Writing Sample Toms Eyewear Communications Plan

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Mayra Gonzalez Summer 2013

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Executive Summary .................................................................................................................... 3 Background ................................................................................................................................. 4 Situational Analysis ...................................................................................................................... 8 Problem/Opportunity ................................................................................................................. 9 TOMS Eyewear Goal ................................................................................................................... 9 Objectives .................................................................................................................................... 9 Key Publics ................................................................................................................................. 10 Key Public Profiles...................................................................................................................... 10 Brand Positioning ....................................................................................................................... 12 Brand Framing ........................................................................................................................... 13 Messaging .................................................................................................................................. 13 Strategies & Tactics ................................................................................................................... 14 Calendar .................................................................................................................................... 17 Budget ........................................................................................................................................ 18 Evaluation .................................................................................................................................. 20 Appendices: References ......................................................................................................... 23 SWOT Analysis ................................................................................................................ 25 Original Research .......................................................................................................... 27 Other Key Publics .......................................................................................................... 28 Creative.......................................................................................................................... 31 Confirmation Table ................................................................................................................... 38

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Executive Summary ______________________________________________________________________ Over the past 6 years, the socially-­‐conscious for-­‐profit organization unlike any other, has made their mark in the shoe industry. With their huge accomplishment of donating over 1 million shoes to children in need, TOMS has set their sights on building on their foundations. The fundamentals on which TOMS stand for are rooted within the company culture from the beginning. With a household name like TOMS, many have associated the brand with the limitation to one industry; which are shoes. While the goal of staying relevant to consumers and building the awareness of their product has reached a level of consciousness, it leave little to no room for a brand intended for multiple products.

After much speculation, TOMS has unveiled their new initiative. TOMS eyewear

launched in the spring of 2011 with the highest of expectations to follow the footsteps of the shoes. A full year has now passed since the launch and the product has not gained the attention anticipated by consumers. Although the eyewear products have the same business model as their shoe counterparts, the outreach for awareness on the eyewear has not effectively translated into the market. A communication plan set in place to bring awareness to this new product would prevent future products from going through similar situations and thus building a true multi-­‐product organization focused on social consciousness.

The following plan will outline the state of situational analysis, opportunities and move

towards effectively establishing strong relationships with key publics that impact the TOMS organization directly. In turn, the plan will outline strategies for effective communication with Mayra Gonzalez | 3

all of those key publics needed to aid in the success of the TOMS eyewear products. While the TOMS brand has gained much success within the shoe industry, they are quickly becoming a highly recognized shoes brand. However, according to the One for One model and the future of TOMS, that recognition may not be the awareness that the brand wants. Through this plan, we will focus our efforts not only gaining TOMS eyewear a place within the eyewear industry, but in turn, aiding in building awareness on the fact that TOMS is a multiple-­‐product lifestyle brand.

BACKGROUND ______________________________________________________________________ Founded in 2006 by Blake Mycoski, a successful entrepreneur with many financial endeavors, TOMS has by far, been his success story that started with an inspired idea. On a trip to Argentina, Blake saw the need in the world for children have the basic need to access shoes. Since then, TOMS created an enormous movement in the past 6 years as a socially-­‐conscious retailer in the footwear industry. In their first year alone in 2006, the business gained huge momentum and sold 10,000 pairs of shoes. That achievement has only continued to grow into what the TOMS brand had currently become. The unique angle of a company inspired to do charitable work all over the world focused on footwear has sparked curiosity all over the country, which has in turn contributed to over 20 countries benefiting from the company. Because of the magnitude of the success TOMS has had, they have created a brand that has catapulted them into an established shoe brand that competes with the big shoe companies in their own right with 6 years of financial and global success.

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As the success of the company continues to grow, their products grow in alignment. TOMS has launched their eyewear products that follow the shoe business model. For every TOMS eyewear product bought, aid for one person to gain sight is granted. One For One. Their business model is a proven mold which incorporates trends and pairing up with partners that are in alignment with their vision all wrapped up to create a customer base that are both socially-­‐conscious and trendsetters. With the new launch of this product back in 2011, the awareness for this product has not yet gained the recognition their shoe product had in their first year of sales.

Market Industry: While TOMS has made their way and established their own real-­‐estate

within the shoe industry, they have yet to accomplish the same within the eyewear industry. Some of the top brands in eyewear include Ralph Lauren, Ray-­‐Ban, Prada, Dolce & Gabbana, Oakley and DKNY. While those brands have been at the top of the industry for quite some time, there are new brands within the industry making their mark. Those new names include Dior, Madwell, Miu Miu, Tom Ford, and Alexander Wang. These brands have started to slowly but undeniably begun sparking new trends within the industry while providing fresh takes on classic looks. Toms too, has products that have a classic yet innovative merchandise.

External Environment: Although the country is at a state where the economy is not as

its best, consumers are still willing to buy the product. Fashion progresses everyday and those with that disposable income are the consumers that TOMS looks towards. The leaders in the eyewear industry continue to thrive and consumers trust their quality products. The trendsetters and early adopters that are interested in something new and willing to break free from the masses are the ideal customer for TOMS. Mayra Gonzalez | 5

Company Culture: The TOMS headquarters is based in Santa Monica, California. Their

offices are filled with cubicles but still maintain a community environment. Many of their employees are just as passionate about giving and community services as the CEO Mycoski. The company creates and posts videos on their social media sites about the interworking’s of their facilities, the fun they have, and testimonials of all the shoe and eyewear drops they are involved with.

The Product: In terms of different styles, TOMS eyewear currently offers 56 eyewear

options for women and 41 options for men. Many of products are unisex and all of the products are sunglasses. The price of TOMS sunglasses range from $119 to $169. Every pair of sunglasses contain 3 stripes which are hand-­‐painted originating from the stem. The stripes represent the three foundation or representations of the One for One model; you, the person you are helping give sight to, and the connection between the two elements.

Market Share: The eyewear industry was in huge turmoil during the economy’s

recession. 2008-­‐2009, the industry had to make drastic changes due to lowered households having less disposable income. Changes included, lowering the price of products and competing with competition promising a similar product for less. Within 2010-­‐2011 however, the industry began to grow again with the more and more companies looking to better their financials. The TOMS product realizes that pricing their product the way that has been currently established, they provide a quality product that competes with the other higher-­‐costing eyewear brands. While this stance in the market is a bold position, the TOMS brand stands to prepare itself for a long term key player within the eyewear brand. Consumers of the TOMS brand demand high

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fashionable products intertwined with a global awareness and that is exactly what TOMS hopes to continue to bring.

Competitors: The only competitor that does a similar initiative to TOMS eyewear is the

Warby Parker company. Their products include optical and sunwear for both men and women. Warby Parker has adopted a “Buy a Pair, Give a Pair” business model. Warby too has understood the need to provide those in need with prescription optical glasses. Unlike Warby, TOMS has a competitive advantage that includes not only providing prescription glasses but providing sight-­‐saving surgery or medical treatment as well. This advantage over the Warby Parker is not only a competitive advantage, but able to aid more people in need so the support is much more broad.

Company Media and Promotions: TOMS understand the value of social media. With

this understanding, on their main landing page they have direct buttons that link to their official Facebook, Twitter and YouTube page. With an easy Twitter name to find like @TOMS, their consumers are able to communicate with the company very effectively. On the homepage of TOMS online, the eyewear initiative is clearly the main priority of the company. There are easy access buttons to shop the eyewear products right away, as well as easy access buttons to understand how the eyewear initiative will work in a video format for effortless understanding. The “Summer of Sight” and “Shades of Summer” are the two main taglines that promote the product for the season.

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Situation Analysis ______________________________________________________________________ At the core of the TOMS brand, all products contain the purpose of providing the consumer a fashionable product that educates them on the realities of the world where there are people in need. Not only are the consumers educated, but with little to no almost no effort, they are aiding in the initiatives of the TOMS organization and the partners of whom they work with respectively. The current communication within the organization relies highly on word-­‐of-­‐ mouth and inexpensive outreach (ex. Social media strategies). Their One For One business model is transcendent of both retail arenas of shoes and eyewear, which shows a bright future in the way they can continue to grow. Based on market research, their products are targeted towards a young-­‐adult demographic. (ex. Trendsetters, early adopters, fashionistas). The TOMS eyewear products are a fairly new product that has the same model as their highly popularized shoe products but they have not gained the same recognition. Potential difficulties that TOMS may face while implementing their eyewear campaigning is that TOMS themselves might be taking the attention of their over-­‐arching One For One foundation by focusing on a single product. Another issue related directly with the product, is that the current taglines that are currently building the eyewear campaign, all relate to the season. In the future, while having the campaign focus on the season might seem to give a fresh look the products, those types of efforts might not be beneficial in helping the consumer relate the product to the basis of TOMS. The One For One branding is the essential foundation important to educate to consumers to understand the TOMS brand as a whole.

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Problem/Opportunity ______________________________________________________________________ Although the business model and structure for the eyewear is almost identical, the product has not gained much publicity and awareness as the organization expected and if this product does not instantly help the customer relate is back to the proposed form of education, the product will not reach the full intended potential and therefore will not be able to stand out in the market.

Goal ______________________________________________________________________ Generate consumer awareness of the TOMS eyewear products by establishing TOMS as a lifestyle brand in which all products have the One For One structure to help individuals in need.

Objectives ______________________________________________________________________ 1. Improve the TOMS eyewear branding through a creative renovation for the fall season in order to remain relevant within the market within the next month.

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2. Raise awareness of TOMS eyewear products, through an external communications audit in order to increase sales by 30% within the next 10 months. 3. Educate current TOMS followers on the over-­‐arching business model by measuring knowledge through social media in order to increase engagement by 10% within 12 months.

Key Publics ______________________________________________________________________ 1. Early Adopters/ Trendsetters 2. Socially-­‐Conscious Consumers 3. Press/Media

Key Public Profiles ______________________________________________________________________ The following three publics are the key demographics where this plan will focus on targeting. In order for the plan to reach its objectives, TOMS two specific consumers as well as the media are essential for the organization to remain in the market place. To read more on other demographics involved, read Appendix C. Early Adopters/ Trendsetters

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This public includes men and women between the ages of 15 and 35. The demographic has a disposable income or is supported by people with a deposable income, as each pair of sunglasses in the TOMS eyewear line is over $100. This demographic cares about staying at the cutting edge of fashion and making sure they are trendsetters. They are particularly concerned with owning the latest products that set them apart in a style setting. This public is not afraid to try new things or products and are known for setting the fashion trends. These young early adopters have a disposal income and it was this very public that helped TOMS gain the awareness that their shoe products have. Making sure this demographic is targeted is of the essence because word of mouth and early trendsetting is how the eyewear will begin to build a successful awareness. Socially-­‐Conscious Consumers This public deeply cares about individuals internationally and nationally in need. They are activists and members of charities in their communities. This demographic is important because they are the group that actually researches the TOMS organization to be fully versed, help get the word out if it is worth their while, and actually takes action. TOMS will thrive when this public is well-­‐educated on the eyewear because while they become the consumer, they also aid in others becoming consumers by mentioning the benefits of the product. Press/Media/Bloggers This demographic is a key public for the reason that they are the influencers. The press and media that cover the brand will influence the masses on the brand. It is important to have a good relationship with this demographic to make sure that the TOMS desired brand gets Mayra Gonzalez | 11

translated in a way in which people are educated on the business model in which the eyewear products will be propelled to a higher awareness. As previously mentioned, the target demographic for TOMS consumers are young adults. For this reason, digital marketing and media online reach the specific demographic. Advertising with key-­‐relating websites, social media outreach, and key blogger reviews on products will gain that interactivity desired with the demographic.

Brand Positioning ______________________________________________________________________ When the public thinks of the TOMS brand, they think of shoes and charitable work. The shoes have become somewhat of a symbol of the current stylish trend in alignment with “young American” culture. Today, the TOMS brand needs to be in a position to stay relevant to their key publics in a space where they are known not only for their shoes, but for all of their products as the company continues to grow. More specifically, TOMS eyewear products need to build their presence within the eyewear industry. Now that the TOMS brand has expanded into the eyewear market, the brand needs to take a position where their audience is aware of their business model, which in turn, understands their humanitarian work. In addition to understanding the operations of the company as a whole, the brand needs to maintain the appealing style to their key publics that buy their products.

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Brand Framing ______________________________________________________________________ Intended Frames: •

Social Responsibility: TOMS cares about the world and the individuals that need basic aid such as having shoes to walk within their communities and the access to take care of their eyes to maintain or help their sight.

Stylish/Fashionable: TOMS eyewear is a trendsetting product is not only helping the world, but is a high-­‐fashionable quality product.

Action: After knowing the model of the One for One brand of TOMS, key publics will take the step of actually going out and purchasing the product to aid those in need thus completing the business objective.

Messaging ______________________________________________________________________ Primary Message: Set your sights on the world. With every pair you purchase, TOMS will help give sight to a person in need. One for One. ™ Secondary Messages: •

Just like TOMS shoes, we are providing the same structure with our eyewear to help those in need.

You are helping to provide prescription glasses, sight-­‐saving surgery, or medical treatment by purchasing a TOMS eyewear product.

The Seva Foundation partners with us to complete this One for One initiative.

Primary Message: Set your sights on the world. Eyewear is a form of expression no matter who you are. How do you style your TOMS?

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Secondary Messages: •

The new TOMS eyewear will provide you with cutting-­‐edge fashion intertwined with a purpose. Buy yours today.

With TOMS you get the fashionable look and the knowledge that your purchase has helped give someone the gift of sight.

Just like TOMS shoes, you will purchase a high-­‐quality product that goes beyond fashion; it will help give another sight.

Primary Message: Set your sights on the world. Learn more about how TOMS has expanded One for One into a brighter future and how you can support in an easy way. Secondary Messages: •

With every pair you purchase, TOMS will help give sight to a person in need.

Action: You are helping to provide prescription glasses, sight-­‐saving surgery, or medical treatment with just buying a TOMS eyewear product.

Action: Spread the word. Everyone should have access to eye-­‐care, no matter where you are in the world.

Strategies & Tactics ______________________________________________________________________

Socially-­‐Conscious Consumers 1st Strategy: Educate the socially-­‐conscious TOMS consumers of what the product provides while updating the tagline and the look of the ads in order to inform and appeal to the public. Tactics: •

Change the tagline “Summer of Sight” to “Set Your Sights On The World”.

Develop new creative that incorporates the new slogan and the new products that will be out in the fall season.

Ensure that all ads, social media platforms, and official website are all cohesive to the new creative. Mayra Gonzalez | 14

All digital advertising will be linked directly to the TOMS eyewear sub-­‐site in order to turn the efforts into direct sales.

2nd Strategy: Create anticipation for the Fall TOMS eyewear line to launch in October through social media in order to directly interact with TOMS socially-­‐conscious consumers. Tactics: •

Plan Facebook and Twitter posts within the month of August in anticipation of the Fall line and leave room within the plan to include posts that relate to current events happening within the world that would appeal to TOMS socially-­‐conscious consumers.

Slowly launch ads within the month of September in anticipation for the Fall line launch in October through Facebook and Twitter with the “Set Your Sights On The World” tagline incorporated.

Tag all posts with the “Set Your Sights On The World” tagline.

Encourage the TOMS social community to post their stories of how they have “Set their sights on the world” in their everyday lives.

Early-­‐Adopters/Trendsetters 1st Strategy: Position TOMS eyewear to appeal to young, trend-­‐setting men and women through an awareness campaign that updates the look on the eyewear that appeals to early-­‐ adopters/trendsetters under the call-­‐to-­‐action of “Style Your TOMS”. Tactics: •

Along with the “Set Your Sights On The World”. Incorporate different fashionable styles in the advertisement to appeal to different tastes within this demographic. (Appendix E)

Develop an advertisement that has a rock inspired feel.

Develop an advertisement that has a beach inspired feel.

Develop an advertisement that has a retro inspired feel.

Develop an advertisement that has a hip-­‐hop inspired feel.

Include the “Style Your TOMS” call-­‐to-­‐action within all advertising.

2nd Strategy: Implement an Instagram Contest after the launch of the Fall line in order to position TOMS eyewear as the versatile and fashionable product that appeals to different tastes. Mayra Gonzalez | 15

Tactics: •

Use the tagline “Style My TOMS” as a hashtag for customers to post pictures that shows them wearing the product.

Give away products of the TOMS Fall line to weekly winners that receive the most votes on their Instagram photos.

When the winners receive their prize, they also will help in giving another person their sight on behalf of TOMS.

Press/Media/Bloggers 1st Strategy: Generate buzz in preparation of the Fall launch of the eyewear line in order to leverage the new product. Tactics: •

Write a press release to post on TOMS website and disrepute to relevant press and media.

Distribute the TOMS Fall advertisements as they are launched to relevant press, media and bloggers.

Provide important and related bloggers with products once launched to have them review and talk about the eyewear.

2nd Strategy: Host a TOMS Fall line Release Party to unveil the new line to further build awareness and popularity. •

Invite nationwide relevant and influential press and media.

Invite key bloggers nationwide within the fashion and eyewear industry.

The CEO will unveil the new line at the beginning of the launch.

The launch party will be a gallery-­‐like event in which attendees will be able to walk around, try one, and see the new line on display.

At the end of the release party, re-­‐establish the core of the TOMS belief and transition to a new way of seeing the world. This will explain the slogan and focus of “Set Your Sights On The World”

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Calendar ______________________________________________________________________

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Budget ______________________________________________________________________ Quantity

Cost Per Item

Projected Cost

Sponsored Credit

Final Projected Cost

Key Public:

Socially-­‐Conscious Consumers

Strategy 1

Educate the socially-­‐conscious TOMS consumers of what the product provides while updating the tagline and the look of the ads in order to inform and appeal to the public


Change the tagline “Summer of Sight” to “Set Your Sights On The World”. Create the new ads.

4 Banner Ads





Social Media Templates

2 Creatives





Marketing-­‐Interactive Banner Ads, Mobile Banner Ads and Targeted Emails

6 Creatives









Strategy Subtotal Strategy 2

Create anticipation for the Fall TOMS eyewear line to launch in October through social media in order to directly interact with TOMS socially-­‐conscious consumers.


Plan Facebook and Twitter posts within the month of August in anticipation for the Fall line.

1 Plan (Facebook and Twitter)





Social Media Maintenance. Responding to customer and comprehending content. Evaluation included for all platforms. Social Media Strategist hiring.

1 Salary for 1 Year

$50,000.00 Annual




Ad Launch. Ads secured.






Strategy Subtotal





Key Public Subtotal





Key Public:


Strategy 1

Position TOMS eyewear to appeal to young, trend-­‐setting men and women through an awareness campaign that updates the look on the eyewear that appeals to early-­‐adopters/trendsetters under the call-­‐to-­‐action of “Style Your TOMS”.


Develop a rock-­‐inspired advertisement. Advertisement






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Develop a beach-­‐inspired advertisement. Advertisement secured.






Develop a retro-­‐inspired advertisement. Advertisement secured.






Develop a hip-­‐hop-­‐inspired advertisement. Advertisement secured.










Strategy Subtotal Strategy 2

Implement an Instagram Contest after the launch of the Fall line in order to position TOMS eyewear as the versatile and fashionable product that appeals to different tastes.

Instagram Plan Development. Social Media Strategist. Salary already included above.






Weekly Winners

5 Winners (5 Products)





Strategy Subtotal





Key Public Subtotal





Key Public:


Strategy 1

Generate buzz in preparation of the Fall launch of the eyewear line in order to leverage the new product.


Press Release. Internal and External.






Distribute Press Release and Ads to relevant press.






Provide key bloggers with product.

5 Blogs









Strategy Subtotal Strategy 2

Host a TOMS Fall line Release Party to unveil the new line to further build awareness and popularity.


Invite nationwide relevant and influential press, media and bloggers. Physical Invites.

300 Invites





Unveiling Materials

I Main Showcase





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Gallery Showcases-­‐Displays

10 Displays





Podium Rental






Standing Banners and Collateral






Catering-­‐ Finger foods and beverages

Aprox. 300 Guests





Program Printing






Strategy Subtotal





Key Public Subtotal





Campaign Total





Evaluation ______________________________________________________________________ This evaluation approach will be implemented to analyze the success and efficiency of the communications plan by using specific measurements on the accomplishment of objectives. 1st Objective: Improve the TOMS eyewear branding through a creative renovation for the fall season in order to remain relevant within the market within the next month. Evaluation: Social media will closely be monitored on the reaction of the new creative. A media content audit will be implemented to comprehend that if TOMS eyewear is talked about, TOMS knows what specifically the subject is and why. Since the new creative will be converted into interactive banners, tools such as Google Analytics and media vendor impression reports will be analyzed weekly for the entire month of October.

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2nd Objective: Raise awareness of TOMS eyewear products, through an external communications audit in order to increase sales by 30% within the next 10 months. Evaluation: By conducting an external communications audit on awareness, the TOMS organization will be able to understand what resonates with their consumers and what does not. Once this information is evaluated internally by comprehension, changes can be made accordingly throughout the release of the eyewear line for to continue to build awareness and increase sales within those 10 months going into a new year. 3rd Objective: Educate current TOMS followers on the over-­‐arching business model by measuring knowledge through social media in order to increase engagement by 10% within 12 months. Evaluation: Through strategies as the Instagram Contest encouraging engagement and the Launch Party allowing key consumers to become aware of the TOMS organization as it relates to eyewear through media, this objective can be evaluated. These two initiatives pared with the evaluation of social media interactivity will position TOMS with the ability to understand their engagement and see it cultivate. Over-­‐Arching Evaluation: •

Social media evaluation will be essential to the progression of building TOMS eyewear product awareness. A social media strategist internal staff member dedicated to this initiative and working with the overall TOMS marketing team will ensure the interactivity and accessibility of the organization with TOMS consumers.

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Although preparation and implementation of the plan, span within 3 months, the entire year will serve as a constant analytical monument of the effectiveness of how TOMS efforts is performing in terms of sales and customer service.

The more transparent the TOMS organization becomes, the more consumers become aware and influence others to become consumers of TOMS eyewear.

Communications audit is essential to separate conversation online between TOMS shoe products and TOMS eyewear.

Future Implementation: •

After the full year of this implemented plan is completed, a new creative renovation may be developed to once again update consumer appeal.

Should TOMS establish this plan as a successful plan, a plan implementing the awareness of future TOMS products may be drafted.

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Appendices ______________________________________________________________________

Appendix A. References ______________________________________________________________________ Bakken, Jessica. "Summer Must Haves-­‐ TOMS Eyewear."Get REAL Live. get real live, 19 Jun 2012. Web. 6 Jul 2012. <http://www.getreallive.com/summer-­‐must-­‐haves-­‐toms-­‐ eyewear/>. Brundage, Douglas. "TOMS Eyewear." Hypebeast. Hypebeast, 09 Jun 2011. Web. 6 Jul 2012. <http://hypebeast.com/2011/06/toms-­‐eyewear/>. "Buy A Pair, Give A Pair." Warby Parker. Warby Parker, 2012. Web. Web. 1 Aug. 2012. <http://www.warbyparker.com/do-­‐good/ Drell, Lauren. "10 Facebook Marketing Mistakes to Avoid." Mashable. Mashable, 07, June 2012. Web. 1 Aug 2012. <http://mashable.com/2012/06/07/facebook-­‐marketing-­‐mistakes/>. Edwards, Chas. "In Age of Pinterest, Instagram, Marketers Need An Image Strategy." Ad Age Digital. Ad Age Gigital, 15, Mar 2012. Web. 1 Aug 2012. <http://adage.com/article/digitalnext/age-­‐pinterest-­‐instagram-­‐marketers-­‐image-­‐ strategy/233270/>. Gillis, Carly. "TOMS Announces Eyewear As New 'One For One' Product." The Huffington Post. The Huffington Post, 08 Aug 2011. Web. 5 Jul 2012. <http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/06/07/toms-­‐eyewear-­‐one-­‐for-­‐ one_n_872847.html>. Indvlk, Lauren. "How To: Start Marketing on Facebook." Mashable. Mashable, 25, May 2011. Web. 1 Aug 2012. <http://mashable.com/2011/05/25/facebook-­‐marketing-­‐guide/>. Kaylor, Rachel. "Marketing with Instagram."SweeneyPR. Sweeny PR, 19, Apr 2012. Web. 1 Aug 2012. <http://www.sweeneypr.com/marketing-­‐with-­‐instagram/>. Kokin, Ken. "TOMS Shoes: How did TOMS grow so quickly?." Quora. Quora, 13, Sep 2012. Web. 27 Jul 2012. <http://www.quora.com/TOMS-­‐Shoes/How-­‐did-­‐TOMS-­‐grow-­‐so-­‐quickly>. McLaughlin, Jessica. "5 Creative Ways to Use Instagram for Marketing." Sprout Insights. Sprout Insights, 05, Apr 2012. Web. 1 Aug 2012. <http://sproutsocial.com/insights/2012/04/instagram-­‐marketing-­‐tips/>. Mayra Gonzalez | 23

McLaughlin, Jessica. "5 Instagram Marketing Mistakes: Don't Take These Photos." Sprout Insights. Sprout Insights, 22, May 2012. Web. 1 Aug 2012. <http://sproutsocial.com/insights/2012/05/instagram-­‐marketing-­‐mistakes/>. Morse, Jody. "10 Best Brands od Sunglasses." Made Man. Made Man, 26, Apr 2010. Web. 30, Jul 2012. <http://www.mademan.com/mm/10-­‐best-­‐brands-­‐sunglasses.html>. "Mystery Box Revealed: Introducing TOMS Eyewear."Clutch 22. Clutch 22, 07 Jun 2011. Web. 5 Jul 2012. <http://www.clutch22.com/2011/06/07/mystery-­‐box-­‐revealed-­‐introducing-­‐ toms-­‐eyewear/>. "One For One Movement." One For One. TOMS, 2012. Web. 7 Jul 2012. <http://www.toms.com/our-­‐movement/>. Dyer, Pam. "Using Instagram for Marketing."Pamorama. Pamorama, 9 Jun 2012. Web. 1 Aug 2012. <http://www.pamorama.net/2012/06/09/using-­‐instagram-­‐for-­‐marketing/ Parker, Andy. "Instagram Marketing: 5 Must Reads."Fire Belly. Fire Belly, 14, May 2012. Web. 1 Aug 2012. <http://www.firebellymarketing.com/2012/05/instagram-­‐marketing.html>. Peace, Natalie. "Getting Cynical About Corporate Do-­‐Gooders." Forbes. Forbes, 05/01/2012. Web. 9 Jul 2012. <http://www.forbes.com/sites/nataliepeace/2012/05/01/getting-­‐ cynical-­‐about-­‐corporate-­‐do-­‐gooders-­‐2/>. Pierl, Kerry. "Made in the Shade: The Season's Best Sunglasses." Harper's Bazaar. Harper's Bazaar, 2012. Web. 1 Aug 2012. <http://www.harpersbazaar.com/fashion/fashion-­‐ articles/best-­‐sunglasses-­‐shopping Poulos, James. "Toms Shoes: a Foomed Vanity Project?."Forbes. Forbes, 04/11/2012. Web. 5 Jul 2012. <http://www.forbes.com/sites/jamespoulos/2012/04/11/toms-­‐shoes-­‐a-­‐doomed-­‐ vanity-­‐project/>. Taylor, Kate. "6 Entrepreneurs Who Turned Service Into A Career." Forbes. Forbes, 18,June 2012 . Web. 1 Aug 2012. "TOMS Eyewear: One for One." Seva Foundation. Seva Foundation, n.d. Web. 8 Jul 2012. <http://www.seva.org/site/PageServer?pagename=TOMS_One_for_One>. "TOMS Eyewear Launches "Summer of Sight" Campaign to Help Save and Restore Sight to 100,000 People in Need." PR Newswire. PR Newswire, n.d. Web. 6 Jul 2012. <http://www.prnewswire.com/news-­‐releases/toms-­‐eyewear-­‐launches-­‐summer-­‐of-­‐

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sight-­‐campaign-­‐to-­‐help-­‐save-­‐and-­‐restore-­‐sight-­‐to-­‐100000-­‐people-­‐in-­‐need-­‐ 150922265.html>. "TOMS." Toms Twitter. TOMS, n. d. Web. 6 Jul. 2012. <http://twitter.com/TOM Vahl, Andrea. "The Ultimate Guide to Facebook Marketing." Copy Blogger. Copy Blogger, n.d. Web. 1 Aug 2012. <http://www.copyblogger.com/ultimate-­‐facebook/>. Wilson, L., & Ogden, J. (2008). Strategic communication planning for effective public relations and marketing (5th ed.). Dubuque, Iowa: Kendall Hunt Publishing Company.

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Appendix B. SWOT Analysis ______________________________________________________________________ The following is a chart demonstrating the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of the TOMS brand which focuses on their eyewear products. Strengths Weaknesses • • • •

TOMS brand has created a strong identify in its industry Products more positive reviews than negative Company is centralized on the core of community service for those in need Popular product in trends

• • •


Consumers are not very well informed of the TOMS eyewear line. Many consumers associate the TOMS brand with shoes only Educating people on the eyewear initiative is more of a challenge because of the different actors involved with the campaign Threats

Educating people on their One For One lifestyle brand builds a bigger brand recognition which solves the product-­‐ by-­‐product promotion recognition need. The TOMS story is more impactful when they can be seen as helping individuals in need from many aspects, not just as shoes. A bigger umbrella in which the organization could operate under, leave room for future products to not run into the same situation

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Like TOMS shoe products have seen, company duplicators will come about The One For One lifestyle brand may not be properly expressed to the public which could confuse consumers on identity The eyewear products may not get the awareness it needs because of a lack of education and promotion within the market

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Appendix C. Original Research ______________________________________________________________________ Eyewear Branding

During research, it was evident that TOMS eyewear has yet to make their mark in the eyewear industry filled with companies that have been established for years.

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While there are older and established brands, there are also new brands that are making their way into the eyewear industry. These new companies appeal a great deal to TOMS consumer intended target. Understanding the appeal within this space is essential to understanding the consumers. Competition:

Warby Parker is the only real competitor that TOMS eyewear truly has. Instead providing other services such as sight-­‐saving surgery or other eye initiatives, this company provides only prescription glasses.

Appendix D. Other Key Publics ______________________________________________________________________ Employees This group is the group the TOMS organization immediately can affect. By communicating the vision of the TOMS brand, they can go out and translate this expression to the public, with

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anyone whom they work with or come in contact with. Once the organization is all under the same understanding, all communications are cohesive of the brand. Partner Organizations TOMS works with their internal foundation for their shoes initiative. The eyewear initiative works and partners with the Seva Foundation to aid those in need directly. Both of these organizations must be fully aware and involved with bringing awareness to the eyewear initiative with as much the investment as the eyewear department. When the effort is distributed evenly throughout all parties that are equally involved, the business and labor will thrive. Manufactures The eyewear manufactures for TOMS need to be aware of the objectives to gain more awareness for the new product for production purposes. During the implementation of the communication plan, increased awareness will naturally increase production. With increased production, the manufacturers will need to generate more units of product. Once this demographic is well informed, they can be better prepared for the communications plan to go through the completion of the plan. Distributers Naturally, after the manufactures are briefed on the communications plan, the next demographic that is required to be aware of are the distributers. This demographic is vital to

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the implementation of the entire operation. As consumers become aware of the product, they need to be able to access the product. One this public is aware of the desired goals and expectations of the plan, they too can prepare for increased distribution to maintain the momentum of plan.

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Appendix E. Creative: Advertisements ______________________________________________________________________

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Appendix F. Creative: Launch Party Standing Banner ______________________________________________________________________

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Appendix G. Creative: Interactive Web Banner ______________________________________________________________________

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Appendix H. Confirmation Table ______________________________________________________________________ Key Public


Primary Messages




Socially-­‐Conscious Consumers

Companies that care about the world, having their money do more for the world, helping others, becoming less wasteful, innovative companies

Set your sights on the world. With every pair you purchase, TOMS will help give sight to a person in need. One for One. ™

Charities, documentaries, social causes, people in need, communities.

Improve the TOMS eyewear branding through a creative renovation for the fall season in order to remain relevant within the next month. Raise awareness of TOMS eyewear products, through an external communications audit in order to increase sales by 30% within the next 10 months. Educate current TOMS followers on the over-­‐arching business model by measuring knowledge through social media in order to increase engagement by 10% within 12 months.

1 Strategy: Educate the socially-­‐conscious TOMS consumers of what the product provides while updating the tagline and the look of the ads in order to inform and appeal to the public.

Improve the TOMS eyewear branding through a creative renovation for the fall season in order to remain relevant within the next month. Raise awareness of TOMS eyewear products, through an external communications audit in order to increase sales by 30% within the next 10 months. Educate

1 Strategies: Position TOMS eyewear to appeal to young, trend-­‐ setting men and women through an awareness campaign that updates the look on the eyewear that appeals to early-­‐ adopters/trendset ters under the call-­‐to-­‐action of

Just like TOMS shoes, we are providing the same structure with our eyewear to help those in need. You are helping to provide either prescription glasses, sight-­‐saving surgery, or medical treatment with just buying a TOMS eyewear product.

The Seva Foundation partners with us to complete this One for One initiative.



Change the tagline “Summer of Sight” to “Set Your Sights On The World”. Create the new ads. Develop new creative that incorporates the new slogan and the new products that will be out in the fall season. Ensure that all ads, social media platforms, and official website are all cohesive to the new creative.


Plan Facebook and Twitter posts within the month of August in anticipation of the Fall line and leave room within the plan to include posts that relate to current events happening within the world that would appeal to TOMS socially-­‐conscious consumers. Slowly launch ads within the month of September in anticipation for the Fall line launch in October through Facebook and Twitter with the “Set Your Sights On The World” tagline incorporated. Tag all posts with the “Set Your Sights On The World” tagline. Encourage the TOMS social community to post their stories of how they have “Set their sights on the world” in their everyday lives.


Along with the “Set Your Sights On The World”. Incorporate different fashionable styles in the ads to appeal to different tastes within this demographic. Develop an advertisement that has a rock inspired feel. Develop an advertisement that has a beach inspired feel. Develop an advertisement that has a retro inspired feel. Develop an advertisement that has a hip-­‐hop inspired feel. Include the “Style Your TOMS” call-­‐to-­‐action within

2 Strategy: Create anticipation for the Fall TOMS eyewear line to launch in October through social media in order to directly interact with TOMS socially-­‐conscious consumers.

Early-­‐ Adopters/Trendsetters

Being the first to set the trend, expressing themselves through apparel, do not care about what others thing, not afraid to try new things, fashion, buying new products first.

Set your sights on the world. Eyewear is a form of expression no mater who you are. How do you style your TOMS? The new TOMS eyewear will provide you with cutting edge fashion intertwined with a purpose. Buy yours today.

Blogs, fashion designers, innovative companies and organizations, and social media.

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With TOMS you get the fashionable look and the knowledge that your purchase has helped give someone the gift of sight. Just like TOMS shoes, you will purchase a high-­‐quality product that goes beyond fashion; it will help give another sight.


Obtaining information, getting a story first, informing the public, understanding the product and organization, establishing a relationship with organization.

Set your sights on the world. Learn more about how TOMS has expanded One for One into a brighter future and how you can support in an easy way. With every pair you purchase, TOMS will help give sight to a person in need. Your are helping to provide perception glasses, sight-­‐ saving surgery, or medical treatment with just buying a TOMS eyewear product.

New companies, social media, other press and media, and competitors.

current TOMS followers on the over-­‐arching business model by measuring knowledge through social media in order to increase engagement by 10% within 12 months.

“Style You TOMS”.

Improve the TOMS eyewear branding through a creative renovation for the fall season in order to remain relevant within the next month. Raise awareness of TOMS eyewear products, through an external communications audit in order to increase sales by 30% within the next 10 months. Educate current TOMS followers on the over-­‐arching business model by measuring knowledge through social media in order to increase engagement by 10% within 12 months.

1 Strategy: Generate buzz in preparation of the Fall launch of the eyewear line in order to leverage the new product.

all advertising.


Use the tagline “Style My TOMS” as a hashtag fro customer to post pictures that shows them wearing the product. Give away products of the TOMS Fall line to weekly winners that receive the most votes on their Instagram photos. When the winners receive their prize, they also will help in giving another person their sight on behalf of TOMS.


Write a press release to post on TOMS website and disrepute to relevant press and media. Distribute the TOMS Fall advertisments as they are launched to relevant press, media, and bloggers.


Invite nationwide relevant and influential press and media. Invite key bloggers nationwide within the fashion and eyewear industry. The CEO will unveil the new line at the beginning of the launch. The launch party will be a gallery-­‐like event in which attendees will be able to walk around, try one, and see the new line on display. At the end of the release party, re-­‐establish the core of the TOMS belief and transition to a new way of seeing the world. This will explain the slogan and focus of “Set Your Sights On The World”.

2 Strategy: Implement an Instagram Contest after the launch of the Fall line order to position TOMS eyewear as the versatile and fashionable product that appeals to different tastes.

2 Strategies: Host a TOMS Fall line Release Party to unveil the new line to further build awareness and popularity.

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