2022 July/August Mazama Bulletin

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For members with 25 years of membership, or for those who prefer to travel at a more leisurely pace. We lead a wide variety of year-round activities including hikes, picnics, and cultural excursions. Share years of happy Mazama memories with our group. All ages are welcome to join the fun. ■ Classics are back in action and trying to add more hikes, but need hike leaders to lead easy hikes for the Classics. ■ Dick and Jane Miller's annual July picnic has been canceled. ■ We plan to have a Classics lunch at the Mazma Lodge on Friday, Sept. 2. CONTACTING THE CLASSICS Contact the Classics Chair, Flora Huber, at 503658-5710, flobell17@comcast.net, or classics@mazamas.org. SUPPORT THE CLASSICS Classics needs a volunteer to put more content in our column on a quarterly basis. We want to document past Classics events and make sure that our postings to the web are current and complete. More generally, there is always work to be done on the committee. Our meetings are the fourth Monday of every other month at 11 a.m. on Zoom. Email classics@mazamas.org and tell us how you can help. CLASSICS COMMITTEE MEETING Keep an eye on the Mazama calendar for our next meeting.


Contact the us to learn more about advertising in the Mazama Bulletin! mazama.bulletin@mazamas.org


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