Tianyushen UX Portfolio

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Portfolio 2013-2017

沈天宇 设计作品集 浙江大学计算机科学与技术学院工业设计系 服务设计实验室 电话 : +86-186-5811-2363 shen@tianyu.info

项目 / 不晚 - 火车晚点查询利器 华为 - 基于公有云的企业通讯创新设计 爱握 - 智能握力器 PC 端 LG - 感性设计 麦田公社 PT-MAILBOX

玩票 / 眠 Mian COIN


团队:沈天宇 / 李瑞 / 毛璐娜 Team: Max / Ray / Lunar 职务:Product Manager & UI Designer 不晚是一款专注火车晚点查询的移动 app。

很多转车会因为晚点赶不上下一班火车。不管是在知乎也好,贴吧也好,常常能看到乘客抱怨,说为什么我不能知道这趟车过去的晚点情况 呢?不晚就是为了解决这个问题而生的。

I noticed compains everywhere in social media about train delay causing missing the next train. Why can't we have a look at the delay record before we really decide? Buwan is made for this problem.



乘坐火车的乘客们可以通过“不晚”这款 app 更加方便的获取列车的即时晚点和历史晚点 资讯。帮助乘客们更好的安排时间和选择车次。 为了更好的完成这些目标,在其中设计了一 个“关注特定车次”的功能。因为,同样一趟车, 当我接送客的时候和当我乘车的时候,所需要的


信息是不同的。选择了身份后,我们可以更加符 合用户期待的推送信息。 当关注的列车到达用户设定的终点站后, 就会自动被删除。用户也可以自行删除。




除了常规的看某趟车的晚点情况, 我们还对数据的力量进行了进一步的挖掘。 既然有了很“大”的数据,那就可以做点和大数据相关的事情了。 晚点这件事和很多事情相关。例如著名的“晚点黑洞”株洲站, 就常常因为车次过多而股道过少而导致路过的所有车次统统晚点。 这些车站就会常年的在不晚指数上亮起“红灯”。

不晚 flinto 原型(iOS supported)


这是第一次作为产品经理 +UI 设计师主导开发一款 app,也是我最难忘的一个项目。从 app 的结构,到缓存的 加载,再到后台的数据库。想法是希望能够做一款真正能给 用户带来方便的产品。 中国铁路 12306 官方有一个晚点查询的功能,但是实 在是太难用了,也不符合用户直觉,所以这款 app 的数据是 从 12306 上爬来的。再经过后台同学的整合,呈现在用户的 面前。 这款 app 从 2016 年 5 月份开始设计,10 月份完成前 后端代码,并开始内测,获得了很多用户的好评和意见。让 我们团队修 bug 都修的成就感满满。 正准备修完 bug 上架,突然后台同学传来了坏消息, 12306 封锁了爬虫,并且采取了一些反爬虫的技术手段。后 台同学也非常积极的破除反爬机制,但是随着 12306 的门槛 越来越高,对服务器的性能要求也越来越高。由于我们团队 的财力也很有限,而且担心爬虫带来的法律风险,最终项目 于 2016 年 11 月终止。


Team Leader / UI Designer / Motion Designer


经过调研后,制造业公司日常主要通讯需求可划分为: 通讯型、监控型和存档型。之后的设计将会围绕着这三大需求点来开展。

主页 HOME PAGE 这是一个类似于控制台的设计。最上是状态条, 上面可以快捷的操作各种各样的功能,例如视频会 议、搜索、好友、通知、个人中心等。左侧是工程进 度。在不同的进度中会有针对性的不同功能。也可以 根据用户需要添加新的进度环节。总体的色调采用了 比较偏暖色的来符合华为的VI,深色背景来体现专业 性质和工程性质。 首页的内容区域存放各种各样的文件,根据上传 时间排列,并提供实时浏览,方便用户查看。


在生产页面中,每个车间的生产量、每天的生产量 都一目了然。进入每个车间,可以看到每条生产线上的 每个零件的加工情况,从而计算出加工的总件数,方便 与进度管理和生产力的调配。


会议页面位于整个界面的最上方。用户可以邀请一 部分联系人来进行会议视频。邀请的过程也很有趣, 直接把需要开会的联系人往右一划,就成为了与会人员 了。如果要删除,那就直接再划回去就可以了。

flinto 原型(iOS supported) 推荐使用 iPad 观看 https://pan.baidu.com/s/1mi4WAgw

Smart Hand Dynamometer 爱握智能握力器

团队:沈天宇 / 胡一 / 舒舸 Team: Max / Huyi / Shuge 职务:软件端 UI 设计师

智能健康领域的握力器开发。这是一款能够分别测量每个手指握力的握力器,期 货的的测量数据,可以用于检测人体健康状况的依据,也可以用于手指康复训练。 握力与感染社区获得性肺炎的几率成负相关,在相同的生活环境,实验表明,在 人群中,当感染了社区获得性肺炎,营养不良时,手功能会发生下降。握力也是被用 来测试健康状况的指标之一。专业人员常常利用手功能来测试一个运动员的运动指标 是否达标,如果不达标,那运动员有可能是受伤了。最后就是握力可以作为预测营养 情况的指标。而且,握力与身体组成(包括体脂比、肌肉比)和存活率的关系(一般 都是正相关)。 一般在医学测试中,我们俗称的握力测试被称作手功能测试,手功能测试主要包 括四块:握力测试,握耐力测试,握爆发力测试,追踪控制测试。我们的项目需要医 生来帮病人测量这些数据,然后记录下来。

Smart hand dynamometer for intelligent health field. This is a pinch meter that can measure grip strength of all fingers. The measured data can be used for physical condition diagnosis as well as finger rehabilitation training. Grip strength is negatively correlated with the probability of being infected with community-acquired pneumonia in the same living environment. Hand function will drop if people are infected with community-acquired pneumonia and suffer malnutrition, according to experiment result. Professionals often examine hand function to test whether athlete’s motion index is up to standard. If motion index fails to meet requirement, the athlete may get hurt. In addition, grip strength can be used as an index to predict nutritional status. Generally speaking, grip strength and body composition (including fat content and muscle content) are proportional to survival. Grip strength test, also known as hand function test, are composed of grip strength test, grip strength endurance test, explosive force test, and tracking control test. In our project, we need doctors to measure and write down these data.

第一版的爱握客户端主要是为了实现一个“测试 - 记录 - 备注 - 打印”,然后作为纸质病例的补充。所以我就设计了 一个界面,基本上有一个固定的流程。当时也是风靡全球的

一种类似于“卫生”、“康复”之类的感觉。 当然,后来,没做完的用户测试,没写完的代码,没切完的图, 由于修改的需求被尘封,于是就有了接下来的第二版。

Windows Insider 项目进行时,我也是被 Windows 10 的界面 所深深的洗脑。由于这是一款原生的 Windows 软件,所以我也 要将其设计成一个相似的界面风格。

software, I intended to design a similar interface style for it. As regards homepage, I referred to an interface similar to computer manager. When pinch meter was connected through Bluetooth, onekey test could be done conveniently. I applied purple to the middle page

As a complement to paper case report, the iooo application of the first edition is aimed to realize the process of “test—record—postscript—

在首页,我参考了一个类似于电脑管家的一个界面,只要握 print”. So I designed an interface that could realize the fixed process. 力器的蓝牙连接正确,就可以非常快捷的一键开始测试。中间的 When Windows Insider swept the world, I was brainwashed by the

icon, because light purple would give people the feeling of recovery and hygiene. Later, the demand for application modification made me abandon user testing, code writing, and picture cutting. Then, the application of the

页面图标上采用了一个紫色的配色,因为考虑到淡紫色给人带来 interface of Windows 10. As the application was a kind of native Windows second edition came out.

























要的结果也可以星标。也可以打印置顶的测试 结果。


With three kinds of functions, the second edition more stresses systematization. Different from the first edition that just works as a kind of software to print test result, the second edition has an outstanding function like case report system.

Grip strength testing: it can test several items continuously. For example, it can test grip strengths of both hands without interruption. Except endurance test, every test must be done for twice so as to reduce the impact of accidental factors on grip strength. Patient roll: there are lots of patients in hospital, so, for the convenience of management, a uniform system is required to help doctor manage patients. In the application, doctor can not only add or remove patients but update the information about patients. Furthermore, doctor can check patient’s case report or test patient’s grip strength. History record: test result and former test result can be seen in history record. Besides, doctor can see test results of the same item on different dates as well as corresponding line graph here. Doctor can delete inaccurate test result, mark important result, and print top-mounted test result.

病人 信息













数据确认 据 数 确认


(再测一次) 过量 小指









0.15kg 0.15kg 下一步

小指 小

无名指 指





上一步 上一


To connect doctor and patient better, the application adds more interfaces


to grip strength test module, such as “ready for test” interface and “end confirmation”

的时刻同时添加一个 “3、2、1、开始”的提示音以便被试者

interface. In addition, the application adds warning tone (3, 2, 1, start) to remind user to


put forth strength without looking at computer screen, and adds ting-a-ling to tell user


the end of test. Doctors need to confirm whether data is abnormal, so they can check


specific data finally.


0.15kg .15 0.15kg .15

食指 指




kg下一 下一步0 步









原型设计 哦对了,为了做好用户测试,我还用 Axure 设计了高保真界面。并且上传 至云端供所有人试用。 By the way, for better user test, I created a prototype by Axure and upload it to cloud end so that everyone can try it. http://styaxuredemo.sinaapp.com /%E5%BC%80%E5%A7%8B%E6 %B5%8B%E8%AF%95.html

Emotional Design 感性设计 空调交互研究 - 基于用户体验和声学特性 Air-conditioner interaction research based on UX and Audio feature

团队:沈天宇 / 霍晓霖 / 陈碧莎 Team: Max / Fia / Diane 职务:Researcher / Music Adviser







我们发现,开关是最必要的,也是最不常用 的,所触发的事件也是最重大的。所需的反馈也 应该是最明显的。功能按钮是其次。而调温按钮 是最常用的,最常被触及,但是所触发事件也并 不重大。自动风向功能是最不重要,最不常用的 功能。一般很少人用这个功能,用这个功能的人 一般来说都是想要调整风向。 遥控器在设计的时候就会遵循的原则就是两 个维度,一个是易触性,一个是重要性。放在越 上方的按钮对空调来说越重要,例如功能切换、

We collected the most popular brands air-conditioner in the market, and deeply researched about the remote. The layout off on/off, function, up/down and auto swing. We found that the switch is the most necessary and most uncommonly used, the event triggered by which is the most significant along with the most obvious feedback, followed by the

function buttons. The thermostat button is the mostly used and most commonly touched, but the event triggered by it is not significant. The automatic wind function is the most unimportant and uncommonly used. People rarely use this function, and those using it are mostly for the purpose of adjusting the wind direction. The design of the remote control is to follow the principle of two dimensions. One is the touchable

nature and the other is the importance. The buttons on the top are more important such as the function exchange and the switch. Considering most people are right-handed, the right buttons are easier to be touched by people. So those requiring frequent clicks are considered to be on the right.

情景 1 调温用的不太多,一般设定了就不会变了,功能嘛,一般就是调好就会变了,自动风向一般 不喜欢用。但是当我需要调整风向的时候我会利用这个功能来调整一下风向比如不向我吹之类的。 当我刚刚开启空调的时候,会感觉很需要它,因为这个时候空气非常的炎热,或者说不适吧, 我需要它来调整现在身边的环境。但是当室温合适的时候,我就不会感觉到它的存在,我会安心

情景 2 热的时候调低,冷的时候调高,有时候舒适的时候我就在那儿不调整它,一般刚开空调的时 候我会把温度调的很低,然后达到合适的温度了再调整回来。然后自动风向的话,一般就会直接 开自动风向。 每次办公室里都会有那么一些人感受到的温度都会比我们稍微低一些,一旦我们打开空调他





Thermostat is not used too much. Once it is set, it will not be changed. We rarely re-adjust the functions, and we don’t like using the automatic wind direction, but when I need to adjust the wind direction, we’ll make use of this function to adjust the wind direction, for example, making it not blow directly to me. When I just open the air conditioning, I feel that I really need it so much. Because the air is so hot or uncomfortable then, I need it to adjust the surrounding air. However, when the room temperature is adequate, I will not even feel its existence, and I will do whatever I want in the room without paying attention to it anymore.

SCENARIO 2 The temperature can be turned down when it is hot and be turned up when it is cold, and we can leave it alone when feeling comfortable. Generally, we will turn the temperature low in the beginning of turning on the air conditioning, and then adjust it back when reaching the appropriate temperature. Besides, I generally turn on the the automatic wind direction directly. There are always some people who feel colder than us in the office. As long as we turn on the air conditioning, they may warp themselves with a blanket with continuous temperature adjustment, and we may feel that the temperature they adjusted is too high, so we will lower it again, thus moving in cycles.

对于季节所代表的功能,春天代表送风,夏天代表制热,秋天代 表除湿,冬天代表制冷。比如说在夏天打开了制冷效果,就可以听 到代表冬天的音效,会从情感上缓解制冷初期无法立即降温的烦躁 感。 每个季节所运用的音色也是不同的。例如钢琴高贵优雅,适合用 作制冷的音效,木琴略沉闷,可以用作制热的音效。而且这两者音 色相差并不大,整体效果好。 根据我们的调研,我们发现现有的空调音效都是由 1-3 个音组成 的,而表达情感的,正是这一组音。从音乐上说,这些音都是音程 和和弦的分解体,所以我们对音程和和弦的情绪做了研究。

As for the functions in representative of seasons. The spring represents air supply, summer represents heat making, autumn represent dehumidification, and winter represents cold making. For instance, if you turn on the cold making effect in summer, you can hear the sound effect of winter, which will reduce your bad mood due to the incapability of immediate cooling in the initial cold making period emotionally. The timbre applied in each season differs as well. For instance, the piano sound is elegant and noble, which is suitable to be taken as the sound effect of cold making. Xylophone is a little low and deep, which

can be used as the sound effect of heat making. In addition, the sound of the two is similar, which can create good overall effect. According to our research, we found that the existing sound effects of air conditioning are composed of 1 to 3 tones, which can exactly express emotions. From the music point of view, these tones are the decomposers of intervals and chords. Therefore, we’ve done some research to the emotions of intervals and chords.

听感实验 音程是 2 个单音的组合。和弦是 3 个或者 3 个以上的音的组合。鉴 于空调的音效一般不超过 3 个音,这里讨论的所有和弦都是三和弦。 根据既有的乐理和听感,我们得出了以下的坐标轴。 存在感低的功能应当对应和谐的、音符数量少的音程或和弦,存在感 高的功能应当对应不和谐的、音符数量多的音程或者和弦。

LISTENING EXPERIMENT The interval is a combination of two single tones. The chord refers to the combination of three or more tones. Considering the sound effect of air conditioning is generally no more than 3 tones, we here only suppose that all chords are triads. According to the existing music theory and sense of hearing, we can come to the following axes. The functions with low sense of presence should be correspondent to the harmonious interval or chord with less note number, while functions with high sense of presence should be correspondent to unharmonious interval or chord with more note number.

原型制作 原型由 Xcode 编写,包含了我们设计的 AUI(Audio User Interface) 和 GUI。进入 App 之后,直接上划就可以开启空调,旋转主界面中的旋 钮就可以调整温度,并且给予适当的音效反馈。由于送风就是电风扇模式 所以就无需调整温度了。可交互的 Xcode 工程文件可以在百度云中下载 到。如需下载请扫描右侧二维码。

DEMO PROGRAMMING The prototype is written by Xcode, including the AUI (Audio User Interface) and GUI designed by us. After entering the App, you can slip upward to turn on the air conditioning, and the temperature can be adjusted by rotating the button on the interface with certain sound feedback. As the air supply is seen as the electric fan mode, there’s no need to adjust the temperature. The interactive Xcode construction document can be downloaded from Baidu Cloud. If you want to download it, please scan the QR code on the right.

Xcode 工程文件 - 百度云 http://pan.baidu.com/s/1bnfEciF

RECYCLING TENT 麦田公社 After harvesting, there will be straw remains in the field, which influence the next round of planting. To dispose these “useless” straw, farmers often burn it which polluted the environment. In theory, straw can be reused, but in practice, it will be burnt. 在每年收割的季节之后,就会有秸秆遗留在稻田里。这些秸秆质地粗硬,难以快速降解,会影响到 下一轮的播种。农民为了快速的解决掉这些秸秆,往往会选择焚烧这种“简单粗暴”的方式来处理

团队:沈天宇 / 刘馨 / 姜秋雨 / 江雪


Team: Max / Foa / Autumn / Joy 职务:Overall Planning/Designer/Modelling

It is not economic if we recycle them.

We hardly do it before 1995



We know that burning straws is gonna cause atmospheric pollution, but to recycle them is a really huge trouble. Years before, there was a straw recycle station, but it is really far away from here. The cost we transport them there is even less than the payment they buy my straw.

What’s more, to deal with the straw is time-consuming. This is really a waste of time if we cost serval days to deal with the straw. And if the straw is still remained in the filed, we can’t start our next round of plant.

animals. But nowadays we have gas burner, microwave oven, water heater and forage. Life is getting easier, so we don’t need them any more. But there is no other way we can deal with the straw, so most of us decide to burn them. In short, it was useful, but not anymore.

我们也知道焚烧秸秆会造成空气的污染,可是想要回收这些秸秆实在是太麻烦了。前几年我们这 边来了一个秸秆回收站,但是离我们实在比较远,我们把秸秆运过去的成本都要高于卖了这些秸

以前我们也不会焚烧秸秆的,因为我们需要它们做饭,烧水,养猪什么的。但是现在我们都有热 水器啊,煤气灶啊,生活变得方便了,我们也不需要熏人的秸秆了。但是现在也没有什么新的方 式来对付这个秸秆,没办法,那只能烧掉了。

秆。而且,这还是挺费事的。光是运输上,简直就是浪费时间,效率低下,还会影响下一轮的播 种,一般来说我们现在也都不给回收站运秸秆了。

In the past we don’t have to burn them because we need them to heat our water, to cook meal, our to feed

Cotton 5% Wheat 15% Others 16%

产生秸秆的植物比例图 Corn 37%

Percentage of the crops which produce straws 来源:2010年中华人民共和国农业部年度报告 Source: Annual Report 2010 of Department of Agriculture, China

Haulm 28% Fruit 43%


Straw output rate (kg/year/m2) 来源:访谈 Source: Interview

Straw 57%

Straw 秸秆

Fruit 果实


0.45kg 1.58kg


我们设计了麦田公社来缓解这样的问题。 麦田公社广泛的分布于农村中,它可以用来回 收秸秆并且付给农民一定报酬,并且给当地的 农民提供一个休息的场所。在麦田公社回收的 秸秆将发酵为工业酒精传输到运营单位总部进 行综合利用和开发,副产物中,二氧化碳将被 直接排放到田间用来增强植物的光合作用,其 它的副产物也会被输送回运营单位统一处理。 关于发酵:秸秆的主要成分是纤维素,这 给秸秆的酒精发酵提供了可能性。但是,由于 秸秆中的杂质较多,有害物质不能被彻底排除, 所以还不能用这样的酒精来直接饮用。但是这 样的酒精是可以用来作为能源的。产出率大约 1 吨的秸秆可以产生 300KG 的酒精。广泛的 分布也可以降低农民的运输成本。 关于休息场所:一般来说在田间的劳作是 十分辛苦的。在午间,农民会走很长的路回家 休息,有了麦田公社之后,他们就可以再公社 中休息,直到下午太阳没那么猛烈了,继续出 来耕作。公社内的能源都由酒精提供,氧化产 生的二氧化碳也会被直接排放到田间用来加强 作物的光合作用,十分的环保。

CO2 Industrial alcohol



Main-fermentation Pre-treatment

Smash Weighting

Pre-fermentation By-product (solid) Underground Water

We invent Recycling tent. It is widely spreaded in the countryside. It can recycle the straws with reasonable payment, and provide a shelter for the farmers to have a nap. The straws will be turned into industrial alcohol which will be transmitted to the running company.

The carbon dioxide will be discharged in the field to increase photosynthesis of the crops. Other side-products wil be transmitted to the company and disposed. What makes it possible for the straw turning into acohol is that the straw is mainly made of fiber. However, there

are also a large percentage of harmful materials in the straw, so the acohol can only be industrial acohol instead of drinking. Because the tent is widely speard, it will decrease the transportation cost for the farmers. In general, farm working is very

heavy. So they usually have a lunchbreak at noon. With the tent, they don't have to walk home and can rest in the tent. The electricity supplies are all from the alcohol, which is very environmental-friendly.


The truck carrying straws pass by the road, and it will stop at the side walk of the road. 麦田公社为提供了一个计数板来让环境保护的效果视觉化。

There is a counting board on the Recycling tent visualizing how many tons of sulfur dioxide and nitrogen dioxide we decreased and cutting down the index of the air pollution. Lastly, we appreciate you for make contribution to the environment protection

PT-MAILBOX 团队:沈天宇 / 张皓琳 / 田一博 / 高梦 Team: Max / Haolin / Tien / Dream

我们的项目目的在于调查长沙的同城快递服务并且提高它的服务效率。我们最 初的想法就是,既然人可以上下公交车,那么我们可以想办法让货物也学会乘坐 公交车。所以我们深入的调研了快递系统,我们也做了一些访谈、问卷来了解用 户的习惯与需求。我们也对于我们的系统做了一些数据分析。我们的这个概念是 快递工业的一个全新的尝试,希望可以启发到一些现有的商业模式。这更是我研 究型设计的开始,是我设计研究的开始。

Our project is aimed at the local logistics services in Changsha and improve the speed of it. Our initial idea is to make use of the public transportation during the free period (not the rush hour). So we invested the public transportation and logistics system deeply. We also did some interviews to get the people's needs further. I really don't like doing questionnaire but I did it anyway and make it as few questions as I can. And we did a lot of analysis about the current system and made up our new system. This concept design is a brand-new attempt to deliver packages. We improved our design and research abilities, meanwhile, I hope this will inspire the logistic industry to make some new attempts.

首先我们知道,现在的同城快递业务 是非常低效的。为了搞清楚这究竟有多低效, 我们做了一个实验:我们寄了一个包含一个 GPS 跟踪器的同城快递。跟踪器每 2 分钟 就会给我们的手机返回一个坐标,从寄出到 送到这段时间里,形成了一个轨迹。我们把 这个轨迹连成了一个地图。

In order to figure this out, we sent a package with a GPS tracker to track it. And there is an application on my smartphone and the tracker tells me its current location every 2 minutes. We matched the points and made up a map.

下图告诉了我们在包裹运转的过程中, 等待的时间太长了。但是这个系统就是这么 工作的,否则会乱套的。它需要物流点,运 转站,中转站之类的一系列机构整个系统才 能有序的工作,所以等待的时间是不可避免 的。

The map below shows that the waiting time is too long. We can't change it because this is how this system works. It needs sort center, transshipment center, many centers so that it can be delivered. So waiting time is inevitable.

校众e家 17:00 - 18:36 / 停留1:36 岳麓分拨中心 18:42 - 20:06 / 停留1:24 长沙分拨中心 20:42 - 次日06:06 / 停留9:44 顺丰长沙分公司 06:22 - 9:36 / 停留3:14 到达 10:06

接下来用数据说话。以下的图标告诉我们同城快递的运转效率有多么的低下,平均速度竟然是0.55km/h。 Data time. The diagram below shows that the waiting time is too long. The ave. speed should be 0.55km/h. 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0

18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0

运转距离 Transmition distance 直线距离 Direct distance

直线距离 Direct distance








Transmition time

Required time

Transmition time









Waiting time

Time on-the-way

Ave. speed



15:38 1:28 0.55km/h


体积分布图 Volume distribution diagram

Number of the delivery ZTO package everday in HNU Average:260 400 337 350 311 302 280 290 294 300 270 261 259 255 243 254 237 231 250 215 203 185 200 150 100 50 0 4月4日 4月5日 4月6日 4月7日 4月8日 4月9日 4月10日 4月11日 4月12日 4月13日 4月14日 4月15日 4月16日 4月17日 4月18日 4月19日 4月20日

这是中通,汇通,全峰,顺丰在湖南大学每天的物流量平均情况 Conditions of ZTO, BEST, QUANFENG, SF in HNU 1196 1200




当天快件滞留率 Delay rate



















长宽高之和分布图 Sum of x y z distribution diagram 120 100 80 60 40 20 0



35000 30000 25000 20000 15000 10000 5000 0





退件/丢弃原因 Reason why Discard 其他

Others 23.52%


Mis-sort 22.35%



收入 Input

退件 Discard

滞留 Delay

派件 Delivered

当天快件退件 Discard rate

18.83% Rejection 拒收

35.29% Disconnection 无法联系

我们从湖南省邮政厅的官方数据了解到,长沙市每天的平均快递单数约为 154,000 单,那么根据我们所抽样的快递比例,我们就可以计算出长沙市每天有多少 单同城快递。这会是将来设计的重要依据。

We know the offical data from the Depatment of Post, Hunan Province that the average number of packages in Changsha per day is 154,000. According to this, we can figure out the average local packages in Changsha, and these will be one of the most important basis in the future design.





Local packages


Local packages are delayed

In Changsha, there are

In Changsha, there are


In Changsha, there are


In Changsha, there are



Packages 个同城快递



Local packages are discard or sent back

我们通过了问卷的方式来了解了一些关于用户的使 用习惯以及痛点。问卷还起到了一个确定潜在消费人群 数量的比例。这样的数据会为接下来设计的容量打好基 础。设计了的问卷只有 2 个问题: 1. 你对快递最不满意的方面是什么? 2. 一般来说,你在一个城市中,如何把一个东西带到另 一个地方的方法?

I really hate questionnaires but I used it anyway this time because I really need to know how many potential users are there and make sure if people need the speed-up service. There are only two questions: 1. What's the most unsatisified thing about express? 2. How do you take an object from a place to another in the same city?

64.05% I‘ll go and send it myself

8.50% Too expensive 1.31% Package lost or damaged

12.42% Others

29.41% Not delivering packages to the doorstep

12.42% No complains

30.72% Package goes too slow


What's the most unsatisified thing about express?

2.61% Ask someone to help me 5.88% Others

27.45% By express 一般来说,你在一个城市中,如何把一个东西带到另一个地方的方法?

How do you take an object from a place to another in the same city?

I invested the buses in Changsha and I found that there is an empty space behind the back wheel which is used for the bus drivers to store some cleaning tools and there is another same space on the other side of the bus. These spaces are usually empty. We can make use of the space to store the packages. The door will open when the bus arrive at a station and package handler will take the packages out and put in the packages that should be on bus.

在调研了长沙公交车之后,我发现长沙公交车的两 边后轮都有一个空间用来给公交司机存放卫生用品 、个人用品和常用的维修工具等。公交车的两边都 有同样的这个空间,但是一般来说只用其中一边的 就足够了。这两边常常有一边是完全空闲的,我们 可以利用这个空间来存放快递 这个空间经过改造之后有一个小门可以分拣当站需 要“下车”的快件,并由工作人员把需要送上车的 快件送上车。

This is the empty space that we can make use of.

除了车辆,还有车站。我们的车站有相应的配套设施来完成整个快 递的运转——一台终端机。在这台终端机上,有快递物品的出入口,并 且由触摸屏可以操作整个收发快递的过程。

Besides the adaption of the bus, the bus station need a machine to complete the delivery of packages. You can use the touch screen to receive or send packages.

我们所看到的是改装后的公交车和公交车站,背后更多支撑着这个服 务的,是一整套的系统。首先,当寄件人寄出时,会确认收件人的手机号码。 在寄出物品之后,终端会发送一个二维码给收件人。而寄出的物品由终端 机暂为保管,直到有了合适的公交车,驻站工作人员就会把快递送上公交 车。等公交车到达目的地后,由目的地的驻站工作人员把东西从车上取下, 存入目的地的终端机中。与此同时,系统会通知收件人:你的快递到了, 请来自助终端查收。这个时候收件人就可以凭借当时发送的二维码到终端 机查收快递了。

What we see are the modified buses and bus station with a whole suit of system supporting this service. First of all, before sending the goods by the sender, he or she will confirm the cell phone number of the recipient. After the goods are sent off, a QR code will be sent to the recipient by the terminal. And the goods sent off will be safeguarded by the terminal temporarily until there is appropriate buses, then the worker will send the express to the bus. After the bus has arrived at the destination, the workers on the station will take out the goods from the bus and save them to the terminal of the destination. At the same time, the system will inform the recipient that: your express has been arrived, please check it in the self-service terminal. At this time, the recipient can check the express at the terminal depending on the QR code sent then.

This is a series of pendant lamps for decorating the interspace of our teaching building.

团队:沈天宇 / 刘馨 / 姜秋雨 / 江雪 / 庄伟钦 / 陈碧莎 Team: Max / Foa / Autumn / Joy / Ken / Diane 职务:Arduino programmer / Product Designer


我们看到如今的比较流行的建筑设计都是由线材排列形成块面。这样看起来空间富有延展性而且但是院楼三四楼的楼 顶上是由石灰刷起来的,看起来非常的原始。如果想要形成空间的延展性,如果直接铺设大量的线材在屋顶上不失为一 种不错的做法,不仅可以隐蔽密布于天花板的管线,而且可以用来悬挂东西。可是这样成本非常高昂,不如通过灯光来 模拟这样的效果,在晚上的时候就可以看到条状的影子也是不错的选择。

The architectural design nowadays is arranging lines to be a surface, which gives the space more sense of extensibility. The line can be physical, and can also be shadow. If we make the top surface lined, this is going to be a good option.

材质的搭配方面,选择了隈研吾的作品为主,都 是造型简单,但是强调材质搭配的建筑作品。通过 参考当今比较流行的材质和造型来设计我们自己的 造型。为了让光线看起来更加的柔和,我们选用了 麻布来包裹这个灯,并且使用暖光。

We shape it rational because this is the mixture of the western and eastern culture. Wood shaped the lamp and the cloth blurred the light which makes it special. In order to make the space soft, we choose warm light surrounded by cloth.

Coin 是一个由湖南大学、中南大学、湖南师范大学的学生

Coin is a acedemic desgin communication activity organized


by students from Hunan University, Central South University and

来渲染活动的设计氛围。所以 Coin 在学生中非常受欢迎,人气

Hunan Normal University. In the activities of each time, a lot of


visual work shall be done to reflect the design atmosphere of the

团队:李河谕 / 沈天宇 / 乔文 / 何翩翩 / 江雪 / 姜秋雨 / 李理

activities, which makes Coin quite popular among students even

Team: Lee / Max / Joe / Hopianpian / Joy / Autumn / Lily

surpassing many exchange activities held by the school.

职务:Photographer / Graphic Designer

CoIn 人人小站 http://zhan.renren.com/coinjoin?page=4&from=pages

有没有想过,是什么改变了我 们的生活方式? 他是很无形的。 他一点一滴的铸造着我们的生 活方式。 他对你今后的生活起到非常重 大的影响。 在认识他之前,我们还是穿着 邋遢的校服,坐在画室里画画 的学生。 他改变了我们的生活态度,强 有力的灌输给社会更美好的东 西。

Coin 06 先导宣传片 http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNDY5MzkzNTgw.html

CoIn06_Our life.Our style. http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNDc0NzYxNTYw.htm

记忆与情感 http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNTAxNDAyMDc2.html

CoIn 长沙 _ 记忆 http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNTA4NDI2MTIw.html

CoIn 06 完整版 http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNTEzMzMzNzc2.html

Have you ever thought that what changed our life? It is aeriform. It shapes our life. It makes a big difference in our life. We were just a student sitting in the studio and paint before we knew it. It changes our attitude, makes the world more beautiful.

主题:空想 在无聊的时候就会产 生很多不切实际的幻 想,也可能会有勇气 去尝试之前不敢做的 一些事情。因为人在 清醒的时候都是会清 楚的认识到自己身边 的环境还是能力还是 宽容度都不能允许我 这么做的事情,在空 想中就可以。

Theme: Daydream We have a lot of dreams when we get board, or something that we never dare to try, or something that the surroundings will not allow us to do. When we have a daydream, it all comes true.

CoIn 07 宣传片 1 http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNTY1NTkwMTAw.html

CoIn 07 宣传片 2 http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNTY3NDQzODAw.html


沈天宇 +86-186-5811-2363 shen@tianyu.info

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