ACADEMIC AND DEGREE PROGRESS STANDARDS Good Academic Standing. Mays Business School students have the obligation to remain at all times in good academic standing, defined as a minimum 2.0 cumulative GPA in all course work taken at Texas A&M. For help on how to calculate GPA, see • Business students whose cumulative GPA at Texas A&M falls below a 2.0 will be blocked from further registration and dropped from enrollment in Mays Business School, without probation. •
Students dropped from Mays Business School for not maintaining a minimum 2.0 cumulative GPA will be readmitted only after meeting change-of-curriculum requirements. Thus, some dropped students may not be eligible for future readmission into Mays Business School.
GOOD ACADEMIC STANDING You must maintain your cumulative GPA at 2.0 or greater to continue enrollment in Mays Business School.
Satisfactory Degree Progress. Mays Business School students have the obligation to make satisfactory
progress toward completion of all degree requirements. • A minimum standard to measure degree progress requires satisfactory completion of 75 percent of the course credit hours attempted at Texas A&M each academic year. Business students are expected to take coursework that applies toward the student’s intended upper level business major. •
Students whose Texas A&M completion percentage falls below 75% may be placed on probation for the next semester of enrollment. Failure to meet probation terms may lead to the student being blocked from further registration and being dropped from Mays Business School.
SATISFACTORY DEGREE PROGRESS You are expected to complete no less than 75% of all course credit hours attempted at Texas A&M each academic year.
Standard for Academic Integrity. Mays Business School students have an obligation to uphold the Aggie Code of Honor. The dean reserves the right to remove from the business school any student found to have committed an act of academic dishonesty.
AGGIE HONOR CODE “An Aggie does not lie, cheat or steal, or tolerate those who do.”
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2022 – 2023 Student Handbook