Midlands Business Journal April 29, 2022

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April 29, 2022 • Price: $2.00


Jessica McCall


Vol. 48 No. 17

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COVER STORY: EMBRACING THE JOURNEY: Jessica McCall of Legacy Design Strategies Reflects on Milestones • Page 4 Established in 1975 FOUNDER, Robert G. ‘Bob’ Hoig (1932-2019) Publisher / CEO Andrea ‘Andee’ Hoig Editor & Vice President Of News Tiffany Brazda Assistant Editor / Staff Writer Savannah Behrends Advertising Assistant Julie Whitehead Office Assistant / Circulation Rosemary Gregurich


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LAW FIRMS: AN UNTRADITIONAL ROLE Lawyers Focus on Helping Attract and Retain Employees • Page 6

TECHNOLOGY: A TEAM EFFORT Tips on How to Make Business Cybersecurity a Priority • Page 10


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SMALL BUSINESS: FUELING LOCAL PATRONAGE Tippl App offers Incentive for Visiting Area Businesses • Page 18


40 UNDER 40: MAKING SPACE Anayeli Martinez Real Leads in Construction • Page 20

• FUNDING & COMMUNITY PARTNERSHIP Promotes Inclusive, Tech-Tailored Job-Readiness Program Page 14 • IN THE SPOTLIGHT Paid content Page 22 • LEGAL NOTICES Page 25 Page 3 • April 29, 2022­




JESSICA MCCALL OF LEGACY DESIGN STRATEGIES REFLECTS ON MILESTONES From very early on, Jessica McCall was a go-getter with ambitious career goals and an undeniable drive — so, when she was promoted to managing partner at Legacy Design Strategies, a boutique estate planning law firm overseeing more than $12 billion in family and business assets, she was thrilled to witness one of her greatest professional aspirations coming true. Yet, her journey to success didn’t happen overnight and it certainly didn’t come without detours along the way. Some children dream of becoming an astronaut or actress, but McCall dreamed of becoming financially stable. This became an early goal for McCall, who was raised by a single mom who struggled to provide for their family after divorce. Knowing that she never wanted her own future children to experience the same kind of hardships, McCall decided that she needed to pull herself out of poverty. In her young mind, this meant becoming an attorney. “All I knew was this meant that I needed to be smart, get good grades and go to law school,” McCall said. All of which, McCall quickly accomplished.

After completing her undergrad at the University of Wisconsin with honors and a double major in three years, she graduated from the University of Minnesota Law School and promptly began working for the Federal Reserve Bank. “I loved working with numbers and finance, but quickly found out I needed to be an attorney to pay for my student loans,” McCall said. This realization led her to Omaha, where she landed a job at Kutak Rock.

Change of Plans

Just as her career goals seemed to be falling into place and she was destined to become partner at the firm, McCall’s mentor retired and her client went private. Terrified of the possibility of failure, McCall decided to change course and accept a position in the general counsel’s office at First Data. Soon after, she and her husband welcomed their first child and she made the choice to pause her career so that she could stay home and raise their baby. This decision was far from easy for

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I did struggle mentally, and I think as women, we must prioritize ourselves and not downplay our mental health. - JESSICA MCCALL, MANAGING PARTNER & CFO, LEGACY DESIGN STRATEGIES

McCall who has always been very career driven. After their second child was born, McCall said it became increasingly difficult to watch as others advanced professionally while her career was at a standstill. “I did struggle mentally, and I think as women, we must prioritize ourselves and not downplay our mental health,” McCall said. “It’s expected that women are supposed to figure out how to do all and be all simultaneously — and it’s the simultaneous part that trips us up. I learned that I need to afford myself grace.”

All Part of the Design

It wasn’t until McCall met Andrew Sigerson, owner and founder of Legacy Design Strategies, that her career outlook changed. She began working at his law firm part-time and eventually accepted a salary position in the office during her third pregnancy. Over the past 13 years, McCall has slowly taken on more responsibility and in 2016 she was named chief financial officer of the firm. As a process-driven individual, McCall has enjoyed building procedures to create efficiencies for the team, which ultimately lead to a better client experience. She said she is also proud to oversee the settlement department, which has grown to become the No. 1 revenue source for the firm. “The firm is a great place to work and Andrew is an amazing leader, who has empowered not only me, but really everyone in this firm,” McCall said. “He values family above all else and our entire firm is a family.”

The Power of Knowledge

Education is important to McCall, who volunteers for Millard Public Schools (MPS) in a number of capacities, including school improvement teams, parent advisory committees, teaching Junior Achievement and helping with math at Hitchcock Elementary, starting a Rubik’s Cube club for the high ability learners, campaigning for bonds, speaking on career days, and herding the high school orchestra students on concert nights.

“I’ve always made time in my work schedule to fit volunteering for MPS in so that my kids see me in their schools, supporting them and their teachers,” McCall said. “I need them to know that education is the foundation of their future success.” For McCall, it was crucial that her three children, especially her two daughters, saw her working outside the home so that they see her on equal footing with her husband in their marriage — contributing to the well-being and stability of the family. “I don’t want any of my kids to think a man works and a woman raises the kids and that was their lot in life, such that the girls wouldn’t do their best in school, or that my son would think any female was a second-class citizen,” McCall said. “My kids have seen me work hard — I have put in more than my fair share of nontraditional hours on nights and weekends, trudging into the office and working from home. So it wasn’t just that it took me longer to achieve my goals, I still really had to work for them and I continue to make choices about what gets my attention on a daily basis.”

The Future Awaits

As far as current goals go, McCall said the focus is on doubling the firm’s revenue in the next five years. She also looks forward to working with a business coach over the course of the next year to learn new skills about being an executive leader as she takes on her new role as managing partner. Sometimes, McCall said she still has to remind herself that being an attorney is what she does and not who she is. “At the end of the day, I believe the professional sacrifices I have made and will continue to make for my family will be more meaningful than any accolade I could achieve,” McCall said. “I couldn’t see that 15 years ago when I was lamenting the career opportunities passing me by as a stay-at-home mom with my babies. I didn’t believe it when my therapist told me my kids would only be young for a finite amount of time that I could never get back, but that I could essentially work for the rest of my life. It turns out, she was right.”


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An Untraditional Role

LAW firms



One of the biggest issues employers are facing, as pandemic restrictions loosen, is the difficulty of attracting and retaining employees. Local employment law experts are helping many navigate the legal implications. “This is putting pressure on increasing wages and benefits, which costs necessarily get passed onto consumers and helps fuel inflation,” said Baird Holm Partner Randy Stevenson. COVID-19 continues to be hot button issue although not as much as it was a couple of months ago. “Most employers are now thankfully past the issue of mandatory vaccinations,”





Stevenson said. “Remote work continues to be hot, even though the pandemic is waning. Many employees who worked remotely do not want to return to the workplace, at least not on a full-time basis.” Employers are re-evaluating their policies and procedures and updating their employee handbooks in light of workplace and legal changes, according to Stephanie Sharp, an attorney with Vandenack Weaver Truhlsen. “Employees, many of whom have changed jobs in the last two years, are negotiating new employment agreements and seeking assistance with past employment agreement compliance,” she said. “For example, employees are seeking information on

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compliance with non-solicitation provisions and asking about the enforceability of noncompete provisions.” Evyn Perry, an employment attorney with Abrahams Kaslow & Cassman, said firms are struggling with the desire to bring employees back in-person while many employees want to continue working remotely. “At the beginning of the pandemic you saw many employers saying that their production hadn’t dropped off and [working remotely] might be the setup of the future, and employees were happy with it,” Perry said. “But now some employers are starting to see some production numbers drop, and they’re starting to think it might be better if people came back into the office for the comradery, collaboration, and other benefits of working together. “Employees want to stay remote for a multitude of reasons such as no commute, more flexibility with child care and even things as minor as saving money on dry cleaning.” While COVID-19 cases are still low and OSHA’s Emergency Temporary Standard (ETS) was vacated by the courts, there are still a number of COVID-related issues that continue to affect the workplace, according to Fraser Stryker Partner Patrick J. Barrett. Employers must be aware of the potential employee claims under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), Title VII or state laws. Employees with “Long COVID” will present issues that must be addressed, like reasonable accommodation and/or leave in accordance with the Family and Medical Leave Act (FLMA). Similarly, religious accommodations for exemptions will remain an issue for employers with

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vaccine mandates.

Bringing Employees Back

“Employers who have not already done so, must carefully plan how they design their return to work as it is proving to be an important retention issue for employees,” Barrett said. “During the pandemic, employees enjoyed the benefits that remote work brought, including increased flexibility.” In planning for return to work, employers are considering different options to lessen the burden on employees, including implementing such things as hybrid work schedules, flexible work weeks, and policies that allow for increased flexibility when personal matters arise. “The vaccine mandate and masking as well as the recent political election have generated strong opinions among employees,” Barrett said. “Increasingly, the workplace is reflecting the divisions, which exist in our society. It is necessary for employers to promote civility among employees to protect employee morale, foster greater workplace respect, and try to prevent litigation.” For example, as workplaces start to relax some pandemic-related practices, employees should be encouraged to respect one another’s choices such as wearing face coverings or insisting on social distancing. Employees should be encouraged to be respectful of others when issues arise about which they disagree, whether it is the vaccine mandates or other political issues. “Employers should also consider enacting policies that promote respect and civility


Employers who are able and willing to be flexible will likely be better positioned to maintain a workforce that can be productive. - MATTHEW G. DUNNING, ATTORNEY, GOOSMANN LAW

among employees and using discipline, when appropriate, to enforce these policies in order to discourage unkind or uncivil behaviors, especially among those employees who are taking precautions against COVID,” Barrett said. “Employees should bear in mind that even though the ETS was withdrawn, OSHA will probably issue another ‘vaccine or test’ mandate or permanent rule which will be narrower. “Employers in certain industries should be aware that they may be more likely to fall within the purview of the permanent rule.”

Getting Creative

Law firms, especially those with employment services, are having to be more creative about how they approach litigation and how they design employee handbooks and contracts, Perry said. “When issues come up you now have to throw in the COVID factor,” he said. “That affects everything. The main impact on employees in general is whether the work will be remote, at home, or some kind of hybrid. “For about a year and a half every meeting was an email or done through Zoom. I think that’s being carried forward from a practicality and cost standpoint — maybe we don’t have to fly to a different city to get together when we can do it all on Zoom and save everyone’s time and money. That’s something employers are being presented with whether it’s a law firm or any other kind of business.” Because AKC is based in Omaha and has only one office, changes have not been as big as some multi-office firms. “For other law firms toward the beginning of the pandemic, the trend looked as if it might be remote work forever,” Perry said. “Now I think the workforce is trending back to where we want some sort of normality, a 40 hour per week schedule with people coming into the office.” Despite the pandemic, there are still many individuals who are starting new businesses and new ventures, Sharp said. “When the pandemic first hit, many transactions and business ventures were

initially put on the backburner,” she said. “Those business ventures are now back on the table. Vandencak Weaver LLC recently merged with Truhlsen Elder Care to create Vandenack Weaver Truhlsen LLC. So, our law firm is also capitalizing on growth opportunities.” “Many employers are business-as-usual, while others are managing health and safety with vaccination and masking in addition to sometimes onerous negative-testing requirements that must be frequently updated before an employee is allowed to enter the workplace,” said Goosmann Law Attorney Matthew G. Dunning. “On top of all that, employers must manage the productivity of their workers and ensure that confidential and other information is protected if employees are working remotely.”

communications, which will likely lead to more employees voting with their feet, and changing jobs to situations that reflect their needs to balance their personal and professional lives,” Dunning said. “[That] will impact employers’ ability to recruit and retain workers. Employers who are able and willing to be flexible will likely be better positioned to maintain a workforce that can be productive.”

Attracting and Retaining Employees

From April to September 2021, more than 24 million American employees quit

COVID Burnout

Many employees feel burned out by COVID. Back in the fall of 2020 and even 2021 when it looked as though we were emerging from the worst of the pandemic, there were spikes in cases. “The day before they were to come back in person, companies would delay it,” Perry said. “There was an emotional toll on people. Also, for employers [who were] spending money, developing plans, and [enacting] mitigating and safety efforts only to have local, state, or federal laws or guidelines change it, there’s been an emotional toll with the back and forth. I think it will have some long-term effects on both employers and employees.” The employment situation varies from market to market, said Perry, who doesn’t believe there’s a shortage of jobs or lawyers in the Omaha market. “In some of the bigger markets you’re seeing it saturated on one side or the other where there’s a bunch of applicants and not enough jobs or vice versa,” he said. “In some of the coastal cities there are a lot of jobs being offered for lawyers, but there’s not a ton of applicants. “Employees are subject to increased monitoring in their productivity and Page 7 • April 29, 2022­

their jobs. Increasingly, it is becoming more difficult to recruit employees, Barrett said. This trend impacts the legal industry as well as individual law firms. With the “Great Resignation,” employers are increasingly, turning to any measures possible to try to retain employees and to avoid creating or fostering the type of workplace that encourages employees to resign or not work for an employer in the first place. “Recent studies show that corporate culture is more important than compensation in predicting which companies lost


An Untraditional Role

LAW firms

LAWYERS FOCUS ON HELPING ATTRACT AND RETAIN EMPLOYEES Employers have been pulled in many directions over the past several years trying to stay on top of the new and changing requirements related to COVID-19. - ERIC W. TIRITILLI, PARTNER, LAMSON DUGAN & MURRAY

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employees at a higher rate than their industries as a whole,” Barrett said. “A toxic corporate culture is the single best predictor of which companies suffered from high attrition during the Great Resignation. “The [remote working trend] allows lawyers and other staff members to work from anywhere,” Stevenson said. “That means that, as a law firm, we are not limited to the metro area for recruiting certain positions.” After several years of the focus on COVID-19 and vaccine related laws and requirements, employers must remember and continue to address the host of “traditional” labor and employment laws that apply to them, according to Eric W. Tiritilli, a partner at Lamson Dugan & Murray. “For instance, the [Equal Employment Opportunity Commission] has issued guidance regarding caregiver discrimination,” he said. “Also, the Department of Labor announced its intent to focus on compliance in the warehouse and logistics industries regarding the laws it enforces including wage and hour compliance, prevention of retaliation and harassment for workers exercising rights under the law and the FMLA. “Employers have been pulled in many directions over the past several years trying to stay on top of the new and changing requirements related to COVID-19. As we progress to a new stage, it will be important for employers to continue to be mindful of their obligations in the other areas of employment law — including discrimination and wage and hour issues to make sure they are mindful of, and complying with, their obligations under the various laws that impact the workplace.” The failure to appreciate high performers, through formal and informal recognition, is another element of culture that predicts attrition. The failure to recognize performance is likely to drive out a company’s most productive employees. Page 8 • April 29, 2022­

“Employers will be prudent to take those measures which counteract those corporate cultures from which employees are fleeing,” Barrett said. “Generally, there are four measures that offset this desire to resign: offering lateral career opportunities, remote work, social events, and more predictable schedules. Employers, including law firms, must root out issues that contribute to a toxic work culture to eliminate the loss of good and productive employees and the failure to attract qualified candidates.” “Abrahams makes an intentional effort to develop and maintain a culture that works for everyone whether it’s an equity partner, brand new associates, or support staff,” Perry said. “Young associates are always assigned mentors who are partners in the firm, who help insure their success.” VWT seeks to understand its employee’s strengths and to put individuals in a position to succeed. “VWT has grown through the pandemic and brought on a number of young, bright attorneys recently,” Sharp said. “In terms of non-attorney positions, we have consistently maintained a steady flow of qualified applicants based on reputation.” The firm assesses employees to better understand how they learn and what motivates them. The company also invests in its employees and supports them in the goals they have both inside and outside the workplace. “Employers are paying higher wages and offering greater benefits,” Stevenson said. “They are also open to allowing more remote work opportunities. Some employers have relaxed their workplace rules so as to not lose employees. “For example, several of our clients now do not prohibit the off-duty use of marijuana. As long as the employee is not intoxicated at work, they are not concerned. In other words, these employers are beginning to view marijuana the same as alcohol.”

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A Team Effort





In the wake of current world events with Russia’s attack on Ukraine, cybersecurity concerns are increasing for businesses of all kinds and sizes around the United States. Here are some important things to keep in mind as you consider cybersecurity in today’s day in age.

Know the Basics

For new and established businesses alike, there is a lot to plan for — payroll, employee training, managing inventory, and paying taxes, etc. However, it is important to keep cybersecurity at the forefront of all



operations from the very get go. If you don’t, you could be making your business vulnerable at a time when you are trying to focus on strengthening and building your client base and revenue. The sooner you have a strong cybersecurity system in place, the safer your business will be. Jessica Murray, IT account manager for Lutz Tech, said that companies need to be on high alert. “Hackers aren’t using new tactics, but they are being more aggressive with the old ways. Stay diligent and informed,” she said.


Denise Mainquist, ITPAC Consulting president, added that cybersecurity attacks are on the rise, especially in the health care sector. “But other types of businesses need to be alert to cyberattacks as well,” she said. “Phishing attacks and ransomware can have huge impacts, even if the business isn’t regulated or doesn’t think it has valuable information. Compromises of employee information, account credentials and financial account information can open a business up to fraud and losses that can be very expensive.”

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Know What You Need

Investing in the right security, therefore, is crucial, even if your company is on a shoe-string budget. “The cheapest and easiest place to start is with passwords and accounts,” Murray said. She recommends asking these questions of your team: -Does your password policy include a minimum length of 12 characters? Does it require numbers, letters, and/or special characters? -Is multifactor authentication (MFA) turned on wherever possible? Next, what is your backup strategy?


Hackers aren’t using new tactics, but they are being more aggressive with the old ways. Stay diligent and informed. - JESSICA MURRAY, IT ACCOUNT MANAGER FOR LUTZ TECH

-Can you recover from a cyberattack? Do you have local backups in-house and offsite backups that are in a different geological location? Another initial step to consider — and one that often gets overlooked — is keeping all software up to date. Desktops, tablets, laptops, phones, and other devices that your business regularly uses needs to be updated on a regular basis. In other words, don’t ignore prompts to upgrade your software programs. Doing this to your computer or other devices does require you to block off your schedule for a bit, but it is not a waste of time. Many times, the updates on your computer or software programs are upgrades to the security that provide patches. So, if there was a flaw or a new security threat that comes to light, the upgrade will help solve that problem and keep your company data secure. If you ignore the update or keep selecting the ‘remind me later’ function, your software — and all the sensitive information that you have stored — could be exposed. Don Pecha, senior director of information security for FNTS, explained, “Companies need to first ensure they have a way to search for and document every technical asset on their network in real-time. This means

they can ensure every device attached to their network can be identified, scanned, and hardened against attacks. “Once organizations have a full inventory of those devices, software, and applications, they need to ensure continuous cycles of vulnerability scanning to ensure all devices and applications are patched. Patching work is where more resources need to be focused. Today’s dynamic environments continually need patching and hardening. It’s recommended that organizations have someone review firewalls to ensure they are patched and that rules still match business objectives.” Securing Wi-Fi networks is also a key line of defense against unwanted scams or hacks. If you use Wi-Fi for your business, make sure it is secure, encrypted, and that the company’s name is hidden. Also, add password protection access to the router. It is also recommended that employees or business owners don’t use the same devices for business as they do in the home. So, if you have a work laptop, use it only for work. Storing business information on a device that could be shared with family, friends, or roommates could leave your company’s information at risk.

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A Team Effort



I cannot stress enough – employees are the first line of defense. - DON PECHA, SENIOR DIRECTOR OF INFORMATION SECURITY, FNTS

Last, backup your data as often as possible. Depending on your type of business, you may want to backup data every evening at the close of business. At the very minimum, you should backup data once a week. Make it a rule to not store everything on just one device, either. If the device is hacked or you are locked out, you could lose everything. So, invest in external drives and consider keeping hard copies of records as well.

Invest in Education

All staff members should be trained in basic cybersecurity skills. In addition, it is important to ensure you have a clear cybersecurity protocol outlined and written down. Plan for the worstcase scenario and create policies and procedures that give you a response strategy that is dynamic and effective. All practices need to be kept impermeable and employees should have a clear understanding of what

they are. Make certain everyone knows company expectations and invest in regular training — either with an on-staff information technology specialist, or with a cybersecurity consultant. This is a worthwhile investment that could be a valuable way to implement strategies and knowledge that deter hackers and cyberattacks. Murray said, “Companies need to ask their IT teams a few questions. Is there end-of-life hardware, software,

or operating systems on the network? Have your employees had a refresher course on cybersecurity? What [do they need to] look for and what to do if they notice something? Is multifactor authentication deployed to email and other applications that allow it?”

Continual Review

When it comes to cyber protection, there is a lot to consider. That’s why taking the time on a monthly or

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bi-monthly basis to ensure everything is functioning as it should is critical to ensuring long-term protection of your company’s most sensitive information. As hackers get more creative and as technology continues to advance and change, it is important to remember that what once worked for your security efforts may not suffice later down the road. Therefore, it is essential to frequently review your security safeguards and confirm they are strong enough. This is especially true if your company offers employees a remote work or a hybrid work environment option. “Multifactor authentication (MFA) for all remote access is considered a baseline standard,” Mainquist said. “Companies sometimes feel that implementing multifactor makes it difficult to access systems remotely, but by not implementing MFA there is a huge risk of credentials getting skimmed and a malicious actor getting into your information.” Using virtual private networks (VPNs) are also a good way to mitigate the effects of online attacks. A VPN allows employees to access the business network while working from home, but it is done in a safe way through encrypted data. “VPNs or secure connections are necessary in addition to MFA,” Mainquist said.

SECURITY SOFTWARE TO CONSIDER FOR YOUR OFFICE LastPass: All of your passwords can be stored here, for both personal and business accounts. The site uses strong encryption algorithms and multifactor authentication to ensure complete security. Your data is encrypted and decrypted at a device level, and the data that is stored is kept a secret, even from LastPass. “You don’t have to remember any passwords except the one to log in to LastPass. It helps get rid of the sticky notes with passwords on people’s desks,” said Jessica Murray, IT account manager for Lutz Tech. “It’s one password to remember to open the vault, and then all other passwords can be accessed. It’s also a convenient way to share administrator passwords with only those who need to use them. They don’t even need to see the password to use it, which is extra security,” said Denise Mainquist, president of ITPAC Consulting. Nessus: This tool helps businesses detect weaknesses that could be subjugated to attack. It helps companies stay ahead of cyber threats through continuous scans that identify vulnerability. It is designed for easy use and includes a resource center for users that helps guide them on what actions they need to take. Customizable reporting is also available to help businesses meet specific security needs. “This is still considered a solid vulnerability scanner that has a lot of support groups and it’s easy to use,” said Don Pecha, senior director of information security for FNTS. Above all, remember that information security is something that is always evolving. Technology changes and hackers adapt with it. That means you and your business must learn to adapt, continually evaluating that all your processes remain effective. There isn’t a one-size-fits-all way of protecting you or your business from attacks online, but there are a lot

of ways you can be proactive about preventing them. Outsourcing cyber monitoring and protection from a trusted source is an affordable way to set up a line of defense for your business. “I cannot stress enough — employees are the first line of defense,” Pecha said. “Traditional attacks still focus on the human desire to be helpful.

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Provide company training on email security, run phishing simulations, and educate employees to support them. Ensure company budgets include funding to help technical teams continually learn and grow. These are good business investments to make as threats become more pervasive.”

Funding & Community Partnership



The AIM Institute, in partnership with the Council Bluffs Area Chamber of Commerce, Centro Latino of Iowa and Iowa Western Community College, has secured a $50,000 grant from Google to support a new jobreadiness program, the CB Tech Career Acceleration Program. The program, which launched in Council Bluffs March 14, is designed to promote greater diversity, equity and inclusion in the local tech industry as it helps underemployed individuals develop career skills to land lucrative jobs in the area’s growing sector. There will be a specific focus on attaining participants from the area’s Latino community, which accounts for more than 10% of the city’s population. As Council Bluffs enhances its reputation as a tech-friendly community, this program will increase the availability of tech talent to meet the local market’s needs. “Having a program that focuses on developing underrepresented

populations is critically important, especially as we work to grow our diversity, equity, and inclusion programming,” said Alicia Frieze, Workforce Development Director for the Council Bluffs Area Chamber of Commerce. To build the necessary skills, the program has two phases covering over 100 hours of content, including AIM’s 10-week Foundations of Web Development curriculum. Participants who need it will also receive ESL instruction for additional preparation to enter the workforce. “This program will help participants develop skills needed for opportunities that can change the trajectory of their lives,” said Itzel Lopez, VP of Advancement and Community Relations for AIM. “Each organization present in this collaboration brings resources and expertise that will benefit participants and support the long-term goals of the business community in Council Bluffs.”

This program will help participants develop skills needed for opportunities that can change the trajectory of their lives. -ITZEL LOPEZ, VP OF ADVANCEMENT AND COMMUNITY RELATIONS, AIM

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Page 15 • April 29, 2022­





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Fueling Local Patronage

TIPPL APP OFFERS INCENTIVE FOR VISITING AREA BUSINESSES In an effort to encourage the Omaha community to support and at any participating location for 24-hours in an attempt to discourage experience the local dining scene, four friends teamed up to launch “bar hopping.” However, the following day, another free drink is Tippl, a mobile app that offers a free drink to members when they visit available to redeem at a different affiliated business. an affiliated location. “This means for the price of one drink, a person can essentially Co-founders Michael Friedman, Taylor Darlington, Mark Wong receive 30 drinks a month,” Friedman said. “We are offering a service and Matt Moore, who met as undergrads at Hastings College, that opens the doors and allows people to experience, enjoy and combined their various business backgrounds to develop the idea embrace local business. The app keeps people actively participating during the first wave of the pandemic when the bar and restaurant and it’s a means to go out and explore new areas they might not be industry was hit hard. The goal was to offer an incentive to motivate aware of. Then, it’s up to individual restaurants and bars to charm the individuals to interact in the community once it was safe to do so. customers into coming back regularly.” Partnering with Tippl is free of charge for businesses, which Friedman said is another example of the service’s commitment to How it Works strengthening the local economy. The app also showcases information The Tippl platform is simple, according to Friedman. After about the participating businesses – like upcoming activities or downloading the app, members pay $1 for the first month on a trial specialty foods. run basis, and then $5 each month after. Users create a profile, select a participating location based on their geographical positioning, visit the bar or restaurant, and simply present their phone screen to redeem a free drink. The app then time stamps the transaction and locks the user from redeeming another drink at that same location for 14 days, as well as

Data-driven Design Prior to launching the app, the co-founders sent out various polls to determine how to change the behavior of people and encourage going back to physical locations after the pandemic.

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The rewarding part is definitely interacting with the community more, especially during these times, which is really what we wanted — to re-establish a sense of community. - MICHAEL FRIEDMAN, CO-FOUNDER & CEO, TIPPL

“We found out that individuals wanted a catch-free alcoholic beverage,” Friedman said. “So we thought, ‘Why not create a mobile app that’s easy for anyone to get their hands on in order to help promote local businesses and get people back in their doors?’ Essentially, we wanted to offer it in a way to get the entire community participating. “The data shows that people who go to get an alcoholic beverage are 90% likely to get a second drink. That means there’s a 90% chance a business is still going to turn a profit even after giving away a free drink. Additionally, 65% are more likely to order an appetizer or food. Not to mention, if people are also coming in that were previously unaware of the business prior to utilizing the app, they are now going to the establishment and will potentially come back again in the future. All of this helps to promote business.”

Impacting Future Neighborhoods Meeting business people throughout the community has proven to be one of the most gratifying aspects to this endeavor, Friedman said. “The rewarding part is definitely interacting with the community

more, especially during these times, which is really what we wanted — to re-establish a sense of community,” Friedman said. “We’ve met so many people, received lots of ideas, and interacted with media outlets. It’s been such a fun experience to bring the community together and learn about what everyone else is involved in at this level. “We’re just enjoying the ride and trying to help people out. It’s equally rewarding to know there’s some value that people have already been seeing in our product.” Friedman said local businesses are excited about this opportunity because they see the value when they witness customers coming in, redeeming a drink, staying for another drink, and then bringing in friends during their next visit. Alongside building up the brand name, Friedman said the focus is on helping out as many bars and restaurants as possible by getting more members of the community out there to show support. “We love to hear that the product has worked as intended,” Friedman said. “That validation shows that our idea wasn’t silly and is actually working. Looking forward, we really want to get more partner locations across a greater geographical spread of Omaha, as well as different types of locations, to appease as many people as we can.”



Page 19 • April 29, 2022­


Making Space


40 under 40




Anayeli Martinez Real remembers clearly the day she reported to one of her first classes in the University of Nebraska-Lincoln’s Construction Engineering program. “When I started in construction engineering in 2006, I was the only female in my class,” she said. “I remember being asked, ‘Are you in the right class?’ I thought, ‘Gosh, am I in the right class?’ “I remember looking at my class schedule and saying ‘Yeah, I’m in the right place.’ It was a little bit of an intro into what I was about to get myself into, that it was a very male dominated field.” Martinez Real persevered through those early challenges, graduating from UNL in 2011 and landing a job with one of the most prestigious construction firms in the country, Kiewit Building Group. While it was more of the same as far as gender diversity was concerned, the company was also the perfect proving ground for one as driven as she. “In the beginning, it was a little rough when I started with Kiewit and I was the only woman on the jobsite,” she said. “Once I got over that initial, ‘Oh gosh, I’m the only outsider,’ then things got better. “One thing I realized was everyone who was there was very passionate about engineering or construction and so we always found the common ground on that. When you realize everyone’s there because they love what they do, it’s easy to be passionate about it.”

A Strong Voice Martinez Real’s passion for the job — and a nearly inexhaustible work ethic — got her noticed quickly and resulted in a series of successively larger and more complicated builds. In 14 years with the company, she’s managed a total of $900 million worth of projects in Colorado, Wyoming, Arizona, California, Hawaii, and Nebraska. Along the way, she’s earned prestigious credentials such as a LEED Green Associate and Occupational Safety and Health Administration’s 30-Hour training certification. She’s also invested in bringing up the next diverse generation of the industry, serving on the

Women in Kiewit Building Group committee, Future Women of Kiewit panelist and on the Kiewit Diversity, Inclusion and Equity committee. All of which makes her a formidable recruiter for the company at college job fairs where she regularly shares her story with prospective employees, particularly women. “No. 1, we have to attract women who want to go into the career, that’s the first step,” she said. “I think we are seeing more of that. Construction is very collaborative, there’s a lot of communication and a lot of problem solving that goes into it. “Women who have joined the industry have generally thrived in that sort of environment, which is definitely a good thing. We now have more success stories that we are able to share with more of the youth who want to come into our industry.”

Setting Up Success Martinez Real, who moved into the project executive role a year ago, said it’s not enough to merely recruit women and minorities into the field. Companies must also pay deliberate attention to setting them up for success. “When I first started off, I had mentors from outside of my industry who were women and leaders,” she said. “What I’ve learned is you can’t just have a mentor, you also have to have a sponsor, somebody who’s talking about you in those meetings where decisions are being made about people’s careers and are willing to vouch for you in your career growth. “We still have a very, very long way to go in construction and engineering to be anywhere near where other industries are in terms of diversity. But things are changing, and I think we’ll get there.”

PRESENTING SPONSOR Page 20 • April 29, 2022­

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Page 21 • April 29, 2022­

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Daniel R. Carnahan

Justin A. Sheldon


Woods Aitken is pleased to announce that Daniel R. Carnahan has joined the firm as a partner. Carnahan joins the firm’s growing transactional group, focusing his practice on real estate matters, business and corporate transactions, and estate planning and administration. Dan assists clients with various real estate matters, including acquisitions and dispositions, development matters, commercial leasing transactions, financing transactions, and tax-deferred exchanges. He advises clients on business and corporate matters, including the formation of business entities and related governance matters, business acquisitions and dispositions, entity reorganizations, and contract negotiations. Additionally, Dan works with clients to develop and implement personalized estate plans ranging from the simple to complex, assists clients with probate and trust administration proceedings, and advises business owners on business succession planning issues. Carnahan received his J.D. from the University of Nebraska College of Law and a B.S.B.A. in finance from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Celebrating its 100th year, Woods Aitken focuses its practice of law on achieving long-term client success on local, regional, and national levels. The firm has offices in Denver, Lincoln, Omaha and Washington, D.C.


Baird Holm LLP is pleased to welcome Justin A. Sheldon to the firm. Justin focuses his practice on commercial real estate, along with asset based and agricultural financing transactions. He represents both lenders and borrowers in negotiating and structuring transactions. He is also a SBA 504 designated attorney and serves as closing attorney for certified development companies (CDCs). Prior to joining Baird Holm, Justin practiced as a general corporate transactional attorney, representing clients in mergers & acquisitions, real estate acquisitions and financial transactions. He also has experience assisting both lenders and borrowers through the loan workout process. Justin received his Juris Doctor from the University of Nebraska College of Law, with distinction, in 2016. He received his Bachelor of Science in Business Administration with an emphasis in Economics from the University of Nebraska-Kearney. “Justin is an excellent attorney and we are pleased to welcome him to the firm,” said Baird Holm LLP Managing Partner, Chris Hedican. “I am confident that he will be a valuable addition to our growing Finance practice areas,” said Hedican. About Baird Holm LLP Baird Holm LLP’s integrated team of 94 attorneys, licensed in 22 states, is committed to connecting each of its valued clients to the positive outcomes they seek. With extensive and diverse expertise, Baird Holm leverages each attorney’s skills to respond efficiently to its clients’ local, regional, national and international legal needs. Founded in 1873, Baird Holm proudly represents public and private companies, individuals, private funds and other investors, financial institutions, governmental entities and nonprofit organizations. Learn more at www.bairdholm.com.


Nicole Konen has joined Koley Jessen’s M&A Practice as a Shareholder. “We are thrilled to have Konen on our team,” says Josh Norton, Chair of Koley Jessen’s Corporate Department. “She has long since been one of the top corporate attorneys in the region, and our clients will benefit from her collaborative approach and zealous representation. We know she will hit the ground running and be a great fit for our culture.” Konen’s experience includes complex M&A, private investment, and business succession transactions, in addition to corporate and contractual matters. She puts her Master of Professional Accountancy Degree to good use, making sure her advice is practical from a financial perspective. “I am very excited to join Koley Jessen’s outstanding M&A team,” says Konen. “The culture, energy, and trajectory of the firm are a great fit for my practice. The firm’s resources across the corporate, employment, litigation, and estate and succession practices are impressive and are paired with a commitment to over-the-top service and unparalleled work product. I know that my clients will be well-served.” Konen received her J.D. (highest distinction), her Master of Professional Accountancy (highest distinction), and her Bachelor of Science in Business Administration (highest distinction) from the University of Nebraska at Lincoln. She is actively involved in the community, currently serving on the Fontenelle Forest Board of Directors and the Papillion La Vista Community Schools Foundation. About Koley Jessen Koley Jessen is a strategically growing law firm serving the needs of businesses and their owners, executives, and professionals in Nebraska and around the country.


Herb L. Freeman, CRB, GRI, REALTOR, Associate Broker with NP Dodge in Omaha, was honored as the 2022 Nebraska REALTOR of the Year during the Annual Convention. The Nebraska REALTOR of the Year is the highest honor awarded by the Nebraska REALTORS Association and is given to a member who exemplifies service not only to the association, but to the community and the real estate industry at large. Freeman has been a licensed REALTOR since 1972 and has served in many capacities for the Omaha Area Board of REALTORS, Nebraska REALTORS Association and the National Association of REALTORS. For the Omaha Area Board of REALTORS Freeman has served on several committees and is a former Past President and Director of the board and the Great Plains REALTORS MLS and served as a director of the Great Plains Regional MLS. Freeman is a Past President and Director of the Nebraska REALTORS Association and has served on several committees over the years. Freeman is currently serving on the Governmental Affairs Committee, License Law Committee and the Past President’s Advisory Board. Freeman is a former Director for the National Association of REALTORS and has served on several committees. Outside of the REALTOR Associations, Freeman’s accomplishments include: Former Principal Member for The Realty Alliance, Former Second District Broker Member of the Nebraska Real Estate Commission, Past President of the Omaha Area Better Business Bureau, Past President of the UNO Alumni Association and Past President of the First Unitarian Church of Omaha. Freeman is currently serving as a Director for Nebraska Investment Finance Authority (NIFA). Freeman holds a Master of Business Administration from UNO, and was an English teacher at a Tech High School before going into Real Estate. He loves development and redevelopment of projects and is a member of Congress for New Urbanism and National Town Builders Association. Freeman was born and raised in Omaha, NE and currently resides in Yutan, NE. Since 1917, the Nebraska REALTORS Association has served as The Voice for Real Estate in Nebraska. Our 5,000 plus members subscribe to the REALTOR Code of Ethics and take pride in the communities in which we work, serve and live. Visit us online at NebraskaRealtors.com.

Page 22 • April 29, 2022­

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We publish and file trade name applications, notices of organization and notices of incorporation for the State of Nebraska.

(402) 330-1760 • WWW.MBJ.COM

Contact us today at legals@mbj.com for more information.

The following are some guidelines to consider when posting legal notices with the Midlands Business Journal: 1. Submit a written notice in either Microsoft Word or as a PDF document to the Legal Department at legals@ mbj.com. For trade names, submit a copy of approved (bar code in upper right hand corner) Application For Registration of Trade Name from the Secretary of State to the same email address. Please include your billing address and the desired duration you’d like your notice to run (trade names run for only one week). As a publisher and not a legal advisor we print notices exactly as they are submitted and therefor only comp reruns when the notice was rejected or messed up due to a MBJ error. All companies submitting notices are responsible for ensuring the content fits with the State’s requirements and are responsible for the cost of republishing the notice if it is rejected due to misinformation or missing information 2. You will receive a confirmation and price quote. Legal notices, except for trade names, are charged per line. The flat fee for a trade name is $50. Payment options are cash or check. 3. Deadline is noon on Tuesday for a notice to start publishing that Friday. 4. All costs include fees to file the notice with the Secretary of State and/or any appropriate courts. 5. You will receive a paid invoice copy the first week it runs.

Dennis P. Lee #16296 Lee Law Office 2433 S. 130th Circle, Suite 300 Omaha, NE 68144 NOTICE OF SUIT TO: JININA S. HAYES, 5641 S. 95th Ct, Omaha NE 68127, you are hereby notified that on February 17, 2022, Credit Acceptance Corporation filed a suit against you in the Douglas County Court at docket CI22-2565, the object in prayer of which was to secure a judgment against you in the amount of $4,748.21, together with court costs, interest and attorney’s fees as allowed by law. Unless you file your Answer with the Douglas County Court on or before the 6 day of June, 2022, the Petition against you will be considered as true and judgment will be entered against you accordingly. By: Dennis Lee First publication April 15, 2022, final May 6, 2022 Dennis P. Lee #16296 Lee Law Office 2433 S. 130th Circle, Suite 300 Omaha, NE 68144 NOTICE OF SUIT TO: YOM ALEU, 7518 Chandler Acres Dr, Bellevue NE 68147, you are hereby notified that on February 24, 2022, Credit Acceptance Corporation filed a suit against you in the Douglas County Court at docket CI22-2904, the object in prayer of which was to secure a judgment against you in the amount of $4,562.43, together with court costs, interest and attorney’s fees as allowed by law. Unless you file your Answer with the Douglas County Court on or before the 6 day of June, 2022, the Petition against you will be considered as true and judgment will be entered against you accordingly. By: Dennis Lee First publication April 15, 2022, final May 6, 2022 Dennis P. Lee #16296 Lee Law Office 2433 S. 130th Circle, Suite 300 Omaha, NE 68144 NOTICE OF SUIT TO: MARIA VALERIO-GOMEZ, 6021 S. 34th Avenue, Omaha NE 68107, you are hereby notified that on February 24, 2022, Credit Acceptance Corporation filed a suit against you in the Douglas County Court at docket CI22-2913, the object in prayer of which was to secure a judgment against you in the amount of $3,109.85, together with court costs, interest and attorney’s fees as allowed by law. Unless you file your Answer with the Douglas County Court on or before the 6 day of June, 2022, the Petition against you will be considered as true and judgment will be entered against you accordingly. By: Dennis Lee First publication April 15, 2022, final May 6, 2022

Koley Jessen P.C., L.L.O., Attorneys 1125 South 103rd Street, Suite 800, One Pacific Place Omaha, NE 68124-1079 NOTICE OF INCORPORATION 1. The name of the Corporation is Play. Learn. Grow. Therapy Services, P.C. 2. The Corporation is authorized to issue 10,000 shares of common stock having a par value of $1.00 each. 3. The Registered Office of the Corporation is: 1125 South 103rd Street, Suite 800, Omaha, Nebraska 68124, and the Registered Agent at such address is Koley Jessen P.C., L.L.O. 4. The corporate existence began on April 1, 2022, when Articles of Incorporation were filed with the Nebraska Secretary of State. 5. The name and address of the Incorporator is: Angela R. Calderone, 1735 South 88th Street, Omaha, Nebraska 68124. First publication April 15, 2022, final April 29, 2022

WHITMORE LAW OFFICE LLC 7602 PACIFIC STREET, SUITE 200 OMAHA,NEBRASKA 68114 NOTICE OF CONVERSION Notice is hereby given that Don’s Antique Auto Service, Inc. (the “Company”) has been converted to a limited liability company under the laws of the State of Nebraska. The name of the converted Company is Don’s Antique Auto Service, LLC. The Designated Office of the Company is 14505 N River Drive, Omaha, Nebraska 68112. The Registered Agent of the Company is Donald N. Graves, 14515 White Deer Lane, Omaha, Nebraska 68112. The Company was converted on March 30, 2022. First publication April 15, 2022, final April 29, 2022

The Law Office of Robert E. Burns 11330 Q Street Suite 220 Omaha, NE 68137 402-331-9497 NOTICE OF INCORPORATION OF SELFRIDGE PLUMBING, Inc. Notice is hereby given that Selfridge Plumbing, Inc. has incorporated under the Nebraska Model Business Corporation Act. The general nature of the business is to conduct any lawful business including but not limited to the business of providing plumbing services. Capital is 10,000 shares with a par value of $1.00 per share. The Incorporator is: Robert E. Burns, Jr. and the Incorporator’s office is located at 11330 Q Street, #220, Omaha, NE 68137. The registered agent of the corporation is Jennifer A. Selfridge and the office of the registered agent is located at 16530 Redwood Street, Omaha, NE 68136. The affairs of the corporation are to be conducted by the Board of Directors and such officers as it may elect. The corporation commenced existence on March 23, 2022 with the filing and recording of its articles of incorporation with the Secretary of State, and will have perpetual duration. First publication April 15, 2022, final April 29, 2022

Notice is given that the undersigned has organized a limited liability company known as Jeffrey Friel, LLC with its initial registered office at 303 Inglewood Drive, Papillion, NE 68133 with its initial designated office being the same as the registered office. The limited liability company is rendering the professional service of real estate sales. The initial agent for service of process of the company is Jeffrey Friel. The company commenced on December 23, 2020. /s/ Shawn M. Ilg Organizer and Attorney at Law 17117 Burt, Omaha NE 68118 First publication April 15, 2022, final April 29, 2022

Notice is given that the undersigned has organized a limited liability company known as Crystal DeJesus, LLC with its initial registered office at 13605 South 42 Circle, Bellevue, NE 68123 with its initial designated office being the same as the registered office. The limited liability company is rendering the professional service of real estate sales. The initial agent for service of process of the company is Crystal DeJesus. The company commenced on March 20, 2020. /s/ Shawn M. Ilg Organizer and Attorney at Law 17117 Burt, Omaha NE 68118 First publication April 15, 2022, final April 29, 2022

Notice is given that the undersigned has organized a limited liability company known as Amy Kriz, L.L.C. with its initial registered office at 3300 N 93 Street, Lincoln, NE 68507 with its initial designated office being the same as the registered office. The limited liability company is rendering the professional service of real estate sales. The initial agent for service of process of the company is Amy Kriz. The company commenced on June 16, 2020. /s/ Shawn M. Ilg Organizer and Attorney at Law 17117 Burt, Omaha NE 68118 First publication April 15, 2022, final April 29, 2022

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Notice is given that the undersigned has organized a limited liability company known as Michael M. Rivera, LLC with its initial registered office at 2027 W 11 Street, Grand Island, NE 68803 with its initial designated office being the same as the registered office. The limited liability company is rendering the professional service of real estate sales. The initial agent for service of process of the company is Michael Rivera. The company commenced on March 20, 2020. /s/ Shawn M. Ilg Organizer and Attorney at Law 17117 Burt, Omaha NE 68118 First publication April 15, 2022, final April 29, 2022

Notice is given that the undersigned has organized a limited liability company known as Rick Nelson Real Estate, LLC with its initial registered office at 13302 South 72 Street, Papillion, NE 68046 with its initial designated office being the same as the registered office. The limited liability company is rendering the professional service of real estate sales. The initial agent for service of process of the company is Rick Nelson. The company commenced on February 10, 2021. /s/ Shawn M. Ilg Organizer and Attorney at Law 17117 Burt, Omaha NE 68118 First publication April 15, 2022, final April 29, 2022

Craig F. Martin, Attorney LAMSON DUGAN & MURRAY LLP 10306 Regency Parkway Drive Omaha, Nebraska 68114 NOTICE OF THE ORGANIZATION OF MOD FLYING, LLC Notice is hereby given of the formation of a limited liability company under the laws of the State of Nebraska, and that the name of the limited liability company is MOD Flying, LLC. The address of the initial designated office is21921 Edgewater Road, Elkhorn, NE 68022. The name and address of the registered agent and office is LDM Business Services, Inc, 10306 Regency Parkway Drive, Omaha, Nebraska 68114. The general nature of the business is any or all lawful business. The company commenced existence on March 21, 2022 and shall have a perpetual duration. The affairs of the company shall be conducted by the Members, as prescribed by the Operating Agreement. LDM Business Services, Inc., Organizer First publication April 15, 2022, final April 29, 2022

HUSCH BLACKWELL LLP, Attorneys 13330 California Street, Suite 200 Omaha, NE 68154 NOTICE OF MERGER Life Merger Sub, LLC (“LMS”) and LifeLoop, LLC (the “Company”) were incorporated under the laws of the State of Nebraska on March 29, 2022 and November 21, 2014, respectively. On March 31, 2022, the Company filed Articles of Merger with the Nebraska Secretary of State wherein LMS was merged with and into the Company with the Company being the surviving entity. The Certificate of Organization of the Company will not be effected as a result of the merger. First publication April 15, 2022, final April 29, 2022

NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION OF 1010 MERCER PARK ROAD, LLC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that 1010 Mercer Park Road, LLC (the “Company”) has been organized under the laws of the State of Nebraska. The Designated Office Address of the Company is 3814 Farnam Street, Suite 203, Omaha, NE 68131. The Registered Agent of the Company is Greenslate Development, LLC, 3814 Farnam Street, Suite 203, Omaha, NE 68131. First publication April 15, 2022, final April 29, 2022

Notice is hereby given that Chagara Creative Solutions, LLC, a Nebraska Limited Liability Company, has been organized under the laws of the state of Nebraska, with its initial designated office at 6763 N 24th Street, Omaha, NE 68112. The initial agent for service of process of the Company is Rontasha Chagara, 6763 N 24th Street, Omaha, NE 68112. First publication April 15, 2022, final April 29, 2022

KOLEY JESSEN P.C., L.L.O., Attorneys 1125 South 103rd Street, Suite 800 Omaha, Nebraska 68124 NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION OF BOB & WILLIE’S WONDERBOWL HOLDINGS, LLC The name of the Company is Bob & Willie’s Wonderbowl Holdings, LLC. The Designated Office of the Company is: 1125 South 103rd Street, Suite 800, Omaha, Nebraska 68124. The Registered Agent and Office of the Company is: Koley Jessen P.C., L.L.O., 1125 South 103rd Street, Suite 800, Omaha, Nebraska 68124. This limited liability company commenced business on April 5, 2022. First publication April 15, 2022, final April 29, 2022

WALENTINE O’TOOLE, LLP Attorneys at Law 11240 Davenport Street P.O. Box 540125 Omaha, Nebraska 68154 NOTICE OF INCORPORATION CATHEDRAL SQUARE TOWNHOMES ASSOCIATION NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned has formed a nonprofit corporation organized under the laws of the State of Nebraska as follows: 1. The name of the corporation is CATHEDRAL SQUARE TOWNHOMES ASSOCIATION. 2. The corporation shall have members. 3. The address of the initial registered office is 11240 Davenport St., Omaha, NE 68154, and the initial registered agent at that office is David P. Wilson. 4. The name and address of the incorporator is David P. Wilson, 11240 Davenport St., Omaha, NE 68154. David P. Wilson, Incorporator First publication April 15, 2022, final April 29, 2022

BENJAMIN C. DEAVER, Attorney PANSING HOGAN ERNST & BACHMAN LLP 10250 Regency Circle, Suite 300 Omaha, Nebraska 68114 NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION OF PRAIRIE QUEEN 2, LLC Notice is hereby given of the organization of Prairie Queen 2, LLC: 1. The name of the limited liability company is Prairie Queen 2, LLC; and 2. The street and mailing address of the initial designated office is 4880 S. 131st Street, Suite 3, Omaha, Nebraska 68137, and the name and street address of the initial agent for service of process is Gerald S. Reimer, 4880 S. 131st Street, Suite 3, Omaha, Nebraska 68137. First publication April 15, 2022, final April 29, 2022

BENJAMIN C. DEAVER, Attorney PANSING HOGAN ERNST & BACHMAN LLP 10250 Regency Circle, Suite 300 Omaha, Nebraska 68114 NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION OF PQ PHASE 3 HOLDINGS, LLC Notice is hereby given of the organization of PQ Phase 3 Holdings, LLC: 1. The name of the limited liability company is PQ Phase 3 Holdings, LLC; and 2. The street and mailing address of the initial designated office is 4880 S. 131st Street, Suite 3, Omaha, Nebraska 68137, and the name and street address of the initial agent for service of process is Gerald S. Reimer, 4880 S. 131st Street, Suite 3, Omaha, Nebraska 68137. First publication April 15, 2022, final April 29, 2022

BENJAMIN C. DEAVER, Attorney PANSING HOGAN ERNST & BACHMAN LLP 10250 Regency Circle, Suite 300 Omaha, Nebraska 68114 NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION OF PQ PHASE 4 HOLDINGS, LLC Notice is hereby given of the organization of PQ Phase 4 Holdings, LLC: 1. The name of the limited liability company is PQ Phase 4 Holdings, LLC; and 2. The street and mailing address of the initial designated office is 4880 S. 131st Street, Suite 3, Omaha, Nebraska 68137, and the name and street address of the initial agent for service of process is Gerald S. Reimer, 4880 S. 131st Street, Suite 3, Omaha, Nebraska 68137. First publication April 15, 2022, final April 29, 2022

BENJAMIN C. DEAVER, Attorney PANSING HOGAN ERNST & BACHMAN LLP 10250 Regency Circle, Suite 300 Omaha, Nebraska 68114 NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION OF URBAN WATERS III, LLC Notice is hereby given of the organization of Urban Waters III, LLC: 1. The name of the limited liability company is Urban Waters III, LLC; and 2. The street and mailing address of the initial designated office is 4880 S. 131st Street, Suite 3, Omaha, Nebraska 68137, and the name and street address of the initial agent for service of process is Gerald S. Reimer, 4880 S. 131st Street, Suite 3, Omaha, Nebraska 68137. First publication April 15, 2022, final April 29, 2022

BENJAMIN C. DEAVER, Attorney PANSING HOGAN ERNST & BACHMAN LLP 10250 Regency Circle, Suite 300 Omaha, Nebraska 68114 NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION OF KEP INVESTMENT TEAM 4, LLC Notice is hereby given of the organization of KEP Investment Team 4, LLC: 1. The name of the limited liability company is KEP Investment Team 4, LLC; and 2. The street and mailing address of the initial designated office is 4880 S. 131st Street, Suite 3, Omaha, Nebraska 68137, and the name and street address of the initial agent for service of process is Gerald S. Reimer, 4880 S. 131st Street, Suite 3, Omaha, Nebraska 68137. First publication April 15, 2022, final April 29, 2022

NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION Notice is hereby given of the organization of Ironwell Operations, LLC, with its registered office address at 222 South 15th Street, #316, Omaha, NE 68102 and the registered agent at that address being Russell J. Kreikemeier. The designated office location of the Company is 14717 Corby Street, Omaha, NE 68116. The purpose or purposes for which this Company is formed is to own, manage, lease, and deal with all types of entities and ownership groups owning real property and investment interests in real property and otherwise, whether in this State or any other and to conduct all related activities thereto. The Company shall conduct the transactions of all or any lawful business or engagement in any commercial venture permitted by the Nebraska Limited Liability Company Act, as amended, and all other applicable laws. The initial capital of the Company has been contributed and evidence of membership in the Company will be issued by the Management Board. The Company commenced doing business on March 28, 2022, and shall have perpetual existence. The affairs of the Company shall be conducted by a Management Board and such other Officers and Managers as may be provided for in the Operating Agreement of the Company. First publication April 15, 2022, final April 29, 2022

Koley Jessen P.C., L.L.O., Attorneys 1125 South 103rd Street, Suite 800, One Pacific Place Omaha, NE 68124-1079 NOTICE OF INCORPORATION 1. The name of the Corporation is FFL Holdings, Inc. 2. The Corporation is authorized to issue 1,000 shares of voting common stock and 99,000 shares of nonvoting common stock, all having a par value of $0.10 each. 3. The Registered Office of the Corporation is: 1125 South 103rd Street, Suite 800, Omaha, Nebraska 68124, and the Registered Agent at such address is Koley Jessen P.C., L.L.O. 4. Articles of Incorporation were filed with the Nebraska Secretary of State on April 8, 2022. 5. The name and address of the Incorporator is: Taylor C. Dieckman, 1125 South 103rd Street, Suite 800, Omaha, Nebraska 68124. First publication April 15, 2022, final April 29, 2022

Notice is hereby given that Articles of Dissolution have been filed by ALL4ONE FITNESS, INC., Omaha, Nebraska, a Corporation organized under the laws of the State of Nebraska. Erin Strufing, President, is the person designated to wind up the corporation and liquidate its business and affairs. There are no assets or liabilities of the corporation. Parties with claims against ALL4ONE FITNESS, INC. are directed to provide the following information in writing: (1) your name and/or the name of your entity; (2) the nature of your claim; (3) the amount of your claim; and (4) the date your claim arose. Please send the information to Erin Strufing, 19819 Marcy Street, Elkhorn, NE 68022. All claims against the corporation will be barred unless a proceeding to enforce such claims is commenced within five (5) years after the publication date of the third required notice. Erin Strufing, President First publication April 22, 2022, final May 6, 2022

ERICKSON | SEDERSTROM, P.C. 10330 Regency Parkway Drive Omaha, NE 68114 NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION OF CARDINAL POINT COUNSELING, LLC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Cardinal Point Counseling, LLC, a Nebraska limited liability company has been duly organized under the laws of the State of Nebraska, with its desig-nated office located at 17330 Wright Street, Suite 105, Omaha, Nebraska 68130 and designating its registered agent as Erickson & Sederstrom, P.C. a limited liability organization with its registered office at 10330 Regency Parkway Drive, Suite 100, Omaha, Nebraska 68114. First publication April 22, 2022, final May 6, 2022

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NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION OF INSPIRE YOUR WHY COMPANY NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Inspire Your Why Company (the “Company”) has been organized under the laws of the State of Nebraska. The Designated Office Address of the Company is 6211 Blondo Street, Omaha, Nebraska 68104. The Registered Agent of the Company is Gisela Barnett, 11213 T Plaza, Apt 205, Omaha, Nebraska 68137. First publication April 22, 2022, final May 6, 2022 NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION CORDONTECH USA, LLC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Cordontech USA, LLC (the “Company”) has been organized under the laws of the State of Nebraska. The Designated Office Address of the Company is 4611 South 96th Street, Suite 121, Omaha, Nebraska 68127. The Registered Agent of the Company is DDLG Business Services, Inc., 9500 West Dodge Road, Suite 100, Omaha, Nebraska 68114. Dvorak Law Group, LLC 9500 West Dodge Road Suite 100 Omaha, NE 68114 First publication April 22, 2022, final May 6, 2022 NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION Notice is hereby given that DC SCHROEDER HOLDINGS, LLC has been organized under the laws of the State of Nebraska with the following registered agent and registered office: Drew A. Schroeder, 4514 North 207th Circle, Elkhorn, NE 68022. The designated office is 4514 North 207th Circle, Elkhorn, NE 68022. The general nature of the business to be transacted is any or all lawful business. The business commenced on April 8, 2022, and it shall continue in perpetuity. First publication April 22, 2022, final May 6, 2022 NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION Notice is hereby given that WESTSIDE EXCHANGE, LLC has been organized under the laws of the State of Nebraska with the following registered agent and registered office: Sean S. Petersen, 208 North 130th Street, Omaha, NE 68154. The designated office is 208 North 130th Street, Omaha, NE 68154. The general nature of the business to be transacted is any or all lawful business. The business commenced on August 3, 2021, and it shall continue in perpetuity. First publication April 22, 2022, final May 6, 2022 NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION Notice is hereby given that KEYS PLEASE 2, LLC has been organized under the laws of the State of Nebraska with the following registered agent and registered office: Sean S. Petersen, 208 North 130th Street, Omaha, NE 68154. The designated office is 208 North 130th Street, Omaha, NE 68154. The general nature of the business to be transacted is any or all lawful business. The business commenced on February 16, 2022, and it shall continue in perpetuity. First publication April 22, 2022, final May 6, 2022 NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION Notice is hereby given that NICE GUYS FLOORING, LLC has been organized under the laws of the State of Nebraska with the following registered agent and registered office: Joseph A. Dovali, 3377 South 112th Street, Omaha, NE 68144. The designated office is 3377 South 112th Street, Omaha, NE 68144. The general nature of the business to be transacted is any or all lawful business. The business commenced on February 24, 2022, and it shall continue in perpetuity. First publication April 22, 2022, final May 6, 2022 NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION Notice is hereby given that PH VENTURES, LLC has been organized under the laws of the State of Nebraska with the following registered agent and registered office: Jill Kambell, 13340 California Street, Suite 102, Omaha, NE 68154. The designated office is 13340 California Street, Suite 102, Omaha, NE 68154. The general nature of the business to be transacted is any or all lawful business. The business commenced on June 8, 2021, and it shall continue in perpetuity. First publication April 22, 2022, final May 6, 2022 NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION Notice is hereby given that IRON HOLDINGS, LLC has been organized under the laws of the State of Nebraska with the following registered agent and registered office: Jill Kambell, 13340 California Street, Suite 201, Omaha, NE 68154. The designated office is 13340 California Street, Suite 201, Omaha, NE 68154. The general nature of the business to be transacted is any or all lawful business. The business commenced on May 10, 2021, and it shall continue in perpetuity. First publication April 22, 2022, final May 6, 2022 Notice is given that the undersigned has organized a limited liability company known as Taggart, LLC with its initial registered office at 7310 Rachel Road, Lincoln, NE 68516 with its initial designated office being the same as the registered office. The initial agent for service of process of the company is Tony Mc Taggart. The company commenced on September 2, 2021. /s/ Shawn M. Ilg Organizer and Attorney at Law 17117 Burt, Omaha NE 68118 First publication April 22, 2022, final May 6, 2022

KOLEY JESSEN P.C., L.L.O., Attorneys 1125 South 103rd Street, Suite 800 Omaha, Nebraska 68124 NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION OF B&WW LINCOLN, LLC The name of the Company is B&WW Lincoln, LLC. The Designated Office of the Company is: 1125 South 103rd Street, Suite 800, Omaha, Nebraska 68124. The Registered Agent and Office of the Company is: Koley Jessen P.C., L.L.O., 1125 South 103rd Street, Suite 800, Omaha, Nebraska 68124. This limited liability company commenced business on April 5, 2022. First publication April 15, 2022, final April 29, 2022

ERICKSON | SEDERSTROM, P.C. 10330 Regency Parkway Drive Omaha, NE 68114 NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION OF AWC FINANCIAL, LLC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that AWC Financial, LLC, a Nebraska limited liability company, has been duly organized under the laws of the State of Nebraska, with its designated office located at 302 Pierce Street, Papillion, NE 68046 and designating its registered agent as Tiffany Talmon with her registered office at 302 Pierce Street, Papillion, NE 68046. First publication April 15, 2022, final April 29, 2022

KOLEY JESSEN P.C., L.L.O., Attorneys 1125 South 103rd Street, Suite 800, One Pacific Place Omaha, Nebraska 68124-1079 NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION OF Blackstone East 3700, LLC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Blackstone East 3700, LLC has been organized under the laws of the State of Nebraska. The designated office of the limited liability company is 3814 Farnam Street, Suite 201, Omaha, Nebraska 68131. The registered agent and office of the limited liability company is Thomas H. McLeay, 3814 Farnam Street, Suite 201, Omaha, Nebraska 68131. The Certificate of Organization was filed with the Nebraska Secretary of State on April 5, 2022. First publication April 15, 2022, final April 29, 2022

Matthew Wurstner, Attorney CARLSON & BLAKEMAN, LLP 2002 Douglas Street, Ste. 100 Omaha, NE 68102 NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION OF SJS YOST HOLDINGS, LLC Notice is hereby given that SJS YOST HOLDINGS, LLC is organized under the laws of the State of Nebraska. The initial designated office is 2002 Douglas Street, Ste. 100, Omaha, NE 68102. The Company’s initial registered agent in the State of Nebraska is Matthew Wurstner, whose address is 2002 Douglas Street, Ste. 100, Omaha, NE 68102. The purpose of the Company is to engage in any lawful business and activity, as may be mutually agreed upon by the Members from time to time, and which are not prohibited by the Nebraska Uniform Limited Liability Company Act. The Company commenced with filing its Certificate of Organization on April 5, 2022, and shall have a perpetual period of duration. The Company is a Manager Managed Limited Liability Company. The initial Manager of the Company is Shane Yost whose address is 9511 Frederick Circle, Omaha, NE 68124. Matthew Wurstner, Organizer First publication April 15, 2022, final April 29, 2022

NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION OF SUPERIOR FLOORING, LLC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Superior Flooring, LLC has been organized under the laws of the State of Nebraska. The designated office of the limited liability company is 20136 Glenmore Drive Apt 107, Gretna NE 68028. The registered agent and office of the limited liability company is Brandon Witzel, 20136 Glenmore Drive Apt 107, Gretna NE 68028. The limited liability company commenced business on April 1, 2022. First publication April 15, 2022, final April 29, 2022

Andrew J. Huber, Attorney LAMSON DUGAN & MURRAY LLP 10306 Regency Parkway Drive Omaha, Nebraska 68114 NOTICE OF THE ORGANIZATION OF BENES GROUP, LLC Notice is hereby given of the formation of a limited liability company under the laws of the State of Nebraska, and that the name of the limited liability company is Benes Group, LLC. The address of the initial designated office is 520 S. 3rd Avenue, Blair, Nebraska 68008. The name and address of the registered agent and office is LDM Business Services, Inc, 10306 Regency Parkway Drive, Omaha, Nebraska 68114. The general nature of the business is any or all lawful business. The company commenced existence on April 5, 2022 and shall have a perpetual duration. The affairs of the company shall be conducted by the Members, as prescribed by the Operating Agreement. LDM Business Services, Inc., Organizer First publication April 15, 2022, final April 29, 2022

MuranteLaw, LLC 1125 S. 119th Street Omaha, NE 68144 NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION Philip S. Murante, as Organizer, filed a certificate of organization with the Secretary of State of Nebraska forming Operating Flee, LLC (the “Company”) as a professional limited liability company under Nebraska law. The principal office and designated address of the Company is 1125 S. 119th Street, Omaha, NE 68144. The initial registered agent is Philip S. Murante, located at 1125 S 119th Street, Omaha, NE 68124. First publication April 15, 2022, final April 29, 2022

MuranteLaw, LLC 1125 S. 119th Street Omaha, NE 68144 NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION Philip S. Murante, as Organizer, filed a certificate of organization with the Secretary of State of Nebraska forming Cutchall Capital, LLC (the “Company”) under Nebraska law. The Company’s designated office is 13305 Birch Drive, Suite 201, Omaha, NE 68164. The initial registered agent is Cutchall Management Company, Inc., located at 13305 Birch Drive, Suite 201, Omaha, NE 68164. First publication April 15, 2022, final April 29, 2022

MuranteLaw, LLC 1125 S. 119th Street Omaha, NE 68144 NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION Philip S. Murante, as Organizer, filed a certificate of organization with the Secretary of State of Nebraska forming CMC – Paradise, LLC (the “Company”) under Nebraska law. The Company’s designated office is 13305 Birch Drive, Suite 201, Omaha, NE 68164. The initial registered agent is Cutchall Management Company, Inc., located at 13305 Birch Drive, Suite 201, Omaha, NE 68164. First publication April 15, 2022, final April 29, 2022

MuranteLaw, LLC 1125 S. 119th Street Omaha, NE 68144 NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION Philip S. Murante, as Organizer, filed a certificate of organization with the Secretary of State of Nebraska forming CMC – Lettuce Express, LLC (the “Company”) under Nebraska law. The Company’s designated office is 13305 Birch Drive, Suite 201, Omaha, NE 68164. The initial registered agent is Cutchall Management Company, Inc., located at 13305 Birch Drive, Suite 201, Omaha, NE 68164. First publication April 15, 2022, final April 29, 2022

MuranteLaw, LLC 1125 S. 119th Street Omaha, NE 68144 NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION Philip S. Murante, as Organizer, filed a certificate of organization with the Secretary of State of Nebraska forming CMC Investments, LLC (the “Company”) under Nebraska law. The Company’s designated office is 13305 Birch Drive, Suite 201, Omaha, NE 68164. The initial registered agent is Cutchall Management Company, Inc., located at 13305 Birch Drive, Suite 201, Omaha, NE 68164. First publication April 15, 2022, final April 29, 2022

MuranteLaw, LLC 1125 S. 119th Street Omaha, NE 68144 NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION Philip S. Murante, as Organizer, filed a certificate of organization with the Secretary of State of Nebraska forming CMC – Oklahoma Joe’s, LLC (the “Company”) under Nebraska law. The Company’s designated office is 13305 Birch Drive, Suite 201, Omaha, NE 68164. The initial registered agent is Cutchall Management Company, Inc., located at 13305 Birch Drive, Suite 201, Omaha, NE 68164. First publication April 15, 2022, final April 29, 2022

NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION OF SO IT FLOWS NOTICE IS HEREBYGIVEN that So It Flows, LLC (the “Company”) has been organized under the laws of the State of Nebraska. The Designated Office Address of the Company is 5111 Union Hill Rd, Lincoln, NE 68516. The Registered Agent of the Company is Adam Prochaska, O’Neill, Heinrich, Damkroger, Bergmeyer & Shultz, P.C., L.L.O., 129 S. 13th St., Lincoln, NE 68508. First publication April 15, 2022, final April 29, 2022

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Notice is hereby given that a Termination of Notice of Commencement was recorded on March 1, 2022, with the Douglas County Register of Deeds, Instr. No: 2022021795. Description of Property: Lots 4, 5 and 6, Block 2, Westroads Addition, an Addition to the City of Omaha, as surveyed, platted and recorded in Douglas County, Nebraska. Contracting Owners: Westroads Pointe, LLC, 1015 North 98th Street, Suite 200, Omaha, Nebraska 68114 and QSM Real Estate, LLC c/o Clay Rogers, Slusky Pohren & Rogers LLP, 3555 Farnam Street, Suite 1000, Omaha, Nebraska 68131. The contracting owners’ interest in the real estate is fee simple, subject to easements, cove-nants and restrictions of record, if any. The name and address of the fee simple title holders, if other than the contracting owner is: same. The Notice of Commencement to which this Termination applies was recorded on May 6, 2021, as Instrument No. 2021059291, in the records of the Register of Deeds of Douglas County, Ne-braska. The Notice of Commencement identified above shall be terminated on March 31, 2022. All lien claims for which a notice of lien is not recorded by the termination date referenced above may be defeated by a transfer of the real estate. First publication April 15, 2022, final April 29, 2022

Notice of Organization BS Kraeger, LLC Notice is hereby given that BS Kraeger, LLC, a Nebraska Limited Liability Company, has been organized under the laws of the State of Nebraska, with its initial designated office at 7908 Mill Road, Plattsmouth, NE 68048, and with its initial agent for service of process as Bruce Kraeger, 7908 Mill Road, Plattsmouth, NE 68048. First publication April 15, 2022, final April 29, 2022

Jeffrey T. Palzer Attorney at Law 10828 Old Mill Road, Suite 6 Omaha, Nebraska 68154 NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION 1. The name of the Company is CORN FED HOLDING COMPANY, LLC. 2 The street address of the initial designated office is 1200 Deer Run Lane, Murray, NE 68409. The registered agent is Jeffrey T. Palzer and the Registered Agent’s address is 10828 Old Mill Road, Suite 6, Omaha, NE 68154. 3. The general nature of the Company is concrete related services. 4. The Company commenced on December 9, 2021. 5. It shall have perpetual existence. 6. The affairs of the Company are to be conducted by Members, the President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and such other officers as the Members shall determine. First publication April 15, 2022, final April 29, 2022

Koley Jessen P.C., L.L.O., Attorneys 1125 South 103rd Street, Suite 800, One Pacific Place Omaha, NE 68124-1079 NOTICE OF AMENDED CERTIFICATE OF ORGANIZATION OF FOOT AND ANKLE CENTER OF IOWA, LLC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Certificate of Organization of Foot and Ankle Center of Iowa, LLC has been amended to change the name of the company to: Foot and Ankle Center of Nebraska and Iowa, LLC. The amendment was accomplished by the filing of an Amended Certificate of Organization with the Nebraska Secretary of State on April 6, 2022. First publication April 15, 2022, final April 29, 2022

Koley Jessen P.C., L.L.O., Attorneys 1125 South 103rd Street, Suite 800, One Pacific Place Omaha, NE 68124-1079 NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION OF BRAIN HEALTH NEBRASKA LLC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Brain Health Nebraska LLC has been organized under the laws of the State of Nebraska. The limited liability company shall provide medical services. The designated office of the limited liability company is 1125 South 103rd Street, Suite 800, Omaha, Nebraska 68124. The registered agent and office of the limited liability company is Koley Jessen P.C., L.L.O., 1125 South 103rd Street, Suite 800, Omaha, Nebraska 68124. The Certificate of Organization was filed on April 6, 2022. First publication April 15, 2022, final April 29, 2022

Amanda M. Forker, Attorney PANSING HOGAN ERNST & BACHMAN LLP 10250 Regency Circle, Suite 300 Omaha, Nebraska 68114 NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION OF TTC INVESTMENTS, LLC Notice is hereby given of the organization of TTC Investments, LLC. 1. The name of the limited liability company is TTC Investments, LLC. 2. The street and mailing address of the initial designated office is 19302 Williams Street, Omaha, Nebraska 68130. 3. The name and street address of the initial agent for service of process is Amanda M. Forker, 10250 Regency Circle, Suite 300, Omaha, Nebraska 68114. First publication April 22, 2022, final May 6, 2022

ERICKSON | SEDERSTROM, P.C. Suite 100, Regency Westpointe 10330 Regency Parkway Drive Omaha, Nebraska 68114 NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION On April 14, 2022, Loving Investments for Eternity, Inc., a Nebraska nonprofit corporation (“Corporation”) filed Articles of Dissolution with the Nebraska Secretary of State. The terms of the dissolution provide for the payment of all liabilities of the Corporation and the distribution of all remaining assets. Larry Wolfe, as President, is to wind up and liquidate the corporate affairs and distribute its assets. The Corporation has no assets and no liabilities. First publication April 22, 2022, final May 6, 2022

JOHN Q. BACHMAN, Attorney PANSING HOGAN ERNST & BACHMAN LLP 10250 Regency Circle, Suite 300 Omaha, Nebraska 68114 NOTICE OF INCORPORATION OF HEARTWOOD ESTATES HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION Notice is hereby given of the incorporation of Heartwood Estates Homeowners Association under the laws of the State of Nebraska as follows: 1. The name of the Corporation is Heartwood Estates Homeowners Association. 2. The Corporation is a mutual benefit corporation. 3. The address of the initial registered office is 10250 Regency Circle, Suite 300, Omaha, Nebraska 68114, and the name of the initial registered agent at that office is John Q. Bachman. 4. The name and street address of the incorporator are as follows: John Q. Bachman 10250 Regency Circle, Suite 300 Omaha, NE 68114 5. The Corporation will have members. First publication April 22, 2022, final May 6, 2022

KOLEY JESSEN P.C., L.L.O., Attorneys 1125 South 103rd Street, Suite 800, One Pacific Place Omaha, Nebraska 68124-1079 NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION OF CMC REAL PROPERTY HOLDINGS, LLC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that cMc Real Property Holdings, LLC, has been organized under the laws of the State of Nebraska. The designated office of the limited liability company is 1601 Dodge Street, Suite 3800, Omaha, NE 68102. The registered agent and office of the limited liability company is Koley Jessen P.C., L.L.O., 1125 South 103rd Street, Suite 800, Omaha, Nebraska 68124. The limited liability company commenced business on April 15, 2022. First publication April 22, 2022, final May 6, 2022

KOLEY JESSEN P.C., L.L.O., Attorneys 1125 South 103rd Street, Suite 800, One Pacific Place Omaha, Nebraska 68124-1079 NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION AND AMENDMENT OF FOURTH STATION, LLC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Fourth Station, LLC has been organized amended to change its name to 4th Station, LLC under the laws of the State of Nebraska. The designated office of the limited liability company is 2523 Farnam Street, Apt. #203, Omaha, Nebraska 68131. The registered agent and office of the limited liability company is Nick Joubert, 2523 Farnam Street, Apt. #203, Omaha, Nebraska 68131. The Certificate of Organization was filed with the Nebraska Secretary of State on April 12, 2022 and amended on April 15, 2022 First publication April 22, 2022, final May 6, 2022

NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION BEEFCAKE CONSTRUCTION, LLC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that BeefCake Construction, LLC (the “Company”) has been organized under the laws of the State of Nebraska. The Designated Office Address of the Company is 9500 West Dodge Road, Suite 100, Omaha, Nebraska 68114. The Registered Agent of the Company is DDLG Business Services, Inc., 9500 West Dodge Road, Suite 100, Omaha, Nebraska 68114. Dvorak Law Group, LLC 9500 West Dodge Road Suite 100 Omaha, NE 68114 First publication April 22, 2022, final May 6, 2022 KOLEY JESSEN P.C., L.L.O., Attorneys 1125 South 103rd Street, Suite 800 Omaha, Nebraska 68124 NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION OF MFK PROPERTIES, LLC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that MFK Properties, LLC has been organized under the laws of the State of Nebraska. The designated office of the limited liability company is 5115 Cuming Street, Omaha, Nebraska 68132. The registered agent and office of the limited liability company is Koley Jessen P.C., L.L.O., 1125 South 103rd Street, Suite 800, Omaha, Nebraska 68124. The limited liability company commenced business on April 15, 2022. First publication April 22, 2022, final May 6, 2022

Gnuse LAW OFFICE, P.C. 11311 Chicago Circle Omaha, NE 68154 Rodney G. Gnuse NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION OF JJ’S SPECIAL TREAT, L.L.C. A Nebraska Limited Liability Company Notice is hereby given that JJ’s Special Treat, L.L.C., a Nebraska Limited Liability Company, has been organized under the laws of the State of Nebraska, with its designated office located at 11311 Chicago Circle, Omaha, NE 68154. The general nature of its business is to engage in and do any lawful act concerning any and all lawful business for which a limited liability company may be organized under the laws of the State of Nebraska. The address of the limited liability company’s initial registered office is 11311 Chicago Circle, Omaha, NE 68154 and the name of its’ initial registered agent at such address is Rodney G. Gnuse. The Certificate of Organization was filed in the office of the Nebraska Secretary of State on April 14, 2022. The Company commenced business thereon and shall have perpetual existence. The affairs of the Company are to be conducted by the Members. Rodney G. Gnuse Organizer First publication April 22, 2022, final May 6, 2022

ERICKSON | SEDERSTROM, P.C. 10330 Regency Parkway Drive Omaha, NE 68114 NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION OF LYNDA’S BATH FIZZYS, LLC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Lynda’s Bath Fizzys, LLC, a Nebraska limited liability company has been duly organized under the laws of the State of Nebraska, with its designated office located at 12504 Crawford Road, Omaha, Nebraska 68144 and designating its registered agent as Erickson & Sederstrom, P.C. a limited liability organization with its registered office at 10330 Regency Parkway Drive, Suite 100, Omaha, Nebraska 68114. First publication April 22, 2022, final May 6, 2022

ERICKSON | SEDERSTROM, P.C. 10330 Regency Parkway Drive Omaha, NE 68114 NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION OF JUST JANEL, LLC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Just Janel, LLC, a Nebraska limited liability company (the “Company”), has been duly organized under the laws of the State of Nebraska, with its designated office located at 1206 Mayberry Plaza, Omaha, Nebraska 68108 and designating its registered agent as Erickson & Sederstrom, P.C. a limited liability organization with its registered office at 10330 Regency Parkway Drive, Suite 100, Omaha, Nebraska 68114. First publication April 22, 2022, final May 6, 2022

NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION OF THE SAMPLING COMPANY LLC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that The Sampling Company LLC (the “Company”) has been organized under the laws of the State of Nebraska. The Designated Office Address of the Company is 6032 So 156th Ave Cir, Omaha, Nebraska 68135. The Registered Agent of the Company is USCA, Inc. located at 1603 Farnam Street, Omaha, NE 68102. First publication April 22, 2022, final May 6, 2022

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ERICKSON | SEDERSTROM, P.C. 10330 Regency Parkway Drive Omaha, NE 68114 NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION OF ASSOCIATED ELECTRICAL SALES, LLC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Associated Electrical Sales, LLC, a Nebraska limited liability company has been duly organized under the laws of the State of Nebraska, with its designated office located at 26603 Taylor Street, Valley, Nebraska 68064 and designating its registered agent as Erickson & Sederstrom P.C. a limited liability organization with its registered office at 10330 Regency Parkway Drive, Suite 100, Omaha, Nebraska 68114. First publication April 29, 2022, final May 13, 2022 Steven G. Ranum CROKER HUCK LAW FIRM 2120 South 72nd Street, Suite 1200 Omaha, NE 68124 (402) 391-6777 NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the County Court of Douglas County, Nebraska. PR22-693 Estate of Barbara Jean Pittman, Deceased Notice is hereby given that on the April 14, 2022, in the County Court of Douglas County, Nebraska, the Registrar issued a written statement of Informal Appointment of Personal Representative of Intestacy and that Tina Steward, whose address is 4223 Grand Avenue, Omaha, Nebraska 68111, was informally appointed by the Registrar as Personal Representative of the Estate. Creditors of this estate must file their claims with this Court, located at Courtroom No. 330, Third Floor, Probate Division, Douglas County Hall of Justice, 17th & Farnam Streets, Omaha, NE 68183, on or before June 29, 2022 or be forever barred. CARROL MILLS Registrar of the County Court First publication April 29, 2022, final May 13, 2022 WHITMORE LAW OFFICE LLC 7602 PACIFIC STREET, SUITE 200 OMAHA,NEBRASKA 68114 NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION Notice is hereby given that Palmer Group LLC has been organized as a professional limited liability company under the Nebraska Uniform Limited Liability Company Act. The Designated Office of the Company is 12074 S 78th Street, Papillion, Nebraska 68046. The Registered Agent of the Company is Brian Palmer, 12074 S 78th Street, Papillion, Nebraska 68046. The Company’s members, managers and professional employees are licensed or otherwise legally authorized to practice as real estate agents in the State of Nebraska. The Company was formed on April 18, 2022. First publication April 29, 2022, final May 13, 2022 Walentine O’Toole, LLP Attorneys 11240 Davenport Street P.O. Box 540125 Omaha, NE 68154 NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION OF BIG A PROPERTIES, LLC BIG A PROPERTIES, LLC, with its initial designated office at 4312 Pine St., Omaha, NE 68105, gives notice that it filed its Certificate of Organization with the Nebraska Secretary of State on April 18, 2022, and that it has been organized as a Nebraska limited liability company under the laws of the State of Nebraska. The initial agent for service of process is David P. Wilson, and his initial mailing address is 11240 Davenport St., Omaha, NE 68154. The company’s period of duration is perpetual, and the general nature of its business is to engage in any and all lawful business for which a limited liability company may be organized under the laws of the State of Nebraska. Michael Anderson, Manager First publication April 29, 2022, final May 13, 2022 STEVEN G. RANUM, Attorney CROKER HUCK LAW FIRM 2120 S. 72ND STREET, SUITE 1200 OMAHA, NEBRASKA 68124 NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION OF FIELDS OF MEMORIES, LLC The name of the limited liability company is Fields of Memories, LLC. The address of the initial designated office is 5813 North 209th Street, Elkhorn, NE 68022. The name and address of the initial agent for service of process is Croker, Huck, Kasher, DeWitt, Anderson & Gonderinger, LLC, 2120 South 72nd Street, Suite 1200, Omaha, NE 68124. First publication April 29, 2022, final May 13, 2022 Notice is given that the undersigned has organized a limited liability company known as TL Hauling, LLC with its initial registered office at 904 Quail Ridge Circle, Papillion, NE 68046 with its initial designated office being the same as the registered office. The initial agent for service of process of the company is Trent Czerwinski. The company commenced on DECEMBER 29, 2021. /s/ Shawn M. Ilg Organizer and Attorney at Law 17117 Burt, Omaha NE 68118 April 29, 2022

Erin K. Artz, Attorney LAMSON, DUGAN & MURRAY, LLP 10306 Regency Parkway Drive Omaha, Nebraska 68114 NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION OF GSE, LLC Notice is hereby given of the formation of a limited liability company under the laws of the State of Nebraska, and that the name of the limited liability company is GSE, LLC. The address of the designated office is 5318 Corby, #6, Omaha, NE 68104. The name and address of the registered agent is LDM Business Services, Inc., 10306 Regency Parkway Drive, Omaha, NE 68114. The general nature of the business to be transacted is all lawful business. The company commenced existence on April 12, 2022 and shall have perpetual duration. The affairs of the company shall be conducted by the Members, as prescribed by the Operating Agreement. LDM Business Services, Inc., Incorporator First publication April 22, 2022, final May 6, 2022 NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION of a Limited Liability Company Notice is hereby given the registration with the Nebraska Secretary of State’s office of Limitless Short-Term Rentals, LLC under the laws of the State of Nebraska as follows: The name of the company is Limitless Short-Term Rentals, LLC. Registered agent and office of Limitless Short-Term Rentals, LLC is August Brill Hogan III at 815 S 120th Avenue, Omaha, NE 68154. The designated address is 815 S 120th Avenue, Omaha, NE 68154. Initial members: August Brill Hogan III. General nature of the business is to transact any and all lawful business for which limited liability companies are allowed by statute. The LLC was organized in April 2022 for the perpetual duration and is managed by its members. First publication April 22, 2022, final May 6, 2022 KOLEY JESSEN P.C., L.L.O., Attorneys 1125 South 103rd Street, Suite 800, One Pacific Place Omaha, Nebraska 68124-1079 NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION OF DOJO LOHO, LLC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that DOJO LOHO, LLC has been organized under the laws of the State of Nebraska. The designated office of the limited liability company is 1125 South 103rd Street, Suite 800, Omaha, Nebraska 68130. The registered agent and office of the limited liability company is Koley Jessen P.C., L.L.O., 1125 South 103rd Street, Suite 800, Omaha, Nebraska 68130. The Certificate of Organization was filed with the Nebraska Secretary of State on April 12, 2022. First publication April 22, 2022, final May 6, 2022 Notice is given that the undersigned has organized a limited liability company known as H & P Holdings, LLC with its initial registered office at 639 Waterloo Drive, Waterloo, NE 68069 with its initial designated office being the same as the registered office. The initial agent for service of process of the company is Harry Tkaczuk. The company commenced on September 2, 2021. /s/ Shawn M. Ilg Organizer and Attorney at Law 17117 Burt, Omaha NE 68118 First publication April 22, 2022, final May 6, 2022 Notice is given that the undersigned has organized a limited liability company known as Food Lovers, LLC with its initial registered office at 16802 Cady Circle, Omaha, NE 68116. with its initial designated office being the same as the registered office. The initial agent for service of process of the company is Stacy Winters. The company commenced on August 21, 2021. /s/ Shawn M. Ilg Organizer and Attorney at Law 17117 Burt, Omaha NE 68118 First publication April 22, 2022, final May 6, 2022 LEGAL NOTICE IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF SARPY COUNTY, NEBRASKA Case No. CI 22-73 JOSHUA P. HOSCHEID and JENNY M. HOSCHEID v. RICHARD J. JAY and CYNTHIA I. JAY TO: RICHARD J. JAY: You are hereby notified that on January 13, 2022, Plaintiffs, JOSHUA P. HOSCHEID and JENNY M. HOSCHEID, filed a Complaint against you in the District Court of Sarpy County, Nebraska at Case No. CI 22-73, the object of which is to seek a Judgment against you in the amount of $10,573.66 for Fraud/Material Misrepresentation and Violation of Neb. Rev. Stat. §76-2120; Fraudulent Concealment; and, Negligent Misrepresentation with respect to the sale of a certain residence in Sarpy County, Nebraska. You are required to answer said Complaint on or before June 5, 2022, or said Complaint against you will be taken as true and a Judgment will be entered against you for $10,573.66 plus court costs and attorney fees. James R. Place, #13343 PLACE LAW OFFICE Montana Building 2813 South 87th Avenue Omaha, Nebraska 68124 T: (402) 399-9200 F: (402) 399-9220 E: plo@placelawoffice.com Attorney for Plaintiffs First publication April 22, 2022, final May 6, 2022

LEGAL NOTICE IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF SARPY COUNTY, NEBRASKA Case No. CI 22-73 JOSHUA P. HOSCHEID and JENNY M. HOSCHEID v. RICHARD J. JAY and CYNTHIA I. JAY TO: CYNTHIA I. JAY: You are hereby notified that on January 13, 2022, Plaintiffs, JOSHUA P. HOSCHEID and JENNY M. HOSCHEID, filed a Complaint against you in the District Court of Sarpy County, Nebraska at Case No. CI 22-73, the object of which is to seek a Judgment against you in the amount of $10,573.66 for Fraud/Material Misrepresentation and Violation of Neb. Rev. Stat. §76-2120; Fraudulent Concealment; and, Negligent Misrepresentation with respect to the sale of a certain residence in Sarpy County, Nebraska. You are required to answer said Complaint on or before June 5, 2022, or said Complaint against you will be taken as true and a Judgment will be entered against you for $10,573.66 plus court costs and attorney fees. James R. Place, #13343 PLACE LAW OFFICE Montana Building 2813 South 87th Avenue Omaha, Nebraska 68124 T: (402) 399-9200 F: (402) 399-9220 E: plo@placelawoffice.com Attorney for Plaintiffs First publication April 22, 2022, final May 6, 2022 KOLEY JESSEN P.C., L.L.O., Attorneys 1125 South 103rd Street, Suite 800, One Pacific Place Omaha, Nebraska 68124-1079 NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION OF CQ ENTERPRISES, LLC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that CQ Enterprises, LLC has been organized under the laws of the State of Nebraska. The designated office of the limited liability company is 1125 South 103rd Street, Suite 800, Omaha, Nebraska 68124. The registered agent and office of the limited liability company is Koley Jessen P.C., L.L.O., 1125 South 103rd Street, Suite 800, Omaha, Nebraska 68124. The limited liability company commenced business on April 12, 2022. First publication April 22, 2022, final May 6, 2022 KOLEY JESSEN P.C., L.L.O., Attorneys 1125 South 103rd Street, Suite 800, One Pacific Place Omaha, Nebraska 68124-1079 NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION OF B STREET COLLISION CENTER – IRVINGTON, LLC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that B Street Collision Center – Irvington, LLC has been organized under the laws of the State of Nebraska. The designated office of the limited liability company is 13222 F Street, Omaha, Nebraska 68137. The registered agent and office of the limited liability company is Koley Jessen P.C., L.L.O., 1125 South 103rd Street, Suite 800, Omaha, Nebraska 68124. The Certificate of Organization was filed with the Nebraska Secretary of State on April 8, 2022. First publication April 22, 2022, final May 6, 2022 Notice is given that the undersigned has organized a limited liability company known as Omaha Pierce Street Rental, LLC with its initial registered office at 17117 Burt Street, NE 68118 with its initial designated office being the same as the registered office. The initial agent for service of process of the company is Shawn Ilg. The company commenced on September 2, 2021. /s/ Shawn M. Ilg Organizer and Attorney at Law 17117 Burt, Omaha NE 68118 First publication April 22, 2022, final May 6, 2022 Notice is given that the undersigned has organized a limited liability company known as Rookies Bar & Grill, LLC with its initial registered office at 14923 Seward Plaza, Omaha, NE 68154. with its initial designated office being the same as the registered office. The initial agent for service of process of the company is Neal D. Anding. The company commenced on August 21, 2021. /s/ Shawn M. Ilg Organizer and Attorney at Law 17117 Burt, Omaha NE 68118 First publication April 22, 2022, final May 6, 2022 WHITMORE LAW OFFICE LLC 7602 PACIFIC STREET, SUITE 200 OMAHA,NEBRASKA 68114 NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION Notice is hereby given that Shane Riggs Trucking LLC (the “Company”) has been organized under the laws of the State of Nebraska. The Designated Office of the Company is 11530 Stagecoach Road, Hickman, Nebraska 68372. The Registered Agent of the Company is Perry K. Wiseman, CPA, 1237 S 119th Street, Omaha, Nebraska 68144. The Company was formed on April 13, 2022. First publication April 22, 2022, final May 6, 2022

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SCOTT D. JOCHIM, Attorney CROKER HUCK LAW FIRM 2120 SOUTH 72ND STREET, SUITE 1200 OMAHA, NE 68124 NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION AND NOTICE TO CREDITORS OF DIVISION 15 SALES, INC. Pursuant to § 21-2,185 et seq. of the Nebraska Model Business Corporation Act, notice is hereby given that Division 15 Sales, Inc., a Nebraska corporation, filed Articles of Dissolution with the Secretary of State on April 14, 2022. The Corporation has no assets or known liabilities. Virgil Heppner, President, shall wind up and liquidate its business and affairs. If you have a claim against the Corporation, you should mail notice to Croker Huck Law Firm, 2120 South 72nd Street, Suite 1200, Omaha, Nebraska 68124, and include the following information: name of claimant, amount of claim, goods or services covered by the claim, date claim originated, supporting documentation (if available). Any claim against the corporation will be barred unless a proceeding to enforce said claim is commenced within three years of the date of this published notice. DIVISION 15 SALES, INC. By: Virgil Heppner, President First publication April 22, 2022, final May 6, 2022

KOLEY JESSEN P.C., L.L.O., Attorneys 1125 South 103rd Street, Suite 800, One Pacific Place Omaha, Nebraska 68124-1079 NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION OF BBWOEM, LLC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that BBWOEM, LLC, has been organized under the laws of the State of Nebraska. The designated office of the limited liability company 2974 S 84th Street, Omaha, Nebraska 68124 The registered agent and office of the limited liability company is Cale Furstenberg, 2974 S 84th Street, Omaha, Nebraska 68124. The limited liability company commenced business on April 12, 2022. First publication April 22, 2022, final May 6, 2022

Erin K. Artz, Attorney LAMSON, DUGAN & MURRAY, LLP 10306 Regency Parkway Drive Omaha, Nebraska 68114 NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION OF AUFENKAMP FARMS, LLC Notice is hereby given of the formation of a limited liability company under the laws of the State of Nebraska, and that the name of the limited liability company is AUFENKAMP FARMS, LLC. The address of the designated office is 64474 730 Road, Brownville, NE 68321. The name and address of the registered agent is LDM Business Services, Inc., 10306 Regency Parkway Drive, Omaha, NE 68114. The general nature of the business to be transacted is all lawful business. The company commenced existence on April 14, 2022 and shall have perpetual duration. The affairs of the company shall be conducted by the Members, as prescribed by the Operating Agreement. LDM Business Services, Inc., Incorporator First publication April 22, 2022, final May 6, 2022

MATTHEW T. PAYNE, Attorney PANSING HOGAN ERNST & BACHMAN LLP 10250 Regency Circle, Suite 300 Omaha, Nebraska 68114 NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION OF STORM DOG, LLC Notice is hereby given of the organization of Storm Dog, LLC. 1. The name of the limited liability company is Storm Dog, LLC. 2. The street and mailing address of the initial designated office is 10250 Regency Circle, Suite 300, Omaha, Nebraska 68114, and the name and street address of the initial agent for service of process is Matthew T. Payne, 10250 Regency Circle, Suite 300, Omaha, Nebraska 68114. First publication April 22, 2022, final May 6, 2022

Andrew J. Huber, Attorney LAMSON, DUGAN & MURRAY, LLP 10306 Regency Parkway Drive Omaha, Nebraska 68114 NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION OF OPTIMAL COUNSELING & CONSULTING, LLC Notice is hereby given of the formation of a limited liability company under the laws of the State of Nebraska, and that the name of the professional limited liability company is Optimal Counseling & Consulting, LLC. The address of the designated office is 6910 Pacific Street, Suite #320, Omaha, NE 68106. The name and address of the registered agent is LDM Business Services, Inc., 10306 Regency Parkway Drive, Omaha, NE 68114. The general nature of the business to be transacted is the practice of providing mental health counseling services. The company commenced existence on April 13, 2022, and shall have perpetual duration. The affairs of the company shall be conducted by the Members, as prescribed by the Operating Agreement. LDM Business Services, Inc., Organizer First publication April 22, 2022, final May 6, 2022

NOTICE OF INCORPORATION Nebraska Asian Peace Officer’s Association NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Nebraska Asian Peace Officer’s Association has been incorporated as a nonprofit corporation under the laws of the State of Nebraska on December 30, 2021 (the “Company”). The Corporation is a mutual benefit corporation. The Company has designated its registered agent as Anthony Nguyen, with registered office at 11616 Rainwood Road, Omaha, Nebraska. The incorporator is Anthony Nguyen with address at 11616 Rainwood Road, Omaha, Nebraska. The Company will have members. April 29, 2022 ERICKSON | SEDERSTROM, P.C. 10330 Regency Parkway Drive Omaha, NE 68114 NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION OF RAINBOW PEDIATRICS, LLC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Rainbow Pediatrics, LLC, a Nebraska limited liability company, has been duly organized under the laws of the State of Nebraska, with its designated office located at 18321 Willis Avenue, Elkhorn, NE 68022 and designating its registered agent as Erickson & Sederstrom, P.C., a Limited Liability Organization with its registered office at 10330 Regency Parkway Drive, Suite 100, Omaha, NE 68114. First publication April 29, 2022, final May 13, 2022 NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION For CORNER FOUR CONSULTING, LLC Corner Four Consulting, LLC, a Nebraska Limited Liability Company (the “Company”), filed its STATEMENT OF DISSOLUTION with the Nebraska Secretary of State on April 19, 2022. Persons with claims against the Company must present such claim to: Corner Four Consulting, LLC, c/o Aimee L. Lowe, 14301 FNB PKWY, STE 100, Omaha, NE 68154. Claims against the Company must include the following information: (i) claimant’s name, address and telephone number during business; (ii) any facts which may support the claim; and (iii) any amounts allegedly owed by the Company under the claim. Claims not including this information will not be reviewed. Any claims against this Company will be barred unless a proceeding to enforce such claims is commenced within five (5) years after the date this Notice is last published. Aimee L. Lowe, Organizer First publication April 29, 2022, final May 13, 2022 NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION 1. The name of the Limited Liability Company is MGL, LLC. 2. The designated office of the limited liability company is 9859 South 168th Avenue, Omaha, NE 68136. 3. The registered agent and office of the limited liability company is Andrew C. Sigerson, at 9859 South 168th Avenue, Omaha, NE 68136. 4. The purpose for which the company is organized is to engage in any and all business which is lawful under the Nebraska Uniform Limited Liability Company Act of the State of Nebraska. 5. The company commenced its existence on April 21, 2022, and the period of duration of the Company shall be perpetual. 6. The affairs of the company shall be conducted by its Members in accordance with the company’s operating agreement. First publication April 29, 2022, final May 13, 2022 NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION 1. The name of the Limited Liability Company is MAB BOF, LLC. 2. The designated office of the limited liability company is 2602 Platteview Road, Bellevue, NE 68123. 3. The registered agent and office of the limited liability company is Andrew C. Sigerson, PC, LLO, at 9859 South 168th Avenue, Omaha, NE 68136. 4. The purpose for which the company is organized is to engage in any and all business which is lawful under the Nebraska Uniform Limited Liability Company Act of the State of Nebraska. 5. The company commenced its existence on March 14, 2022, and the period of duration of the Company shall be perpetual. 6. The affairs of the company shall be conducted by its Members in accordance with the company’s operating agreement. First publication April 29, 2022, final May 13, 2022 KOLEY JESSEN P.C., L.L.O., Attorneys 1125 South 103rd Street, Suite 800 Omaha, Nebraska 68124 NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION OF SERVE MEDICAL SOLUTIONS, LLC The name of the Company is Serve Medical Solutions, LLC. The Designated Office of the Company is: 7909 Maui Circle, Papillion, Nebraska 68046. The Registered Agent and Office of the Company is: Koley Jessen P.C., L.L.O., 1125 South 103rd Street, Suite 800, Omaha, Nebraska 68124. This limited liability company commenced business on April 21, 2022. First publication April 29, 2022, final May 13, 2022

NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION 1. The name of the Limited Liability Company is MAB GREENLEAF, LLC. 2. The designated office of the limited liability company is 2602 Platteview Road, Bellevue, NE 68123. 3. The registered agent and office of the limited liability company is Andrew C. Sigerson, PC, LLO, at 9859 South 168th Avenue, Omaha, NE 68136. 4. The purpose for which the company is organized is to engage in any and all business which is lawful under the Nebraska Uniform Limited Liability Company Act of the State of Nebraska. 5. The company commenced its existence on February 17, 2022, and the period of duration of the Company shall be perpetual. 6. The affairs of the company shall be conducted by its Members in accordance with the company’s operating agreement. First publication April 29, 2022, final May 13, 2022

NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION 1. The name of the Limited Liability Company is MAB KARL, LLC. 2. The designated office of the limited liability company is 2602 Platteview Road, Bellevue, NE 68123. 3. The registered agent and office of the limited liability company is Andrew C. Sigerson, PC, LLO, at 9859 South 168th Avenue, Omaha, NE 68136. 4. The purpose for which the company is organized is to engage in any and all business which is lawful under the Nebraska Uniform Limited Liability Company Act of the State of Nebraska. 5. The company commenced its existence on February 17, 2022, and the period of duration of the Company shall be perpetual. 6. The affairs of the company shall be conducted by its Members in accordance with the company’s operating agreement. First publication April 29, 2022, final May 13, 2022

NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION 1. The name of the Limited Liability Company is MAB CASTILE, LLC. 2. The designated office of the limited liability company is 2602 Platteview Road, Bellevue, NE 68123. 3. The registered agent and office of the limited liability company is Andrew C. Sigerson, PC, LLO, at 9859 South 168th Avenue, Omaha, NE 68136. 4. The purpose for which the company is organized is to engage in any and all business which is lawful under the Nebraska Uniform Limited Liability Company Act of the State of Nebraska. 5. The company commenced its existence on February 17, 2022, and the period of duration of the Company shall be perpetual. 6. The affairs of the company shall be conducted by its Members in accordance with the company’s operating agreement. First publication April 29, 2022, final May 13, 2022

NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION of a Limited Liability Company Notice is hereby given the registration with the Nebraska Secretary of State’s office of Innovation Paint & Remodeling, LLC under the laws of the State of Nebraska as follows: The name of the company is Innovation Paint & Remodeling, LLC. Registered agent and office of Innovation Paint & Remodeling, LLC is Ciro Uriostegui at 1011 S 22nd Street, Omaha, NE 68108. The designated address is 1011 S 22nd Street, Omaha, NE 68108. Initial members: Ciro Uriostegui. General nature of the business is to transact any and all lawful business for which limited liability companies are allowed by statute. The LLC was organized in March 2022 for the perpetual duration and is managed by its members. First publication April 29, 2022, final May 13, 2022

NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION 1. The name of the Limited Liability Company is MAB PINTO, LLC. 2. The designated office of the limited liability company is 2602 Platteview Road, Bellevue, NE 68123. 3. The registered agent and office of the limited liability company is Andrew C. Sigerson, PC, LLO, at 9859 South 168th Avenue, Omaha, NE 68136. 4. The purpose for which the company is organized is to engage in any and all business which is lawful under the Nebraska Uniform Limited Liability Company Act of the State of Nebraska. 5. The company commenced its existence on February 17, 2022, and the period of duration of the Company shall be perpetual. 6. The affairs of the company shall be conducted by its Members in accordance with the company’s operating agreement. First publication April 29, 2022, final May 13, 2022 CERTIFICATE OF ORGANIZATION OF CARONITE CONSTRUCTION LLC A NEBRASKA LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY 1. The name of the limited liability company is CARONITE CONSTRUCTION LLC. 2. The period of duration for CARONITE CONSTRUCTION LLC is perpetual. 3. CARONITE CONSTRUCTION LLC is organized for the purpose of conducting any and all business as permitted by the Nebraska Uniform Limited Liability Company Act. 4. The address of the initial designated office for CARONITE CONSTRUCTION LLC in Nebraska is 6150 S 185th Ave, Omaha, NE 68135. 5. The name and address of the registered agent for CARONITE CONSTRUCTION LLC in Nebraska is Cynthia Breasch, 4879 S 132nd Ave, Omaha NE 68137. 6. Additional provisions, not inconsistent with the law, for the regulation of the internal affairs of the limited liability company shall be provided for in the Operating Agreement. 7. Troy Brannen, organizer(s) of CARONITE CONSTRUCTION LLC has signed the Foregoing Certificate of Organization effective this 9th Day of March 2022. First publication April 29, 2022, final May 13, 2022 NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION 1. The name of the Limited Liability Company is MAB OAK, LLC. 2. The designated office of the limited liability company is 2602 Platteview Road, Bellevue, NE 68123. 3. The registered agent and office of the limited liability company is Andrew C. Sigerson, PC, LLO, at 9859 South 168th Avenue, Omaha, NE 68136. 4. The purpose for which the company is organized is to engage in any and all business which is lawful under the Nebraska Uniform Limited Liability Company Act of the State of Nebraska. 5. The company commenced its existence on February 17, 2022, and the period of duration of the Company shall be perpetual. 6. The affairs of the company shall be conducted by its Members in accordance with the company’s operating agreement. First publication April 29, 2022, final May 13, 2022 NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION OF Lincoln Timing Association, inc. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Lincoln timing Association, inc (the “Company”) has been organized under the laws of the State of Nebraska. The Designated Office Address of the company is 1302 Bellevue Blvd N. Bellevue, NE 68005. The Registered Agent of the company is Mark Zitzlsperger, 1302 Bellevue Blvd N. Bellevue, NE 68005. First publication April 29, 2022, final May 13, 2022

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KOLEY JESSEN P.C., L.L.O., Attorneys 1125 South 103rd Street, Suite 800, One Pacific Place Omaha, Nebraska 68124-1079 NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION OF BRAD THE BUILDER, LLC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Brad the Builder, LLC has been organized under the laws of the State of Nebraska. The designated office of the limited liability company is 333 N. Spruce Street, Suite 103, Valley, Nebraska 68064. The registered agent and office of the limited liability company is Bradly A. Brown, 333 N. Spruce Street, Suite 103, Valley, Nebraska 68064. The Certificate of Organization was filed with the Nebraska Secretary of State on April 21, 2022. First publication April 29, 2022, final May 13, 2022 LAW OFFICES ABRAHAMS KASLOW & CASSMAN LLP 8712 WEST DODGE ROAD, SUITE 300 OMAHA, NEBRASKA 68114-3419 TELEPHONE 402-392-1250 FACSIMILE 402-392-0816 NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION Prairie Holdings Lincoln LLC has been organized as a limited liability company under the Nebraska Uniform Limited Liability Company Act. The address of the initial designated office of the company is 8712 West Dodge Road, Suite 300, Omaha, Nebraska 68114. The name and street and mailing address of the initial registered agent of the company for service of process are Andrew P. Deaver, Abrahams Kaslow & Cassman LLP, 8712 West Dodge Road, Suite 300, Omaha, Nebraska 68114. First publication April 29, 2022, final May 13, 2022 AMANDA M. BARRON, Attorney P.O. Box 597 Fremont, Nebraska 68026 LEGAL NOTICE TO THE DEFENDANT(s), DUSTIN M GARNER You are hereby notified that Credit Bureau Services, Inc., a corporation, filed its complaint in the County Court of DOUGLAS County, Nebraska on 01/05/2022 on Case Number CI22-269, the object and prayer of which is to recover the sum of $224.00, plus interest, attorney fees and court costs. You are required to answer the complaint of the Plaintiff on or before 06/13/2022 or the allegations in said complaint will be taken as true and judgment entered accordingly. CREDIT BUREAU SERVICES, INC., A CORPORATION First publication April 29, 2022, final May 13, 2022 NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION OF RUSHED2U LLC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that RUSHED2U LLC (the “Company”) has been organized under the laws of the State of Nebraska. The Designated Office Address of the Company is 2411 N. 22nd Street, Omaha, Nebraska 68110. The Registered Agent of the Company is Alex R. Simon 7921 Hascall Street, Omaha, Nebraska 68124. First publication April 29, 2022, final May 13, 2022 WHITMORE LAW OFFICE LLC 7602 PACIFIC STREET, SUITE 200 OMAHA,NEBRASKA 68114 NOTICE OF INCORPORATION Integrated Transportation Logistics Corp whose Registered Agent is Perry K. Wiseman, CPA, and whose Registered Office is located at 1237 S 119th Street, Omaha, Nebraska 68144, was formed on April 22, 2022 to engage in any lawful business in the State of Nebraska. The corporation has authorized and issued 10,000 shares of common stock at a par value of $1.00 per share. The name and address of the Incorporator is Thomas E. Whitmore, 7602 Pacific Street, Suite 200, Omaha, Nebraska 68114. /s/ Thomas E. Whitmore, Incorporator First publication April 29, 2022, final May 13, 2022

BENJAMIN J. PICK, Attorney PANSING HOGAN ERNST & BACHMAN LLP 10250 Regency Circle, Suite 300 Omaha, Nebraska 68114-3728 NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION OF MIDWEST PORTFOLIO 4, LLC Notice is hereby given of the organization of Midwest Portfolio 4, LLC: 1. The name of the limited liability company is Midwest Portfolio 4, LLC; and 2. The street and mailing address of the initial designated office is 117 S. 25th Street, Omaha, Nebraska 68131, and the name and street address of the initial agent for service of process is Benjamin J. Pick, 10250 Regency Circle, Suite 300, Omaha, Nebraska 68114. First publication April 29, 2022, final May 13, 2022 BENJAMIN J. PICK, Attorney PANSING HOGAN ERNST & BACHMAN LLP 10250 Regency Circle, Suite 300 Omaha, Nebraska 68114-3728 NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION OF MIDWEST PORTFOLIO MANAGERS 4, LLC Notice is hereby given of the organization of Midwest Portfolio Managers 4, LLC: 1. The name of the limited liability company is Midwest Portfolio Managers 4, LLC; and 2. The street and mailing address of the initial designated office is 117 S. 25th Street, Omaha, Nebraska 68131, and the name and street address of the initial agent for service of process is Benjamin J. Pick, 10250 Regency Circle, Suite 300, Omaha, Nebraska 68114. First publication April 29, 2022, final May 13, 2022 Dennis P. Lee #16296 Lee Law Office 2433 S. 130th Circle, Suite 300 Omaha, NE 68144 Ph: (402) 334-8055 legal@leelawoffice.com NOTICE OF SUIT TO: MARCIE HINTERMEISTER, 2464 Harney Street Apt 45, Omaha NE 68131, you are hereby notified that on March 2, 2022, Credit Acceptance Corporation filed a suit against you in the Douglas County Court at docket CI22-3195, the object in prayer of which was to secure a judgment against you in the amount of $3,745.20, together with court costs, interest and attorney’s fees as allowed by law. Unless you file your Answer with the Douglas County Court on or before the 20 day of June, 2022, the Petition against you will be considered as true and judgment will be entered against you accordingly. By: Dennis P. Lee First publication April 29, 2022, final May 20, 2022 APPLICATION FOR REGISTRATION OF TRADE NAME Trade Name to be registered is: Eden Tree Pro’s Name of Applicant: Eden Tree & Landscape Inc. Address: 13548 S 220TH ST SUITE 2 Gretna NE 68028 Applicant is a Corporation If other than an Individual, state under whose laws entity was formed: NE Date of first use of name in Nebraska: January, 1997 General nature of business: Tree Service BENJAMIN J. PICK Signature of Applicant or Legal Representative April 29, 2022 Koley Jessen P.C., L.L.O., Attorneys 1125 South 103rd Street, Suite 800, One Pacific Place Omaha, NE 68124-1079 NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION OF CLEVER CONSCIOUSNESS BEHAVIORAL THERAPY, LLC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Clever Consciousness Behavioral Therapy, LLC has been organized under the laws of the State of Nebraska. The limited liability company shall conduct the practice of psychology. The designated office of the limited liability company is 139 South 144th Street, P.O. Box 216, Omaha, Nebraska 68154. The registered agent and office of the limited liability company is Koley Jessen P.C., L.L.O., 1125 South 103rd Street, Suite 800, Omaha, Nebraska 68124. The Certificate of Organization was filed on April 19, 2022. First publication April 29, 2022, final May 13, 2022 APPLICATION FOR REGISTRATION OF TRADE NAME Trade Name to be registered is: Omaha Jazz Festival Name of Applicant: LSL ENTERTAINMENT LLC Address: 5714 Fort Street Omaha NE 68104 Applicant is a Limited Liability Company If other than an Individual, state under whose laws entity was formed: NE Date of first use of name in Nebraska: new General nature of business: Production of events, such a musical festival, concert, class, etc. SHONTELL PRINCE (PERKINS) Signature of Applicant or Legal Representative April 29, 2022

Erin K. Artz, Attorney LAMSON, DUGAN & MURRAY, LLP 10306 Regency Parkway Drive Omaha, Nebraska 68114 NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION OF ELKHORN VALLEY CONSULTING, LLC Notice is hereby given of the formation of a limited liability company under the laws of the State of Nebraska, and that the name of the limited liability company is ELKHORN VALLEY CONSULTING, LLC. The address of the designated office is 10306 Regency Parkway Drive, Omaha, NE 68114. The name and address of the registered agent is LDM Business Services, Inc., 10306 Regency Parkway Drive, Omaha, NE 68114. The general nature of the business to be transacted is all lawful business. The company commenced existence on April 19, 2022 and shall have perpetual duration. The affairs of the company shall be conducted by the Members, as prescribed by the Operating Agreement. LDM Business Services, Inc., Incorporator First publication April 29, 2022, final May 13, 2022 FITZGERALD, SCHORR, BARMETTLER & BRENNAN, P.C., L.L.O. 200 Regency One 10050 Regency Circle Omaha, Nebraska 68114-3794 NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION K1 Design Group LLC has been organized as a limited liability company under the Nebraska Uniform Limited Liability Company Act. The street and mailing address of the initial designated office of the Company is 21412 Honeysuckle Dr., Elkhorn, Nebraska 68022. The name, street and mailing address of the initial agent for service of process of the Company are David M. Hohman, 10050 Regency Circle, Suite 200 Omaha, NE 68114. Dated this 19th day of April, 2022. First publication April 29, 2022, final May 13, 2022 WHITMORE LAW OFFICE LLC 7602 PACIFIC STREET, SUITE 200 OMAHA,NEBRASKA 68114 NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION Notice is hereby given that Bentley Holdings LLC (the “Company”) has been organized under the laws of the State of Nebraska. The Designated Office of the Company is 18884 Mason Plaza, Elkhorn, Nebraska 68022. The Registered Agent of the Company is Kristi Ann Jeffrey, 18884 Mason Plaza, Elkhorn, Nebraska 68022. The Company was formed on April 19, 2022. First publication April 29, 2022, final May 13, 2022 NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION HARLANE6, LLC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that HarlanE6 (the “Company”) has been organized under the laws of the State of Nebraska. The Designated Office Address of the Company is 8213 South 103rd Street, LaVista, Nebraska, 68128. The Registered Agent of the Company is DDLG Business Services, Inc., 9500 West Dodge Road, Suite 100, Omaha, Nebraska, 68114. Dvorak Law Group, LLC 9500 West Dodge Road Suite 100 Omaha, NE 68114 First publication April 29, 2022, final May 13, 2022 ERICKSON | SEDERSTROM, P.C. 10330 Regency Parkway Drive Omaha, NE 68114 NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION OF PRIME TIME PROPERTIES, LLC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Prime Time Properties, LLC, a Nebraska limited liability company has been duly organized under the laws of the State of Nebraska, with its designated office located at 15380 Weir Street, Omaha, NE 68137 and designating its registered agent as Erickson & Sederstrom, P.C., a Limited Liability Organization with its registered office at 10330 Regency Parkway Drive, Suite 100, Omaha, NE 68114. First publication April 29, 2022, final May 13, 2022 NOTICE OF PUBLICATION TO: CHERMIKA THOMPSON You are hereby notified that on 12/03/21, the Plaintiff Credit Management Services, Inc., filed a Complaint in the COUNTY Court of DOUGLAS County, Nebraska, against you shown as Case Number CI21 21035 . The object and prayer of which is a judgment in the amount of 247.40, plus court costs, pre-judgment interest and attorney fees, if applicable. The Complaint prays that judgment be entered against you. You are hereby notified that you must answer the Complaint on or before 06/13/22 at the COUNTY court of DOUGLAS County, OMAHA Nebraska. Megan l Bischoff #25206 P.O. Box 1512 Grand Island, NE 68802 (308)398-3801 Attorney for Plaintiff First publication April 29, 2022, final May 13, 2022

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DAVID J. SKALKA, Attorney CROKER HUCK LAW FIRM 2120 S. 72ND STREET, SUITE 1200 OMAHA, NEBRASKA 68124 NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION OF GARRETT HOMES, LLC The name of the limited liability company is Garrett Homes, LLC. The address of the initial designated office is 404 South 198th Street, Elkhorn, NE 68022. The name and address of the initial agent for service of process is Croker, Huck, Kasher, DeWitt, Anderson & Gonderinger, LLC, 2120 South 72nd Street, Suite 1200, Omaha, NE 68124. First publication April 29, 2022, final May 13, 2022

APPLICATION FOR REGISTRATION OF TRADE NAME Trade Name to be registered is: GOOD LIFE COFFEE SHOP Name of Applicant: SITE DEVELOPMENT LEASE SIX, LLC Address: 10340 NORTH 84TH STREET OMAHA NE 68122 Applicant is a Limited Liability Company If other than an Individual, state under whose laws entity was formed: NEBRASKA Date of first use of name in Nebraska: JANUARY 1, 2022 General nature of business: OWNERSHIP AND OPERATIONS OF A COFFEE SHOP KENDRA J. RINGENBERG, GENERAL COUNSEL Signature of Applicant or Legal Representative April 29, 2022

APPLICATION FOR REGISTRATION OF TRADE NAME Trade Name to be registered is: THE BARRED OWL Name of Applicant: SITE DEVELOPMENT LEASE SIX, LLC Address: 10340 NORTH 84TH STREET OMAHA NE 68122 Applicant is a Limited Liability Company If other than an Individual, state under whose laws entity was formed: NEBRASKA Date of first use of name in Nebraska: JANUARY 1, 2022 General nature of business: OWNERSHIP AND OPERATION OF A COCKTAIL LOUNGE KENDRA J. RINGENBERG, GENERAL COUNSEL Signature of Applicant or Legal Representative April 29, 2022

APPLICATION FOR REGISTRATION OF TRADE NAME Trade Name to be registered is: THE SCARLET HOTEL Name of Applicant: SITE DEVELOPMENT LEASE SIX, LLC Address: 10340 NORTH 84TH STREET OMAHA NE 68122 Applicant is a Limited Liability Company If other than an Individual, state under whose laws entity was formed: NEBRASKA Date of first use of name in Nebraska: JANUARY 1, 2022 General nature of business: OWNERSHIP AND OPERATION OF A HOTEL KENDRA J. RINGENBERG, GENERAL COUNSEL Signature of Applicant or Legal Representative April 29, 2022

APPLICATION FOR REGISTRATION OF TRADE NAME Trade Name to be registered is: WELL & GOOD Name of Applicant: Site Development Lease Six, LLC Address: 10340 NORTH 84TH STREET Omaha NE 68122 Applicant is a Limited Liability Company If other than an Individual, state under whose laws entity was formed: NEBRASKA Date of first use of name in Nebraska: JANUARY 1, 2022 General nature of business: OWNERSHIP AND OPERATION OF A RESTAURANT KENDRA J. RINGENBERG, GENERAL COUNSEL Signature of Applicant or Legal Representative April 29, 2022

AMANDA M. BARRON, Attorney P.O. Box 597 Fremont, Nebraska 68026 LEGAL NOTICE TO THE DEFENDANT(s), ALICIA D. JENKINS You are hereby notified that Credit Bureau Services, Inc., a corporation, filed its complaint in the County Court of DOUGLAS County, Nebraska on 01/05/2022 on Case Number CI22-334, the object and prayer of which is to recover the sum of $380.75, plus interest, attorney fees and court costs. You are required to answer the complaint of the Plaintiff on or before 06/13/2022 or the allegations in said complaint will be taken as true and judgment entered accordingly. CREDIT BUREAU SERVICES, INC., A CORPORATION First publication April 29, 2022, final May 13, 2022.

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