m 6.26m 2.72m 1.50m 0.12m0.12m 0.30m 0.20m 0.30m 0.24m0.40m 1.68m 5.94m 2.72m 1.38m 0.12m 1.38m Section B-B 43

The performing space is flexible and variable with different functions

Where the visitors can see the craftsman working on the puppetry

The corridor connects different rooms and can see the garden.

The inner part can enjoy the Hutong view.
From the site, the Gulou Park is around 15m away.
1st2rdRampSidewallThin-flimFloorFloorThere is temporary parking opposite the southern entrance.
GULOU Park Hutong Complex Parking

There classiccommercialareandresidentialunitsmixed.

The street called Cao Chang has the main flows for this project Minor street

Zhonglou Wan Hutong Trail only for passenger
Caochang N. Ln
Key Words: Stray Dog Problems/Emergent House/Installation/Renewal Project
The stray dogs’ population has been shrinking in the last few years, which is caused by abandoned, illegal kennels and so on. The increasing of stray dogs might aggravate the uncontrolled reproduction, safety and healthy issues.
This project is a regeneration design for an existing stray dogs’ house in Yunnan, which is in poor situation and the NGO group has limited budget to renovate the house. Therefore, the design focuses on the utilization of recycling materials to satisfy the function for the house and make the units more effective and flexible.
Stray Dogs' House
Instructor: Mei-Zi Li 2022 2300 m2
Location: Yunnan Province, Kunming
Stray dog’s house is one of the effective ways to mitigate this problem, which could provide them a place to settle down, a shelter to be treated, a hope to be adapted.
Feeding time
There are no clear movement for the staff and visitors that might result in interruption for the routine works and safety issues.
The feeding time is quit a challenges that they have to feed hundreds of dogs simultaneously with the limited number of staff and poor equipment.

Cleaning the house is one of consuming works for the staff and also aggravates the health issue among those dogs
Poor hygienic situation
No-partitioned space
Becaused of the limited number of staff, the lawn with large space is careless and unable to provide activity space for those dogs.
Stray Dog & The Site for Them 阻阻 49
Careless lawn
Stray Dog Problems in the City
Poor situations in Stray-dog house
Many of them tramped the street and scavenged through garbage for foods, where might be expelled by the people surrounding.

Older Dogs (9-16 yr-old)
Puppy Dogs (0-1)

Most stray dogs have certain degree of checkups.toThereforeproblems.healthyitisvitalhaveregular
Rest in PlayingCleaning-UpCageFeeding&TrainingTreating&Examination

is crucial part in their dailyPlayinglife. is vital for the dogs to recover, to learn and to be trained


Cleaning the house is an essential task , which could prevent the health issues and give the dogs a better place for
Adult Dogs (1-9)

Dogs on crate rest recover better if they have a regular daily routine. Most of dogs have to sleep more than 12 hours a day.
Demands Analysis & Senario dogsofAmount

0 10 15 Unit: m 2 1 3 6 66 7 9 8 10 6 11 11 12 13 14 15 16 1718 19 21 20 4 455 5 5 5 5 51
Plan & Illustration

1. Guest center & Reception Discharge room Observation room Semi-open feeding yard Open-air feeding yard Mixed kennel Staff office Kitchen Changing & Washing room Storeroom Large & medium dog kennel Small dog kennel Treatment room Isolation room Agibility yard Play installations Playground Access Meeting room Waiting room Washing(for dog) room
Modular & Installations Modular Units 0.4m 0.75m0.55m 1.2m 1.2m 0.9m 0.9m0.40m0.55m 0.75m 0.3m0.35m0.45m 0.9m 9.5 m 9.5 m 0.9m 1.2m 1.4m 0.2m 1.8m0.4m0.3m 1.5m 2.1m 1.2m 1.6m 0.9m 0.3m 0.35m 0.45m 0.3m 0.45m0.35m front viewsection woodwood Luminum panelsLuminumLuminumstrips strips Plastic Tunnels Plastic Tunnels RecycleCardboardfabric Box top viewtop view


Feeding Systems& Examination

Play Installations

Recycled Materials panelsPlywood&supports 3m 8m 3.6m 4m 1.5m 0.9m 0.9m Luminumstrips Constructionmembrane Tranditionaldoghouse Deconstructed (capableRebuiltof1dog & 1 person) Cardboardboxes section section luminum truss Ramps Plywoods and muds Rubber wheels and muds Plastic tunnels JumpingTunnelsobstacles transparent membraneLuminum strips Plastic Rubber enlarged(Cardboardcagebox) front view front view top view top view Regularcages Rubberwheels Discharge Installations Play TreatingInstallations&Examination 8.6m φ 0.6 m φ 1.2 m 0.6 m 0.853m

0 2 5 10 54
Play Installation
As some of strayed dog may need to be quaranteed because of the disease or the physical conditions.
There was no seperate house for those dog which induced in poor hygiene and repeatitive work for the staff. By using of recycled paper work from logistics can provide sufficient houses
Green Dog Park

Varied Recycled Dog House
Dog Feeding Systems

Entrance of The Home
The use of recycling materials, such as pipework and rubber tires are put on the central greenery space as the installations for agibility of dog and play.
The use of recycling materials, such as pipework and rubber tires are put on the central greenery space as the installations for agibility of dog and play.
The systems could have sufficient space for numbers of dogs to eat and drink. Besides, there is space for feeder to easily fill up the foods

Rescued/Open-up Cage
As some of strayed dog may need to be quaranteed because of the disease or the physical conditions.

This dog is so cute! Can I adopt him?
thirsting...Starving, I could run freely !! I could safely feed my babies 03:00 AM 12:00 PM 13:00
Sure! You can put your name down for adoptator. In the following days, we will call you and make sure this dog fully vaccinated. Thanks for your coming and kindness.

In the past, they might fight each other due to great difference among dogs. The feeding systems have long cribs and I can put the foods into central storage without

get my works more effectively with rational partitioned space. Meanwhile, this dog can also play when I am working. They used to run to me when I carried out the foods for them. PM PM PM PM PM
This is the new dog we found yeasterday in a bad condition. We need do a whole checkups. She needs a single room for adpating
10:00 AM 55
E-mail: leifeng94@163.com Tel: ISSUU:+85257284171https://issuu.com/mayfeng1 CONTACT 56

https://issuu.com/mayfeng1leifeng94@163.com CONTACT 58