Oct/Nov 2020 Mazama Bulletin

Page 38

EXECUTIVE BOARD MINUTES (Executive Council) DATE: JULY 21, 2020 ON ZOOM By: Amanda Ryan-Fear, Secretary ATTENDING: Traci Manning, President; Joe Eberhardt, Treasurer; Amanda RyanFear, Secretary; Keith Campbell; Judith Baker; Jesse Applegate; Rick Amodeo; Aimee Filimoehala. Staff members: Mitsu Iwasaki, Executive Director; Sarah Bradham, Director of Operations. WELCOME & CALL TO ORDER

■ The meeting was called to order at 4 p.m. by President Traci Manning. Traci noted a quorum was present. REVIEW & APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES

Traci Manning asked for approval of June meeting minutes. Minutes were approved by consensus of the board. NOMINATING COMMITTEE BUSINESS

Traci Manning (via email from Walter Keutel) ■ Charles Barker petitioned to be added to the October ballot and has submitted over 75 signatures of verified members. He will be added to the list of Executive Council candidates for the 2020 Mazama election ■ There are currently three candidates for the three open positions on the Nominating Committee. They are: Ardel Frick, John Rettig (outgoing current member of the Nominating Committee) and Kaitlin Rupert. ■ The Nominating Committee is still trying to recruit additional Mazama members for the Nominating Committee election. If our ongoing search is successful, we will amend the list of Nominating Committee candidates. ■ The Nominating Committee would strongly support a Bylaw change that allows a random order of the candidates on ballots. The current alphabetic order requirement could provide an unfair advantage to candidates with last names starting with a letter earlier in the alphabet. This should be avoided for all future elections and should be on the ballot in October 2020 even if no other bylaw changes are ready for a vote. 38 MAZAMAS


■ Overview of the June financials, Additional notes are as follows: ■ Confirmation of REI grant to offset some of the cost of Oregon Outdoors advocacy and policy work ■ Charter for EC Investment Committee ■ Motion passed to accept EC Investment Committee Charter FINANCIAL POLICIES ■ Reserve funds— ■ Operating fund - 3 to 6 months of typical operating costs ■ Decision by EC to have goal of 6 months in reserves ■ Mitsu recommended setting this in a separate account ■ Traci proposed financial policy is aligned with this ■ Endowment, or permanently restricted fund—corpus of money is never touched, only the interest is used (in the way that was designated by the donor) ■ Temporary restricted fund—when we meet the requirement of the gift then the corpus can be spent down, spent on purposes designated by the donor ■ Expedition grants—$145k ■ Conservation grants—$86k ■ Plan to pay down these debts over time ■ Introduction of financial policies to committee chairs ■ Rescue fund ■ Unanimous vote by board to adopt financial policies ■ Banking authorization proposal—add Laura and remove Mitsu. ■ Unanimous vote by board to accept proposal BYLAWS UPDATE, AIMEE FILIMOEHALA Board members have been socializing the bylaw changes with committees ■ Concern—if we take glaciated peak out what in bylaws indicates that we are an alpine organization ■ Add language to values statement that specifies that we are an alpine organization

■ The core activities and education we produce all point to us being a mountaineering/climbing organization ■ We’re currently out of alignment with peer organizations, currently glaciated peak requirement is holding us back from growing in tandem with these organizations ■ Idea of tiered membership—still exclusive, creates a “less than” environment Communication plan ■ What are bylaws? TIMING OF ELECTION ■ Discussion on holding special election in spring NEXT STEPS ■ Have communications in bulletin from supporters ■ Communicate with climb committee ■ Create subcommittee including nonEC advocates ■ Create FAQ PRIORITIES FOR ACTING EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, TRACI MANNIN 1. Propose and pass budget 2. COVID response 3. Lodge transition 4. Traci and Sarah will revise EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR’S REPORT, MITSU IWASAKI Ongoing COVID-19 Pandemic ■ Some programs in the field are happening (mainly climbs) ■ Train the Trainers program pilot delivered ■ Likely will have negative impact on membership numbers ■ May over 588 engagements on virtual series online BUDGET FOR FY21 ■ Ideal COVID scenario budget ■ Ideal hibernation budget ■ Midway between a and b

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