October 2011: Vol. 6, Issue 9
Marketing Monthly CRS Retailing Summit
Bob Huth, CEO of David’s Bridal addresses the audience at the CRS Retailing Summit
Almost 300 retailing execu8ves aKended Retailing Summit, hosted by the Center for Retailing Studies, October 6-‐7 at The Ritz-‐Carlton in Dallas, Texas. Photos of the event shown on this and the next two pages give a glimpse of the scope of ideas presented. Highlights include keynote speaker, John
Mackey (CEO of Whole Foods Market) with his talk on “Conscious Capitalism in Prac8ce” and Gary Kusin (former CEO of FedEx/Kinko’s and present Sr. Advisor, TPG Capital) who spoke on “Retail Lessons Learned the Hard Way.” Look for a detailed write up of the conference in next month’s Marke8ng Monthly. Con8nued on page 2
Photos from the Retailing Summit
Jim Stapleton, Chief Sales Officer, Isis (a na8onal mobile commerce network), looks on as Robert Williams, Director of Marke8ng and Fun at Gallery Furniture, explains how their team of monkeys enhance the store experience.
Par8cipants enjoyed many opportuni8es to network and exchange ideas.
Photos from the Retailing Summit
Gary Kusin, former CEO of FedEx-‐Kinko’s, raised some important issues…
Katrina McGhee, EVP of and Chief Marke8ng Officer at Susan G. Komen for the Cure
Twenty-‐seven students par8cipated in the Retailing Summit. The group included the Zale Scholars, SRA officers, and fourteen MS in Marke8ng students.
A Note (and Pictures) from Len Berry The con(nuing story of Len Berry’s semester-‐long field study of three health organiza(ons in Wisconsin which are achieving remarkable medical outcomes.
Dr. John Toussaint discusses all the steps a pa8ent goes through during a typical hospital admiKance.
…I’ve now completed my month-‐long study of Gundersen Lutheran Health System in La Crosse, Wisconsin, and am halfway through my study of ThedaCare in Appleton. In November-‐December, I will go to Green Bay to study at Bellin Health. I am having a powerful learning experience studying some of the best healthcare in the na8on. The investment of 8me and effort these ins8tu8ons are making to provide me a rich learning experience is remarkable. I’ve been given complete access to anyone I want to interview or anything I want to see. My days are packed. I will come back to TAMU with at least two years of wri8ng projects, most in collabora8on with clinicians I am working with in my study. I also will return more inspired than ever about the opportunity we have in America to significantly
increase healthcare quality, reduce waste, and improve the pa8ent and clinician experience. These photos are among many I have taken at ThedaCare. ThedaCare is a pioneer in adap8ng the Toyota “Lean” manufacturing philosophy to healthcare. Walls full of flow charts, improve-‐ ment maps, and notes on defects needing aKen8on are a common sight. The photo of Dr. John Toussaint (above) in front of a post-‐it note model of all the steps a hospital pa8ent goes through is one of my favorites. Dozens of staff have worked on this model for years looking for ways to improve efficiency and safety, reduce waste, and enhance pa8ent, family, and staff sa8sfac8on. Con8nued next page
A Note (and Pictures) from Len Berry Another favorite is the picture of the doctor, nurse, and pharmacist (at right) in a “huddle” before going to the pa8ent’s hospital room (simng at a worksta8on designed specifically for pre-‐ and post-‐visit huddles). Including a pharmacist on the team (rare in healthcare) has cut medica8on errors to nearly zero. All the best to my friends and colleagues. I will keep you posted. Len
Doctor, nurse, and pharmacist in a pre-‐pa8ent visit huddle.
Faucet spray is angled to minimize bacteria.
ThedaCare staff ponder a system change.
Supply storage unit accessible outside pa8ent’s room.
Guest Professor, Time Niermeyer, Pepsico Tim Niermeyer ‘78 guest lectured in Charles Futrell’s MKTG 436 and Larry Gresham’s MKTG 321 classes. Tim is the senior Director of Sales and is responsible for over $1 billion of Gatorade, Tropicana, Quaker, and other products. Tim is s8ll applying principles he learned in Dr. Futrell’s sales class, back in the day!
Dr. Larry Gresham with Tim Niermeyer
Congratulations to Our Newest Citizen! Congratula8ons to Regina Gomez, CRS project coordinator, who was granted her United States Ci8zenship on Thursday, October 13, 2011. As you may know, obtaining ci8zenship is HUGE and can take up to 5 years just to start to process. The next day, Regina was surprised by her co-‐workers with a party, a red, white, and blue cake, hat, balloons and flags! Whoop!
MS Marketing Student Wins Museum Design Contest
Savannah Smith ’09, a current MS marke8ng student, won first place in the Mitchell A. Wilder Publica8on Design Award Compe88on at the Annual Mee8ng of the Texas Associa8on of Museums. Smith designed a “s8cket” – a combina8on admission 8cket and promo8onal s8cker – for the George Bush Presiden8al Library and Museum’s The Heart Truth exhibit. The exhibit was part of a na8onal awareness campaign for heart disease in women. It highlighted a collec8on of 25 red dresses –12 worn by celebri8es and 13 worn by past U.S. First Ladies. Smith’s illustra8on of the red dress mirrors the 8meless dresses at the museum.
“The goal was to keep the design simple and classic to promote the Bush Library and Museum as well as the featured exhibit – and s8ck with the general visual iden8ty I created for the exhibit promo8ons,” says Smith, who is crea8ve manager at the library. The Wilder Awards design compe88on exists to promote the importance of graphic iden8ty in museums’ overall image. Smith’s “s8cket” design beat out many museums from around the state and was used in the Bush Library and Museum’s promo8ons un8l the exhibit closed in August. -‐ Kelli Levey. Mays Business Online, Oct. 2011
Mattress Mack Leads a Class
Retailing innovator Jim McIngvale and marke8ng professor Mary Zimmer.
Jim McIngvale, CEO of Gallery Furniture, visited Dr. Mary Zimmer's two Retailing Concepts and Policies classes on October 14. He kept the students' rapt aKen8on with his humorous, personal story of how he became an extremely successful retail entrepreneur. He explained some of the ways that Gallery Furniture takes market share from its compe8tors including using iPads in his two stores to gather informa8on and make transac8ons more efficient. MaKress Mack focuses on deligh8ng customers by innova8ng in all aspects of his business, by offering second chance financing, as well as keeping half a dozen monkeys in the store to add excitement to the shopping experience! Mack recommended two books for the students to read: The Innovater’s DNA and Crucial Conversa8ons. He inspired all of us with memorable quotes including, "We need freedom to shape our future...We need profit to remain free." While this may appear to be a great deal of content to cover in a 50 minute class, the students all learned that Mack is up to the task. For those who know Mack, it comes as no surprise. Mack loves apple computer products and the innova8on that produced them. Here he’s discussing his iPhone.
Recommending The Innovator’s DNA
Explaining the innova8ve maKress sales floor design which he’ll be implemen8ng.
The Richards (Working) Group Many thanks to Alma Fuentes, Kelsey McCormick, and Leigh Brown from The Richards Group. The three discussed brand planning and brand management in Lisa Troy’s MKTG 347 class on October 13th. In addi8on, the Richards Group team conducted mock interviews and resume reviews with over 20 marke8ng students on Friday, Oct. 14.
Alma Fuentes, Leigh Brown, Lisa Troy, and Kelsey McCormick
Congratulations, Coach Bridges! On September 17, Cheryl Bridges became “Coach Bridges” at the Texas A&M vs. Idaho football game along with six other faculty and staff members from across the campus. Cheryl reports it was a fantas8c experience star8ng with a tour and lunch at the Bright complex where the Texas A&M athletes have meals, study, and work out. Aver lunch, the guest coaches and their families welcomed the team to Kyle Field during the Spirit Walk, followed by a tour of the Zone and press box. They saved the best for last, as they were all invited down onto the field with the team during the warm-‐up before the game. “It was so exci8ng to be there with them as we all sang the Spirit of Aggieland, and the na8onal anthem. Then came the fly-‐over, and finally the kickoff!” says Cheryl, ”Wow! What a great experience!”
Guest Coach Bridges with husband Eddy Bridges ’62
News & Updates
The students in Dr. Sandi Lampo’s Fashion Case Study class, MKTG 489, visited the Bryan Target store to learn about their new products and about how Target merchandises the store. Ka8e Grimsley (far right in photo) is the store manager and a former student. Ka8e was also an M.B. Zale Leadership Scholar. The student standing next to Dr. Lampo (far lev) is John Wooderson, Target’s student ambassador at Texas A&M.
Congratulations, Venky!
Venky Shankar's paper, co-‐authored with ScoK Neslin, en8tled "Key Issues in Mul8channel Customer Management: Current Knowledge and Future Direc8ons" published in the Journal of Interac(ve Marke(ng (JIM) in 2009 is among the Top 5 most downloaded papers in JIM in the past 5 years.
Advisors’ Corner
Leslie and our new advising GAs, Heather Robinson and Nathan Schulman, have been busy preparing for Spring pre-‐registra8on. Leslie has also been working on clearing degree candidates for the December ceremony.
Con8nued next page
Marketing Department Fall Research Seminar Series Speakers for the con8nuing Fall Research Seminar Series: October 21st @ 1:00-‐2:30 p.m. : Preyas Desai Spence R. Hassell Professor of Business Administra8on, Duke University. Editor-‐in-‐Chief, Marke(ng Science. Subject: “Product Improvement and Guaranteed Future Buybacks” October 28th 10:30-‐12:00 a.m.: Ty Henderson Assistant Professor of Marke8ng, University of Texas Aus8n. Subject: “PromoXng a Brand with a Social Cause: Evidence from an In-‐Market Natural Experiment” November 11th: Michel Wedel PepsiCo Professor of Consumer Science, University of Maryland, College Park. Associate Editor, Journal of Marke(ng Research and Marke(ng Science. December 2nd: Suresh Ramanathan David R. Norcom’73 Professor of Marke8ng, Texas A&M University. More informa(on will be provided on speakers as their speaking date gets nearer.
The Academy for Future International Leaders Congratula8ons to marke8ng students Phillip Chu and Claudia de Ugarte Cabrera for being selected for the Class of 2012 Academy for Future Interna8onal Leaders (AFIL). A university wide program, AFIL selects 24 students per year for the honor. This year six of the 24 are Mays students and two of them are marke8ng students. The Academy for Future Interna8onal Leaders (AFIL) is a year-‐long interdisciplinary program in which outstanding undergraduates with leadership
skills and/or poten8al obtain an in-‐depth learning experience about global issues. AFIL complements any major and allows students to gain a global perspec8ve and to prepare for leadership roles in the increasingly interna8onal 21st Century. Many thanks to Leslie Seipp for her 8me this summer helping to conduct the ini8al applica8on review and ranking of the 18 qualified business applicants.
New Sustainability Initiative—Free Filtered Water for Everybody! Bo_le Filling StaXon Now Online in Mays A new filtered water fountain & boKle filling sta8on has been installed in Mays through a grant from the Aggie Green Fund, a student controlled fund that supports projects that increase sustain-‐ ability at Texas A&M University. The sta8on can be found across the hall from Ray Auditorium (Wehner 113).
The machine has a counter (shown here on the right in bright green) which reads “Helped eliminate waste from 00002192 disposable plas8c boKles-‐-‐” and coun8ng! Photo taken 10/12/2011.
On a Personal Note… Bryan, Texas, home of the interna8onally famous toad… Congratula8ons to Laurie Marshall for having her essay about the Texas drought, her dogs, and a toad published on the Home Forum page of The Chris(an Science Monitor. hKp://www.csmonitor.com/The-‐ Culture/The-‐Home-‐Forum/ 2011/1005/A-‐toad-‐with-‐canine-‐ companions
Mona Sinha (formerly Srivastava ‘08) has a new name and a new husband! Shown here with her daughter, Anurima, and new husband, Sridhar Chalam, Mona (far right) and Sridhar were married in Bothell, WA on July 9. The newlyweds will be residing near Atlanta, GA.
Sundar Bharadwaj, one of two recipients of the 2010 Mays Business School Outstanding Doctoral Alumni Award, was recently named to the Coca-‐Cola Company Chair of Marke8ng at the University of Georgia Terry College of Business. hKp://www.terry.uga.edu/news/ releases/2011/bharadwaj-‐chair.html We want to include your news items in the next issue. Please submit them to Laurie Marshall at lmarshall@mays.tamu.edu,