Midlands Business Journal May 20, 2022

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May 20, 2022 • Price: $2.00

Vol. 48 No. 20



Alec Gorynski CEO


A Reunion That Demonstrates The True Power Of Partnership

From peers to partners, trust is the bond that brings CEO and founder, Mary Vandenack and managing member Rachel Truhlsen to practice together as part of Vandenack Weaver Truhlsen. Early in their careers, Mary Vandenack and Rachel Truhlsen had the opportunity to work together, at the law rm owned by Vandenack’s father. Since then, they have been on parallel paths – establishing their own law rms; focusing on estate planning, wealth preservation, business, tax planning, and more; sharing a client-rst philosophy; and pursuing philanthropic and leadership experiences with other women. Now the two are united again, practicing together at Vandenack Weaver Truhlsen.

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Rachel Truhlsen

Founder and Managing Member

Managing Member

For women in business, these are the connections that build the level of trust that leads to successful partnerships. They’re part of an expert and experienced team of attorneys and staff who are adept

After working together early in their

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highly personal, professional and legally sound manner. In the process, establishing lasting

of Nebraska is also a reunion for

relationships that reect the true power of

Mary Vandenack and Rachel Truhlsen.

partnership, in business, family and life.

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COVER STORY: LINCOLN COMMUNITY FOUNDATION Facilitates Philanthropy And Unites Community • Page 6 Established in 1975 FOUNDER, Robert G. ‘Bob’ Hoig (1932-2019) Publisher / CEO Andrea ‘Andee’ Hoig Editor & Vice President Of News Tiffany Brazda Assistant Editor / Staff Writer Savannah Behrends Advertising Assistant Julie Whitehead Office Assistant / Circulation Rosemary Gregurich


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CONTRIBUTORS CREATIVE: Jalapeño Designs • Mike Cottrell ALH Publications, Inc. • Rob Killmer


PHOTOGRAPHY: Debra Kaplan Jim Scholz, Scholz Images Monica Sempek Photography Roger Humphries Photography WRITERS: Rich Brown Dwain Hebda Gabby Hellbusch David Kubicek Michelle Leach Brooke Strickland SALES/MARKETING: K Steele Solutions • Karla Steele

GIVING: GIVE TO LINCOLN DAY Connecting the Community, Promoting Philanthropy • Page 8

ENERGY & UTILITIES: KEEPING THE LIGHTS ON Energy Sector Faces Stiff Challenges In Coming Months • Page 12


White Wolf Web • Printer Zane D. Randall (1925-2006) Co-founder LeAnne M. Iwan (1932-1986) First News Editor The Midlands Business Journal (ISSN 0194-4525) is published weekly plus one by MBJ Inc. and is available for $2.00 per individual copy or $84 per year. Editorial offices are 1308 S. 119th St., Omaha, NE 68144. Periodical postage paid at Omaha NE POSTMASTER; Send address changes to Midlands Business Journal, 1308 S. 119th St., Omaha, NE 68144. All submissions to the Midlands Business Journal become the property of the Midlands Business Journal and will not be returned. EDITORIAL ADVERTISING (402) 330-1760

Written permission must be obtained from Midlands Business Journal and MBJ, Inc., to post any of our stories or other published materials on a website. Under no circumstances, because of spamming potential and other issues, will permission be granted to transmit our stories by email. -The Publisher



SMALL BUSINESS: CONNECTOR: Lulubee Chocolates • Page 18

• CHAMBER NEWS Lincoln Chamber of Commerce Page 11 • IN THE SPOTLIGHT Paid content Page 22 • LEGAL NOTICES Page 23 Page 3 • May 20, 2022­




Tony DeSantis


Perfection is not attainable, but if we chase perfection we can catch excellence. - VINCE LOMBARDI What was your first job? Technically it was mowing lawns for the neighbors, but the first job I got a real paycheck from was lifeguarding and swim coaching. Biggest career break: Less than a year out of college, I took the stand in a corporate case we were assisting with. I testified to the difference between Excel and FoxPro and how they handled data. I was one of, if not the youngest, person to testify at the accounting firm I was with. That experience and exposure certainly played a role in my confidence throughout my career as well as well as opportunities I was afforded after that. What got you interested in your current field of work? An internship during college showed me the possibilities of blending technology and business. I enjoyed understanding how businesses operated, but also liked the technology side. Writing code, exploring data and ultimately creating meaningful insights out of the data. Blending both worlds was the perfect match for me. How do you create a work-life balance? For me it is about prioritization, time management and managing expectations on both fronts. With four active kids, I make it a priority to be present, attend, coach or participate in as many of their activities as possible. If that means working early or getting back to work later in the evening so I don’t miss those events, then I am all for that. Luckily, I work for a company that understands and supports that type of flexibility. But it’s also important to communicate at home about when I won’t be around or have work commitments. I feel like I’m constantly learning what works and doesn’t work, but communication for me has always been the key, whether that’s at home or with your bosses at work. What do you find appealing about your job? For me, the ability to help companies understand their business

better, get insights they may not have already had, and see that “ah-ha” moment of when they see the value of the reporting and analytics. I also like the fact that I am constantly problem solving. No two clients are exactly alike so I must be agile in my approach, decisions and solutioning for them. It keeps challenging me day in and day out.

at first Lutz was my side hustle. I consulted for them by day, and played CFO, COO, plumber, electrician, superfood ninja, and barista by night (or early morning). Eventually, with my wife took over more of the dayto-day operations at Vitality Bowls, and I took on the full-time role at Lutz and now the cafes have become my side hustle.

What have been some of the most memorable/ unusual projects you’ve been involved in? I’ve been lucky throughout my career to be involved in some really unique projects. I was involved in the UN Oil for Food investigation which looked at Saddam Hussein’s bribery and kickback scheme after sanctions as well as the Siemens AG Foreign Corrupt Practices Act investigation. Both of those projects involved the collection of hundreds of different data sources, piecing information together and trying to recreate the facts and circumstances of actions that occurred years in the past. Not only was the subject matter itself interesting, but the projects provided the opportunity to learn new technology, new analytic techniques and threw in some international travel. While maybe not as high profile, more recently I worked with a client to help them gain access to their data, visualize the data in more meaningful ways while also taking a reporting process that would take 10 - 12 hours a month, down to 30 minutes. With my current focus on small to mid-size clients, the ability to help them gain efficiencies, drive value and identify actionable insights, can make a significant difference to their livelihood.

What’s your favorite way to spend a day off? I love spending time with the family. Whether it’s coaching one of the kids, or attending one of their events, most weekends you’ll find me on a sideline somewhere.

Have you ever had a side hustle or considered having one? As I transitioned from my former role as a partner in the forensic department of a big four accounting firm to my current role at Lutz, my wife and I decided to open up a couple of Superfod Cafe’s called Vitality Bowls. I was introduced to Lutz during that time and

What career accomplishments are you the most proud of? For me, the accomplishments I’m most proud of are seeing the team members I led, trained, mentored, and developed that have gone on to their own successes. Throughout my career, I have been lucky enough to be heavily involved in the recruiting of team members, developing training and leading that training for new hires and building practices. For me, I have always been most proud when I see someone I hired out of school or hired onto the team reach new levels of success in their career. What are you currently working on? Currently I am focused on the continued build out of the Analytics and Insights Service line at Lutz. I am focused on our strategy and goals for the next 3 - 5 years as we continue to reimagine the value we can bring to our client. Being in the technology space, I need to be looking out to anticipate where things may be heading, while still serving our clients current needs.

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EMPOWERING, HELPING, impacting LINCOLN COMMUNITY FOUNDATION FACILITATES PHILANTHROPY AND UNITES COMMUNITY Serving as a connector and philanthropic partner to the Lincoln community since 1955, Lincoln Community Foundation continues to facilitate collaboration and philanthropy efforts across the city while focusing on the unique challenges and opportunities that exist for the future success of Lincoln.

A Faithful Steward

As the oldest community foundation in Nebraska, Lincoln Community Foundation defines its areas of work in three categories — the first being a philanthropic partner that works with donors to manage philanthropic interest by offering various tools such as donor advised funds and assistance with establishing endowment funds. In its second role as a community investor, Lincoln Community Foundation awards discretionary community grants, as well as scholarship programs on behalf of donors. Currently, Lincoln Community Foundation supports 90 scholarship funds across the state of Nebraska.

In 2021, the organization had a record-breaking year, generating $46 million in contributions. Alec Gorynski, CEO of Lincoln Community Foundation, said this amount represents funds that will be, or have been, reinvested in the Lincoln community. “On our grant making side and charitable program expenses into the community, we granted more than $23 million last year,” Gorynski said. “Some of that money represents our discretionary dollars, whether that is open door grants, which meet existing needs or address challenges and opportunities of nonprofit organizations, or it might be areas of affordable housing and early childhood education.” Finally, in its third role, Lincoln Community Foundation focuses on community leadership, which involves identifying and organizing efforts around the community’s unique needs. “Our responsibility goes well beyond just holding and deploying philanthropic resources in partnership with charitably-minded individuals in our community,” Gorynski said. “We also have the responsibility of truly knowing our community.”

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Charity exists because we can’t look to government institutions to solve our problems, instead we have to look inward and invest in the future of our community. - ALEC GORYNSKI, CEO OF LINCOLN COMMUNITY FOUNDATION

Implementing Data

One way Lincoln Community Foundation better understands the community and its citizens is through Lincoln Vital Signs — a massive data project, in partnership with the University of Nebraska’s public policy center, that was launched in 2014. Funded with discretionary resources, Lincoln Vital Signs is published every two years, providing a comprehensive look at the socioeconomic conditions of Lincoln. The 2022 iteration will be published in a few months. To utilize the data, Lincoln Community Foundation also initiated Prosper Lincoln, a collective impact model for community change and collaboration that brings together leaders from across the community to set priorities and establish a shared agenda for positive change to address the findings of Lincoln Vital Signs. “The goal is economic and social prosperity for our community,” Gorynski said. “With our data, we were able to identify early childhood education, affordable housing, strong neighborhoods, innovative workforce and civic investments as top areas that we need to focus on.”

Encouraging Generosity

In order to further support a culture of philanthropy, Lincoln Community Foundation established Give to Lincoln Day in 2012. The donor-driven community philanthropy event held on May 26 this year connects charitable contributions from donors to various local nonprofits in the Lincoln community. This year, there are over 480 local nonprofits participating. In the years since its creation, Give to Lincoln Day has raised more than $41 million for local organizations in Lincoln.

“We help individuals be philanthropic,” Gorynski said. “Philanthropy can often be associated with a particular organization or cause, but sometimes individuals’ interest is much broader than that. We recognize that they care about this community that we live and work in and they want to support the future. We also understand that the needs of today are likely going to be different than the needs of tomorrow, which is another reason why giving back to the community is vital.”

Philanthropy is for Everybody

For a community to be successful and sustainable, there are a handful of necessities. For starters, Gorynski said access to resources that will deliver healthy outcomes, safe and secure housing, and access to employment or opportunities to generate income are critical. “Regardless of where you live, it is yours to own and the future of that community is in your hands,” Gorynski said. “We cannot expect that others are necessarily going to take care of the future of our community for us. Whether it’s workforce, housing or the education of our children, all of those areas are necessary for the long term economic and social success of the community. A community also needs to be interesting, culturally vibrant and environmentally sustainable. For a prosperous community, we as individuals need to take on that responsibly. Organizations and businesses exist for this reason and all require charitable resources to operate and be successful. Charity exists because we can’t look to government institutions to solve our problems, instead we have to look inward and invest in the future of our community.”


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Give to Lincoln Day




Somer Krueger, Founder Trios Salon

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Initiated by Lincoln Community Foundation in 2012, Give to Lincoln Day — a donor-driven community philanthropy event held on May 26 this year — continues to support and strengthen a community-wide culture of generosity by connecting charitable contributions from donors to various local nonprofits in the Lincoln community. Now in its 11th consecutive year, there are over 480 local nonprofits participating. The primary goals of Give to Lincoln Day include introducing new donors to local nonprofits, helping the nonprofit community share their stories and shining a spotlight on the importance of fundraising for the benefit of the community.

A Decade of Impact

Allen Chaffee, Cornhusker Bank Director, Market Development, and Somer Krueger


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In the years since its creation, Give to Lincoln Day has raised more than $41 million for local organizations in Lincoln. “The cool thing about Give to Lincoln Day is that anyone can be a philanthropist,” said Lincoln Community Foundation CEO Alec Gorynski. “Regardless of how much their contribution is, we recognize and appreciate that it is meaningful to that individual and it will make an impact. It’s a day where everybody can

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come together and be charitable. We use this moment in time to celebrate the act of giving, while raising a significant amount of money for the community.” Last year was a record year, as Give to Lincoln Day connected $8 million of charitable contributions to over 450 nonprofits. According to Gorynski, Give to Lincoln Day is an expression of Lincoln Community Foundation’s mission and responsibly to provide vehicles for community members to give back to Lincoln’s meaningful organizations. Furthermore, Lincoln Community Foundation does not generate any operating revenue from the event. Instead, every donation makes a bigger impact on Give to Lincoln Day because nonprofits also get a proportional share of a $500,000 match fund made possible by Lincoln Community Foundation and generous sponsors.

How to Donate

The minimum donation is $10 and there are a number of ways to contribute now through May 26. While online donations are preferred at givetoLincoln.com, checks are also accepted and individuals may also use their donor advised funds through Lincoln Community Foundation. Those

MIDLANDS BUSINESS JOURNAL Give to Lincoln Day is fun. People are watching the leaderboard, checking on how their favorite causes are doing and showing their support for nonprofits that help our community to thrive. - MICHELLE PAULK, VICE PRESIDENT OF COMMUNITY OUTREACH, LINCOLN COMMUNITY FOUNDATION who are 70 and 1/2 or older are also welcome to make an IRA qualified charitable distribution. “We meet folks where they are at in their philanthropic journey,” Gorynski said. “Give to Lincoln Day is a wonderful expression of that.”

Lincoln’s Future

Philanthropic Spirit

The energy that surrounds Give to Lincoln Day continues to increase each year. Michelle Paulk, vice president of community outreach at Lincoln Community Foundation, said the event definitely serves as a valuable tool to educate and raise awareness for the nonprofit community. “Give to Lincoln Day is fun,” Paulk said. “It’s a day (and a month) our community comes together for the common good. People are watching the leaderboard, checking on how their favorite causes are doing and showing their support for nonprofits that help our community to thrive.”



Without a doubt, philanthropy is an important element to strengthening a community. West Gate Bank has been a long-time sponsor of Give to Lincoln Day, and Kirby Reardon, assistant vice president/commercial lending, said the event has had a tremendous impact over time. Each year, the event increases the amount of donations contributed by individuals, which allow nonprofits to continue operating and providing services. “We are proud to partner with Lincoln Community Foundation each year on this event,” Reardon said. “As a community bank, a large part of our mission is to give back to the community by reinvesting deposits. “We encourage our team to get involved in the community on an individual level, with the hopes that if we’re all contributing, then we are helping our community grow stronger. As the presenting sponsor, it is an important event that we’re happy to partner with Lincoln Community Foundation on to help raise awareness and donations for the nonprofits that do important work to support our community.”

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Give to Lincoln Day


Paulk said individuals are also encouraged to share information about their favorite Lancaster County charities through their channels and network to spread the word about giving to causes they care about through Give to Lincoln Day. While people have the opportunity to be charitable year-round, which is certainly encouraged, Gorynski said Give to Lincoln Day is Lincoln’s one big day of giving where the community can work together to give a little bit more. “Give to Lincoln Day shows our community that generosity is cool and important,” Gorynski said. “We have the opportunity to collectively raise millions of dollars in one day, which all goes back into our local community. It’s really about elevating and celebrating a culture of philanthropy.”




Nebraska Emerges Stronger

LEGISLATIVE SESSION BRINGS ACTIVE POLICYMAKING As the 107th Legislature ended the 2022 legislative session on April 20, the Sine Die pronouncement marked the end of a busy and productive session at the Capitol. The shorter 60-day session had some unique challenges, including how our state would appropriate and make effective use of over $1 billion in federal American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds. Over $4 billion in asks were made for programs and other investments across the state, so it was certainly no small task for senators to work through all of the items and formulate appropriate policy as a result. Our state’s economic vitality and continued success also played a part in policymaking this session. Nebraska has weathered the uncertainty surrounding the COVID19 pandemic and emerged with a stronger economy than most states across the country and has even been rated as the very top state when it comes to economic conditions in a post-pandemic landscape. While much work remains for future sessions, the 2022 edition saw crucial pieces of legislation pass, including LB873, which provides historic tax relief to Nebraskans, and LR283CA, a Constitutional amendment that would allow airports across the state to spend revenue toward developing commercial passenger air service. On the topic of tax relief, LB873 will lower the state’s top corporate and income tax rates to 5.84 percent over the next few years, helping to keep our state competitive with surrounding states that offer lower tax rates. LB873 as a whole, cuts income taxes, exempts social security income and ensures significant property tax relief for Nebraskans. We extend our thanks to all Lincoln and Lancaster County senators who voted for this historic tax package in addition to the many proponents who testified on behalf of the Chamber to support this measure. Ultimately, nearly $700 million in funding is allotted


Membership in the Lincoln Chamber of Commerce offers instant access to Lincoln’s largest business network. Beyond extensive connections, valuable resources and premier events, Chamber membership also offers: Credibility. What they say is true – people work with those they trust. Marketing your business as a Lincoln Chamber member heightens your credibility within the business community. Just as chambers are recognized across the globe for their support of their


The 2022 session proved to be successful in tackling many larger projects and policies that can help our city and state prosper. -BRUCE BOHRER, EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT AND GENERAL COUNSEL BRUCE BOHRER, EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT AND GENERAL COUNSEL

to what have been dubbed “The Good Life Game Changer” policies that address workforce, infrastructure and economic growth priorities through ARPA funds. LB1112 from Senator Terrell McKinney of Omaha would create the Computer Science Technology and Education Act, which intends to address the tech talent workforce crisis. The goal of LB1112 is to prepare Nebraska’s K-12 public school students to compete and thrive in a 21st century workforce. Finally, and very importantly, the Lincoln Chamber of Commerce worked closely with Senator Eliot Bostar and a host of other community supporters, including

the Lincoln Airport Authority, the City of Lincoln and Lancaster County, to pass LR 283 CA, which will provide a very important financial tool for the Lincoln Airport and other smaller airports across the state to attract air service. This was a top issue for the Lincoln Chamber, and we are very pleased to see this issue placed on the November 2022 ballot for all Nebraskans to support. This was a bipartisan, statewide effort with 47 of 49 senators in support and two not voting. The 2022 session proved to be successful in tackling many larger projects and policies that can help our city and state prosper.

local economies, your association with the Lincoln Chamber conveys your commitment as well. Advocacy. Day in and day out, the Lincoln Chamber of Commerce policy team serves as the advocate for business at the local, state and federal levels. Our members are not alone in their pursuit of advocacy for growth and prosperity within the community. Lincoln Chamber membership offers businesses a united, impactful voice and direct access to the policymaking officials that influence business climate and economic growth. Connections. The Lincoln Chamber of Commerce

team is a connector, providing our members with valuable introductions to new customers and referral sources. In addition to offering a variety of networking opportunities throughout the year, the Lincoln Chamber is dedicated to promoting our member businesses to not only one another, but to the community at large as well. We are proud to offer our members a platform to initiate important conversations to grow their businesses. Learn more about how the five-star accredited Lincoln Chamber of Commerce can help your business succeed at lcoc.com.

Address: 3 Landmark Centre, 1128 Lincoln Mall, Suite 100, Lincoln, NE 68508 Contact Us: (402) 436-2350 | lincchamber@lcoc.com Website: www.lcoc.com Social Media: www.facebook.com/LincolnChamber Page 11 • May 20, 2022­


Keeping the Lights On

ENERGY & utilities








A meeting of 500 international energy figures at the Oil & Money Conference in London gave the co-sponsor New York Times access to the collective wisdom of the assembled executives, policymakers and financiers. The paper reported a sample of these individuals’ views on the biggest challenges facing the global energy industry. The overriding theme of their answers: finding new methods and technology for maximizing fossil fuel collection; generating more efficient means of alternative energy production; and modernizing energy delivery and storage systems. That was 2019, and while none of those interviewed could have envisioned the maelstrom of challenges lying in wait with COVID-19 just around the corner, their fundamental assertions are no less valid today. Innovation — be it operational, technological or both — is the fundamental challenge facing the energy business. The past 30 months has done nothing but underscore this fact, as the nation struggles under rising prices, shrinking available labor and the drive to pivot from traditional energy sources to alternative power. “Recent supply chain, global events and general economic issues such as inflation have had major effects on the cost of new generation, primarily renewables,” said Will Crane, director of product management for Bluestem Energy Solutions. Page 12 • May 20, 2022­

“Supply chain disruption has caused pricing issues as shipping costs have shot up dramatically, but perhaps an even bigger issue with rising costs is inflation. We are seeing commodity prices rise across segments including steel, oil and lithium, which are all key components that are used in energy generation and storage.” These economic levers plaguing the energy sector are no mere blip on a balance sheet. The historic confluence of scant labor, fractured supply chain and shaky global financial markets exacerbated by the conflict in Ukraine are painting a bleak picture that experts predict will last years, not months. In its Commodity Markets Outlook Report, released earlier this year, the World Bank predicts energy prices will rise more than 50% in 2022 before easing in 2023 and 2024. Oil is forecasted to top $100 a barrel this year, a 40% increase over 2021 prices. While oil prices are expected to moderate to $92 a barrel next year, that’s still well ahead of the five-year average of $60. Natural gas and coal are both expected to follow suit. If that’s not enough, all of 2022’s woes come on the heels of 2021, which saw energy prices outpace other commodities in terms of price hikes. Prices jumped 59% last year, more than twice that of other commodities.

Price Pressures

Tracey Christensen, director of communications for Metropolitan Utilities

MIDLANDS BUSINESS JOURNAL Recent supply chain, global events and general economic issues such as inflation have had major effects on the cost of new generation, primarily renewables. - WILL CRANE, DIRECTOR OF PRODUCT MANAGEMENT, BLUESTEM ENERGY SOLUTIONS

District, put these global trends into a local context. She said while MUD has worked hard to minimize the cost of delivering natural gas in areas it can control, that doesn’t account for elements outside of the organization’s direct purview. “There are two aspects of a customer’s gas bill — ‘pass-through’ costs and costs to operate the district,” she said. “MUD is proud that the rate components used to fund operational costs have not changed since 2017. “However, pass-through costs, which include transportation costs to move gas to our market area as well as the cost of natural gas, have changed. The cost of natural gas fluctuates, sometimes dramatically, due to a variety of factors including production, national storage levels and weather impacts. We use strategies to lessen the impact of rising natural gas prices and to minimize price volatility, but the district cannot shelter

our customers from all price increases.” Per Christensen, the average market gas price for Q1 2022 was $5.91 per decatherm (Dth), more than twice that per Dth for the same period in 2021. Adding to the situation is lower-than-average supply; as of April 1, the Energy Information Administration reported natural gas storage levels for the U.S. were down 22.4% year over year and 17.1% below the five-year average.

Improving Technology

Energy costs, of course, do not operate in a vacuum, but rather impact the price of virtually everything else. Higher electrical costs mean higher manufacturing costs just like higher gas and diesel prices affect the logistical expense related to bringing goods to market. For this reason, the energy industry is under increased pressure to develop alternative sources of energy as well as improve current technologies.

“Our Grid Modernization Strategic Initiative is underway,” said Will Pickle, resource planner for Omaha Public Power District. “This initiative is focused on modernizing the electrical grid and working towards advanced metering infrastructure technology in the future. “AMI is an integrated system of smart meters, communications networks and data management systems that enables twoway communication between the utilities and customers. This will open up options and services to better communicate with customers and also to better serve their changing preferences and needs.” Companies are also being scrutinized for their environmental responsibility, generally referred to as decarbonization, an eco-buzzword term that’s quickly become a matter of public policy. The industrial sector currently accounts for 30% of greenhouse gas emissions, per the U.S Department of

Energy’s Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, second only to the transportation sector, which accounts for 35% of GHG. As such, the Biden Administration has set the goal for American companies to achieve net-zero carbon emissions by 2050, moving some states to pass laws concerning adoption of electric vehicles and other green-focused requirements for the business community. As forward-looking companies are moved to take action, they’re looking to local utilities to row alongside them. In addition to broadening customers’ energy usage to more than 35% from renewable resources last year, OPPD has embraced this challenge in other ways. The utility has initiated a battery storage pilot project, for instance, which is expected to go into commercial operation later this year. The pilot is one example of the




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ENERGY & utilities

Keeping the Lights On

ENERGY SECTOR FACES STIFF CHALLENGES IN COMING MONTHS We use strategies to lessen the impact of rising natural gas prices and to minimize price volatility, but the district cannot shelter our customers from all price increases. - TRACEY CHRISTENSEN, DIRECTOR OF COMMUNICATIONS, METROPOLITAN UTILITIES DISTRICT

technological innovation called for in the company’s Pathways to Decarbonization Strategic Initiative. That study identifies the growing role of electrification and the challenges of moving communities toward a net-zero carbon footprint while providing innovative solutions around energy storage, load flexibility and other efficiencies. Christensen said MUD is working with OPPD on its decarbonization plan, specifically in addition to two new natural gas-fueled generation facilities to support growth and ensure resiliency in the region. “Adding natural gas backup to the solar facilities is an important component that will improve reliability and quickly provide power when the sun isn’t shining,” she said. “This project also emphasizes the environmental benefits of natural gas toward reducing emissions and will have a positive long-term impact on the community.

Making Headway

Such initiatives are already achieving the desired effect. Christensen noted energyrelated carbon emissions are at their lowest

levels in nearly three decades, she said thanks in large part to switching from coal to natural gas to fire electric plants. “We believe natural gas and its infrastructure play a critical role in further lowering these levels. Working together, natural gas and renewables can hasten our reduction of emissions while keeping energy affordable and reliable,” she said. There’s also considerable investment being made for the use of compressed natural gas (CNG) and renewable natural gas (RNG) as a replacement fuel for gasoline. “The district continues to lead in the market development of compressed natural gas as a vehicular fuel and has been experimenting with renewable natural gas through the Douglas County landfill gas project for the past several years,” Christensen said. “A portion of the RNG from the landfill is assigned to local CNG fueling stations and helps fuel the district’s entire natural gas fleet of more than 160 light, medium and heavy-duty vehicles. In 2021, MUD also dispensed more than 3.3 million gasoline gallon equivalents of CNG across the

service territory, the highest amount in the district’s history. “Additionally, MUD has partnerships with local and regional fleets, including Metro, the Omaha area’s mass transit provider, which operates more than 20 CNG buses in its regular fleet and nine ORBT articulating buses. FCC Environmental operates its fleet of more than 70 CNG trucks as part of the City of Omaha’s refuse contract. These trucks utilize approximately 100,000 Dth annually, or the equivalent of 1,200 residential homes’ annual gas usage.” Meanwhile, Bluestem Energy continues to improve the technology associated with solar and wind energy, specifically in the area of storage. “Energy storage will be crucial to allowing more renewables to be built, while maintaining a reliable and resilient grid,” Will Crane said. “As wind and solar have become mature technologies and have proliferated onto the grid, storage is becoming a key tool we are using to increase the grid’s capability to handle more renewable power. “With wind and solar being intermittent generating sources, energy storage can

help ‘flatten’ the generating profile of these technologies by storing power when there is excess generation, then discharging when the demand on the grid grows and the generation from the renewables falls.” Crane also noted improvement to the electrical grid is required to achieve greater efficiency on the transmission side. He said current grid capacity is not sufficient for the smooth delivery of power generated by these alternative sources, something improved batteries and other storage technology can’t address entirely. “Currently, most of the transmission system is built around the idea of having large energy-generating facilities that deliver power to the end user,” he said. “However, as wind and solar penetration has grown, the needs of the transmission system have changed as well. “There is a shortage of transmission capacity available for new generating sources. Energy storage can help mitigate this to an extent, but thoughtful new-build transmission infrastructure will be crucial to the continued implementation of renewable generating sources.”

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Future Focused

HOLMES MURPHY MARKS NINE DECADES AND COUNTING The corporate karma of Holmes Murphy has always resided within a certain measured audacity, anticipating future opportunities to inform the actions of the here and now. It is, after all, a firm launched during the Great Depression, arguably the worst period in history to start an insurance company, with the undaunted vision of building something great. And build it has. Holmes Murphy is now a regional power that employs 1,000 and generates millions in top line annual revenue. Yet, as impressive as the last nine decades have been, company leadership is far more interested in where the company is going. “Our culture of leading with innovation is going to serve us well because a lot of market change is coming,” said Beau Reid, Nebraska market leader. “We’re very aware of leading-edge things that are coming to the industry and that’s going to play a big role in us remaining relevant with our customer base. “The DNA of this company has been innovation and adapting to change and embracing change before the market actually goes there, particularly on the employee benefits side. We have been on the forefront of change in the health insurance world. I like to say if you’re just looking for somebody who’s good with the status quo, we may not be

your broker. The philosophy has paid off for the Waukee, Iowa-based firm, especially as COVID-19 has rewritten everything about daily life. The insurance industry, particularly, has found itself between shifting tectonic plates of internal and external change. “Our company didn’t have a ton of remote workers [before COVID19]; we had to really figure that out in fairly short order and get proficient at it,” Reid said. “Our willingness to adapt technology and embrace it quickly enabled us to serve our customers.”

Challenges as Opportunities Rapid adaptation to uncertain market conditions has been an element of the company’s modus operandi since Max Holmes opened his insurance agency in 1932, building it through the remaining years of the Great Depression. He partnered with Raymond Murphy Jr. in 1948. Reid said the market forces and insurance trends that have followed conditioned the company for the kinds of uncertainties COVID-19 represents for the insurance industry, particularly as it applies to health insurance benefits. “That’s a question our industry is coming to grips with right now,” he

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The DNA of this company has been innovation and adapting to change and embracing change before the market actually goes there. - BEAU REID, NEBRASKA MARKET LEADER, HOLMES MURPHY

said. “In terms of health insurance, we couldn’t have anticipated the supply chain consequences from COVID in 2020 which led to a massive lockdown. We couldn’t anticipate how that would change the workforce working from home. “But we didn’t feel all that much impact from it in terms of health insurance claims. It was a delayed impact. Omicron, in the fourth quarter of last year, led to a much greater impact than COVID did in 2020, mainly because back then the government took the sting out of that by basically covering the cost for a lot of testing and treatment.” Reid said as clients come to terms with their own market challenges, they’re looking to all service providers, including insurance companies, to be more consultative than in the past. This expectation is changing everything from how firms communicate with customers to providing better tools for individual employees to access and manage their benefits. “We are largely viewed as business partners in a lot of ways. Waiting for someone to tap us on the head and say, ‘Hey, can you help me buy this form of insurance?,’ isn’t really how it works anymore,” he said. “We sit down, we figure out where they have friction and where they have issues and we see what we can do to help solve those problems. “On the employee benefits side, the most successful technology has

been around communication platforms, helping HR departments communicate with employees in remote locations. They need something to push information out to the employees where they can get information on their own. For example, where can I access mental health care when I’m being told it’s a 30-day wait to get in? Where can I get access to virtual care?”

Forward Focused Holmes Murphy’s other major initiative is succession planning. Privately owned by about 170 employees, the company is midway through a carefully orchestrated strategy to help perpetuate the business for the next 30 to 50 years. “The very thing that makes us unique and great could lead some people to be nervous about the future of our business,” he said. “It’s essential we have a plan that serves as a clear blueprint for the next generation. It’s in the fiber of this company to give that generation the opportunity to create wealth, not just work for an income. “Participating in the growth and the success of something as an owner is a much different perspective; it drives innovation and I think it’s what makes us unique.”


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LULUBEE CHOCOLATES SUPPORTS LOCAL SMALL BUSINESSES Lincoln’s Lulubee Artisanal Chocolates owes its growth to the passion of its owner, Gaylene Steinbach, and its outreach to other local businesses. Steinbach first caught the chocolate-making bug from her mother, and her passion grew from living in different countries and learning about local flavors. A former dental hygienist, Steinbach found that many of her skills transferred over — highly-detailed work and science — plus, chocolate making allows her to tap into her creative side. Over the next few years Lulubee Artisanal Chocolates will focus on increasing community outreach and partnering with other local small businesses. “I want to increase the number of offerings we have and to grow within our community, reaching out to the community and other small local businesses to form connections,” Steinbach said. Bonbons are the shop’s specialty. Lulubee also makes chocolate bars, turtles, caramels, toffee, and it recently expanded into flavored caramels. Steinbach hopes to expand into different kinds of chocolate bars, some of them made by the company and others imported from around the world.

Supporting Local Businesses When possible, Lulubee uses ingredients from local suppliers. For example, pecans come from Twin Springs Pecans. The shop also uses products from nearby wineries as ingredients. “One area where we have strong desire and a presence is working with other businesses,” Steinbach said. Lulubee has put logos on chocolates for companies like A Novel Idea Bookstore, Capitol View Winery & Vineyards, Farmers Mutual, Lovestruck Events, and Spectrum. It makes custom chocolate pieces for Bavvy and Talent+, and it is working with other companies to provide customized gift sets companies can give to their partners and employees. “My intention is to create a really beautiful tasting experience,” Steinbach said. “I want to explore other avenues of chocolate that I can expand my lineup.” The company’s best form of promotion is social media. “Almost everything we’ve done up to this point has been very organic through social media,” Steinbach said. “[Social media] is such an everchanging world it has been a full-time job to learn how to navigate that.”

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One area where we have strong desire and a presence is working with other businesses. - GAYLENE STEINBACH, OWNER OF LULUBEE ARTISANAL CHOCOLATES

Dental Hygienist to Chocolatier After graduating from UNMC College of Dentistry, Steinbach worked as a dental hygienist, and taught at the College of Dentistry for many years, before deciding to be a stay-at-home mom. “[That] turned out to be a blessing because it was at that point that my husband’s job took him overseas for long periods of time,” she said. Steinbach had a chance to experiment with different foods in the regions where they lived and to learn about flavors that are familiar to other cultures. “My passion for flavors was developed so much from our time overseas,” she said. While Steinbach was growing up, her mother had made chocolates and gifted them to family and friends at Christmas. When Steinbach and her family returned from living in the Philippines, her mother sent her a gift of chocolates. “That piqued my interest and started me off on this journey,” she said. “I didn’t know how this person had gotten so much flavor into that little morsel and how they had become so beautiful. I could not get enough information about making chocolates. I read everything I could, attended workshops and classes, and experimented in my basement.” After her family and friends encouraged her to open her own business, Steinbach started Lulubee in kitchen space she rented from Destinations Coffee House. She cooked out of that kitchen for five years and achieved her dream of opening a brick-and-mortar store in November 2020. The shop now has nine employees. “I feel there are so many crossovers from [dental hygiene] to what I do now,” Steinbach said. “It’s a very fine detailed job. Everything we do is hand-crafted from hand-painting our designs to hand-creating the ganache that’s inside — all of those hand touches that were part of my job before. “Also, there’s so much science involved with creating recipes and understanding the process of tempering chocolate. Chocolate takes it one more step in that it mixes not only the science aspect but also allows me a creative side.” Steinbach gives a big chunk of the credit for her success to her support group.

“There’s no way in the world I could have done any of this on my own,” she said. “I have so many people around me who are lifting me up and helping guide me through the challenges of owning a small business for the first time in my life. They’re helping me navigate the worlds of advertising, marketing, outreach, and finance. I feel that connections are very important. “I bring to the table my ability to be compassionate and connect with other people, but there are so many parts of owning a business that I do not possess. I’ve been fortunate to have people to lean on within my family, within my friend group, and within other small businesses that I can reach out to for advice and support.” Steinbach and her husband, Joe, have two daughters who inspired the name of her store — Lauren, whose nickname is Lulu, and Bailey, whose nickname is Bee. “I still want to learn everything I can,” Steinbach said. “There’s so much to learn, so many flavors to try out and experiment with. So many of the flavors I chose were based on my personal living experience — memories from childhood and memories from travel. I love this medium as an art because there’s so much creativity. The possibilities with chocolate and with flavors are endless, and that’s just exciting to me.”


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Leveraging Social Networks 40 under 40





If there’s an industry more challenging than staffing, it could only be staffing services that cater to the health care industry. Historically low unemployment, COVID-19 considerations and the Great Resignation have all taken bites out of the local talent market, which in health care’s case, had already been running at a deficit for years. That’s what makes Chad Sideris’s four-year track record with Triage Staffing so impressive. Despite all the market challenges before him, Sideris has led the company to record numbers, done largely by intelligent use of technology and social media marketing. “We’re really looking for people who are giving us signals that they want to do something and we’re looking at them primarily through Google Search and basically some contract negotiation,” he said, being careful not to disclose the secret ingredients to his successful recruitment formula.

Brave New World Sideris might play cagey with his strategy — and with good reason — but the results speak for themselves. During his tenure, Triage’s lead generation efforts have increased 580%. In 2020, the company’s best year to date, Sideris’s lead generation resulted in half of the company’s new business, thanks to smart use of Google and Facebook ads and forming strategic media partnerships. “In the world of Google search, I was in the really fortunate position of having worked at a place called Proxibid where we were doing auctions for anything under the sun,” Sideris said. “I kind of learned what does and doesn’t work for different categories, based on search volumes and things like that. “I was able to apply that working knowledge of things that would and would not work in searches and use that to find [Triage] candidates en masse in ways that most people don’t know how to do.

Learn to Pivot Sideris’s career game plan, after earning a degree in journalism from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln in 2013, was to be a copywriter. Those jobs proved scarce at graduation, so he took a role in digital marketing. His boss moved on to Triage Staffing and invited her former team member to come along. The move resulted in a match made in social media marketing heaven. “I enjoy a lot about this line of work,” Sideris said. “I think Triage is really on the cutting edge of this space. It’s fun to try to find holes in the product, the process and automate/ improve upon it in ways that I don’t think our competitors have thought about yet. Maybe that’s cocky, but that’s what I’m trying to do.” Another element of success is the ability to adapt to future trends, which is exactly what Sideris is focused on having been promoted to the company’s director of marketing technology and lead generation a few months ago. He said the company that best accelerates processes and streamlines operations via technology holds the upper hand in the cutthroat traveling staffing market. “I think the way that the market is headed is emulating the trajectory of Google, working towards empowering the actual traveler [employee],” he said. “For a long time, agencies have owned every part of the process. If you needed your resume, you’ve got to say, ‘Hey, can I please have the resume you built for me?’ That’s not what we’re looking to do here. “We’re moving away from that model of the agency owning the process and instead giving power to the traveler as everyone who’s making headways in these spaces has done. A lot of companies really don’t like that shift, but I think PRESENTING SPONSOR it’s going to help us win.”

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Cobalt Credit Union is pleased to announce the addition of Todd Travaille as a financial advisor in our wealth management department. Travaille comes to Cobalt with over 10 years of financial experience. Most recently, he was a licensed relationship banker at a local financial institution.

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Travaille holds Series 7 and 63 certifications from the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA), a Nebraska Insurance Producer license, and is a Licensed Relationship Banker. As a member of Cobalt’s wealth management team, Travaille will meet with members and assist them with their investment, insurance, retirement, estate and financial planning. Travaille holds a Bachelor of Art degree in English from Luther College. He also holds a Master of Arts in Education degree from Wayne State College and a Master of Business Administration degree from Bellevue University.




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Dennis P. Lee #16296 Lee Law Office 2433 S. 130th Circle, Suite 300 Omaha, NE 68144 Ph: (402) 334-8055 legal@leelawoffice.com NOTICE OF SUIT TO: MARCIE HINTERMEISTER, 2464 Harney Street Apt 45, Omaha NE 68131, you are hereby notified that on March 2, 2022, Credit Acceptance Corporation filed a suit against you in the Douglas County Court at docket CI22-3195, the object in prayer of which was to secure a judgment against you in the amount of $3,745.20, together with court costs, interest and attorney’s fees as allowed by law. Unless you file your Answer with the Douglas County Court on or before the 20 day of June, 2022, the Petition against you will be considered as true and judgment will be entered against you accordingly. By: Dennis P. Lee First publication April 29, 2022, final May 20, 2022 NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION 1. The name of the Limited Liability Company is NTL ICON HOLDINGS, LLC. 2. The designated office of the limited liability company is 1301 West Cademon Circle, Lincoln, NE 68523. 3. The registered agent and office of the limited liability company is Andrew C. Sigerson at 9859 South 168th Avenue, Omaha, NE 68136. 4. The purpose for which the company is organized is to engage in any and all business which is lawful under the Nebraska Uniform Limited Liability Company Act of the State of Nebraska. 5. The company commenced its existence on March 4, 2022, and the period of duration of the Company shall be perpetual. 6. The affairs of the company shall be conducted by its Members in accordance with the company’s operating agreement. First publication May 6, 2022, final May 20, 2022

ERICKSON | SEDERSTROM, P.C. 10330 Regency Parkway Drive Omaha, NE 68114 NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION OF ABO, LLC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that ABO, LLC, a Nebraska limited liability company has been duly organized under the laws of the State of Nebraska, with its designated office located at 2108 South 156th Circle, Omaha, Nebraska 68130 and designating its registered agent as Erickson & Sederstrom, P.C. a limited liability organization with its registered office at 10330 Regency Parkway Drive, Suite 100, Omaha, Nebraska 68114. First publication May 6, 2022, final May 20, 2022

NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION COLORED BY ELLA, LLC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Colored by Ella, LLC (the “Company”) has been organized under the laws of the State of Nebraska. The Designated Office Address of the Company is 9500 West Dodge Road, Omaha, Nebraska 68114. The Registered Agent of the Company is DDLG Business Services, Inc., 9500 West Dodge Road, Suite 100, Omaha, Nebraska 68114. Dvorak Law Group, LLC 9500 West Dodge Road Suite 100 Omaha, NE 68114 First publication May 6, 2022, final May 20, 2022

NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION LAURA TRAPP AESTHETICS, LLC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Laura Trapp Aesthetics, LLC (the “Company”) has been organized under the laws of the State of Nebraska. The Designated Office Address of the Company is 17404 Grand Avenue, Omaha, Nebraska 68116. The Registered Agent of the Company is DDLG Business Services, Inc., 9500 West Dodge Road, Suite 100, Omaha, Nebraska 68114. Dvorak Law Group, LLC 9500 West Dodge Road Suite 100 Omaha, NE 68114 First publication May 6, 2022, final May 20, 2022

NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION GY HOLDINGS, LLC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that GY Holdings, LLC (the “Company”) has been organized under the laws of the State of Nebraska. The Designated Office Address of the Company is 17750 Burt Street, Omaha, Nebraska 68118. The Registered Agent of the Company is DDLG Business Services, Inc., 9500 West Dodge Road, Suite 100, Omaha, Nebraska 68114. Dvorak Law Group, LLC 9500 West Dodge Road Suite 100 Omaha, NE 68114 First publication May 6, 2022, final May 20, 2022

Notice is hereby given that KMK Careers, LLC has been organized as a limited liability company under the Nebraska Limited Liability Company Act. The address of the registered office of the company is 6720 South 178th Street, Omaha, NE 68135. The agent at such office is Kyle Cheatham. The general nature of the business to be transacted by the company is any lawful business which may be carried on by limited liability companies organized under the Nebraska Limited Liability Company Act. The Company commenced on November 30, 2021, and shall have perpetual duration. The affairs of the company are to be conducted by its managers. First publication May 6, 2022, final May 20, 2022

NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION OF SOULEY HEALING, LLC Notice is hereby given that SOULEY HEALING, LLC has been organized as a limited liability company under Nebraska laws, with its designated office at 3512 N 163rd Plaza, Omaha, Nebraska 68116. It is organized to transact any lawful business for which a Limited Liability Company may be organized under Nebraska laws and commenced business on April 22, 2022. The registered agent of the limited liability company is Sydney Arkfeld and her office is located at 3512 N 163rd Plaza, Omaha, Nebraska 68116. First publication May 6, 2022, final May 20, 2022

NOTICE OF INCORPORATION PEACEFUL HEARTS HOLISTIC FOUNDATION, INC. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Peaceful Hearts Holistic Foundation, Inc. has been incorporated under the laws of the State of Nebraska. The corporation is a public benefit corporation and will not have members. The street address of the corporation’s registered office is 9500 West Dodge Road, Suite 100, Omaha, Nebraska 68114 and the name of its initial registered agent is DDLG Business Services, Inc. The name and street address of the incorporator of the corporation is Nicholas D. Meyer and the street address of the incorporator is 9500 West Dodge Road, Suite 100, Omaha, Nebraska 68114. Dvorak Law Group, LLC 9500 West Dodge Road Suite 100 Omaha, NE 68114 First publication May 6, 2022, final May 20, 2022

NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION of a Limited Liability Company Notice is hereby given the registration with the Nebraska Secretary of State’s office of Splash Power Wash, LLC under the laws of the State of Nebraska as follows: The name of the company is Splash Power Wash, LLC. Registered agent and office of Splash Power Wash, LLC is Agustin Hernandez Rodriguez at 4811 S 47th Street, Omaha, NE 68117. The designated address is 4811 S 47th Street, Omaha, NE 68117. Initial members: Agustin Hernandez Rodriguez and Luis Alonso Hernandez Rodriguez. General nature of the business is to transact any and all lawful business for which limited liability companies are allowed by statute. The LLC was organized in April 2022 for the perpetual duration and is managed by its members. First publication May 6, 2022, final May 20, 2022

MARTIN P. PELSTER, Incorporator and Attorney with CROKER HUCK LAW FIRM 2120 South 72nd Street, Suite 1200 Omaha, Nebraska 68124 NOTICE OF INCORPORATION OF CHEYENNE RIDGE HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION Cheyenne Ridge Homeowners Association was incorporated under the Nebraska Nonprofit Corporation Act on April 22, 2022. The corporation is a mutual benefit corporation. The street address of the corporation’s registered office is 2120 South 72nd Street, Suite 1200, Omaha, Nebraska 68124, and the name of the initial registered agent at that office is Martin P. Pelster. The corporation will have members. First publication May 6, 2022, final May 20, 2022

NOTICE OF INCORPORATION I HELPED FUND NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that I HELPED FUND. has been incorporated under the laws of the State of Nebraska. The corporation is a public benefit corporation and will not have members. The street address of the corporation’s registered office is 9500 West Dodge Road, Suite 100, Omaha, Nebraska 68114 and the name of its initial registered agent is DDLG Business Services, Inc. The name and street address of the incorporator of the corporation is Nicholas D. Meyer and the street address of the incorporator is 9500 West Dodge Road, Suite 100, Omaha, Nebraska 68114. Dvorak Law Group, LLC 9500 West Dodge Road Suite 100 Omaha, NE 68114 First publication May 6, 2022, final May 20, 2022

NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION OF OMAHA FATTIE, LLC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that OMAHA FATTIE, LLC (the “Company”) has been organized under the laws of the State of Nebraska. The Designated Office Address of the Company is 1307 N 208TH STREET ELKHORN, NE 68022. The Registered Agent of the Company is Skyler Burmeister, 1307 N 208TH STREET ELKHORN, NE 68022. First publication May 6, 2022, final May 20, 2022

NOTICE OF CERTIFICATE OF ORGANIZATION OF Leutik Property Management LLC A Nebraska Limited Liability Company Notice is hereby given that Leutik Property Management LLC, has been organized under the laws of the State of Nebraska. The initial designated office of the company in the state of Nebraska is 2414 Jefferson Road, Plattsmouth, NE 68048. The name and address of the registered agent is AF Bookkeeping Services, Inc, 11811 I Street, STE 204, Omaha, NE 68137. The Certificate of Organization was filed with the State of Nebraska on April, 18, 2022. Adam M. Leutik Organizer First publication May 6, 2022, final May 20, 2022

KOLEY JESSEN P.C., L.L.O., Attorneys 1125 South 103rd Street, Suite 800, One Pacific Place Omaha, NE 68124-1079 NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION OF MBRE HOLDINGS, LLC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that MBRE Holdings, LLC has been organized under the laws of the State of Nebraska. The designated office of the limited liability company is 17838 Burke Street, Suite 102, Omaha, Nebraska 68118. The registered agent and office of the limited liability company is Koley Jessen P.C., L.L.O., 1125 South 103rd Street, Suite 800, Omaha, Nebraska 68124. The limited liability company commenced business on April 1, 2022. First publication May 6, 2022, final May 20, 2022

WHITMORE LAW OFFICE LLC 7602 PACIFIC STREET, SUITE 200 OMAHA,NEBRASKA 68114 NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION Notice is hereby given that Wise Mind Practice LLC has been organized as a professional limited liability company under the Nebraska Uniform Limited Liability Company Act. The Designated Office of the Company is 6710 Mason Street, Omaha, Nebraska 68106. The Registered Agent of the Company is Morgan Kupsinel, 6710 Mason Street, Omaha, Nebraska 68106. The Company’s members, managers and professional employees are licensed or otherwise legally authorized to practice psychotherapy in the State of Nebraska. The Company was formed on April 22, 2022. First publication May 6, 2022, final May 20, 2022

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KOLEY JESSEN P.C., L.L.O., Attorneys 1125 South 103rd Street, Suite 800, One Pacific Place Omaha, Nebraska 68124-1079 NOTICE OF INCORPORATION OF CARPENTERWORKS CONTRACTING COMPANY 1. The name of the Corporation is Carpenterworks Contracting Company. 2. The Corporation is authorized to issue 10,000 Common Shares having a par value of $1.00. 3. The Registered Office of the Corporation is: 1125 South 103rd Street, Suite 800, Omaha, Douglas County, Nebraska 68124, and the Registered Agent at such address is Koley Jessen P.C., L.L.O. 4. The corporate existence began on April 26, 2022, when Articles of Incorporation were filed with the Nebraska Secretary of State. 5. The name and address of the Incorporator is: Jennifer A. Oertli, 1125 South 103rd Street, Suite 800, Omaha, Douglas County, Nebraska 68124. First publication May 6, 2022, final May 20, 2022 WHITMORE LAW OFFICE LLC 7602 PACIFIC STREET, SUITE 200 OMAHA,NEBRASKA 68114 NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION Notice is hereby given that SN Tech LLC (the “Company”) has been organized under the laws of the State of Nebraska. The Designated Office of the Company is 7825 Gerald Avenue, Lincoln, Nebraska 68516. The Registered Agent of the Company is Thomas E. Whitmore, 7602 Pacific Street, Suite 200, Omaha, Nebraska 68114. The Company was formed on April 25, 2022. First publication May 6, 2022, final May 20, 2022 ERICKSON | SEDERSTROM, P.C. 10330 Regency Parkway Drive Omaha, NE 68114 NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION OF PJML LINCOLN, LLC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that PJML Lincoln, LLC, a Nebraska limited liability company, has been duly organized under the laws of the State of Nebraska with its designated office located at 10330 Regency Parkway Drive, Suite 100, Omaha, NE 68114 and designating its registered agent as Erickson & Sederstrom, P.C., a Limited Liability Organization, with its registered office at 10330 Regency Parkway Drive, Suite 100, Omaha, NE 68114. First publication May 6, 2022, final May 20, 2022 NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION Notice is given that Southwest Concrete, LLC has been organized under the laws of the State of Nebraska with the following registered agent and registered office: Javier Lepes Chavez at 3839 Madison St. Omaha, NE 68107. The designated office is located at 3839 Madison St. Omaha NE 68107. The general nature of the Company’s business is to engage in any lawful business permitted under the laws of the State of Nebraska. The company was organized on April 6, 2022, and it shall continue in perpetuity unless sooner terminated in accordance with the terms of its operating agreement. In general, the Company’s business is to be managed by its primary member Javier Lepes Chavez in accordance with the Company’s operating agreement. First publication May 6, 2022, final May 20, 2022 Gnuse LAW OFFICE, P.C. 11311 Chicago Circle Omaha, NE 68154 Rodney G. Gnuse NOTICE OF INCORPORATION OF HAIR GOALS SALON, INC. Notice is hereby given of incorporation of Hair Goals Salon, Inc. under the laws of the State of Nebraska. The number of shares that the corporation is authorized to issue is up to 10,000 shares of voting common stock. The name and address of the initial registered agent is Rodney G. Gnuse, 11311 Chicago Circle, Omaha, NE 68154. The name and address of the incorporator is Rodney G. Gnuse, 11311 Chicago Circle, Omaha, NE 68154. The Corporation shall engage in any lawful business for which a corporation may be formed under the Nebraska Model Business Corporation Act. Perpetual existence commenced April 27, 2022, when articles were filed with the Secretary of State. Affairs are to be conducted by the Board of Directors and Officers authorized by the Bylaws and the Board. Rodney G. Gnuse Incorporator First publication May 6, 2022, final May 20, 2022 NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION OF LLC The Nebraska limited liability company’s name is Renae Wein Psychotherapy LLC. The name of its initial agent for service of process is Renae Wein. The street and mailing address of its initial designated office and of its initial agent for service of process is 4611 South 96 Street, Suite #232 . The Company is organized to render a professional service as defined in § 21-117(b): Mental Health Counseling. /s/ Renae Wein, Organizer. First publication May 6, 2022, final May 20, 2022

NOTICE OF INCORPORATION NATIONAL YOUTH LIVESTOCK CONTESTS MANAGEMENT NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that NATIONAL YOUTH LIVESTOCK CONTESTS MANAGEMENT has been incorporated under the laws of the State of Nebraska. The corporation is a public benefit corporation and will not have members. The street address of the corporation’s registered office is 9500 West Dodge Road, Suite 100, Omaha, Nebraska 68114 and the name of its initial registered agent is DDLG Business Services, Inc. The name and street address of the incorporator of the corporation is Matthew J. Kemler and the street address of the incorporator is 9500 West Dodge Road, Suite 100, Omaha, Nebraska 68114. Dvorak Law Group, LLC 9500 West Dodge Road Suite 100 Omaha, NE 68114 First publication May 6, 2022, final May 20, 2022 NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION OF GREAT PLAINS BUILDERS, LLC. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT Great Plains Builders, LLC (the “Company”) has been organized under the laws of the State of Nebraska. The Designed Office Address of the Company is 3803 North 153rd Street, Suite 201, Omaha, Nebraska 68116. The Registered Agent of the Company is Eugene J. Graves Jr., 3803 North 153rd Street, Suite 201, Omaha, NE 68116. First publication May 6, 2022, final May 20, 2022 Notice is hereby given that Jack’s Sprinkles LLC has been organized under the laws of the State of Nebraska. The address of the designated office of the Company is 15218 Westchester Dr Omaha NE 68154. The general nature of business is to engage in and to do any and all business, other than banking and insurance, for which a Limited Liability Company may be organized under the Nebraska Uniform Limited Liability Company Act. The Company commenced it’s existence on March 8th 2022 and it’s duration shall be perpetual. The affairs of the Company are to be conducted by the Managing Member as authorized by the Company’s Operating Agreement. The initial agent for service of process is Jack Zimmermann at 15218 Westchester Dr Omaha NE 68154. Phone number 402-650-3637, email jackssprinklesllc@gmail.com. First publication May 6, 2022, final May 20, 2022 Matthew Wurstner, Attorney CARLSON & BLAKEMAN, LLP 2002 Douglas Street, Ste. 100 Omaha, NE 68102 NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION OF KCE, LLC Notice is hereby given that KCE, LLC is organized under the laws of the State of Nebraska. The initial designated office is 2002 Douglas Street, Ste. 100, Omaha, NE 68102. The Company’s initial registered agent in the State of Nebraska is Matthew Wurstner, whose address is 2002 Douglas Street, Ste. 100, Omaha, NE 68102. The purpose of the Company is to engage in any lawful business and activity, as may be mutually agreed upon by the Members from time to time, and which are not prohibited by the Nebraska Uniform Limited Liability Company Act. The Company commenced with filing its Certificate of Organization on April 21, 2022, and shall have a perpetual period of duration. The Company is a Member Managed Limited Liability Company. Matthew Wurstner First publication May 6, 2022, final May 20, 2022 WHITMORE LAW OFFICE LLC 7602 PACIFIC STREET, SUITE 200 OMAHA,NEBRASKA 68114 NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION Notice is hereby given that SoftwareIO LLC (the “Company”) has been organized under the laws of the State of Nebraska. The Designated Office of the Company is 19020 Nicholas Circle, Elkhorn, Nebraska 68022. The Registered Agent of the Company is Sundara Murthy Chokkara, 19020 Nicholas Circle, Elkhorn, Nebraska 68022. The Company was formed on April 25, 2022. First publication May 6, 2022, final May 20, 2022 Russell S. Daub Attorney at Law 2800 S. 110th Court, Suite 1 Omaha, Nebraska 68144-4818 (402) 393-4233 NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION FOR LT 4-5, LLC Notice is hereby given that a Company has been formed under the laws of the State of Nebraska. The name of the Company is LT 4-5, LLC. The address of the designated office of the Company is 2800 S. 110th Court, Suite 1, Omaha, Nebraska 68144. The address of the registered office is 2800 S. 110th Court, Suite 1, Omaha, Nebraska 68144 and the name of the Company’s initial registered agent is RUSSELL S. DAUB. The Company shall engage in any lawful business for which a Company may be formed under the Nebraska Limited Liability Company Act. The Company commenced business on April 27, 2022, and its duration shall be perpetual. The affairs of the Company are to be conducted by its Members. First publication May 6, 2022, final May 20, 2022

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WILLIAM N. BEERMAN, Attorney PANSING HOGAN ERNST & BACHMAN LLP 10250 Regency Circle, Suite 300 Omaha, Nebraska 68114-3728 NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION OF BIG BRAIN WEST, LLC Big Brain West, LLC, a Nebraska limited liability company (the “Company”), filed its STATEMENT OF DISSOLUTION with the Nebraska Secretary of State on April 28, 2022. Persons with claims against the Company must present such claim to: Big Brain West, LLC, c/o William N. Beerman, 10250 Regency Circle, Ste. 300, Omaha, Nebraska 68114. Claims against the Company must include the following information: (i) claimant’s name, address and telephone number during business hours; (ii) any facts which may support the claim; and (iii) any amounts allegedly owed by the Company under the claim. Claims not including this information will not be reviewed. Any claims against this Company will be barred unless a proceeding to enforce such claims is commenced within five (5) years after the date this Notice is last published. First publication May 6, 2022, final May 20, 2022 WHITMORE LAW OFFICE LLC 7602 PACIFIC STREET, SUITE 200 OMAHA,NEBRASKA 68114 NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION Notice is hereby given that Sierra Realty LLC (the “Company”) has been organized under the laws of the State of Nebraska. The Designated Office of the Company is 7602 Pacific Street, Suite 200, Omaha, Nebraska 68114. The Registered Agent of the Company is Whitmore Law Office, LLC, 7602 Pacific Street, Suite 200, Omaha, Nebraska 68114. The Company was formed on April 28, 2022. First publication May 6, 2022, final May 20, 2022 Notice of Organization NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Drip Passion Platinum LLC (the “Company”) has been organized under the laws of the State of Nebraska. The Designated Office Address of the Company is 14706 S 24th Street, Bellevue NE 68123. Its affairs are to be conducted by manager/members Tyree Smith and Caroline Smith. Its registered agent is Small Business Services IVT LLC and the street address is 5421 N 103rd ST, #406, Omaha NE 68134. First publication May 6, 2022, final May 20, 2022 NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION OF Behind the Box LLC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Behind the Box LLC has been organized under the laws of the State of Nebraska. The designated office of the limited liability company is 5034 S 186th Ave., Omaha, NE 68135. The registered agent and office of the limited liability company is Registered Agents Inc, 200 S 21st St., STE 400A, Lincoln, NE 68510. The limited liability company commenced business on April 19, 2022. First publication May 6, 2022, final May 20, 2022 WHITMORE LAW OFFICE LLC 7602 PACIFIC STREET, SUITE 200 OMAHA,NEBRASKA 68114 NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION Notice is hereby given that Rosenquist Counseling and Training LLC has been organized as a professional limited liability company under the Nebraska Uniform Limited Liability Company Act. The Designated Office of the Company is 4205 North 100th Street, Omaha, Nebraska 68134. The Registered Agent of the Company is Russell Rosenquist, 4205 North 100th Street, Omaha, Nebraska 68134. The Company’s members, managers and professional employees are licensed or otherwise legally authorized to provide mental health counseling and wellness training in the State of Nebraska. The Company was formed on April 28, 2022. First publication May 13, 2022, final May 27, 2022 KOLEY JESSEN P.C., L.L.O., Attorneys 1125 South 103rd Street, Suite 800 Omaha, Nebraska 68124 NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION OF BLOCK 3700 INVESTOR, LLC The name of the Company is Block 3700 Investor, LLC. The Designated Office of the Company is: 1016 South 38th Street, Omaha, Nebraska 68105. The Registered Agent and Office of the Company is: Koley Jessen P.C., L.L.O., 1125 South 103rd Street, Suite 800, Omaha, Nebraska 68124. This limited liability company commenced business on May 2, 2022. First publication May 13, 2022, final May 27, 2022 Matthew Wurstner, Attorney CARLSON & BLAKEMAN, LLP 2002 Douglas Street, #100 Omaha, NE 68102 NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION OF NUANCED LLC Notice is hereby given that NUANCED LLC is organized under the laws of the State of Nebraska. The initial designated office is 19315 I Street, Omaha, NE 68135. The Company’s initial registered agent in the State of Nebraska is Kathy S. Rygg, whose address is 19315 I Street, Omaha, NE 68135. The purpose of the Company is to engage in any lawful business and activity, as may be mutually agreed upon by the Members from time to time, and which are not prohibited by the Nebraska Uniform Limited Liability Company Act. The Company commenced with filing its Certificate of Organization on April 12, 2022, and shall have a perpetual period of duration. The Company is a Member Managed Limited Liability Company. Kathy S. Rygg, Organizer First publication May 13, 2022, final May 27, 2022

BENJAMIN J. PICK, Attorney PANSING HOGAN ERNST & BACHMAN LLP 10250 Regency Circle, Suite 300 Omaha, Nebraska 68114-3728 NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION OF LEAVENWEALTH HOLDINGS, LLC Notice is hereby given of the organization of LeavenWealth Holdings, LLC: 1. The name of the limited liability company is LeavenWealth Holdings, LLC; and 2. The street and mailing address of the initial designated office is 117 S. 25th Street, Omaha, Nebraska 68131, and the name and street address of the initial agent for service of process is Benjamin J. Pick, 10250 Regency Circle, Suite 300, Omaha, Nebraska 68114. First publication May 6, 2022, final May 20, 2022

MARY E. VANDENACK, ATTORNEY VANDENACK WEAVER TRUHLSEN 17007 Marcy Street, Suite 3 Omaha, Nebraska, 68118 Telephone 402-504-1300 NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION OF CJAMS INVESTMENTS LLC Notice is hereby given that CJAMS INVESTMENTS LLC has been organized as a limited liability company under the Nebraska Uniform Limited Liability Company Act. The address of the initial designated office of the company is 8038 Co Rd. P32, Ft. Calhoun, NE 68023. The agent for service of process for the Company is VW Agents LLC located at 17007 Marcy Street, Suite 3, Omaha, NE 68118. First publication May 6, 2022, final May 20, 2022

BENJAMIN J. PICK, Attorney PANSING HOGAN ERNST & BACHMAN LLP 10250 Regency Circle, Suite 300 Omaha, Nebraska 68114-3728 NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION OF LEAVENWEALTH CAPITAL, LLC Notice is hereby given of the organization of LeavenWealth Capital, LLC: 1. The name of the limited liability company is LeavenWealth Capital, LLC; and 2. The street and mailing address of the initial designated office is 117 S. 25th Street, Omaha, Nebraska 68131, and the name and street address of the initial agent for service of process is Benjamin J. Pick, 10250 Regency Circle, Suite 300, Omaha, Nebraska 68114. First publication May 6, 2022, final May 20, 2022

Darren R. Carlson, Attorney CARLSON & BLAKEMAN, LLP 2002 Douglas Street, Ste. 100 Omaha, NE 68102 NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION OF DESERT GROUP, LLC Notice is hereby given that DESERT GROUP, LLC is organized under the laws of the State of Nebraska. The initial designated office is 2002 Douglas Street, Ste. 100, Omaha, NE 68102. The Company’s initial registered agent in the State of Nebraska is Darren R. Carlson, whose address is 2002 Douglas Street, Suite 100, Omaha, NE 68102. The purpose of the Company is to engage in any lawful business and activity, as may be mutually agreed upon by the Members from time to time, and which are not prohibited by the Nebraska Uniform Limited Liability Company Act. The Company commenced with filing its Certificate of Organization on April 26, 2022, and shall have a perpetual period of duration. The Company is a Member Managed Limited Liability Company. Darren R. Carlson, Organizer First publication May 6, 2022, final May 20, 2022

WHITMORE LAW OFFICE LLC 7602 PACIFIC STREET, SUITE 200 OMAHA,NEBRASKA 68114 NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION Notice is hereby given that Lilly Pad Properties LLC (the “Company”) has been organized under the laws of the State of Nebraska. The Designated Office of the Company is 2936 N 55th Street, Omaha, Nebraska 68104. The Registered Agent of the Company is Gregory Lilly, 2936 N 55th Street, Omaha, Nebraska 68104. The Company was formed on February 23, 2022. First publication May 6, 2022, final May 20, 2022 KOLEY JESSEN P.C., L.L.O., Attorneys 1125 South 103rd Street, Suite 800 Omaha, Nebraska 68124 NOTICE OF AMENDMENT NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Certificate of Organization of Bob and Willie’s Bowl LLC, a Nebraska limited liability company, has been amended as follows: the limited liability company has changed its name to B&WW Blackstone, LLC. The Amended Certificate of Organization was filed with the Nebraska Secretary of State on April 26, 2022. First publication May 6, 2022, final May 20, 2022 BENJAMIN J. PICK, Attorney PANSING HOGAN ERNST & BACHMAN LLP 10250 Regency Circle, Suite 300 Omaha, Nebraska 68114-3728 NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION OF 4916 CALIFORNIA, LLC Notice is hereby given of the organization of 4916 California, LLC: 1. The name of the limited liability company is 4916 Calfornia, LLC; and 2. The street and mailing address of the initial designated office is 117 S. 25th Street, Omaha, Nebraska 68131, and the name and street address of the initial agent for service of process is Benjamin J. Pick, 10250 Regency Circle, Suite 300, Omaha, Nebraska 68114. First publication May 6, 2022, final May 20, 2022

LAW OFFICES OF EVELYN N. BABCOCK 16264 Rolling Ridge Road Omaha, Nebraska 68135 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that N5250H, LLC has been organized under the laws of the State of Nebraska on April 18,2022. The street and mailing address for the initial designated office is 16264 Rolling Ridge Rd, Omaha, NE. The street and mailing address for the initial agent for service of process is 16264 Rolling Ridge Rd, Omaha, NE 68135. The name of the initial agent for service of process is George T. Babcock. The general nature of the business is any and all business which is lawful under the Uniform Limited Liability Act of the State of Nebraska. The business of limited liability company will be conducted by its Members. George T. Babcock, Organizer First publication May 6, 2022, final May 20, 2022 LAW OFFICES OF EVELYN N. BABCOCK 16264 Rolling Ridge Road Omaha, Nebraska 68135 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that N3917R, LLC has been organized under the laws of the State of Nebraska on April 18,2022. The street and mailing address for the initial designated office is 16264 Rolling Ridge Rd, Omaha, NE. The street and mailing address for the initial agent for service of process is 16264 Rolling Ridge Rd, Omaha, NE 68135. The name of the initial agent for service of process is George T. Babcock. The general nature of the business is any and all business which is lawful under the Uniform Limited Liability Act of the State of Nebraska. The business of limited liability company will be conducted by its Members. George T. Babcock, Organizer First publication May 6, 2022, final May 20, 2022

BENJAMIN J. PICK, Attorney PANSING HOGAN ERNST & BACHMAN LLP 10250 Regency Circle, Suite 300 Omaha, Nebraska 68114-3728 NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION OF 9447 J STREET, LLC Notice is hereby given of the organization of 9447 J Street, LLC: 1. The name of the limited liability company is 9447 J Street, LLC; and 2. The street and mailing address of the initial designated office is 117 S. 25th Street, Omaha, Nebraska 68131, and the name and street address of the initial agent for service of process is Benjamin J. Pick, 10250 Regency Circle, Suite 300, Omaha, Nebraska 68114. First publication May 6, 2022, final May 20, 2022

LAW OFFICES OF EVELYN N. BABCOCK 16264 Rolling Ridge Road Omaha, Nebraska 68135 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that N2334B, LLC has been organized under the laws of the State of Nebraska on April 18,2022. The street and mailing address for the initial designated office is 16264 Rolling Ridge Rd, Omaha, NE. The street and mailing address for the initial agent for service of process is 16264 Rolling Ridge Rd, Omaha, NE 68135. The name of the initial agent for service of process is George T. Babcock. The general nature of the business is any and all business which is lawful under the Uniform Limited Liability Act of the State of Nebraska. The business of limited liability company will be conducted by its Members. George T. Babcock, Organizer First publication May 6, 2022, final May 20, 2022

NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION J.W. Home Health Care services Notice is hereby given that J.W.Home Health Care, LLC has been organized as a limited liability company under Nebraska laws, with its designated It is organized to transact any lawful business for which a Limited Liability Company may be organized under Nebraska laws and its duration is perpetual commencing from April 212022. Its affairs are to be conducted by the manager Jasma Williams. This business is registered to provide home health care services for any individual with a disability And in need of help. Private pay is acceptable in ADwavers are acceptable if you have any questions please contact me at 4025909363 and I will get back to you back to you as soon as possible. First publication May 6, 2022, final May 20, 2022

WHITMORE LAW OFFICE LLC 7602 PACIFIC STREET, SUITE 200 OMAHA,NEBRASKA 68114 NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION Notice is hereby given that The Cannabis Factory LLC (the “Company”) has been organized under the laws of the State of Nebraska. The Designated Office of the Company is 12801 Emiline Street, Omaha, Nebraska 68138. The Registered Agent of the Company is Thomas E. Whitmore, 7602 Pacific Street, Suite 200, Omaha, Nebraska 68114. The Company was formed on April 22, 2022. First publication May 6, 2022, final May 20, 2022

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NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION OF ESTHETICS BY ANDREA, LLC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Esthetics by Andrea, LLC (the “Company”) has been organized under the laws of the State of Nebraska. The Designated Office Address of the Company is 3015 Orchard Street, Lincoln, Nebraska 68503. The Registered Agent of the Company is Andrea Angeles at 3015 Orchard Street, Lincoln, Nebraska 68503. First publication May 6, 2022, final May 20, 2022

KOLEY JESSEN P.C., L.L.O., Attorneys 1125 South 103rd Street, Suite 800 Omaha, Nebraska 68124 NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION OF B&WW MANUFACTURING, LLC The name of the Company is B&WW Manufacturing, LLC. The Designated Office of the Company is: 1125 South 103rd Street, Suite 800, Omaha, Nebraska 68124. The Registered Agent and Office of the Company is: Koley Jessen P.C., L.L.O., 1125 South 103rd Street, Suite 800, Omaha, Nebraska 68124. This limited liability company commenced business on April 27, 2022. First publication May 6, 2022, final May 20, 2022

NOTICE OF INCORPORATION OF EHS CONSULTING BY MARISSA PEPPER, INC. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that EHS CONSULTING BY MARISSA PEPPER, INC., is incorporated under the laws of the State of Nebraska, with a regis¬tered office at 1618 North 75th Street, Omaha, Nebraska 68114. The registered agent is MARISSA PEPPER. The general nature of the business is to operate a general environmental engineer service business, to own, operate and perform services of every kind and nature whatsoever, which are not inconsistent with law, which are necessary, suitable, proper, convenient or expedient to the operation of a general environmental engineer service business. The authorized capital stock is $10,000.00, consisting of 10,000 shares of stock having a par value of $1.00 each, which stock shall be paid for wholly or partly by cash, by labor, by personal property and by real property. The corporation became a corporate body on April 12, 2022, and upon its Articles being filed with the Nebraska Secretary of State on April 26, 2022, and shall have perpetual existence. The affairs of the corporation are to be conducted by a Board of Directors, the number of directors to be provided in the By-Laws, and the officers shall be a President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer, and such other officers as shall be designated in the By-Laws. ANTHONY L. GROSS, Incorporator CATHERINE L. WHITE, Incorporator 3018 South 87th Street, Omaha, NE 68124 First publication May 6, 2022, final May 20, 2022

Scott A. Meyerson, Esq. LIKES MEYERSON HATCH LLC 444 Regency Parkway Dr., #100 Omaha, NE 68114 NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION OF DOORS ON DEMAND LLC Notice is hereby given that Doors On Demand LLC, a Nebraska limited liability company, has been organized under the laws of the State of Nebraska. The street and mailing address of the Company’s initial designated office is 21866 Williams Circle, Suite C, Gretna, NE 68028 and mailing address of the Company’s initial agent for service of process is 5601 S. 59th Street, Suite C, Lincoln, NE 68516 and the Company’s initial agent for service of process at such address is Registered Agent Solutions Inc. First publication May 6, 2022, final May 20, 2022

LEGAL NOTICE IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF DOUGLAS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Case Number CI 22-3039 IN RE NAME CHANGE OF Ayan Hussein Adow. Notice is hereby given that on the 26th day of 04, 2022, a petition was filed in the District Court of Douglas County, Nebraska, the object and prayer of which is for the change of the petitioner’s name from Ayan Hussein Adow to Anab Hussein Adow. A hearing will be had on said petition before the Honorable JEFFREY J. LUX, in courtroom no. 503, 1701 Farnam St., Omaha, NE 68183, Douglas District Court, on the 27th day of 06, 2022 at 10:00 A.M. or as soon thereafter as will be convenient for the court and that unless sufficent cause is shown to the contrary, the petitioner’s name will be changed from that of Ayan Hussein Adow, to Anab Hussein Adow. Ayan Hussein Adow 1117 N 26th Circle, Apt. 208 Omaha, NE 68131 402-457-9742 First publication May 6, 2022, final May 27, 2022

ERICKSON | SEDERSTROM, P.C. Suite 100, Regency Westpointe 10330 Regency Parkway Drive Omaha, Nebraska 68114 NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION On May 3, 2022, PJML Lincoln, LLC, a Nebraska limited liability company, (“LLC”) filed a Statement of Dissolution with the Nebraska Secretary of State. The terms of the dissolution provide for the payment of all liabilities of the Corporation and the distribution of all remaining assets. Paul Heimann, its Attorney, is to wind up and liquidate the corporate affairs and distribute its assets. The Corporation has no assets and no liabilities. First publication May 13, 2022, final May 27, 2022

Scott A. Meyerson, Esq. LIKES MEYERSON HATCH LLC 444 Regency Parkway Dr., #100 Omaha, NE 68114 NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION OF EARNEST LIVING LLC Notice is hereby given that Earnest Living LLC, a Nebraska limited liability company, has been organized under the laws of the State of Nebraska. The street and mailing address of the Company’s initial designated office is 12915 West Dodge Road, Omaha, NE 68154. The street and mailing address of the Company’s initial agent for service of process is 5601 S. 59th Street, Suite C, Lincoln, Nebraska 68516 and the Company’s initial agent for service of process at such address is Registered Agent Solutions, Inc. First publication May 13, 2022, final May 27, 2022

BENJAMIN J. PICK, Attorney PANSING HOGAN ERNST & BACHMAN LLP 10250 Regency Circle, Suite 300 Omaha, Nebraska 68114-3728 NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION OF CAKE BREAD 2022, LLC Notice is hereby given of the organization of Cake Bread 2022, LLC: 1. The name of the limited liability company is Cake Bread 2022, LLC; and 2. The street and mailing address of the initial designated office is 12910 Pierce Street, Ste. 110, Omaha, Nebraska 68144, and the name and street address of the initial agent for service of process is Benjamin J. Pick, 10250 Regency Circle, Suite 300, Omaha, Nebraska 68114. First publication May 13, 2022, final May 27, 2022

Notice is given that the undersigned has organized a limited liability company known Fiempire, LLC with its initial registered office at 7325 Wyoming Street, Omaha, NE 68122 with its initial designated office being the same as the registered office. The initial agent for service of process of the company is Derek Colwell. The company commenced on July 8, 2021. /s/ Shawn M. Ilg Organizer and Attorney at Law 17117 Burt, Omaha NE 68118 First publication May 13, 2022, final May 27, 2022

Notice is given that the undersigned has organized a limited liability company known IGWA Properties, LLC with its initial registered office at 5323 Raven Oaks Drive, Omaha, NE 68152 with its initial designated office being the same as the registered office. The initial agent for service of process of the company is David Potter. The company commenced on August 21, 2021. /s/ Shawn M. Ilg Organizer and Attorney at Law 17117 Burt, Omaha NE 68118 First publication May 13, 2022, final May 27, 2022

Notice is given that the undersigned has organized a limited liability company known K & D Properties, LLC with its initial registered office at 5323 Raven Oaks Drive, Omaha, NE 68152 with its initial designated office being the same as the registered office. The initial agent for service of process of the company is David Potter. The company commenced on August 21, 2021. /s/ Shawn M. Ilg Organizer and Attorney at Law 17117 Burt, Omaha NE 68118 First publication May 13, 2022, final May 27, 2022

Notice is given that the undersigned has organized a limited liability company known JB Homes, LLC with its initial registered office at 8017 Evans Street, Omaha, NE 68134 with its initial designated office being the same as the registered office. The initial agent for service of process of the company is Brittany Gonzales. The company commenced on July 23, 2021. /s/ Shawn M. Ilg Organizer and Attorney at Law 17117 Burt, Omaha NE 68118 First publication May 13, 2022, final May 27, 2022

Notice is given that the undersigned has organized a limited liability company known Juno Holdings, LLC with its initial registered office at 2607 South 49 Street, Omaha, NE 68106 with its initial designated office being the same as the registered office. The initial agent for service of process of the company is Lila Dinnel. The company commenced on July 7, 2021. /s/ Shawn M. Ilg Organizer and Attorney at Law 17117 Burt, Omaha NE 68118 First publication May 13, 2022, final May 27, 2022

Notice is given that the undersigned has organized a limited liability company known The Mo Bailey Co, LLC with its initial registered office at 212 South 15 Street, Norfolk, NE 68701 with its initial designated office being the same as the registered office. The initial agent for service of process of the company is Molly Bailey. The company commenced on July 8, 2021. /s/ Shawn M. Ilg Organizer and Attorney at Law 17117 Burt, Omaha NE 68118 First publication May 13, 2022, final May 27, 2022

Notice is hereby given that TP Sewer and Drain Cleaning, LLC (the “Company”) has been organized under Nebraska state laws with a designated office address of Company at 3520 S 49th Ave Omaha, NE 68106. The Registered Agent of the Company is Tanner Edwards 3520 S 49th Ave Omaha, NE 68106. First publication May 13, 2022, final May 27, 2022

LINDSEY A. SCHULER, Attorney CROKER HUCK LAW FIRM 2120 S. 72ND STREET, SUITE 1200 OMAHA, NEBRASKA 68124 NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION OF 2022 VISION, LLC The name of the limited liability company is 2022 Vision, LLC. The address of the initial designated office is 303 North Grandview Avenue, Papillion, NE 68046. The name and address of the initial agent for service of process is Croker, Huck, Kasher, DeWitt, Anderson & Gonderinger, LLC, 2120 South 72nd Street, Suite 1200, Omaha, NE 68124. First publication May 13, 2022, final May 27, 2022

Steven Bloch, Esq. LIKES MEYERSON HATCH LLC 444 Regency Parkway Dr., #100 Omaha, NE 68114 NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION OF MERMANCO, LLC Notice is hereby given that Mermanco, LLC, a Nebraska limited liability company, has been organized under the laws of the State of Nebraska. The street and mailing address of the Company’s initial designated office is 9811 Nottingham Drive, Omaha, NE 68144 and mailing address of the Company’s initial agent for service of process is 9811 Nottingham Drive, Omaha, NE 68144 and the Company’s initial agent for service of process at such address is Registered Agent Solutions Inc. First publication May 13, 2022, final May 27, 2022

Steven Bloch, Esq. LIKES MEYERSON HATCH LLC 444 Regency Parkway Dr., #100 Omaha, NE 68114 NOTICE OF AMENDMENT OF BLOCH FAMILY PARTNERS, LLC Notice is hereby given that the Certificate of Organization of 2945Co, LLC, a Nebraska limited liability company, has been amended as follows: the limited liability company has changed its name to Bloch Family Partners, LLC. The Amended Certificate or Organization was filed with the Nebraska Secretary of State on May 5, 2022. First publication May 13, 2022, final May 27, 2022

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Charles E. Dorwart (Bar I.D. #16456) Massih Law, LLC 226 N. 114th St. Omaha, NE 68154 Tel.: (402) 558-1404 E-mail: chuck@massihlaw.com NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the County Court of Douglas County, Nebraska. PR22-709 Estate of Joseph E. Merwald, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that on April 22, 2022, in the County Court of Douglas County, Nebraska, the Registrar issued a written statement of Informal Probate of the Will of said Decedent and that LeAnn M. Rasch, 7905 Joseph Street, Omaha, NE 68124. (402) 607-2466, was informally appointed by the Registrar as Personal Representative of the Estate. Creditors of this estate must file their claims with this Court, located at Courtroom No. 330, Third Floor, Probate Division, Douglas County Hall of Justice, 17th & Farnam Streets, Omaha, NE 68183, on or before July 13, 2022 or be forever barred. CARROL MILLS Registrar of the County Court First publication May 13, 2022, final May 27, 2022 NOTICE OF INCORPORATION MAYA ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Maya Economic Development Corporation, a Nebraska non-profit corporation, has been incorporated under the laws of the State of Nebraska. The corporation is a public benefit corporation and will not have members. The street address of the corporation’s registered office is 4913 South 25th Street, Suite #1, Omaha, NE 68107, and the name of its initial registered agent is Luis Marcos. The name and street address of the incorporator of the corporation are set forth below. Luis Marcos 4913 South 25th Street, Suite #1 Omaha, NE 68107 First publication May 13, 2022, final May 27, 2022 Amanda M. Forker, Attorney PANSING HOGAN ERNST & BACHMAN LLP 10250 Regency Circle, Suite 300 Omaha, Nebraska 68114 NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION OF KJL GROUP, LLC Notice is hereby given of the organization of KJL Group, LLC 1. The name of the limited liability company is KJL Group, LLC 2. The street and mailing address of the initial designated office is 12944 Eagle Run Drive, Omaha, Nebraska 68164, and the name and street address of the initial agent for service of process is Kristi J. Lambrecht, 12944 Eagle Run Drive, Omaha, Nebraska 68164. First publication May 13, 2022, final May 27, 2022 NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION XCLUSIVE SOLUTIONS, LLC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Xclusive Solutions, LLC (the “Company”) has been organized under the laws of the State of Nebraska. The Designated Office Address of the Company is 2336 South 147th Street, Omaha, Nebraska 68144. The Registered Agent of the Company is DDLG Business Services, Inc., 9500 West Dodge Road, Suite 100, Omaha, Nebraska 68114. Dvorak Law Group, LLC 9500 West Dodge Road Suite 100 Omaha, NE 68114 First publication May 13, 2022, final May 27, 2022

NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION ET MANAGEMENT, LLC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that ET Management, LLC (the “Company”) has been organized under the laws of the State of Nebraska. The Designated Office Address of the Company is 13575 Lynam Drive, Omaha, Nebraska 68138. The Registered Agent of the Company is DDLG Business Services, Inc., 9500 West Dodge Road, Suite 100, Omaha, Nebraska 68114. Dvorak Law Group, LLC 9500 West Dodge Road Suite 100 Omaha, NE 68114 First publication May 20, 2022, final June 3, 2022

KOLEY JESSEN P.C., L.L.O., Attorneys 1125 South 103rd Street, Suite 800 Omaha, Nebraska 68124 NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION OF MIDWEST SIGNAL DESIGN LLC The name of the Company is Midwest Signal Design LLC. The Designated Office of the Company is: 17625 O Street, Omaha, Nebraska 68135. The Registered Agent and Office of the Company is: Jacob Rohloff, 17625 O Street, Omaha, Nebraska 68135. This limited liability company commenced business on May 6, 2022. First publication May 20, 2022, final June 3, 2022

LAW OFFICES ABRAHAMS KASLOW & CASSMAN LLP 8712 WEST DODGE ROAD, SUITE 300 OMAHA, NEBRASKA 68114-3419 TELEPHONE 402-392-1250 FACSIMILE 402-392-0816 NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION JQuest Properties, LLC has been organized as a limited liability company under the Nebraska Uniform Limited Liability Company Act. The street and mailing address of the initial designated office of the company is 401 North F Street, Milford, Nebraska 68405. The name and street and mailing address of the initial registered agent of the company for service of process is William A. Wiley, 401 North F Street, Milford, Nebraska 68405. First publication May 13, 2022, final May 27, 2022

STEVEN G. RANUM, Attorney CROKER HUCK LAW FIRM 2120 S. 72ND STREET, SUITE 1200 OMAHA, NEBRASKA 68124 NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION OF JFL LOGISTICS, LLC The name of the limited liability company is JFL Logistics, LLC. The address of the initial designated office is 2522 Edward Babe Gomez Avenue, Omaha, NE 68107. The name and address of the initial agent for service of process is Croker, Huck, Kasher, DeWitt, Anderson & Gonderinger, LLC, 2120 South 72nd Street, Suite 1200, Omaha, NE 68124. First publication May 13, 2022, final May 27, 2022

KOLEY JESSEN P.C., L.L.O., Attorneys 1125 South 103rd Street, Suite 800, One Pacific Place Omaha, Nebraska 68124-1079 NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION OF VELVET HAMMER, LLC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Velvet Hammer, LLC has been organized under the laws of the State of Nebraska. The designated office of the limited liability company is 20140 Sheffield Circle, Bennington, Nebraska 68007. The registered agent and office of the limited liability company is Koley Jessen P.C., L.L.O., 1125 South 103rd Street, Suite 800, Omaha, Nebraska 68124. The Certificate of Organization was filed with the Nebraska Secretary of State on May 2, 2022. First publication May 13, 2022, final May 27, 2022

LAW OFFICES ABRAHAMS KASLOW & CASSMAN LLP 8712 WEST DODGE ROAD, SUITE 300 OMAHA, NEBRASKA 68114-3419 TELEPHONE 402-392-1250 FACSIMILE 402-392-0816 NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION OF CHRISTIAN AUTHORS NETWORK, INC. Christian Authors Network, Inc., a Nebraska nonprofit corporation, has been dissolved in accordance with the Nebraska Nonprofit Corporation Act. The terms and conditions were, in general, that remaining cash and assets of the corporation were spent or utilized for the purposes of the corporation through normal operations until dissolution and to pay and satisfy all debts and obligations of the corporation or make adequate provision therefore. Angela Breidenbach, President of the corporation, was the person who was responsible for winding up and liquidating the business and affairs of the corporation. The corporation has no remaining assets or liabilities. First publication May 13, 2022, final May 27, 2022

NOTICE OF ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION OF AMERICAN FENCE CO. OF KEARNEY, INC. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Articles of Incorporation of American Fence Co. of Kearney, Inc. were duly filed with the Nebraska Secretary of State on May 2, 2022. The street address of the corporation’s registered office is 12330 Cary Circle, La Vista, Nebraska 68128 and the name of its initial registered agent is Todd J. LaVigne. The name and street address of the incorporator of the corporation is M. Thomas Langan II and the street address of the incorporator is 9500 West Dodge Road, Suite 100, Omaha, Nebraska 68114. Dvorak Law Group, LLC 9500 West Dodge Road, Suite 100 Omaha, NE 68114 First publication May 13, 2022, final May 27, 2022 SEAN D. MOYLAN, Attorney 1010 South 120th Street, Suite 320 Omaha, Nebraska 68154 NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION OF MOP, LLC The name of the Company is MOP, LLC, a Nebraska limited liability company. The initial registered agent is Sean Moylan located at 1010 S. 120th Street, Suite #320, Omaha, Nebraska 68154. The initial designated office of the Company is located at 5391 N 295th Street, Valley, Nebraska 68064. This limited liability company commenced business on April 14, 2022. First publication May 13, 2022, final May 27, 2022

KOLEY JESSEN P.C., L.L.O., Attorneys 1125 South 103rd Street, Suite 800 Omaha, Nebraska 68124 NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION OF 2H GROUNDWORKS LLC The name of the Company is 2H Groundworks LLC. The Designated Office of the Company is: 14542 Mormon Street, Bennington, Nebraska 68007. The Registered Agent and Office of the Company is: Jake J. Holzworth, 14542 Mormon Street, Bennington, Nebraska 68007. This limited liability company commenced business on May 3, 2022. First publication May 13, 2022, final May 27, 2022 SEAN D. MOYLAN, Attorney Moylan Law, LLC 1010 South 120th Street, Suite 320 Omaha, Nebraska 68154 NOTICE OF INCORPORATION Notice is hereby given that Goodman Endodontics, P.C., a Nebraska Corporation, is organized under the laws of the State of Nebraska, with its initial designated agent Sean D. Moylan and designated office at 1010 South 120th Street, Suite 320, Omaha, Nebraska 68154. The purpose for which Goodman Endodontics, P.C. has been established is to engage in endodontics and any and all lawful businesses for which a corporation may be organized under the laws of the State of Nebraska. Perpetual existence commenced on March 2, 2022. First publication May 13, 2022, final May 27, 2022 Dennis P. Lee LEE LAW OFFICE 2433 South 130th Circle, Suite 300 Omaha, NE 68144 (402) 934-4409 NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the County Court of Douglas County, Nebraska. PR22-252 Estate of LOUISE ANN NISSEN, Decedent. Date of Dealth: December 14, 2021 Notice is hereby given that on the 25 day of April, 2022, in the County Court of Douglas County, Nebraska, the Registrar issued a written statement of Informal Intestacy of the Estate of Louise Ann Nissen and that the following was appointed as the Personal Representative of this Estate: Sherry Louise Lenssen 4704 Zachary Crescent Ramara, ON, Canada L3V 0K8 Creditors of this estate must file their claims with this Court, located at Courtroom No. 330, Third Floor, Probate Division, Douglas County Hall of Justice, 17th & Farnam Streets, Omaha, NE 68183, on or before July 13, 2022 or be forever barred. CARROL MILLS Registrar of the County Court First publication May 13, 2022, final May 27, 2022 KOLEY JESSEN P.C., L.L.O., Attorneys 1125 South 103rd Street, Suite 800, One Pacific Place Omaha, NE 68124-1079 NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that FFL Holdings, Inc., a Nebraska corporation (“Corporation”), has filed Articles of Dissolution with the Nebraska Secretary of State on May 3, 2022, and the Corporation is in the process of voluntary dissolution. The terms and conditions of such dissolution are, in general, that all debts and obligations of the Corporation are to be fully paid and satisfied or adequate provision is to be made therefore. The President, Ryan M. Zink, will wind up and liquidate the Corporation’s business and affairs. The Corporation has no assets or liabilities as of the date hereof. First publication May 13, 2022, final May 27, 2022

KOLEY JESSEN P.C., L.L.O., Attorneys 1125 South 103rd Street, Suite 800, One Pacific Place Omaha, NE 68124-1079 NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION OF MREA NETWORK, LLC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that MREA Network, LLC has been organized under the laws of the State of Nebraska. The designated office of the limited liability company is 17838 Burke Street, Suite 102, Omaha, Nebraska 68118. The registered agent and office of the limited liability company is Koley Jessen P.C., L.L.O., 1125 South 103rd Street, Suite 800, Omaha, Nebraska 68124. The limited liability company commenced business on May 3, 2022. First publication May 13, 2022, final May 27, 2022

NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION Notice is hereby given that Ravenna Designs LLC, a Nebraska Limited Liability Company, has been organized under the laws of the state of Nebraska, with its initial designated office at 200 S. 21st St. STE 400A, Lincoln, NE 68510. The initial agent for service of process of the company is Registered Agents, Inc., 200 S. 21st St. STE 400A, Lincoln, NE 68510. First publication May 13, 2022, final May 27, 2022

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Andrew J. Huber, Attorney LAMSON DUGAN & MURRAY, LLP 10306 Regency Parkway Drive Omaha, Nebraska 68114 NOTICE OF AMENDMENT TO THE CERTIFICATE OF ORGANIZATION OF BENES GROUP, LLC Notice is hereby given that an Amendment to the Certificate of Organization of International Services, LLC f/k/a Benes Group, LLC was filed with the Secretary of State on May 3, 2022 to change the name of the business to International Services, LLC. The name and street address of the corporation’s registered agent and office is LDM Business Services, Inc., 10306 Regency Parkway Drive, Omaha, NE 68114. First publication May 13, 2022, final May 27, 2022

STEPHANIE M. SHARP, ATTORNEY VANDENACK WEAVER LLC 17007 Marcy Street, Suite 3 Omaha, Nebraska, 68118 Telephone 402-504-1300 NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION OF CARRARA LLC Notice is hereby given that CARRARA LLC has been organized as a limited liability company under the Nebraska Uniform Limited Liability Company Act. The address of the initial designated office of the company is 4611 South 96th Street, #309, Omaha, NE 68127. The agent for service of process for the Company is VW Agents LLC located at 17007 Marcy Street, Suite 3, Omaha, NE 68118. First publication May 13, 2022, final May 27, 2022

ERICKSON | SEDERSTROM, P.C. 10330 Regency Parkway Drive Omaha, NE 68114 NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION OF CYPRESSXM ROOFING, LLC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that CypressXM Roofing, LLC, a Nebraska limited liability company (the “Company”), has been duly organized under the laws of the State of Nebraska, with its designated office located at 10330 Regency Parkway Drive, Suite 100, Omaha, Nebraska 68114 and designating its registered agent as Erickson & Sederstrom, P.C. a limited liability organization with its registered office at 10330 Regency Parkway Drive, Suite 100, Omaha, Nebraska 68114. First publication May 13, 2022, final May 27, 2022

STEPHANIE M. SHARP, ATTORNEY VANDENACK WEAVER LLC 17007 Marcy Street, Suite 3 Omaha, Nebraska, 68118 Telephone 402-504-1300 NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION OF VALLO LLC Notice is hereby given that VALLO LLC has been organized as a limited liability company under the Nebraska Uniform Limited Liability Company Act. The address of the initial designated office of the company is 4611 South 96th Street, #309, Omaha, NE 68127. The agent for service of process for the Company is VW Agents LLC located at 17007 Marcy Street, Suite 3, Omaha, NE 68118. First publication May 13, 2022, final May 27, 2022

ERICKSON & SEDERSTROM, P.C. 10330 Regency Parkway Drive, Suite 100 Omaha, Nebraska 68114 (402) 397-2200 NOTICE OF INCORPORATION Corporate Name: Taylor Lech Foundation Type of Corporation: Public Benefit Registered Agent: Erickson & Sederstrom P.C. a limited liability organization Registered Office: 10330 Regency Parkway Drive, Suite 100 Omaha, Nebraska 68114 Members: Corporation will not have Members. Incorporator: Daniel I. Dittman 10330 Regency Parkway Drive, Suite 100 Omaha, Nebraska 68114 First publication May 13, 2022, final May 27, 2022

ERICKSON | SEDERSTROM, P.C. 10330 Regency Parkway Drive Omaha, NE 68114 NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION OF CYPRESSXM HOLDINGS, LLC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that CypressXM Holdings, LLC, a Nebraska limited liability company, has been duly organized under the laws of the State of Nebraska, with its designated office located at 4515 South 90th Street, Omaha, NE 68127 and designating its registered agent as Erickson & Sederstrom, P.C. a limited liability organization, with its registered office at 10330 Regency Parkway Drive, Suite 100, Omaha, NE 68114. First publication May 13, 2022, final May 27, 2022

NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION OF SLB, LLC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that SLB, LLC (the ‘Company”) has been organized under the laws of the State of Nebraska. The Designated Office Address of the Company is 1941 S. 42nd St Suite 128, Omaha NE 68105. The Registered Agent of the Company is Stephanie Beister, 16520 Adams Circle, Omaha NE 68135. First publication May 20, 2022, final June 3, 2022 APPLICATION FOR REGISTRATION OF TRADE NAME Trade Name to be registered is: Central Omaha Therapy Name of Applicant: Stephanie Beister Address: 16520 Adams Circle Omaha NE 68135 Applicant is a Limited Liability Company If other than an Individual, state under whose laws entity was formed: Date of first use of name in Nebraska: 5/1/2022 General nature of business: Mental Health Therapy STEPHANIE BEISTER Signature of Applicant or Legal Representative May 20, 2022 Julia K. Palzer Attorney at Law 10828 Old Mill Road, Suite 6 Omaha, Nebraska 68154 NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION 1. The name of the Company is NAOMI’S TRAVEL COMPANY, LLC. 2. The street address of the initial designated office is 4935 South 91st Street, Omaha, Nebraska, 68127. The registered agent is Naomi R. Sucha and the Registered Agent’s address is 4935 South 91st Street, Omaha, Nebraska, 68127. 3. The general nature of the Company is a full service travel agency. 4. The Company commenced on May 5, 2022, and shall have perpetual existence. 5. The affairs of the Company are to be conducted by Members, the President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and such other officers as the Members shall determine. First publication May 20, 2022, final June 3, 2022 WHITMORE LAW OFFICE LLC 7602 PACIFIC STREET, SUITE 200 OMAHA,NEBRASKA 68114 NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION Notice is hereby given that Dutta 0422 LLC (the “Company”) has been organized under the laws of the State of Nebraska. The Designated Office of the Company is 10503 Bedford Avenue, Omaha, Nebraska 68134. The Registered Agent of the Company is Sundara Murthy Chokkara, 19020 Nicholas Circle, Elkhorn, Nebraska 68022. The Company was formed on May 9, 2022. First publication May 20, 2022, final June 3, 2022 BENJAMIN J. PICK, Attorney PANSING HOGAN ERNST & BACHMAN LLP 10250 Regency Circle, Suite 300 Omaha, Nebraska 68114-3728 NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION OF TIMBER CREEK HOLDINGS, LLC Notice is hereby given of the organization of Timber Creek Holdings, LLC: 1. The name of the limited liability company is Timber Creek Holdings, LLC; and 2. The street and mailing address of the initial designated office is 17225 Clay Street, Bennington, Nebraska 68007, and the name and street address of the initial agent for service of process is Benjamin J. Pick, 10250 Regency Circle, Suite 300, Omaha, Nebraska 68114. First publication May 20, 2022, final June 3, 2022 NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION OF MALIBU 22, LLC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Malibu 22, LLC (the “Company”) has been organized under the laws of the State of Nebraska. The Initial Designated Office address of the Company is 222 S. 15th Street, Suite 1404s, Omaha, Nebraska 68102. The Initial Registered Agent of the Company is Capitol Corporate Services, Inc., 1125 S. 103rd St. STE 800, Omaha, Nebraska 68124. First publication May 20, 2022, final June 3, 2022 BAILEY E. ROSECRANS, Attorney PANSING HOGAN ERNST & BACHMAN LLP 10250 Regency Circle, Suite 300 Omaha, Nebraska 68114-3728 NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION OF SEAGREN VENTURES, LLC Notice is hereby given of the organization of Seagren Ventures, LLC: 1. The name of the limited liability company is Seagren Ventures, LLC; and 2. The street and mailing address of the initial designated office is 11601 Monroe Street, Omaha, Nebraska 68137, and the name and street address of the initial agent for service of process is Bailey E. Rosecrans, 10250 Regency Circle, Suite 300, Omaha, Nebraska 68114. First publication May 20, 2022, final June 3, 2022

SEAN D. MOYLAN, Attorney 1010 South 120th Street, Suite 320 Omaha, Nebraska 68154 NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION OF ANDREW CONZETT ARCHITECTURE, LLC The name of the Company is Andrew Conzett Architecture, LLC, a Nebraska limited liability company. The initial registered agent is Sean Moylan located at 1010 S. 120th Street, Suite #320, Omaha, Nebraska 68154. The initial designated office of the Company is located at 15522 Pine Street, Omaha, Nebraska 68144. This limited liability company commenced business on May 9, 2022. First publication May 20, 2022, final June 3, 2022

Notice is given that the undersigned has organized a limited liability company known Brightside Vending, LLC with its initial registered office at 16628 X Street, Omaha, NE 68135 with its initial designated office being the same as the registered office. The initial agent for service of process of the company is Ethan Hamilton. The company commenced on April 21, 2021. /s/ Shawn M. Ilg Organizer and Attorney at Law 17117 Burt, Omaha NE 68118 First publication May 20, 2022, final June 3, 2022

Notice is given that the undersigned has organized a limited liability company known GRP Properties, LLC with its initial registered office at 7370 South 225 Street, Gretna, NE 68028 with its initial designated office being the same as the registered office. The initial agent for service of process of the company is Ken Dukat. The company commenced on April 13, 2021. /s/ Shawn M. Ilg Organizer and Attorney at Law 17117 Burt, Omaha NE 68118 First publication May 20, 2022, final June 3, 2022

Notice is given that the undersigned has organized a limited liability company known Rogue Innovations, LLC with its initial registered office at 5602 Jones Street, Omaha, NE 68106 with its initial designated office being the same as the registered office. The initial agent for service of process of the company is Robert Gill. The company commenced on April 28, 2021. /s/ Shawn M. Ilg Organizer and Attorney at Law 17117 Burt, Omaha NE 68118 First publication May 20, 2022, final June 3, 2022

Notice is given that the undersigned has organized a limited liability company known Burrito Envy West, LLC with its initial registered office at 7201 North 154 Street, Bennington, NE 68007 with its initial designated office being the same as the registered office. The initial agent for service of process of the company is Bryan Baumgart. The company commenced on March 17, 2021. /s/ Shawn M. Ilg Organizer and Attorney at Law 17117 Burt, Omaha NE 68118 First publication May 20, 2022, final June 3, 2022

Notice is given that the undersigned has organized a limited liability company known Sivad Group, LLC with its initial registered office at 17703 Leavenworth, Omaha, NE 68118 with its initial designated office being the same as the registered office. The initial agent for service of process of the company is Shawn Davis. The company commenced on March 11, 2021. /s/ Shawn M. Ilg Organizer and Attorney at Law 17117 Burt, Omaha NE 68118 First publication May 20, 2022, final June 3, 2022 Notice is given that the undersigned has organized a limited liability company known Prosperity Solutions, LLC with its initial registered office at 11909 South 112 Street, Papillion, NE 68046 with its initial designated office being the same as the registered office. The initial agent for service of process of the company is Brian C. Thomas. The company commenced on March 11, 2021. /s/ Shawn M. Ilg Organizer and Attorney at Law 17117 Burt, Omaha NE 68118 First publication May 20, 2022, final June 3, 2022

Notice is given that the undersigned has organized a limited liability company known HLC Enterprises, LLC with its initial registered office at 4416 South 199 Avenue, Omaha, NE 68135 with its initial designated office being the same as the registered office. The initial agent for service of process of the company is Jeff Harper. The company commenced on October 18, 2021. /s/ Shawn M. Ilg Organizer and Attorney at Law 17117 Burt, Omaha NE 68118 First publication May 20, 2022, final June 3, 2022

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Notice is given that the undersigned has organized a limited liability company known Red Eagle Handyman, LLC with its initial registered office at 5612 South 53 Street, Omaha, NE 68117 with its initial designated office being the same as the registered office. The initial agent for service of process of the company is Russell A. Dysart Jr.. The company commenced on March 1, 2021. /s/ Shawn M. Ilg Organizer and Attorney at Law 17117 Burt, Omaha NE 68118 First publication May 20, 2022, final June 3, 2022

Notice is given that the undersigned has organized a limited liability company known JFaust Auto Repair, LLC with its initial registered office at 18232 Farnam Street, Elkhorn, NE 68022 with its initial designated office being the same as the registered office. The initial agent for service of process of the company is Joseph T. Faust. The company commenced on February 24, 2021. /s/ Shawn M. Ilg Organizer and Attorney at Law 17117 Burt, Omaha NE 68118 First publication May 20, 2022, final June 3, 2022

Notice is given that the undersigned has organized a limited liability company known NJSA, LLC with its initial registered office at 17117 Burt Street, Omaha, NE 68118 with its initial designated office being the same as the registered office. The initial agent for service of process of the company is Shawn Ilg. The company commenced on February 3, 2021. /s/ Shawn M. Ilg Organizer and Attorney at Law 17117 Burt, Omaha NE 68118 First publication May 20, 2022, final June 3, 2022 Notice is given that the undersigned has organized a limited liability company known M.E. Home Investments 135, LLC with its initial registered office at 16628 X Street, Omaha, NE 68135 with its initial designated office being the same as the registered office. The initial agent for service of process of the company is Ethan Hamilton. The company commenced on February 4, 2021. /s/ Shawn M. Ilg Organizer and Attorney at Law 17117 Burt, Omaha NE 68118 First publication May 20, 2022, final June 3, 2022 Notice is given that the undersigned has organized a limited liability company known Guardian Concrete, LLC with its initial registered office at 12914 South 53 Street, Papillion, NE 68133 with its initial designated office being the same as the registered office. The initial agent for service of process of the company is Jonathan D. Carrison. The company commenced on February 24, 2021. /s/ Shawn M. Ilg Organizer and Attorney at Law 17117 Burt, Omaha NE 68118 First publication May 20, 2022, final June 3, 2022 NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION OF KAO WOODCREST PLAZA, LLC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that KAO WOODCREST PLAZA, LLC (the “Company”) has been organized under the laws of the State of Nebraska. The Designated Office Address of the Company is 12775 Woodcrest Plaza, Omaha, Nebraska 68137. The Registered Agent of the Company is Krishna Dallakoti, 3608 S. 205th Street, Elkhorn, Nebraska 68022. First publication May 20, 2022, final June 3, 2022 NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION OF THE OMAHA WICKERY LLC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that The Omaha Wickery LLC (the “Company”) has been organized under the laws of the State of Nebraska. The Designated Office Address of the Company is 9133 Sahler Street, Omaha, Nebraska 68134. The Registered Agent of the Company is Kacie E Hughes, located at 2735 N 45th Ave., Omaha, NE 68104. The limited liability company commenced business on April 12, 2022. First publication May 20, 2022, final June 3, 2022 Robert J. Likes, Esq. LIKES MEYERSON HATCH LLC 444 Regency Parkway Dr., #100 Omaha, NE 68114 NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION OF 5909 PIERCE LLC Notice is hereby given that 5909 Pierce LLC, a Nebraska limited liability company, has been organized under the laws of the State of Nebraska. The street and mailing address of the Company’s initial designated office in the State of Nebraska is 444 Regency Parkway Drive, Suite 100, Omaha, Nebraska 68114 and mailing address of the Company’s initial agent for service of process is Robert J. Likes and the street and mailing address of such agent in the state of Nebraska is 444 Regency Parkway Drive, Suite 100, Omaha, NE 68114. First publication May 20, 2022, final June 3, 2022

KOLEY JESSEN P.C., L.L.O., Attorneys 1125 South 103rd Street, Suite 800, One Pacific Place Omaha, NE 68124-1079 NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION OF 2410 OAKVIEW, LLC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that 2410 Oakview, LLC has been organized under the laws of the State of Nebraska. The designated office of the limited liability company is 10360 Ellison Circle, Omaha, Nebraska 68134. The registered agent and office of the limited liability company is Koley Jessen P.C., L.L.O., 1125 South 103rd Street, Suite 800, Omaha, Nebraska 68124. The limited liability company commenced business on May 6, 2022. First publication May 20, 2022, final June 3, 2022

NOTICE OF INCORPORATION Nebraska Asian Peace Officer’s Association NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Nebraska Asian Peace Officer’s Association has been incorporated as a nonprofit corporation under the laws of the State of Nebraska on December 30, 2021 (the “Company”). The Corporation is a mutual benefit corporation. The Company has designated its registered agent as Anthony Nguyen, with registered office at 11616 Rainwood Road, Omaha, Nebraska 68142. The incorporator is Anthony Nguyen with address at 11616 Rainwood Road, Omaha, Nebraska 68142. The Company will have members. May 20, 2022 NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION Notice is hereby given that 15105 Davenport Circle, LLC, a Nebraska Limited Liability Company, has been organized under the laws of the State of Nebraska, with its initial designated office at 200 S 21st ST, STE 400A, Lincoln, NE 68510. The general nature of its business is to engage in and do any lawful act concerning any and all lawful business for which a limited liability company may be organized under the laws of the State of Nebraska. The initial agent for service of process of the Company is Northwest Registered Agent Service, Inc. at 200 S 21st ST, STE 400A, Lincoln, NE 68510. The Certificate of Organization was filed in the office of the Nebraska Secretary of State on April 19, 2022. The Company commenced business thereon and shall have perpetual existence. The affairs of the Company are to be conducted by the Manager. First publication May 20, 2022, final June 3, 2022 NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION Notice is hereby given that 3364 South 127th Avenue, LLC, a Nebraska Limited Liability Company, has been organized under the laws of the State of Nebraska, with its initial designated office at 200 S 21st ST, STE 400A, Lincoln, NE 68510. The general nature of its business is to engage in and do any lawful act concerning any and all lawful business for which a limited liability company may be organized under the laws of the State of Nebraska. The initial agent for service of process of the Company is Northwest Registered Agent Service, Inc. at 200 S 21st ST, STE 400A, Lincoln, NE 68510. The Certificate of Organization was filed in the office of the Nebraska Secretary of State on April 19, 2022. The Company commenced business thereon and shall have perpetual existence. The affairs of the Company are to be conducted by the Manager. First publication May 20, 2022, final June 3, 2022 Notice is given that the undersigned has organized a limited liability company known as Brittany Timperley, LLC with its initial registered office at 11065 North Lakeshore Drive, Blair, NE 68008 with its initial designated office being the same as the registered office. The initial agent for service of process of the company is Brittany Timperley. The company commenced on Aril 12, 2022. /s/ Shawn M. Ilg Organizer and Attorney at Law 17117 Burt Street, Omaha NE 68118 First publication May 20, 2022, final June 3, 2022

Notice is given that the undersigned has organized a limited liability company known as 16501 Yort Avenue, LLC with its initial registered office at 17117 Burt Street, Omaha, NE 68118 with its initial designated office being the same as the registered office. The initial agent for service of process of the company is Shawn Ilg. The company commenced on April 20, 2022. /s/ Shawn M. Ilg Organizer and Attorney at Law 17117 Burt Street, Omaha NE 68118 First publication May 20, 2022, final June 3, 2022 Notice is given that the undersigned has organized a limited liability company known as Catalyst Development, LLC with its initial registered office at 17117 Burt Street, Omaha, NE 68118 with its initial designated office being the same as the registered office. The initial agent for service of process of the company is Shawn Ilg. The company commenced on March 22, 2022. /s/ Shawn M. Ilg Organizer and Attorney at Law 17117 Burt, Omaha NE 68118 First publication May 20, 2022, final June 3, 2022

Notice is given that the undersigned has organized a limited liability company known as Red Bird, LLC with its initial registered office at 1724 South 79 Street, Omaha, NE 68124 with its initial designated office being the same as the registered office. The initial agent for service of process of the company is Thoetchai Peeraphatdit. The company commenced on March 14, 2022. /s/ Shawn M. Ilg Organizer and Attorney at Law 17117 Burt Street, Omaha NE 68118 First publication May 20, 2022, final June 3, 2022

Notice is given that the undersigned has organized a limited liability company known as Evers Reality, LLC with its initial registered office at 8220 Tucker Street, Omaha, NE 68122 with its initial designated office being the same as the registered office. The limited liability company is rendering the professional service of real estate sales. The initial agent for service of process of the company is Justin Evers. The company commenced on April 28, 2021. /s/ Shawn M. Ilg Organizer and Attorney at Law 17117 Burt, Omaha NE 68118 First publication May 20, 2022, final June 3, 2022

Notice is given that the undersigned has organized a limited liability company known as Ally Palic Real Estate, L.L.C. with its initial registered office at 1824 W 2nd St, Grand Island, NE 68803 ith its initial designated office being the same as the registered office. The limited liability company is rendering the professional service of real estate sales. The initial agent for service of process of the company is Ally Palic. The company commenced on April 18, 2022. /s/ Shawn M. Ilg Organizer and Attorney at Law 17117 Burt Street, Omaha NE 68118 First publication May 20, 2022, final June 3, 2022

Notice is given that the undersigned has organized a limited liability company known Tark Hospitality Consulting, LLC with its initial registered office at 1311 South 204 Street, Elkhorn, NE 68022 with its initial designated office being the same as the registered office. The initial agent for service of process of the company is John Tarkowski. The company commenced on June 21, 2021. /s/ Shawn M. Ilg Organizer and Attorney at Law 17117 Burt, Omaha NE 68118 First publication May 20, 2022, final June 3, 2022

Notice is given that the undersigned has organized a limited liability company known as Carla Heuler Real Estate, L.L.C. with its initial registered office at 15007 S 22nd St, Bellevue, NE 68123 with its initial designated office being the same as the registered office. The limited liability company is rendering the professional service of real estate sales. The initial agent for service of process of the company is Carla Heuler. The company commenced on April 27, 2022. /s/ Shawn M. Ilg Organizer and Attorney at Law 17117 Burt Street, Omaha NE 68118 First publication May 20, 2022, final June 3, 2022

Notice is given that the undersigned has organized a limited liability company known as Dylan Popple Real Estate, L.L.C. with its initial registered office at 7812 S 191st Street, Omaha, NE 68136 with its initial designated office being the same as the registered office. The limited liability company is rendering the professional service of real estate sales. The initial agent for service of process of the company is Dylan Popple. The company commenced on March 22, 2022. /s/ Shawn M. Ilg Organizer and Attorney at Law 17117 Burt Street, Omaha NE 68118 First publication May 20, 2022, final June 3, 2022

Notice is given that the undersigned has organized a limited liability company known as Arla Jo Meyer, LLC with its initial registered office at 936 Mulder Drive, Lincoln, NE 68510 with its initial designated office being the same as the registered office. The limited liability company is rendering the professional service of real estate sales. The initial agent for service of process of the company is Arla Jo Meyer. The company commenced on May 13, 2021. /s/ Shawn M. Ilg Organizer and Attorney at Law 17117 Burt, Omaha NE 68118 First publication May 20, 2022, final June 3, 2022

Notice is given that the undersigned has organized a limited liability company known as Beth Wallman, LLC with its initial registered office at 16905 South 57 Avenue, Papillion, NE 68133 with its initial designated office being the same as the registered office. The limited liability company is rendering the professional service of real estate sales. The initial agent for service of process of the company is Beth Wallman. The company commenced on March 11, 2021. /s/ Shawn M. Ilg Organizer and Attorney at Law 17117 Burt, Omaha NE 68118 First publication May 20, 2022, final June 3, 2022

Notice is given that the undersigned has organized a limited liability company known as Danette Duffy, LLC with its initial registered office at 7366 North 170 Street, Bennington, NE 68007 with its initial designated office being the same as the registered office. The limited liability company is rendering the professional service of real estate sales. The initial agent for service of process of the company is Danette Duffy. The company commenced on March 22, 2021. /s/ Shawn M. Ilg Organizer and Attorney at Law 17117 Burt, Omaha NE 68118 First publication May 20, 2022, final June 3, 2022

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Notice is given that the undersigned has organized a limited liability company known The Courageous Mind, LLC with its initial registered office at 6611 South 194 Plaza #144, Omaha, NE 68135 with its initial designated office being the same as the registered office. The initial agent for service of process of the company is Angela Schroeder. The company commenced on April 28, 2021. /s/ Shawn M. Ilg Organizer and Attorney at Law 17117 Burt, Omaha NE 68118 First publication May 20, 2022, final June 3, 2022 ALLAN M. ZIEBARTH, Attorney 1702 S. 10th St., Suite 2, Omaha, NE 68105 NOTICE OF THE ORGANIZATION OF PECAN PROPERTIES, LLC Designated Office: 1702 S. 10th St., Suite 2, Omaha, NE 68108 Initial Agent/Address For Service: Allan M. Ziebarth/1702 S. 10th St., Suite 2, Omaha, NE 68108 First publication May 20, 2022, final June 3, 2022

Lindsey A. Schuler CROKER HUCK LAW FIRM 2120 South 72nd Street, Suite 1200 Omaha, NE 68124 (402) 391-6777 NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the County Court of Douglas County, Nebraska. PR22-758 Estate of Earl D. Dunham, Deceased Notice is hereby given that on the April 25, 2022, in the County Court of Douglas County, Nebraska, the Registrar issued a written statement of Informal Appointment of Personal Representative of Intestacy and that Diana L. Sacco, whose address is 8211 North 28th Avenue, Omaha, Nebraska 68112, was informally appointed by the Registrar as Personal Representative of the Estate. Creditors of this estate must file their claims with this Court, located at Courtroom No. 330, Third Floor, Probate Division, Douglas County Hall of Justice, 17th & Farnam Streets, Omaha, NE 68183, on or before July 20, 2022 or be forever barred. CARROL MILLS Registrar of the County Court First publication May 20, 2022, final June 3, 2022

WHITMORE LAW OFFICE LLC 7602 PACIFIC STREET, SUITE 200 OMAHA,NEBRASKA 68114 NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION Notice is hereby given that ILIC Trucking LLC (the “Company”) has been organized under the laws of the State of Nebraska. The Designated Office of the Company is 7273 Yankee Woods Drive, Lincoln, Nebraska 68516. The Registered Agent of the Company is Perry K. Wiseman, CPA, 1237 S 119th Street, Omaha, Nebraska 68144. The Company was formed on May 6, 2022. First publication May 20, 2022, final June 3, 2022

NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION OF AEON MUSIC STUDIO LLC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Aeon Music Studio LLC, a Nebraska Limited Liability Company, has been organized under the laws of the state of Nebraska, commencing business on May 5, 2022, with its initial designated office at 6618 South 31st Street, Omaha, NE 68107. The initial agent for service of process of the Company is Leroy Robert Benson, 6618 South 31st Street, Omaha, NE 68107. First publication May 20, 2022, final June 3, 2022

WHITMORE LAW OFFICE LLC 7602 PACIFIC STREET, SUITE 200 OMAHA,NEBRASKA 68114 NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION Notice is hereby given that Sices & Associates, LLC (the “Company”) has been organized under the laws of the State of Nebraska. The Designated Office of the Company is 121 S 90th Street Apt 432, Lincoln, Nebraska 68520. The Registered Agent of the Company is Nicholas M. Sices, 121 S 90th Street Apt 432, Lincoln, Nebraska 68520. The Company was formed on May 11, 2022. First publication May 20, 2022, final June 3, 2022 LAW OFFICES ABRAHAMS KASLOW & CASSMAN LLP 8712 WEST DODGE ROAD, SUITE 300 OMAHA, NEBRASKA 68114-3419 TELEPHONE 402-392-1250 FACSIMILE 402-392-0816 NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION OF TENASKA CANADA TRANSPORTATION, INC. TENASKA CANADA TRANSPORTATION, INC., a Nebraska corporation, has been dissolved pursuant to the Nebraska Model Business Corporation Act. The corporation has collected its assets, disposed of its properties which were not distributed in kind to its shareholders, discharged or made provision for the discharge of its liabilities, distributed its remaining property among its shareholders according to their interests, and done every other act necessary to wind up and liquidate its business and affairs. Mark J. Whitt, President of the corporation, was the person who was responsible for winding up and liquidating the business and affairs of the corporation. The corporation has no remaining assets or liabilities. First publication May 20, 2022, final June 3, 2022 NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION OF SO IT FLOWS NOTICE IS HEREBYGIVEN that So It Flows, LLC (the “Company”) has been organized under the laws of the State of Nebraska. The Designated Office Address of the Company is 5111 Union Hill Rd, Lincoln, NE 68516. The Registered Agent of the Company is Adam Prochaska, O’Neill, Heinrich, Damkroger, Bergmeyer & Shultz, P.C., L.L.O., 121 S. 13th St., Lincoln, NE 68508. May 20, 2022 LEGAL NOTICE OF INCORPORATION Pursuant to the Nebraska Business Corporation Act 21-20,189, notice is hereby given that the Articles of Incorporation of GeoSupport Systems Inc. have been filed. The number of shares the corporation is authorized to issue is 43,000. The street address of the corporation’s initial registered office is 15810 Ohio Cir, Omaha, NE 68116. The name of its initial Resident Agent at that office is Joshua Boesch. The name and street address of the incorporator is Joyce Woods of 26025 Mureau Rd, Ste 210, Calabasas, CA 91302. First publication May 20, 2022, final June 3, 2022 WHITMORE LAW OFFICE LLC 7602 PACIFIC STREET, SUITE 200 OMAHA,NEBRASKA 68114 NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION Notice is hereby given that PLR Storage LLC (the “Company”) has been organized under the laws of the State of Nebraska. The Designated Office of the Company is 12390 S 234th Street, Gretna, Nebraska 68028. The Registered Agent of the Company is Corporation Consultants, 7602 Pacific Street, Suite 200, Omaha, Nebraska 68114. The Company was formed on May 11, 2022. First publication May 20, 2022, final June 3, 2022 WHITMORE LAW OFFICE LLC 7602 PACIFIC STREET, SUITE 200 OMAHA,NEBRASKA 68114 NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION Notice is hereby given that 3 Arrows Adventure LLC (the “Company”) has been organized under the laws of the State of Nebraska. The Designated Office of the Company is 1624 N 150th Court, Omaha, Nebraska 68154. The Registered Agent of the Company is Tacss Services, Inc., 14222 Hillsdale Circle, Omaha, Nebraska 68137. The Company was formed on May 11, 2022. First publication May 20, 2022, final June 3, 2022 WHITMORE LAW OFFICE LLC 7602 PACIFIC STREET, SUITE 200 OMAHA,NEBRASKA 68114 NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION Notice is hereby given that RCR Partners LLC (the “Company”) has been organized under the laws of the State of Nebraska. The Designated Office of the Company is 3124 S 123rd Avenue Circle, Omaha, Nebraska 68144. The Registered Agent of the Company is Robert Reynolds, 3124 S 123rd Avenue Circle, Omaha, Nebraska 68144. The Company was formed on May 11, 2022. First publication May 20, 2022, final June 3, 2022

Charles E. Dorwart Massih Law, LLC 226 North 114th Street Omaha, Nebraska 68154 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Carlentini/Franco4 Properties, L.L.C. has been incorporated under the laws of the State of Nebraska, with its registered office located at 16717 Jones Circle, Omaha, Nebraska 68118. The general nature of the business is to transact all lawful business for which a limited liability company may be incorporated under the Nebraska law. The company was incorporated on March 12, 2022 and shall have a perpetual existence. Its purpose is to invest in business matters and real estate. The affairs of the company are to be conducted by a Member Manager as designated in the operating agreement. Thomas A. Franco, Member Manager /s/Charles E. Dorwart By: Charles E. Dorwart, Attorney First publication May 20, 2022, final June 3, 2022 Burnes Law Office 5017 LEAVENWORTH STREET SUITE 103 OMAHA, NEBRASKA 68106-1438 Telephone (402) 344-0880 Email: bloffice2003@yahoo.com In the District Court of Douglas County Nebraska: TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: You are hereby notified that on May 12, 2022, Stephanie H. Kochera as Plaintiff filed her Petition for Name Change in the District Court of Douglas County Nebraska at Case No: C121—3562. The object of the Petition is for the Plaintiff to change her name from Stephanie H. Kochera to Stephanie Anne Stone. You must file an Answer/ responsive pleading with the Douglas County District Court on or before July 11, 2022 or said Petition will be granted. First publication May 20, 2022, final June 10, 2022 APPLICATION FOR REGISTRATION OF TRADE NAME Trade Name to be registered is: Drip Passion Name of Applicant: Drip Passion Platinum LLC Address: 14706 S 24th Street Bellevue NE 68123 Applicant is a Limited Liability Company If other than an Individual, state under whose laws entity was formed: Nebraska Date of first use of name in Nebraska: 1/1/2021 General nature of business: Retail DRIP PASSION PLATINUM LLC Signature of Applicant or Legal Representative May 20, 2022 Koley Jessen P.C., L.L.O., Attorneys 1125 South 103rd Street, Suite 800, One Pacific Place Omaha, NE 68124-1079 NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION OF PULMONARY MEDICINE INSTITUTE, P.C. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Pulmonary Medicine Institute, P.C., a Nebraska professional corporation (“Corporation”), has filed Articles of Dissolution with the Nebraska Secretary of State on May 12, 2022, with an effective date of May 31, 2022, at 11:59 p.m., and the Corporation is in the process of voluntary dissolution. The terms and conditions of such dissolution are, in general, that all debts and obligations of the Corporation are to be fully paid and satisfied or adequate provision is to be made therefore. The President, Richard S. Yates, M.D., will wind up and liquidate the Corporation’s business and affairs. The Corporation has no assets or liabilities as of the date hereof. First publication May 20, 2022, final June 3, 2022 ERICKSON & SEDERSTROM, P.C. 10330 Regency Parkway Drive, Suite 100 Omaha, Nebraska 68114 (402) 397-2200 NOTICE OF INCORPORATION Corporate Name: Gretna Towing, Inc. Type of Corporation: Domestic for Profit Registered Agent: Jason Lund Registered Office: 11513 South 201st Street Gretna, NE 68028 Authorized Number of Shares: 10,000 Incorporator: Jason Lund 11513 South 201st Street, Gretna, NE 68028 First publication May 20, 2022, final June 3, 2022 APPLICATION FOR REGISTRATION OF TRADE NAME Trade Name to be registered is: SIGNAL OF OMAHA Name of Applicant: MIDWEST SECURITY ENTERPRISES, LLC Address: 14217 DAYTON CR STE 8 OMAHA NE 68137 Applicant is a Limited Liability Company If other than an Individual, state under whose laws entity was formed: IOWA Date of first use of name in Nebraska: 04/15/2022 General nature of business: BUSINESS SECURITY SERVICES BRADLEY A. BOYUM, ATTORNEY Signature of Applicant or Legal Representative May 20, 2022

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WHITMORE LAW OFFICE LLC 7602 PACIFIC STREET, SUITE 200 OMAHA,NEBRASKA 68114 NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION Notice is hereby given that ETO Closing LLC (the “Company”) has been organized under the laws of the State of Nebraska. The Designated Office of the Company is 1110 Elk Ridge Drive, Omaha, Nebraska 68022. The Registered Agent of the Company is Whitmore Law Office, LLC, 7602 Pacific Street, Suite 200, Omaha, Nebraska 68114. The Company was formed on May 13, 2022. First publication May 20, 2022, final June 3, 2022

KOLEY JESSEN P.C., L.L.O., Attorneys 1125 South 103rd Street, Suite 800, One Pacific Place Omaha, NE 68124-1079 NOTICE OF THIRD AMENDED AND RESTATED ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION OF LAMP RYNEARSON, INC. F/K/A LAMP, RYNEARSON & ASSOCIATES, INC. Notice is hereby given that the Second Amended and Restated Articles of Incorporation of Lamp, Rynearson & Associates, Inc. have been further amended and restated in their entirety as follow: Article 1 states the name of the Corporation as Lamp Rynearson, Inc. Article 2 states the Registered Office of the Corporation as 14710 West Dodge Road, Suite 100, Omaha, Nebraska 68154, and the Registered Agent as Brett J. Wawers. Article 3 states the purpose. Article 4 states the number of shares the Corporation is authorized to issue as 1,000,000 shares having a par value of $0.10 per share. Article 5 states the Corporation shall have perpetual existence. Article 6 states the provisions relating to amending the Articles. Article 7 states that provisions relating to director liability. Article 8 states the shareholders shall not have a preemptive right to acquire the unissued shares. The Third Amended and Restated Articles of Incorporation were filed with the Nebraska Secretary of State on May 13, 2022. First publication May 20, 2022, final June 3, 2022

KARINE E. SOKPOH 402LEGAL 7930 Blondo Street, Suite 100 Omaha, Nebraska 68134 NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION OF NOISE MEDIA, LLC Notice is hereby given that NOISE MEDIA, LLC has been organized as a limited liability company under Nebraska laws, with its designated office at 1901 Howard Street, Ste 27, Omaha NE 68102. It is organized to transact any lawful business for which a Limited Liability Company may be organized under Nebraska laws, and its duration is perpetual commencing from April 19th, 2022. The Company’s affairs are conducted by its manager, Myles A, Davis. The Company’s registered agent is Karine Sokpoh, and her office is located at 7930 Blondo Street, Omaha NE 68134. First publication May 20, 2022, final June 3, 2022

Scott A. Meyerson, Esq. LIKES MEYERSON HATCH LLC 444 Regency Parkway Dr., #100 Omaha, NE 68114 NOTICE OF AMENDMENT OF DOORACQCO LLC Notice is hereby given that the Certificate of Organization of DOORACQCO LLC, a Nebraska limited liability company, has been amended as follows: the limited liability company has changed its name to SUPERIOR DOOR LLC. The Amended Certificate or Organization was filed with the Nebraska Secretary of State on May 11, 2022. First publication May 20, 2022, final June 3, 2022 Scott A. Meyerson LIKES MEYERSON HATCH LLC 444 Regency Parkway Dr., Suite 100 Omaha, NE 68114 NOTICE OF AMENDMENT OF ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION OF SUPERIOR DOOR, INC. Notice is hereby given that the Articles of Incorporation of Superior Door Inc., a Nebraska corporation has changed its name to LeeCo Inc. The articles of Amendment were filed with the Nebraska Secretary of State on May 10, 2022. First publication May 20, 2022, final June 3, 2022

ALLAN M. ZIEBARTH, Attorney 1702 S. 10th St., Suite 2, Omaha, NE 68105 NOTICE OF THE ORGANIZATION OF ALBERS REAL ESTATE LLC Designated Office: 1702 S. 10th St., Suite 2, Omaha, NE 68108 Initial Agent/Address For Service: Allan M. Ziebarth/1702 S. 10th St., Suite 2, Omaha, NE 68108 First publication May 20, 2022, final June 3, 2022

NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION Notice is hereby given of the organization of FEET WET, LLC, with its registered office address at 222 South 15th Street, #316, Omaha, NE 68102 and the registered agent at that address being Russell J. Kreikemeier. The designated office location of the Company is 615 Shoreline Drive #46, North Bend, NE 68649. The purpose or purposes for which this Company is formed is to own, manage, lease, and deal with all types of entities and ownership groups owning real property and investment interests in real property and otherwise, whether in this State or any other and to conduct all related activities thereto. The Company shall conduct the transactions of all or any lawful business or engagement in any commercial venture permitted by the Nebraska Limited Liability Company Act, as amended, and all other applicable laws. The initial capital of the Company has been contributed and evidence of membership in the Company will be issued by the Management Board. The Company commenced doing business on April 18, 2022, and shall have perpetual existence. The affairs of the Company shall be conducted by a Management Board and such other Officers and Managers as may be provided for in the Operating Agreement of the Company. First publication May 20, 2022, final June 3, 2022

NOTICE OF NCORPORATION Notice is hereby given of the incorporation of PROJECT ASSIST, INC., with its registered office address at 7253 Grover Street, Omaha, Nebraska, 68124. This nonprofit corporation is organized and operated as a Public Benefit Corporation under the Nebraska Nonprofit Corporation Act. The purposes for which the nonprofit incorporation is formed is to promote and support underprivileged youth with and for access to youth sports and athletic and educational programs; to promote and develop sportsmanship and teamwork among the boys and girls through their participation in athletic events; to solicit, collect, and raise funds to support such activities; and to buy, sell, lease, mortgage, and exchange any and all real and personal property which may be necessary, advantageous or proper in the conduct of said activities. The NonProfit Corporation will conduct any and all other activities and matter(s) including the transaction of all or any lawful business or engagement in any commercial venture permitted by the Nebraska Nonprofit Corporation Act, as amended, and all other applicable law. The NonProfit Corporation commenced doing business on May 10, 2022 and shall have perpetual existence. The affairs of the NonProfit Corporation shall be conducted by a Board of Directors, and such officers as provided in the bylaws of the NonProfit Corporation. DATED the 10th day of May, 2022. First publication May 20, 2022, final June 3, 2022

NOTICE OF INCORPORATION OF ABBY’S CORNER, A THRIFTY BOUTIQUE, INC. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that ABBY’S CORNER, A THRIFTY BOUTIQUE, INC., is incorporated under the laws of the State of Nebraska, with a registered office at 3018 South 87th Street, Omaha, Nebraska 68124. The registered agent is ANTHONY L. GROSS. The general nature of the business is to operate a general thrift store business, to own, operate and perform services of every kind and nature whatsoever, which are not inconsistent with law, which are necessary, suitable, proper, convenient or expedient to the operation of a general thrift store business. The authorized capital stock is $10,000.00, consisting of 10,000 shares of stock having a par value of $1.00 each, which stock shall be paid for wholly or partly by cash, by labor, by personal property and by real property. The corporation became a corporate body on January 1, 2022, and upon its Articles being filed with the Nebraska Secretary of State on May 5, 2022, and shall have perpetual existence. The affairs of the corporation are to be conducted by a Board of Directors, the number of directors to be provided in the By-Laws, and the officers shall be a President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer, and such other officers as shall be designated in the By-Laws. ANTHONY L. GROSS, Incorporator CATHERINE L. WHITE, Incorporator 3018 South 87th Street, Omaha, NE 68124 First publication May 20, 2022, final June 3, 2022

NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION OF MIMI-T’s, LLC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that MIMI-T’s, LLC (the “Company”) has been organized under the laws of the State of Nebraska. The Designated Office Address of the Company is 7921 Hascall Street, Omaha, Nebraska 68124. The Registered Agent of the Company is Michelle Morris, 7921 Hascall Street, Omaha, Nebraska 68124. First publication May 20, 2022, final June 3, 2022

APPLICATION FOR REGISTRATION OF TRADE NAME Trade Name to be registered is: Hilltop Drugs Name of Applicant: Kubat Pharmacy Neligh, LLC Address: 4924 Center Street Omaha NE 68106 Applicant is a Limited Liability Company If other than an Individual, state under whose laws entity was formed: Nebraska Date of first use of name in Nebraska: May 9, 2022 General nature of business: Pharmacy JAMES H. RICH Signature of Applicant or Legal Representative May 20, 2022

NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION OF SEPTENARY INDUSTRIES, LLC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Septenary Industries, LLC (the “Company”) has been organized under the laws of the State of Nebraska. The Designated Office Address of the Company is 2101 N 144th Ave, Omaha, NE 68116. The Registered Agent of the Company is Stacy J. Ferrel, 2101 N 144th Ave, Omaha, NE 68116. First publication May 20, 2022, final June 3, 2022 APPLICATION FOR REGISTRATION OF TRADE NAME Trade Name to be registered is: Challenge Island Omaha Northwest Name of Applicant: SEPTENARY INDUSTRIES LLC Address: 2110 N 144th Ave Omaha NE 68116 Applicant is a Limited Liability Company If other than an Individual, state under whose laws entity was formed: Nebraska Date of first use of name in Nebraska: 3/15/2022 General nature of business: educational services NICHOLE M MAHONEY Signature of Applicant or Legal Representative May 20, 2022 DAMILOLA J. OLUYOLE YOLE LAW PC, LLO 7930 Blondo Street, Suite 100 Omaha, Nebraska 68134 NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION OF KETK’S CLEANING COMPANY, LLC Notice is hereby given that KETK’S CLEANING COMPANY, LLC has been organized as a limited liability company under Nebraska laws, with its designated office at 1313 N 113th Plaza, Apt 5101, Omaha, NE 68154. It is organized to transact any lawful business for which a Limited Liability Company may be organized under Nebraska laws and its duration is perpetual commencing from May 11th, 2022. Its affairs are to be conducted by the manager Ketki M. Brunhilda. Its registered agent is Ketki M. Brunhilda, and her office is located at 1313 N 113th Plaza, Apt 5101, Omaha, NE 68154. First publication May 20, 2022, final June 3, 2022 Notice is given that the undersigned has organized a limited liability company known as Zach Bailey, LLC with its initial registered office at 17117 Burt Street, Omaha, NE 68118 with its initial designated office being the same as the registered office. The initial agent for service of process of the company is Shawn Ilg. The company commenced on February 11, 2022. /s/ Shawn M. Ilg Organizer and Attorney at Law 17117 Burt Street, Omaha NE 68118 May 20, 2022 Notice is given that the undersigned has organized a limited liability company known as TL Hauling, LLC with its initial registered office at 21860 Plattview Road #131, Grenta, NE 68028 with its initial designated office being the same as the registered office. The initial agent for service of process of the company is Trent Czerwinski. The company commenced on DECEMBER 29, 2021. /s/ Shawn M. Ilg Organizer and Attorney at Law 17117 Burt, Omaha NE 68118 May 20, 2022 NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION OF SAFE HAVEN, LLC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Safe Haven, LLC (the “Company”) has been organized under the laws of the State of Nebraska. The Designated Office Address of the Company is 1311 South 133rd Street, Omaha, Nebraska 68114. The Registered Agent of the Company is DDLG Business Services, Inc., 9500 West Dodge Road, Suite 100, Omaha, Nebraska 68114. Dvorak Law Group, LLC 9500 West Dodge Road Suite 100 Omaha, NE 68114 First publication May 20, 2022, final June 3, 2022 NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION OF SCM 10X COUNCIL BLUFFS 3145, LLC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that SCM 10X Council Bluffs 3145, LLC (the “Company”) has been organized under the laws of the State of Nebraska. The Initial Designated Office address of the Company is 1303 South 72nd Street, Suite 209, Omaha, Nebraska 68124. The Initial Registered Agent of the Company is Kendra Ringenberg, Esq., 14301 FNB Parkway, Suite 204, Omaha, Nebraska 68154. First publication May 20, 2022, final June 3, 2022

NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION OF SCM 10X COUNCIL BLUFFS 3125, LLC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that SCM 10X Council Bluffs 3125, LLC (the “Company”) has been organized under the laws of the State of Nebraska. The Initial Designated Office address of the Company is 1303 South 72nd Street, Suite 209, Omaha, Nebraska 68124. The Initial Registered Agent of the Company is Kendra Ringenberg, Esq., 14301 FNB Parkway, Suite 204, Omaha, Nebraska 68154. First publication May 20, 2022, final June 3, 2022

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Erin K. Artz, Attorney LAMSON DUGAN & MURRAY LLP 10306 Regency Parkway Drive Omaha, Nebraska 68114 APPLICATION FOR REGISTRATION OF TRADE NAME Trade Name to be registered is: Fusion Financial Services Name of Applicant: Fusion Financial, LLC Address: 2507 Park Road Nebraska City NE 68410 Applicant is a Limited Liability Company If other than an Individual, state under whose laws entity was formed: South Dakota Date of first use of name in Nebraska: not yet used General nature of business: financial services JEFFREY S BRADLEY Signature of Applicant or Legal Representative May 20, 2022 Notice of Organization of Tybur Enterprises LLC. Notice is hereby given that Tybur Enterprises LLC. Has been organized under the laws of the State of Nebraska. The designated Office Address of the Company is 12425 Krug Ave. #115, Omaha, NE, 68144. The Registered Agent and office of the company is Abigail Tyson 12425 Krug Ave. #115, Omaha, NE, 68144. The limited liability company commenced business on February 11, 2022. First publication May 20, 2022, final June 3, 2022 WHITMORE LAW OFFICE LLC 7602 PACIFIC STREET, SUITE 200 OMAHA,NEBRASKA 68114 NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION Notice is hereby given that Plumbing Variations Company, LLC (the “Company”) has been organized under the laws of the State of Nebraska. The Designated Office of the Company is 3409 N 85th Street, Omaha, Nebraska 68134. The Registered Agent of the Company is Andrew D. Minich, 3409 N 85th Street, Omaha, Nebraska 68134. The Company was formed on May 11, 2022. First publication May 20, 2022, final June 3, 2022 WHITMORE LAW OFFICE LLC 7602 PACIFIC STREET, SUITE 200 OMAHA,NEBRASKA 68114 NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION Notice is hereby given that Pixels and Petals, LLC (the “Company”) has been organized under the laws of the State of Nebraska. The Designated Office of the Company is 6627 Bedford Avenue, Omaha, Nebraska 68104. The Registered Agent of the Company is Katherine Roth, 6627 Bedford Avenue, Omaha, Nebraska 68104. The Company was formed on May 11, 2022. First publication May 20, 2022, final June 3, 2022 APPLICATION FOR REGISTRATION OF TRADE NAME Trade Name to be registered is: Omaha Electronic Recycling Name of Applicant: OMAHA COMPUTING SOLUTIONS, LLC Address: 9410 S 69TH ST. PAPILLION NE 68133 Applicant is a Limited Liability Company If other than an Individual, state under whose laws entity was formed: NEBRASKA Date of first use of name in Nebraska: MAY 1, 2022 General nature of business: RECYCLING SERVICES GARY GILKISON Signature of Applicant or Legal Representative May 20, 2022 APPLICATION FOR REGISTRATION OF TRADE NAME Trade Name to be registered is: Omaha Computer Store Name of Applicant: OMAHA COMPUTING SOLUTIONS, LLC Address: 9410 S 69TH ST. PAPILLION NE 68133 Applicant is a Limited Liability Company If other than an Individual, state under whose laws entity was formed: NEBRASKA Date of first use of name in Nebraska: MAY 1, 2022 General nature of business: COMPUTER SERVICES GARY GILKISON Signature of Applicant or Legal Representative May 20, 2022 WHITMORE LAW OFFICE LLC 7602 PACIFIC STREET, SUITE 200 OMAHA,NEBRASKA 68114 NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION Notice is hereby given that Competitive Contracting LLC (the “Company”) has been organized under the laws of the State of Nebraska. The Designated Office of the Company is 1021 Sherwood Lane, Papillion, Nebraska 68046. The Registered Agent of the Company is Corporation Consultants, 7602 Pacific Street, Suite 200, Omaha, Nebraska 68114. The Company was formed on May 11, 2022. First publication May 20, 2022, final June 3, 2022


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