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Certain mistakes need to be avoided while starting an ATM Business. A profitable business needs some precautions to avoid vital errors or mistakes. These can even be errors of judgements, errors in calculations & finally, errors in the form of misunderstanding. For instance, you might have been thinking the other way about something & in the end, what's right is what you have avoided. Make sure to make mistakes when it's a worthwhile investment on the stake & your client or the customers are looking for the best results.

An ATM business is indeed a sustainable business, but it needs the element of sustainability to minimize the risks. It's the risk factor that needs to be minimized. To attain safety levels while investing in the ATM business, some business owners end up in a riskier scenario in the quest to minimize the risks.


There needs to be a formal guide to the dos & don'ts in the ATM industry. However, the sector is blessed to have many entrepreneurs as players. This is apart from the many other stakeholders in the Industry. An industry which is really at pace in Canada & without any doubt, in the neighbouring USA. They have been the pioneers in the Industry, which is now a part of the finance sector. The dos & Don'ts vary from entrepreneurs & business owners to other entrepreneurs & business owners. More precisely, it relates to personal experiences with the investments done in the ATM sector on an experimental basis.

So here are the most common mistakes that need to be avoided while starting an ATM business;


Don't estimate the cash flow or profits with the ATM that seems to be on the higher side. It's best to stay a bit low with the estimated cash flow & do some cold calling to increase your business flow and marketing tactics & if you need more investments, to increase the monthly, bi-monthly, weekly, two-weekly or daily cash flows.

As a new owner that is a fresh entrant in the ATM business, your initial focus should be monthly cash flows & later, when your sales have increased. The levels of cash flows can be judged when you breakdown the term into two-weekly & later weekly for more profitable concerns. Be active always with what needs to be done to increase the cash flows. However, don't make the mistake of overestimating the cash flows. Over-estimation creates a misunderstanding & increases your expectations which is wrong.


This is a decision you won't find in the books or a user manual or guide for an ATM business. However, with personal experience, it has been proved that purchasing used equipment is not always profitable or worth it. If you have enough capital to make the right investments, you prefer to invest in brand-new equipment with a warranty for, say, two years or five years. In this desirable period, the equipment can either be replaced in the form of damage claims or something wrong with the equipment technically.

On the other hand, if you lack the amount, you need to invest in brand-new equipment. It's preferable to take the risk with used equipment. However, for used equipment also, prefer brands that stand out from the crowd.

Sounds appealing, but you have to be cautious, so be a safe player & avoid investing in used equipment.


A good understanding of the capital requirements is a mandatory thing. For this, you need to take prior knowledge of the ATM industry & why the ATM business is profitable. You will surely need cash to load the machines on a rotating business. For example, you should count on at least $2,250 per week per terminal as a good investor.

AVOID POOR GEOGRAPHY- 'Be More Accurate With Locations':

Make sure you don't spread your locations too far from your home base or each other. For the selection of territory, you need to be wiser than those who are blunt while choosing the geography of their locations. After choosing a territory, be more particular that you stick to the location. Locations being closer than your home base or company base surely decreases transportation and other administrative costs.


It might be the biggest mistake of your life to avoid making good relationships with your bank. You must always keep in touch with your bank or the locally recommended banks and make sure that they can support the needs of your ATM business.

Many banks don't provide full support at particular times of the year, i.e. their support is seasonal. Ensure your bank provides the support needed to make your ATM business more sustainable.

As the bak is the 'Root of the money,' & therefore, you need to put the needed water in the roots for the sake of your business growth, i.e. in the ATM industry. An industry that is more technical than what it looks like initially.

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