2021 September/October Mazama Bulletin

Page 36

EXECUTIVE BOARD MINUTES (Executive Council) JUNE 15, 2021 ATTENDING (ZOOM): Joe Eberhardt, President; Aimee Filimoehala, Vice President; Rick Amodeo, Treasurer; Amanda Ryan-Fear, Secretary; Jesse Applegate, Reena Clements, Lori Coyner, Judith Baker, Bob Breivogel, Staff: Sarah Bradham, Active Executive Director; Mathew Brock, Mazama Library & Historical Collections Manager. Members: Robin Wilcox. WELCOME & CALL TO ORDER

■ The meeting was called to order at 4:02 p.m. by President Joe Eberhardt. ■ Joe noted a quorum was present. Joe began by noting that the focus of the meeting would be on five agenda items outlined in the packet. BUSINESS AGENDA ■ May Minutes: Approval of the minutes from the May meeting. Rick Amodeo made a motion to approve the minutes, Aimee Filimoehala seconded. Motion to approve passed by a unanimous voice vote. ■ Membership Report: Secretary Amanda Ryan-Fear noted 26 new members and 15 reinstated members for a net gain of 41 members over the previous month. To date membership is down 356 members year-over-year. ■ Discussion: Board members and Sarah Bradham, Acting Executive Director, discussed renewals, reinstatement fees, and membership benefits as inducements to spur renewals. ■ Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer Rick Amodeo updated the board on the current financial situation. Items of note from Rick’s report □ Searching for new bookkeeper □ Overall in a good cash position □ We can apply for forgiveness on our second PPP loan in mid-August. Finally, the organization is roughly four percent larger than it was at the start of the fiscal year. ■ Mazama Lodge Manager: Sarah introduced Kiki Sherard, the recently hired lodge manager. After a brief introduction, Kiki shared some of the work completed during a recent work day at the lodge. Volunteers helped deep clean the kitchen, during which they 36 MAZAMAS

pulled everything out, deep cleaned, sorted, and got rid of unneeded items. ■ DEI Committee update: Claire Nelson provided the board a brief update on the committee’s ongoing work: □ The committee’s work is critical to the future organizational goals □ The current focus will be on reviewing Mazama policies and procedures through a DEI lens. □ The committee will also look at ways to improve the scholarship process. □ The committee welcomed a new chair, Ebony Hall. □ The committee is exploring changing their name from DEI to JEDI □ Discussion: the board and Claire engaged in a discussion about the implications of changing the name, how to address the justice element, and how the name impacts mental health. ACTING EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR REPORT ■ Sarah Bradham provided an update on current and ongoing efforts. Things of note beyond her written report included: □ She is working to identify trailhead or trail stewardship projects for Mazama volunteers that would offset permit fees. □ Central Cascades Permits continue to impact our ability to lead climbs, hikes, and backpacking trips in the new permit area. □ The Mazamas would benefit from a staffed Advocacy & Stewardship position to allow us to engage fully with Outdoor Alliance and national and regional advocacy efforts. □ The lack of a bridge on the trail to Ramona Falls continues to be a safety concern, and have reached out to USFS to discuss the issue and see if there are potential solutions being discussed. □ Confidential Records Management and Risk Management teams are making progress □ She ended by encouraging the board to monitor and engage when necessary on social media. BYLAWS UPDATE ■ Vice President Amiee Filmoehala gave an update on the recent work done by the working group:

□ Compiled a list of lessons learned from the recent Bylaws Informational meeting. □ Another Informational meeting is scheduled for July, potentially with breakout rooms for member discussion. □ Three key takeaways from the meeting are the glaciated peak requirement, the addition of three new EC members, and the removal of the standing committees from the bylaws. □ Discussion: the board engaged in a wide ranging discussion related to the three takeaways from the first informational meeting. Items discussed include how the dissolution of the Foundation prompted one of the bylaws changes, if it doesn’t pass additional measures will need to be taken; the board needs additional insight/knowledge that it’s not getting from the membership (legal and financial background); the removal of the glaciated peak membership requirement has the potential to increase our membership; the prospect of dropping the standing committee and additional members proposed amendments from the October election was discussed, with the intent to stay focus on the the removal of the membership requirement. □ Aimee made a motion to remove the amendment to allow nonmember board members from the October election. Rick seconded the motion. Motion passed. □ Joe made a motion to remove the amendment regarding the removal of inactive committees from the Bylaws. Rick seconded. Motion passed. □ Judith Baker made a motion to remove the descriptive language associated with active committees in the Bylaws. Aimee seconded. Motion passed. EC POINT PERSON UPDATE ■ Rick and Bob updated the board on the EC point person proposal. ■ The board, in the May meeting, agreed to assign one board member to the following key committees: Climbing, Trail Trips, Lodge, and Education. All other committees will have representation on a rotating basis.

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