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Upcoming YLS Events
Donation Drive and Service Event: Rose Haven
Join the Yls ser vice to the Public Committee in donating high-need items to Rose Haven, a local day shelter serving women, children, and marginalized genders experiencing homelessness and poverty. You’re also invited to take part in a service activity on February 22 at Rose haven’s new facility.
Event Details
Wednesday, February 22
1:30-3:30 p.m.
1740 NW Glisan St., Portland
Volunteers will get a tour of Rose haven’s new facility and then begin the service task, which will likely include donation sorting or organizing. If you are interested in participating in the service event, please email Cyd Maurer at cmaurer@oregonlawcenter.org by 5 p.m. Monday, February 20.
How to Donate
View the list of items in need or purchase from their Amazon Wishlist: www.rosehaven.org/helping/donate-supplies
Please drop off all donations by 5 p m on Monday, February 20 at: Elliott, Ostrander & Preston, PC 707 sW Washington street, suite 1500 (15th Floor) Portland, Oregon 97205
YLS Trivia Night
Thursday, February 23 5-6:30 p.m.
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub, 915 SE Hawthorne Blvd, Portland
Please join the Yls Membership Committee and trivia host Graham Brown of stumptown Trivia for a fun evening of trivia. Graham will be quizzing the whole group, but there will be only one Trivia Champion!
Attendance is free for MBA members, $10 for non-members. Register at: www.bit.ly/trivia-yls
Speed Networking Event
Thursday, March 9 5:30-7 p.m.
Barran Liebman,
601 SW 2nd Ave Ste 2300, Portland
Prepare your elevator pitch and come ready to take part in this structured and fast-paced networking event. Conversation topics will be provided in advance with participants free to engage wherever the conversation takes them. Thank you to Barran liebman llP for sponsoring this event. Organized by the Yls Membership Committee.
Attendance is free for MBA members, and space is limited. Register at: www.bit.ly/yls-network
Advanced Trial Litigation YLS Virtual Spring CLE Series begins April 13
The Yls ClE Committee invites you to this nine-part, noontime series for newer attorneys. Courses include “Ethics and discovery,” “Practical Application of Rules of Evidence” and “how to Be a Great second Chair.” Nine hours of OsB MClE credit will be applied for in total. $150 for members, $250 non-members. Register at: www.mbabar.org/cle
Solo & Small Firm Committee presents Avoiding the Traps that Trip Up Small Businesses
Wednesday, February 22 12-1 p .m . Remote attendance only via Zoom
Join Sonia Montalbano, McKean smith llC for this informative workshop. Many small firms value the camaraderie and friendship that being small fosters; how can you maintain that culture without jeopardizing your practice? sonia will discuss the following topics:
• What everyone who works with only one or two staff members should know before hiring.
• Issues to consider when firm owners and staff treat each other more like friends/family.
• how important is an employee manual? Key things every employee manual should absolutely have.
• What a small firm owner should do when an employee dynamic becomes toxic/dysfunctional?
• When someone needs to take leave, how should a small firm support that?
• Common things smaller law offices get sued for, and how to avoid those issues.
• Resources available to small firms.
The MBA will apply for 1 hour OsB MClE credit
Cost: Free for members; $30 for non-members.
Tips From the Bench
Continued from page 10 community through appropriate prosecutorial decisions and by helping crime victims achieve closure and receive restorative justice. Civil practitioners can improve the world by helping businesses change their practices through sound advice; by bringing lawsuits that lead to damage awards, injunctions, or other consequences; or by preserving resources that can be put to better use. Family law practitioners protect children and help families in crisis. lawyers can save someone’s life - literally - by volunteering their time pro bono to help people obtain a restraining order, housing, or other necessary resources.
Every lawyer should fight racial prejudice, misogyny, bigotry, or injustice whenever and wherever it rears its ugly head. see the truth; get involved. We all became lawyers because we wanted to make the world a better place. We have the power; let’s use it. Taking responsibility means living your life - and practicing law - consciously. A lawyer who fails to take responsibility may blame adverse consequences on “a simple twist of fate,” resulting in a lawyer who gets “tangled up in blue.” You’ll be much happier if, instead, you just take responsibility.
Endnote: The song “Blowin’ in the Wind” appears on the 1963 album The Freewheelin’ Bob Dylan. The songs “Simple Twist of Fate” and “Tangled Up in Blue” appear on Dylan’s 1975 album Blood on the Tracks. Dylan won the 2016 Nobel Prize in Literature “for having created new poetic expressions within the great American song tradition.”
Multnomah Lawyer