4 minute read


SYED ALAMDAR HUSSAIN Country Head - MB Enterprises


Identifying talent in the real world corporate environment is one of the major responsibilities of the high profile managers. The best managers apart from their daily routine tasks are bound to involve themselves with many other accomplished tasks that are good for their multitasking activities. Managers must know well how to utilize the resources in the best possible manners and why it is important for them to capitalize on their resources. This is part and parcel of the manager’s attitude that they need to develop with the passage of time. It’s simply like giving water to the plants and making them grow while taking care of their growing up needs. performance history. They always enjoy the fact that they are in charge and have something in their hand i.e. the power and authority of decision making. However, leading effectively, managers need one more distinguished skill, i.e. talent hunt and later talent management. Managing talent can get a bit complex for managers in the hierarchies as they have to take care of many little things, and few bigger ones. However, what holds resolute importance is the ability to identify talent, and skills, and make them a key asset in terms of the resource management. However, becoming a great talent is always not easy as it requires the leaders and key managers to be open-minded. Thus, thinking from a creative mindset is highly important for managers to identify prospective talent. The most important element is to know what a resource can give to the organization in terms of the corporate talent.


‘Resource Management’ is naturally part of the key talent management activities where the company’s duty is to capitalize the talent. On top of this, it’s the duty of the management to know how to find out hidden talent in an employee. The employee’s psychology and their behaviors towards a project needs to be identified, as some employees like to be motivated and encouraged. This motivation leads to better performance management, and finally, the talent can be identified automatically with a distinguished perspective.

Part of the talent hunt or talent management activities includes having a key focus on the right traits. It can be termed as one of the biggest mistakes of managers if they tend to focus more on the past performances of an employee. According to the stats from the WEF i.e. World Economic Forum, a huge 65% of today’s jobs will no longer be there in around 15 years. Hence, this is yet another critical aspect why an employee’s attitude and their all-round performance evaluation is a higher level necessity. The focus must be on exactly what you are looking from an employee and what qualities you believe are positive enough to move forward. However, the fact is that people will be considered more equipped for certain jobs, if they have qualities of emotional intelligence, a positive drive and learnability.


Thinking way ahead and, aligning your thoughts towards your goals as a manager will help more in identifying and developing talent. One of the most common questions asked by employees in an interview is “Where Do You See Yourself in the Next 5 years?” This question clearly shows the importance of Thinking Ahead, as your past can be a shadow on your future, but it can never resist you from achieving what you want. If, as a manager you are clear of where you want to go, than the complete focus should be on hiring someone with the skills, abilities and expertise that you will need to move forward. In simple words, align your thinking ahead abilities and move forward with the vision of the company while searching for talent.


Making people better and making them feel easy and relaxed will always help in bringing out their talent more comprehensively. As, For a manager, it’s the attitude towards management that counts more aligned with the company’s goals. Great managers recognize talent and potential where others don’t. This also holds true for great talent agents, as the ‘Eye to Spot’ the talent is the difference between great managers and those who are simple managers.

It doesn’t matter how much the employee is struggling, it’s the duty of the managers to stabilize them and help them find their footings.


Another part of the resource management is staying inside i.e. inside the company for your resource utilization, rather than going outside. Thinking outside the box is more critical and useful as it will develop the skills needed for proper utilization. The internal hires tend to have much higher levels of adaptation and success rates than the external hires. This is also true as internal hires are better equipped to be able to have an understanding of the organizational culture and navigating the politics of the organization.

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