2021 Mar/April Mazama Bulletin

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he Research Committee is excited to present a mini Zoom seminar series this spring highlighting past recipients of Mazama Research grants. The seminars are scheduled for three Fridays in March and April at 7 p.m. and will cover topics ranging from our beloved mountain goats to volcanoes to acute mountain sickness. If you want to join the seminar, please register in advance by navigating to the Mazama calendar event, clicking on the Zoom link therein, and following the instructions. Please come join us and get a taste of the great research projects the Mazamas supports!


ACUTE MOUNTAIN SICKNESS ON MT. RAINIER: CAN WE PREDICT WHO WILL GET SICK AT ALTITUDE? MARCH 12 | 7 P.M. | ZOOM Presented by Prof. Paige Bauer, Biology Dept., Pacific University. Register: mazamas.org/event/2099

MOUNTAIN GOAT CONSERVATION AND RESTORATION IN WASHINGTON MARCH 19 | 7 P.M. | ZOOM Presented by Prof. David Wallin, Dept. of Environmental Sciences, Western Washington University. Register: mazamas.org/event/2100

THE PREVALENCE AND SIGNIFICANCE OF OFFSET MAGMA RESERVOIRS AT ARC VOLCANOES APRIL 23 | 7 P.M. | ZOOM Presented by Dr. Allan Lerner, University of Oregon and USGS Volcano Observatory. Register: mazamas.org/event/2101

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