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Guardian Partners seeks volunteers to meet with elder adults and disabled adults under Guardianship care to ensure they are safe and thriving.

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Volunteer Monitors are at the heart of our mission to keep vulnerable Oregonians safe and thriving. You’ll be given training and ongoing support to be successful. Once assigned a case, you’ll meet with the Protected Person as well as their Guardian and furnish a report to the Court, identifying any evidence of abuse or neglect.
• Typical cases requires six hours of time.
• Highly flexible can be scheduled on your time at your convenience.
• Operating in Multnomah, Clackamas, Marion and Lane counties. More counties anticipated soon.
• The difference you make in a Protected Person’s life can be profound!
I would love to schedule time to chat with you, your professional group, social group or faith group about our volunteer program. Let’s talk!
Contact: Marc Kochanski, Community Relations Manager marc@guardian-partners.org | 971-409-1358