Mazama Magazine August 2017

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August 2017 Vol. 99

| No. 8


Mazama Courses Inspire & Encourage Solar Eclipse or Campground Apocalypse? Volunteering in a K9 Search & Rescue Unit Steel Cowboyz



FEATURES Legislative Update, p. 6 Volunteering in a K9 Search & Rescue, p. 8 Mazama Courses Encourage & Inspire, p. 12 Solar Eclipse or Campground Apocalypse, p. 16 The Steel Cowboyz, p. 20 Where to Turn When Mazama Classes Are Full, p. 29 MONTHLY COLUMNS





Volunteer Opportunities, p. 4 Events & Activities, p. 4 Solar Array Dedication, p. 5 Conservation Corner, p. 18 Mazama Families, p. 19 AYM, p. 24 Mazama Lodge, p. 25 Membership Survey, p. 26 Jeff Lowe's Metanoia At the MMC, p. 28 Classics, p. 32 Obituaries, p. 34 Successful Climbers, p. 35 Membership Report, p. 35 Trail Trips, p. 36 Executive Council Summary, p. 38 Portland Alpine Fest, p. 40

ADVERTISER INDEX Centered In Motion, p. 24 Green Trails, p. 39 Embark Exploration Co., p. 19 Mountain Hardwear, p. 11 Montbell, p. 2 Next Adventure, p. 7 The Mountain Shop, p. 23 OMC, p. 33 Yatvin Computer Consultants, p. 33 Advertise now!

Contact Us MAZAMA MOUNTAINEERING CENTER | 527 SE 43rd Ave., Portland, Oregon, 97215 | 503-227-2345 | |Center Hours: Mon.–Thu. 11 a.m.–7 p.m.; Fri. 10 a.m.–2 p.m. MAZAMA LODGE | 30500 West Leg Rd. •Government Camp, Oregon, 97028 | 503-272-9214 | Hours: Thu. Noon–Mon. Noon

Publications Committee

Editor: Sarah Bradham, Director of Marketing & Communications ( Committee: Committee Members: Jonathan Barrett, Karoline Gottschild, Sue Griffith, Darrin Gunkel, Kevin Machtelinckx, Wendy Marshall, Kristie Perry, and Michael Vincerra. On Cover: Linda Musil on a snow bridge with Mike Domeier following, on the Kautz Glacier Route on Mt. Rainier July 17, 2017. Photo: Rico Micallef.

MAZAMA (USPS 334-780) Advertising: Subscription: $15 per year. Bulletin material must be emailed to the editor. All material is due by noon on the 14th of the preceding month. If the 14th falls on a weekend, the deadline is the preceding Friday. The Mazama Bulletin is published monthly by the Mazamas—527 SE 43rd Ave., Portland, OR 97215. Periodicals postage paid at Portland, OR. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to MAZAMAS, 527 SE 43rd Ave., Portland, OR 97215. The Executive Council meets at 3 p.m. on the third Tuesday of each month. Meetings are open to members. The Mazamas is a 501(c)(3) Oregon nonprofit corporation organized on the summit of Mt. Hood in 1894. The Mazamas is an equal opportunity provider.

AUGUST 2017 3

Volunteer Opportunities JOIN OUR TEAM! The Mazamas are looking for a team of 5–20 active, engaged, and energetic volunteers to join our team of outreach volunteers. Responsibilities include representing the Mazamas at 2–4 events per year that align with our mission and reach people who might be interested in Mazama membership, activities, or events. We’ll provide you with a 1 hour training on how to set up and manage a table at these events. If interested, email sarah@



Seeking MMC Volunteers with interest in landscaping. We are seeking ongoing volunteer help to keep the MMC property pruned, mowed, weeded, and representing the best specimens of the PNW native plants to maintain our Platinum level Backyard Habitat status. Whether you know your way around a garden tool shed or are looking to learn, write to natalie@ to find out more!

Do you have a photo-heavy adventure you’d like to share as a Wednesday Evening Travel Program? The Programs Committee is looking for presenters for the next series, mid-October 2017 to mid-April 2018. Whether you hike, climb, cycle, paddle, or simply travel the world, from the Pacific Northwest to Timbuktu, down under to up and over (a mountain), Programs would like to hear from you. Contact the Programs Committee at programs@

MOUNTAINEERING FIRST AID (MFA) INSTRUCTORS We are looking for MFA instructors with advanced wilderness medicine training, i.e., Wilderness First Responder or equivalent. Instructors will work with the MFA Committee to deliver the lectures and field sessions based on our MFA curriculum. Contact the First Aid Committee if you are interested at

MAZAMA COMMITTEES NEED YOU Are you interested in helping the Mazamas plan and expand on our firstclass trips, activities or classes? The committees below need your support. Positions and time commitments vary; contact Justin Rotherham, Mazamas Education & Activities Program Manager, at to discuss the open position that might be best for you! ▶▶ Adventurous Young Mazamas (AYM) ▶▶ Classics ▶▶ Climbing ▶▶ Education ▶▶ Risk Management ▶▶ Trail Trips

LODGE VOLUNTEERS NEEDED We need help getting the lodge ready for next winter. Stacking firewood, brush shipping, and many other projects need to be done. Please contact Lodge Committee Chair, Bob Stayton, at rstayton@comcast. net if you are interested!


Events & Activities Intermediate Climbing School (ICS)

Round the Mountain

Online application closes Aug. 7 at 9:30 p.m.

Join the Mazamas 11th annual Round the Mountain (RTM) hike of Mt. Hood’s Timberline Trail over Labor Day weekend. You will experience hiking a majestic 40 miles of the Timberline Trail with spectacular views of Mt. Hood and the beginning of autumn colors.

ICS picks up where BCEP left off and takes you to the next level. You will learn the skills necessary to be a strong assistant on advanced Mazama climbs, organize private climbs of your own, and for those who choose, take the next step into Climb Leader Development. You will also acquire the skills you’ll need to go out and gain the climbing experience necessary for entry into the advanced Mazama programs: Advance Rock (AR) and Advanced Snow and Ice (ASI).

Expedition Grants Deadline Extended to Aug. 9 Are you a highly involved Mazama member with a mountain range you have always dreamed of exploring and climbing? A total of $10,000 is available annually through the Mazama Bob Wilson Expedition Grants. For 2018 expeditions we've extended the application date to August 9. We encourage you to get the details and apply at, or contact the Expedition Committee at

Sept. 2–4 at the Mazama Lodge

▶▶ Details:

Families Rock Skills Sept. 27, Oct. 25, 5–8 p.m. at the MMC An open climbing session on the MMC climbing walls with a focus on helping your family become comfortable with roped climbing in a supportive, low pressure atmosphere to encourage kids. Limited to 20 climbing kids and adults. ▶▶ Cost: $2 per person/$5 max per family. ▶▶ Details:

New Solar Array: HOW DID WE GET HERE?

Mazama Solar Array Dedication

by Jeff Hawkins Stewardship of the alpine environment is one of the Mazamas core values so in addition to our many outdoor programs we also have a conservation program. In 2006 when I was on the Conservation Committee we talked at length about the impact of climate change on the alpine, and we knew we needed to address climate change head on. Our first action was to create and host the Melting Mountains Conference in spring of 2007 at which glaciologist Andrew Fountain from PSU spoke along with political leaders from the City of Portland, Metro and the Oregon Legislature. It was a packed house. I think we had ~270 people in this room and out into the halls for a full day—a Saturday no less. In preparing for the conference we calculated the Mazamas carbon footprint and thought about what we could do to reduce our impact, and then worked to implement those ideas. In 2008 we attempted to install a solar array, but were unable to arrange funding. Capital Pacific Bank was our financial partner, but for complicated tax and bank regulations could not. We appealed with the Federal Reserve in June and by August they told us not to call back as they had some major problems to address which we all now know turned out to be the 2008 financial crash. In fall of 2009 we started a tree planting program and have worked in the Sandy Basin Watershed every spring and fall for eight years now planting an estimated 7,000 trees along revitalized streams, re-vegetated campsites and decommissioned logging roads. A couple of years ago we installed a hand dryer in the main restroom here and achieved a 50 percent reduction total building waste. And then 18 months ago, in December of 2015, I received an email from Adam Baylor, Mazamas Stewardship & Advocacy Manager, who had been approached by Gordy Molitor, a Mazama Member, about Dan Orzech at the Oregon Clean Power Co-op. Adam called me. I called Dan and we started 10 months of work to get contracts and funding in place followed by 3 months of design work with Elemental Energy. Construction started in March of this year and we now have a solar array that will produce up to two thirds of this building’s annual electrical needs.

From left: Mazama member and project leader Jeff Hawkins, Representative Rob Nosse, Elemental Energy Owner John Grieser, and Oregon Clean Power Co-op General Manager Dan Orzech. Photo: Jay Ward.

by Sarah Bradham On the evening of July 11 the community came together for the dedication of the Mazamas new solar array. A team of individuals representing all the key players involved in bringing this array to the MMC organized the event to share the vision and implementation of the new solar array. The evening was filled with food, drinks, conversation, and a short program, followed by Solar 101 for individuals who were interested in taking the next steps and bringing solar to their home or business. The program portion of the evening was kicked off by Mazama President Steve Hooker, who share the Mazamas long-standing commitment to conservation all the way back to our very early days. He welcomed Mazama Member and Solar Project Manager Jeff Hawkins to the stage, and Jeff shared the history and vision of the solar array (see left). John Grieser, the owner of Elemental Energy, the company that did the design and installation of the Mazamas solar array, and Dan Orzech, of the Oregon Clean Power Co-op then took over to speak to the mission of their respective organizations and how they are working to bring solar to a greater number of homes and businesses. The Mazamas array was the first project to be completed by the Co-op. Dan recognized Bill Bradbury, former Oregon Secretary of State, who was in attendance, for his long commitment to environmental issues, and his efforts to educate people around Oregon on global warming. Bill Bradbury currently serves on the Northwest Power and Conservation Council, which is an organization that plays a key role in setting the playing field on which solar competes with other forms of energy. We were also joined by two politicians from our local community, Representative Rob Nosse and Multnomah County Commissioner Jessica Veda Pederson, who both brought their passion and dedication for renewable energy in their remarks for the evening. They were both first timers in our center and we were thrilled to welcome them to speak on a subject that they care about so deeply. A big thanks to everyone who was involved in bringing this project to fruition. We are eagerly awaiting the final sign off from the city so that we can turn the solar array on and begin generating up to two thirds of the energy needs of the MMC with renewable energy. AUGUST 2017 5

LEGISLATIVE UPDATE by Adam Baylor, Mazamas Stewardship & Advocacy Manager


he Oregon State Legislature made some significant strides this year in protecting recreation access, public lands, and funding for outdoor education. Here’s a snapshot of some of those key successes, some of which the Mazamas led to the finish line: 1. Measure 99: The Legislature approved Governor Brown’s budget providing $24 million per biennium to Outdoor School. Mazamas Mountain Science School is a leading model in the state for how important this new funding will be for future generations. 2. Oregon Senate Bill 5505 created a process for the “State Land Board, the Department of State Lands and the Legislative Assembly to coordinate the transfer of certain trust lands managed for

the benefit of the Common School Fund that have limited performance potential as assets to certain other public bodies better positioned to manage lands for the public’s benefit.” In short, the Elliott State Forest is protected for now. 3. SB 327—Recreational Immunity: “Extended recreational immunity to employees and agents of landowner when acting within scope of duties and those with private property interests in land. Eliminates duty of care to maintain land for entry or use by others for certain purposes.” One example of how this will change access is at the Maple Bridge Climbing Area in Redmond, Oregon. This manmade climbing area was shut down due to liability risk. Under the new law, Maple Bridge is now open! 4. SB 3149 B directed Oregon Parks and Recreation Department and partners to develop a plan for final construction and maintenance of the 350-mile Oregon Coast Trail (OCT). Look for the OCT annual report to the Legislature in 2019.

5. House Bill 3350 created Oregon’s Outdoor Recreation Office within Oregon Parks and Recreation Department charged with coordinating recreation policy throughout the state, conducting interjurisdictional work (local, state, and federal agencies), and sustainably growing the outdoor recreation economy. 6. HB 2143 created Oregon’s Outdoor Recreation Day to be celebrated annually on the first Saturday in June of each year. Mark your calendars and help celebrate outdoor recreation in Oregon with purpose! The act also highlights the economic impact of the outdoor recreation economy on the state. According to the Outdoor Industry Association’s 2017 study, Oregon’s outdoor recreation economy generates $16.4 billion in consumer spending annually, 172,000 direct jobs, $5.1 billion in wages and salaries, and $749 million in local and state tax revenue.

Map of Mazamas geoonline advocacy efforts from January to July 2017. Green markers indicate a location given such as your address from where a Mazamas member as well as some non-members used our online form to send a letter advocating for a position to an elected official and/ or submitting public policy-related comments to agency officials. Map compiled by Adam Baylor, online data from Outdoor Alliance.


THE MAZAMAS OBTAINS FIRST 10-YEAR PERMIT by Adam Baylor, Mazamas Stewardship & Advocacy Manager


id you know that the Mazamas, as a nonprofit organization, must obtain and pay for a U.S. Forest Service (USFS) Special Use Permit for outfitting and guiding on public lands? This little known fact about Mazamas’ operations is actually a big deal. And thanks to recent efforts by some key volunteers, and staff members Lee Davis, Renee Fitzpatrick, and Justin Rotherham, the process just got a whole lot easier. For almost three decades, the Mazamas’ staff and volunteers would complete the necessary paperwork to keep our climbing and hiking programs operating legally and safely on public lands. The whole process, just for operations on Mt. Hood, traditionally took about 3–4 months of back and forth communications with the USFS. The federal permit application requires documentation of our hundreds of climbs and hikes on national forest lands most of which are in wilderness areas. Staff would also develop an operating plan for the organization, obtain insurance, craft budgets to pay the annual the fee, and even complete civil rights training. But this year, the cumbersome process was streamlined thanks to a new idea, a 10-year permit, which allows the Mazamas to significantly decrease our annual staffing time to complete this permit while securing our access to almost every trail on Mt. Hood National Forest. This new permit ensures that we can continue our current level of access, and it also creates space for gradual expansion of our programs. Not every organization similar to ours has been so lucky. Many nonprofits, including for-profit outfitters and guides, have experienced extreme trouble obtaining a permit. That is why Mazamas partnered with the U.S. Forest Service, the Wilderness Society, and many other groups to develop a more streamlined approach to permitting in the future. This effort which has expanded nationally and is even gaining traction in Congress as a possible legislative solution is paying off on Mt. Hood.

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Volunteering in a K9 Unit Article and photos by Kevin Machtelinckx


s the Pacific Northwest’s summer heats up and people begin their annual exodus outside, we’re bound to see stories of lost and missing hikers in the Gorge, around Mt. Hood, in the Jefferson Park Wilderness, and many others. Search and rescue volunteers are called upon regularly to provide the manpower for searches that often span hundreds of acres. Although many volunteers have important support roles to perform, K9 units are the ones scouring the forest floors for scents and clues leading to the missing persons. On a sunny Sunday afternoon, I was lucky enough to sit in on a K9 training session put on by Mountain Wave Search and Rescue (SAR). Brian McLaughlin, Barbara Linder, and Terri Hines, all K9 handlers, gave me a behind-the-scenes look into what it takes to become a handler and participate in these missions as K9 SAR volunteers. Kevin Machtelinckx (KM): What is your dog’s name, age, breed, and specialty? Brian McLaughlin (BM): Schooch, 3 yearold Australian Shepherd, air scent. Barbara Linder (BL): Opal, 3.5 year-old Labrador retriever, air scent. Terri Hines (TH): Rook, 3 year-old Belgian Shepherd, human remains detection. KM: What does your dog’s specialty mean? BM: Scent is wafting off each of us all the time. When outside, that scent is carried by the breeze. So there is an ever-widening path of scent wafting downwind from everybody outside (generally called a scent cone). My job is to navigate the area I’m given to search in such a way that we’ll intersect the scent cone of anybody that might be out there. My dog’s job is to react to that scent cone in a trained chain of 8 MAZAMAS

behavior that includes following the scent to the subject, returning to me, alerting me that he’s found a subject, then leading me back to the subject he’s found. TH: A Human Remains Detection (HRD) dog is trained to do just that, find human remains in any phase of decomposition and alert the handler of its location. The dogs are trained to recognize the smell of human remains versus animal remains or any other distracting odor that may be a normal attraction to a dog. They are trained and able to detect human remains on land, underwater, or buried for concealment. KM: Walk me through what a dog and trainer have to go through to become certified. BM: Air scent training begins with what we call a runaway. The first runaways are simply having a training partner wave the dog’s favorite toy in front of him, making a bunch of noise and generally acting a little crazy and animated, and then turn and run away 10-20 yards, turn back around, and call the dog. The dog runs to the subject and is grandly rewarded with praise and play and maybe a treat. Doing this a few times makes running to that subject the most fun and exciting game

the dog could ever hope to play. Then when the dog reaches the subject, you start calling the dog back to you to get the reward and praise. Before long, the dog understands that this new variation of the game is great too. Then you ask the dog to alert you somehow (Schooch pulls a special tug-toy off my belt to indicate he found someone) to get the reward and praise. Soon, the dog learns that he needs to do the alert to get his reward. Finally, after alerting, the subject calls the dog back to him, the handler follows him, and it’s a grand party back at the subject. You do this over and over again, and the dog learns to do that sequence of trained responses when playing the runaway game. Then, the subject starts ducking behind a tree when he runs away, so he’s out of sight when the dog is released. As time progresses, the subject ducks further and further aside and hides further and deeper from the last point he was seen. Then the handler turns the dog away as the subject runs, so he can’t see where the subject went at all. I always mark the beginning of the game by putting the search harness on the dog so when it comes out, Schooch knows it’s play time. Soon, there doesn’t have to be a runaway at all - the game has

continued on next page

There’s a twoway trust that develops. He trusts that you won’t put him into a situation that will hurt him, and you trust him that he will do his job no matter what.

Brian McLaughlin with his 3 year-old Australian Shepherd, Schooch.

AUGUST 2017 9

K-9, continued from previous page progressed to where the harness goes on, and the dog is ready and anxious to start playing the search game. All the training culminates in a certification test which is a demonstration of your ability to navigate a 120-acre piece of wilderness as outlined on a map with your dog to find a hidden subject within four hours. Dog and handler will have demonstrated their ability to do that day or night, rain or shine, prior to the certification test being scheduled. KM: What kind of training do the handlers themselves have to have in order to go out on searches? BM: In our group, handlers need to be OSSA Type II certified. That means they need to demonstrate the ability to build fire and shelter with what they carry, navigate unfamiliar wilderness areas with map/compass and/or with a GPS, basic first aid and CPR skills, understand the Incident Command System, basic radio communications, search types and methods. You need to carry gear and supplies to enable you to stay in the field for 24 hours with your K9 and potentially a subject. Our group trains anyone that is planning to be in the field on these skills. All K9 handlers are required to have this Type II certification to participate in a search with their dog. KM: What would you say has been the most difficult part of training your dog? BM: What slowed our training down most was my lack of experience in training this kind of thing! Learning how to keep track of where I was and making

Barbara Linder and her three and a half year-old Labrador Retriever, Opal.

Terri Hines and her 3 year-old Belgian Shepherd, Rook.

sure to navigate my dog into potential areas of scent while paying attention to the dog and seeing/understanding his behavior took time. You learn to understand what small, seemingly insignificant pauses, glances, and gestures mean. You learn to see when your dog is trying to work out what he’s smelling and what direction that faint scent is coming from, and he learns that you are encouraging him to do that. As for problems that he had - I guess I’d say that it would be related to chasing squirrels and such (he’s tangled with skunks too!). To deal with that, we would spend lazy afternoons on our back deck, sitting on the loveseat, just watching the world go by until… a squirrel would skitter by on top of the fence. Schooch would leap from the deck and go tearing after that squirrel. I would leap from the deck and go tearing after Schooch! I was very gruff with him —in his face, “NO ... NO ...,” in a low loud voice. The first time I did that, it kind of scared him, because I generally don’t talk to him like that. The second time

(a day or two later), I did it the same way, but he didn’t seem scared—just put out. The third time a squirrel went by Schooch tensed and prepared to jump off the deck, but he paused and looked back at me. I gave him a gentle “no, no.” He turned back toward the squirrel, paused, and lay down. Since then, a gentle “no, no,” is generally enough to dissuade him from squirrels, other dogs, etc. He gets a good round of praise every time my “no, no” results in him standing down. KM: How often do you and your dog participate in training exercises? BM: Our group holds training sessions six times a month. We generally make it to all of them. I also do obedience training more or less constantly—every interaction I have with my dog is within the bounds of my obedience expectations. I also take him places to stretch his experience and his trust in me. For instance, taking him on elevator rides, through a crowded MAX platform, through the hustle and bustle of the crowd waiting to get into the zoo on a Saturday morning, riding on a MAX train, etc. Training like that has resulted in a dog that, when he’s nervous/anxious, is right close at my side. That’s right where I want him if he’s a little fearful or nervous, and I praise him big time for that. KM: In your opinion, what is the most dangerous aspect of search and rescue for you and your dog? BL: I don't like to search in urban areas due to the risk of getting hit by a car because Opal can range out of sight. I have to be careful with her in the Gorge as she could easily cliff out with her focus on searching and not paying attention to the terrain. KM: What has been your most memorable rescue, call out, or training event since you started doing search and rescue with K9’s?


BM: My best example was when we were assigned to go up a trail in the Columbia River Gorge and hook up with another trail to follow back along a creek to base. The “trail” turned out to be over rock and scree fields with pitches that required ropes to get through and sections so narrow that you could look down to your left and your right to see cliffs and/or very steep slopes where one wrong step would be very costly. When we were 6 hours in, we had a team member who was struggling a bit with the terrain. We hit snow and decided not to continue. You really need to know your abilities, and it’s always OK to say no. After getting home after that one, I looked up that trail and discovered it is listed as one of the most extreme trails in Oregon. If I’d known that in advance, I probably would have declined, but I’m pleased that the whole team made it back safely. KM: What is one thing that you think people don’t realize when they think of search and rescue dogs? BL: You don't "buy" a SAR dog ... you are a team and you bond from day one.

It would be very difficult for another handler to search with my dog as one of the important aspects on a search is the ability to "read your dog." During a search, you watch closely for behavior changes and work off those behaviors. TH: When people see the dogs working I don’t think they realize the amount of training that we put into the dogs to get them ready for deployment. It’s typically many days and hours per week and it’s ongoing until the dog retires. While it is a job for the dog, it’s also like a big game to them, even to go out and find human remains. KM: Any final thoughts on the bond you’ve developed and shared with your dog? BM: It’s amazing. Working with your dog— and relying on him—on such a regular basis on a task that has you out in the woods in strange places with your dog off leash, looking for people, and seeing him perform his task in the dark, in the rain, and in the snow, simply because he wants to please you and play the game— it’s amazing. There’s a two-way trust that

develops. He trusts that you won’t put him into a situation that will hurt him, and you trust him that he will do his job no matter what. It’s all done for the play time at the end—there’s reward in that for me too. BL: Opal is a very high drive lab and while we have had challenges along the way due to that drive, it has only bonded us together as a team even more. I love her commitment to work and I’m proud of her abilities and trust her to do her job when needed. TH: I adopted Rook when he was just under 2 years old so I didn’t get to bond with him as a puppy. He had already been in at least two other households so I really had no idea what kind of life he had prior to me bringing him home. I think training and learning this skill together allowed us to bond faster than if we were not involved in SAR. There’s a lot of trust that is required between a K9 and handler, and without that special bond that you form I don’t believe that you can be a successful team.

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Mazama Courses



















he Mazamas offers year-round courses in outdoor sport for all experience levels. Whether you are just getting into outdoor recreation, or are a well-traveled adventurer, there is something for just about everyone. Our most well-known series is the Basic Climbing Education Program, followed by the Intermediate Climbing School and finally Advanced Rock and/or Advanced Snow and Ice Climbing. However, the Mazamas doesn't stop at the summit. Mountain and Ultra Running Camps, Wilderness Navigation, Nordic Skiing, Ski Mountaineering, Canyoneering, Families Mountaineering 101, and a whole host of smaller drop-in courses make sure that everyone can recreate safely in the outdoors. Our menu of offerings continues to expand and evolve, and can be found on our website Below are some hard-earned lessons learned from past course participants.

GETTING WHERE YOU WANT TO GO by Kristie Perry Eight years after I moved to Oregon, I finally paid Smith Rock a visit. It was August 2003, somewhere around noon, and the park felt like a furnace. I was on my way home from Bend, having spent the weekend watching the Perseids, drinking too much wine, and smoking too many cigarettes. Through my hangover and the waves of heat, I watched climbers that surely must have been part gecko ascend and stick, ascend and stick, and then dance back down the wall like spiders. No way in Hell you’d ever catch me doing something like that. Ever. Fast forward to 2013. I’d completed BCEP and summited a handful of glaciated peaks (because what else do you do once you’ve quit the booze and tobacco?). I’d been spending my Friday evenings at PRG with a charming Advanced Rock (AR) grad who thought it was perfectly reasonable to take me there on our second date. Even though I’d never been there before. (He kindly suggested I “rainbow up” the wall.) And it is November 2013 and I am once again at Smith Rock State Park. For the second time. Ever. With the charming AR grad. And I am standing in front of Honey Pot on the Picnic Lunch Wall. And I am standing in front of Honey Pot. And I am standing in front of Honey Pot. And I can’t figure out how to get off the ground. Charming AR grad’s climbing buddy gives me a butt belay and up I go. Alan Watts’ Smith Rock guidebook says Honey Pot (5.9, 3 stars) “begins with massive potholes leading to a knobby

Kristie Perry, charming AR grad Tom Strodtbeck, and crag dog Duncan at Smith Rock State Park, where they have spent the last three Memorial Day weekends biking and climbing.

slab.” I remember none of that. I remember seeing no place to set my fingers or toes. I had no idea how I was going to climb that thing, but I knew I was going to climb it. I cursed mightily and inched my way up. I pinched nubbins, I stood up on my feet, and I refused to let go. I looked for holds, I committed to moves, and I trusted my body to find the right balance. My heart pounded and my calves twitched. And on my first trip to climb at Smith Rock, I made it to the top of Honey Pot. I’m never going to lead Chain Reaction. Ever. But sometimes when I get stumped by life, I think about that morning on Honey Pot and I’m reminded that everything I need to solve a problem is right in front of me and right inside of me. And that it doesn’t hurt to ask for a creative belay from a fellow climber. Climbers are always happy to help you get where you want to go.

continued on next page AUGUST 2017 13

Courses, continued from previous page



by Sue Griffith

by Christine Yankel

High quality educational programming is a central part of what the Mazamas offer to its members and the community. Each year, prospective students can find classes ranging from one day skillbuilders to months long climbing and mountaineering classes. I asked Rebecca Ross, a recent BCEP grad, to share with us how Mazama classes have helped her to climb higher: SG: Where were you in your outdoors/ mountaineering/climbing journey at the start?

Do you remember when you first climbed? Craning your neck, the feeling that there was no way in the world you’d make it up ten feet, let alone to the top, but then doing it? Discovering that tiny pebbles can hold you, that you can figure out the puzzle, that you could hold your partner’s fall? We learn so much in Mazamas, but what I’ve liked learning most is how sweet the feeling is of seeing kids have the chance to experience climbing. As part of youth outreach, volunteers like Sheena Raab organize events so Mazama volunteers can work with kids in youth-serving organizations like Friends of Children and Adelante Mujeres. These organizations do amazing work with kids at risk, giving them skills and support to help them thrive. It’s humbling to play a part in it, belaying, encouraging. At the MMC, area gyms, and under blue skies at Horsethief Butte, the kids climb and learn, support each other, and radiate the joy of learning how much they can do, that feeling you had when you first climbed. We are so lucky to have mountains to climb. We are even luckier to have the chance toshare this with others.

RR: I’ve been doing backpacking and hiking for about a year prior to this journey. SG: What Mazama class(es) did you take and why? RR: I took the Mazamas BCEP class after learning about it through the Mazama Winter Weekend. I wanted to take the class because I knew it would help me expand on what I already knew from my own personal backpacking trips, but also it would fill in some gaps where I lacked knowledge and experience. SG: What did you do as a result of the class that you couldn't do before? RR: Mountaineering is something that I wouldn’t have been able to do safely prior to taking BCEP. I’ve always been interested in getting into mountaineering, but knew I wasn’t quite prepared to do so. Now I feel that I have

Rebecca Ross on top of Mt. Adams. Photo: Lisa Lesko.

a good basic understanding on knowing what precautions are needed to be safe and knowing my own limitations. SG: What did the class lead you to try that you never imagined? RR: I don’t think I ever pictured myself summiting mountains until after I completed BCEP. Now I’ve become a mountaineering enthusiast. SG: How does that new skill make you feel/change your self-image, etc? RR: I’ve become more cautious because I now know there are serious risks to everything I choose to do. However, I also have a better understanding about safety. I feel more confident in the decisions based on the skills I’ve learned.

IT STARTED AT HORSETHIEF by Ed Conyngham I attended Basic Climbing School in 1997, hoping to recapture the pleasures of hiking, climbing, and skiing I had enjoyed as a high school boy at Gresham Union High in the 1940s. At age 67, it was a late start for sure but the excitement, fitness, Ed Conyngham and Taro enjoying a hike.


and camaraderie that came with BCS gave me the ability not only to go on climbs, but moved me to take Nordic ski lessons and teach Nordic too. Later I joined the Nordic Committee where I have served for a number of years. It’s been a great run and it all started at Horsethief Butte!

MAZAMA CLASSES LEAD TO UNEXPECTED BENEFITS Editor’s Note: Josha and I (Sue Griffith) were BCEP classmates. I admired her abilities and engagement with Mazama climbing classes and asked her to contribute her story to the Bulletin.

by Josha Moss I can’t say that I enrolled in BCEP with hopes of tackling as yet unimagined challenges. I had no ambition in mind other than getting into ICS or Advanced Rock. With no major goal other than learning more about climbing, that initial Mazama class morphed into a strong desire to learn trad and take AR because I really love climbing on rocks and want to share that with my friends. While working my way through the Mazama climbing program, I not only grew my climbing skills, but also found a new community of friends, which allowed me to grow more authentically in ways I hadn’t really experienced before. Mazama classes provided a space for me to be present, while pulling away from a religious group I had been engaged with over the

past 14 years. I loved the spirituality of this Christian group profoundly. I had spent years caring for their children and taking their teens backpacking and hiking. But despite my deep attachment, I found I could no longer tolerate their lack of support for female leadership and their firm stance against gay marriage. This realization came as I finally accepted I would never be attracted to men and recognized the truth of who I really am. I was open and honest about this new understanding with the ministers and elders of the congregation. They told me if I ever "acted on my tendencies" I would not be allowed in a leadership role with the children and teens—an age group I was already limited to since I was categorized as “female.” It was a heartbreaking transition to pull away from this group that was like family to me, despite how unhealthy it would have been to continue to support a community who did not support me, and where I could not live a fully authentic life or be supportive of all kinds of people.

Josha at Smith Rock

Joining the Mazamas and enrolling in classes was a step towards branching out while still in my comfort zone with outdoor adventuring. At the time, my fear of trusting people made me very reluctant to be part of any organization; but the Mazamas proved a good choice for me. I have just completed AR and cannot express the extent of how enriching and fun it was. Rock climbing has had such a wonderful impact on my life—it provides physical, psychological, emotional, social, and even spiritual benefits. I am pleased with and grateful for where the Mazama classes have led me.


Avinash Agarwal on the summit of Mt. Hood.

by Avinash Agarwal Snow is scary! Growing up in Mumbai, India, I did not see snow until I came to the U.S. as a 22-year-old graduate student. Two attempts at downhill skiing, both embarrassing failures, very quickly

convinced me to stay away from snowcovered mountains for the rest of my life. Fast forward a quarter century, where after living in the Pacific Northwest for a few years, I caught the hiking bug. After many hikes around the base of Mt. Hood with a local hiking group, I found myself captivated by stories from people who loved climbing mountains, and a few who had summited Hood. It seemed like a dream. A sweet, distant dream which would remain distant. But something drove me to enroll in BCEP this year, which turned out to be the greatest opportunity of my life. The brilliant Mazama climbers volunteering their time, teaching us, working tirelessly for hours to train us, and captivating our hearts and minds with their energy and passion for climbing. By the end of the class, the bubble of comfort and fear was bursting.

A week later, I joined our BCEP leaders and a few other students from our class on a Mt. Hood climb from the south side. While we turned back from the Hogsback Ridge, looking at Devil’s Kitchen’s Headwall, I was sure I had never been to a more beautiful place in my life. I returned home, after being so close to the summit, very sore and immensely enriched. Three weeks later, on the night of May 27, my friend Doug from the BCEP class and I headed up from Timberline Lodge once again. The climb was difficult, but I could feel the mountain welcoming us and urging us to continue on. Continue, we did, and at 7:20 a.m. we were standing on the summit of Mt. Hood. The first time for both of us and we were greeted with perfect weather, jaw dropping views, the deepest sense of wonder, and unimaginable beauty.

AUGUST 2017 15


CAMPGROUND APOCALYPSE? Agencies Prepare for Overcrowding in Oregon Wilderness NO cy n a c Va by Jonathan Barrett


or a state with just over 3.8 million residents, having approximately another million visitors for several days is a staggering increase. As improbable as this is, organizations like Travel Oregon are predicting such numbers. This would be tolerable if these visitors weren’t trying to then squeeze themselves into a strip just 70 miles wide. Then, within that thin strip, only a small fraction of that is easily accessible by roads and has areas conducive to an overnight stay. As a result, many of these feet will be standing on Oregon’s public lands. As you might imagine, there are several serious reasons for concern from the managers of those public lands.

be extremely careful with their campfires. This means never leaving fires unattended, keeping the fires small and contained, as well as making absolutely sure that all fires are extinguished completely. Lisa Clark, the acting Associate District Manager for the Prineville BLM, would urge the public to not have a fire at all. “Don’t plan on having a campfire or a barbecue—bring a camp stove for cooking,” she wrote in her email response to me. Yet, they are realistic about the fact that many will despite prohibitions. As we all know, a single errant spark can lead to catastrophic results when conditions are ripe for wildfires.

TRASH We all have witnessed it: a full trash can with a pile of refuse stacked next to it because there is no more room in the receptacle. Many established areas will have extra capacity for this extra garbage. Jean Nelson-Dean, the Public Affairs Officer for the Deschutes National Forest says, “We hope to provide additional opportunities for people to dump trash on the way in and on the way out of areas.” However in areas where there are not adequate infrastructure and receptacles, there is the real possibility for there to be a substantial problem with litter. Lisa Clark observes that there will be long-term impacts from this waste: “The biggest

RISK OF WILDFIRE The day of the eclipse is going to be at the height of fire season in Eastern Oregon. With the tens of thousands of visitors who are coming to camp on public lands, land managers are very concerned about the risk posed by all these additional campfires. Local agencies will be positioned to respond as quickly as possible, but additional traffic on the roads at that time may hinder response time. As a result, campers are being asked to 16 MAZAMAS

Image courtesy

challenges that we believe we’ll face will be human waste and trash dumping, along with trampling and heavy use in sensitive areas. In addition to planning for increased service in areas where we have toilets and trash cans, we are planning to have staff dedicated to monitoring sites after people leave. The BLM will have to develop a rehabilitation plan—however, we can’t do it until we know where the damage will be and how severe. We’ll manage this much like we develop rehab plans after a wildfire.” Clearly, the best option would be for people to pack out what they pack in.

HUMAN WASTE Then there is the problem of poop. Jean Nelson-Dean says that, “One concern is people not properly disposing of their waste from the RVs and campers because dump locations may be overwhelmed with visitors. If people do dump their waste on the forest it will create both short-term and long-term issues for our public lands.” Like the overflowing trash cans, there is limited capacity for human waste, even if there are extra facilities on site. Many locations will be adding many, many extra port-a-potties to supplement the facilities already there. Unfortunately, many will not use them, even if they are clean and well-maintained. Fecal bacteria can then impact nearby water sources. With limited capacity to manage and maintain facilities, it is possible that restrooms will simply be overwhelmed when they do exist.

IMPACTS ON VEGETATION Clearly there will be legions of people looking for places to camp and observe the eclipse in areas away from other people, either due to necessity or desire. This means that visitors will be traveling on foot and by vehicle into areas that may be sensitive to impact. When asked about differing plans regarding different areas, Lisa Clark said that, “For the BLM, our plans don’t really differ by elevation or vegetation type—instead we are looking early are [sic] areas that could be impacted by motorized vehicles such as wilderness or wilderness study areas. We’ll be looking for areas where we can reinforce our on-site signs or improve gates and fencing so that people get easy

direction about where they can or can’t go with vehicles. One of these areas will be Sutton Mountain Wilderness Study Area (WSA) near Mitchell, and also on the mid-line of the eclipse. We want people to find good areas to camp and to leave their vehicles, and proceed on foot into the WSA—and we know that many people coming from outside the area won’t know about restrictions in WSAs. So we plan to do the best we can to get that information out early and at these locations.” Clearly travel on foot is the preferred means of transportation because it has the lowest impact. Education and signage is going to be key to minimizing the impacts. Nonetheless, where there are very few established camping sites on the Prineville BLM lands, none which are reservable, land managers like Clark think that most people will choose to use dispersed camping practices. It is expected that people will probably arrive, discover that the few sites are taken, and then move to an area close by that seems to be able to hold a tent site, whether or not it is actually appropriate. Priest Hole near Mitchell is one such place where there are significant concerns about impact. One of the less noted impacts is also the possibility of the introduction of invasives, like weed species. However, this will only be known long after the crowds have left. Only afterwards will land managers be able to assess the extent of the damage.

PARTNERSHIPS Preparing for and resolving these issues has been and will be a collaborative effort. Lisa Clark says the BLM has, “great partnerships with other agencies and organizations in Central Oregon—and we have been meeting together to plan for this event since 2016. Emergency service managers from Deschutes, Crook, and Jefferson Counties have spearheaded meetings with local, state, and federal businesses and agencies; the Governor’s Task Force is coordinating efforts at a statewide level, and the Forest Service and BLM in Central Oregon recently held an “all-hazard” simulation event to practice responses to a variety of emergencies that could happen during the eclipse. This simulation was attended by representatives

from five counties, several forests and BLM districts, Oregon Department of Forestry, fire departments, police departments, the Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs, Red Cross, and many more.” Clearly this is an “all hands on deck” scenario. However, what is clear is that success or failure is contingent on whether the myriad visitors decide to either respect the public lands that they are using or behave irresponsibly. Most of these issues are not necessarily new to public lands. Land managers will be moving people from one area to another in the hopes of putting the manpower where it is most needed. Ultimately though, the most important partnership is going to be between the public who will be using the lands and the government agencies charged with taking care of them.

FINAL THOUGHTS Mt. Jefferson, which is under the path of totality, provides a small-scale case study of what the larger picture may look like. It is expected that many climbers will try to summit in order to have the best view. For some, it is “the best spot” to watch the event. The alpine environment is both sensitive to human impact and not hospitable. It has a limited carrying capacity for visitors. When there is a larger than optimal number of visitors, there will be greater problems caused by this friction between what the system is designed to handle and the number of users. Lisa Clark pointed out another such point of friction: “We know we’ll have challenges for example with people wanting to camp at a few campgrounds along the Lower Deschutes River like Trout Creek and Mecca Flats—and at the same time we will have very high numbers of people wanting to launch to be on the river during the eclipse.” Only afterwards will we know the result of exceeding the carrying capacity for these sensitive public lands. We can hope, though, that the public will do their best to minimize the impacts of their presence.

The 1945 Mazama Annual has a nice article on the last Solar Eclipse visible from Oregon. Stop by the Mazama Library and have a look.

AUGUST 2017 17



et high up on the north side of Mount Hood, surrounded by old growth trees, sits the 1930s era Tilly Jane a-frame cabin. At about 1,000 feet from tree line, Tilly Jane is a gateway to ski, hike, climb, and generally explore Mt. Hood’s wilderness areas. For generations, the cabin has been a welcoming way station for outdoor adventurers. But today, the cabin is in need of significant repairs.

In 2015, my BCEP team was lucky enough to spend the night at Tilly Jane. The cabin offered a place to hang out, master a one-handed butterfly by a wood stove, and get to know each other before our first alpine start, and a morning of snow skills. The time spent together helped forge friendships and create connections. As Jennifer Fortin, one-half of the couple leading the effort to restore the cabin, said, Tilly Jane is not just a commodity. It’s a place. For the past few years, Andre and Jennifer Fortin of the Oregon Nordic Club (ONC) have been working to preserve this Civilian Conservation Corps gem. The Fortins’ journey started with a casual visit, which turned into an annual outing to stock firewood for the winter and eventually became a nearly full-time mission. They are driven by a deep appreciation of the cabin’s history, and the legacy of volunteer stewardship that kept the cabin open, accessible, and affordable for decades. With an all-volunteer management crew and limited funding to support the cabin, many maintenance projects are long deferred. Today, Tilly Jane is in need of many costly repairs, including a new roof. Restoring the cabin is not a simple process. As part of the Cloud Cap/Tilly Jane Historic District, repairs and reconstruction of the cabin need to be completed with care and in ways that preserve and maintain its historical integrity. This means things like finding and salvaging the large cedar trees needed to cut the oversized roof shingles, which is neither easy, nor inexpensive. Many of the materials needed to complete the


Photo: Oregon Nordic Club

restoration are not readily found. In addition to historic preservation, the current restoration efforts are guided by an ethos that includes an appreciation for public lands and public facilities and aims to support affordable recreation options. Today, if you are lucky enough to pass by Tilly Jane when there is an overnight guest, stop in. There is a nominal ($1) fee if you’re stopping in to warm up and/or eat lunch. Just drop your dollar in the fee box by the locker. The Tilly Jane A-Frame could easily be part of a private concession with more restricted access and higher fees, but the Fortins and the ONC are working to keep it accessible and affordable.

If you agree that Tilly Jane is a place worth preserving, consider what you can offer. The Save Tilly Jane campaign aims to raise about $100,000 to complete the next phase of repairs. Please consider donating to support the restoration. If you have large construction vehicles and equipment or advanced construction skills and are available to help, please let ONC know. To learn more about the history of Tilly Jane and the restoration plans and to offer skills or to donate to the Save Tilly Jane fund, please visit



lose your eyes, and think back to your childhood. What are your favorite memories? If you are like me, your favorite memories involve time spent outside. My sister and I would play outside on summer afternoons and evenings building “raceways” for pop cans in the creek behind our house. Then we would try to catch the biggest crayfish we could as they darted in and out from underneath the rocks. She and I would make up fun stories for our adventures. Some days we were outlaws running from the law. Hound dogs were hot on our scent, and we had to throw them off by wading through the creek. When we were sure that we had lost them, we’d settle in for the night around our campfire (a big pile of sticks) and eat our dinner ( foraged weeds and crushed nuts) on our plates (big flat rocks). We would pretend to go fishing in our little creek (too small for any real fish) by making fishing poles

out of big sticks and strings, then take turns attaching big leaves to each other’s strings. The big leaves were big 'ole fish we were going to cook later over our campfire. Hopefully, you were as lucky as I was, and some of your cherished memories involve being out in nature. Now, close your eyes and imagine your own child(ren) and your child(ren)’s future. What do you think their favorite memories will involve? Unfortunately, urban children do not have as ready access to nature as I did in the rural Midwest. We all know that children need more time in nature and less screen time. However, it can sometimes feel like a chore to get children out. And if it feels like a chore, then the joy is gone. Fortunately here in Portland, there are many opportunities to engage children in nature within the city limits or just a short drive out of the city limits. The opportunities are virtually endless. If you are feeling overwhelmed with where to start, Mazama Families activities are a great way to get you and your family out. You can share the chore of organizing

"Passion is lifted from the earth itself by the muddy hands of the young; it travels along grass stained sleeves to the heart. If we are going to save environmentalism and the environment, we must also save an endangered indicator species: the child in nature." –Richard Louv, author of Last Child

in the Woods

and planning with other parents, and your child(ren) will get the opportunity to make new friends. You can enjoy adult conversation while your children spend some time getting to know other children. Our activities include hiking, climbing, snow camping, backpacking, mountaineering, and more. Check out for more information. All are welcome to attend our committee meetings; 6:30 p.m. the 3rd or 4th Thursday of the month at the MMC.


Steel Cowboyz may not be as unruffled and sophisticated as the real deal, but ten gallon hats make a wicked amount of sense in the big open. Photo: Kyle Heddy.

by Terry Campbell


teel Cowboyz” are a new breed of outdoor enthusiast “ who use steel “bikepacking” bikes (steel horses) to adventure in the wide open spaces of America’s West. A bikepacking bike is a cross between a road touring bike and a mountain bike. It provides all the long distance comfort of a touring bike, with wide, knobby tires for rugged terrain. All your gear is stored in bags strapped directly to the bike’s frame ensuring a better, weight-centered, handling experience. With a good set-up you can comfortably travel over almost any terrain and camp wherever you like. This provides the bikepacker an amazing amount of freedom to ride on paved roads, gravel roads, single track trails, through cow pastures, you name it!


These friendly “cowboyz” are defined by honesty, independence, self-reliance, and respect for Mother Nature. The Steel Cowboyz in this story are: Kyle Heddy (aka “Hammerin”), Ray Belt (aka “Ray-Ray”), and Terry Campbell (aka “TC”). I'll tell you how Hammerin, Ray-Ray and TC took to their steel steeds and found the lost hot springs of the Owyhee Country. The great land-owning Baron Workman of the Pacific NW Company and his evil sidekick, Mr. Job, have kept our heroes’ faces pressed to the coalface all winter. No rest, no recess, no hope of a better future. One day, TC showed Hammerin and Ray-Ray a book that detailed the existence of hot springs in the far off land of the Owyhee Country. He explained that the best way to connect with these warm, relaxing pools was to wrestle up some steel horses and ride across the open countryside. He cautioned this would be hard traveling and the early spring weather could be sour. Ray-Ray looked at

Hammerin and said, “Anything would be better than staying here under the evil gaze of Mr. Job.” Over the coming weeks the Steel Cowboyz warmed up to the vision of breaking loose from their tedious lives and heading out into wide open spaces in search of hot springs. They hatched a plan to break out on a Wednesday, after they clocked out, in a gas-powered company van. This would allow them to make the long drive to Jordan Valley, OR (Owyhee Country Frontier Town) under the darkness of night. As the departure day drew closer, it was clear Ray-Ray did not have adequate gear to ride this rough country so he invested in a Surley ECR with a full rack and bag set-up. The departure Wednesday was more hectic at the coalface than usual but our heroes kept to their plan and left the bustling metropolis of Portland, Oregon as scheduled. Along the way, they found a quiet grove of trees in Farewell

Bikepack the Lost Hot Springs of


Ray and TC leave pavement behind, navigating by relief features, topographic maps, and noses. Roads here have a way of contradicting themselves. Photo: Kyle Heddy.

Bend State Park to rest for the night. The next morning Ray-Ray was hankering for a country fried steak breakfast so they headed to Ontario on their way to Jordan Valley. After stocking up on final supplies in Ontario, the boyz made it to Jordan Valley, known for cattle ranchers and farmers, by mid-afternoon. While packing up their steel steeds, the Mayor of Jordan Valley kindly welcomed them to her town. The boyz needed to be careful not to reveal their identities as Baron Workman had many friends in the region and they were breaking company policy by not working seven days a week. Under gray, nonthreatening skies they pedaled off to find Cow Lakes, en route to Greeley Bar Hot Springs via Two Mile Creek. Right out of town, they found the navigating easy until they were cut-off from their route by private property. Unauthorized crossing of private property was against their ethos. Lucky for them, at

just that moment, a rancher named John walked by. He granted them access and showed them how to get back on route. Rancher John’s directions were simple, “You see those two humps on the horizon? You need to squeeze between them and you will be on your way.” These city-slicking Steel Cowboyz got a little nervous when they walked their steeds amongst very large cows. “Just don’t make eye contact!" Hammerin yelled. A two track 4WD road awaited them on the opposite side of the rancher’s land, and the pedaling resumed, mind you at a slow pace. As Jordan Valley and the private property faded behind them, the concerns about their lives and the threat of getting caught fell away as well. The focus shifted from what was behind them to the roads in front, but TC was up to his old tricks. He had broken free from Baron Workman’s clutches many times before but he was still a neophyte in the ways of the Steel Cowboy. Bringing a rear rack with panniers

sounded like a good idea, but the King of Rigs, TC’s nickname, had not planned for the rocky, rough roads and his bike rack clattered and clanked like an out of control chuck-wagon. There was a major concern that something would break and not be repairable, but TC simply said, “Nothing that duct tape can’t fix.” A true Mazama statement. Smoother riding was under tire when they found a well-maintained gravel road that led them to the Cow Lakes and beyond. At the junction for the Cow Lakes they decided to head north and stay away from the lakes. The boyz were flying down gravel roads with the wind whipping under their cowboy hats as the sun set. Hammerin and Ray-Ray always went first as their skills in the saddle were strong. TC rode more tentatively waiting for his head lamp to illuminate the darkness ahead. Riding in this country deep into the night was a dangerous game, and the boyz

continued on next page AUGUST 2017 21

Cowboyz, continued from previous page concluded they should find a campsite. The beauty of traveling on Bureau of Land Management (BLM) land is any place that is relatively flat, with a local water source, can be a campsite. No need to find a campground, pay a fee, deal with reservations, etc. This provides the ultimate freedom to roam where you want and sleep where you want. A grassy meadow next to a roaring creek made a perfect place for the boyz to settle in for a dark, dark night. The Owyhee Country is one of the darkest places in the lower 48. However none of our heroes grew up in this region, so after they identified basic constellations, all that was left to see was shooting star after shooting star. A cold air settled in around the camp as they zipped up sleeping bags and closed their eyes. Waking to their own body rhythms the next morning further disconnected the boyz from their painful existence back in Portland. They had the whole day ahead

of them with no one to tell them where to be: ultimate freedom. Frost from the night’s cold air evaporated as the sun rose and Hammerin got to work making coffee pour-overs. No cowboy coffee for these guys, just straight-up hipster drip. Packing was easy, and everyone remarked that TC’s steed was holding together nicely. Riding west, they found Coffeepot Crater which is the origin of a 27-square mile lava flow that stretches across the Jordan Craters. From the top of Coffeepot, you can see the flow that scorched the earth and carved the land. Pedaling west again they descended on their way to their first hot spring along the Owyhee River. Unfortunately, a deeper read in the hot springs guidebook revealed that the Two Mile Springs was on the north side of the Owyhee River, which is not a river they felt comfortable crossing in spring. They kept pedaling on faint, two track gravel roads, and eventually they reached the edge of the Owyhee Canyon for the first time. “Wow!” said Ray-Ray as he peered deeper into the broad canyon. “Look at all the cliffs and tiers as it drops down to the beautiful Owyhee River.” Their GPS gizmo pointed them south on Blister Road which traced the edge of

the canyon for miles. On one side of their bikes they saw the precipitous drop of the canyon while the other side offered wide open spaces of desolate grasslands. Having lost their chance on the Greeley Bar Hot Springs, their new goal was to reach the town of Rome, just as the sun was setting to disguise their approach from curious onlookers. They crossed through a small canyon that had been created by lava flow. This made the riding really fun, on well-maintained roads with gradual descents and banked turns. The boyz really let it out as they rode across the Rome Airstrip and connected with the Winnemucca to Silver City Wagon Road. This wagon road was a popular route between the mining town of Silver City and the railroad hub of Winnemucca. Lots of Pacific NW Company men moved product back and forth along this route and discretion was paramount. As they arrived at the wagon road, they noticed that this popular route had been left to Mother Nature. Unfortunately, the hair bending 1,000 foot descent, in the dark, required them to dodge large tumble weeds and the occasional boulder while staying away from the road’s cliff-side edge. Thankfully, they found flat ground again at the bottom with just enough

Clockwise, from top left: A classic bike camp setup. Roads out here require hours of research, several forms of navigation, friendly locals, and just being comfortable and prepared in the art of being lost. Mountaineering on bikes. Attitude is everything out here. Ray is a pro at keeping up the humor and positivity even when dusk turns to night and we are still hunting for a bush-camp. Photos: Kyle Heddy.


light to see the Pillars of Rome. Flipping on their headlamps they cruised into the rafting campground along the river where they reloaded on water, ate lots of food, and fell asleep to the sounds of the river. The next day they woke up and played around at camp for a while. These Steel Cowboyz may not be able to ride a bull, but they can hacky-sack and fly a kite with the best of them. Out of the blue, a state trooper pulled up to their camp, and they felt sure they were in trouble. However, he greeted them in a friendly manner and told them that he was interested in talking to them about their steel steed set-ups. As a hunter, he explained that he was intrigued by the potential utility of using a bike to access the backcountry. They geeked out over bikes for a while, and then he informed the boyz that the Three Forks hot springs, their next destination, was on the south side of the river and it couldn’t be forded in spring. They wrapped-up their conversation, and TC tucked his tail as the dream of linking up hot springs by steel steed was officially lost. Their last day in this wild canyon land brought them back to the Owyhee Canyon rim for more breathtaking views of sheer cliff walls. They passed through grass covered

valleys until they descended quickly to Three Forks Road. Riding north on the best gravel road they had seen in 2 ½ days, they popped out on Highway 95, a few miles west of the campground at Antelope Reservoir. This reservoir is very large, and on its south end there was a daunting cliff face that rose out of the water and ended at Juniper Ridge. The next morning, their luck ran out as the temperature hovered around 40, and it started raining. They made haste with the pack-up and rode the final 10 miles on Highway 95 back to the town of Jordan Valley. Our heroes set out to explore a new part of Oregon, camp next to hot springs like old cowboys, practice self-reliance in nature, leave no trace, and further deepen the relationships these experiences forge with friends. They never found the hot springs, but these three Steel Cowboyz experienced the joy and freedom of searching for those lost hot springs together in the Owyhee Canyonlands. You should too, they’re out there.

To learn more about the Owyhee be sure to check out Owyhee Canyonlands: an outdoor adventure guide, Mazama Library #917.95.St9 and our wide selection of mountain biking guides.

When selecting a bike for bikepacking one needs to remember a few things: ▶▶ Stability: What size tires will the bike be able to handle? ▶▶ Pedaling Position: Does the bike allow for an upright, eyes on the road riding posture? ▶▶ Frame: Is the frame made of a sturdy material (i.e., steel) and are there 'brazeons' for bags and racks? ▶▶ Tires: What types of roads are you riding on? There are lots of tires out there. ▶▶ Weight: There are tradeoffs when considering weight: light bikes (carbon) can be expensive and prone to damage while heavier bikes (steel) are more cost effective and don't damage as easily.


Mountain Shop • 1510 NE 37th Ave, Portland, OR 97232 •

ADVENTUROUS YOUNG MAZAMAS (AYM) Activities for those in their 20s and 30s or anyone young at heart. Check our website,, and the AYM Meetup page frequently for the most up to date schedule. All trips are $2 for members/$3 for nonmembers.

Adventurous Young Mazamas jumping for joy at the summit of Silver Star Mountain, WA. Mt. Hood and Mt. Jefferson are in the background.​​ Photo: Sándor Lau.

MONTHLY EVENTS ▶▶ AYM Committee Meetings are on the fourth Monday of the month at 6:30 p.m. at the MMC. ▶▶ Interested in learning what AYM is about or looking for a casual introduction to our group? Be sure and join us for pub night on the third Monday of the month. ▶▶ We also host board game night on the first Thursday of the month. Check the Meetup page for location as they rotate every month!

OBSIDIAN WILDERNESS/PERSEID METEOR SHOWER BACKPACKING TRIP AUG. 12–13, 6 A.M. Join us for a wilderness trek during the year's best meteor shower. We'll see alpine wildflowers and flows of glass in the Obsidian Falls limited entry area. 16 mi., 2,800 ft. elevation gain, B3. $10 members\$20 nonmembers. NW Forest Pass required. Capped at eight hikers. Meet at the MMC. RSVP to leader Toby Creelan at

RAMBLE: ELK ROCK ISLAND AUG. 23, 7 P.M. This fun ramble combines urban and natural landscapes. First we will ramble through historic Milwaukie and Riverfront Park. We will walk along the Willamette River to Elk Rock Island. Elk Rock Island is only accessible by foot during low flow season. The island represents part of an ancient volcano that erupted about 40 million years ago. The large, jagged rocks (Waverly Heights basalt) found throughout the island were formed by lava flows and may be the oldest exposed

rock in the Portland area. Sweet! 3 miles 100 ft. elevation. Meet at the Milwaukie Main Street MAX stop (along SE 21st St.) at 7 p.m. Experienced ramble dogs welcomed. Please RSVP to leader: Sarah Miller at

BACKPACK: BOLAN LOOKOUT AUG. 25–27 Sky is the limit! Join us for a hike up Mt. McLoughlin in the Sky Lakes Wilderness of Southern Oregon. We’ll return to camp at the epic Bolan Mountain lookout tower nearby. Carpool from MMC Friday 12 p.m. $10 members\$15 nonmembers plus shared rental cost. Capped at five hikers. 8 miles, 3,900 ft. 610 RT. Q2.5(E) RSVP to Leader: Toby Creelan at

WALLOWA LAKE GROUP CAMPING TRIP SEPT. 1–4 An AYM tradition returns! We will spend the holiday weekend at a group campsite at Wallowa Lake State Park, which will serve as a basecamp for explorations of all difficulty levels into the Eagle Cap Wilderness and Hells Canyon. We’ll hike by day and hang out by night. Plan on a full holiday weekend of hikes, explorations, friendship, pancakes and mini-golf ! Cost for the weekend: $35 members\$50 nonmembers. It is a long drive, so it is recommended that you leave Portland by early afternoon at the latest. Leader: Matt Reeder at



MAZAMA LODGE Your Home on the Mountain. Summer is a busy time for the Mazama Lodge. Please note that our Saturdays are all booked for exclusive use events (weddings), but we are open the rest of the week if you are planning a last minute summer trip to the lodge. We are sold out for our eclipse event, Aug. 20 and 21. However we do have availability Monday night Aug. 21. We also have availability on Labor Day weekend for Round The Mountain. Congratulations to the lodge summer staff who have just earned degrees in various areas of study. Will Stevens graduated in Geology from University of Puget Sound, (second season working at Mazama Lodge). Renee Moore graduated in Speech Pathology from Portland State, (third summer at Mazama Lodge as caretaker), and Clare Hogan just finished her degree in Music Therapy from Marylhust ( finishing her fifth summer at Mazama Lodge). Thank you for all of your help over the years! Another special thank you to Jim VanLente who has been working on a number of projects at the lodge including the oven this summer. The Lodge goes back to our winter schedule starting Aug. 28 when we close at noon. Our fall/winter schedule is Thurs. at Noon—Mon. at Noon.

CLIMBING THE IRON PATHS OF THE DOLOMITES SEPT. 3, 5 P.M. Mazamas John Leary, Jim Palo, John Creager, and Terry Olson experienced the thrill of walking and climbing via ferrata in the Dolomites in Italy. A via ferrata, the iron way, is a mountain route equipped with steel cables, ladders, fixed anchors and a few wooden walkways and suspended bridges. The summer speaker series offers dinner at 5 p.m. and a program at 6 p.m. Dinner is $13.25.


Thank you to Will Stevens, Renee Moore, and Clare Hogan who have collectively worked at the lodge for 10 summers!

ROUND THE MOUNTAIN SEPT. 2–4 Join the Mazamas 11th annual Round the Mountain (RTM) hike of Mt. Hood’s Timberline Trail over Labor Day weekend. You will experience hiking a majestic 40 miles of the Timberline Trail with spectacular views of Mt. Hood and the beginning of autumn colors. Get full details and register:

VOLUNTEERS NEEDED! If you are up for some hard work for a good cause, please consider volunteering for the Mazama Lodge. See the Volunteer Opportunities section for more information!

As you may know, the Mazama Library’s new online catalog launched on June 1, and the response has been great. If you haven’t check it out yet, visit and have a look around. Since the launch of the online catalog, circulation is up almost 14 percent, and more than100 searches were performed in the first month alone. Library volunteers are continuing to refine the library catalog’s records to improve search and recall. A few of the recent requested titles added to the collection include Curious Gorge, 4th ed. (2017), City of Rocks, 3rd. (2016), Explore the Oregon Coast Trail, (2015), and Mount Rainier A Climbing Guide, 3rd. (2017). Be sure to stop by and check out the Mazama Library. Remember, it’s yours to use! AUGUST 2017 25


2017 Mazama Membership Survey


of members responded to the survey (1098 of 3734)


Who Was Surveyed?


16–30 51–70

The Membership Survey was sent to all current members with an address on file with the Mazamas (3,293) as well as past members who had let their membership lapse within the last year (441).

Age of Respondents


Top Reasons for Joining the Mazamas

82% Learn Climbing/Hiking/Outdoor Skills 61%

Membership Tenure 60

Meet Like-Minded People


70 50















Climb Mt. Hood

on Hikes & 41% GoBackpacks


are in support of or indifferent to the concept of an associate membership


oppose the concept of an associate membership


Ages 64+ showed the highest opposition

6% women 64% men


MORE Leadership Classes

MORE Skill Builders

Members under the age of 65 and those with a tenure under 12 years are significantly more likely to want the top three educational offerings than their older, more tenured counterparts.

Classes & Courses

Which of the following should the Mazamas add or increase ?

23% MORE beginner level classes

15% Family-Oriented Classes


12% Under-18 climbing classes

More intermediate skills outside of ICS

Reasons for Remaining a Mazama Member Classes/Education Programs Advocacy Efforts Alpine Climbing/Mountaineering Mazama Community/Meeting Others Environmental Activism Keeping in Shape Hiking, Rambles, Backpacking Trail & Crag Stewardship Mazama Lodge Grant Programs Friends/Relatives are Members Member Discounts



would like to see more immersive, shorter class options.


feel the Mazama Library holds strong historical value.




think the MMC needs some updates.





show some level of support for a Mazama Ranch at Smith Rock.


of Mazama volunteers feel valued often or always. AUGUST 2017 27

Jeff Lowe's Metanoia At the MMC

by Sarah Bradham Jeff Lowe's storied climbing career is well known by many in the climbing community. Jeff helped make climbing what it is today with his technical innovation and more than a thousand first ascents. In 1978 his image graced the cover of Sports Illustrated, one of only two climbing related images to ever hit that magazine's cover. In the height of his climbing career he was a larger than life figure, seemingly defying death on multiple occasions. His line on the North Face of the

Eiger, Metanoia, was considered unimaginable and is at the center of Jeff Lowe's Metanoia. While Jeff faced many challenges in the mountains, his biggest challenge of late has been battling a neurodegenerative disorder with symptoms similar to MS and ALS. He first began experiencing symptoms in 2001, and has been confined to a wheelchair since 2012. On the evening of June 28, a crowd of 100+ Mazama and community members packed the MMC to enjoy Oregon's first screening of Jeff Lowe's Metanoia and have a chance to talk with Jim Aikman, the film's director, Connie Self, the film's producer and Jeff Lowe's partner, and Jeff Lowe himself. And the film did not disappoint! This inspiring tale of a singular climbing goal, wrapped around a lifetime of adventure, gave the audience a deep look into Jeff 's life, both then and now. At the conclusion of the film we had a question and answer period, where Jim

Above: The crowd watches Metanoia on the big screen at the MMC. Inset: Jeff & Connie join the Q&A at the MMC on the big screen via Skype. Below: A collector's item raffle prize, a Lost Arrow, signed by Jeff Lowe. Photos: Sarah Bradham.


Skype'd Jeff and Connie onto the big screen at the MMC and the trio then answered questions from the crowd. Jeff 's speech has been heavily impacted by his disease and he uses a letterboard to communicate. He shared his answers with Connie who could interpret them for the crowd. The audience loved this format and the Q&A led to a good amount of laughter in the group. The final question of the evening was "If you had one piece of advice to offer all of us in this room, what would it be?" Jeff barely paused before answering "Live your dreams, not your fears." Through a combination of ticket sales, raffle, drink donations, and merchandise sales, the evening generated $2,150 for the Jeff Lowe Special Needs Trust and Jeff Lowe Mountain Foundation. Thanks to everyone who came out to support this event. With your attendance you directly support Jeff. As well as a big thank you to Base Camp Brewing Company and Union Wine for donating drinks to the event.

g n i g n a

Don't Be Left


Where to Turn When a Mazama Class is Full

Outdoor Training Resources ▶▶ Chicks Climbing & Skiing chickswithpicks. net Rock, ice, alpine, and ski trips for women. ▶▶ Kaf Adventures Skiing, snowshoeing, ice climbing, backpacking, rock climbing, mountaineering. ▶▶ Next Adventure Outdoor School Day hikes and overnight backpacking trips in NW Oregon.

by Sue Griffith


he Mazamas offer classes and activities to both members and nonmembers at all levels of experience. You can find seasonal offerings such as Basic Climbing Education, Intermediate Climbing School, Advanced Snow and Ice, Nordic, Ski Mountaineering, Mountain Running Camp, and Mountaineering First Aid. A variety of short, skill-builder classes are also offered yearround. You can also choose from over 1,000 hikes and climbs offered each year. But what if you cannot find a Mazama class or activity that fits your needs or schedule? Both inside and outside of Oregon, there are numerous resources where you can get outdoor training, guided experiences, or a combination of both. The following is a sampling of some of the opportunities waiting for you from Chicks Climbing & Skiing, REI Outdoors, and Timberline Mountain Guides.

continued on next page

▶▶ NOLS Climbing and mountaineering training and guided experiences; wilderness medicine. ▶▶ Portland Rock Gym outdoors/ Instruction for climbers indoors and out; guided half and full-day trips. ▶▶ Rare Earth Adventures rareearthadventures. com/adventures/list/ Cascade volcanoes climbing, rock climbing 101, bike packing, rappelling. ▶▶ REI Outdoors Climbing, Hiking, Camping, Snowsports, Wilderness Medicine classes. ▶▶ Timberline Mountain Guides Single and multi-day alpine skills courses as well as guided trips. ▶▶ Trackers Earth Oregonbased wilderness survival and primitive skills courses. Kids programs, too! AUGUST 2017 29

Hanging, continued from previous page

Clockwise, from far left: Chicks Climbing and Skiing participants spending time in their favorite school room, learning to make anchors with ice screws. Photo: Dawn Glanc. REI Outdoor School kayak class on Coldwater Lake (Mount St. Helens). Photo: Aaron Seemann. Crevasse rescue drill in Salmon Canyon on Mt. Hood with Timberline Mountain Guides. Photo: John Mackinnon.


This Colorado-based company was established to empower women through mountain sports. Dawn Glanc, co-owner and AMGA guide, spoke with me via email. She describes her target audience as, “any woman who is looking for climbing and backcountry skiing instruction.” Chicks offers beginner to advanced clinics in rock, ice, mixed and alpine climbing, and backcountry skiing. Courses are available throughout the United States and internationally. “No matter what your skill level is,” Dawn told me, “we have a clinic for you.” With so many outdoor programs competing for recreation dollars, I asked Dawn what makes the Chicks program stand out. She emphasized their focus on developing strong women climbers and skiers in an all-female environment. “At Chicks, we strive to make you a confident and competent independent climber and/ or skier. We give you the skills so that you can take on challenges and objectives on your own…our guides offer an opportunity for women to learn and ask questions in a fun and supportive environment. By having an all female group, we can break away from societal norms and truly immerse ourselves in the learning process.” Dawn shared how excited she and the other instructors get when a student 30 MAZAMAS

reaches her goals and experiences that light bulb moment of understanding. “It’s awesome to see a woman get stoked and empowered in one split second. If we can pass on a solid foundation of skills and meet the client goals, then we have had a successful program,” she says. If learning in an all-female environment has your name on it, Dawn suggests looking at the Chicks’ Red River Gorge Clinic in Kentucky. “The Red River Gorge Clinic is our most popular venue. I believe this is because of the timing and location of the program. The Red is an amazing place to climb and it offers the perfect classroom for the guides. This program sells out every year,” she said. And that’s not all. The Chicks programs come with an added bonus—the camaraderie doesn’t end after one class. “When you join a Chicks program,” Dawn said, “you become part of a larger community of women who enjoy and pursue mountain sports. This is a great opportunity to gain instruction and meet other women to adventure with.” For more information visit


Not just a great outdoor gear provider, REI also offers a variety of educational programs. Aimed toward adults looking to learn a new outdoor skill, improve on skills they already have, or participate in advanced outings, these programs are staffed by highly trained instructors in a professional, yet welcoming environment. REI also leverages its considerable network of organizational partners to deliver an even wider array of programs. And it doesn’t stop there. Through REI Adventures you can find outdoor adventures around the globe to fit all types of backgrounds. And there’s even a limited number of youth programs. Via email, I asked Stephen Hatfield, REI Outdoor Programs & Outreach Manager in Portland, Oregon, what one thing REI does better than anyone else: “At REI Outdoor Programs, our goal is to create life-changing experiences. An important part of this is learning a new skill, or discovering a new place. But another critical component is the human connection, meeting new friends and growing your network for outdoor adventures. REI members can be found across the country and beyond. We can help connect you to some great people, regardless of your passion.” With so many educational possibilities, I probed Stephen for the most popular REI

offering, and he couldn’t narrow it down to just one. “Our most popular options are Map & Compass Basics (2-hour class) and Backcountry Navigation with Map & Compass (5-hour field class). In this digital age, a growing number of outdoor enthusiasts see the value in honing this very important analog outdoor skill. Other popular program areas include paddlesports (kayak/SUP) and snowsports (snowshoe/Nordic skiing). Finally, one other very popular class is How to Ride a Bike for Kids—a 2-hour class in which we teach kids a lifelong skill that will help them connect to the outdoors. The success rate is incredibly high, and they don’t want to get off the bike when the class ends!” When asked to sum up the REI Outdoors experience, Stephen told me, “A successful class is one where the participant leaves fulfilled and energized, ready to plan their next adventure and put their new skills to work.” Find a current list of REI programs at REI is also able to develop private custom programs for groups of any size. To learn more reach out at


Known for “getting climbers to the top since 1983,” Timberline Mountain Guides (TMG) not only offers accredited guide services leading to summits but also offers a number of climbing classes and programs around the Northwest. As the name suggests, one of TMG’s most popular offerings is a two-day Mt. Hood program. It seems there are a lot of folks who want to stand on top of Oregon’s highest point but don’t have the skills to do it on their own. I caught up with Cliff Agocs, TMG Owner and Operations Manager, via email to learn more about TMG and its sister organizations, Smith Rock Climbing School and Oregon Ski Guides. With three different entities offering such a wide array of services to the outdoor community, there’s bound to be something for everyone. Cliff confirmed that folks look to his organizations for a diversity of guided objectives. “I’d say there are a few different goals that people have in mind when they join us for climbing or skiing. Most folks either join us to develop skills that they can take out into the mountains, or they join us to attempt a climb that they wouldn’t feel comfortable leading on their own, or with their regular climbing partners.”

continued on page 33 AUGUST 2017 31

CLASSICS For Mazamas with 25 years or more of membership or those who prefer to travel at a more leisurely pace.

If you wish to contact the Classics you may attend the committee meetings every other fourth Monday of the month at the MMC at 11 a.m. The next meeting is Sept. 25, 11 a.m.–12:30 p.m. at the MMC. You can also email or call Chair Rose Marie Gilbert at 503-762-2357 with questions.

LEADING EVENTS IN SEPTEMBER Those wanting to lead events need to reply to Rose Marie or classics@mazamas. org by the twelfth of each month so notice can be included in the upcoming Bulletin.

TRANSPORTATION PLAN Our east side transportation pick up point is Gateway Transit Center; our west side point is the Sunset Transit Center. If you are interested in providing or receiving rides to Classics events you may sign up on the Classics section of the Mazama website or contact our new transportation coordinator Flora Huber at flobell17@ or 503-658-5710. 32 MAZAMAS


Classics at the annual 4th of July Potluck Picnic at Dick and Jane's Home. Photo: Teresa Dalsager.

Rose Marie will have served for three years as of the end of September, so we need a new chair by October. Other positions that need help and/or backup are secretary, activities coordinator, and database updater. Email classics@ if you are interested in helping.

is 6.2 miles with an elevation gain of 1,200 ft. Email David.R.Christopher@gmail. com with any questions. Email classics@ for a full prospectus on this hike.

ELK MEADOWS CASUAL HIKE AUG. 28, 9:30 A.M. The Elk Meadows hike is an enjoyable summer hike with outstanding views and floral displays. On Highway 26, go past Government Camp to the junction with Highway 35 for Hood River. Bear right here and drive 7.8 miles to make a left turn and then another quick left for the Elk Meadows Trailhead. Drive 0.3 miles and park on the right near the trailhead signs. The sign here states that this is the Elk Meadows and Sahalie Falls Trailhead. A NW Forest Pass is required. We will depart from the trailhead at 9:30 a.m. This hike

CLASSICS LUNCHEON AT MAZAMA LODGE SEPT. 8, 11:30 A.M. Luncheon is at 11:30 a.m. Our guest speaker is Mazama Library & Historical Collections Manager Matthew Brock. A $5 donation is requested to be paid to Charles at the lodge. Carpooling encouraged by meeting at the MMC at 10 a.m. RSVP by Sept. 6 to or call Mattie at 503-227-2345 to reserve your spot. We need a good count to plan the food.

Hanging, continued from page 31 Cliff is particularly proud of TMG’s professionalism. In his words, “We’re a small group of career-guides and we take our role as educators and stewards of the mountains really seriously. Every one of our guides is a member of the American Mountain Guides Association and is actively pursuing their own continuing education. I think that putting ourselves in front of our peers for evaluation keeps us connected to the experience of our guests. We all consider ourselves mentees of our colleagues, just as we are mentors to the less experienced climbers who come to us to learn new skills. When you get down to it, we were all brand new to climbing once, and we’re all somewhere on the road toward mastery. That recognition helps to create a respectful environment where sharing knowledge, experience and responsibility among every member of the climbing team is the expectation.” He also emphasized the tailored nature of the classes. “We provide really personalized instruction based on your goals and skills—whether you come to us

for a day of skiing, rock climbing, or an attempt on a remote summit. Then we pair you with a guide who has a combination of local experience, professional training and a genuine desire to create a positive experience for you. The recipe is simple, but the variety of experiences is infinite.” This educational philosophy is reflected throughout the organization. Cliff told me he measures success not only when a student gains new skills but when that student leaves with the know-how to apply those skills properly. “Often in an outdoor education setting, participants will come in with varied backgrounds and different levels of knowledge and comfort with the prerequisite skills. This is actually a strength because it allows the instructor to empower students to coach each other and share in the teaching. Everyone leaves with a deeper understanding of the material, empowered to go and use those skills to push themselves just a bit further on their next adventure.” With a staff roster skewed largely toward male instructors, I asked Cliff if

he could accommodate female students looking for a female instructor or womenonly groups. Cliff was sympathetic to the issue and told me they have female instructors in both avalanche education and rock climbing courses. He went on to say, “We think there’s a unique learning environment that can be created amongst women in the context of outdoor adventure, and we’re psyched to help create those opportunities. We don’t currently have any women who guide in the alpine on staff but we’re always on the lookout for solid guides of all stripes, so encourage all the great female guides you know to send us a resume!” Finally, Cliff highlighted a few programs he thought might particularly appeal to Mazamas (see www.timberlinemtguides. com for details): Climber Self-Rescue, Crevasse Rescue and Glacier Travel, Mixed Alpine Climbing Camp, and Advanced Routes in the Cascades. With this list in hand, there’s no excuse for not getting outside and turning outdoor dreams to reality. Climb high!




OMCGEAR.COM 2975 NE Sandy Blvd. Portland, OR Hours M-F 10-7 SAT 10-6 SUN 12-5 503-227-1038

AUGUST 2017 33



Sept. 9, 1925–May 30, 2017

July 13, 1930–June 17, 2017

Janet Martin Gadsby died peacefully and quietly at home in Portland. She was born in the picturesque hamlet of Leavenworth, Washington, on the eastern slopes of the Cascades to Maida Witt Martin and William J. Martin. In 1943, she graduated from Wenatchee High School and was crowned Apple Blossom Festival Princess with her twin sister Vivian. They attended their mother's alma mater, Washington State University, and Janet joined the Kappa Alpha Theta sorority. After the war, Janet and Vivian came to Portland at the invitation of their older sister, Virginia. Janet held several jobs including an administrative position at the Veteran's Hospital. She married Walter Gadsby, Jr. in 1949. They raised three daughters: Anna, Ellen, and Elizabeth. In the early years Janet was active in the Junior League of Portland and was a dedicated room mother and scout leader. From 1965-1968 the family lived in Tokyo and traveled extensively in Southeast Asia, a happy and invigorating period in Janet's life that opened many doors of cultural interest for her. After returning to Portland, Janet joined the Portland Garden Club and followed her interests in flower arranging and native plants. She continued to study Japanese and also French. She took piano lessons, listened to jazz, and held season tickets to the Oregon Symphony for decades. She was a member of the Portland Art Museum and appreciated contemporary art, especially by local artists. She loved dancing and kept fit swimming, walking in the Hoyt Arboretum, and with aerobics classes. Janet loved the mountains and enjoyed skiing, hiking, and natural history; she and Walter climbed Mt. Hood more than once in their younger years. She completed numerous field study trips across Oregon, and carefully documented the wildflowers, animals, and birds she observed and learned about. In the late 1980s, Janet became active in regional conservation issues, most notably campaigns to protect the Mt. Hood National Forest and, later, to preserve Neawanna Point in Clatsop County. Her excellent writing and language skills served these causes well. In 1984, Janet undertook an Outward Bound course on the Rogue River. In 1989 she traveled to Nepal to join a women's trek up the Annapurna Valley to over 12,000 feet: at 64, she was the oldest member of the group, and the only one to reach their goal. In 1995, at nearly 70, Janet climbed Mount St. Helens to meet eligibility requirements and proudly joined the Mazamas. Walter accompanied her on numerous natural history trips including one to Alaska, which they enjoyed tremendously. Janet found beauty in all natural things, whether grand or small: she was able to derive joy from a bright autumn leaf or fallen feather. Janet's twin sister, Vivian Martin; sister, Virginia McCutcheon Haynes; and brother, George Martin preceded her in death. Her husband, Walter; daughters; four grandchildren; four greatgrandchildren; and nieces and nephews survive her, and will strive to carry her gracious spirit always.

JM "Jack" Samper was born in Bogota, Colombia on July 13, 1930, the son of a prominent Colombian family and an American mother. He died June 17, 2017, in Prescott, Ariz. He immigrated to the United States when he was 15 years old and graduated from Los Angeles High School. He attended the University of California at Berkeley for four years before being drafted during the Korean War. Years later, he graduated from Linfield College. He married Evelyn Bohren on Sept. 1, 1951, after her graduation from Berkeley. His marriage produced five children, Anne, Robin, Karen, Tracy, and Mark. All either graduated from the University of Oregon, Oregon State, or OHSU. He was blessed with 11 grandchildren and two great-grandchildren, with another expected in August. He worked in the wood products field for California Plywood in Emeryville and Georgia Pacific in Berkeley, San Diego, and Portland. When Georgia Pacific announced it was moving to Atlanta, Jack left Georgia Pacific and went to work as a vice president for PacifiCorp in Portland. He retired after 10 years. Upon retirement, he moved to Vancouver, Washington, Redmond, Bend, and finally Prescott, Arizona. Jack had many friends among his co-workers and neighbors. He was active as a Scout Master and Explorer Post Advisor as well as serving on the Board of Goodwill Industries and as a climb Leader for the Mazamas in Portland. He successfully summited the 16 major Northwest peaks! He ran in the Portland Marathon. He traveled extensively to six continents to climb, hike, and explore both by himself and with his loving wife.


SUCCESSFUL CLIMBERS June 5, Mt. Shasta, Clear Creek. Leader: Bob Breivogel, Asst: Mark Duin. Anthony Carr, Drew Dukstra, Bill Guiffre, Karin Masunari, Stan Meeuwsen, Angelika Schaefer, Roger Sharp. June 7, Mount St. Helens, Worm Flows. Leader: Joe Whittington, Asst: Darrin Gunkel. Sue Dimin, Kim Osgood, Bill Resley. June 10, Tatoosh Peak, Traverse. Leader: Jon Major, Asst: Eben Travis. Yukti Aggarwal, John McNulty. June 13, Castle-Pinnacle, Standard. Leader: Daniel Mick, Asst: Donna Vandall. Elizabeth Camp, Matthew Holt, Julie Kentosh, Reuel Kurzet. June 14, Unicorn Peak, Snow Lake. Leader: Daniel Mick, Asst: Donna Vandall. Elizabeth Camp, Michael Holt, Julie Kentosh, Reuel Kurzet. June 14, Castle-Pinnacle, Standard Traverse. Leader: Shirley Welch, Asst: Larry Buzan. Michael Dahlin, Taylor Hatmaker, Michelle Mcconnell, Marty Scott, Dana Terhune, Rick Zeeb. June 17, South Sister, Devils Lake. Leader: Elizabeth Copeland, Asst: Bill Stein. Rick Craycraft, Megan Dalrymple, Dave Goodman, Whitney Lindahl, Adriana Vintila, Phil Wich. June 17, Mt. Ellinor, SE Chute. Leader: Bob Breivogel, Asst: Seeger Fisher. Toby Contreras, Tom Davidson, Courtney Rust, Christine Troy June 17, Unicorn Peak, Snow Lake. Leader: Walter Keutel, Asst: Howie Davis. Jonathan Casanova, Neal Domdey, Karyn Gibson, Jack Kuo, Oksoon Mora, Srikanth Varadarajan, Zsuzsanna Vida, Nathaniel Zeiler. June 17, Castle-Pinnacle, Standard. Leader: Chris Kruell, Asst: Christine Yankel. Kimberly Durkin, Joe Kaufman, Lindsey Mayo, Ellen McClure, Adonay Solleiro, Brooke Winter. June 18, South Sister, Devils Lake. Leader: Amy Brose, Asst: Shane Harlson. Christopher Killmer, Erica Lee, Rebecca Ross, Tom Shi, Stephen Zadrozny. June 22, Middle Sister, North Ridge. Leader: Rayce Boucher, Asst: Rob Neyer. Kelly Casad, Kerry Loehr, Russell Turner, Dan Zimmerman.

June 24, Colchuck Peak, Colchuck Glacier. Leader: Robin Wilcox, Asst: Melissa Guarin. Elisabeth Bowers, Lynny Brown, Stephanie Bruckbauer, Ellen McClure, Eric Risner, Rebecca Silverman.

July 2, Unicorn Peak, Snow Lake. Leader: John Godino, Asst: Andrea Ogston. Fred Dalsager, Teresa Dalsager, Seth Green, Hana Manova, Jennifer Perchonok, Kathleen Scanlan, Rae-Leigh Stark, Lee Tintary.

June 24, Lightning Peak, Copper Creek. Leader: Kevin Clark, Asst: Justin Elson. Deborah Busch, Allison Legg, Kristofel Simbajon, Jeffrey Walls, Joseph York.

July 3, Unicorn & Boundary, Snow Lake. Leader: John Godino, Asst: Ryan Johnson. Megan Banker, Nancy Gadd, Amber Hibberd, Lisa Oakland, Matthew Perkins, Andy Phan, Elizabeth Toepel, Christine Troy, Mikaela Vaneaton.

June 24, Mt. Baker, Easton Glacier. Leader: Bruce Yatvin, Asst: Kirk Newgard. Justin Colquhoun, Mark Curran, Rebecca Morris, Kaitlin Rupert, Dawn Van Seggen, Zsuzsanna Vida. June 25, Eldorado Peak, Eldorado Glacier. Leader: Rico Micallef, Asst: Chaitanya Sathe. David Acton, Scott Auble, Dan Codorean, Amad Doratotaj, Jeffery Filimoehala. June 25, Middle Sister, North Ridge. Leader: Bill McLoughlin, Asst: John Sterbis. Mark Beyer, Bryce Buchanan, Tyler Creelan, Mattox Hall, Cynthia House, Geoffrey Rahe, Kelly Rini, Jacob Shue. June 25, Mt. Adams, South Side. Leader: Larry Beck, Asst: Karen Graves. Verna Burden, Ellann Cohen, Melissa Crest, Teresa Dalsager, Ralph Daub, Trevor Hay, John Lehne, Rebecca Lewis, Patricia Neighbor, Heidi Perry. June 27, Three Way Peak, East Ridge. Leader: Doug Wilson, Asst: Duncan Hart. Jeff Earll, Lisa Oakland. June 28, Barrier Peak, Owyhigh Lakes. Leader: Doug Wilson, Asst: Duncan Hart. Jeff Earll, Lisa Oakland. June 30, Mt. Rainier, Emmons Glacier. Leader: Andrew Bodien, Asst: Chris Rears. Milton Diaz, Dean Land, Whitney Lindahl, Ryan Reed. July 1, Mt. Baker, Coleman Deming. Leader: Rico Micallef, Asst: Shane Harlson. Jonathan Casanova, Ritchie Farmer, Alex Lockard, Terry Sayre, Roger Sharp, Theodore Sindzinski, Adonay Solleiro, Mark Stave, Bill Stein.

July 8, Mt. Baker, Coleman Deming. Leader: Scott Osbron, Asst: Michael Levis. Peter Allen, John Andrews, Anna Dearman, James Dearman, Craig Karls, Steven Loos, Noelle Price, Randi Reed, Linda Sunday. July 8, Mt. Thielsen, West Ridge. Leader: Marc Milobinski, Asst: Shane Harlson. Ahmed Aissi, Becky Corcoran, Drew Dykstra, Julie Kentosh, Stacey Reding, Andrew Wendlandt. July 9, Eldorado Peak, East Ridge. Leader: Tim Scott, Asst: Tracie Weitzman. Kimberly Durkin, Eddie Ferrer, Denara Goble, Christine Hadekel, Sergei Kunsevich, Allison Legg. July 9, Vesper Peak, Ragged Edge. Leader: Matthew Sundling, Asst: Patrick Thorpe. Lynny Brown, Jennifer Cox, Krista Curtis, Stephanie Keske, Aaron Nelson, Stephanie Spence. July 9, Mt. Adams, Mazama Glacier. Leader: Gary Ballou, Asst: Lynne Pedersen. Erin Beyer, Chris Brox, Lindsey Mayo, Mark Stave, Joan Wallace. July 9, Mt. Adams, South Side. Leader: George Shay, Asst: Steve Warner. Jan Beyer, Aaron Johnson, Eric Miller, Brad Parker, Jeff Roberts, Tifani Rule, Courtney Rust, Tom Shi. July 11, Rooster Rock, South Face. Leader: Steve Warner, Asst: Guy Wettstein. Graham Brown, Ryan Geary, Sarah Johnson, Belinda Judelman, Prasanna Narendran. July 14, Mt. Rainier, Emmons Glacier. Leader: Gary Bishop, Asst: John Sterbis. Jon House, Joe Kellett, Kellie O'Donnell, Kim Osgood, Nick Ostini, Trey Schutrumpf.

WELCOME NEW MAZAMAS! New Members:.........................30 Avinash Agarwal—Mt. Hood Spencer Biddle—Mt. Hood Kurt Brendley—Mt. Rainier Erika Coyle—Mt. Kilimanjaro Kimberly Durkin—Mt. Hood Kate Fitkin—Mt. Kilimanjaro Eric Flamm—Mt. Hood Sharon Fujioka—Mount St. Helens Dave Goodman—South Sister Henry Kruell—South Sister Rebecca Lewis—Mt. Adams Tucker Miles—Mt. Hood Steven Miller—Mt. Adams Tina Miller—Mount St. Helens Caleb Nelson—Mt. Rainier Michael Olson—Mt. Hood Corey O’Neil—Mt. Hood Andrew Permar—Mt. Hood Buford Pippin—Longs Peak Greg Raffety—Mount St. Helens Geoffrey Rahe—Middle Sister Kelly Rini—Middle Sister Shu-Yao Sheu—Mount St. Helens Adrian Smith—Mount St. Helens Kathleen Tack—Mount St. Helens Elizabeth Teopel—Mount St. Helens Mikaela VanEaton—South Sister Adriana Vintila—South Sister Ruth Wilmoth—Mount St. Helens Silvan Yang—Mt. Shasta

Reinstatements:....................................5 Deceased:............................................1 Total Membership: June 30, 2016—3,568 June 30, 2017—3,553

STAY CONNECTED ▶▶ Like us on Facebook: facebook. com/mazamas.pdx ▶▶ Follow us on Instagram: mazamaspdx and tag your photos with #mazamaspdx ▶▶ Subscribe to our blog: ▶▶ Read the Mazama Bulletin online at ▶▶ Advertise your business in the Mazama Bulletin. Go to tinyurl. com/MazamasAds for details.

AUGUST 2017 35


TRIPS ARE OPEN TO EVERYONE Contact Trail Trips chair Bill Stein at with any questions. To lead a hike next month, go to: HK B2 Aug. 5 (Sat.) Cape Horn Jim Selby 828-508-5094. We will go down the blacktop road first and hike this loop trail in a clockwise direction, sun early and shade the rest of the way. Great views, nice waterfall, terrific break and lunch spots. 7.5 mi., 1,400 ft., Drive 55, Gateway 8 a.m. (WF,AR,GH)MU HK B2 Aug. 6 (Sun.) Paradise Park Loop from Timberline Lodge Bill Stein Wilderness—Limit 12. The stunning hike that, when first experienced by your leader, newly arrived in Oregon half a lifetime ago, sealed the deal on his decision never to live in the Pacific Northwest. We'll definitely see wildflowers, and absent cloud cover we'll also get closeup views of Mt. Hood. This is wilderness and will fill up, so RSVP today. 12.1 mi., 2,300 ft., Drive 102, Clackamas P&R Garage 7:30 a.m. (WF,MH,WO)MU HK A2 Aug. 7 (Mon.) Umbrella Falls and Tamanawas Falls Lesley Langan 503-704-8658 leslely@ Two amazing falls in one day! Wilderness—Limit 12. We will begin the day with a 6-mile 700 ft. elevation gain loop to lovely Umbrella Falls. Following this hike, we'll return to our vehicles and drive 16 miles east to the Tamanawas Falls trailhead. The 4.4 mile path to the falls is a delight with scenic footbridges and lots of access to

mossy-banked Cold Springs Creek. Elevation gain is 440 ft. You can return to Portland via Hood River Highway 35 or head back towards Highway 26. 10.4 total mi., 1,140 total ft., Drive 136, TH, MMC 7:30 a.m. (WF,MH)MU HK B2 Aug. 9 (Wed.) Potato Butte Ellen Burns 503-703-8907. Hike past beautiful remote lakes on the way to an old volcano. Lunch on the top of Potato Butte. This hike includes: views, forest, wildflowers, lakes, rocky trail. Plan on a long day but glorious day. 7.4 mi., 1,700 ft., Drive 168, TH, MMC 8 a.m. MU HK C2 Aug. 9 (Wed.) Buck Peak (Lolo Pass) Rex Breunsbach 971832-2556 or rbreunsbach@gmail. com. Wilderness—Limit 12. We will hike the PCT from Lolo Pass, above Lost Lake near the Bull Run Watershed and have lunch atop the highest peak in Multnomah County. Great Mt. Hood views along the way. 16 mi., 1,600 ft., Drive 100, TH, MMC 8 a.m. (MH) HK C2.5 Aug. 11 (Fri.) Battle Ax Mountain/Twin Lakes Hike Leader: William O'Brien. Wilderness—Limit 12. We start by climbing up the trail atop Battle Ax Mountain at 5,558 ft. A former fire lookout it offers outstanding views of Mt Hood to the north, Mt. Jefferson and Three Sisters to the south. The trail continues around

WEBSITE UPDATES Leaders may schedule a hike after the Bulletin is published, or occasionally a hike location will change. Visit for updates! WESTSIDE STREET RAMBLES Multiple teams hike at different paces every Tuesday and Thursday with various leaders. Bring a headlamp. 4–8 miles, 500– 1,500 feet. Meet at REI–Pearl, NW 14th and Johnson. Group leaves promptly at 6 p.m. EASTSIDE STREET RAMBLES Wednesdays throughout the spring and summer. Walk at a brisk pace (2.5-3 m.p.h.) through the streets and up to Mt. Tabor Park. 2 hours (please arrive early to sign in) 5 mi., 500 ft., Drive 0, MMC, 6 p.m. MORE HIKING Adventurous Young Mazamas (, and other Mazamas lead hikes as well. See the full list at: the base of the Mountain past some tranquil lakes. We will then go left or north at a trail junction and continue to upper and lower Twin Lakes. Lunch at lower Twin Lakes and then return to the previous trail junction and continue past 2 miles back to the cars. It will be an interesting hike; the sub-alpine wildflowers will be out and plan on a long day! 13 mi., 2,500ft ft., Drive 204, Tualatin (Durham) P & R 7 a.m. (AR, WO) MU HK B1.5 Aug. 12 (Sat.) Timothy Lake Loop Richard Getgen Counterclockwise loop hike around lake, mostly in forest but there are some mountain views. No sign-up, just show up. 11.2 mi., 400 ft., Drive 148, Gateway 8 a.m. (MH) HK C1.5 Aug. 12 (Sat.) Mt. Defiance Tom Eggers 503-3346356. An easy pace to the top. Wilderness—Limit 12. This hike is designed for those who are in good shape but can't go the usual, fast

RTM is Almost Here! What Are You Waiting For? Labor Day Weekend, Sept. 1–4 This is your opportunity to hike the ENTIRE Timberline Trail and see all that it has to offer over its 40+ miles. The Eliot washout from 2006 has been repaired and trail 600 is once again continuous. You'll explore the trail over 3-days, in a supportive group, with nothing but a day pack. Each night you'll retire to Mazama Lodge for great food, fun stories, and a comfy bed. Learn more and register at


RTM: Backpacking the Timberline Trail An entirely new take on RTM—experience the Timberline Trail as a 4-day backpacking trip. You'll have great company and leadership as you embark on the Timberline Trail and each night you'll enjoy sleeping under the stars. Sign up today! Photo: Regis Krug


pace to the top of Defiance. We'll ascend the steep Starvation Ridge trail and come down the Defiance trail. Nice wooded paths, some overlooks, Warren Lake and great Mt. Hood views from the summit. Limited number of spots via Meetup or call leader to reserve a place. Poles recommended. Gear up for a long but rewarding day. 11.9 mi., 4,800 ft., Drive 98, Gateway 8 a.m. (AR,GH,WO)MU HK B2 Aug. 13 (Sun.) McNeil Point (Top Spur to Tie-In) Bruce Giordano Wilderness—Limit 12. This is one of my favorite hikes. Great views of Mt. Hood and should also be some lovely wildflowers. I plan to take the climber's route on the way up which is a bit steeper but cuts off some mileage. As this is in wilderness, contact leader if you want to join. 9 mi., 2,900 ft., Drive 100, TH, Gateway 8 a.m. (AR,MH,WO)MU

HK B2 Aug. 16 (Wed.) Ape Canyon and Plains of Abraham Ellen Burns 503-703-8907. Lahar hike with views, wildflowers and old growth! Hike up a blast zone trail on the slopes of Mount St. Helens. This lahar area trail is still recovering after the 1980 volcanic blast. We will hike a bit of the Loowit Trail to the Plains of Abraham. A beautiful hike with some real-life boots-on-thetrail study of volcanic action and recovery. Long day, lunch on the trail. 10.6 mi., 1,300 ft., Drive 142, TH, 99th Street Transit Center (Vancouver) 8 a.m. MU HK B2 Aug. 16 (Wed.) Gales Creek to Bells Camp Tony Spiering 503-680-8112. Nice hike that follows Gales creek to Bells Camp. Beautiful forest setting and mild elevation gains to Bells Camp. Great hike when the valley is warmer and you want some quiet with lots of green vegetation all around you. If agreeable to group, the hike may be shortened up to less mileage. 13.6 mi., 1,800 ft., Drive 50, Target/185th 8 a.m. BP Aug. 18 (Fri.) Heart of Jefferson Loop, and Eclipse Backpack Rex Breunsbach 971832-2556 or rbreunsbach@gmail. com. A 4-day, 3-night backpack into the Mt. Jefferson wilderness. We will visit many lakes and have fantastic views of the south side of Mt. Jefferson. On the final morning, we will position ourselves to observe over 2 minutes of totality during the 2017 solar eclipse. Limit 8 people. Contact leader if interested. HK A2 Aug. 23 (Wed.) Owl Point Rex Breunsbach 971-832-2556 or Absolutely the best views of Mt. Hood from the north. Big payoff for a short hike. 4.8 mi., 800 ft., Drive

140, TH, MMC 8 a.m. (MH) HK B2 Aug. 25 (Fri.) Serene Lake Loop Ellen Burns 503-703-8907. Lakes formed from ice-age glacier action. Wilderness—Limit 12. This hike is one of my favorites. I love the remote lakes and beautiful greenery. Quiet and peaceful serenity pervade the hike day through forest and meadows on a sometimes rocky trail. Lunch on the trail at one of the lakes. Such a beautiful area. Longer day. 12.7 mi., 2,000 ft., Drive 134, MMC 8 a.m. (WO)MU HK A2 Aug. 26 (Sat.) Larch Mountain Crater Reuel Kurzet 503-246-1058 rkurzet@comcast. net. Wilderness—Limit 12. Hike through a lush, shady basin created by an extinct volcano to enjoy a marshy meadow and some old-growth Hemlock trees—but no larches! Spectacular view of Cascade Peaks from Sherrard Point on a clear day. 6.4 mi., 1,300 ft., Drive 78, Gateway 9 a.m. (GH)MU HK A2 Aug. 27 (Sun.) Tualitan Hills Nature Park Reuel Kurzet 503-246-1058 rkurzet@comcast. net. Visit a nature park in suburban Beaverton: oaks, ponderosa pine, yews, douglas firs, a lily pond, birds await. Meet 9 am at the visitor center at 15655 SW Millikan Way in Beaverton. You can also take the Blue Line-Hillsboro MAX to the Merlo Rd/ SW 158th MAX station and walk 0.7 mi. to the visitor center. At the MAX stop, cross the tracks on a sidewalk to the left. Keep left on paved path into the woods. After 200 yards, turn left to cross a boardwalk over Cedar Mill Creek on the Oak Trail and continue to the visitor center. 5 mi., 100 ft., Drive 0, 15655 SW Millikan Way, Beaverton. 9 a.m. MU HK B2 Aug. 27 (Sun.) McNeil Point (Top Spur to Tie-In) Ellen

Burns 503-703-8907. Old shelter high on Mt. Hood. Wilderness— Limit 12. One of the best hikes on Mt. Hood! Grade is up as we pass many scenic viewpoints to come to a shelter built by the CCC in 1930. Should still be some wildflowers on the slopes and maybe some huckleberries. Lunch on the trail, long day, biting black flies might be pesky so bring repellent effective against black fly. You will love this one! 9 mi., 2,900 ft., Drive 100, TH, Gateway 8 a.m. (AR,MH,WO)MU HK A2 Aug. 28 (Mon.) Triple Falls Loop Jim Selby 828-508-5094. Wilderness—Limit 12. We should beat the crowds on this gorge hike. Because of snowpack/melt the four falls along this trail should be impressive, even in late August. 5.0 mi., 950 ft., Drive 60, MMC 8 a.m. (WF,GH,WO)MU HK B2 Aug. 30 (Wed.) South Coldwater Lake Ellen Burns 503-703-8907. Mt. St. Helens Lake influenced by the 1980 Volcanic Blast. Hike around beautiful Coldwater Lake dammed by volcanic debris. Inspect and reflect on the power necessary to create eerie metal sculptures of equipment caught in the blast. This hike includes: meadow, forest, lake access, wildflowers, waterfalls and of course a volcanic landscape. Lunch on the trail by a shady creek. Plan for a long day. A car shuttle is necessary to keep the mileage to 9.5 and avoid a walk on the highway. 9.5 mi., 1,300 ft., Drive 140, 99th Street Transit Center (Vancouver) 8 a.m. MU

Class A: Easy to moderate; less than 8 miles and under 1,500 feet elevation gain Class B: Moderate to difficult; less than 15 miles with 1,500–3,000 feet elevation gain OR 8–15 miles with less than 1,500 feet of elevation gain Class C and Cw: Difficult to strenuous: 15+ miles in distance or 3,000+ feet elevation gain; Class Cw indicates winter conditions Class D and Dw: Very difficult, strenuous trips in challenging conditions. No specific distance or elevation gain. Special equipment, conditioning, and experience may be required. Contact leader for details before the day of the trip is mandatory. Dw indicates winter conditions. Numeral after class indicates pace. All pace information is uphill speed range; e.g. 1.5 = 1.5–2 mph: a slow to moderate pace; 2 = 2.0–2.5 mph: a moderate speed common on weekend hikes; 2.5 = 2.5–3.0 mph: a moderate to fast pace and is a conditioner. “Wilderness—Limit 12” indicates the hike enters a Forest Service-designated Wilderness Area; group size limited to 12. MU: Hike is posted on Meetup. WF: Hike qualifies for Waterfall Awards. AR: Hike qualifies for Awesome Ridges Awards. GH: Hike qualifies for Gorge High Points Award. WO: Hike qualifies for Wild Ones Award. MH: Hike qualifies for Mt. Hood Award. Hike fees: $2 for members, each family participant, and those belonging to clubs in FWOC; $4 for nonmembers. No person will be turned away if they are unable to pay. Street Ramble fees: $2 per person; $1 per person if over 55 or 14 and under. Both members and nonmembers are welcome at all trail trips. Trail Tending events are free. Meeting Places: Gateway–SE corner of P and R Garage near 99th and Pacific (I-84 Exit 7); L and C–Lewis and Clark State Park (1-84 Exit 18); Oswego TC–Boones Ferry Rd at Monroe Parkway; Salmon Creek P and R–Vancouver P and R at 134 St (1-5 Exit 7 or 1-205 Exit 36); Parkrose/Sumner Transit Center–Sandy Blvd. and 98th Ave. (1-205 Exit 23A); Durham–P and R at Boones Ferry and Bridgeport (1-5 Exit 290); MMC– Mazama Mountaineering Center, 527 SE 43rd at Stark; Pendleton–Pendleton Woolen Mills in Washougal; REI–Pearl, NW 14th and Johnson; Target185–Target P/L Sunset Hwy at 185th. Dr.–round-trip driving mileage. ft–Hike elevation gain. TH Pass–USFS parking pass needed for trailhead; SnoPark–Snow park pass. FLTC–3510 SE 164th Ave. in Vancouver. 99th TC–9700 NE 7th Ave. in Vancouver. Trail Trips Hike Rules: Hikers are encouraged to carpool and share costs. The maximum suggested total rate each is a donation of ten cents per mile for up to three people per vehicle. Dogs are not allowed except for hikes designated as “dog-walks.” Alcohol and firearms are not allowed. Participants should wear appropriate hiking shoes; carry lunch, water, rain gear (umbrella, parka, or poncho), and the 10 essentials (whistle, extra food and clothing, sun protection, map, compass, flashlight, first aid kit, pocket knife, waterproof matches, fire starter). Participants should be in a physical condition appropriate for the difficulty of the hike. Leaders may decline anyone not properly equipped or judged incapable of completing the hike in a reasonable time frame. Hikers voluntarily leaving the group are considered nonparticipants. In case of accident, illness, or incapacity, hikers must pay their medical and/or evacuation expenses whether they authorize them or not. Hikes leave the meeting place at the time listed. Adverse conditions, weather, and combined circumstances can affect difficulty.

AUGUST 2017 37

THIS MONTH IN EXECUTIVE COUNCIL (MAZAMA BOARD OF DIRECTORS) Upcoming Board meeting dates: Tuesday, August 15. All meetings begin at 3 p.m. and are open to all members. There is a member comment period at 3 p.m. and again at 5:30 p.m. This summary has been approved by the President or Vice President for publication. Members can access full meeting minutes one month after the meeting at this location: You will need to be signed into the Mazama website to access this page. President Steve Hooker called the Executive Council (EC) meeting to order at 3 p.m. on Tuesday, July 11. Joska Rettig was on hand for the member comment period. She expressed concern about comments she’d overheard on a hike and other issues. Motion carried to adopt the revised minutes from the June meeting. Secretary John Rettig reported that current membership is at 3,553, marking a net gain of 20 members over this time last year. Jon Jurevic provided the treasurer’s report. At the end of May, total operating revenue for the year is $900,866 and total operating expenses are $1,142,335. Total assets are $844,287. Revenue is tracking 2 percent above budget projections, and expenditures are 14 percent under budget projections. There was no Executive Director’s report this month; Lee Davis is leading a Mazama outing to Chamonix and Mont Blanc. Sarah Bradham gave updates on marketing, communications, and the IT Project. After giving the council an overview of the latest mock-ups of the future website, she reported that the new OMBU Project Manager is doing a good job keeping the project on track. Sarah has signed off on both the layout of the new web page and the first phase of the data migration. Sarah noted a change in the project. An off the shelf software option replaced the custom built data transfer solution originally planned. The new option offers better integration with Salesforce, thus easing the workload and improving workflow. On the communications front, Sarah noted that IT Project updates continue to roll out via the IT Project blog, Mazama Bulletin, and the weekly eNews. The September Bulletin will include a visual

presentation of the recent Community and Membership Survey. Next years’ Mazama Volunteer Appreciation Event will be on April 25, 2018. Planning continues for this year's Portland Alpine Festival, once again Revolution Hall will host The Summit. Members can expect the 2016 Mazama Annual in mid-August; the Annual timeline was shifted this year to due to the timeline change of the Volunteer Recognition & Mazama Awards Evening. Alicia Blackwell and Irene O’Reilly from MDC Research were on hand to give a final report on the recent Member and Community Survey. The Mazamas has high awareness within the outdoor community. Interest in joining remains low due to perceptions of exclusivity. Within the membership, 47% oppose any form of associate membership, with the greatest opposition among members age 64 and above. Younger members support some form of associate membership. Issues of age and tenure again affected the membership's views on expansion of youth and advocacy efforts. Older members are less supportive of these efforts, while younger new members are supportive. In hypothetical resource allocation, all the current Mazama initiatives received widespread support with outdoor activities and education garnering more allocation. Finally, the survey showed a 70% positive affirmation for the Smith Rock project. A brief update on the Smith Rock Ranch project followed. Laura Pigion reported that Aug. 1 is the date for the final public hearing, and the council can expect a final decision on the conditional use permits by Sept. 26. The delay in the public hearing will postpone any further decisions by the

current council. However, the council will make recommendations to the incoming board based on the outcome of the final public hearing. Secretary John Rettig gave a brief status update on the upcoming election, noting that he has received biographies and photos from all five members that are standing for the council election. Following a short break, Vice President Chris Krull went over potential nominations to the Mazamas Foundation Board. Foundation board members can serve up to three concurrent one-year terms, for a total of three years. Each year the Executive Council appoints three members, and the Foundation board appoints four members to fill the seven seats on the board. President Hooker noted during the discussion that council member Marty Hanson had suggested last year that the board adopt a policy of appointing one new member, a member beginning their second and one beginning their third year. The idea is that the Council is making staggered term appointments. This year the Council appointed Jeff Hawkins as a new member. Keith Thomajan to a second term and a third term for Jeff Litwak. The meeting wrapped up with a vote to hold a fall Executive Council retreat as per usual to help incoming council members get up to speed and with a vote to adopt the executive summary and goals of the new Mazama Strategic Plan. No members chose to speak at the second member comment period. President Hooker then adjourned the meeting into executive session. The next Executive Council meeting is Tuesday, August 15, at 3 p.m.

Mazama Annual Meeting Monday, Oct. 2, 2017 at the Mazama Mountaineering Center 38 MAZAMAS

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