SUCCESSFUL CLIMBERS The Summer 2020 Climb Season finally got underway on July 15, and it started off strong. Over the past 30 days seven Mazama climb leaders led 16 successful climbs up 11 different peaks, with a total of 110 climbers. Mazama climbs are operating under our COVID-19 policies* which are designed to mitigate the risk of COVID-19 on Mazama activities.
July 17: Three Fingered Jack, South Ridge. Gary Bishop, Leader. Pam Bishop, Assistant. Defne Cakin, Jen Travers.
Thank you to our climb leaders for taking on the challenge of leading climbs during the COVID-19 pandemic, and getting folks out into the mountains for some much needed fun!
July 18: South Sister, Green Lakes. Kerry Loehr, Leader. Darren Ferris, Assistant. Michael Capacelatro, Emily Carpenter, Caroline Czajkowski, Sergey Kiselev, Brendan Scanlan, Adriana Vintila.
A note to everyone who applied for a climb this summer and was not accepted. Due to the unique qualities of this year’s climb season, the opportunities were dramatically limited. In a typical year, there are more climbs on our schedule and a higher likelihood of being accepted onto a climb. We hope you won’t be discouraged if you were not accepted this year, and we hope to see you on a climb in 2021.
*You can find the current Mazama COVID-19 policies in this issue, and they can also be found at covid-19 8 MAZAMAS
July 17: Pinnacle Peak, East Ridge. Guy Wettstein, Leader. Toby Contreras, Assistant. Jack Kuo, Lauren Schroff. July 17: Broken Top, NW Ridge. Kerry Loehr, Leader. Darren Ferris, Assistant. Michael Capacelatro, Emily Carpenter, Caroline Czajkowski, Sergey Kiselev, Brendan Scanlan, Adriana Vintila.
July 18: Mt. Shuksan, Fisher Chimneys. Long Ong, Leader. Mark Stave, Assistant. Scott Auble, Anthony Carr, Matthew Gantz, Chris Reigeluth. July 18: Eldorado Peak, Eldorado Glacier/East Ridge. Bob Breivogel, Leader. Stephen Zadrozny, Assistant. Chris Brox, Drew Dykstra, Lacey Jones, John Maroney, Ian McCluskey, Stephen Wagoner. July 24: Mt. Shuksan, Fisher Chimneys. Larry Beck, Leader. Darren Ferris, Assistant. Defne Cakin, Ralph Daub, Mike Leonard-Maguire, Rebecca Lewis, Ian McCluskey, jOaN WaLLace. July 25: Middle Sister, North Ridge (via Hayden Glacier). Kerry Loehr, Leader. Adonay Solleiro, Assistant. Amber HIbberd, Caroline Foster, Heather Johnston, Vlad Lobanov, Kyle Mangione, Katie Polanshek.
July 26: Mt. Adams, South Side. Ryan Johnson, Leader. Guy Wettstein, Assistant. Amber Beyer, Nicholas Beyer, Elaheh Davari, Juan Rodriguez, Kristofel Simbajon. July 31: Mt. Shuksan, Sulphide Glacier. Gary Bishop, Leader. Kristi Riedel, Assistant. Yukti Aggarwal, Clinton Carpenter, Lacey Jones, John McElravy, Jessica Minifie, James William Pennington. Aug. 1: Mt. Adams, South Side. Long Ong, Leader. Aimee Filimoehala, Assistant. Lindsey Addison, Thomas Clarke, Eerin Courtney, Tiffany McClean, Ian McCluskey. Aug. 1: Three Fingered Jack, South Ridge. Leader: Kerry Loehr, Assistant, Carmel Adrian. Amit Abraham, Pam Bishop, John Creager, Laura Supalla, Prajwal Mohan, Ralph Daub, Sara Jensen. Aug. 2: Mt. Washington, North Ridge. Leader: Kerry Loehr, Assistant, Pam Bishop. Amit Abraham, Carmel Adrian, John Creager, Laura Supalla, Prajwal Mohan, Ralph Daub, Sara Jensen. Aug. 7: Mt. Washington, North Ridge. Guy Wettstein, Leader. Courtney Rust, Assistant. Jennifer Bergstrom, Mike Borden, Forest Brook Menke-Thielman, Forest Fogarty, Matt Fogarty, Erica Lee. Aug. 9: Ingalls Peak, South Face. Kerry Loehr, Leader. Aimee Filimoehala, Assistant. Erin Beyer, Darren Ferris, Nick Ostini, Stephen Zadrozny. Aug. 10: Mt. Stuart, West Ridge. Kerry Loehr, Leader. Stephen Zadrozny, Assistant. Erin Beyer, Darren Ferris, Aimee Filimoehala, Nick Ostini.