Mazamas 2015 Annual Report

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Mazamas Annual Report 2015

Photo: Ben Grandy

Our Mission The Mazamas promotes mountaineering through education, climbing, hiking, fellowship, safety, and the protection of the mountain environments.

Our Vision Everyone enjoying and protecting the mountains. Mazama Mountaineering Center 527 SE 43rd Avenue Portland, OR 97215 503-227-2345


Sharing Our Values with the

Community M

azama President Steve Hooker recently said “the Mazamas are more aspirational than ever.” This aspiration is for the Mazamas to be the most important organization in our region for everyone

who wants to play in and protect the mountains. To do this we are working through a series of projects that will enable us to provide extraordinary service to our members and volunteers, while responding to the needs of our community.

Photo: Suresh Singh

Last year was an exciting, direction-setting year for the Mazamas in pursuit of this goal. We made solid progress on our strategic plan, which builds on the strengths of our core programs and seeks to improve our service model to be more modern, relevant, and scalable. In 2015 we completed needs assessments for our information technology systems, stewardship and advocacy programs, and leadership development systems. We also restored professional management to our library and historical collections, launched robust

youth outreach programs, and added capacity to our development department. Our members continue to amaze our broader community with their passion and enthusiasm. Through our core programs our volunteers and partners are working every day to share our values of responsible recreation, safety, and stewardship with everyone in the Pacific Northwest. We are working to build a community of people who value and protect our public lands. Today, the integrity of our public lands is under attack. By growing our stewardship and advocacy programs we can help ensure that our public lands safe and healthy for future generations. We are also working hard to get kids outside. Like us, people across our nation

are concerned about how little time kids are spending outdoors compared to even a decade ago. Our youth outreach programs, family programs, and the Mazama Mountain Science School, started in 2015, are all about getting kids outside and making sure that future generations develop relationships of care with the mountains. For more than a century, the Mazamas have been a community leader in the Pacific Northwest. We continue to focus on building and organizing a community of people who share our interests, and today we are giving back to our community in new and broader ways than ever before. We’re able to do all of this work because of the incredible support we receive

For more than a century, the Mazamas have been a community leader in the Pacific Northwest.

from our volunteers, donors, members, and partners. We have more members, more annual donors and more overall support than we’ve ever had before. Because of you, the future is bright for the Mazamas! Thank you for your support. Lee Davis, Executive Director


Mazamas Annual Report 2015

Executive Council (FY15) Sojo Hendrix, President (2015) Judith Baker, Vice President (2015) Steve Hooker, Treasurer (2017) John Rettig, Secretary (2017) Kate Evans (2016)

Sunny Freeman (2016) Marty Hanson (2017) Joan Zuber (2015)

Staff Lee Davis, Executive Director

Jamie Anderson

Committee Chairs Matt Reeder, Adventurous Young Mazamas Marina Wynton, Critical Incident Stress Management Rose Marie Gilbert & Lanning Russell, Classics Larry Beck, Climbing Andrew Bodien, Education Nate Mullen, Advanced Rock

Member Services Manager

Steve Heikkila, Advanced Snow & Ice

Adam Baylor

Chris Kruell, BCEP

Stewardship & Advocacy Manager

Sarah Bradham Marketing & Publications Manager

Mathew Brock Library & Historical Collections Manager

A few phrases capture the essence of why I volunteer with Mazamas: Teach others, give back, make a difference, help shape someone’s life for the better ...

Justin Colquhoun, First Aid Dan Gerbus, Intermediate Climbing School Carol Lane, Nordic Karl Furlong, Ski Mountaineering Ron Fridell, Expedition Bob Murphy, Families Matt Carter, Governing Documents

Laura Burger

Bob Stayton, Mazama Lodge

Membership & Development Assistant

Gary Ballou, Outreach

Kati Mayfield, Volunteer

Joe Whittington, Outings


Why I Volunteer

Tom Bard, Conservation

Matt Carter, Nominating

Alicia Imbody, Portland Alpine Fest Kristie Perry, Publications Tom Bennett & Molly Schmitz, Research Sandra Volk, Risk Management Paul Steger, Strategic Planning Regis Krug & Terry Lawson, Trail Trips

–Tom Davidson Photo: Angela Bohlke

Amy Mendenhall (2016)


Planning for the Future W

e believe that the Mazamas is the most important organization for everyone

who wants to play in and protect the mountains. By building a community

2015–2017 Priorities uu

of mountaineers and advocates, the

increase education and activity capacity and improve the volunteer experience

Mazamas is working to provide more opportunities to get people outside and support public lands. In order to pursue this vision, in 2014 the Mazamas adopted a revised strategic plan that laid the foundation to reinvent the Mazamas’ service model to be modern, relevant, and scalable. The plan consists of a series of priority projects that build upon opportunities that were identified by

Mazama leadership and members over a multi-year process. The plan has been organized to provide clear priorities over a five-year period. With the aim of engaging the community and tackling longstanding barriers to growth we can create more experiences in the mountains.

Leadership Development to


Information Technology to enhance the member experience, improve communication, and expand information resources


Youth Outreach to provide opportunities to under-served youth


Stewardship and Advocacy to protect the mountain environment


Historical Collections to better steward, share, and celebrate our stories ďƒ&#x;


Mazamas Annual Report 2015

Giving Back to the

Places We Love A

s Mazamas, we believe in protecting natural areas so that future mountaineers, rock climbers, hikers and backpackers can enjoy the same experiences that we cherish.

Today, more people than ever are climbing and exploring our favorite wild places, which means that we must be proactive stewarding and giving back to trails and crags. The lack of a unified voice speaking to decision-makers at all levels of government and the outdoor recreation industry makes it even more important to bring community leaders together to work on a more coherent conservation and outdoor recreation policy agenda. That’s why in 2015, the Mazamas focused on building a foundation to become a leader in conservation, outdoor recreation access, and stewardship.

Volunteers and staff created a Stewardship & Advocacy Plan to guide the work creating a more successful environmental and recreation movement in the Pacific Northwest and nationally. In 2015, our volunteers contributed over 1,000 hours of work to help maintain climbing and hiking trails in the Pacific Northwest and beyond. Our stewardship work focused on repairing eroded tread, fixing rock stairs and switchbacks, and removing overgrown vegetation and cutting downed trees. Mazamas and local climbers also helped to re-bolt and replace fixed anchors on climbing routes at French’s

Dome, Broughton Bluff, and Beacon Rock. We also advocated at the local, state, and national levels to protect mountain recreation areas and strengthen conservation efforts. For example, we joined the Owyhee Canyonlands coalition to support permanent land protection in Southeast Oregon, continued our work with the Outdoor Access Working Group to improve access to special use recreation permits required for volunteer groups like ours, and advocated for climbing access at Madrone Wall and Beacon Rock.

The Mazamas play a key role in protecting climbing access in the Pacific Northwest. As an affiliate local climbing organization of the Access Fund, their ability to garner support from the Portland climbing community and bring together dedicated volunteers to steward climbing areas is vital to protecting the areas we love. —Joe Sambataro, National Access Director & Northwest Regional Director | Access Fund

2015 Stewardship Projects è Trail Maintenanc & Restoration: Mazama Trail, Elk-Kings Trail, Misery Ridge, Beacon Rock, Broughton Bluff, Yosemite NP


Advocacy campaign & project work in 2015 uu

Outdoor Access Working Group: Advocated for improvements to the recreation permit process to improve access


Outdoor Alliance—Oregon: United outdoor recreation leaders to discuss public policy issues impacting our activities


Beacon Rock State Park: Participated on a Technical Rock Climbing Advisory Committee to update the 1996 Climbing Management Plan


Madrone Wall: Worked to gain approval for the opening of this rock climbing park in 2017


Public Lands Heist: Joined the fight to protect our public lands from being sold to private interests


Owyhee Canyonlands Coalition: Advocated for permanent protection of Owyhee Canyon Lands


Outdoor Recreation Legislation: Worked directly with Senator Wyden’s office to develop legislation to enhance the outdoor recreation economy and access for everyone to public lands

è Tree planting, Mt. Hood


$24,000 granted to carry out environmental work by various Oregon nonprofits.


$15,000 funding research projects to expand our understanding of the mountains and alpine environments of the Pacific Northwest

è Fixed Anchor Replacement: French’s Dome, Broughton Bluff & Beacon Rock


Mazamas Annual Report 2015

Giving Back to help

Get People Outside M

azama activity and education programs volunteers continued to lead the largest centralized mountaineering training program

in the United States and one of the most active outdoor programs in the country. They achieved all of this despite a low snowpack, that created challenges for ski classes and climbing programs, A notable expansion of offerings in 2015 was the Families program, which offered Families Mountaineering 101, an entrylevel program that teaches youth and their families basic mountaineering skills.

From little steps to big steps, across education and activity programs volunteers continue sharing their time, skills, and passion to help hikers, climbers, and students get outside and discover their potential.

Education & Activity Stats

è 9 core programs è 10 skillbuilders è 3 mini-courses è 15 clinics è 1009 students served è 198 climbs è 875 hikes & ramb


Education & Activity Achievements 2015 uu

42 Families Mountaineering 101 graduates


278 new mountaineers

Giving Back to protect

Our History

completed BCEP uu

587 students expanded their training in intermediate, advanced, skiing, and skill builder classes



1,201 climbers reached a mountain summit


9,000 individuals hiked, rambled, and snowshoed

uu Over 1,200 attendees to evening travel programs

$11,090 in Expedition Grants awarded

I leave the course inspired and excited to hone my skills and learn more. A huge thank you to all the Mazamas who have made this course happen! What a privilege to have this organization in our community. —Nicole Sisco, BCEP Student

è 11 outings è 25 evening travel programs

Photo: Tyler Bax



long with expanding Mazama programs in the mountains, a priority Strategic Plan Project is to revitalize the stewardship and sharing of our stories.

The Mazama Library and Historical Collections serves the membership and the general public by maintaining a 8,000 volume circulating collection of new and historic hiking, climbing, and trekking guides, as well as a wide range of books covering mountaineering, the sciences, and biographies. In addition, the Historical Collections are second to none in the west. The archive collection spans roughly 500 linear feet of manuscripts, photographs, and institutional records.

The artifact collection is comprised of roughly 5,000 items, many of which are one of a kind. Together they provide members, researchers, and climbers access to hundreds of one of a kind documents and artifacts from Mazama and Pacific Northwest history. In addition to being an informational source for members, in 2015 the Archives and Museum collection hosted visiting researchers looking for information on glaciers, early use of the Columbia River Gorge, and early climbing in the

Cascades, to name just a few. Library and Historical Collections volunteers accessioned over 350 new and used books for the library, roughly 20 feet of new archival materials, and several hundred artifacts. Donations of books, manuscripts, or climbing gear related to Mazama and early mountaineering history are gladly accepted. Tours of the Library and Historical Collections are happily given, contact the library to schedule a time. Remember, It’s yours to use!


Mazamas Annual Report 2015

Giving Back to

Youth W

here would any of us be if we didn’t have the mountains in our lives? This is the driving question behind the Mazamas’ efforts to connect kids to the outdoors through our Youth

Outreach programs. We know that thousands of Portland area kids never get to explore the great outdoors, despite the incredible recreation opportunities in our region. In fact, more than 20 percent of participants in our pilot year of the Mazama Mountain Science School program had never been to Mt. Hood before, either because their families weren’t interested or couldn’t afford to do so. In complement to the Mazama Families Program, which engages kids and their parents in mountaineering, the Youth Outreach program

reaches kids who wouldn’t otherwise get a chance to participate in our sport. In 2015 fiscal year, we provided two Youth Outreach programs, Youth Climbing Basics class, and the Mazama Mountain Science School. Youth Climbing Basics teaches underserved students how to safely climb and belay one another. Mazama

Mountain Science School (MMSS) brings classrooms of 5thgraders to Mazama Lodge on Mt. Hood for three days and two nights. Inspired by and developed in partnership with Multnomah Education Service District (MESD) Outdoor School, this program connects classroom learning objectives to the mountain environment and recreation.

2015 Youth Achievements uu

3 sessions with 104 kids in the pilot year of Mazama Mountain Science School (MMSS)


20% of kids in MMSS had their first experience on Mt. Hood!

uu ⅔ of schools participating in MMSS were Title 1 uu

7 youth groups learned to climb

Our Youth Partners èPortland Public Schools èFriends of Outdoor School èBetties360 èAdelante Chicas èHacienda CDC èSierra Club ICO

Financial Information I


*Financial information has been extracted from the Mazamas audited financial statements, on which an independent public accounting firm expressed an unqualified opinion. To view the complete audited financial statements, please visit or contact us directly.

n 2014, the Mazamas entered into a multi-year budget plan designed to support the strategic projects. A large part of that was a $717,000 grant agreement with the Mazama Foundation that recognized as assets in 2014 and will be drawn down

over three years. While this means three years of planned declines in the balance sheet, the Mazamas is working to spend responsibly to maximize value and diversify funding sources to balance operational budgets. Other 8%




Cash & cash equivalents



Accounts & other receivables



Contribution Receivable—MMC Lease



Prepaid expenses & other assets



Property & equipment




$1,508,522 2014–15



Contributions 15%

Mazamas Foundation 14%





Contribution payable—Mazamas Foundation



Total Liabilities






Temporarily restricted



Total Net Assets







Program Service Fees 48%

Membership 15%

Management & General 19% Program Services 75%


Development 6%


Mazamas Annual Report 2015

Thanks to Our



ur volunteers make it happen. Mazama programs are made possible by the volunteers who

run classes and activity programs, manage major events, and provide administrative support. Thank you!

For many, volunteerism is giving back to the community. For me it is being part of the community. It is the joy of learning and teaching. Through volunteering I have made friendships that are based on trust, knowledge, and the will to explore the great outdoors together. —Ania Wiktorowicz

Wim Aarts Barry Abrams Athul Acharya Dave Aerne Rick Amodeo Wanda Amodeo Jamie Anderson Jesse Applegate Stevan Arychuk Mitch Auerbach Bertie August Jay Avery Daniel Bailey Matt Bailie Patrick Bak Sharon Baker Stephen Baker Gary Ballou Charles Barker Tracey Bascue Brian Bates Tom Baughman David Baumgarten Laura Bax Jess Beauchemin Larry Beck Lindsey Benjamin Tom Bennett Nancy Bentley Nicholas Beyer Gary Beyl Ken Biehler Anita Bieker Sharon Birchfield

Gary Bishop Charles Blanke Matt Blecharz Andrew Bodien Chris Boeger Jon Bonnet Rayce Boucher Sherry Bourdin Elisabeth Bowers Sarah Bradham Justin Brady Lisa Brady David Braem Eric Brainich Kevin Brannan Jason Breaker Bob Breivogel Terry Brenneman Rex Breunsbach Sue Brickey Jackie Briggs Teresa Bright Mathew Brock Richard Bronder Cameron Brown Pailyn Brown Eric Bruckbauer Doug Brumfield Barry Buchanan Jeremy Buck Dave Budnik Stephanie Buer Matthew Bunza Kathy Burns

Lisa Burton Pabst Jan Buschman Sarah Busse Aina Cabra Richard Caldwell Heather Campbell Hannah Carlton Kevin Carrigan Sara Carroll Matt Carter Kathy Casson Derek Castonguay Nicole Castonguay Grant Causton Jean Cavanaugh Lisa Cenotto Mike Chacon Wei Chiang Ryan Christie Kevin Clark Pat Clark Ben Cline Dan Codorean Jeremy Cogdill John Cole Justin Colquhoun Terrence Conlon Ed Conyngham Patrice Cook Lis Cooper Beth Copeland Preston Corless Doug Couch Steve Couche

Volunteer Stats è 600+ volunteers

è 234 staffed 30 different committees

è 92,000+ service hours

è 90 active climb leaders

Jennifer Cox Rick Craycraft John Creager Dan Crisp Amanda Crochet Zack Cross Rick Croy Robert Crum George Cummings Krista Curtis David Dalton Kim Danielson Tom Davidson Howie Davis John A. Davis Lee Davis Brendan Dell Richard Denman Sujay Deshmukh Erin Devlin Bill Dewsnap Catherine Diaz Sue Dimin Tom Dodson Terry Donahe Amad Doratotaj Amy Driscoll Ken DuBois Andrew Duncan Joe Eberhardt Carolyn Eckel Kim Edger Tom Eggers Eric Einspruch Robert Eriksen Rick Eskridge Kate Evans Mike Faden John Fairgrieve Jim Farley Lonnie Feather Seeger Fisher Sharon Flegal Katie Foehl Dyanne Foster Mark Fowler Alex Fox Gerald Fox Joe Fox Lori Freeman-LaDuke Ardel Frick

Ron Fridell Karl Furlong Nicole Gaines Victor Galotti Shane Garling David Gast Drew Gaylord Andreana Gentile Paul Gerald Dan Gerbus Richard Getgen Rose Marie Gilbert Marty Gillen Denara Goble John Godino Nancy Goering Sandy Gooch Billie Goodwin Ellen Gradison Amy Graham Benjamin Grandy Karen Graves Steven Gray Mary Green Leora Gregory Paul Griffith Sue Griffith Dave Groudle Tom Guyot Kathleen Hahn Eric Hall Virgil Hall Marty Hanson Shane Harlson Heath Harrelson Brook Harris Morgan Harvey Julia Haykin Kim Hefty Steve Heikkila Karl Helser Sojo Hendrix Marjorie Hendryx Nick Hershman Kurt Hiland Jean Hillebrand Steve Hinkle Stephen Hirai Steve Hooker Michael Hortsch Scott Howe

è 120 active hike leaders

Flora Huber Philip Hunter Adam Hunter Brad Hupy Aaron Huston Alicia Imbody Gerry Itkin Jeff Jackson Carolyn Jenkins Kyle Johnson Megan Johnson Paul Johnson Ben Jones James Jula Michael Kacmar Nathan Keene Tina Keller Eric Kennedy Shane Kennedy Stephanie Keske Walter Keutel Eileen Kiely Michael Kipley Tom Klein Brian Klump Susan Koch Dean Kokko Sue Ann Koniak Katherine Kosakowski Matt Kramer Ronald Kravitz Chris Kruell Regis Krug Reuel Kurzet Hye Kwon Kirstin Labudda Dirk Lakeman Carl Lamb Dean Land Carol Lane Karl Langenwalter Rae Lantsberger Brandon Larkin Brit Laurenti Brian Lawrence Terry Lawson Andrew Leaf Johnny Leahy John Leary Sharon Leary Jerome Leedy

Kat Leek Spencer Leek Mike Leonard Maguire Mike Levis Eugene Lewins Ted Light Wayne Lincoln Whitney Lindahl John Linn Jason Linse Meg Linza Jeff Litwak Josh Lockerby Kerry Loehr Meggan Low Jeremy Lubkin Jeff Maag Alex Macdonald Rebecca Madore Jon Major Vaqas Malik Traci Manning Scott Mara Keith Marcoe Vincent Marianiello Linda Mark Kelly Marlin Craig Martin Micah Mayes Kati Mayfield Christopher McCann Margaret McCarthy Annie McCartney Scott McCormick Don McCoy Jack McDonald Andrea McKee Bill McLoughlin John Meckel Amy Mendenhall Carrie Merrill John Merrill Kent Meyer Mark Meyer Rico Micallef Daniel Mick Bill Middleton Thomas Miller Cigdem Milobinski Josh Mitchell Pam Monheimer

Paul Montgomery Aaron Morgan Nate Mullen Bob Murphy Jonathan Myers Brett Nair Carmen Nale Patricia Neighbor Aaron Nelson David Nelson Kevin Nelson Tom Nelson Kirk Newgard Anne-Claire Nivet Brad Noren Tommy Norwood William O’Brien Megan Oberle Ryan O’Connell Andrea Ogston Azure Olson Barry O’Mahony Gail O’Neil Long Ong Andrew Osborn Scott Osbron Kim Osgood Dian Ott Patty Pandzik Steven Papp John Park Samuel Parrish Hal Paver Lynne Pedersen Nicole Peltz Kristie Perry Joe Petsche James Pitkin Rick Pope Bronson Potter Doug Pratt Noelle Price Linda Prinsen Drew Prochniak Del Profitt Bianca Pyko Dave Pyszkowski Mike Raff Sarah Raff Sandy Ramirez Ed Rea

Chris Rears Pam Rechel Teresa Redman Matt Reeder Byron Rendar John Rettig Anna Revolinsky Darin Richardson Gary Riggs Andrew Rios Lisa Ripps Sanman Rokade Justin Rotherham Suzi Rubino Adam Russell Layne Russell Cyndy Rutto Richard Sandefur Mark Sanzone Jay Satak Caleb Sattgast Noelle Savatta Angelika Schaefer Andy Schiestl Molly Schmitz Rebecca Schob Mike Schoen Ethan Schumacher Dan Schuster Brandon Schwartz Leigh Schwarz Greg Scott Marty Scott Tim Scott Steve Scovill Cloudy Sears Hannah Seebach Mark Seker Jim Selby Roger Sharp George Shay Ray Sheldon Terry Sherbeck Freda Sherburne Leslie Shotola Cody ShotolaSchiewe Kris Simbajon Chris Simmons Suresh Singh Jon Skeen

Ted Slupesky Bob Smith Dan Smith Margaret Smith Robert Smith Sheri Alice Smith Skip Smith Adonay Solleiro Larry Solomon Stephanie Spence Larry Spiegel Tony Spiering Benjamin Stabley Bob Stayton Paul Steger Bill Stein Richard Stellner John Sterbis James Stevenson Scott Stevenson Matthew Sundling William Swaim Virginia Tarango Brian Thackeray Justin Thibeault Kelly Thomas Dana Tofell Maggie Tomberlin Todd Torres Jennifer Trask Mike Treadwell Ann Truax Lacy Turner Paul Underwood Brad Unruh Chris Valencia Jennifer Van Houten Michelle Van Kleeck Donna Vandall Kevin Vandemore Ethan VanMatre


Karen Vernier Francisco Villa Benjamin Vincent Sandra Volk Jodi Wacenske Steve Warner Brooke Weeber Lynn Weigand Barbara Weiss Shirley Welch Tim Welch Kathleen Welland Jeff Welter Joseph Westersund Darrell Weston Guy Wettstein Brian Wetzel Joe Whittington Glenn Widener Ania Wiktorowicz Robin Wilcox Greg Willmarth Doug Wilson Laura Wilson Lea Wilson Barbara Wilson Erin Wirtz Mark Wittrock April Wolstencroft Roger Wong Maggie Woodward Ed Wortman Marina Wynton Bruce Yatvin Candy Yiu Kirby Young Michael Zasadzien David Zeps Marilyn Zigler Joan Zuber

Volunteer names were obtained through program chairs and a selfreporting survey. The Mazamas would like to recognize all of its volunteers. If we missed your name, let us know here:

è trained 1,000+ climbers, skiers, and first aid responders through our educational programs


Mazamas Annual Report 2015

In Memory Gifts Almost $15,000 was contributed this year in memory of:

Photo: Karine Godin

Ellen & Ed O’Dean Balmes Gary Beck Terry Becker Elva Coombs David Francisco Dorotha Gibson

Thanks to our

Donors I

n 2015, individual donors contributed almost $110,000. Together with volunteer grants and matching gifts, individual contributions are the

Mazamas’ third most important source of income.

Ed Holt Dean Lee Malcolm “Mac” McNeil David Wedge Edwin J. Weber Jack Weigand

Corporations & Foundations Business donors, sponsors, and partners support the Mazamas through program partnerships, grants, volunteer grants, donations, in-kind gifts, and sponsorships. Adidas Adventure Medical Animal Athletics Apple Arc’Teryx CAMP USA Cilo Gear Embark Evolution Fitness Furnace Industries Global Star Goal Zero Gray Family Foundation Green Trails Maps Grivel/Edelweiss Icebreaker Intel Juan Young Trust Julbo KIND Lamb Foundation LaSportiva

Leki Mt. Hood Steel & Wood Montbell Mountain Hardwear Mountaineers Books NW Alpine Outdoor Project Oregon Nordic Club Pacific Power Foundation Petzl PRG Rab Rare Earth Adventures REI Sawyer Sealed Corp Silicon Valley Community Foundation Territory Run Co. The Mountain Shop The North Face The Source TrailButter

Individual Donors $10,000+

Terry Donahe Elizabeth & James Wendlandt


Chuck & Kerry Aude John & Joska Rettig Jed Stasch Jeff Thomas Sandra Volk


Jamie Anderson John Connor & Emily Powell Preston Corless Dan Crisp George Cummings Lee & Mary Davis Keith Dubanevich Sunny & Troy Freeman Brook Harris John Leary Robert Lockerby Amy Mendenhall Thomas Miller Kristie Perry Judith Platt Karen Vernier


Gary Ballou Tom Bard Stephen Enloe Paul Fellner Kari Friedewald Kurt & Robin Gusinde DeeAnn Hoff Charlotte Johnson Bridget Martin Paul Sawyer Paul Steger


Rex Breunsbach Julie & Richard Bronder Tod Burton Richard Denman Eileen Kiely Chris Kruell Jeremy Lubkin

Margaret McCarthy Bronson Potter Tim Scott


Richard & Wanda Amodeo Natalie Arndt Bertie August Leesa Marie Azar Judith Baker Zane Ball David Baumgarten Larry Beck John Billington Marilyn Black Jason Blackwell Andrew Bodien Richard Boos Mitchell Bower Jann Brown Sonia Buist Elizabeth Burton Alison, Cris, Denise, & Rose Chapman Judy Chatelain & Frits Van Gent Aaron Clemons Doug Couch Rick Craycraft Cynthia Cristofani Dorothy Davidson Tom Davidson Gerard Van Deene Terrence Dolan Kate Evans Latham Flanagan Justin Ford Mark Fowler Bonnie Friedmann Kevin George Pam Gilmer Dorrie Guest Marshall Hill-Tanquist Paul Herner Edward Hershberg Steve Hooker Harold Howard Jon Jurevic Barbara Kuehner Lori Freeman-LaDuke

Shalley Lane Sharon Leary John Ligon Jason Linse Craig Llewellyn Barbara Loehr Marine Lynch Christine Mackert Jon Major Ila & Pete McCallum Peter Melrose Andy Mendenhall Rodger Menzies Rico Micallef Jack Miller Thomas Minderhout Ray Mosser Karen Natzel David L. Nelson Kathy Olson Marianne Ott Carl Page Thomas Plawman George Post Frances Prouse Sheena Raab Scott Rapp Rahul Ravel Barbara & Luke Reinsma Jim Ronning Charles Rosenthal Leigh Schwarz Ruth Selid Joanne & Richard Shipley Robert Shiveley Mike Smith Mary Spiering Robert Stayton Melissa Stewart Robert Stites Peter Stott Jennifer Travers Donna Velasquez Jeffrey Wessel Gordon Westphal Rachel Wills Carol Zuiches


Edward Anderson Katy Anderson Jacqueline Angell David Ankrom Anonymous Carol Armatis Stevan Arychuk Aaron Bailey Richard Balazs John Bauer Cecille Beyl Ellen Burns Sigrid Burton Kenneth Carlson Andrew Carter Nicole Castonguay Nancy Chapman Nicholas Clinch Bruce Copeland James Dalziel Linda Eby Carol Edelman Barbara Engel Leah Firth Lucretia Fisher Jim Foster Peggy Fujita John Gaittens Greta Gibbs Steven Gilbert Charlotte Gill Meg Goldberg Ellen Goodemoot Katherine & Ron Goodwin Karen Graves Rebecca Green Debbie Greene Carolyn Gregg Ann Griffin Sue Griffith Bruce Haack Ted Haller Terrance Harrelson Jeff Hawkins Mary Heim James Hendricksen Marjorie Hendryx Gail & James Houck John Howard

John Hubbard Flora Huber Christa Hutchins Nick John Nancy Kennaway Jane Kennedy Barbara Fox-Kilgore Charles Kirk Jessica Knight Wayne Kollas Dick Kolte Karl Kratzer Ronald Kravitz Richard LaDuke Brian Lawrence Don Layman Ernest Lindahl John Linn Young Linn Joan MacNeill Barbara Manildi Rita Maupin James Mayer Jim McCobb Donald Mccoy Lara Mclaughlin Wilma McNulty Martha Mealy Lisa Mellman Jennifer Miksovsky James Miller Gerald Mock Candace Morgan Nancy Muktoyuk & Family Larry Murry Keith Mussallem Gerald Nelson Linda Nelson Harold Neukom Gene Newcomer John Newell Kirk Newgard Katie Norton William O’Brien John Orengo Stewart Pagenstecher Frank Palmrose Joshua Patrick Nicole Peltz Camille Peterson

Dianna MartinPeterson Robert Peterson Trevis Peterson Richard Pope Douglas Pratt William Prendergast Tim Ragan Ryan Reed Kathaline Rollins Miriam Rosenthal Jon & Molly Ruscoe Dennis Schantzen Ronald Schroeder Robert Schuberg Donna Schuurman Brenda Scotton Joan Sears James Selby Daksha Sharma Shahid Sheikh John Slowey Jan Sokol Linda Springer Bill Stein Scott Stevenson Jenny Sullivan Jennifer Sutter Carol Strick Swain Mark Swartz Victoria Thomas Judy Tomassene Josh Townsley Marian Trythall Jennifer Tucker Marybeth Tyler Jolene Unsoeld Elias Volanakis Tracy Waechter Jeff Weeks Jeffrey Whalen Joe Whittington Diana Wickizer Alice Winczer Kathryn Witkowski Louise Yarbrough Michael Zasadzien


I believe we have a responsibility to give of our time, talents and treasure to organizations that enrich our lives. I have received much from the Mazamas. So, I feel compelled to give back to it. —Terry Donahe

Photo: Tracy Andrews

MAZAMAS 527 SE 43rd Avenue Portland, OR 97214 | 503-227-2345

Photo: Graeme Wilson

Annual Report 2015

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