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How To Set Smart Goals In Business: What They Are & How To Use Them?

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The business world is all about competition & being competitive to get over your competitor’s strategy. The dynamic world of business demands success via strategy-making & being vigilant regarding SMART goals.


‘SMART’ is an acronym for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic & Time-bound. It is the demands of the industry that the business world sticks to goals that make them take the edge for the sake of healthy competition & competition that is according to the standards that demand business sense and business ethics.

The goals need to be defined precisely regarding the level of specific actions needed to proceed with the goals. They need to be measurable regarding the many parameters set for the goals. Further, the goals need to be achievable in terms of the realistic nature of the goals, i.e., the targets. Also, in terms of the achievement levels that are desired with the goals.

The goals need to be highly realistic as planned. This simply means the demands need to be based on realistic demands that are expected from the goals. Lastly, time-bound is when the goal is expected to finish. The time factor in the completion of targets makes it more accomplished in terms of the SMART goals.

The business owners use SMART goals to achieve business sustainability, goodwill in the long run & thriving for higher levels of profitability in a dedicated time, for example, three to five years. The five acts like a fist to attain higher levels of success in the dynamic & most competitive business world. It can even be regarded as a benchmark for future success & sustainability.

SMART goals are defined more clearly ahead of;


Just keep one thing in mind you are setting SMART goals to attain a specific objective- not a broad one. You are not looking for just an initiative for the sake of success; however, you are looking for a specific project to succeed. For that, whatever you need to do must be precisely & specifically defined.

The specific attitude is evident from mentioning the amount or the exact time frame. Hence, rather than being speculative & being close to the original. For example, instead of creating a goal to raise more money. Alternatively, being more specific, you might create a goal to raise $25K by the end of the year.


In the SMART goals, the next letter in the acronym ‘SMART’ is M which stands for ‘MEASUREABLE.’ It helps you evaluate the success or failure of your project. This is a measurement in terms of the rating or the level achieved.

Your goals should have some sort of objective way to measure them. It can be a deadline, a number, a percentage change & finally, some other measurable element. A good example of doing this is by setting the benchmarks.


Next on the list is ‘Achievable,’ which makes goals SMART. As a perfect businessman or someone planning one, you don’t want your goals to be easy to achieve. Ironically, things that are easy to achieve mean you have made easy targets for yourself instead of hard targets. At the same time, you also want to ensure that you are setting goals you could conceivably hit.

Whatever a human mind can think & conceive, it can achieve. However, to make it achievable, you need to be very planned & prepared to increase the achievable levels.

Before making a goal, you must ask yourself, ‘Is the goal within Your Project Scope?’ If it’s not, it’s not achievable.


Now comes the ‘Realistic’ attribute, which shows that the ‘A’ & the ‘R’ of SMART are closely linked. Whatever seems to be achievable, is it realistic as well?

This is surely a unique link as if you ask the same question the other way around. That is, Whatever Seems Realistic is Achievable as well? The answer to the second question is more affirmative than the one preceding it. For obvious reasons, what seems realistic surely falls in the domain of being achievable.

Making Realistic goals from the start of your business journey will make you more practical than otherwise. The sooner you realize in your journey that your goals need to be realistic. Obviously, the better it is for your company’s better & bigger future.


Your SMART goals should have an end date. Without a set time limit in your mind, your project could drag on. However, with a set end date or a time in your mind, you will be more planned of your goal & how to proceed in the journey.

According to many business gurus who have landed in the business world with high-profile success. They think deadlines provide a sense of urgency, with priority so that short-term tasks don’t drag into long-term goals unnecessarily. Your project management according to the time KPI makes you highly time-bound & changes your strategy to be more time specific.

The benefits of SMART goals can’t be determined in a short span. However, they are seen more clearly & practically in long run. It gives very clear communication & alignment & clarity towards project success. Clears the roadmap & the finish line & finally the trackable metrics.

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