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What Your Horoscope Says About Your Diet


(MARCH 21 – APRIL 19)


As fire signs, Aries are driven people who are often prone to headaches and sinus infections. Watch the role your diet plays in your health.

You often neglect your nutritional needs by yo-yo or extreme dieting

says Dixon-Cooper

Who notes Aries can be impatient and often look for quick results like fad diets. Denise Baron of AyurvedaForModernLiving.com suggests that Aries cut down on spicy foods and look for more balance. She suggests drinking cooling herb teas and eating eggs, pomegranates, and green vegetables.


(APRIL 20 – MAY 20)

This sign, represented by a bull, can be indulgent.

You’re likely to overdo it on the wine and chocolate or other comfort foods

says Chauran

“This is because food is one of the great pleasures in life, and a Taurus knows how to appreciate a good life. You may be quite stubborn about trying new foods or, worse still, modifying your favorite foods so that they’re healthier.” In a nod to the sign’s love of comfort and security, Dixon-Cooper says a Taurus may enjoy “home-style cooking and plenty of leftovers.”


(MAY 21 – JUNE 20)

This is a social sign who needs a community or desires to eat with people — coworker, family, or friend

says Baron

“They eat on the go: take-out or order out or go out to eat often.”

A wide variety of foods appeal to “twin sign” Gemini’s. Gemini’s need to rest more and take breaks, including chewing more slowly. “You have so much nervous energy that you can find it hard to sit still or be quiet long enough to fully enjoy a meal,” explains Dixon-Cooper.


(JUNE 21-JULY 22)

People under the Cancer sign are loyal to their favorite foods.

You are very slow to make changes in your diet

says Chauran

“A Cancer may relate to favorite foods as if they were important characters in their lives, so good luck trying to get a Cancer to give up a favorite meal that may not be healthy.”

Since people with this sign easily change their moods, sticking to a set grocery list or buying one fixed list of ingredients for a set meal can be a challenge.


(JULY 23 – AUGUST 22)

You love luxury, like eating at five-star restaurants, as often as possible

says Dixon-Cooper of the Leo sign.

Buying organic produce or splurging on extras is worth it for Leos who value the good life. Still, Leos can be “very impulsive,” which Dixon-Cooper says may result in too many “spontaneous ‘cheat meal’ days if on a diet.”



Virgos have the tendency to watch their calories. That can be good for controlling weight, but it can become a burden if it turns into an obsession with food.

Be careful about overthinking food

says Chauran

“Virgos can easily go down a rabbit hole of deciding which foods are ‘bad’ and which foods are ‘good’ and forgetting about the joy and nourishment of it all.”



If you’re a Libra, you like to be the center of the action.

You’re a social butterfly and love grazing at cocktail parties or sharing ideas over dinner with your closest friends

says Dixon-Cooper

who reminds those under the sign to drink lots of water and fresh juices to stay toxin-free. Make sure you eat, though: often Libras will skip dinner if it means they have to eat alone.



The Scorpio, associated with the scorpion, is very precise.

Chauran says people in this sign hate

not knowing what’s in a meal, because he or she likes to have control over the experience in order to have a good time

Scorpios can be adventurous eaters, which is a good thing, but they’re also easily frustrated by foods and recipes that don’t meet their expectations.



There’s a reason Sagittarius love eating at buffets!

Everything is larger-than-life with your sign — including cooking a feast for 20 of your closest friends

says Dixon-Cooper

Who notes buffets offer the opportunity for people in this sign to “sample everything the restaurant has to offer

Baron recommends Sagittarians eat bitter greens and get calcium from foods and supplements. “This fire sign needs cooling remedies, too,” she says, suggesting acupuncture and foot massage.



This sign is organized, detailed, and loves food!

You’re the sign most likely to Instagram pictures of really good food

says Chauran

Explaining Capricorns typically plan meals in advance and have recipes in specific folders. “Your friends probably tell you to relax and just enjoy the moment a little more at mealtimes,” she says.



People under Aquarius, an air sign, often have asthma and anxiety. They can be adventurous eaters but also can stick to routines, including eating the same foods over and over.

You might have circulation issues and should eat spicier food to help stimulate your system

says Dixon-Cooper

“You often like detox diets or juicing-only programs because of the energy boost they provide.”



Can’t turn away a turnover? Yep, you’re a Pisces

Your sign loves sweets, snacks, and anything that isn’t good for you

says Dixon-Cooper

Often Pisces view food as a social experience. “The Pisces is the sign most likely to cheerfully go along with the majority rule for what restaurant to visit, even if it is exotic or a restaurant you’ve been to a million times,” says Chauran. “The Pisces makes a very good roommate, as he or she will gladly compromise and change aspects of meals to suit the dietary preferences of others.”

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