Dig Deeper A bout Digging Deeper... The goal of the ParentParent- Teen Conferences
2 0 1 1 P a r e n t - T ee n Co n fe r e n c e January 28-29, 2011
Inf ormation
S p e c i a l Gu e s t : A a ro n Co ff e y
PTC 2011 is designed for those 11 years and
at First Calvary Baptist
older. We are unable to
Church is to equip both
accommodate young
parents and their
children and will not
teenagers with the biblical
have staffed nurseries
tools that are essential for
strengthening their relationships with family,
For those planning on
friends, acquaintances,
staying in the area over-
and God!
night, a 10% discount is
If we can be of any help to
available at Country Inn
you or your family in this
and Suites on Bishop
area, do not hesitate to
Ave. in Inver Grove. For
ask. We look forward to
reservations:, call
seeing you at the 2011 Dig
651651 - 450450 - 1100.
Deeper Conference! - Chris Juvinall
First Calvary Baptist Church 5495 South Robert Trail Inver Grove Heights, MN 55076 Phone: 651-451-6487 Fax: 651-451-9810 Web: www.1stcalvary.com Email: cjuvinall@1stcalvary.com
$40 max./family. Please be prepared to
Where is YOUR Treasure found?
Guest Speaker
Finding treasures of value
home but had no personal relation-
requires going below the surface
ship with Jesus Christ. He was saved
Conference fee includes a notebook,
level. If you are willing to dig,
in 1996, at the age of 21. Shortly
family resources and CD, and a gener-
and your passion for Christ
after his salvation, God began working
ous continental breakfast. Additional
involves being led on an
in his heart about ministry. Aaron
funds will be needed to purchase lunch
adventure by our Creator, then
attended Bob Jones University for his
at local area restaurants (conference
undergraduate and then finished a
discounts available).
make plans to joins us for a powerful weekend at the 5th annual Parent -Teen Conference. We will be digging to uncover a deep faith, a deeper understanding, and the deepest walk imag-
Aaron Coffey grew up in a Christian
Schedule Highlights
ministry for the past eight years; three
Friday, January 28, 2011
years with the Steve Pettit Evangelistic Team and two years with
Galkin Evangelistic Ministries. Aaron
Saturday, January 29, 2011
This year, we will be providing a
children, Ella and Asher. Their desire
number of helpful resources for
for churches is that they would be
additional fee. We trust that this will be a blessing for each family
ministry. He has been in itinerant
and his wife, Stephanie, have two
materials will be yours for no
(made payable to First Calvary Baptist
Master’s degree in preparation for the
inable with God.
each family attending. These
pay at the door with cash or check
9:00am—3:00pm - Workshop speakers include:
growing in the knowledge and grace of God and actively pursuing
Pastor Rod Golightly, Pastor Josh
relationships around them to share
Stephens, Mrs. Julie Juvinall
the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
(Special Ladies’ Workshop), & more. - “Resource Workshop” highlighting the
who makes attending the 2011
Fee and Registration Info
Parent-Teen Conference a
Registration notification can be emailed
priority. May the Lord bless you
to Pastor Chris Juvinall at
as you make plans to be with us
cjuvinall@1stcalvary.com or mailed or
- Representatives and ministry teams
January 28-29, 2011.
phoned to the church office. Please
from BJU, NIU, MBBC, Camp Chetek, and
register by January 9, 2011 to allow us to
properly plan for the conference. The cost for the conference is $12/person or
free materials that each family will receive as part of their conference packet.
- Plus, a few activities and comedy routines that you will NEVER forget!