March Bulletin - Mazamas

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The Mazamas promotes mountaineering through education, climbing, hiking, fellowship, safety and the protection of mountain environments. March 2013 • Vol. 95 • No. 3

mazama bulletin nesika klatawa sahale—we climb high

Executive Director’s Report Moving Forward­—Lee Davis

By far, the last month for me has been all about planning staff changes at Mazamas. As reported last month, Eric Mayhew, our Member Services Manager of nearly a year and a half is leaving us to move to Colorado in March. I’m sure several of you are wondering how we’re going to replace Eric and how any forthcoming staff changes will affect Mazamas. In order to do that I’m going to take a moment to describe Mazamas current status and strategic plans and then loop back to answer this question. Mazamas is currently working through a multi-year strategic plan that calls for improvements in program quality and capacity as well as more engagement in the community. Membership growth is something we often discuss in strategic planning forums, but we need to keep in mind that our membership numbers are simply a metric of success. We gauge how well we’re doing at pursuing our mission and meeting the needs of our members based on how many of you continue to pay your dues. In the July issue of the Mazama Bulletin I talked about the issue of growth and said “if we focus on our strategic plan, which calls for improving our programs and becoming more engaged in the community we will share more experiences in the mountains with more people each year, and our membership will grow.” Mazamas membership is indeed already growing at a slow rate of about 3.5 percent annually. As of this writing we have more than 100 more members than we had at this time last year and more than 400 more members than just five years ago. I’m convinced that this slow growth is simply a result of better communication with our members and some slight but real increases in program capacity. We have a lot more to do, and at the last council retreat, Denis Lee and the Strategic Planning Committee helped us organize our strategic plan around three primary goals which are: • Improving Program Capacity (more classes, hikes, climbs, outings, ski trips, cragging trips, expeditions, grants, information resources, etc.) • Improving Community Engagement (making sure everyone who plays in

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the mountains knows and appreciates the Mazamas and increasing our partnership relationships both with the public and private sector) • Improving the Value of Membership (understanding what matters to you, our members, and making sure that what you get for your $60/year is an overwhelmingly good deal) My strategy for restructuring our staff this last month has been to look seriously at the idea of having an employee specifically dedicated to each of these three goals. Kati Mayfield, our wonderful new Volunteer Manager, is already focused on the capacity issue. We believe that by doing a better job of connecting our members interest in volunteering with the right volunteer opportunities more people will be volunteering in Mazamas programs. We also believe that by doing a better job of defining roles and tasks for volunteers that the volunteer experience at Mazamas will be even better, and again, more people will be willing to give their time to Mazamas. More people volunteering, in a structured way, should result in increased program capacity. So, Kati’s core mission in her job is “to improve program capacity by connecting interest with opportunities.” The next person I’d like you to meet is Adam Baylor, our new Member Services and Operations Manager. Just a couple of years ago, Adam started the successful Beacon Rock Climbers Association in Portland. He has also been very active regionally with the Access Fund, the AAC and the Outdoor Alliance. Adam is currently going to graduate school at PSU to get an MPA in non-profit management. I decided to hire Adam in a part-time capacity to partially fill Eric’s role as our Member Services Manager. Adam will be responsible for member services, our dayto-day financial management and committee communications. Adam also has formal training in media communications and has great relationships in the regional climbing community. We’re still shaping Adam’s job at Mazamas, but we already know a few things. Adam is going to work first on getting to know

all of you, our members, our committees and those of you that are involved in our classes. Through this year, he will become a communications hub for Mazamas, someone that knows and understands all of our people and programs at Mazamas. He will then take this knowledge of who we are and will work closely with me to build more and better public/private partnerships and our community relationships with Mazamas. The core mission for Adam’s job will be “to improve Mazamas community engagement by maximizing service and communication with our members and the community at large.” Finally, I’m working to fill the remainder of the open Member Services Position with a new part-time role that is focused on improving the value of your membership at Mazamas. In the past, our members paid their dues in large part because they loved the Mazamas and they directly associated many of their personal relationships and their lifetime of outdoor experiences with our club. In the last 10-20 years we’ve seen changes in how people identify with and value being a part of a group like Mazamas. These days, whether or not you go outside and play in the mountains through a structured Mazama activity is directly correlated with whether you’ll pay your dues. Simply put, for many people these days, if you didn’t get outside with Mazamas recently you don’t feel like you’re a part of Mazamas. We know there are a lot of ways to enhance the value of a membership at Mazamas. In addition to improving direct and partner benefits (rescue insurance, retail discounts, access to events and information, etc.) we want to become a primary regional promoter of mountain culture. Mazamas has the capacity and resources to make sure all of our members are connected to everything happening in the community that relates to our mission of promoting mountaineering. Doing this will require new ideas and focus on our information resources and our methods of communicating with you and the public. In April, I hope to update you all on this third position at Mazamas, the core mission of which will be “to improve Mazamas value of membership through

STRATEGY capacity

community engagement

value of membership

My strategy for restructuring our staff this last month has been to look seriously at the idea of having an employee specifically dedicated to each of our three main strategic goals. new and better information resources, communications and member benefits.” By centering our work around these three primary strategic goals, we will be better able to serve our members and support our committees in their work at Mazamas. In addition to these major staffing strategies, I have one more person to tell you about. Jamie Anderson, one of our office volunteers, has been working in a limited part time capacity for Mazamas to call our lapsed members and ask them to come back and rejoin

Mazamas. She had huge success in her first week reinstating more than 80 past members. We’re working with Jamie to see if she can continue to have success in contacting our past members and getting them to come back to Mazamas in the weeks ahead. In other news, we had overwhelming success recently with the BLM community planning meeting. Adam Baylor helped to coordinate this event and we had well over 200 people in the MMC that night. Many more people than expected were able to

provide input to the BLM planning process. We’re also busy planning the spring clinic series and are excited to welcome back Arno Ilgner and Steph Davis. We also plan to bring in Libby Sauter from Yosemite Search and Rescue this spring in partnership with CAMP and Cassin. As always, please feel free to contact us here at the Mazama Mountaineering Center and tell us how we can help you get outside and enjoy the mountains!

Mazamas Offer Support for Washington State Parks Problem By Adam Baylor, Member Services and Operations Manager

On Feb. 13 in Olympia, Wash., Mazama Executive Director, Lee Davis, and I met with Washington State Legislators to discuss state park funding and climbing access issues. In particular, discussion focused on Senate Bill 5575 that if passed would eliminate grant funding for a project at Beacon Rock State Park. The Mazamas met with Senator Curtis King and Representatives Norm Johnson and Charles Ross, all from the 14th District, which includes Skamania County, home of Beacon Rock and Mt. Hamilton. The Legislators were unaware of the potential grant of $205,000 for Beacon Rock State Park. The meeting was a product of the Washington Wildlife and Recreation Coalition’s (WWRC) efforts to support the Washington Wildlife and Recreation Program (WWRP) which is the state office that developed the various projects targeted by Senate Bill 5575. The projects use Capital Funds, not General Funds, and in particular for Beacon Rock the unfinished Doestch Day Use Area kitchen shelter could be completed. Construction work would finish a large event space to be used by groups such as the Mazamas. Ultimately, all WWRP projects are designed to generate revenue which is not easily understood when viewed against the very real state parks problem. The WA State Parks System has seen a significant decrease in General Funds to the point that operational missions could be jeopardized, such as closing parks. Park budget cut information is available online. Here’s an excerpt from the Washington State Parks and Recreation Commission Website:

“The 2011–13 Operating Budget for the Washington State Parks and Recreation Commission is $148.6 million. The budget is made up of: • $17.2 million in real dollars from the State General Fund • $100.8 million in spending authority for revenue from donations and revenue earned from fees • $15.6 million in dedicated funds including federal dollars for special recreation programs such as boating safety and winter recreation • $15 million in unallotted spending authority which can only be used if revenue is earned. The 2011–13 budget represents a dramatic change in the way that State Parks operations are funded, shifting away from mostly general fund tax support to a system based on user fees. The agency has gone from a funding base of more than 60 percent general fund tax support in 2007–09, to 30 percent general fund in 2009–11. In 2011–13, the State Parks budget is comprised of only 12 percent general fund, with the expectation of zero general fund next biennium (2013–15.)” Senate Bill 5575, which will be up for vote soon, is an honest effort by legislators to fix the state parks problem. However, cutting projects that the WWRP specifically designed would be a short term fix. Better facilities for group access to parks such as Beacon Rock would boost the local economy and help our climbing community by opening year-round an amazing climbing area.

March 2013—3

Upcoming Events & Classes Upcoming Adult CPR & AED Courses

Wilderness Navigation Skill Builder Class—GPS NEW!

This course offers a two-year certification cards from the American Heart Association, the nationally recognized authority in resuscitation and emergency cardiac care. Register online at: mazamaseducation/form75/secure_ index.html

Wondering if a $9 smart phone app can replace a $600 GPS receiver?

April Course Dates • Wednesday, April 10, 6 p.m.–9 p.m. • Wednesday, April 24, 6 p.m.–9 p.m.

Is your GPS more of a paperweight than a useful tool? Want to increase your confidence and enjoyment of backcountry and off trail travel? The Wilderness Navigation GPS class, sponsored by the Expedition committee, has you covered. This class will teach you the core GPS skills you need for backcountry travel. The course is taught once a year in the spring. (This class is new for spring 2013 and we may well add another session or two depending on demand.) The class is a single day, with lecture, classroom exercises and a field session. The morning lecture covers a bit of technical overview, but offers mostly solid “hands-on” of how to use your GPS. The field session is held at a nearby park (location TBD) and offers still more hands-on practice.

May Course Dates

Sunday, March 17 2013, 9 a.m.–Noon(ish) at the MMC. Field session: 1–3 (ish) p.m. at a location to be determined.

• Saturday, May 4, 9 a.m.–Noon

Cost: $50 members, $75 nonmembers

• Saturday, May 18, 9 a.m.–Noon

For complete details and registration, please see the Mazamas web under Education & Classes --> Skill Builder Classes.

• Wednesday, May 29, 6 p.m.–9 p.m.

ASI Application Coming Soon! Keep an eye out for the online application this April. The application will be open from mid-April through mid-May and the student group will be selected by early June. The website will be updated to include pertinent information and schedule. Lectures are held at the MMC and the field sessions are on the glaciers of Mt. Hood, Mt. Adams and, if conditions allow, Mt. Baker. Early notification of acceptance into the class allows the participants to climb through the spring and summer and become technically and physically prepared.

Left: Heather Campbell and Katie Mills belaying on a multipitch glacier tour of the lower Coleman Glacier on Mt. Baker. Right: Katie Mills picking her way through crevasses and steep ice on the lower Coleman Glacier of Mt. Baker. Photos: Derek Castonguay.

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Volunteer Opportunities • March 14–16—The Mazamas Used Equipment Sale is nearly upon us, and the coordinators still need help with gear sorting+checkout on Saturday, March 16. To sign up, visit uesmazama/ or contact team-kals@ • March 26, 6 p.m.—Save our Trail Trips! The Trail Trips Committee is in flux and will hold a planning/ visioning session at the MMC to discuss the future of the committee. Hikers, hike leaders, ramblers – if you are interested in playing a role in the reshaping of this committee, join us! • March 30—Tree Planting: Join Conservation Committee to plant native trees and shrubs in the Sandy River Basin near Zigzag on a Saturday. Enjoy a tromp through the woods with fellow natureminded folks and the satisfaction of helping the Mazamas near its goal of becoming carbon neutral. Contact Walter Keutel, conservation@ to sign up. • 3rd Monday of the Month—Risk Management Committee works to keep the Mazamas safe in the mountains, and is looking for a new chair. Candidates should have a working knowledge of Mazamas committees and activities; and experience in risk assessment and analysis. Contact Sandra Volk, • Ongoing and Labor Day Weekend, 2013—Round the Mountain: Keep a beloved tradition alive by helping with the 2013 Round the Mountain Event. This year’s event will be led by two coordinators who will orchestrate the three day event with the support of a committee. Contact Kati Mayfield if interested, kati@ • Ongoing—ASC, Adventurers and Scientists for Conservation helps adventurers become citizen scientists by partnering them with researchers around the globe. From glaciers to

Contact Us

Kati Mayfield Volunteer Coordinator

meadows the ASC recruits explorers to help with data collection on their trips. Check out their website to learn more: http://www. • Flexible Schedule—Virtual Mapping: Work with the Mazamas-led Outdoor Alliance to create virtual maps of human powered recreation in our state and region. Candidates should have experience in website design and digital mapping software. Contact Adam Baylor, Member Services Manager, • Flexible Schedule—Video Documentary Project: Watch time move mountains. The Mazamas Library and Archives committee wants to document how Mt. Hood’s Hogsback has moved over the last century. They need a volunteer with video editing experience and proficiency with Adobe Premiere software to help. Contact archivist Jeff Thomas at 503-936-195. • Flexible Schedule—Hike Leaders: Become a Hike Leader with Trail Trips or Adventurous Young Mazamas. Now is the time, contact David Zeps, Trail Trips Chair:; or Paul Kallmann, AYM Chair: aym@ • Flexible Schedule—Friends of the Lodge! Enjoy the camaraderie of other lodge fans and help keep the place ship-shape during two lodge workdays, one in the spring and one in the fall. Contact Ron Sikes, Mazama FOTL Coordinator, at You can find more information about these opportunities on the website, or at

Mazama Mountaineering Center 527 SE 43rd Avenue, Portland, OR 97215 Phone: 503-227-2345 Email: Hours: Mon.–Thu. 11 a.m–7 p.m. Friday 10 a.m.–2 p.m. Mazama Lodge 30500 West Leg Road, Government Camp, OR 97028 Phone: 503-272-9214 Email: Hours: Thu. Noon—Mon. Noon Mazama Staff Lee Davis—Executive Director ( Kati Mayfield—Volunteer Manager ( Adam Baylor—Member Services and Operations Manager ( Jamie Anderson—Membership Secretary ( Rick Craycraft—MMC Facility Manager ( Charles Barker—Mazama Lodge Manager ( Max Rupert—Mazama Lodge Caretaker

MAZAMA (USPS 334-780)

Editor: Sarah Bradham (mazama. Advertising ( Subscription price $15 per year. Bulletin material may be emailed to the editor. Paper submissions will be accepted only by prior arrangement with the Bulletin’s editor. All material for printing is due by noon on the 14 of the preceding month. If the 14 falls on a weekend, the deadline is the preceding Friday. Periodicals Postage paid at Portland, OR. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to MAZAMAS, 527 SE 43rd Ave., Portland, OR 97215. The Executive Council meets at 6:30 p.m. on the second Tuesday of each month. Meetings are open to members. The Mazamas is a 501(c)(3) Oregon nonprofit corporation organized on the summit of Mt. Hood in 1894. The Mazama Bulletin is printed on recycled paper with 70 percent post-consumer content. The Mazamas is an equal opportunity provider.

March 2013—5

by Tim Scott


he Mazamas Advanced Snow and Ice (ASI) Committee sponsored a trip to Ouray, Colo. for a week to climb in the vertical world of the Ouray Ice Park. This year’s group, the largest so far, had climbing experiences as varied as the Ice Park terrain. This article may be too brief to share all of what this year’s group got into, but suffice it to say, the week focused on climbing and enjoyment of all that Ouray has to offer. This trip is a little less formal than most Mazama activities, with climbers making their own schedules and pursuing their own climbing ambitions. However, credit must be given to Richard Caldwell for ably managing the logistics of the trip and to Climb Committee Chair Shirley Welch for bringing the trip into compliance with relevant Mazama policies. The ASI Committee also made recommendations about how we could minimize the impact of such a large number of climbers on the experience of others in the Ice Park. After travelling on a foggy Saturday, climbers set out in the bright sunlight of Sunday morning to get in their first swings and kicks. One method used to hone footwork was to climb a route with one tool and then to climb the same route with no tools. Any ice climber will tell you, while the tools may be the coolest-looking gear, you’ll climb much better with effective foot placement and balance. Spreading throughout the Ice Park to avoid dominating the routes in any one area, climbers started getting after it. Some went to South Park to practice climbing technique on the moderate Water Ice 2 and 3 routes (WI2 and WI3). Others went to the Schoolroom, for steeper WI4 routes and some mixed climbing. The Lower Bridge and Scottish Gullies offered more mixed climbing that occupied climbers all week. On Tuesday, four members of the ASI committee participated in a one-day clinic with Rigging for Rescue to expand our toolbox of rescue techniques. David Byrne, Keith Campbell, Keith Thomajan and I got to practice rescuing a stricken leader and multi-pitch rappelling with an injured climber. We’ll be using what we learned in the clinic to expand the high angle rescue curriculum in both Advanced Rock and ASI. As the week progressed, snowfall and cold temperatures offered challenges in cleaning off routes and comfort management. Not that

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Mazamas get

in Ouray those obstacles slowed Mazamas much as climbers ventured into the Alcove, the Upper Bridge and the Grad School for longer and more sustained WI4 and WI5 routes. Some recent ASI grads focused on lead climbing in New Funtier, which had a more alpine feel to the routes. The Five Fingers were closed to climbing until Thursday, but once open, Mazamas lowered down into the canyon to give these routes a try as well. Of course, seeing how this is vacation, Mazamas managed to squeeze in a little play between routes. A large number of Mazamas attended a fundraising auction and climbing presentation on Monday night sponsored by Chicks with Picks, a local guide service focused on teaching women to climb ice. Pretty much every day of climbing was followed by a leisurely soak in the Box Canyon Lodge’s hot-tubs fed by a geothermal spring. The more adventurous souls improvised an old-school sauna, rolling around in the snow before jumping back in the hot tubs. Keith Campbell should be credited with leading the charge in decorating the area next to the lower hot-tubs with snow angels. Really. By just about any measure, number of climbers, number of routes climbed—number of goals ticked off, quality of snowball fights or the compliments of the Ice Park Manager and climbing guides on the behavior of the Mazamas—this trip was a big success. Looking forward to next year already!

Clockwise, from upper left: Keith Campbell mid-route. Photo: Keith Thomajan. Doug Wilson climbing out of New Funtier. Photo: Pete Apostolakis. Heather Campbell dry tooling in the Scottish Gullies area of Ouray Ice Park. Photo: Andrew Holman. Front cover: Gary Ballou climbs Popsicle in Ouray Ice Park. Photo: Andrew Holman

March 2013—7

Evening Programs Programs are held at the MMC (527 SE 43rd Avenue) and begin at 7 p.m. Shows are free and open to Mazama members and the general public. We do appreciate a voluntary contribution at the discretion of each attendee. Carpooling, public transportation, biking and walking to the MMC are encouraged. Thank you for supporting our successful series by your regular attendance. Program Committee: Nancy Bentley, Dave Grodle, John Leary, Sharon Leary, Gail O’Neill, Barbara Russell, Rick Russell and Paul Winther.

Tahoe Rim Trail: Hiking and Back Country Skiing in the Tahoe Basin Wednesday, March 6

David Devoe will present a program discussing the 165mile Tahoe Rim Trail and the numerous wilderness activities available in both summer and winter in the Tahoe Basin. He is currently on the Tahoe Rim Trail Association board and has worked on the construction of the trail. Dave and his wife Sue have been fortunate to have lived in the Tahoe Basin for more than 50 years. The program will consist of two sections: The first will be hiking the Tahoe Rim Trail during the spring, summer and fall seasons with discussions on the various options relating to “thru hiking” or “segment hiking” (i.e. trailheads, topography, campsites, availability of water, etc.). The second portion will deal with the opportunities available for backcountry skiing within the Tahoe Basin, including both crosscountry skiing and those involving climbing and descending various peaks along the rim using alpine, randonee and/or telemark ski gear.

Mountain Hiking: Slovenia, Tour du Mont Blanc, Japan, Bulgaria, Norway, Patagonia, Dolomites, Pyrenees Wednesday, March 13

John and Amy Osaki of Mountain Hiking Holidays share their new images from the trail in the mountains of Europe and Asia. Hike the Alps in Slovenia, circumnavigate Mont Blanc, hiking from France to Switzerland to Italy and back to France, hike Japan’s northern Alps on Hokkaido, hike national parks in Bulgaria’s mountains, and hike amidst the fjords of Norway. After 16 years leading trips professionally, the Osaki’s have thousands of spectacular images. Their program concludes with a musical and visual celebration of the world’s mountains, including the spectacular mountains of Patagonia, the Dolomites and the Pyrenees. Get a preview of their images at www. where you can enjoy mini one minute slide shows.

Trekking in Nepal and Utah Slot Canyoneering Wednesday, April 6

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Adventure Hub owner, Kerry Loehr, will present two favorite trips, one half way around the world and the other closer to home. Come join in the

Sea Kayaking in Queen Charlotte Islands

Exploring Easter Island and the Antarctic Peninsula

More remote than Alaska’s Inside Passage, the Queen Charlotte Islands offer sea kayakers a holy grail of wilderness paddling. Now known by its Native American name, Haida Gwaii, this archipelago of 150 islands is known for strong currents, towering headlands, huge tide swings, challenging at-large camping, ancient villages of the Haida people, and stunning scenery. Joined by Bob Wilson and Dan Hannon, Eric Hoem spent two weeks immersed in this remote marine environment. His program will take you on their 125-mile odyssey and share the adventure of rocky morning launches, a day of boat repairs, abandoned village sites, rough seas swirling at headland passages, welcome rest at one of the best hot spring sites in the world, and the magic of sunset after a day of full engagement with the natural world.

In December 2012, Steve Bleiler spent a month-long solstice party hiking Easter Island and Tierra del Fuego, in addition to crosscountry skiing, climbing, and exploring the Antarctic Peninsula with Quark Expeditions. Come share in the splendor and mystery of the Rapa Nuian Moai monuments, Easter Island’s Crater Lake and of the parks at “del fin del Mundo.” Our adventure then takes us across the Drake Passage aboard the Ocean Diamond, to experience the presence of orcas and humpbacks under the midnight sun, to climb and crosscountry ski Antarctic ridges, hike through penguin colonies, explore century-old whaling and research stations, Zodiac raft through iceberg fields set amongst the sublime beauty of the Antarctic Peninsula, finally re-crossing the Drake and rounding Cape Horn on the way home. Party on!

exploration of the Annapurna Circuit and Everest Base Camp treks in Nepal, as well as a slot canyoneering trip in Utah. The high Himalayas draw people from around the globe for its world-class trekking, but it’s arguably the rich culture and beautiful people of Nepal visitors will truly fall in love with. We’ll see tea houses, yaks,

temples, prayer flags, the vibrant Kathmandu, and, of course, mountains beyond comparison. Then, switching gears, we will go from the roof of the sky to the depths of Utah’s slot canyons. Travel down slots that are full of adventure, and perhaps surprisingly, a great deal of water. On rappel!

Wednesday, March 20

Wednesday, March 27

News & Notes Manager: Charles Barker; Caretaker: Max Rupert 503-272-9214 mazama.lodge@

Winter Family Festival Saturday, March 2, Noon—8 p.m. Time to get your skis and sleds waxed up for our 90th Winter Family Festival. Formally knows at “Winter Family Weekend” and prior to that known as “Nordic Family Weekend.” This is a one-day, free event that is hosted by Justin and Mary Rotherham. During the event lunch is $8.40 for adults and $5.25 for kids—grilled bratwurst or yummy grilled vegetables served on the north deck. Dinner will be a pasta dinner with gluten-free alternatives and our flaming baked Mt. Hood. Learn some great dance moves from our live band starting at 5 p.m.

Spring Break We are open for Spring Break starting Thursday, March 21 and closing Monday, April 1 at noon. Enjoy our simpler and less expensive meals Monday, March 25–Friday, March 29 when breakfast and lunch are only $5.25 and dinner is just $6.30—at these prices it’s cheaper to stay at the lodge than at home. If this year is anything like the past couple of years spring skiing is more like winter skiing and our winter skiing has been more like spring skiing. What the lodge needs? More coffee mugs, we break a few on busy weekends.

March 2013—9

by Jack Grauer

Time Warp

50 years–1963

100 years–1913

Do you ever wonder why you climb mountains? Anne Shannon Monroe wrote Impressions, for the 1913 Mazama Annual, wherein she reflected some deep philosophy instilled by her remembrance of the Mt. Adams Outing of 1913: “The dash and dare that carried over half a hundred (Mazamas) to the highest peak of Mt. Adams is now turned back to the sane channels of office or home. “What did we get out of it? What paid us for crickets, flies, and ants, the fir bough beds, the icy baths at daybreak, the long hikes to glaciers and the summit, the cold of early dawn, the sunburn and blisters, the grease paint and dirt? What did we get in exchange for all we gave up? Merely the glory of attaining the summit? The merriment of nightly campfires?

• •

• •

The Outing schedule was announced: • Tetons with Walt Eriksen • Cascade Caravan and Backpack, Bob Platt • Seven Devils in Idaho, Don Shellhart • Salmon River and Deschutes River Boat trips with Bob Potter and Bob Peirce. Harp and Susan Keller had a son, Bruce. Two Mazamas passed away. One was optometrist Dr. Charles Plumstead of Hillsboro. The other was O.K. Dewitt of Lyons OR. He was prominent on the Conservation Committee and had long served on the state and regional Bureau of Land Management Advisory Board. There was still a shortage of snow. No snow bivouac! A joint meeting of Mazama council members and the Seattle Mountaineers was held at Lewis and Clark Hotel in Centralia.

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2975 NE Sandy Blvd. Portland, OR 503.227.1038 m-f 10-7 sat 10-6 sun 12-5 10 —Mazama Bulletin

The good fellowship? No, it was not that alone. “It is something that silences one at times, gathering one’s gaze from friend to friend and sending it far off into the dim vistas between forest trees, or to the stars, or to the mountain tops. (It is) a something primitive and elemental; something hushed and dimmed, but still deep in the heart of every child of nature, buried, perhaps, by routine and habit. (It is) almost lost, but God put there when he breathed the breath of life into the first man. All man’s tortuous city-bred ways can not take that away. This is something that comes back to us in the mountains, the real inner us that steals up through layers of custom-made thought and action, crushing our small concepts of life and sitting enthroned, the King, where sat a taskmaster.”

Videos now on e-Newsletter You may have noticed something new on our e-Newsletter – direct links to climbing-related videos. These allow us to get into the action on climbs, hikes, backpacks and all sorts of Mazamas-related activities. We’re anxious to view your submissions for these “videos of the month,” helmet-cammed, videotaped or even smart-phone based. How about your films of this past summer’s climbs or any other adventures you’ve filmed that you think other Mazamas might enjoy. Send your videos to our e-Editor, Rayce Boucher, at He and his partner in this endeavor, Steve Hinkle, will decide which ones to post that particular month. Be on the lookout for these links in the e-Newsletter as well. Thanks to Rayce and Steve for putting together what should become one of the favorite features in all our publications. The Publications Committee.

Classified Advertising These listings are paid advertisements. The Mazamas is not responsible for their content. House and Pet Sitting by Billie Goodwin—Mazama Member since 1986. Call 503-254-6121 or email Prescription Eyeglasses. Found Feb. 17 on the top of Devil’s Rest. Email 5% DISCOUNT FOR MAZAMAS!— and SummitTrek. com—low prices, good trips. Call or email

AYM Q&A Q: Who are the Adventurous Young Mazamas? A: AYM is a committee within the Mazamas that focuses on recruiting individuals in their 20s and 30s into Mazama membership while at the same time, building a community of individuals who like to hike, snowshoe, cross country ski, backpack, and participate in other related activities. Q: What activities does AYM offer? A: We offer hikes nearly every weekend, crosscountry skiing and snowshoe trips during the winter months, backpacking, car camping trips, Wednesday night rambles periodically throughout the year, pub nights on the 3rd Monday of the month, climb night at Clubsport the 1st Monday of the month during the winter, and our annual Winter Weekend in January at the Mazama Lodge. Q: Can I participate in AYM activities even if I am not in the target age range? A: Yes. Though we do market to individuals in their 20s and 30s, all activities are open to everyone regardless of age. A number of regular participants are in their 40s. Our unofficial motto is, “20s, 30s, and young at heart!” Q: How do I find out about Mazama events? A: Our webpage, lists all of our activities. We also have an e-bulletin that comes out monthly and a Facebook fan page which has a list of current events. There are links to facebook and our e-bulletin on our webpage. Q: Do you offer climbs? A: Every year, a number of climbs on the Mazama climb schedule are listed as AYM climbs. Though we do not organize those climbs, we do have a number of climb leaders who offer them. On the climb schedule, these are designated with a (Y) restriction code. Q: Do you need volunteers? A: Yes! We are always looking for activity leaders to lead hikes and other activities. You need to be a Mazama member, have (or obtain) basic first aid, and lead a provisional hike, before becoming a hike leader. We also have other needs for volunteers throughout the year. If you are interested, contact aym@mazamas. org. On the last Monday of every month, we have our monthly committee meeting at the MMC at 6:30 p.m. Please stop in and help us plan future AYM activties! We hope this Q and A session was informative to all of you. If you have further questions, don’t hesitate to contact us at

AYM Activities Our most up to date schedule is on our webpage. Here are just a few of our scheduled March activities: Saturday, March 2 to Sunday, March 3— Nesika Lodge Weekend Join AYM for our annual trip to Nesika Lodge in collaboration with the Trail Clubs of Oregon. Every winter, AYM and TCO join forces to offer an exciting weekend of hiking, snowshoeing (weather permitting), and an evening at the Nesika Lodge filled with fun, games, and hanging out with friends. We will hike up to Nesika Lodge from Multnomah Falls on Saturday morning (likely via the Elevator Shaft or Franklin Ridge). After unpacking at the lodge, we’ll explore the trails in the area and return for a potluck dinner. On Sunday, we will have a pancake breakfast, do some more hiking and exploring, and return to trailhead by Sunday afternoon. There is a 25-person maximum for this trip. Cost of the trip is $15 for Mazama and TCO

members, $20 nonmembers, and includes lodging and the Sunday morning pancake breakfast. This trip sells out every year so advance sign up and fee is required. Please e-mail leader for prospectus and instructions for payment. Leader: Paul Kallman Monday, March 18—Pub Night: Old Market Pub & Brewery Join the Adventurous Young Mazamas (AYM) the third Monday of the month at 7 p.m. for our roaming Pub Night! This month we’ll be at Old Market Pub & Brewery, 6959 SW Multnomah Blvd. Come join us for an evening of new friends, adventure planning, and malted beverages! This is also great time to find out what we’re up to, to plan your next adventure and see what the Mazamas are all about in a more informal atmosphere. Bring your stories and photos from your recent adventures; extra points for pics from Mazama events. How will you find us? Look for the ice axe!



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March 2013—11

finding ice ... by Rebecca Schob

My brother told me he wanted to learn to climb ice in college when his roommate tried to drip an ice route from their fire escape. My response was, “You’re going to die. Those people are crazy. ” My words were as certain as a curse. Granted, I had never climbed anything but some rolling hills in the Catskills of upstate New York, but I had watched Touching The Void and generalized Joe Simpson’s experiences to all of mountaineering. I forgot about this absurd sport for years. However, three years ago I joined the Mazamas because my brother was still determined to ice-climb and, as a protective older sister, I wanted to know about what he was getting himself into. I still had no intention of climbing ice, ever. So instead I climbed mountains and then I led rock pitches at the top of mountains. About a year ago, my sights started to focus in on routes that would put me on ice,on top of rocks, on mountains. What!??! So how does one go from “Ice climbing = certain death” to “When-and-where-can-I-ice-climb-next!?” in 5 short months? Here’s how: intrigue, initiative, investment.

The Pearly Gates

A ten foot span of ice last spring in the Pearly Gates on Mt. Hood brought to my attention that I needed to deal with ice to climb the routes I wanted. Because I’m a person who likes to be prepared, I looked into the Mazamas’ resources for classes or tutorials. I had climbed for two years and had a diverse resume, but not yet enough experience to make the cut for Advanced Snow and Ice. I attended the ASI lectures last fall and asked folks on the committee about how to gain practical experience, though I didn’t have access to tools and was nervous to wield them if I had them. There seemed to be so many barriers to trying out this wild thing. How do you find ice, learn the swing, the footwork, and deal with the fear? How do you do it on your own? How do you build a resume to get into a class like ASI when you don’t have the skills to get on Mazama climbs with high angles that will bolster a climb resume? A lot of people ask these questions and ASI had been working on a response.

12 —Mazama Bulletin

On the Eliot Glacier

Alan Kearney offered a one-day workshop on footwork and ice axe positions to leaders. As a candidate for the Leadership Development Program, I had the opportunity to sign up. It was an incredibly instructive day—practicing French technique on high angle snow, learning to chop ice steps (who knew you had to chop the farthest step first and then work backwards to the first?), and climbing without tools using only footwork. I had a whole new appreciation for movement across ice and started to conceive of how hard it would be to get out of a crevasse.

In a Crevasse

By popular demand, ASI put together a skill-builder this past fall. Participants hiked out to the Eliot Glacier or the White River Glacier in groups of 8 students and 4 instructors (ASI committee members and ASI grads). We received demonstration and instruction. Club tools were provided for those who didn’t have their own. Participants bouldered short distances on ice then converted a lowering system to a top-belay in order to climb out of the crevasse. It was a chance to swing an ice tool and feel (and hear) the difference between a good stick and a bad stick,to kick into glacier ice and try not to feel defeated, to fall and discover the usefulness of spinner leashes. The support and advice of the instructors to each student was helpful to all. Overall, it was a great chance to sample ice climbing in an organized and active day trip. I wanted to know more. The basic picture was coming together, but I lacked the practical experience I needed to feel comfortable climbing. I wanted to climb in a controlled environment and so I planned a trip to Ouray, Colorado with a group of friends who I knew would be supportive, instructive and fun.

Hitting the Gym

In the meantime, I heard about a new class the Mazamas were offering and met the instructor, John Frieh. He’s a Mazama member as well as an accomplished climber, with first ascents in Alaska every year since 2009. He is also a certified Gym Jones instructor and a sincerely motivated individual. I signed on for the pilot program and have been very pleased with the results. John’s knowledge and coaching helped improve my fitness, inspired me to think bigger about

From left: Nate Mullen, swinging leads on Dribbles, p2: WI4 (35m) Super snowy conditions in the Hyalite Canyon. Rebecca Schob (belay) and Nate Mullen (top of p1) The author, 1st ice lead: 2nd step of Dribbles, p1 (WI3) 50m. The author, topping out on the final 1/2 pitch of Dribbles. 1st ice lead (WI3). Nate Mullen on belay. Photos: John Frieh

my abilities and goals, and unwittingly convinced me that ice climbing was within my reach.

Strobach Mountain

After our class, we had an opportunity to go on an ice-climbing outing to Strobach Mountain in Washington, just east of Rimrock Lake. Starting at 6 a.m. a group of six of us beat a boot track for three hours through the woods to a cliff band. I had seen videos of ice-climbing and admired the stunning places people like Tim Emmet and Will Gadd climbed, but I had never understood the passion or truly appreciated the ability. That is, until I saw a cliffside of real water-ice that took my breath away. I was shocked at how stunning I found the sight. It inspired and lured me. That wall of hanging ice had a magical draw and, to say the least, I wasn’t thinking about dying anymore. We split into 2 teams, with John Frieh leading Katie Mills, and Todd Eddie and Brad Farra leading Nate Mullen and me. John had his sights on a first ascent of Unnamed A, as it was called in the guidebook. The day would end with many successes and a mild distress. My first “real” ice-climbing was nothing like top-roping in a crevasse. The route Sad Ce’bu provided a new vocabulary related to water ice conditions: “alpine” which meant thin, wet, snowy, delicate and deserving of a lot of attention. Sudden Change of Plans offered up some hero ice and chandeliers, which posed their own delight and frustration. I climbed carefully, hooked icicles and friable ice, cleaned screws with long arms and rapped off my first V-thread. It felt like a good day’s work and valid introduction to alpine ice-climbing. We were happily rapping off our 4th pitch as twilight faded. I knew about the objective hazards of ice-climbing—falling ice, remote locations, falls with lots of sharp points—it’s what had me shaking my head at the idea for so long. Our team was in good communication all day, but after an afternoon of hearing polite notices of “ice” with only a couple bloody lips to speak of, my breath caught and my head snapped up when I heard a seriously panicked scream of “IIICCCCEEE!!” An icicle the size of my leg was coming down from 70 feet above, breaking into smaller pieces as it fell. It was dark by then and impossible to see its path. I pulled my chin in and leaned back on my leash from the ice screw securing me to the belay ledge. Searing heat

registered in my right hand, then nothing. A split-second before, my hand was resting at my chest. Now it hung limply at my side. Though concerned it might be broken, I was relieved that my head had not been hit. We successfully finished our final rappel, packed up and hiked out. Congratulations were exchanged. Todd had led his first route, Ice Dreams, WI3. Both he and Katie had followed John’s first ascent of Hate Pony: WI4, M4 (formerly Unnamed A). The day was a total win. Despite uncertainty about the condition of my hand, I was smitten. Iceclimbing had become synonymous with graceful and promising in my mind.

Ouray, Colorado

Just two weeks later (following intensive rehab for bone bruising and swelling), I was able to spend a stellar week climbing in the Ouray Ice Park—a fantasy land of ice climbers—with easy access to hundreds of farmed ice routes in the San Juan Mountains, and a brief walk from town and hot tubs?! Who could ask for more? It was a great opportunity to work with San Juan guide Dawn Glanc, an awardwinning mixed climber, and drill technique with fine friends with watchful eyes. By the end of the week, I felt more consistency in my form and more certainty in my swing, and I used more breathing to keep my head in the game. That all paid off in my ability to top rope a WI5 route, Tooth Decay.

Hyalite ... And Now

The danger in ice-climbing still exists, as in any of our pursuits. One can focus on that danger or prepare for it, stay aware and enjoy. I’ll choose the latter. The most recent trip to Hyalite in Bozeman, Montana (with the climbing crew from Strobach) succeeded in emulating a larger scale alpine adventure, within driving distance. With help, I tightened up my kit, encountered more varieties of water ice, climbed in snowy, spin drift conditions and lead my first pitches of WI3 on multi-pitch route Dribbles. Bigger things are on the horizon. Climbing partners, friends/mentors, and the Mazamas each provided instruction and support along the way, for which I continue to be thankful. Whatever your passion is, even something you think is impossible right now—I hope you find and pursue it, however that suits you. You never know until you try.

March 2013—13

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Large HMS Locking Carabiner reg $13.95 / SALE $7.95

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Supporting outdoor enthusiasts

Membership Benefits Columbia Sportswear (911 SW Broadway) 20%

Next Adventure (SE Grand and Stark) 10%

Eddie Bauer (online and all locations) 40% off First Ascent Line with their Pro Discount card (see our website)

Oregon Mountain Community (NE 29th and Sandy) 10% non-sale items only

Icebreaker (1109 W Burnside) 10% non-sale items only Mountain Hardwear (722 SW Taylor) 15% The Mountain Shop (1510 NE 37th) 10% Mountaineers Books (www. use code MZORE) 20%

14 —Mazama Bulletin

x-train wellness rehab Weekly Yoga Classes Therapeutic Massage

Eugene Lewins

503-939-9657 LMT 16438

Portland Rock Gym (21 NE 12th) 10% off regularly priced memberships Prana Portland (635 NW 23rd Ave.) 15% off all regularly priced items Redpoint Climbers Supply (Terrebonne, OR) 10% U.S. Outdoor Store (219 SW Broadway) 10%

by Mike Leonard-Maguire

Apparently, it was simply the shortest route between two points. He gained 4,900 feet in ninety minutes, over steep snow, ice, and rock, directly up and over Mt. Cleveland, the highest point in Glacier National Park, in January. M3, as he was known, was one of the first Glacier wolverines to be implanted with a radio transmitter that allowed researchers to follow their movements. Since then, much has been learned. As Doug Chadwick writes, “The future of this longmysterious, often-reviled species in the contiguous states depends on people quickly uncovering enough about its behavior and ecology to assemble the first true-to-life portrait of what this animal does and what it requires to survive.” The picture is becoming clearer. Wolverines are built for deep snow and ice, with large paws that act as snowshoes and claws that make excellent crampons. They can climb almost anything, and have a restless, loping gait that eats up the miles. They’ll be out scavenging and hunting all winter. Avalanche victims are some of their winter food supply, as they can smell a carcass through twenty feet of snow. When rescue crews do an aerial search for missing climbers in Jasper, they look for wolverine tracks that converge (a disturbing thought, but a useful detail for that backcountry murder mystery you’ve been working on). Known to bring down caribou or even, by one account, moose, they have many times been observed driving grizzlies from their kill. It takes some nerve for a thirty pound animal to start a fight with a full grown grizzly. They don’t always win, but they’re willing

to die trying, and that attitude is what usually wins the day. Powerful jaws and strong stomachs make it possible to eat bones and all. Everything. The genus and species names are “gulo gulo,” which means “gluttonous glutton.” Their stomachs can be like bags of gravel. All this makes the Demon Monster legends seem apt, but they are actually sociable, bright, and playful. They are devoted parents, with the father known to fully participate in the teaching of survival skills. They require their own territory to raise a family, and they can roam great distances. As climbers, we know their habitat better than most. They live in the high mountains, near the tree line, where snow cover lasts late into May or June. Deep persistant snow is where the females build elaborate dens, to protect the young kits from the weather and predators, from February through May. Once again, Doug Chadwick, “This is a central feature of their lives and absolutely critical to the population as a whole. The insulated shelters are where the females give birth and rear their young—the litter size varies from one to four, with an average of two—until they are strong enough to keep up with her. Wolverines don’t hibernate. Far from it; each mother actively hunts a large area around the den site and carries food back to the babies once they begin to eat solid food. A mother may dig several dens in succession through the late winter and spring, transferring the infants from the birth den to different maternal dens as they grow older. She is especially likely to move her babies if she detects some sort of alarming or unfamiliar activity in the area.” This brings us to the crux of

their situation. Even as they are making bold new inroads into former territory, with new sightings in the Wallowas, on Mt. Adams, and even one in the Tahoe area, their cold and snowy habitat is being reduced. It is predicted that the wolverine habitat will be reduced by 31 percent by 2045 and 63 percent by 2085. What is left will be fragmented islands with greater distances between populations, which drastically decreases their chances for reproducing in sustainable numbers. The U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service has proposed listing the wolverine as a threatened species under the Endangered Species Act. Your opinion counts on this, and you can submit a comment to the F&WS at: http://www.regulations. gov/#!submitComment;D=FWSR6-ES-2012-0107-0001. Learn more, fill in that portrait. There’s an excellent PBS Nature video called Wolverine: Chasing the Phantom, which can be viewed online. Other online material worth looking up includes the Cascades Carnivore Project and the Gifford Pinchot Task Force, which have photos of the wolverine on Mt. Adams. For the Wallowas sightings, visit the websites of the Wolverine Foundation, at http:// They write good reports, and have two animals that have set up residence. Doug Chadwick’s excellent book is called The Wolverine Way. It’s a good read. The wolverine is a fascinating animal, and this point in history finds us participants in its survival. You’ll find it rewarding to learn what you can.

Conservation Corner

The Return of the Wolverine?

March 2013—15

Adventure Travel Hiking and Touring in Tuscany

Chamonix—Mt. Blanc Climbing Outing

Hiking Glacier National Park

April 28–May 8, 2013

July 4–17, 2013

July 28–Aug. 3, 2013

While known for its medieval villages and magical rolling hill country, Tuscany is also home to some fantastic mountain hiking, a beautiful Mediterranean coast, thousands of years of history and, of course, some amazing food and wine. This outing will take in all these attractions. Start with two nights in Florence to get settled, wander the bustling streets and admire some of the world’s finest art, including Michelangelo’s David. Then we’ll head to the Apennine Mountains for two nights, hiking through a forest preserve to a 10th Century monastery and eating lunch in the home of a local shepherd. We’ll also picnic at a 1,000-year-old castle and visit another that’s privately owned. After another Appenine hike, we’ll head for the coast, where we spend two nights hiking, exploring and maybe swimming. We’ll also visit the island of Elba. Then we’ll settle into a villa in the hill country of Chianti for six days of hiking, touring, dining and visiting not just the charming hilltop villages but also private homes, wineries and olive oil mills. The cost of $4,300–$4,600 (it all depends on trip details, number of people and the exchange rate) covers everything but airfare and souvenirs. For more information, contact leader Paul Gerald, paul@ or 971-227-2059.

Join us on this Mazama Outing to the birthplace of alpine mountaineering, Chamonix, MontBlanc, France. We’ll be there in peak alpine climbing season for two full weeks. Based at the foot of the Mt. Blanc massif with hundreds of day-trip alpine objectives, this will be a unique opportunity for climbers to fully explore the French Alps and stretch their skills. This will be a strenuous outing with climbing opportunities daily for the duration of the trip. Participants should be Mazama Intermediate Climbing School graduates or equivalent. Outing costs will be $1,950 per person ($2,150 for non-members). Costs include all lodging and transportation within the Chamonix–Mt. Blanc area for 14 days (all lifts, gondolas, cog-trains, and cable cars are included). Participants are expected to bring their own personal climbing equipment. Participants will be responsible for transportation to/from Chamonix, France. A deposit of $500 to hold your spot is due by March 15, 2013. Send application, medical form and check (made out to Mazamas) to: Mazamas, Attn: Lee Davis Re: Chamonix 2013, 527 SE 43rd Avenue, Portland, OR 97213. Leader: Lee Davis 503-227-2345 (; Assistant Leaders: Shirley Welch ( and Marty Scott ( Contact leader or assistants for further details.

16 —Mazama Bulletin

Full/Alternates Only for more See January information.

Exploring Idaho’s Mountains Aug. 4–17, 2013 Join us on a climbing and backpacking outing to Idaho. One segment will be in the Seven Devils Wilderness, another in the Sawtooths, and the last at Mt. Borah. Backpacking will be moderate in distance and pace. Climbs will be nontechnical scrambles to class 3 maximum. Begin with a 3-day backpack into a base camp at Sheep Lake in the Seven Devils Wilderness, just east of the Wallowas. We may climb He Devil, She Devil, Tower of Babel or other nearby summits. Mazamas pioneered this area many years ago. Next, we will move to Stanley and Redfish Lake, where we start a 40-mile, seven day loop through the scenic center of the Sawtooth Wilderness and around Sawtooth Lake itself. Possible climbs may include Mt. Regan and Mt Thompson. Lastly, we move southeast to climb Idaho’s highpoint, Borah Peak, as a day trip. Participants should be able to carry a 40+/- lb. pack, on rough, off trail terrain, and be comfortable climbing class 3 rock. Dangers include falls, weather, rockfall, and possibly black bears. For a photo preview of the Sawtooths, go to p483948971. Costs range from $119 to $190 with maximum group size of 12 (including leaders). Participants responsible for transportation, camping, hotel, food costs. We will arrange carpools and tent/

gear sharing. No climb cards are needed. A $50 deposit is due by June 15, 2013. Contact leader Bob Breivogel 503-297-4284, or co-leader: Paul Steger, 503-281-2443, paulsteger@q. com.

Wallowa Mountain Trek August 18–24, 2013 Join us as we hike and climb in the beautiful and scenic Eagle Cap Wilderness in the Wallowa Mountains of NE Oregon. The 6–8 participants will need to be in good physical condition for this up to 70-mile adventure and should have experience in at least one 50+ mile trek and A-level climbing. We will have a flexible schedule dependent on weather, terrain, and team strength. Possible peaks that we will climb include Aneroid, Sentinal, Cusik, Eagle Cap, Matterhorn, and Sacajawea. The pace will vary with up to approximately 10-15 miles per day possible over moderate to difficult terrain. The cost of the outing will be between $90 and $115. We will have a pre-outing meeting in early summer. Contact the leader, Gary Bishop (gbish90@, for more information.

2013 Yosemite National Park/High Sierra Camping, Hiking and Backpacking Aug. 26–Sep. 8, 2013 Full/Alternates Only for more See January information.

local • national • International 2013


Day Hikes in Bhutan

Sep. 29–Oct. 19, 2013

Oct. 21–Nov. 7, 2013

Join us on an amazing spiritual, cultural, and scenic journey to the most sacred mountain in Asia. The full trip begins in the ancient capital city of Xian, China. In Xian we view the Terra Cotta Warriors and hike up spectacular Hua Shan (Mountain). Then we board the coolest train ever for our trip to Lhasa, Tibet. In Lhasa, we tour the Potala and other famous monasteries, the Jokhang Temple, the Barkhor, and associated sites. From Lhasa we proceed by land cruiser west to Gyantse, Shigatse, Lhatse, and on to western Tibet’s Lake Manasarovar and then to Mt. Kailash where we will do a three-day kora or trek around the sacred mountain. From Mt. Kailash we’ll return to Lhasa by the scenic southern route through the Himalayas, including a visit to the North Ridge Everest Base Camp and a tour of the Sakya Monastery. There are two trip options: The entire 21-day China-Tibet trip (Sep 29–Oct 19) costs approx. $4,200– $4,500, or the 16-day Tibet only trip (Oct. 4–19, begins and ends in Lhasa) costs approx. $3,700– $4,000. Airfare is not included. Group size will be 10–15. The deposit is $500. For more info, an itinerary, or an application, contact trip leader Joe Whittington (joewhittington@, 503-297-6344). Our assistant leader is Ken Searl (, 503-502-2030).

If you missed the 2004 or 2005 Bhutan Day Hikes Outing, you have another chance. The group travels to Bhutan with an overnight stop in Bangkok. As one flies toward Bhutan, great jagged shapes looking like clouds appear outside the airplane. When the plane descends, you realize that these fantastic shapes are the highest mountains anyone has ever seen—the Himalayas. Isolated villages dot the hillsides, ancient footpaths connect the settlements, and temples are perched on high cliffs. The houses have wooden shingle roofs held in place by chunks of granite and highlighted by brilliant patches of drying red chilies, the staple of almost every Bhutanese dish. Bhutan, the “Dragon Kingdom,” is the only Mahayana Buddhist Kingdom in the world. Because of a deep traditional reverence that the Bhutanese have for nature, the kingdom is one of the leading countries in environmental preservation, with more than 64 percent of the land still under forest cover. It is understood that if the number of tourists exceeds the Kingdom’s capacity and begins to drain resources and harm the environment, the government can restrict the annual number of people allowed to enter Bhutan. Having been shielded from the outside world until the 1960s, Bhutan has retained the charm of a medieval kingdom. Wedged

Outings between two giant neighbors, India and China, Bhutan’s terrain ranges from the tropical southern foothills near sea level to heights of over 24,000 ft. Mazamas’ day hikes in Bhutan provides an opportunity to wander through villages and enjoy Bhutan’s natural beauty, meet local Bhutanese and visit the historic sites that are a part of the country’s unique cultural heritage. Bhutan Land Cost: $4,790–$5,266. Contact David Christopher via email with questions and details:

Want to go on an outing? Contact the leader for more information and the forms you will need: an application, a liability release and a medical information form. Send those forms to the leader and then, upon acceptance for the trip, send payments directly to the Mazama office with the name of the outing written on the check. As a service to our members, we are providing links to the following organizations that may also offer trips of interest: Seattle Mountaineers—, Colorado Mountain Club—, Appalachian Mountain Club—, and the American Alpine Club—

Publications Committee Asks You to Think Ahead for Next Year’s Annual The Publications Committee is already in the planning stage for the 2013 Annual. We would love to hear about your adventures this winter, spring, summer and fall, especially any climbing-related stories you would like to share with fellow Mazamas. We will help you edit any submissions you make. It’s not too early to consider writing about anything exciting or interesting on any of your trips. Please submit materials to mazama. We’d also like to encourage you to submit high-resolution photos of climbing, hiking or backpacking, even if they are not attached to an article. We would like to print a number of stand-alone photos from members in upcoming Annuals and we especially need verticallyoriented (portrait mode) pictures. Photos must be 300 dpi. Please give your photographs a descriptive file name and submit with a photo caption and credit. You can submit your photos to the email address above. Many thanks­— Mazamas Publications Committee.

March 2013—17

Friday, March 15 5−6 p.m. Mazama members and climb classes students 6−8 p.m. Sale is open to the general public Location: Mazama Mountaineering Center (527 SE 43rd)

Clear out your gear room! Make way for more! The Used Equipment Sale is a great opportunity to clean out your gear room of stuff that you no longer need. Who knows? You may also find some great deals. What should you do if you’d like to sell something? • Look in your gear closet for saleable equipment or clothing you aren’t using or have upgraded. • Price it reasonably and it will sell; you’ll keep 70 percent of all proceeds. • Pick up price tags and tally sheets at the MMC starting Feb 15. • Mark your calendars for Thursday, March 14 from 4–8 p.m. That’s when you can drop off items for the sale.

What should you do if you’d like to buy “field tested” gear at very cheap prices? • Mark your calendars for • Friday, March 15 from 5–6 p.m. Mazama members & students in climb classes • Friday, March 15 from 6–8 p.m. Open to the public • Plan to come early for best selection. • Mazamas accepts cash, checks or Visa®/MasterCard®.

Once again, we’ll be collecting warm clothing for Fish Emergency Services to distribute to Portland’s needy. Questions? Ask the organizers: Kathleen Hahn, Lori Coyner (Lambert) & Annie McCartney Contact us at:

Go to for more information.

Clockwise, from top left: Tim Scott and Keith Campbell tandem rappel. Photo: Keith Thomajan Todd Eddie above the creek. Ouray Ice Park, Ouray, Colo. Photo: Jeremy Lubkin. David Byrne makes a powerpoint during Rigging 4 Rescue training. Photos: Keith Thomajan.

March 2013—19

Take to the Trails!

trail trips

Contact Trail Trips Committee chair David Zeps at 503-638-5430 with any questions. To lead a hike in April, log on to the Trails Trips website at http:// Note: “Wilderness­—Limit 12” means the hike enters a Forest Service-designated Wilderness Area,

HK A1.5 Mar 01 (Fri) Powell Butte Loop. Charlene Degener 503-2352028. Hike the loop around Powell Butte, watch construction progress, see new trail routes. 3.1 miles 300 ft. Dr. 15 MMC 9 a.m. HK A2 Mar 02 (Sat) Forest Park— Wildwood. Mark Sanzone msanzone@ ½ day, close in, done by noon. Meet at Wildwood Trailhead on NW 53rd at 9 a.m. (North most of 3 parking areas on 53rd.) 5 miles 600 ft. Dr. 0 None 9 a.m. HK B2 Mar 02 (Sat) University Falls Loop. Rex Breunsbach 971-832-2556. Coast range Gravelle Loop hike past University Falls. This trail is named for the Gravelle twins, Elroy and Edmund, who spent countless hours helping to develop and maintain the Tillamook State Forest trail system. 8.4 miles 1950 ft. Dr. 50 Gateway 8 a.m. HK B2 Mar 03 (Sun) Hamilton Mountain Loop. Sheri Alice Smith 503-8079373. Good classic Gorge hike on the Washington side. If weather permits we’ll take a short side trip out to a scenic viewpoint and an additional trip up little Hamilton. 8.6 miles 2100 ft. Dr. 88 StatePark Gateway 8 a.m. HK B2 Mar 06 (Wed) Forest Park - BPA/all firelanes. Larry Solomon Hike the BPA road from Skyline to Hwy. 30 then back up to hike firelanes 13, 12, and 15 up to Skyline. Then back down to BPA and up to Skyline and the cars. Mountain views, forest and lots of exercise. 7 miles 1800 ft. Dr. 32 MMC 9 a.m. HK A1.5 Mar 08 (Fri) Mt Talbert Butte. Charlene Degener 503-2352028. Extinct volcanic butte. Series of loops though fir, oak and prairie. Birds. 4 miles 200 ft. Dr. 21 MMC 9 a.m. HK A1.5 Mar 09 (Sat) Elowah & Upper McCord Falls. Flora Huber 503-658-5710. Wilderness—Limit 12. Possible dipper bird sightings. 3 miles 600 ft. Dr. 60 TH Gateway 8:30 a.m. HK A2 Mar 09 (Sat) Lacamas Lake Trail. Jim Selby (828) 508-5094. This all-weather trail is a great winter option with plenty of wildlife and restrooms on each end of the trail.

20 —Mazama Bulletin

and the number of participants is limited to 12, including the leader.

visit for updates!

Check the website for new hikes and updates: Our leaders may schedule a hike for the current month after the bulletin is published, or occasionally a hike location may change due to conditions, so please

AYM is also Hiking: Adventurous Young Mazamas (AYM) offers hikes too, and everyone is welcome. See the separate list at mazamaaym.

You can hike this one in any kind of weather. 7 miles 100 ft. Dr. 30 Gateway 8:30 a.m. HK B2 Mar 09 (Sat) PCT to Greenleaf Overlook. Rex Breunsbach 971-8322556. We will hike from the Bridge of the Gods trailhead up to the Pacific Crest trail and visit Gillette Lake on the way to the Greenleaf Overlook for a nice view over the Gorge. We will stop for lunch at Gillette Lake on the way back. 8.2 miles 1,200 ft. Dr. 80 Gateway 8 a.m. HK B2 Mar 10 (Sun) Elk Mountain. Sheri Alice Smith 503-807-9373. Remember—set clocks ahead one hour. Uphill from the get-go on this entertaining hike. Come and enjoy coast range views and get a good workout. Bring extra clothes and boot traction devices. Poles recommended. 8.5 miles 2,250 ft. Dr. 60 Gateway 8 a.m. (Additional carpool location Target & 185th at 8:30 a.m.) HK B2 Mar 11 (Mon) Nick Eaton Gorton Creek Loop. Cloudy Sears 503-695-5947 or cloudys@rconnects. com. Wilderness—Limit 12. Hike to Deadwood Camp Cutover. Be prepared for rain or snow; bring traction devices and possibly snowshoes. 8 miles 2,600 ft. Dr. 80 Gateway 8:30 a.m. HK B2 Mar 13 (Wed) Coyote Wall. Dick Meissner 503-692-9065. We will head out east in the Gorge, and hopefully get some nice weather. The hike will be to the top of the wall, for some great views, weather permitting. 7 miles 1520 ft. Dr. 125 L & C, near toilets 8:30 a.m. HK A1.5 Mar 15 (Fri) Gresham Butte Saddle Trail. Charlene Degener 503235-2028. Walk through Gresham largest natural area, part of Springwater Corridor for a loop around this extinct volcanic butte. 3.7 miles 200 ft. Dr. 22 MMC 9 a.m. HK A2 Mar 16 (Sat) Triple Falls Loop. Terry Lawson Lawson.terry@gmail. com. Wilderness—Limit 12. This short hike visits many falls as well as a view of the Oneonta gorge. E-mail leader to reserve a spot. 4.3 miles 950 ft. Dr. 60 Gateway 8:30 a.m. HK B2.5 Mar 16 (Sat) Kings Moun-

tain. Tom Dodson dodsontw@msn. com. This is a short hike with three steep sections that require careful hiking. The view can be stupendous and includes the coast, ocean, Wilson River drainage, Saddle Mountain, and nearby Elk Mountain. Battered sword ferns will be recovering from the winter and we might see some spring flowers. Estimated time back at 185th is 2pm. 5.4 miles 2,780 ft. Dr. 66 Target/185th 8 a.m. HK C2 Mar 16 (Sat) Horsetail to Wahkeena Traverse. Rick Craycraft 503-679-2113 or Wilderness—Limit 12. Every March, for years now, I’ve led this hike. Come see what the buzz is. Up and over Franklin Ridge. In and out of three different watersheds. Maybe a side trip to the Trails Club complex. Prepare for lingering winter. Car shuttle. 12.2 miles 3,300 ft. Dr. 63 Gateway 7:30 a.m. SS B Mar 16 (Sat) Twin Lakes. David Nelson 503-657-4058. We will snowshoe from Frog Lake snow park to the lower and then upper Twin Lakes where we may get a glimpse of Mt. Hood. Have lunch and then return to cars. Pace will be easy/moderate. Call leader if questions. 5.6 miles 700 ft. Dr. 110 SnoPark Gateway 8 a.m. HK A1.5 Mar 17 (Sun) Catherine Creek-East. Richard Getgen Wildflower loop in eastern Columbia River Gorge. Grass widow, salt-n-pepper and a few others. 7.0 miles 1,200 ft. Dr. 126 Gateway 8 a.m. HK A2 Mar 17 (Sun) Cannon Beach to Arch Cape. Joe Whittington joewhit- or 503 297-6344. Shuttle Hike. Hike beach from Cannon Beach to Arch Cape. Go around Humbug and Hug Point (at low tide) to our shuttle vehicle at Arch Cape. 7 miles 0 ft. Dr. 140 Target/185th 7 a.m. HK B2 Mar 17 (Sun) Aldrich Butte —Cedar Falls. Larry Solomon From atop the Butte, southern views from Beacon Rock to Dog Mtn. Return route via Hamilton, Cedar and Table. Down to the gushing multi-tiered Cedar Falls and lunch. 5.8 miles 1,700 ft. Dr. 90 Gateway 8:30 a.m. HK C2.5 Mar 17 (Sun) Table Mt. West Ridge. Bob Breivogel 503-297-4284. An early season conditioning hike for those who want to get in shape. Be prepared for possible slippery rocks on the trail higher up. Maybe some snow too. Good boots, gaiters, and trekking poles recommended. 9 miles 3,450 ft. Dr. 84 Gateway 8 a.m. HK B2 Mar 20 (Wed) Sedum Ridge from Trout Creek. Rex Breunsbach 971-832-2556. We will travel south along the PCT from the Trout Creek Trailhead. Some great views of Experimental forest and the Gorge above Stevenson. Bring traction devices. 10 miles 2,700 ft. Dr. 90 MMC 8 a.m. HK A2 Mar 22 (Fri) Lacamas Lake Loop. Charlene Degener 503-2352028. Lake, creeks, waterfalls, birds. Trail hike. 6 miles 400 ft. Dr. 36 MMC 9 a.m. HK B2 Mar 23 (Sat) Hagg Lake. Rex Breunsbach 971-832-2556. Long, low around the lake we will go. Abundant waterfowl and tree shrouded panoramas. $5 daily car fee. 14.8 miles 1000

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Trail Trips, continued from previous page ft. Dr. 65 Target/185th 8 a.m. HK A2 Mar 24 (Sun) Coyote Wall Flowers and Photos. Bob Breivogel 503-297-4284. We will leisurely ramble through the hills and meadows. This will be oriented towards seeing how many varieties of wild flowers we can find and photograph. Leader will give tips on flower photography techniques. 5.8 miles 1,520 ft. Dr. 125 Gateway 8:30 a.m. HK B2 Mar 24 (Sun) Franklin Ridge. Dyanne Foster 503 2678937. Wilderness—Limit 12. Loop hike starting at Horsetail Falls, up past Triple Falls to the top of Franklin Ridge. Down to Multnomah Creek and then back to Multnomah Falls Lodge. Car Shuttle. 10.1 miles 2,800 ft. Dr. 60 Gateway 8 a.m. HK B2 Mar 27 (Wed) Bald Butte. Rex Breunsbach 971832-2556. Great views of Mt. Hood and Hood River Valley. Hike up through the oak trees and along Surveyor Ridge. Poles and traction recommended. 8.4 miles 2,300 ft. Dr. 144 TH MMC 8 a.m. SS B Mar 29 (Fri) Trillium Lake—Moon Light Snowshoe. David Nelson 503-6574058. Plan is to snowshoe/hike around Trillium Lake at night, (March 27 is a full moon.) In the past, the trail has been snow-packed from the day us-

ers, thus may not need snowshoes, but bring them anyway. Estimate time back to the cars is 1 a.m. The pace will be easy to moderate. Bring warm clothes and headlamp. Contact leader to register. Meet at Clackamas Town Center Transit Center: 9225 SE Sunnyside Rd, north end of parking structure (lower level) at 8:30 PM. 5.2 miles 800 ft. Dr. 100 SnoPark Clackamas Town Center P&R 8:30 p.m. HK A1.5 Mar 30 (Sat) Dry Creek Falls. Jim Selby (828) 508-5094. Dry Creek Falls promises to be anything but dry! We’ll follow the PCT trail on an easy section from Cascade Locks to the falls and back; mainly bluffs overlooking the Gorge. Stop for ice cream after the hike. 5.4 miles 710 ft. Dr. 78 TH Gateway 8:30 a.m. HK B3 Mar 30 (Sat) 1/2 Wildwood 15-Miler. Rex Breunsbach 971-832-2556. Warm-up for hiking the entire 30.2 miles in May. We will hike north half from Newberry Road to Saltzman Road. 15 miles 500 ft. Dr. 25 Gateway 8 a.m. HK A1.5 Mar 31 (Sun) Lyle Cherry Orchard. Richard Getgen Wildflower hike up some steep sections of trail with excellent views, returning on a more gentle grade. 7 miles 1400 ft. Dr. 140 Gateway 8 a.m.

Upcoming Backpacking Trips Rogue River Backpack. Leader: Tom Davidson, April 26–29, 2013
Escape the rain and cold of Portland. Head to Southern Oregon and backpack along the wild and scenic Rogue River. We’ll spend four days and three nights exploring the trail along the Rogue. The pace and elevation gain will be moderate and some of the campsites will even have toilets and water. Maybe even some early wildflowers and rafters. But mostly of all we’ll have fun and sun. To get more information and/ or to apply contact Tom Davidson (tedclimbs@gmail. com) Cost: $15 members/$30 nonmembers.

Rambles Corner Tuesday & Thursday Rambles from REI–Pearl 
Various leaders will lead walks every Tuesday and Thursday starting at REI in the Pearl. Rambles start promptly at 6 p.m. Multiple groups will be lead at different paces. Bring a headlamp. These rambles average 4-8 miles 500-1500ft and meet-up at REI-Pearl NW 14th & Johnson 6 p.m.

Trail Tending For all of you that enjoy hiking in northwest Oregon and want to help keep some wonderful trails open, it’s not too early to start marking your calendars with the following upcoming events! On June 15, Rick Pope will be leading a trip on Kings Mountain in the coast range to clear out the tangle of winter growth that threatens to bury this popular training hike. We need 10 people for this one-day work party. After a great turnout last year, Ray Sheldon will once again be leading a four-day effort to clear out the Mazama Trail on Mt. Hood from August 8–11. Volunteers can sign up for any length of service from one to four days with camping available at the trailhead. As a bonus, two days of work earns a NW Forest Pass for a year of free parking at trailheads requiring a valid pass. Watch for trip details on these and other trail tending opportunities in future editions of the Bulletin and in the online hiking schedule. As always, all levels of strength and experience are welcome, we provide the tools and training! Contact Info: Rick Pope and Ray Sheldon

Class A: Easy to moderate; 4-8 miles, under 1,500 feet elevation gain. Class B: Moderate to difficult; 6-12 miles, over 1,500 feet gain. Class C: Difficult to strenuous or rugged; 8 miles or more, typically over 3,000 feet. Class D and Dw: very difficult very strenuous with challenging conditions. Contact with leader for details prior to the day of the trip is mandatory . Numeral after class indicates pace: All pace information is average uphill speed. • • • • • •

1 = 1 mph: slow, easy pace 1.5 = 1.5 mph: moderately easy pace 2 = 2 mph: moderate pace 2.5 = 2.5 mph: moderately fast pace 3 = 3 mph: fast conditioning pace; 3.5 = 3.5 mph: very fast, highly aerobic conditioning pace.

HK=Hike; SR=Street Ramble; R=Run; BP=Backpack; TT=Trail Tending; RP=Restoration Project; W=Wilderness area–limited to a maximum of 12 persons; SS=Snowshoes; NS=Cross Country Ski. Hike fees: $2 for members, each family participant and those belonging to clubs in FWOC; $4 for non-members. No person will be turned away if they are unable to pay. Street Ramble fees: $2 per person; $1 per person if over 55 or 14 and under. Both members and nonmembers are welcome at all trail trips. Trail Tending events are free. Meeting Places: Gateway–SE corner of P&R Garage near 99th & Pacific (I-84 Exit 7); L&C–Lewis and Clark State Park (1-84 Exit 18); Oswego TC–Boones Ferry Rd at Monroe Parkway; SalmonCreek P&R–Vancouver P&R at 134 St (1-5 Exit 7 or 1-205 Exit 36); Parkrose/ Sumner Transit Center–Sandy Blvd. & 98th Ave. (1-205 Exit 23A); Durham– P&R at Boones Ferry & Bridgeport (1-5 Exit 290); MMC–Mazama Mountaineering Center, 527 SE 43rd at Stark; Pendleton–Pendleton Woolen Mills in Washougal; REI–Pearl, NW 14th & Johnson; Target185 –Target P/L Sunset Hwy at 185th. Dr.–round-trip driving mileage. ft–Hike elevation gain. TH Pass–USFS parking pass needed for trailhead; SnoPass–Snow park pass. Trail Trips Hike Rules: Hikers are encouraged to carpool and share costs. The maximum suggested total rate each is a donation of fifteen cents per mile for up to three people per vehicle. Dogs are not allowed except for hikes designated as “dog-walks.” Alcohol and firearms are not allowed. Participants should wear appropriate hiking shoes; carry lunch, water, rain gear (umbrella, parka, or poncho) and the 10 essentials (whistle, extra food & clothing, sun protection, map, compass, flashlight, first aid kit, pocket knife, waterproof matches, fire starter). Participants should be in a physical condition appropriate for the difficulty of the hike. Leaders may decline anyone not properly equipped or judged incapable of completing the hike in a reasonable time frame. Hikers voluntarily leaving the group are considered nonparticipants. In case of accident, illness or incapacity, hikers must pay their medical and/or evacuation expenses whether they authorize them or not. Hikes leave the meeting place at the time listed. See hike write-ups for particulars of pace, trail conditions, mileage and elevation gain. Adverse conditions, weather and combined circumstances can affect difficulty. Hikes are classified into general categories; contact leader for further details.

March 2013—21

Membership Report January 2013 Applications for Membership:.................................43 April Berlin—Mt. Hood Matthew Boyd—Mt. Olympus Gabriel Brunean—Mt. Adams Jeanette Caples—Mt. Hood Erin Devlin—Middle Sister Abnishek Dhanotia—Mt. St. Helens Michael Emery—Mt. Rainier Megan Erspamer—Alphnbel (Switzerland) Robert Fetter—Mt. Hood Caryn Fiedler—Mt. St. Helens Sean Fitzpatrick—Mt. Kilimanjaro Karl Furlong—Mt. St. Helens Anna Furrer—Mt. St. Helens Leontine Galante - Mt. St. Helens Richard Goodall—Mt. Hood Sabina Grover—Mt. St. Helens Michelle Harvey—South Sister Clark Hollenberg—Mt. St. Helens Ron Hope—South Sister Graeme Jack—Mt. St. Helens Clay Johnson—Mt. Hood

Tina Keller—Mt. Adams Reed Kelly—Mt. Adams Ryan Kilgren—Mt. St. Helens Matthew Kramer—Mt. Adams Leanora Merwin—South Sister Patricia Neighbor—South Sister Barry O”Mahony—South Sister Brandon Paxton—Mt. St. Helens Kristie Perry—Mt. Hood Naveen Ramaswamy—Mt. St. Helens Warren Roe—South Sister Lisa Romano—Mt. Adams Justin St. James—Mt. Adams Rebecca Schreiber—Mt. St. Helens Leslie Shotola—South Sister Colin Smith—Mt. St. Helens Hannah Souter—South Sister Isabel Suhr—Mt. Rainier Harry Tachiki—Mt. Kilimanjaro Scott Thompson—Middle Sister Jason Wagner—Mt. Hood Nick White—Old Snowy


Steve Albert (2002), Sharon Baker (2006), Elizabeth Barbieri (2010), Blair Batson (2000), Marcum Bell (2012), Stewart Boedecker (2000), Aaron Braun (2010), Emily Brew (2012), Matthew Brown (2012), Don Burnet (1966), Jason Casmira (2003), Betty Cobb-Colgan (2006), Elizabeth Cole (2010), Morrie Conway (1997), Elizabeth Copeland (2012), Martin Crouch (1993), John Cunningham (2005), Patrick Delloway (2012), Maggie DiUlio (1982), Carol Edelman (1998), Steve Eisenbach-Budner (2001), John Fairgrieve (1994), Susan Farley-Barker (1981), Eric Folkestad (2011), Jennifer Folkestad (2011), Bus Gibson (1969), William Gleason (1969), Adam Haas (2007), Mark Hardy (1981), Michael Harris (1991), Jim Hashimoto (1996), Joanne Heiser (2000), Chelsea Heveran (2009), Alexis Hult (2010), Richard Hunter (2009), Marlene Huntsinger (1991), Matthew Jones (2011), Ryan Jones (2010), Gregory Kime (1999), Rob Kline (2001), Sue Ann Koniak (2010), Kristi Lahusen (2002), Viola Lai (2008), Dirk Lakeman (2012), Annie Lee (2009), Craig Leis (2005), Alissa Lesperance (2012), Jennifer Levo (2011), Eric Lozano (2011), Kari Lyons (2007), Bob McGown (1990), Martha Mealy (2004), Andrew Mittelman (2005), Alden Moss (2012), Steven Moss (2012), Christopher O’Leary (2010), Liz Oliver (2012), Tiffany Pelott (2009), Scott Peterson (2011), Nancy Phillips (2011), Andrew Pinelli (2008), Bill Prendergast (1988), Shawn Reddy (2000), Shannon Regan (1988), Michael Riley (1996), Jeanette Roberts (2003), Sam Romanaggi (1990), Jim Ronning (2000), Todd Russell (2008), John Sample (1995), John Schaffroth (2012), Dennis Schantzen (1987), Mike Schoen (1993), Mark Seker (1999), Karen Sharples (1998), Tim Shields (2008), Ross Stein (2008), Scott Stevenson (2010), Natasha Strength (2011), Virginia Terhaar (2000), Barbara Timper (2006), Joshua Tippett (2009), Natalie Todd-Zebell (2009), Grant Van Hoomissen (2009), Jill Vonderhaar (2009), Helen Wahl-Stephens (1988), Charles White (1998), Robbie Whitecotton (1985), Laura Whitehorn (2002), Michaelene Wilcox (2004), Lee Wilson (1999), Charles Young (2002), Rebecca Young (2010), Simon Zivny (2010), Suzanne Zoller (2010)


Jeanne Rathbone (1948), Michael LaMarte (1947), Phylllis Towne (1975)

Total Membership Jan. 31, 2013:................................................ 3,050 Jan. 31, 2012:................................................ 3,000 22 —Mazama Bulletin

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Submitted by: Meg Goldberg In Attendance: Executive Council Members: Doug Couch, president; Terry Donahe, treasurer; Meg Goldberg, secretary, Judith Baker, Dyanne Foster, Sojo Hendrix, Bill McLoughlin and Joan Zuber. Absent: Bronson Potter, vice president. Doug Couch called the meeting to order at 6:40 p.m. The minutes of the Jan. 8, 2013 meeting minutes were approved. Membership Report: Oral Report by Meg Goldberg. There were 43 applications for membership and 95 reinstatements. Total membership as of Jan. 31, 2013 is 3,050. This is an increase of 50 members since last year this time. Treasurer’s Report: Written report submitted by Terry Donahe. Report filed for audit. Executive Director’s Report: Oral report by Lee Davis. Lee’s complete report is available for membership on page 4. Written committee reports pre-submitted: • Annual Celebration • CISM • Conservation • Education • Publications • Programs • Research Reports unanimously approved and received on the consent agenda.

Committees with no reports submitted: • Library and Historical Collections Regular Committee Reports Governing Documents Chair John Rettig requested action from the EC to approve the general requirements for Policies and Procedures. Motion by Judith Baker approve general requirements with the “forced expiration” clause removed. Motion seconded. Motion passed. Action: Approved. John Rettig requested action from the EC to accept as published policies and procedures for the additional 101 pages so they can be archived and controlled. Motion by Bill McLoughlin: Mazamas policies and procedures have a mandatory review of five years from original issue with no expiration date. Lodge Ron Sikes from the Lodge Committee recommended that EC move forward on the deposit to the Forest Service to begin the application for the lodge parking lot in order that momentum not be lost on the project going forward. Financial Affairs Chris Simmons reported on first quarter reforecast: Council approved a budget with a projected deficit of $34,000 at the recommendation of our executive director who encouraged us to provide the financial resources to hire a

Feb. 12, 2013

Executive Council Minutes

volunteer manager. The deficit has been partially offset by a substantial savings in our insurance package. The first quarter budget reforecast suggests that the projected deficit will be slightly less ($33,000) than anticipated. New Business Lee Davis: Staffing Updates. With Eric Mayhew leaving at the end of the month, Lee determined that the position would be better served with two part-time positions. Lee hired Adam Baylor to fill a part time position of Member Services and Operations Manager. The second part time position of Information Services is still waiting to be filled. Lee also hired Jamie Anderson on a temporary part-time basis for the position of Membership Secretary. Jamie will be helping to boost reinstatements and membership growth in the coming months. Sojo Hendrix: Round the Mountain Update. Sojo, EC Liaison for Trail Trips reported that Round the Mountain has historically been housed under Trail Trips. Sojo will be meeting with Kati Mayfield, Volunteer Manager and the Lodge Committee about taking over organizing and running RTM. Meeting adjourned at 8:40 p.m. Next Executive Council Meeting: Tuesday, March 12, 2013 at 6:30 p.m. at the MMC.

Executive Council Meetings 2nd Tuesday of the month at 6:30 p.m. at the MMC. All members are welcome to attend.

March 2013—23

MazamasÂŽ 527 SE 43rd Ave. Portland OR 97215 address service requested

e e r T s a m a z t a n e M v E g n i t n a Pl Help Us! Plant Trees, shrubs, and wetland plants to: reduce CO2, restore a watershed, create habitat

Join Us! Saturday, March 30, 9 a.m.–2 p.m. Carpool leaves Mazama Mountaineering Center (527 SE 43rd) at 8 a.m. or meet at the Zigzag Ranger Station (70220 E. Hwy. 26) at 9 a.m. Bring lunch, work gloves, rubber boots (optional) and be prepared for various weather conditions. To register: call 503-227-2345 or send an email to conservation@ This event is sponsored by: Mazamas US Forest Service Sandy River Bsain Watershed Council

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