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For Sarah Reed, ministry is all about relationships. “I am motivated to see people in right relationship with one another, and with God,” she said recently from her new home in Austria. “When I think about my calling as a missionary, I think about the importance of partnership and seeing people work together in unity, despite their differences.”
In the fall of 2019, Sarah completed her initial training for long-term service as a global worker with Multiply. At that point, she expected that it would take a few months before she would be ready to move to Austria. But she wasn’t expecting COVID-19.
“When the pandemic became a reality in spring 2020, I definitely felt disappointed and frustrated with all of the restrictions and limitations,” said Sarah. “COVID slowed down everything, including fundraising. I knew my departure would be delayed, but I honestly asked myself, ‘Will I ever get to Austria?’”
The tension of not being able to move to Austria and not being able to settle in Canada was difficult for Sarah. “But God used that time of uncertainty and those feelings of insecurity,” Sarah recalled, “to help me refocus. I learned how to be more content with each day and more present with people.”
As she went to work on developing relationships in Canada with financial supporters and prayer partners, God blessed her efforts and gave her confidence that he would eventually bring her to Austria. But God also had something more for Sarah while she waited in Canada.
With extra time on her hands during COVID, Sarah asked herself an important question: “If I was in Austria what would I be involved in?” As she pondered that question, God gave her an idea.
At her home church, WMB Church in Waterloo, Ontario, there was a group of Persians, mostly Iranian immigrants, that met regularly after the Sunday service. “I had visited the group many times,” said Sarah. “It was a great way to get to know people and to observe their language and culture.”
Sarah was also well aware that there were numerous Iranian refugees that were a part of her future church family in Steyr, Austria, the Mennonitisch Freikirche am Schlosspark.
Sarah decided to talk to the leader of the Persian group at WMB—a woman named Mehry Javady who was an immigrant from Iran and spoke fluent Farsi (Persian). “I asked Mehry if she would be willing to help facilitate an online Bible study with the Iranians in Austria and the Persian group at WMB.”
Sarah had no idea that Mehry had for many years been asking God for an opportunity like this, to be more involved in discipleship ministry. Both of the women were thrilled to see what God had in store for them.
With the blessing of the pastor of the Austrian church, Sarah and Mehry formed a group online and invited the Iranian men and women they knew in Austria to join. As they
began to meet weekly, DURING COVID, SARAH ASKED HERSELF embrace her assignSarah and Mehry AN IMPORTANT QUESTION: “IF I WAS IN ment on the ground watched in amazement AUSTRIA WHAT WOULD I BE INVOLVED IN?” with the church there. as God built bridges In recent weeks, she within the group and has been settling into brought strength and life in Austria, investgrowth to those who ing in ongoing came together to learn. “God was doing the language and culture studies, building relaheavy lifting,” said Sarah, “and Mehry and I tionships with church leadership, and were just responding to his invitations. We’ve continuing to meet online regularly with always had a strong sense that the Holy Spirit Mehry and the Persian Bible study group. was leading these times together.” “I really look forward to seeing how God
As the primary facilitator of the group, continues to use the gifts and diversity in this Mehry was delighted with her new role and group to encourage one another, but also to excited about how her interaction with the help us reach out to others in Austria, Canada, group enriched her own life. About ninety-five Iran, wherever. I’m amazed at the diversity of percent of the meeting was in Farsi, so Mehry people in the group. Whether it’s Mehry in was heavily relied upon to lead, but Sarah was Canada, or the medical doctor from Iran who engaging too, and learning a lot. is now sharing the Gospel with her co-work-
“I didn’t understand most of what was ers in Austria, or the man in Iran who is being said,” Sarah explained, “but I was so learning to live as a follower of Jesus in a closed thankful for the way Mehry led as she listened country, these people are all so precious.” to the Spirit and spoke with authority. Because Sarah looks forward to greater freedom it was mostly in Farsi, I spent a lot of time as COVID restrictions hopefully loosen up in praying silently and simply taking in the the weeks and months to come. But no matmelodic sounds of this beautiful language.” ter what changes or what stays the same, she
During most of the Bible studies, at least is eager to keep investing in relationships. once, Mehry would turn to Sarah and ask if As she considers the partnership opporshe had anything to add. “Having faith that tunities before her, Sarah thinks of the parable the Holy Spirit was leading,” Sarah said, “I of the growing seed in Mark 4:26-29. “The man would share my thoughts on the Scripture who scatters seed on the ground doesn’t know and Mehry would translate, then I just tried how it grows, but it does. He tends the field to figure out by the look on people’s faces if it and watches the seed grow until the harvest resonated. It was always exciting and faith is ready, then he takes out his sickle. He wasn’t building when Mehry told me later that what the one who made the seeds grow, but he was I shared fit right in.” paying attention to what God was doing and
After the first few meetings, some of the he was willing to join in when there was group members in Austria asked if they could opportunity.” invite friends from Iran to join the online That’s exactly what Sarah’s trying to do: video calls. “We said, ‘Of course!’” Sarah to pay attention to what God is doing and be recalled. “I was so encouraged by the ques- willing to join in as God opens doors. She tions people were asking in the group. People understands her limited role in partnership were so engaged and hungry to know Jesus.” with God and others, but she embraces the
For Sarah, it was, in some ways, perfect opportunities as they come. preparation for her eventual move to Austria. “Through the group online, I was connecting with people there, serving the church there, MARK J.H. KLASSEN practicing my German (and learning some serves as a writer with the Farsi too!), and I was growing a stronger rela- Multiply media team. He tionship with my home church in Waterloo works closely with his fellow through my partnership with Mehry.” media specialists out of the
In November 2020, despite the fact that Western Canadian office. COVID restrictions persisted, God finally opened the door for Sarah to move to Austria. She was thrilled to arrive in Steyr and to