2016 Mazamas Annual Report

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Mazamas Annual Report 2016

Photo: Andrew Holman

Our Mission The Mazamas promotes mountaineering through education, climbing, hiking, fellowship, safety, and the protection of the mountain environment.

Our Vision Everyone enjoying and protecting the mountains.

“ Photo: Sandor Lau

Because of our investments in advocacy, education, and youth programs, in 2016, the Mazamas were regularly being invited to sit at the table with leaders to discuss important issues affecting our state and our region. What is happening now, and what’s truly exciting, is that the Mazamas are being asked to be at the head of the table, to lead our state and our region on issues core to our mission and issues that are of high interest to our members.“ —Steve Hooker, Mazama President



The Leading Edge illiam Steel founded the Mazamas in 1894, and in that time the Mazamas were the leading outdoor recreation and conservation organization for the entire Northwest. Today, the Mazamas are at the leading edge of exciting changes and progress in each area of our work.


From climbing and outdoor education, to preserving our history and leading on advocacy, and even in innovative youth programs, we are providing programs and services that our community values, and our community supports. We are being recognized locally, regionally and nationally, as leaders and as key partners for many other nonprofit groups, outdoor companies, and land management agencies. The Mazamas are at the leading edge of climbing education in North America. In 2016 the Mazamas partnered with mountain clubs across the country to work towards creating standards for climbing education in America that are aligned with international volunteer standards

(UIAA). This work improves our programs and ensures that we will be a trusted source for climbing education into the future. The Mazamas are at the leading edge of advocating for responsible outdoor recreation, outdoor education, and promoting conservation values in our state and region. In 2016, the Mazamas worked with nonprofit and industry partners to pass federal legislation which measures the size and importance of the recreation economy in our country. We also worked with the US Forest Service to help lift a 25+ year moratorium on guiding permits, and helped to support the incredibly successful state ballot initiative to fund outdoor school for all.

The Mazamas are at the leading edge of preserving our history and telling the stories of mountaineering and mountain culture in the Northwest. In 2016, Jeff Thomas and Adam Baylor completed work on a film about the history of climbing at Beacon Rock in the Gorge, called Beacon Rock: Then and Now. And to the delight of hundreds, Mathew Brock hosted several exhibitions of lantern slide photography from our remarkable Edward Curtis collection. And the Mazamas are at the leading edge of youth outdoor education programs for our community. The highly successful Mazama Mountain Science School is the only snow-based outdoor school program in our state. Designed

to provide learning experiences to 5th graders on Mt. Hood, this program is poised to influence and help expand the capacity of all of our state providers of outdoor school by allowing them to operate through the snowy winter.

The Mazamas is at the leading edge because of you. Because of your ongoing support, your donations of volunteer time and money, your dedication to our mission and to representing the Mazamas so well across our community I’m sure we’ll be leading for years to come.

Lee Davis, Mazamas Executive Director

Mazamas Annual Report 2016

Executive Council


Steve Hooker, President (2017) Martin Hanson, Vice President (2017) Jon Jurevic, Treasurer (2018) John Rettig, Secretary (2017) Kate Evans (2016) Sunny Freeman (2016) Chris Kruell (2018) Amy Mendenhall (2016) Darrell Weston (2018)

Lee Davis Executive Director

Committee Chairs

Justin Rotherham Education & Activities Program Manager

Matt Reeder, Adventurous Young Mazamas Marina Wynton, Critical Incident Stress Management Rose Marie Gilbert, Classics Larry Beck, Climbing Tom Bard, Conservation Andrew Bodien, Education Rayce Boucher & Phil Hunter, Advanced Rock Steve Heikkila, Advanced Snow & Ice Matt Blecharz, BCEP Justin Colquhoun, First Aid Mathew Sundling, Intermediate Climbing School Carol Lane, Nordic Kevin Hardy, Ski Mountaineering Ron Fridell, Expedition Eric Einspruch, Families Matt Carter, Governing Documents Bob Stayton, Mazama Lodge Alicia Imbody, Nominating Gary Ballou, Outreach Bob Breivogel, Outings John Leary, Programs Kristie Perry, Publications Tom Bennett, Research Sandra Volk, Risk Management Regis Krug, Trail Trips

Sarah Bradham Director of Marketing & Publications Adam Baylor Stewardship & Advocacy Manager Mathew Brock Library & Historical Collections Manager Claire Nelson Youth & Outreach Program Manager

Laura Burger Membership & Development Coordinator Mattie Courtright Marketing & Events Coordinator Renee Fitzpatrick, Finance & Office Coordinator Ann Griffin, Mountain Science School Coordinator

Photo: Ralph Daub


Looking Ahead A

The Mazama Board of Directors designed a 3-year strategic plan to meet these challenges, and a series of projects were identified to provide clear priorities and a solid direction for the Mazamas. These include: creating new programs and updating current programs, overhauling the way people engage with the Mazamas online,

leading on policy that affects our mountain environment, all while protecting our history, and the history of the mountains. In 2016 we made great progress behind the scenes on these projects, and are setting the stage for the launch of new systems and programs in 2017 and 2018.

2016 Actions uu

Leadership Development Hired an

Education & Activity Programs Manager to work on national training standards, review our current programs, and identify ways to increase our leadership pipeline.


Information Technology Moved forward

on a complete overhaul of our website and IT systems to create a simple and seamless user experience for everyone interested in engaging with the Mazamas. uu

Youth Outreach Created

a partnership with Centennial School District to dramatically increase the number of students in the Mazama Mountain Science School.


Stewardship and Advocacy Joined with local

and national partners to advocate for the protection of public lands and to work towards an Oregon State Office of Outdoor Recreation. uu

Historical Collections Laid the groundwork for an electronic library check-out system, and for viewing our books and historical collection online.

Photo: Vaqas Malik

s the excitement to get outside grows, the Mazamas are facing a great challenge to meet the demands of this growing community to learn to recreate safely in the outdoors. In addition, our outdoor spaces are facing new threats, from climate change to legislative changes, and the Mazamas are committed to protecting our mountain environment and access to outdoor recreation.


Mazamas Annual Report 2016

Advocacy campaign & project work in 2016

Advocating for our values and stewarding our favorite places.

A Leading Voice limbing is growing exponentially, and for climbers, land managers, and recreational providers, this means more opportunities to make our outdoor places inclusive and create the next generation of stewards.


It also means more challenges for managing impacts, educating user groups, and providing access while protecting our natural resources. In 2016 we engaged in state, regional, and national level advocacy work to promote our values, and continue our protection of the outdoors through direct stewardship activities. In the fall, the Mazamas and the Access Fund hosted the Northwest Sustainable Climbing Conference that brought together climbers, land managers, advocates, and nonprofit leaders to discuss how we can better manage and care for our climbing areas in the years ahead. The conference included presentations

by the directors of both Oregon and Washington state parks, the United States Forest Service, Alan Watts, and a several regional climbing coalitions. And at the Mazamas, we know that when people, and children in particular spend time recreating outside it improves their mental and physical health, their engagement with their community, their interest in lifelong learning and education, and helps them develop conservation values. In support of these principles the Mazamas also strongly supported the Outdoor School for All Campaign in 2016. With

34 of 36 counties in Oregon, and more than two thirds of voters in support, the campaign was a huge success and will help to ensure that outdoor education is a component of school for all 5th or 6th graders in Oregon. Our stewardship work at climbing areas and on trails continued in 2016, including several trails, park, and climbing area projects in the Columbia Gorge, and at Smith Rock State Park. We also signed a formal partnership agreement with Yosemite National Park which recognizes our annual stewardship trips to the park, and makes Mazamas a formal partner with the National Park Service.


Outdoor Alliance: Joined

together with seven other leading outdoor recreation groups from across the United States to advocate for the protection of public lands and the human-powered recreation experiences we all enjoy.


Beacon Rock State Park:

Finalized the new Technical Rock Climbing Management Plan which balances access and habitat protection for future generations. uu

Madrone Wall: Supported the effort to open Madrone Wall in fall 2017 through trail work parties and advocacy efforts.


Public Lands Heist: Opposed efforts in Oregon and other Western States to pass legislation to transfer federal lands to states and private companies.


Outdoor Recreation Legislation: Worked with members

of Congress to draft legislation that promotes responsible access to public lands—“Recreation Not Red Tape Act 2016.”


Sustainable Climbing Conference: Together with the

Access Fund and Oregon State Parks, we hosted the first sustainable climbing conference in Portland, bringing together outdoor recreation leaders, conservationists, and land managers.




Mazamas Annual Report 2016

Education & Activities M

ountain summits. Crampons crunching in hard snow. Watching sunsets from an open tent door. Camaraderie with friends—new and old.

These are the moments that the Mazamas create for numerous individuals. By operating one of the largest centralized mountaineering training programs in the country, in addition to one of the most active outdoor programs in the country, we help people experience the outdoors. New education programs in 2016 included: Canyoneering, Crag Leader/Top Rope Leader developed by the Mazama Families Committee, and Hike Leader Training designed by the Trail Trips Committee.

Mazamas put their training and leadership skills to good use in a variety of activity programs, with more than 10,000 participants on climbs, hikes, and outings. The Mazamas biggest challenge is that our education programs and activities continue to be oversubscribed—a good problem to have!—with many opportunities filling in one day. We are actively exploring a variety of options to tackle this problem, and look forward to some new programming in upcoming years.


Education & Activity Achievements 2016 uu

250 new mountaineers completed the Basic Climbing Education Program


1,650+ attendees to Evening Travel Programs


650+ students expanded their training in intermediate, advanced, skiing, and skill builder classes


1,371 climbers reached a mountain summit

uu Appx. 3,000+

miles were hiked and 600,000 ft of elevation was

gained on the way to a mountain summit. uu

8,500 individuals hiked, rambled, and snowshoed


6,500+ miles of trail/road were explored by hikers/rambles


Our Heritage he Mazama Library & Historical Collection serves the membership and the public by maintaining an 8,000 volume library of new and historic hiking and climbing guides, and mountaineering literature.


The Historical Collections contain 500 linear feet of manuscripts, photographs, and institutional records. Comprised of roughly 5,000 items, the artifact collection includes many one of a kind objects. Together they provide members, researchers, and climbers access to hundreds of unique documents and artifacts from Mazamas and Pacific Northwest history.

In 2016 close to 400 members made use of the library and its resources, checking out more than 700 books. Library staff further assisted with more than 75 reference requests from members, staff, and the interested public. In that same time, library volunteers gave more than 670 hours of their time adding more than 250 new titles to the library, assisting with circulation, processing

Library volunteers gave more than 670

51 donations, and helping to develop and enrich our collection catalog. Donations of books, manuscripts, photographs or climbing gear are gladly accepted. Tours of the Library and Historical Collections are happily given, please contact the library to schedule a time. Remember, It’s yours to use!

hours of service.

The Mazama Library added 200

new books.

The Mazama Library acquired 30

new items for the Historical Collection.

2016 Mazama Grants $11,150 in Expedition Grants were funded including: 3 unclimbed peaks and 2 Shigrilas in Himalaya, India; Stikine Range, Ruth Gorge, Mystery Mountain, Telaquana Mountains, Revelation Mountains in Alaska; and Patagonia Explorations in Andes, Chile.

The 2016 Bob Wilson Expedition Grant award of $10,000 went to Chris Wright and Graham Zimmerman to access and attempt first ascents of mountains on the border of India and Pakistan.

$18,000 in Research Grant funds were awarded to 7 grantees: at Montana State University, UCSC Santa Cruz, Oregon State University, The Evergreen State College, Pacific University, and the National Speleological Society

$18,000 in Conservation Grant funds went to nine key conservation partners, including BARK, Cascadia Wildlands, Crag Law Center, Hells Canyon Preservation Council, ONDA, Oregon Wild, Pacific Rivers, Sandy River Watershed Council, Oregon Physicians for Social Responsibility, and Walama Restoration Project.


Mazamas Annual Report 2016

Youth Programs

his year marked a full effort to grow our Youth Programming and influence future climbers and conservationists. We began building upon our outreach work in 2015 to increase the scope of our programs with the support of the Youth Outreach Committee, Gray Family Foundation, generous donations from the Portland Alpine Festival and other committed youth volunteers.

One of our most exciting programs is the Mazama Mountain Science School (MMSS). Once again, we worked with school partners and the Gray Family Foundation to provide subsidized and accessible Outdoor School to 4th and 5th graders. We are thrilled to announce that we entered into partnership with the entire Centennial School District to bring their entire cohort of 5th grade students to the mountain in winter 2017! Our summers have also become youth-focused and

Our Partners

we ran another successful season of Adventure WILD Summer Day Camp. More than 100 4–10 year olds joined us at the MMC for science, play, and rock climbing (belayed by our own Mazama volunteers!). Our last two sessions of camp were treated to field trips to our Mazama Lodge for outdoor activities at elevation. We continued to build valued partnerships with local youth-serving organizations. In 2016 we began a monthly Climb Camp with Friends of the Children, providing

Betties 360 Encourages girls to be courageous and healthy, and to always believe in themselves.

climbing education to under-served youth and their mentors and connecting the Mazama community with this great program. We also served female empowerment organizations like Betties 360, leveraging the amazing women climbers we have to provide climbing mentorship. We also partnered with Northwest Outward Bound to provide climbing facilities to their urban programming, and appreciated their material support in outdoor gear for our winter Mazama Mountain Science School.

Northwest Outward Bound Changing lives through challenge and discovery.

Photo: Teri Smith


2016 Youth Achievements uu

4 sessions with 155 students in the second year of Mazama Mountain Science School (MMSS)


57 students had their FIRST experience on Mt. Hood.


113 students in Adventure Wild at the Mazama Mountaineering Center.

Friends of the Children A revolutionary

Friends of Outdoor School

mentoring program that is transforming the lives of our most vulnerable children

Dedicated to preserving the Outdoor School experience for all Oregon students.

Multnomah Education Service District An educational cooperative that provides a wide variety of programs and services.


Financial Information iscal Year 2016 was a good year financially for the Mazamas. Most notably philanthropic revenues from individuals, grants, and corporate support continue to grow annually, reaching $320,00 in 2016. Membership dues remain strong, but are a smaller portion of our revenue each year as program and fundraising revenues continue to grow. We also received a grant from the Mazamas Foundation of temporarily restricted funds for our work on Conservation, Research, Expeditions, and the IT Project. Expenses were managed to budget and we ended the year in a stronger financial position than the year before.


Other 9%


FY16 $309,159


Accounts & other receivables



Contribution Receivable—MMC Lease



Prepaid expenses & other assets



Property & equipment











Contribution payable—Mazamas Foundation



Total Liabilities






Temporarily restricted



Total Net Assets






*Financial information has been extracted from the Mazamas audited financial statements, on which an independent public accounting firm expressed an unqualified opinion. To view the complete audited financial statements, please visit Mazamas.org or contact us directly.

Membership 11%


Cash & cash equivalents




Program Service Fees 31%


Contributions 22%

Mazamas Foundation 28%

Management & General 24%

Program Services 70%

EXPENSES Development 6%

Photo: Vaqas Malik


Mazamas Annual Report 2016

Thanks to Our

Volunteers he Mazamas are an extremely fortunate organization to have such an incredibly dedicated and passionate team of volunteers. Our volunteers operate high quality educational programs, take hundreds of people on a variety of outdoor activities, and coordinate week-long festivals, a used equipment sale, running camps, and a hiking experience around Mt. Hood. And that’s just the tip of the iceberg. We thank you for your time and the talent that you bring to the Mazamas.


Sherry Aanerud Wim Aarts Barry Abrams Pranava Alekal Stacy Allison Rick Amodeo Laurie Andrade John Andrews Tracy Andrews Jesse Applegate Mitchel Auerbach Bertie August Michael Austin Jay Avery Gary Ballou Tom Bard Tom Baughman David Baumgarten Laura Bax Tyler Bax Erin Beaty Dana Beck Larry Beck Tom Bennett Nancy Bentley April Berlin Jess Beuchemin Gary Beyl Ken Biehler

Sharon Birchfield Gary Bishop Kerra Blakely Charles Blanke Andrew Bodien Aaron Bohn Rayce Boucher Sherry Bourdin Elisabeth Bowers Sarah Bradham Justin Brady Lisa Brady David Braem Eric Brainich Jason Breaker Bob Breivogel Terry Brenneman Rex Breunsbach Mathew Brock Ann Brodie-Knope Dick Bronder Amy Brose Amanda Brown Amy Brown Cameron Brown Lowrey Brown Maryanna Brown Jeff Browning Chris Brox

Laetitia Bruneau Carol Bryan Barry Buchanan Bryce Buchanan Jeremy Buck Stephanie Buer Verna Burden Ellen Burns Richard Caldwell Heather Campbell Keith Campbell Matt Carter Raven Cashen Derek Castonguay Grant Causton Lisa Cenotto Michael Chacon Steve Chase Wei Chiang Ryan Christie Michael Church Kevin Clark Reena Clements Mary Clisby Zane Coleman Krista Collins Tim Collins Justin Colquhoun Terrance Conlon

Ed Conyngham Patrice Cook Lis Cooper Elizabeth Copeland Preston Corless Doug Couch Stephen Couche Taylor Courier Lori Coyner Rick Craycraft John Creager Dan Crisp George Cummings Erin Cushing Vera Dafoe Michael Dahlin Ralph Daub Tom Davidson Howie Davis Lee Davis Phil de la Motte Keith Dechant Paul DelVecchio Jenny Dempsey-Stein Erin Devlin Catherine Diaz Milton Diaz Yassine Diboun Sue Dimin

Pushkar Dixit Thomas Dodson Mike Doll Tim Donner Kristin Dreves Ken DuBois Andrew Duncan Joseph Eberhardt Kim Edger Tom Eggers Eric Einspruch David Eliason William Emerson Rick Eskridge Tara Espinel Arthur Etchells Kate Evans Whit Fellers Marsha Fick Kate Fiendell Jeff Fisher Seeger Fisher Katie Foehl Matt Fogarty Dyanne Foster Mark Fowler Alexander Fox Joe Fox Cheryl Frankenfield

Lori Freeman-LaDuke Ron Fridell Karl Furlong Samson Gardner Riggs Gary David Gast Cathy Gaylord Dan Gerbus Richard Getgen Gautam Ghare Rose Marie Gilbert Martin Gillen Pam Gilmer Denara Goble John Godino Nancy Goering Chitloor Parthasarathy Gowri Amy Graham Ben Grandy Frank Granshaw Jack Grauer Karen Graves Leah Greenspan Leora Gregory Ghislain Gressard Sue Griffith Melissa Guarin Laura Guderyahn

Darrin Gunkel Gretchen Guyot Tom Guyot Christine Hadekel Eric Hall Marty Hanson Kevin Hardy Shane Harlson Heath Harrelson Brook Harris Morgan Harvey Jeff Hawkins Steve Heikkila Sojo Hendrix Marjorie Hendryx Nathan Herzog Christopher Hicks Lindsay Higa Deb Hill Jean Hillebrand Stephen Hinkle Stephen Hirai Michelle Hirst Frank Hood Steve Hooker Robin Hopkins Michael Hortsch Jonathan House Alexandra Howard

Flora Huber Adam Hunter Philip Hunter Rich Hunter Alicia Imbody Dick Iverson Patrick Jackson Karthik Jambunathan Carolyn Jenkins Megan Johnson Paul Johnson Ben Jones James Jula Jon Jurevic Michael Kacmar Paul Kallmann Bob Kaminski Lauren Karcey Craig Karls Joe Kaufman Avian Kehoe Jill Kellogg Stephanie Keske Walter Keutel Eileen Kiely Ryan Kilgren Christopher Killmer Stephen Kingsbury Michael Kipley

Andrew Knight Henry Kofron Chris Kruell Regis Krug Tyler Kuiawa Jack Kuo Reuel Kurzet Kirstin Labudda Dean Land Carol Lane Rae Lantsberger Drew LaPlante SĂĄndor Lau Terry Lawson Trung Le John Leary Sharon Leary Jason Lee Allison Legg Rosa Lehman Jason Leman Michael Levis Wayne Lincoln Buzz Lindahl Whitney Lindahl Jason Linse Meg Linza Anna Lio Alex Lockard

Lucas Norris Andy Nuttbrock John Nuttbrock Lisa Oakland William O’Brien Barry O’Mahony William O’Brien Ryan O’Connell Rebecca Olsen Azure Olson Mike Ondeck Long Ong Scott Osbron Dian Ott Jessica Palfreyman Patty Pandzik Alan Papesh Rob Parker Elizabeth Pedersen Lynne Pedersen Murphy Pelot Nicole Peltz Todd Perimon Jeff Perkins Kristie Perry Scott Peterson Joe Petsche Laura Pigion James Pitkin Joe Powell Mason Purdy Bianca Pyko Marie Quarles Jacob Raab Stacey Reding Teresa Redman Ryan Reed Matt Reeder Tiffany Reitter Byron Rendar John Rettig Anna Revolinsky Darin Richardson Kristi Riedel Gary Riggs Lisa Ripps Dave Roche Jan Roethle Sanman Rokade Tamara Ross Justin Rotherham Steph Routh Suzi Rubino Laura Rumford Kaitlin Rupert

Adam Russell Lanning Russell Layne Russell Nancy Russell Eric Rutz Alex Salas Lauren Sankovitch Mark Sanzone Jay Satak Angela Schaefer Catherine Schneider Richard Schuler Dan Schuster Trey Schutrumpf Marty Scott Tim Scott Hannah Seebach Jim Selby Kendra Seniow George Shay Ray Sheldon Terry Sherbeck Freda Sherburne Leslie Shotola Dylan Shuler Ralph Shuping Chris Simmons Colleen Sinsky Jonathan Skeen Elizabeth Skorohodov Ted Slupesky Caitlin Smigelski Dan Smith Robert Smith Sheri Alice Smith Adonay Solleiro Larry Solomon Stephanie Spence Larry Spiegel Tony Spiering Amy Sproston Ben Stabley Jed Stasch Bob Stayton Paul Steger Bill Stein Richard Stellner John Sterbis James Stevenson James Stiehl Robert Straub Andrew Stronach Matthew Sundling Kevin Sutton Nelson Tang

Greg Testa David Tetrick Christof Teuscher Jeff Thomas Jill Toberson Maggie Tomberlin Stacia Torborg Jennifer Trask Lacy Turner Tom Ulrich Paul Underwood Brad Unruh Maite Uranga Valerie Uskoski James Van Lente Daniel Van Rossen Donna Vandall Joelle Vaught Michael Vincerra Sandra Volk Steven Wagoner Steve Warner Johnyne Wascauagh Nicole Wasko Robert Weber Brooke Weeber Lynn Weigand Barbara Weiss Tracie Weitzman Shirley Welch Darrell Weston Guy Wettstein Brian Wetzel Joe Whittington Ania Wiktorowicz Robin Wilcox Sarah Will Greg Willmarth Barbara Wilson Doug Wilson Lea Wilson Erin Wirtz April Wolstencroft Maggie Woodward Christine Yankel Bruce Yatvin Adam Zeilenski David Zeps Marilyn Zigler Joan Zuber

Volunteer names were obtained through program chairs and a self-reporting survey. The Mazamas would like to recognize all of its volunteers. If we missed your name, let us know here: tinyurl.com/MazVolunteers



“Mazamas is my second family. Over the years this family has given me so much that I feel honored to give back as a volunteer and financially.” —Larry Beck, Mazama Climb Leader

Photo: Ralph Daub

Bob Lockerby Josh Lockerby Luke Loeffler Jennifer Love Ken Lytwyn Alex Macdonald Kevin Machtelinckx Rebecca Madore Jon Major Vaqas Malik Traci Manning Linda Mark Kelly Marlin Wendy Marshall Steve Marston Craig Martin Nick Maslen Linda Mather Micah Mayes Kati Mayfield Paul Mayhew Lindsey Mayo Margaret McCarthy Annie McCartney Robert McGown Bill McLoughlin Wes McNamara Marissa McPhail John Meckel Stan Meeuwsen Kent Meyer Mark Meyer Sarah Meyer Rico Micallef Daniel Mick Dick Miller Sarah Miller Thomas Miller Marc Milobinski Krissy Moehl Merissa Moeller Aaron Morgan Rebecca Morris Joseph Morse Josha Moss Nate Mullen Linda Musil Jonathan Myers Michael Myers Brett Nair Darlene Nelson David Nelson Kirk Newgard Cabe Nicksic Joel Nigg

Mazamas Annual Report 2016

Thanks to our

Donors n 2016, individual gifts and pledges totaled over $170,000. Contributions like these allow all of our programs to flourish. From sustaining funding for Mazama grants, to providing equipment to students in the Mazama Mountain Science School, from implementing a digital library catalog, to restoring trails in the Columbia River Gorge, our donors enable us to provide the best in climbing education and services for our members and our community. Thank you!


In Memory Gifts Almost $2,000 was contributed this year in memory of: Katie Barker Elva Coombs John Dash

David DeLong Winifred Holmes Barbara Jordshaugen

Bob and Martha Platt Jack Weigand John Westgate

Corporations & Foundations Business donors, sponsors, and partners support the Mazamas through program partnerships, grants, volunteer grants, donations, in-kind gifts, and sponsorships.

Photo: Vaqas Malik


Adidas Outdoor Applied Materials Foundation Arc’teryx Bogs Buesse & Porter Foundation CAMP USA Edelweiss Evolution Healthcare & Fitness Friends of the Columbia Gorge The Gray Family Foundation Grivel Icebreaker Intel Juan Young Trust

Kaf Adventures Keen KIND LaSportiva Leki Montbell Mountain Hardwear The Mountain Shop The North Face The Oregon Community Foundation The Outdoor Foundation Pacific Power Foundation Patagonia Petzl

PGE Portland Rock Gym Pro Photo Supply Rab REI Sawyer Silicon Valley Community Foundation Subaru Foundation The Standard TrailButter United Way



Individual Donors $10,000+ Chuck Aude June Hackett Robert Wilson

$5,000–$9,999 Tom Bard


Anonymous Larry Beck Charles Blanke Joseph Breivogel George Cummings Jeff Hawkins Steve and Vicki Hooker John Leary Robert Lockerby Bridget Martin Barbara Bond and Catherine Martin Paul Steger


David Baumgarten Dan Crisp Terri Cummings Paul Fellner Brad and Mary French Pam Gilmer Sue Griffith Daniel Hafley Paul Herner Gerald Itkin Jon Jurevic Carl Page Judith and William Platt Jeff Thomas Mary Weigand


Mitchell Bower Terry Brenneman Lis Cooper and Doug Couch Charles Feris Latham Flanagan Ardel Frick Erin Jamieson Michael Raff Paul Sawyer Joanne and Richard Shipley Lowell Skoog Gina Tanaka


Rick and Wanda Amodeo Judith Baker Jonathan Barrett Ken Biehler John Billington Jason Blackwell Rayce Boucher Kathryn Burlingham Ellen Burns Steve Chapman Mary Collentine Dorothy Davidson Minah DeAinza Charlene Degener Gretchen Dennison Terrence Dolan Kate Evans Rose Fontaine Mark Fowler Lori Freeman-LaDuke Leesa Gallia Kevin George Charlotte Gill Matthew Grubb Kurt Gusinde Avon Hansen Terre Harper Heath Harrelson Kyle Heddy James Hendricksen Karen Henell Edward Hershberg Sabrina Hickerson Harold Howard John Hubbard Brad Hupy Kurt Kessler Dan Kogan Pamela Kriscunas Carol Lane William and Emmy Lawrence Terry Lawson Eugene Lewins Ernest Lindahl Jason Linse Meg Linza Jeff Litwak Craig Llewellyn Barbara Loehr Marine Lynch Christine Mackert

Jon Major Paul Mckinley Victoria Meadows Debbie Meisinger Rodger Menzies Thomas Miller John Mooney Candace Morgan Ray Mosser David L. Nelson Kim Osgood Marianne Ott Thomas Plawman Frances Prouse Jean Quinsey Rahul Ravel Jim Ronning Charles and MiriamRosenthal Kathleen Scanlan Andrew Schiestl Bonnie and Greg Scott Marty Scott Ruth Selid Mark Shafer Jacob Smith Mike Smith Robert Stayton Melissa Stewart Mary Turner Russell Turner Jolene Unsoeld Gerard Van Deene Elias Volanakis Michelle Weisenbach Elizabeth and Jim Wendlandt Jeffrey Wessel Gordon Westphal Guy Wettstein Joe Whittington Gordy Winterrowd Marlene Yates


Edward Anderson Robert Anderson David Ankrom Bertie August Megan Baker Bonnie Berneck Richard Boos Rex Breunsbach Jann Brown Andrew Byrne

Carol Cogswell Dian Connett John Creager Tom Crowder James Dalziel Elizabeth Delong Mark Denyer Carol Edelman Kimberly Edger Roland Emetaz Jan-Erik Fougli Grant Garrett Alex Grauert Ann Griffin Marjorie Hendryx and Judy Bob Hetzer Gregg Hoffman John Howard Nancy Kennaway Wayne Kollas Tonia Kovtunovich Barbara Kuehner Richard LaDuke Layne Leach Judy Lundeen Joan MacNeill Matt Mallet Rita Maupin Keith Mischke Larry Murry Donald Neff Walter Ottoson Stewart Pagenstecher Joe Palena Joshua Patrick Laura Pigion Richard Pugh Gloria Robson Jeffery Roderick Francie Royce Brenda Scotton Freda Sherburne Stephen Shostek Brian Smith Jan Sokol Dorothy Sosnowski Linda Springer Marcus Stephens Tom Strodtbeck John Taylor Shirley Vincent Arnold Vinnard Ann Werner Fendall Winston


Jeffrey Acciaioli Linny Adamson Jerry Andersen Katy Anderson Jacqueline Angell Conrad Anker Carol Armatis Nicole Atkins Nicholas Baer Jesse Bahr Zane Ball Louis Barker Dave Barlow Jerry Barnes Don Batten John Bauer Ron Bell Elizabeth Belles James Bergmann Bert Berney Andrew Black Randy Blake David Bogucki Mark Bohr Jeffrey Boskind Janet Bowker Susan Bradley Teresa Bright Amanda Briles Kevin Brown William Burke Scott Burns Jeanette Caples Kenneth Carlson Wendy Carlton David Carrier John Carvelas Nicole Castonguay Linda Castor Daniel Chamness Nancy Chapman Judy Chatelain David Clemans Justin Colquhoun Charles Combs Richard Conser Stephen Couche James Craig Rick Craycraft George Crispin Cynthia Cristofani Eric Crowley Frank Dausz Amy Davis Richard Denman Cameron Denney

Carole Dollemore Ramona Duskin Debbie Dwelle Richard Eichen Toni Eigner Barbara Engel Robert Everhart Shelley Everhart Patrick Feeney Leah Firth Lucretia Fisher John Foley Willis Forman Markus Forsythe Jim Foster Barbara Fox-Kilgore Joseph Fox Joe Frank Lise Freeman Doris Fuhrmann Peggy Fujita Sara Gabin Joann Gadbaw Barbara George Greta Gibbs Steven Gilbert Edward Gilmore Kathy Goeddel Paul Gollender Ellen Goodemoot Billie Goodwin Kimberly Goslin Benjamin Grandy Marilyn Grauer Karen Graves Rebecca Green Debbie Greene Josephine Hagstrom Chris Hamilton Noma Hanlon Ezma Hanschka Dana Hardman Susan Hebert Marvin Henry Lehman Holder Zoe Holmes Eric Holstrom Bruce Holway Robert Holzman Alexandra Howard Flora Huber Greg Hughes Doug Hulbert Alexis Hult Larry Huntley Ly Huynh Shahrokh Iranshad

Ryan Johnson Joe Kellar Ike Kendrick Walter Keutel Kyung Kim Ron Kinder Gary Kish Roger Knutson Karl Kratzer Ronald Kravitz Janet Kreft Pradheepa Krishnasamy Matt Krueger Paul Krug Margaret LaBrecque Nathan Laye Adam Lee John Linn Young Linn Nancy Lloyd Meredith Long JoAnn Lovro Karl Lucke Bruce Ludwig Dan Lundberg Jane Lundberg Kevin Machtelinckx Ted Magnuson Barbara Manildi Elizabeth Marshall Dianna Martin-Peterson Larry Mastin Donald Mather Walt Mayberry Edward McAninch Robert McClanathan James Mclain Wes McNamara Jeff Menashe Barbara Meyer Eric Miller James Miller Yoshiko Miltimore Gerald Mock Penelope Mock Gordon Molitor Erin Monahan Antonio Navarro Stephan Nelsen Gerald Nelson Lane Nelson Carl J Neuburger Gene Newcomer Kirk Newgard Rob Neyer Janet Nickolaus Tom Nieradka

Patricia Murphy Norman Jake Norton Katie Norton John Nuttbrock William O’Brien Katherine O’Neil Kathy Olson Rob Olsztyn Patricia Orlinski Dean Osterman Carol Ottoson Ralph Oyler Toni Paget Charles Pappas Jessica Park James Parr Nicole Peltz John Perkins Camille Peterson Craig Peterson Robert Peterson Trevis Peterson Nancy Petrusich Vincent Pimont Mabel Pool Richard Pope Robin Pope Joe Powell Judy Powell Douglas Pratt Bill Prendergast Sarah Raab Rebecca Rall Ryan Reed Beatriz Richter Victor Riggs Greg Robillard Kibbey Rock Kathaline Rollins Alexandra Ross Robert Rowton Ethel and Herbert Runyan Mark Salter Sue Sandford Claudia Sanzone Mark Sanzone Simone Savaiano Betsy Schaffer Bill Schlippert Molly Schmitz Mike Schoen Ronald Schroeder Robert Schuberg Joan Sears Maia Seitz James Selby Myrna Selivonchick

Jonathon Severdia Tanya Sharratt John Slowey Michael Smith Rachel Smith Robert C. Smith Robert Z. Smith Richard Speer Tony Spiering Carol Steffen Bill Stein Gerry Steller Scott Stevenson James Stiehl Charles Stilwell Linda Stoltz Susan Stonecliffe Eric Stouck Carol Strick Swain Lois Stroup Jennifer Sutter Virginia Terhaar Tom Thrall Judy Tomassene Josh Townsley Jennifer Travers Eben Travis Marian Trythall Luis Valdes Frits Van Gent James Van Lente Robert Vreeland Tracy Waechter Vance Walstra Steve Warner Audrey Wass Christopher Webb Jeff Weeks Cheryl Weir Barbara Weiss Carolyn Wheatley William Wheatley Jordan Wheeler Cooper Whittington Diana Wickizer Donna Wiench Joshua Willard Rich Wilson Alice Winczer Andrew Winterman Kenneth Worstell Alice Yetka Caroline Young Don Zeck David and Margaret Zeps Linda Zumwalt

Photo: Brooke Weeber

Mazamas Annual Report 2016

Stay connected with the Mazamas facebook.com/mazamaspdx/




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