Type to enter text summer 2013 Seattle
FitsmiolĂŠ Magazine
Erin and Eric make babies!!! Kate triumphs at Davis Leo opens time capsule
FitsmiolĂŠ* Magazine Copyright 2013 by Maureen Fitzmahan Published by mbfitzmahan publishing Originally published in the United States and Japan in 2013 No part of this work may be published without the permission of the publisher. Artwork by Kaitlin Fitzmahan (http://sometimestangible.blogspot.jp/2011/06/past-few-days.html) Photos by Maureen B. Fitzmahan
*Fitzmahan, Strange, Michel, Mahollitz
赤ちゃん les jemelles
FITSMIOLÉ NEWS Erin and Eric having twins Erin and Eric are having babies! Due date is March 21, 2014! Erin went to the doctor for her first ultrasound at the end of July. The doctor showed Eric and Erin the image of their baby. Wow! There are not one, but two placentas! What did that mean?...it couldn’t be...Yes! Erin is carrying two babies! Twin Mahollitz babies! The babies are growing well and excited to see the family next summer.
le dernier cri HAIR STYLE Gibson girl of the 90s - 1890s!
Beautiful girls
Aunt Jackie Erin Katie Maureen
Katie’s Graduation
FITSMIOLÉ NEWS Masters from U.C. Davis After a two year program in Community Development, Kaitlin has graduated with a Masters from the University of California in Davis. Katie wrote a masters’ thesis on public art murals in San Francisco. Katie covered the history and workings of Precita Eyes, a San Francisco organization, strongly influenced by the muralists’ movement of Jose Clemente Orozco and Diego Rivera in Mexico. Katie collaborated with Susan Cervantes who founded the nationally acclaimed Precita Eyes in the 1970s. According to Katie, “Over the course of a nine-month internship and from forty surveys and twelve interviews I was able to paint a detailed and personally informed picture of the community murals of Precita Eyes and the 24th Street Mission District.” Highly praised for her unique study and groundbreaking research, Kaitlin has been invited to present her work for publication.
Fitsmiolé AY ESS
I don’t get it. You know…Britney Spears, Anna Nicole Smith. What’s to like? Last names that begin with “s?”
In my day we had the Beatles and the Beach Boys. Names that begin with “b.” Fringy haircuts and “Can I hold your hand.” We were so revolutionary! Imagine … white boys singing about blonde girls on the beach. Ok, so not so deep, but what about the beat?
Generations gap. My own generation gapped me. I preferred folk music. Peter, Paul and Mary. Joan Baez. I was proud I was different. But that was what the 60s and 70s were about. Being different.
Peace not war. I wish I had been the first to say that. Peace, love and other stuff. We protested Vietnam and those warmongers. You know, the military industrialist complex. Ok, so I wasn’t so different. But, I liked to think I was. I wore brown dumpy shoes that squeaked when I walked “Do you have a license to wear those?” I wore a linen shirt that flowed diaphanously over my slight build. I like that word “diaphanous.” I have never used it before, but it sounds good and that is what my blouse was.
for more recipes http://mamififoodblog.wordpress.com
“Did you try the curry spice blend we gave you at Christmas?” Shauna asked. “It is sooo very easy. And so good! Start with ghee and then go from there.”
S’s C
Ingredients Ghee Spices and onion & garlic onion-chopped garlic- chopped Vadouvan Spice Blend (or other yummy curry blend – best from an Indian food store): you can also make your own. carrots – sliced into 1/2 in. pieces tomatoes (1/2 can chopped or fresh chopped) potatoes – chopped into 1/2 in pieces fresh mushrooms – sliced pork, chicken or beef (sliced thin, or in 1/4 inch chunks) coconut milk (1/2 c.) Garnish fresh cilantro sliced banana nuts (walnuts/pecans/cashews) raisins oranges yogurt (thick and creamy) Preparation If you are going to use meat, sauté in the pan until just pink, and set aside. Make ghee by taking 2 T of oil or butter and melting over a low medium heat in bottom of large fry pan. Add onions, sauté until translucent and slightly brown. Add garlic and sauté for another minute. Add 2 T of the spice blend and stir together. Add your harder vegetables, carrots and potatoes. Cook until al dente, i.e. firm but not hard. Add coconut milk. Warm. Add tomatoes. Cook til hot. Add meat and mushrooms. Don’t overcook your mushrooms.
Angelo, Chris Marino Erin, Eric Mahollitz Bekah, Jason Appleton Jackie Smith, Katie, Maureen, Jaimie Michel, Shauna, Annabelle Fitts, Leo Don
FITSMIOLÉ NEWS Leo opens time capsule In 1987, Chris took the microphone and gave her well remembered speech, “You will know that this is the authentic Mahan-Fitzmahan-Drapkin time capsule by the carefully placed tape.” She was talking about two long white tupperware boxes swaddled in duct tape and containing treasures of the Mahan family. “Connie was really mad at me for taking her tupperware,” Leo laughed. 27 years ago each member of the family donated a treasure or a letter to put in the boxes. Leo came up with the time capsule idea while building his deck with fine red cedar wood guaranteed for 30 years. “What if we bury a family time capsule under the deck?” he asked Connie. And so it happened in 1987. Leo’s simple idea became a treasured family myth. 30 years later, the family gathered on July 7, 2013 at Chris and Angelo’s to open the capsule. Dug up from under the deck, before the family home in Wedgwood was sold, the capsule had been stored in a dark secret spot. Now family came from all over the world: Seattle, New York City, Austin Texas, Berkeley California and Nagoya, Japan. “My pound puppy!” “I forgot we put a diaper in there.” Family members shed tears as they mourned the loss of Connie and Gary. The family also laughed. A video was found that memorialized the time capsule day a quarter century ago. Other than adults wrapping a time capsule, the focus in the film was on the children. Katie toddled barefoot back and forth across the new deck. Her job was to rearrange the pebbles scattered in the stream. Bekah’s job was to be the DJ with the 80s boom box. And Erin and Shauna’s job was to amaze everyone with mouths full of bubble gum.
The cousins 27 years later. Rebekah is getting her Masters in School Counseling at Seattle Pacific University. Erin is married to Eric and has her Masters in Education from Seattle University. Katie has a Masters in Community Development from the University of California-Davis. Shauna is married to James and has a Masters in Education from Columbia University in New York City.
Savannah, Naomi, Sophie, Sean and Tyler
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Bill, Katie, Erin and Barney
Donny, Maureen, Jackie, Annabelle
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Maureen, Annabelle, Marty, Erin, Bill, Jackie Katie, Shauna
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FitsmiolĂŠ go camping
I love Tuesday When I plan nothing. Nothing – Means everything. Thoughts of light in a golden field, and a lonely daisy. Waiting – Until next Tuesday. mbf