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10 Customer Service Training Tips

10 Customer Service Training Tips



1. Clearly define customer service training goals

Keep in mind your main goal when conducting customer service training. Identify the results you expect and use them to focus your training.

For example, if you run a restaurant franchise, you expect your customers to be well received on entry, orders to be delivered according to the quality standards and customer choice, and any issues to be promptly resolved as per House policy. Clearly identifying what results you expect will make your training more effective.

2. Train your team not only technically

The maxim "professionals are hired for their technical skills but turned off for behavioral problems" has never been so evident. This statement reflects a change in business management.

Today it is understood that people constitute one of the great strategic differentials of a business.

Increasingly, factors such as IQ or extensive technical knowledge must give way to Emotional Intelligence Quotient (EQ) and so-called soft skills - skills that foster good relationships with others.

3. Clearly communicate your expectations

Don't assume that everyone knows what you expect in terms of service and standard of care. Be very specific, mentor your new employees by letting them know what you expect.

In your On boarding process, be sure to include training that makes these issues clear. This helps engage employees from the outset to provide efficient service. This, of course, will reflect on your customers' experience.

4. Provide the tools you need and conduct training on how to use them for customer service.

Provide the resources your employee needs to serve your customers well and teach them how to use these tools. An example is the sales consultant who goes out in the field most of his workday. A smartphone will facilitate prospecting and communication with customers and headquarters.

Provide the tools and train youremployees to make the best use ofthem.

5. Set boundaries and show flexibility

Setting boundaries is important so that employees know what practices they can follow to meet customer expectations and deal with complaints.

The more flexibility you can offer and the more clearly these service guidelines are communicated, the more employees will be able to quickly resolve issues that arise and delight their customers , which will be resolved without resorting to the famous “I want to talk to your manager. "

6. Gather real situations and scenarios when giving examples

Your training needs to be grounded in real customer service and customer service situations. Gather real examples and, if possible, involve your best employees in conducting training for new employees. Their experience can help highlight good and bad examples and best practices when dealing with the customer.

It also helps simulate cases when the real situation occurs, your team is better prepared to understand the reasons for complaints, create solutions to avoid them, and have more empathy for your customer

7. Listen to your most critical customers and use their training examples.

The toughest, most demanding, most complaining customers can be valuable sources of information and insights for your customer service. After all, if you know how to handle them, satisfying other customers will be even easier.

8. Also use failures and achievements as sources for training

Don't just focus on team success or failure. A strong customer service culture depends on balancing these factors. Try not to treat your employee's failure as a punishment, but as a learning opportunity. Why did it fail and what can be done to prevent the recurrence of the error?

The opposite is also valid. Celebrate the achievements and share them. The best training sometimes is to show your team everything that can be done from good and bad situations.

9. Train by Example

Training should not be just in theory. Your attitude towards consumers counts many points. Your attitudes towards your customers and employees reflect on serving your business.

Be a good example and guide the leaders of your company to do the same. This will be the best daily training for your team!

10. Audit how customer service occurs in your company

To implement customer service training, you need to identify the needs of your customers, assess the skills of your employees, design and implement ongoing training methodologies, and regularly monitor how service and customer service is being performed in order to perform the necessary adjustments and gain insights to update the trainings.

A good tool to help you with this topic is the Hidden Client methodology, such as that offered by you, which is a benchmark in customer service and auditing. Through it, your company will have a diagnosis of how the service occurs. This will allow you to measure the effectiveness of your internal training.

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