2 minute read
How will you leave your mark?
For more than 136 years, Mayhew has been here for dogs, cats, pet owners and communities. The support we have been able to provide to animals in need over that time has been greatly aided by gifts left to us in our supporters’ Wills.
In fact, last year more than half of our income came from these gifts. Legacy gifts, of all sizes, can have a transformational impact on the work we’re able to do, now and in the future.
In the past, thanks to our supporters’ bequests, we’ve been able to pay for a new roof on our cattery and refurbish our dog kennels, ensuring that we have safe and comfortable facilities for dogs and cats in need. Any gift you give will make a big difference to the animals in our care.
Mr BJE* remembered Mayhew in his Will in April 2023. His daughters and partner were his main beneficiaries, but he was clearly passionate about animal welfare, leaving a specified amount of his estate to Mayhew and IFAW.
Another very kind supporter, Mr GF* not only left Mayhew a significant sum of money from his estate, but also a share of the proceeds from the sale of his treasured film soundtrack collection.
Including a gift in your own Will to Mayhew is easier than you might think – just follow these steps:
Unusual legacies
Whether it was Harry Houdini leaving his wife a code to communicate from beyond the grave or Napoleon Bonaparte leaving his close friends the hair from his shaved head, the history of unusual gifts left in Wills dates back centuries. And the UK’s charities have also received their fair share of surprising gifts.
The Charities Aid Foundation (CAF) was left a book of rare autographs as part of a legacy from a retired school teacher. The book contained signatures of twentieth century film stars from stage, screen and classical music, including Vivien Leigh and Sir John Mills.
1. Make a note of our charity details found at the end of this article. You will need our full name and details to ensure the gift reaches us.
2. Decide what type of gift you would like to include in your Will. A residuary gift is where a percentage of your estate is donated once all other payments and gifts have been made. Or a pecuniary gift is where a specific amount of money is set aside in your Will. These are two common ways to commemorate your love of animals.
3. Consider inheritance tax. By including 10% of your estate to charity you can reduce the amount of Inheritance Tax you pay and support a cause close to your heart.
4. Create or adjust your Will. Once you’ve got this far, it’s time to visit a solicitor to have your Will drawn up or adjusted. If you don’t have a solicitor, you can find one in your area by contacting the Law Society.
A gift in your Will to Mayhew is an incredible way to leave a lasting legacy for dogs and cats in need of the care, support and love they deserve. Thank you so much if you’ve already thought of us in yours.
The Mayhew Home Registered charity 1077588
Mayhew, Trenmar Gardens, London, NW10 6BJ
Oxfam has received a number of unusual legacies over the years, including a letter written by Florence Nightingale, the royalties to a number of books and plays, as well as a pair of gold teeth and a dentist’s chair from a former dentist! One RNLI supporter left specific instructions in his Will for his money to be spent on a round of drinks for the members and helpers of the Penlee lifeboat crew.
Cheers to that and to all these wonderful legacies!
If you would like to find out more about leaving a gift in your Will, please visit themayhew.org/giftsinwills