My Sketchnotes Project

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Started in

July 2011 Completed in

January 2012 Moleskine Model

Ruled Notebook 192 pages • 9x14cm Pen Model

UniPin Fine Line 08 @maykelnunes 2012 | BRASIL

One idea + One Moleskine Helvetica + One music per page = My Sketchnotes project

Uma ideia + Um Moleskine Helvetica + Uma música por página = Meu Projeto Sketchnotes

Since when one of my illustration was selected to join the Moleskine

Desde quando um dos meus trabalhos foi selecionado pela Moleskine para fazer parte do Cover Art Collection 2011, eu senti vontade de desenvolver um projeto inteiramente com tipografias. Venho há um bom tempo estudando a fonte não apenas como texto mas também como imagem, e nesse caminho encontrei excelentes profissionais, entre eles posso citar @chrispiascik, @rohdesign, @JacquiOakley e Greg Eckler, inspirações diárias e constantes. Nesse meio tempo, um Moleskine edição limitada Helvetica permanecia parado há mais de um ano no meu armário, esperando o momento certo para ser utilizado. Para fazer desse projeto algo ainda mais pessoal, resolvi utilizá-lo para treinar meu inglês de uma maneira divertida. Foi então que surgiu a ideia de criar letterings com letras de músicas que eu gosto, ou que fizeram sucesso no período do projeto ou ainda que foram sugeridas por amigos. É isso! A ideia inicial era postar uma música por dia, mas por conta de outro projeto que foram surgindo só consegui fazer isso até a música #67. Você confere a seguir o resultado final com um moleskine pocket recheado de referência visual. Divirta-se!

Cover Art Collection of 2011, I felt inclined to develop a project entirely

with typography. I’ve been for a long time studying the font not only

as text but also as an image, and I discover excellent artists, among them I can mention @chrispiascik, @rohdesign, @JacquiOakley

and Greg Eckler, daily and constant inspirations. In the meantime,

remained stationary for more than a year in my closet, a limited edition Moleskine Helvetica, waiting for the right time to be used. To make this

project something more personal, I decided to use it to train my English in a fun way. I had then the idea to ​​create letterings with lyrics that I like, or that were on hit parade, or that were suggested by friends.

That’s it! The initial idea was to post a song per day, but because of

other projects that came along I could only do this until song # 67. In

the following pages you can check the final result of a moleskine with a lot of visual reference. Enjoy!

# 001

# 002

# 003

# 004

# 005

# 006

# 007

# 008

# 009

# 010

# 011

# 012

# 013

# 014

# 015

# 016

# 017

# 018

# 019

# 020

# 021

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# 025

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# 034

# 035

# 036

# 037

# 038

# 039

# 040

# 041

# 042

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# 044

# 045

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# 047

# 048

# 049

# 050

# 051

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# 055

# 056

# 057

# 058

# 059

# 060

# 061

# 062

# 063

# 064

# 065

# 066

# 067

# 068

# 069

# 070

# 071

# 072

# 073

# 074

# 075

# 076

# 077

# 078

# 079

# 080

# 081

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# 083

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# 085

# 086

# 087

# 088

# 089

# 090

# 091

# 092

# 093

# 094

# 095

# 096

Thanks Folks!

Maykel Nunes is a Brazilian graphic designer born in 1982. He lived in the U.S. from 5 to 9 years old and started drawing since childhood. Like every kid he watched many cartoons, was a comics collector and believed that Lego was the first discipline to stimulate creativity in his life. Throughout adolescence he pretended to be a journalist, but ended up opting for Graphic Design. In March 2009 he received a Moleskine as a gift from a friend coming from Italy then he had the idea of rescuing his childhood habit of drawing without compromise. After filling a few pages, he decided to publish his work on Flickr and with the power of the web he had his work published on websites and blogs all over the world. In 2011, the Moleskine selected him and two other artist in the world to join the Moleskine Cover Art Collection stamping his art in a special notebook.

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