Midlands Business Journal July 15, 2022

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July 15, 2022 • Price: $2.00

A Cut Above


Dave Potter CEO

Skylar McCaig



Vol. 48 No. 28



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Page 2 • July 15, 2022­




COVER STORY: A CUT ABOVE: Capitol Beauty School Excels into 100th Year • Page 4 Established in 1975 FOUNDER, Robert G. ‘Bob’ Hoig (1932-2019) Publisher / CEO Andrea ‘Andee’ Hoig Editor & Vice President Of News Tiffany Brazda Assistant Editor / Staff Writer Savannah Behrends Advertising Assistant Julie Whitehead


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WEALTH & FINANCE: MANAGING MONEY Stay the Course to Weather Market Turbulence • Page 6

BUSINESS ETHICS: LEADING BY EXAMPLE Business Ethics Alliance’s Michael Robinson • Page 12


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LINCOLN BUSINESS JOURNAL: POWER BEYOND 140 YEARS Black Hills Energy Invests in Infrastructure • Page 14


• CHAMBER NEWS Lincoln Chamber of Commerce Page 17 • IN THE SPOTLIGHT Page 22 • LEGAL NOTICES Page 26

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40 UNDER 40: LEADING FROM THE FRONT Candice Price Gives Back as Mentor • Page 21



a cut ABOVE

CAPITOL BEAUTY SCHOOL EXCELS INTO 100TH YEAR Dave Potter, CEO of the nationally-accredited cosmetology and esthetics school Capitol Beauty School, knows a little something about being part of a long sustaining educational institution in Omaha. In fact, Potter is helping the organization not only sustain, but excel into its 100th year. Capitol was founded in the Roaring ‘20s, 1923 to be specific. It owes its name to the original location of the school – at Capitol Avenue in downtown Omaha. Under new ownership, the school was moved to a new location near 108th Street and John Galt Boulevard some 34 years later. It was the succeeding change of hands that Potter isolated as among the most pivotal phases in the cosmetology school’s history. “The driving force, from 1969 to 2018, was the leadership and education provided to the students by the owners, Judy and Lyal McCaig,” Potter said. Previous owners Vi Stehno and Audrey Hunt embarked on a nationwide search to find leadership to “take their facility to new heights of quality and education.” They didn’t have to look far; the McCaigs resided in Nebraska, having successfully operated a salon in North Platte, Nebraska. The duo had left a

national mark as well, with Lyal being named the youngest styles director in the National Hair Fashion Committee’s history. “Lyal’s innovative teaching methodologies and practices had a huge impact on the industry before he passed in 2007,” Potter said. Notably, he was inducted into the National Cosmetology Association’s Hall of Renown and would go on to be named as the National Hairdressers and Cosmetologists Association (NHCA) national styles director numerous times throughout his career. “Judy continued on with the assistance of her son, Scott,” Potter noted. The McCaig family would resume ownership for 50 years. Alongside Potter are owners Matt and Nancy Meduna. Potter further credits Skylar McCaig, who serves as Capitol’s director of operations, and the team they have assembled at Capitol, with its legacy. As noted in Capitol information, third-generation family leadership also includes McCaig’s wife, Danyelle McCaig. They became part-owners in 2021. Capitol also has the distinction of outlasting other educational facilities in the market.

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The driving force, from 1969 to 2018, was the leadership and education provided to the students by the owners, Judy and Lyal McCaig. - DAVE POTTER, CEO, CAPITOL BEAUTY

“There were nine beauty schools in the Omaha area when the McCaigs purchased Capitol,” Potter said, taking us back again to the late 1960s. “Their continued excellence and growth had reduced that to just two schools when they sold it in 2018.” With an enviable milestone fast approaching, Potter indicated in April that plans for its 100 years are still in the works. But, he noted, the anniversary will engage team members, students and graduates – with internal and external open house events.

Setting the Stage

The team is hardly resting on its laurels, with a series of accomplishments to celebrate. Potter said Capitol has been headquartered out of its current locale, at 10803 John Galt Blvd., for almost a quarter of a century – since 2008. Accordingly, he remarked that “it was time” for a remodel, a project that was completed last fall. “With the increasing number of cosmetology students and customers, we needed to increase the number of salon chairs from 50 to 60, while also adding additional shampoo bowls,” Potter explained. “We also increased the number of, and updated all, service rooms for our esthetician students and their customers.” Additional upgrades, according to Potter, included an updated spray tan room and two more rooms dedicated exclusively to lashes. “We opened up some areas, while also adding new lighting and flooring,” he added. Potter said the team hears time and time again that the remodeled facility looks and feels like a ‘real’ salon— something, he said, is what Capitol has always strived for. To accommodate the school’s enrollment growth, Potter also said Capitol opened a satellite classroom space in Bel Air Plaza at 120th Street and West Center Road last May. He spoke at greater length about the need for additional classroom space. “In order to expand and remodel our main facility, we decided to relocate our cosmetology freshman class to Bel Air Plaza for the first 300 hours of their 1,800-hour program,” he explained. “An increased demand for estheticians in salons and spas has resulted in us increasing our class size for that program as well, which required a larger classroom.” According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics Occupational Outlook Handbook, between 2020 and 2030, employment for barbers, hairstylists and cosmetologists will grow by 19% (almost 120,000 people) – for projected growth that is characterized as “much faster than average” when compared to all occupations. Many of the openings in the next eight years, the BLS contends, are “expected to result from the need to replace workers who

transfer to different occupations or exit the labor force, such as to retire.” Thus far, the satellite location has been received “very well,” Potter said, by both students and instructors alike. “They aren’t as distracted by the normal activity of our main campus,” he said. “It’s been open almost a year now and the students seem to be learning and retaining at a higher rate.” With that being said, Potter noted Capitol leadership have acknowledged that students still need to be part of, and integrated with, the main campus. They have adapted accordingly. The program is designed with different instructors during the week (depending on subject matter), and students are integrated into the main campus for classes and activities at times. It was another ubiquitous change, the pandemic, that actually accelerated the timing of Capitol’s remodel, according to Potter, who said that the opening of the satellite location resulted in 22 less people on the main campus on a daily basis. “Increasing the number of stations and shampoo bowls in our salon allowed for more social distancing for customers, students and instructors,” he said, adding, “Most of our office staff spends at least one day each week working from home.” True to its history, Potter said Capitol’s admissions department is very selective about the students that are enrolled. “We want to be sure they are ready for what is required of our programs,” he said. “We want them to graduate with a lot of experience and training from our customer base/instructors.” The level of training is, perhaps, best illustrated with its list of notable graduates who have launched their own salons in many geographic areas, transforming and enriching the industry landscape. Close to home, graduates who have opened salons in Omaha include: Stephanie Moss (Stephanie Moss Salon), Somer Krueger (Trios), Kirby Keomysay (Kontempo), Ryan Kopiasz (Oliver & Tate), Joe Poff (Rêvé/Wella educator), Zeb Ratcliff (CRAFT Salon/Wella educator), Tara Seng (Moxie Salon and Spa) and Thomas Sena (Garbo’s Salon and Spa) – and this is just a partial list. Potter emphasized Capitol’s community involvement. Students provide haircuts and styling to residents of Ronald McDonald House in Omaha. RMH offers lodging, meals and support to families whose children are receiving medical treatment that isn’t available in their hometowns. “COVID has suspended our activities there [RMH] at various times,” Potter said. “But we are now back down there about one late afternoon every other week, with students and instructors to take care of patients and their families staying there during treatment.”


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Managing Money

WEALTH & finance










The best way for investors to survive the current market uncertainty is to stick to the plans they’ve mapped out with their financial advisers and not panic.

Navigating the Market

“It isn’t a time to start selfcorrecting during this type of a market,” Core Bank President and CEO John Sorrell said. “Our clients are revalidating the methodology and for the most part sticking with it. If you believe in the methodology, you’re going to have these cycles.” Volatility in the stock and bond market has impacted the clients of Harrison Financial Services, but this was expected based on the tremendous run over the last several years in stocks and the record low interest rates in bonds, said founder and CEO Tim Harrison. “Our team has been communicating regularly with our clients and making calls proactively to ensure clients are well informed and comfortable with the overall management of their assets,” he said. “[Our clients] are grateful to have a comprehensive, diversified financial plan in place that they know has been stress-tested for times like these.” Page 6 • July 15, 2022­


It isn’t a time to start self-correcting during this type of a market. - JOHN SORRELL, PRESIDENT & CEO OF CORE BANK

“We encourage our members to continue to take advantage of the lower prices in their 401(K),” Cobalt Credit Union President and CEO Robin Larsen said. “Moving investments right now is not beneficial. History repeats itself, and the stock market will come back. Staying on target for your longterm goal is key. It is only a loss if you sell. Having a balanced portfolio, which includes a cash balance in positions, like savings or share certificate with immediate access, can alleviate the need to sell a position when the market has had a substantial decrease.” Andrew Hunt, partner and co-founder of Hiley Hunt, said that the big surprise for some investors in this recent market pull-back is the extraordinarily bad year for bonds. “Many investors assumed that when stocks fall, bonds will always move in the opposite direction — which of course, is not what has happened this year,” he said. “We’ve been helping clients understand that when purchasing bonds, yield is not necessarily the most important driver of investment selection. We must also measure risk premium for the associated return. In the environment leading up to 2022 it was important to select bonds and bond funds that had modest duration and high credit quality, even though that meant sacrificing current income. As we’ve seen it play out this first half of the year, longduration and low credit quality bonds have experienced significant declines relative to the short-duration and high credit quality bonds.” While investment management is important, it’s only a tool to help investors achieve their goals, according to Hunt. Real impact is often driven through planning. “We are spending the bulk of our time with activities like reviewing tax returns to help maximize tax planning opportunities, working together to make sure our clients’ estate plans are squared away, and updating our retirement readiness models for each client,” he said. “As a firm, we have

made investments in hiring additional staff this year to bulk up our capacity to continue to go deep in the planning process for each of our clients.”

Improved Access

In March, Core Bank rolled out its RapidTRAC loan program, a clientcentered digital lending system for businesses. “We believe that [RapidTRAC] is a model that will allow all access to small business opportunities for people to get loans that they may not have had before,” Sorrell said. Over the past few years Core Bank has focused on optimizing the digitalization of its product offerings. For instance, mortgage customers can now do a full application online. “A significant component of our service model is the utilization of a client engagement roadmap, which details in a very transparent way all of the things that we do for our clients,” Harrison said. “The roadmap includes clearly defined dates of planning reviews and implementation, as well as our tactical moves toward value and tax harvesting that we have done on a client’s behalf. The roadmap considers both the historical and future perspective, showing our clients a very clear picture of their overall growth and strategy.” In recent months the firm has seen greater interest in investment vehicles that seem to have been dormant for years. “Given the decline in the bond markets, we have looked for investments that act as fixedincome alternatives,” Harrison said. “Additionally, the demand for inflationprotected investments has increased. Clients are more receptive to asset groups that have underperformed for a number of years, such as value stocks and commodities. It’s important to remember that all investments carry risk and there can be no guarantee of future success.” Hoping to provide guidance and coaching before the member’s credit

score or late payments are affected, Cobalt now has financial counselors on staff to assist its members with budgeting and finances. The credit union offers a bump-up CD rate that

provides flexibility and gives its members the option to change their term on their certificates of deposits. “Promoting financial literacy and

Nebraska is gratitude, because each day is a gift.

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6/29/22 11:13 AM


Managing Money

WEALTH & finance


The demand for inflation-protected investments has increased. - TIM HARRISON, FOUNDER & CEO OF HARRISON FINANCIAL SERVICES

educating our members is an important practice,” Larsen said. “When our members have a solid foundation of personal finance, they can make smarter financial decisions.” Cobalt has expanded its current face-to-face interactive teller machines [ITMs] at several of its branch locations and will soon launch contactless debit cards. The credit union has implemented a debit-to-win-it contest

Samantha Mosser, Nebraska Market President

Scott Leighton, SVP Commercial Banking

for members to win $750 a month and has launched a summer personal loan sale, Lock & Shop, which is a 60-day lock with drop option for mortgages.

Inflation and Profits To minimize the impact of inflation, some of Core Bank’s customers preorder inventory, which allows them to capture current pricing.

Gordon Harnisch, SVP Commercial Real Estate

“We’ve also seen some businesses reassess their expansion plans or new lines of business until they understand where this market settles down and how bad it goes,” Sorrell said. “No one, including the folks in Washington, understand how deep of recession, or what type of recession, we’re going to have. It has to play out, but I think some businesses are trying to really invest in their people so they don’t

Tony Fahrenkrog, VP Financial Institutions

Mike Knust, VP Commercial Banking

Bankers Trust is investing and growing in the Omaha market!

have turnover.” Harrison Financial has seen its small business clients and entrepreneurs implement a variety of tactics to help manage their profits, including locking in long-term borrowing costs, negotiating supply costs by locking in a price for a specified period of time with a guarantee of purchase — purchasing larger quantities of needed materials, increasing salaries to combat overtime and inflation, and re-evaluating business operations to be more productive and cost-efficient. The majority of Hiley Hunt’s small business clients are feeling most of the inflation impact in rising wage expectations from staff. “To accommodate these business needs and retain staff, businesses need to look at increasing the prices of their goods or services, for opportunities to reduce costs, and for non-monetary opportunities to keep employees engaged,” Hunt said. “It is tempting for small businesses to cut marketing spend or to reduce employee fringe benefits to preserve profit margins, but I have observed over the years that this is often the exact opposite of what is required to achieve both survival and growth in adverse economic environments.”

What We Can Expect

Joe DeJong, SVP ESOP Lending

Aldin Hodzic, VP Treasury Management

Connie Johnston, VP Treasury Management

Walker Moore, Portfolio Manager

Dave Jackson, BTC Capital Management


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The next 12 to 24 months will be challenging for the financial industry, but the industry itself is healthy. “Mortgage rates have been very good for doing business, [and it’s] the same with construction,” Sorrell said. “Lots of banks have saved up their earnings, putting it into their capital to position themselves for a potential downturn. The quality of loans are good. We’re well positioned to weather out this uncertainty as a whole.


History repeats itself, and the stock market will come back. - ROBIN LARSEN, PRESIDENT & CEO OF COBALT CREDIT UNION

Interest rates will be a challenge for both consumers and banks, but we’ll work together. What we do is come up with alternatives or other products that maybe allow [customers] to do something on a shorter-term horizon that may be a better rate.” Harrison said that the possibility of more “normal” interest rates is the biggest change that the financial industry is facing. With banks and other integrated financial companies having operated in an environment of depressed interest rates for some time now, and with the Federal Reserve squarely on a path to raising rates, there will be impacts on lending rates, interest-bearing savings accounts, and the valuation measures used for public stocks.

“There is likely to be some shakeout in the financial industry for those companies that might have taken on too much leverage and risk to their business, as we may experience a shallow recession in the coming year,” Harrison said. Over the next year, Larsen expects to see a continued increase in auto lending with more cars being available on the market. Home equity loans will continue to increase because, with the ongoing housing shortage, people will decide to enhance their current homes. “The unique intersection of technology, innovation, business model evolution and customer expectations contribute to digital transformation in the financial industry, but face-to face transactions

still matter,” Larsen said. “When a member has trouble completing a digital transaction, they want immediate help, usually through live chat of video on a mobile device.” “The stock market moves in cycles and

based on historical data we have been due for a down period for quite some time now,” Hunt said. “For long-term investors this season could provide the opportunity to purchase investment assets at prices

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Page 9 • July 15, 2022­


Managing Money

WEALTH & finance

STAY THE COURSE TO WEATHER MARKET TURBULENCE We’ve been helping clients understand that when purchasing bonds, yield is not necessarily the most important driver of investment selection. - ANDREW HUNT, PARTNER & CO-FOUNDER OF HILEY HUNT

that are much more attractive than even just a few months ago. It may take several quarters to see the market rebound but over the long term I believe that investors will be rewarded for owning stocks.” Investors also have opportunities to engage in tax-loss harvesting, which is a strategy to realize investment losses for the income tax benefits and

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immediately re-invest the proceeds in substantially different securities of the same asset class to maintain the former asset allocation. “This allows the investor to participate in a future market rebound but have received the value of the tax loss,” Hunt said.

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I truly believe that ethics is a process of values, principles and purpose…It comes down to trust, values and lived experiences. - MICHAEL ROBINSON, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR AND CEO, BUSINESS ETHICS ALLIANCE

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Leading by Example


In most organizations, employees learn through the example of others. Sometimes the lesson is what not to do, said Michael Robinson, who joined Business Ethics Alliance as executive director and CEO in November 2020. “Having experienced years of unethical practices as an executive, I firmly believe that an organization’s collective goal must be the health and wellbeing of their employees,” Robinson said. “The Business Ethics Alliance was a good fit for me professionally because I truly believe that ethics is a process of values, principles and purpose … It comes down to trust, values and lived experiences. I now have the pleasure of helping organizations make ethical decisions that not only influence the company’s success, but improve employees’ lives and overall engagement.” The Business Ethics Alliance was founded following the Enron scandal, which involved questionable accounting practices resulting in bankruptcy for Enron Corporation, which had a significant Omaha presence, and the demise of accounting firm Arthur Andersen. In 2005, Dr. Beverly Kracher, holder of the Robert B. Daugherty Endowed Chair in Business Ethics & Society at Creighton University’s Heider College of Business, joined forces with Omaha business leaders to discuss local business ethics education. In 2006, the Heider College of Business approved the formal creation of a business ethics group originally called the Greater Omaha Alliance for Business Ethics when it launched in 2008. Kracher led the organization for 12 years before Robinson succeeded her. “The Business Ethics Alliance, the only city-level ethics initiative in the nation, was created through a partnership with the Heider College of Business, Better Business Bureau and the Greater Omaha Chamber of Commerce,” Robinson said. “We are an Omaha-grown, unique ethics-based nonprofit organization that helps businesses create inclusive cultures where the discussion and practice of good business ethics is encouraged and expected.” Robinson said his goals for the organization include training the next generation of leaders, diversifying funding streams, developing channels for the exchange of ideas, helping develop ethical business organizations and creating stronger bonds within the business community. The Business Ethics Alliance has a board of directors chaired by David Mayer of Dvorak Law Group. The alliance also has more than 300 trustee

partner organizations that serve as supporters and advisers; this group is chaired by Union Pacific Railroad President and Chairman Lance Fritz, with Patricia Kearns, president and CEO of QLI, serving as vice chair. “The alliance understands that businesses need help in how to navigate important, complex topics such as the city’s inclusion and diversity initiatives, or potentially controversial current events with their workforce, their customers, and within their community,” Robinson said. “The decisions we make and the actions we take will be determinative for the future of the Greater Omaha business community. We must stand together and create concrete solutions to our city’s ethical challenges.” The organization initially took an academic approach to ethics education, Robinson said. “The alliance evolved by implementing a culture focus, but ethics, integrity and trust will always be a staple of our organization,” he said. “We continue to enhance our services to individuals and organizations by identifying the ethical issues and helping put structures in place to guide decision-making where ethical knowledge is spread amongst all.” Looking ahead, Robinson said the alliance is creating or continuing ethics education products and services along with opportunities for professionals to connect. Some examples include developing web-based platforms; working with businesses to increase staff retention and engagement; offering an emerging leader program for college students; and hosting or supporting industry-specific events, diversity/equity/inclusion ethics training, ethical culture assessments, conversations with CEOs, and ethics training or exchanges for executives, boards and nonprofits. To find out more about becoming involved with the Business Ethics Alliance, community members can visit the organization’s website at businessethicsalliance.org, Robinson said. The alliance also has a podcast, The Business Ethics Podcast, available through Apple Podcasts. “The Business Ethics Alliance has worked with organizations to bring ethics to the center of everyday life, bringing people from all walks of life together to have difficult but meaningful conversations,” he said. “As a notfor-profit, we rely on the support of the community and partners to bring to life our diverse range of events and products and services to life.”

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powering beyond 140 YEARS BLACK HILLS ENERGY INVESTS IN INFRASTRUCTURE At 600 employees across its Nebraska and Iowa footprint, Black Hills Energy’s staff size alone rivals many villages in this two-state region; however, this number is just one of many indicators to demonstrate how the nearly 140-year-old diversified energy company and electric and gas utility is growing right alongside our communities. “Black Hills Energy has witnessed significant growth in Sarpy County as new residential communities and business ventures develop,” said Jennifer Peters, community affairs manager in Omaha. “In addition to our business development plans, Black Hills is committed to maintaining the integrity of our main and service lines through rigorous replacement and system upgrade projects across our footprint.” Additionally, at the time of this writing, Peters noted that the corporation is completing gas meter replacement projects in Columbus, with similar projects in the Lincoln area, and central and western Nebraska in 2021 and this year. She also isolated its

partnership with the city of Blair on a major relocation of a main transmission line. Aptly, the company is rooted in South Dakota’s Black Hills Gold Rush. What got its start as Black Hills Electric Light Company of Deadwood, is now a corporation whose Black Hills Energy arm reportedly serves more than 1.3 million natural gas and electric utility customers across a territory that spans eight states and 824 communities. “In 2021, our direct economic impact included charitable giving, compensation for almost 2,900 employees, franchise fees, payments to suppliers, and property, sales and use taxes paid to our communities was $1.9 billion,” Peters said. Black Hills Energy’s 17 offices in Nebraska include its Lincoln headquarters, as well as its operations service center in Papillion, which primarily serves Sarpy County in metro Omaha. Additional field offices are scattered from Beatrice to Chadron, and Norfolk to McCook.

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Black Hills is committed to maintaining the integrity of our main and service lines through rigorous replacement and system upgrade projects across our footprint. - JENNIFER PETERS, COMMUNITY AFFAIRS MANAGER, BLACK HILLS ENERGY

In Iowa, its Grimes headquarters is joined by eight field offices – including locations in Council Bluffs, Spencer and Newton. “Our larger offices in Lincoln, Council Bluffs and Grimes house the technicians and operations staff plus professionals on the community affairs, government affairs, legal, compliance, human resources, finance, executive, business development, construction/

engineering and environmental teams,” explained Bret Atkins, senior human resource manager. “Our service centers, like the Papillion location, are typically comprised of the gas technicians, construction planners, business development, measurement, damage prevention and other professionals.”

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Page 15 • July 15, 2022­


LINCOLN business journal

In 2020, we announced our sustainability goal of reducing our methane emissions intensity by 50% by 2035 in our natural gas utilities. - JENNIFER PETERS, COMMUNITY AFFAIRS MANAGER, BLACK HILLS ENERGY

In all, across the state, there are upwards of 300,000 customers spanning 319-plus communities. Papillion alone, according to Peters, serves Bellevue, Blair, Gretna, La Vista, Ralston, Plattsmouth, and other areas within the Omaha metro. For comparison, almost 162,000 of our neighbors to the east are served by Black Hills Energy (some 133 communities). Peters isolated Council Bluffs, with 38,000 customers in the city proper, as well as Crescent, Carter Lake, Glenwood, Tabor, Sidney and Hamburg. “Although each field office operates somewhat independently [in] handling service and maintenance locally, there are a number of shared resources both at the state level and from the corporate office in Rapid City, South Dakota,” Atkins added, when asked about how its locations interface. “Corporate branding and digital support, as well as accounts payable/receivable, is managed centrally from the Rapid City office.” “Each state,” Atkins continued, “has one or more representative in government affairs, community affairs, business development and human resources … most of our business units operate from a few select offices overseeing projects statewide.”

Deep roots, bright futures

Black Hills Energy’s roots in Nebraska and Iowa go back to 2008, when its parent company acquired operations formerly owned by Aquila, which itself was a legacy organization founded in Kansas in 1902 as Solomon Valley Mining Co. As referenced by Peters, since that time, she said there have been “significant investments” both in utility infrastructure and in team members supporting its gas utility operations in the area and across its footprint. “In 2019, Black Hills Energy built a natural gas training center in Council

Bluffs, that is a state-of-the-art facility designed to provide technicians with hands-on learning,” she added. Via partnerships with the likes of local community colleges, Atkins further noted it has been able to plan for the more than half of its workforce that has retired over the past decade. “With our local workforce primarily being comprised of utility personnel, we are frequently hiring for technicians with heating and air degrees as well as welders, locators [and] gas operations personnel, including pipeline construction experience,” Atkins said. Aside from creating and supporting jobs, Peters highlighted its partnerships with renewable energy developers to use landfills and wastewater recovery in producing renewable natural gas. “In 2020, we announced our sustainability goal of reducing our methane emissions intensity by 50% by 2035 in our natural gas utilities,” she remarked. “We are making steady progress towards meeting that goal, partially through our continued investments in our infrastructure.” It’s a goal Peters said will be realized through its distribution integrity management plans and programmatic replacement of unprotected pipeline (also improving safety and performance). Peters also referenced Black Hills Energy’s impact via charitable giving – to the tune of $5.3 million last year. She also said nearly one-third of its employees volunteered for a collective 36,000-plus hours of volunteerism. Alongside its support organizations that are aiding local agencies in recovering from the effects of the pandemic, Peters also added that its energy assistance program, Black Hills Cares, was an “essential helping hand.” “As the need increased, so did the giving,” she said. “In 2021, donations increased by 52% for a total of $768,000 … Almost 2,400 families were assisted with their energy needs.” The company matches customers’ and employees’ contributions to Black Hills Cares dollar-for-dollar.


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Connecting Tech to Lincoln

SELLING LINCOLN AT THE BIGGEST CONFERENCES AND EVENTS The ability to market Lincoln truly knows no boundaries, as the Lincoln Partnership for Economic Development continues its exploration of Canada to market the city and its offerings. After attending the Collision Conference previously in 2019, LPED maintained a presence at this year’s conference in Toronto. Returning in person for the first time in three years, Collision saw nearly 35,000 people pack the Enercare Centre June 20-23 for what has been called “The Olympics of Tech” by Politico. One of the fastest growing tech conferences in North America saw over 600 featured speakers from Techstars, Wired, Ripple, MIT, Airbnb and many other companies and startups address the large crowds on a variety of topics, ranging from business innovation to cryptocurrency to journalism and virtually everything relating to technology and how it will affect the world’s future. Founders, CEOs and investors provided crash courses in how to kickstart a startup venture, who provided their wisdom and expertise by sharing their stories of failure and success. The ability to network and connect with new groups of people, back in person, proves to be a valuable enterprise when it comes to business expansion and finding out “what’s next” on the horizon for startups and entrepreneurs. “The Collision Conference helps us spread the news about all of the great opportunities that exist for startups and individuals in Lincoln. We receive great feedback and interest about what we are doing, hopefully connecting new people to Lincoln and what they could do here,” says Kaylie Hogan-Schnittker, Director of Talent Strategy. Startup attraction and retention continues to be a primary focus and success story for LPED, with the startup community in Lincoln becoming more diverse than ever before. It’s vital to bring new possibilities to the table and what better place to do it than with 35,000 people that may not be the most familiar with Lincoln. With Toronto remaining one of the hottest tech spots in North


Membership in the Lincoln Chamber of Commerce offers instant access to Lincoln’s largest business network. Beyond extensive connections, valuable resources and premier events, Chamber membership also offers: Credibility. What they say is true – people work with those they trust. Marketing your business as a Lincoln Chamber member heightens your credibility within the business community. Just as chambers are recognized across the globe for their support of their



As live conferences and other similar gatherings return, LPED will continue to show attendees what their life could look like in Lincoln. -LUKE PELTZ, VICE PRESIDENT, LINCOLN PARTNERSHIP FOR ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT

America, it acts as a model for which Lincoln is aspiring to in terms of investment, jobs and talent recruitment. Lincoln, as well as Nebraska as a whole, continue to grow and offer incredible opportunities for startups, setting records in the process. In 2021 alone, the total venture capital raised by Lincoln companies eclipsed $300 million, reflecting the exciting growth opportunities that exist on our “Silicon Prairie.” LPED continues to help startups through a variety of outlets, including the LaunchLNK program. By providing $25,000 grants, free professional services and connections to mentors and

potential additional sources of investment, Lincoln’s infrastructure continues to grow and support a diverse startup climate. As live conferences and other similar gatherings return, LPED will continue to show attendees what their life could look like in Lincoln.

local economies, your association with the Lincoln Chamber conveys your commitment as well. Advocacy. Day in and day out, the Lincoln Chamber of Commerce policy team serves as the advocate for business at the local, state and federal levels. Our members are not alone in their pursuit of advocacy for growth and prosperity within the community. Lincoln Chamber membership offers businesses a united, impactful voice and direct access to the policymaking officials that influence business climate and economic growth. Connections. The Lincoln Chamber of Commerce

team is a connector, providing our members with valuable introductions to new customers and referral sources. In addition to offering a variety of networking opportunities throughout the year, the Lincoln Chamber is dedicated to promoting our member businesses to not only one another, but to the community at large as well. We are proud to offer our members a platform to initiate important conversations to grow their businesses. Learn more about how the five-star accredited Lincoln Chamber of Commerce can help your business succeed at lcoc.com.

Address: 3 Landmark Centre, 1128 Lincoln Mall, Suite 100, Lincoln, NE 68508 Contact Us: (402) 436-2350 | lincchamber@lcoc.com Website: www.lcoc.com Social Media: www.facebook.com/LincolnChamber Page 17 • July 15, 2022­

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Mike McMeekin Engineering Change Lab Page 19 • July 15, 2022­


Stuart Chittenden Squish Talks


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40 under 40




Candice Price is the ultimate role model in entrepreneurship: a woman of color who has successfully launched and grown multiple businesses, some in heavily male-dominated fields. “I’ve always liked sales, I’ve always liked selling things since I was a little girl,” she said of her childhood in Florida.

Entrepreneur in Waiting Price knew at a young age that she’d one day own her own business and lead others. “Even when I worked for someone else, I also always worked for myself, as a kid and while in college,” she said. “I always did multiple things at the same time. Getting to the point where I was working solely for myself was something I always wanted to accomplish.” After moving to Omaha, Price found guidance and mentors to match her boundless ambition and her entrepreneurial spirit shifted into high gear. “The greatest thing about Nebraska is access. Everyone is accessible,” she said. “We literally have one degree of separation to anyone you want to talk with, and everyone shares what they know. I think that’s just the greatest thing that we have here in Omaha … our people. My mentors are all right here.” On this strength, Price launched three successful companies, the first being Home Team Auto Sales five years ago. “There’s over 19,000 franchise dealerships in the country; only 219 are Black-owned and less than 1% are Black woman-owned,” she said. In 2019, she followed that with Sapphire Grill, a food truck she deploys to large events including the Nebraska State Fair and the NCAA Men’s College World Series. HT Towing & Repair launched in 2021. She said the most difficult thing for any entrepreneur to learn is business fundamentals, namely the financial side of things.

“Being a small, minority- and woman-owned business owner, it’s all about how to get access to capital, figuring out that part and figuring out the financials overall,” she said. “Typically, you find people know what to do for the business they are in; it’s the business of the business that people struggle with, trying to ask the right questions even when you don’t know what to ask.”

Paying it Back For everything she’s had to learn, the leadership and mentoring aspect has always come naturally. “I make sure I am accessible,” she said. “Weekly, sometimes daily, I receive a message from someone who’s either starting a business or they have a family member starting a business and they want someone to walk them through some things. I do that, and not just for individuals here in Nebraska, but all over. “Outside of work, I do what I can to volunteer in those spaces to make sure people who need someone to talk with get connected to someone to help them grow. That’s always been my thing, being a community connector.” As for the future of her enterprise, Price is as ambitious as ever. The car lot is in the midst of expansion, and she has even bigger dreams on the horizon. “I’d love to be on the Forbes list one day and Black Enterprise 100 list. Those are the goals,” she said. “If you don’t sacrifice for what you want, then what you want becomes the sacrifice. Either way, you’re giving up PRESENTING SPONSOR something; just don’t let it be your dream.”

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Julie Hughes

Emily Perry



Holmes Murphy is excited to announce the promotion of Julie Hughes to Senior Client Consultant, Employee Benefits in the company’s expanding Omaha market. In her new role, Hughes will provide thought leadership and mentorship to clients and internal team members alike through a variety of experienced practices.

Holmes Murphy is excited to announce the promotion of Emily Perry to Senior Client Consultant, Employee Benefits in the company’s expanding Omaha market. In her new role, Perry will provide thought leadership and mentorship to clients and internal team members alike through a variety of experienced practices.





Liz McPeek

Joe Rider



Holmes Murphy is excited to announce Liz McPeek as Account Manager, Employee Benefits in the company’s expanding Omaha market. McPeek’s extensive industry background and knowledge allows her to contribute to the Omaha Holmes Murphy team immediately and serve clients at an elite level.

Holmes Murphy is excited to announce Joe Rider as Account Manager, Employee Benefits in the company’s expanding Omaha market. Rider’s extensive industry background and knowledge allows him to contribute to the Omaha Holmes Murphy team immediately and serve clients at an elite level.





Tony DeSantis



Perfection is not attainable, but if we chase perfection we can catch excel lence.


What was your first job? Technical ly it was mowing lawns for the neighbors, but the first job I got a real paycheck from was lifeguardin g and swim coaching. Biggest career break: Less than KA a year out of college, I NEBRAS , took the stand in a corporate HOMETOWN: OSMOND case we were assisting with. I testified to the difference between Excel and FoxPro and how they handled data. I was one of, if not the youngest, person to testify at the accounting firm I was with. That experience and exposure not fatal; it is the courage to certainly played a Success is not final; failure is role in my confidence throughou continue that counts. t my career as well as well as opportunities I was afforded after that. What got you interested in your current field of - WINSTON S. CHURCHILLwork? An internship during college showed me the possibilities ofIblending advisor a trusted technolog where can become y and business. I of individuals enjoyed understanding you give to your challenges that financial how businesses What career advice would and offer a solution to any operated, but To work hard, be yourself, cut out also liked What’s your Personal Motto? younger self? To believe in they may have. the technology side. Writing code, exploring strive to give 100% optimistic during data and ultimately creating humble, be fair, be kind and negative self-talk and remain meaningfu life e your task. l insights out of or job beyond troublesom the how about passionate you feel effort no matter how small do data. Blending challenging times. No matter Whatthe both worldsnow was and the perfect match of your emotions, me.wellbeing of my children can become, you are in control work?forThe a My first job was at the BUSINESS BANKING SOLUTIONS


Megan Froehlich


What was your first job? Pool as a lifeguard. Osmond Municipal Swimming as a guard, I Looking back on my experience I still use today such acquired some great skills that environment, as being attentive in a distracting and being able to willingness to take initiative reinforce the rules as necessary.

decisions, and destiny.

philosophy? To take What is your management forget those who chances on people. And never took chances on you.

I strive to provide looking forward. As a parent, nt with expectations How secure anddo youenvironme loving create a work-life balance? will hopefully give themFor me it is ities that responsibil prioritizat and about ion, time managementthey and managing make sound decisions as expectationstoon the confidence both fronts. With four active kids, I life. navigate makeeach stage of their

it a priority to be present,

attend, coach or participate in as many personally? At this a day off? My spendactivities to their How do you define success your favorite way of as possible. If What’s being happy and that means working day or is being at home offgetting stage in my life, success means back toawork favorite way to spend theearly ski later ments that I have in the evening so I don’t or taking in your career? My poolside outmiss satisfied with the accomplish those events, then I am all Who or what inspires you with my family hanging ate compassion for date. caring, that. to ing, Luckily, . achieved hard-work I a mom. She is trip to the mountains work for a company that understands and supports that type of flexibility. needs of others above job? your person, who always puts the about But it’s alsoss working on? Mindfulne What do you find appealing a long, successful important are youtocurrently provide What communi can that cate her own. My mom also had at industry d home and about Banking is a multifacete I want to be more mindful when I won’t When I was little, I be meditation around or .have and work commitments. and career (38 years) in banking. be ies, as well as the possibility I feeltolike I’m is happening right now home from the bank, a variety of opportunit to what constantly attentive growth — learning what works and remember watching her come moments those doesn’t of career progression and personal work, but moment especially high heeled shoes in every to present communi cation for me has always been dressed in her fancy suits and I sought in a career when returning the key, whether and friends. to be just like her when elements with that’smy at family stay at home mom for home or with your bosses at and thinking that I wanted the workforce after being a work. I now recognize that my that I career back, a Looking finding to up. grew I In addition her career, yet she a few years. me to meet a variety What do you find appealing allows role my mom overcame challenges during rewarding, about find your job? For me, work. the ability to help companie always found the joy in her s understand their business

Page 22 • July 15, 2022­

- VINCE LOMBARDI better, get insights they may not have already had, and see that “ah-ha” moment of when they see the value of the reporting and analytics. I also like the fact that I am constantly problem solving. No two clients are exactly alike so I must be agile in my approach, decisions and solutioning for them. It keeps challenging me day in and day out.

at first Lutz was my side hustle. I consulted for them by day, and played CFO, COO, plumber, electrician, superfood ninja, and barista by night (or early morning). Eventually, with my wife took over more of the dayto-day operations at Vitality Bowls, and I took on the full-time role at Lutz and now the cafes have become my side hustle.

What have been some of the most memorable/ unusual projects you’ve been What’s your favorite way to involved in? I’ve been spend a day off? I love lucky throughout my career spending time with the family. to be involved in some Whether it’s coaching really unique projects. I was one of the kids, or attending involved in the UN one of their events, most Oil for Food investigation which weekends you’ll find me on looked at Saddam a sideline somewhere. Hussein’s bribery and kickback scheme after sanctions as well as the Siemens AG Foreign What career accomplishments Corrupt Practices are you the most Act investigation. Both of those proud of? For me, the accomplis projects involved the hments I’m most collection of hundreds of different proud of are seeing the team data sources, piecing members I led, trained, information together and trying mentored, and developed that to recreate the facts have gone on to their and circumstances of actions that occurred years in the own successes. Throughout my career, I have been past. Not only was the subject matter itself interesting, lucky enough to be heavily involved in the recruiting but the projects provided the opportunity to learn of team members, developin g training and leading that new technology, new analytic techniques and threw training for new hires and building in some international travel. practices. For me, While maybe not as high I have always been most proud profile, more recently I worked when I see someone I with a client to help hired out of school or hired them gain access to their data, onto the team reach new visualize the data in more levels of success in their career. meaningful ways while also taking a reporting process that would take 10 - 12 hours a month, down to 30 What are you currently working minutes. With my current focus on? Currently I am on small to mid-size focused on the continued build clients, the ability to help them out of the Analytics gain efficiencies, drive and Insights Service line at Lutz. value and identify actionable I am focused on our insights, can make a strategy and goals for the next significant difference to their 3 - 5 years as we continue livelihood. to reimagine the value we can bring to our client. Being Have you ever had a side hustle in the technology space, I need or considered having to be looking out to one? As I transitioned from anticipate where things may my former role as a partner be heading, while still in the forensic department of serving our clients current needs. a big four accounting firm to my current role at Lutz, my wife and I decided to open up a couple of Superfod Cafe’s called Vitality Bowls. I was introduced to Lutz during that time and



Krysta Maples

Todd Hansen



Holmes Murphy is excited to announce Krysta Maples as Client Service Consultant, Employee Benefits in the company’s expanding Omaha market. Maples’ extensive industry background and knowledge allows her to contribute to the Omaha Holmes Murphy team immediately and serve clients at an elite level.

Todd Hansen, Client Executive, will transition to the Omaha Holmes Murphy team to support ongoing growth and further develop client relationships in Holmes Murphy’s Property Casualty space, where he previously served in the Des Moines market. Hansen’s transition is an exciting opportunity to expand even further Holmes Murphy’s footprint and impact in Omaha, ensuring local clients are in the best possible hands.





Lisa Kohler

Mitchel Inman


COBALT CREDIT UNION HIRES NEW INFORMATION SECURITY OFFICER Cobalt Credit Union is pleased to announce the appointment of Mitchel Inman as the organization’s new information security officer.

Cobalt Credit Union is pleased to announce the appointment of Lisa Kohler as the organization’s vice president of internal audit and compliance. Kohler comes to Cobalt with more than 16 years of audit experience. Most recently, Kohler served as the internal audit manager of a local agriculture financial cooperative.

Inman comes to Cobalt with more than 20 years of experience in the banking industry, having held multiple management, information technology, and business strategy positions. Most recently, Inman served as associate director of mortgage processing at a Florida based mortgage company.

As a member of Cobalt’s leadership team, Kohler will oversee management and assessment of risk and compliance for the credit union, ensuring alignment with the organization’s strategic vision and federal guidelines.

As a member of Cobalt’s leadership team, Inman will spearhead the company’s information security processes to protect the organization’s information from unauthorized access, modification, disclosure, and destruction.

Kohler holds a Bachelor of Science degree in business administration with a concentration in accounting from the University of Nebraska in Lincoln. She holds certifications as a Certified Public Accountant and a Certified Internal Auditor.

Inman holds a Bachelor of Science degree in management information systems from Iowa State University.



IN THE spotlight Feature a new hire, promotion, or accolade to inform the leaders of the Omaha metro, Council Bluffs and Lincoln communities through MBJ. Published and featured on MBJ.com and in the next available issue of MBJ after approval.

Submit a Spotlight at MBJ.com

Page 23 • July 15, 2022­



Joe Thornton

Brad Eubanks



To help drive Scooter’s Coffee® intentional expansion goals, brand excellence and exceptional franchise support, Joe Thornton has joined the company leadership team as President, a new role at the rapidly growing drive-thru coffee chain.

OMAHA, Nebr. July 8, 2022 - Omaha-based advertising and media firm, RCG, announced that Brad Eubanks has joined the firm as creative director.

“Scooter’s Coffee is expanding rapidly, and we are well on our way to opening over 1,000 stores. By the end of 2022, Scooter’s Coffee will have over 600 stores open across 26 states and five distribution centers operating, including our newest in Atlanta. We also have a growing consumer packaged goods and ready-to-drink business with Scooter’s Coffee products in over 1,000 retail locations,” said Todd Graeve, Chief Executive Officer of Scooter’s Coffee. “As we continue to scale a course of rapid growth and deepen connections with our valued customers, we welcome Joe Thornton to our dynamic leadership team at Scooter’s Coffee.”

Eubanks most recently served as senior creative director for a full-service marketing agency in Chicago. His past work includes messaging strategy and execution and deep-rooted knowledge of integrated marketing across B2C & B2B, having worked with clients such as True Value, Unilever, Kimberly Clark, Beam Suntory, Topco, Valvoline, Midwest Dairy, and National Beef.

Eubanks steps into the role following the retirement of Steve Armbruster.

With more than 38 years of experience in operations, new store expansion, marketing/branding, employee development, franchising, and store optimization, Thornton has led some of the fastest growth companies over the years, including Starbucks, Jamba Juice, Blockbuster and, most recently, HMSHost. As a Senior Vice President at Starbucks with responsibility of well over 2,000 stores, he led the drivethru team at Starbucks with a focus on speed. As Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer for HMSHost, Thornton led more than 1,500 food and beverage locations in North America, partnered with more than 300 brands and engaged more than 30,000 associates across HMSHost restaurants. At Jamba Juice, Thornton was Senior Vice President, Chief Operating Officer where he led strong business optimization and sales based on speed, taste and friendliness. As founder of Vizzionnary Brands, Joe consulted with businesses and authored two books: “The Power of Or: Choosing and Doing What Matters Most,” released in 2020, and “The Hostility of Change: Breaking Through DeepSeated Barriers,” published in 2021.

“Brad is that unique professional who can really dig into the way a brand presents itself and find new, interesting and powerful ways to engage with customers,” said Jim Svoboda, RCG president, and CEO. “He’s a super talented, nice person who really exemplifies the RCG team culture.” For RCG clients, Eubanks brings extensive experience in branding, promotional and shopper marketing to engage with consumers and shoppers along the customer journey. “I’m excited to roll up my sleeves and help our clients embrace new marketing trends while creating meaningful content and brand affinity,” said Eubanks. About RCG RCG is an Omaha-based advertising and media firm specializing in delivering integrated advertising solutions that generate consistent results for their B2C clients. With nearly 40 years of proven stewardship of clients’ brands and budgets, RCG continues to innovate and deliver difference-making creative content production and media strategy and buying. For more information, please visit www.rcgadvertising.com.



Wabtec Railway Electronics, Inc. seeks Technical Project Manager in Omaha, NE to serve as a customer liaison responsible for overall execution of the I-ETMS Maintenance Service Agreements for Class I railroad positive train control (PTC) implementation and operation. Apply at www.jobpostingtoday.com, Ref# 15816.

LAW FIRM | HIRED Monte L. Schatz LAMSON DUGAN & MURRAY LLP ANNOUNCES THE ADDITION OF SENIOR COUNSEL, MONTE L. SCHATZ Monte L. Schatz joined LDM in June, 2022 as Senior Counsel in the Firm’s Corporate Department. Mr. Schatz has over 35 years of experience in estate planning, trust and probate administration, and corporate law. Thirty of those years entailed work in bank corporations with an emphasis on Wealth Management and Trust Department Management and Administration. Mr. Schatz received his bachelor’s degrees in Economics and Political Science from South Dakota State University. He received his law degree from the University of South Dakota. Mr. Schatz also obtained a master’s degree in Taxation from the University of Tulsa. Lamson Dugan & Murray is a full-service law firm with over 45 attorneys specializing in all areas of litigation and business counseling. The Firm’s excellent reputation is well known and far reaching. Of the 45 attorneys, many of them are licensed in both Nebraska and Iowa. Lamson Dugan & Murray has offices in Omaha, Lincoln and West Des Moines.


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The following are some guidelines to consider when posting legal notices with the Midlands Business Journal: 1. Submit a written notice in either Microsoft Word or as a PDF document either through mbj.com or through the Legal Department at legals@ mbj.com. For trade names, submit a copy of approved (bar code in upper right hand corner) Application For Registration of Trade Name from the Secretary of State to the same email address. Please include your billing address and the desired duration you’d like your notice to run (trade names run for only one week). As a publisher and not a legal advisor we print notices exactly as they are submitted and therefor only comp reruns when the notice was rejected or messed up due to a MBJ error. All companies submitting notices are responsible for ensuring the content fits with the State’s requirements and are responsible for the cost of republishing the notice if it is rejected due to misinformation or missing information 2. You will receive a confirmation and price quote. Legal notices, except for trade names, are charged per line. The flat fee for a trade name is $50. Payment is now credit or debit card. 3. Deadline is 5 p.m. on Monday for a notice to start publishing that Friday. 4. All costs include fees to file the notice with the Secretary of State and/or any appropriate courts. 5. Invoices must be paid prior to publication. AMANDA M. BARRON, Attorney P.O. Box 597 Fremont, Nebraska 68026 LEGAL NOTICE TO THE DEFENDANT(s), SETH W RHODES You are hereby notified that Credit Bureau Services, Inc., a corporation, filed its complaint in the County Court of DOUGLAS County, Nebraska on 03/02/2022 on Case Number CI22-3599, the object and prayer of which is to recover the sum of $137.00, plus interest, attorney fees and court costs. You are required to answer the complaint of the Plaintiff on or before 08/15/2022 or the allegations in said complaint will be taken as true and judgment entered accordingly. CREDIT BUREAU SERVICES, INC., A CORPORATION First publication July 1, 2022, final July 15, 2022 Dennis P. Lee #16296 Lee Law Office 2433 S. 130th Circle, Suite 300 Omaha, NE 68144 Ph: (402) 334-8055 legal@leelawoffice.com NOTICE OF SUIT TO: ELIJAH R. JOHNSON, 7009 S. 83rd Street #11, Omaha NE 68228, you are hereby notified that on February 24, 2022, Credit Acceptance Corporation filed a suit against you in the Douglas County Court at docket CI22-2903, the object in prayer of which was to secure a judgment against you in the amount of $7,238.70, together with court costs, interest and attorney’s fees as allowed by law. Unless you file your Answer with the Douglas County Court on or before the 6th day of September, 2022, the Petition against you will be considered as true and judgment will be entered against you accordingly. By: Dennis P. Lee First publication July 15, 2022, final August 5, 2022 AMANDA M. BARRON, Attorney P.O. Box 597 Fremont, Nebraska 68026 LEGAL NOTICE TO THE DEFENDANT(s), KEVIN L DENNY You are hereby notified that Credit Bureau Services, Inc., a corporation, filed its complaint in the County Court of DOUGLAS County, Nebraska on 04/01/2022 on Case Number CI22-5092, the object and prayer of which is to recover the sum of $212.87, plus interest, attorney fees and court costs. You are required to answer the complaint of the Plaintiff on or before 08/15/2022 or the allegations in said complaint will be taken as true and judgment entered accordingly. CREDIT BUREAU SERVICES, INC., A CORPORATION First publication July 1, 2022, final July 15, 2022

AMANDA M. BARRON, Attorney P.O. Box 597 Fremont, Nebraska 68026 LEGAL NOTICE TO THE DEFENDANT(s), CHARLES A LIME MEREDITH J LIME You are hereby notified that Credit Bureau Services, Inc., a corporation, filed its complaint in the County Court of DOUGLAS County, Nebraska on 03/17/2022 on Case Number CI22-4351, the object and prayer of which is to recover the sum of $1,200.00, plus interest, attorney fees and court costs. You are required to answer the complaint of the Plaintiff on or before 08/29/2022 or the allegations in said complaint will be taken as true and judgment entered accordingly. CREDIT BUREAU SERVICES, INC., A CORPORATION First publication July 15, 2022, final July 29, 2022 Dennis P. Lee #16296 Lee Law Office 2433 S. 130th Circle, Suite 300 Omaha, NE 68144 Ph: (402) 334-8055 legal@leelawoffice.com NOTICE OF SUIT TO: TRE INZAURO, 8706 Oakmont Ct, La Vista NE 68128, you are hereby notified that on April 7, 2022, Credit Acceptance Corporation filed a suit against you in the Douglas County Court at docket CI22-5287, the object in prayer of which was to secure a judgment against you in the amount of $3,990.39, together with court costs, interest and attorney’s fees as allowed by law. Unless you file your Answer with the Douglas County Court on or before the 29 day of August, 2022, the Petition against you will be considered as true and judgment will be entered against you accordingly. First publication July 8, 2022, final July 29, 2022 ALLAN M. ZIEBARTH, Attorney 1702 S. 10 St., Suite 2, Omaha, NE 68108 NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION OF E & L REAL ESTATE, LLC Designated Office: 1702 S. 10 St., Suite 2, Omaha, NE 68108 Initial Agent/Address For Service: Allan M. Ziebarth/1702 S. 10 St., Suite 2, Omaha, NE 68108 First publication July 15, 2022, final July 29, 2022 NOTICE A total of 120 cases will be heard by the Board in July 2022. The following case(s) sentenced in Douglas County will be seen by the Board of Parole. July 13, 2022 – 9:30 a.m. Nebraska Correctional Center for Women, York, Nebraska Fowler, Christina 98231 Forgery 2nd Degree (9 counts) Theft by Receiving Stolen Prop Knowlton, Destiny 392672 Robbery Sanchez, Jessica 392795 Arson 1st Degree Theft by Unlwfl Taking or Disp July 19, 2022– 8:30 a.m. Reception and Treatment Center, Lincoln, Nebraska Bunten, Jonathan 214759 Poss/Receive Stolen Firearm Lopez-Bracamontes, Jose 85590 Robbery (2 counts) Use Deadly Weap to Commit Fel July 21, 2022 – 8:30 a.m. Nebraska State Penitentiary, Lincoln, Nebraska Strong, Samuel 60066 Pos Firearm by Fugitive/Felon Robbery Hernandez, Lawandell 81109 Poss Deadly Weap by Felon/Fug Terroristic Threats Use Deadly Weap to Commit Fel Reeves, Zachary 84434 Escape Manu/Dist/Del/Disp or Poss W/I Poss Deadly Weap by Felon/Fug Theft by Receiving Solen Prop (2 counts) Violation of Protection Order Alatorre, Juan 85784 Assault 2nd Degree Use Deadly Weap to Commit Fel Bracha, Lawrence 86372 Poss Deadly Weap by Felon/Fug Garcia-Velasco, Nemias 87104 Motor Vehicle Homicide Gonzales, Anthony 88444 Escape Robbery Crom, Randy 210500 Domestic Assault Willis, Calib 211219 Assault 1st Degree Robbery Theft by Receiving Stolen Prop Unlwfl Discharge of Firearm Garcia, Gregory 214315 Manu/Dist/Del/Disp or Poss W/I Miller, Timothy 214763 Burglary Sowell, James 214765 Poss Deadly Weap by Felon/Fug July 22, 2022 – 8:30 a.m.

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Community Correctional Center – Lincoln, Lincoln, Nebraska Gafford, Anthony 52277 Murder 2nd Degree Use Deadly Weap to Commit Fel Armentrout, Timothy 83481 Assault 2nd Degree Use Deadly Weap to Commit Fel Blume, Dirk 86846 Manslaughter Use Deadly Weap to Commit Fel Casson, Melissa 392268 Criminal Impersonation Manu/Dist/Del/Disp or Poss W/I July 25, 2022 – 9:30 a.m. Tecumseh State Correctional Institution, Tecumseh, Nebraska Torres, Daniel 86014 Robbery Terroristic Threats Scruggs, Bailey 86344 Burglary Tampering Ashley, Phillip 210616 Poss Deadly Weap by Felon/Fug Main, Lucas 213334 Theft by Receiving Stolen Prop (2 counts) Genchi-Garcia, Jaime 84174 Sexual Assault of Child 1st Degree Craven, Thomas 89093 Assault 2nd Degree Escape Pos Cntrl Sub Except Marijuana (2 counts) Terroristic Threats July 27, 2022 – 8:30 a.m. Community Correctional Center - Lincoln, Lincoln, Nebraska Hood, Kevin 86704 Burglary (2 counts) Jakub, Jeremy 89140 Aslt Peac Ofcr/DCS Emp 3rd Dgr Criminal Mischief Viol of Financial Trans Device Speed, Joel 211865 Leave Scene of Injury Accident Manu/Dist/Del/Disp or Poss W/I Rocha, Armando 213064 Manu/Dist/Del/Disp or Poss W/I Theft by Shoplifting (4 counts) Plunkett, Arthur 212546 Pos Cntrl Sub Except Marijuana Poss Deadly Weap by Felon/Fug July 28, 2022 – 8:30 a.m. Community Correctional Center - Omaha, Omaha, Nebraska Bergman, James 87064 Manu/Dist/Del/Disp or Poss W/I (2 counts) Williams, Tyler 88637 Manu/Dist/Del/Disp or Poss W/I Poss Deadly Weap by Felon/Fug Telles, David 89542 Assault 1st Degree Toliver, Shawn 89828 Driving While Intoxicated Mikesh, Brandon 211446 Robbery Watson, Alan 212822 Manu/Dist/Del/Disp or Poss W/I Theft by Receiving Stolen Prop Milroy, Kurtis 213872 Sexual Assault 1st Degree Elrod, Dylan 213045 Assault 2nd Degree False Imprisonment 1st Degree July 29, 2022 – 8:30 a.m. Omaha Correctional Center, Omaha, Nebraska Hallowell, Franklin 79748 Robbery Use Firearm to Commit Felony James, Kashik 82101 Arson 2nd Degree Seffron, Justin 82230 Driving Under Revoked License Poss Deadly Weap by Felon/Fug Tampering Patterson, Brandon 85654 Poss Deadly Weap by Felon/Fug Hall, Rex 86546 Poss Deadly Weap by Felon/Fug John, Kandaru 89009 Theft by Receiving Stolen Prop Buchan, Nicholas 210374 Theft by Receiving Stolen Prop Theft by Unlwfl Taking or Disp (2 counts) Bingham, McKeith 212297 Unlawful Discharge of Firearm Thet, Kyaw 213706 Robbery ROSALYN COTTON, CHAIR NEBRASKA BOARD OF PAROLE First publication July 15, 2022 NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION OF NICK BRUHN, LLC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that NICK BRUHN, LLC (the “Company”) has been organized under the laws of the State of Nebraska. The Designated Office Address of the Company is 361 N 46th St #3117, Omaha, Nebraska 68132. The Registered Agent of the Company is NICHOLAS BRUHN, 361 N 46th St #3117, Omaha, Nebraska 68132. First publication July 15, 2022 NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION OF SLB, LLC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that SLB, LLC (the ‘Company”) has been organized under the laws of the State of Nebraska. The Designated Office Address of the Company is 1941 SO. 42nd Street Suite 128, Omaha NE, 68105. The Registered Agent of the Company is Stephanie Beister, 1941 SO. 42nd Street Suite 128, Omaha NE, 68105. First publication July 15, 2022

Alton E. Mitchell, Attorney at Law, LLC 1905 Harney Street, Suite 711 Omaha, Nebraska, 68102 Notice of Organization of Ann Newman Art, LLC Notice is hereby given that a Limited Liability Company has been formed under the laws of the State of Nebraska. The initial Registered Agent is: Ann Newman 500 Walnut Street Omaha, NE 68106 The address of the initial Designated Office is: Ann Newman Art, LLC 500 Walnut Street Omaha, NE 68106 The Certificate of Organization was filed with the Secretary of State on May 19, 2022. The Company has perpetual existence; the general nature of its business is retail sales. Company business will be conducted by its Members as described in the Company’s Operating Agreement. The Certificate of Organization was amended on June 1, 2022 to reflect the correct name of Anne Newman Art, LLC and the correct name of the registered agent, to wit: Anne Newman. s:/Alton E. Mitchell Alton E. Mitchell, Authorized Representative First publication July 15, 2022 ALLAN M. ZIEBARTH, Attorney 1702 S. 10 St., Suite 2, Omaha, NE NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION OF MR. DEMO, LLC Designated Office : 1702 S . 10 St., Suite Initial Agent/Address For Service: Allan M. Ziebarth/1702 S. 10 St., Suite 2, Omaha, NE 68108 First publication July 15, 2022, final July 29, 2022 NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION Notice is hereby given that Blue Diamond Advisors, LLC (the “Company”) has been organized under the laws of the State of Nebraska. The Designated Office of the Company is 17330 Wright Street, Suite 100, Omaha, Nebraska 68130. The Registered Agent of the Company is Brad D. Yoder, 17330 Wright Street, Suite 100, Omaha, Nebraska 68130. The Company was formed June 7, 2022. Brad D Yoder, Member First publication July 15, 2022 Koley Jessen P.C., L.L.O., Attorneys 1125 South 103rd Street, Suite 800, One Pacific Place Omaha, NE 68124-1079 NOTICE OF INCORPORATION 1. The name of the Corporation is 1884 Fleet Service, Inc. 2. The Corporation is authorized to issue 100,000 shares of common stock, having a par value of $0.01 each. 3. The Registered Office of the Corporation is: 1125 South 103rd Street, Suite 800, Omaha, Nebraska 68124, and the Registered Agent at such address is Koley Jessen P.C., L.L.O. 4. Articles of Incorporation were filed with the Nebraska Secretary of State on June 21, 2022. 5. The name and address of the Incorporator is: Taylor C. Dieckman, 1125 South 103rd Street, Suite 800, Omaha, Nebraska 68124. First publication July 1, 2022, final July 15, 2022

Koley Jessen P.C., L.L.O., Attorneys 1125 South 103rd Street, Suite 800, One Pacific Place Omaha, NE 68124-1079 NOTICE OF SECOND AMENDED AND RESTATED ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION OF AKSARBEN FOUNDATION F/K/A KNIGHTS OF AKSAR-BEN FOUNDATION Notice is hereby given that the Amended and Restated Articles of Incorporation of Knights of Ak-Sar-Ben Foundation have been further amended and restated in its entirety as follows: Article I states the name of the foundation as Aksarben Foundation. Article II states the foundation is a public benefit corporation. Article III states the registered office of the foundation as 7101 Mercy Road, Omaha, Nebraska 68106, and the name of the registered agent as Sandra Reding. Article IV states the purpose of the foundation. Article V states the powers of the foundation. Article VI states the foundation shall have no members. Article VII states the provisions regarding dissolution of the foundation. The Second Amended and Restated Articles of Incorporation were filed with the Nebraska Secretary of State on June 27, 2022. First publication July 8, 2022, final July 22, 2022 NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION OF MASTERS HOME EXTERIORS, LLC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Masters Home Exteriors, LLC has been organized under the laws of the State of Nebraska. The designated office of the limited liability company is 5219 N 4th Street, Omaha, NE 68110. The registered agent and office of the limited liability company is Jesus Camacho-Perez, 5219 N 4th Street, Omaha, NE 68110. The limited liability company commenced business on June 16, 2022. The nature of the business to be transacted is any lawful business. The business shall have perpetual existence. First publication July 1, 2022, final July 15, 2022 Notice is hereby given that Classic Travel, LLC, a Nebraska Limited Liability Company, has been organized under the laws of the state of Nebraska, with its initial designated office at 17210 Colony Drive, Omaha, NE 68136. The initial agent for service of process of the Company is Registered Agents, Inc 200 S. 21st STE 400A, Lincoln, NE 68510 First publication July 15, 2022, final July 29, 2022 Notice of Organization of Natural Mind & Muscle, LLC, a Nebraska Limited Liability Company Notice is hereby given that a Nebraska Limited Liability Company has been formed under the Nebraska Limited Liability Company Act. The name of the limited liability company is Natural Mind & Muscle, LLC. The designated office is 9819 South 168th Avenue, 6B, Suite 4, Omaha, NE 68136. The registered agent is Frederick D. Stehlik. The office address for the registered agent is 2120 South 72nd Street, Suite 1500, Omaha, NE 68124. The general nature of the business to be transacted is massage therapy and any other lawful purpose. The organization commenced on July 5, 2022 and will have perpetual existence. The company’s affairs are to be conducted by the following members: Karaha Chamberlin. First publication July 15, 2022, final July 29, 2022

Notice is hereby given that a limited liability company has been formed under the laws of the State of Nebraska, and that the name of the company is KPI EXCHANGE, LLC The name and street address of the company’s initial registered agent is Law Offices of Barbara Medbery-Prchal, P.C., L.L.O., 11102 Blondo Street, Suite 103, Omaha, NE 68164. The designated office is located at 11102 Blondo Street, Suite 103, Omaha, Nebraska 68118. Heather Akerberg, Member First publication July 15, 2022, final July 29, 2022

Mary E. Vandenack, attorney VANDENACK WEAVER LLC 17007 Marcy Street, Suite 3 Omaha, Nebraska, 68118 Telephone 402-504-1300 Notice of Organization of TEN & GO LLC Notice is hereby given that TEN & GO LLC has been organized as a limited liability company under the Nebraska Uniform Limited Liability Company Act. The address of the initial designated office of the company is 3040 College Drive, Blair, NE 68008. The agent for service of process for the Company is VW Agents LLC located at 17007 Marcy Street, Suite 3, Omaha, NE 68118. First publication July 1, 2022, final July 15, 2022

KOLEY JESSEN P.C., L.L.O., Attorneys 1125 South 103rd Street, Suite 800, One Pacific Place Omaha, Nebraska 68124-1079 NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION OF THE GOOD LIFE MEDSTAFF, LLC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that The Good Life MedStaff, LLC has been organized under the laws of the State of Nebraska. The designated office of the limited liability company is 1125 South 103rd Street, Suite 800, Omaha, Nebraska 68124. The registered agent and office of the limited liability company is Koley Jessen P.C., L.L.O., 1125 South 103rd Street, Suite 800, Omaha, Nebraska 68124. The Certificate of Organization was filed with the Nebraska Secretary of State on July 7, 2022. First publication July 15, 2022, final July 29, 2022

NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION B. MARION ENTERPRISES, LLC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that B. Marion Enterprises, LLC (the “Company”) has been organized under the laws of the State of Nebraska. The Designated Office Address of the Company is 7406 North 108th Street, Omaha, Nebraska 68142. The Registered Agent of the Company is DDLG Business Services, Inc., 9500 West Dodge Road, Suite 100, Omaha, Nebraska 68114. Dvorak Law Group, LLC 9500 West Dodge Road Suite 100 Omaha, NE 68114 First publication July 8, 2022, final July 22, 2022

Notice is hereby given that a limited liability company has been formed under the laws of the State of Nebraska, and that the name of the company is Ascent Family Chiropractic & Wellness, LLC The name and street address of the company’s initial registered agent is Law Offices of Barbara Medbery-Prchal, P.C., L.L.O., 11102 Blondo Street, Suite 103, Omaha, NE 68164. The designated office is located at 11102 Blondo Street, Suite 103, Omaha, NE 68164. Piper E. Wegener, Member First publication July 15, 2022, final July 29, 2022

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that MMPR Investments, LLC has been organized under the laws of the State of Nebraska. The designated office of the limited liability company is 2206 South 117th Circle, Omaha, Nebraska 68144. The registered agent and office of the limited liability company is Koley Jessen P.C., L.L.O., 1125 South 103rd Street, Suite 800, Omaha, Nebraska 68124. The Certificate of Organization was filed with the Nebraska Secretary of State on June 24, 2022. First publication July 1, 2022, final July 15, 2022

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ERICKSON | SEDERSTROM, P.C. 10330 Regency Parkway Drive Omaha, NE 68114 NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION OF N1042X, LLC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that N1042X, LLC, a Nebraska limited liability company (the “Company”), has been duly organized under the laws of the State of Nebraska, with its designated office located at 16016 South 63rd Street, Papillion, Nebraska 68133 and designating its registered agent as Erickson & Sederstrom, P.C. a limited liability organization with its registered office at 10330 Regency Parkway Drive, Suite 100, Omaha, Nebraska 68114. First publication July 8, 2022, final July 22, 2022 KOLEY JESSEN P.C., L.L.O., Attorneys 1125 South 103 rd Street, Suite 800 Omaha, Nebraska 68124 NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION OF JRFS LLC The name of the Company is JRFS LLC. The Designated Office of the Company is: 5909 North 163 rd Street, Omaha, Nebraska 68116. The Registered Agent and Office of the Company is: Koley Jessen P.C., L.L.O., 1125 South 103 rd Street, Suite 800, Omaha, Nebraska 68124. This limited liability company commenced business on June 28, 2022. First publication July 8, 2022, final July 22, 2022 LAMSON DUGAN & MURRAY, LLP Andrew J. Huber, Attorney 10306 Regency Parkway Drive Omaha, Nebraska 68114 NOTICE OF INCORPORATION OF SOMNUM ANESTHESIA SERVICES, P.C. Notice is hereby given that a professional corporation has been formed under the laws of the State of Nebraska, on July 5, 2022, and that the name of the corporation is Somnum Anesthesia Services, P.C. The corporation is authorized to issue 1,000 shares of common stock. The street address of the corporation is 15932 Mary St, Omaha NE, 68116. The name and street address of the corporation’s initial registered agent and office is LDM Business Services, Inc., 10306 Regency Parkway Drive, Omaha, Nebraska 68114. The name and address of the incorporator is Jonathan D. Huss, 15932 Mary St, Omaha NE, 68116. Jonathan D. Huss, Incorporator First publication July 15, 2022, final July 29, 2022 NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION The name of the Limited Liability Company is PORCH LIGHT INVESTMENTS, LLC. The designated office of the limited liability company is 414 South 198th Street, Elkhorn, NE 68022. The registered agent and office of the limited liability company is Aimee M. Bouc, at 414 South 198th Street, Elkhorn, NE 68022. The purpose for which the company is organized is to engage in any and all business which is lawful under the Nebraska Uniform Limited Liability Company Act of the State of Nebraska. The company commenced its existence on July 5, 2022, and the period of duration of the Company shall be perpetual. The affairs of the company shall be conducted by its Members in accordance with the company’s operating agreement. First publication July 15, 2022, final July 29, 2022 Dvorak Law Group, LLC 9500 West Dodge Road Suite 100 Omaha, NE 68114 NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION OF VICTOR TOUCH UP REPAIR, LLC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Victor Touch Up Repair, LLC (the “Company”) has been organized under the laws of the State of Nebraska. The Designated Office Address of the Company is 8710 “M” Circle, Omaha, Nebraska 68127. The Registered Agent of the Company is DDLG Business Services, Inc., 9500 West Dodge Road, Suite 100, Omaha, Nebraska 68114. First publication July 15, 2022, final July 29, 2022 NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION OF SCM FFA Omaha, 14126, LLC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that SCM FFA Omaha 14126, LLC, LLC (the “Company”) has been organized under the laws of the State of Nebraska. The Initial Designated Office address of the Company is 1303 South 72nd Street, Suite 209, Omaha, Nebraska 68124. The Initial Registered Agent of the Company is Kendra Ringenberg, Esq., 14301 FNB Parkway, Suite 204, Omaha, Nebraska 68154. First publication July 8, 2022, final July 22, 2022 NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION OF H&S COUNCIL BLUFFS 505 1, LLC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that H&S Council Bluffs 505 1, LLC, LLC (the “Company”) has been organized under the laws of the State of Nebraska. The Initial Designated Office address of the Company is 1303 South 72nd Street, Suite 209, Omaha, Nebraska 68124. The Initial Registered Agent of the Company is Kendra Ringenberg, Esq., 14301 FNB Parkway, Suite 204, Omaha, Nebraska 68154. First publication July 1, 2022, final July 15, 2022

NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION 402 PERFORMANCE, LLC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that 402 Performance, LLC (the “Company”) has been organized under the laws of the State of Nebraska. The Designated Office Address of the Company is 9500 West Dodge Road, Suite 100, Omaha, Nebraska 68114. The Registered Agent of the Company is DDLG Business Services, Inc., 9500 West Dodge Road, Suite 100, Omaha, Nebraska 68114. Dvorak Law Group, LLC 9500 West Dodge Road Suite 100 Omaha, NE 68114 First publication July 8, 2022, final July 22, 2022 NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION of a Limited Liability Company Notice is hereby given the registration with the Nebraska Secretary of State’s office of Vics Remodeling & Decks, LLC under the laws of the State of Nebraska as follows: The name of the company is Vics Remodeling & Decks, LLC. Registered agent and office of Vics Remodeling & Decks, LLC is Victor Eloy Morales Mendoza at 1616 Drexel Street, Omaha, NE 68107. The designated address is 1616 Drexel Street, Omaha, NE 68107. Initial members: Victor Eloy Morales Mendoza General nature of the business is to transact any and all lawful business for which limited liability companies are allowed by statute. The LLC was organized in June 2022 for the perpetual duration and is managed by its members. First publication July 8, 2022, final July 22, 2022 WHITMORE LAW OFFICE LLC 7602 PACIFIC STREET, SUITE 200 OMAHA,NEBRASKA 68114 NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION Notice is hereby given that CHC Mini Mart, LLC (the “Company”) has been organized under the laws of the State of Nebraska. The Designated Office of the Company is 1510 N. 4th Street, David City, Nebraska 68632. The Registered Agent of the Company is Michael Bader,1312 N.11th Street, David City, Nebraska 68632. The Company was formed on June 17, 2022. First publication July 1, 2022, final July 15, 2022 Andrew J. Huber, Attorney LAMSON, DUGAN & MURRAY, LLP 10306 Regency Parkway Drive Omaha, Nebraska 68114 NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION OF TAKE COFFEE, LLC Notice is hereby given of the formation of a limited liability company under the laws of the State of Nebraska, and that the name of the limited liability company is TAKE COFFEE, LLC. The address of the designated office is 7916 N. 173rd Street, Bennington, NE 68007. The name and address of the registered agent is LDM Business Services, Inc., 10306 Regency Parkway Drive, Omaha, NE 68114. The general nature of the business to be transacted is all lawful business. The company commenced existence on June 30, 2022 and shall have perpetual duration. The affairs of the company shall be conducted by the Members, as prescribed by the Operating Agreement. LDM Business Services, Inc., Organizer First publication July 8, 2022, final July 22, 2022 Notice is hereby given that a limited liability company has been formed under the laws of the State of Nebraska, and that the name of the company is BBT Properties, LLC The name and street address of the company’s initial registered agent is Law Offices of Barbara Medbery-Prchal, P.C., L.L.O., 11102 Blondo Street, Suite 103, Omaha, NE 68164. The designated office is located at 7515 N. 155th Terrace, Bennington, Nebraska 68007. Brian Childers, Member First publication July 1, 2022, final July 15, 2022 NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION OF HULA TRAVEL LACROSSE, LLC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Hula Travel Lacrosse, LLC (the “Company”) has been organized under the laws of the State of Nebraska. The Designated Office Address of the Company is 8910 Frances Street, Omaha, Nebraska 68124. The Registered Agent of the Company is J. Stephen Haney 8910 Frances Street, Omaha, NE 68124. First publication July 8, 2022, final July 22, 2022 MARK J. LAPUZZA, Attorney PANSING HOGAN ERNST & BACHMAN LLP 10250 Regency Circle, Suite 300 Omaha, Nebraska 68114 Notice is hereby given of the organization of More Than Beans, LLC. 1. The name of the limited liability company is More Than Beans, LLC. 2. The street and mailing address of the initial designated office is 1604 S. 189th Court, Omaha, Nebraska 68130. 3. The name and street address of the initial agent for service of process is Mark J. LaPuzza, 10250 Regency Circle, Suite 300, Omaha, Nebraska 68114. First publication July 8, 2022, final July 22, 2022

Notice of Organization TD Lynam, LLC Notice is hereby given that TD Lynam, LLC, a Nebraska Limited Liability Company, has been organized under the laws of the State of Nebraska, with its initial designated office at 1222 Cork Drive, Papillion, NE 68046, and with its initial agent for service of process as Thomas Lynam, 1222 Cork Drive, Papillion, NE 68048. First publication July 8, 2022, final July 22, 2022

NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION OF THE HOLIDAY MARKET, LLC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that THE HOLIDAY MARKET, LLC (the “Company”) has been organized as a Limited Liability Company under the laws of the State of Nebraska. The Designated Office of the Company is 9917 O Circle, Omaha, NE 68127. Its affairs are to be conducted by the manager Jill Martinez. The Registered Agent of the Company is Alfred Martinez, Jr., 9917 O Circle, Omaha, NE 68127. First publication July 1, 2022, final July 15, 2022

NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION OF REDLINE CONCEPTS LLC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Redline Concepts LLC (the “Company”) has been organized under the laws of the state of Nebraska. The Designated Office Address of the Company is 4504 South 147th Street, Omaha, NE 68137. The Registered Agent of the Company is Brandon Jenkins, 4504 South 147th Street, Omaha, NE 68137. This limited liability company commenced business on June 22nd, 2022. First publication July 1, 2022, final July 15, 2022

KOLEY JESSEN P.C., L.L.O., Attorneys 1125 South 103rd Street, Suite 800, One Pacific Place Omaha, NE 68124-1079 NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION OF BUOYANN PROPERTIES, LLC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Buoyann Properties, LLC has been organized under the laws of the State of Nebraska. The designated office of the limited liability company is 1222 North 136th Avenue, Omaha, Nebraska 68154. The registered agent and office of the limited liability company is Koley Jessen P.C., L.L.O., 1125 South 103rd Street, Suite 800, Omaha, Nebraska 68124. The limited liability company commenced business on June 24, 2022. First publication July 1, 2022, final July 15, 2022

Whitmore Law Office LLC 7602 PACIFIC STREET, SUITE 200 OMAHA,NEBRASKA 68114 NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION Notice is hereby given that EntreLabs, LLC (the “Company”) has been organized under the laws of the State of Nebraska. The Designated Office of the Company is 1711 Yorktown Street, Bellevue, NE 68123. The Registered Agent of the Company is Miguel Rosas, 1711 Yorktown Street, Bellevue, NE 68123. The Company was formed on July 6, 2022. First publication July 15, 2022, final July 29, 2022 Erin K. Artz, Attorney LAMSON, DUGAN & MURRAY, LLP 10306 Regency Parkway Drive Omaha, Nebraska 68114 NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION OF CUSTOM VINYL FABRICATION, LLC Notice is hereby given of the formation of a limited liability company under the laws of the State of Nebraska, and that the name of the limited liability company is CUSTOM VINYL FABRICATION, LLC. The address of the designated office is 11011 Z Street, Omaha, NE 68137. The name and address of the registered agent is LDM Business Services, Inc., 10306 Regency Parkway Drive, Omaha, NE 68114. The general nature of the business to be transacted is all lawful business. The company commenced existence on June 2, 2022 and shall have perpetual duration. The affairs of the company shall be conducted by the Members, as prescribed by the Operating Agreement. LDM Business Services, Inc., Incorporator First publication July 1, 2022, final July 15, 2022 LAMSON DUGAN & MURRAY, LLP Andrew J. Huber, Attorney 10306 Regency Parkway Drive Omaha, Nebraska 68114 NOTICE OF INCORPORATION OF SAV ANESTHESIA, P.C. Notice is hereby given that a professional corporation has been formed under the laws of the State of Nebraska, on June 22, 2022, and that the name of the corporation is SAV Anesthesia, P.C. The corporation is authorized to issue 1,000 shares of common stock. The street address of the corporation is 18428 Nina Street, Omaha, NE 68130. The name and street address of the corporation’s initial registered agent and office is LDM Business Services, Inc., 10306 Regency Parkway Drive, Omaha, Nebraska 68114. The name and address of the incorporator is Sara A. vonAhlefeld, 18428 Nina Street, Omaha, NE 68130. Sara A. vonAhlefeld, Incorporator First publication July 1, 2022, final July 15, 2022 KOLEY JESSEN P.C., L.L.O., Attorneys 1125 South 103 rd Street, Suite 800 Omaha, Nebraska 68124 NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION OF B&B PROFESSIONAL BOXING MANAGEMENT & TRAINING, LLC The name of the Company is B&B Professional Boxing Management & Training, LLC. The Designated Office of the Company is: 1125 South 103 rd Street, Suite 800, Omaha, Nebraska 68124. The Registered Agent and Office of the Company is: Koley Jessen P.C., L.L.O., 1125 South 103 rd Street, Suite 800, Omaha, Nebraska 68124. This limited liability company commenced business on June 24, 2022. First publication July 8, 2022, final July 22, 2022 Robert J. Likes, Esq. LIKES MEYERSON HATCH LLC 444 Regency Parkway Dr., #100 Omaha, NE 68114 NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION OF BOJIBOYS22 LLC Notice is hereby given that BOJIBOYS22 LLC, a Nebraska limited liability company, has been organized under the laws of the State of Nebraska. The street and mailing address of the Company’s initial designated office is 2604 N. 160 th Avenue, Omaha, Nebraska 68116 and mailing address of the Company’s initial agent for service of process is 444 Regency Parkway Suite 100 , Omaha, NE 68114 and the Company’s initial agent for service of process at such address is Robert J. Likes. First publication July 15, 2022, final July 29, 2022

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BENJAMIN J. PICK, Attorney PANSING HOGAN ERNST & BACHMAN LLP 10250 Regency Circle, Suite 300, Omaha, Nebraska 68114 NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION OF 2706 N. 75TH STREET, LLC Notice is hereby given of the organization of 2706 N. 75th Street, LLC: 1. The name of the limited liability company is 2706 N. 75th Street, LLC; and 2. The street and mailing address of the initial designated office is 117 S. 25th Street, Omaha, Nebraska 68131, and the name and street address of the initial agent for service of process is Benjamin J. Pick, 10250 Regency Circle, Suite 300, Omaha, Nebraska 68114. First publication July 8, 2022, final July 22, 2022 SMITH SLUSKY POHREN & ROGERS LLP 3555 Farnam Street, Suite 1000 OMAHA NE 68131 NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION JEH Enterprises Two LLC, a Nebraska limited liability company, with its initial designated office at JEH Enterprise Two LLC Attn: Josh Hannum 1410 N. Saddle Creek Road, Omaha, Nebraska, 68132, has been organized under the laws of the State of Nebraska. The registered agent is Shaun James, Smith Slusky Pohren & Rogers, LLP, 3555 Farnam Street, Suite 1000, Omaha, NE 68131. The Limited Liability Company shall engage in any lawful business for which a limited liability company may be formed under the Nebraska Uniform Limited Liability Company Act. The perpetual existence commenced June 24, 2022. Its affairs are to be conducted by its Members pursuant to an Operating Agreement duly adopted by the Company. First publication July 8, 2022, final July 22, 2022 Notice is hereby given that a limited liability company has been formed under the laws of the State of Nebraska, and that the name of the company is Piper E. Wegener, LLC The name and street address of the company’s initial registered agent is Law Offices of Barbara Medbery-Prchal, P.C., L.L.O., 11102 Blondo Street, Suite 103, Omaha, NE 68164. The designated office is located at 11102 Blondo Street, Suite 103, Omaha, NE 68164. Piper E. Wegener, Member First publication July 8, 2022, final July 22, 2022 KOLEY JESSEN P.C., L.L.O., Attorneys 1125 South 103 rd Street, Suite 800 Omaha, Nebraska 68124 NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION OF T.H. MCLEAY HOLDINGS, LLC The name of the Company is T.H. McLeay Holdings, LLC. The Designated Office of the Company is: 3814 Farnam Street, Suite 201, Omaha, Nebraska 68131. The Registered Agent and Office of the Company is: Thomas H. McLeay, 3814 Farnam Street, Suite 201, Omaha, Nebraska 68131. This limited liability company commenced business on June 24, 2022. First publication July 1, 2022, final July 15, 2022 RICHARDSON MADDEN, P.C., L.L.O., Attorneys 11819 Miracle Hills Drive, Suite 104 Omaha, Nebraska 68154 NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION OF KEG APARTMINIUM HOLDINGS, LLC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that KEG Apartminium Holdings, LLC has been organized under the laws of the State of Nebraska on June 29, 2022 (the “Company”). The Company has designated its registered agent as Martin P. Pelster with a registered address at 2120 South 72nd Street, Suite 1200, Omaha, Nebraska 68124. The Company’s initial designated office is at 2301 Hickory Street, Omaha, Nebraska 68108. The Company shall be governed by one or more managers. The general nature of the Company’s business is any lawful purpose. First publication July 15, 2022, final July 29, 2022 NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION OF H&S COUNCIL BLUFFS 505 2, LLC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that H&S Council Bluffs 505 2, LLC, LLC (the “Company”) has been organized under the laws of the State of Nebraska. The Initial Designated Office address of the Company is 1303 South 72nd Street, Suite 209, Omaha, Nebraska 68124. The Initial Registered Agent of the Company is Kendra Ringenberg, Esq., 14301 FNB Parkway, Suite 204, Omaha, Nebraska 68154. First publication July 1, 2022, final July 15, 2022

CERTIFICATE OF ORGANIZATION Notice is Hereby Given that Red Jacket Web LLC has been organized under the laws of the State of Nebraska on 03/16/2021. Designated Office: 7113 S. 76th St., La Vista, NE 68128. Registered Agent: Registered Agents Inc., 530 S. 13th St., STE 100, Lincoln, NE 68508. The general nature of business is web hosting & design. The company shall be Member-Managed. First publication July 15, 2022, final July 29, 2022 Notice is hereby given that Love Yourself First, LLC, a Nebraska Limited Liability Company, has been organized under the laws of the state of Nebraska, with its initial designated office at 3920 N 110th Plaza, Omaha, NE 68164. The initial agent for service of process is Amanda Brown at 3920 N 110th Plaza, Omaha, NE 68164. First publication July 15, 2022, final July 29, 2022 KOLEY JESSEN P.C., L.L.O., Attorneys 1125 South 103rd Street, Suite 800, One Pacific Place Omaha, Nebraska 68124-1079 NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION OF SC ACQUISITION, LLC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that SC Acquisition, LLC, has been organized under the laws of the State of Nebraska. The designated office of the limited liability company is 17002 Marcy Street, Suite 200, Omaha, Nebraska 68118. The registered agent and office of the limited liability company is CSC-Lawyers Incorporating Service Company, 233 South 13th Street, Suite 1900, Lincoln, Nebraska 68508. The limited liability company commenced business on July 7, 2022. First publication July 15, 2022, final July 29, 2022 Notice of Organization of McCook Investors LLC Notice is hereby given that McCook Investors, a Nebraska limited liability company has been organized under the State laws of Nebraska, with its Designated office at 11750 Stonegate Cir, Omaha, NE 68164. Its registered agent is Gerik Moeller, 11750 Stonegate Cir, Omaha, NE 68164. First publication July 15, 2022, final July 29, 2022 WHITMORE LAW OFFICE LLC 7602 PACIFIC STREET, SUITE 200 OMAHA,NEBRASKA 68114 NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION Notice is hereby given that Little Monkey Trucking LLC (the “Company”) has been organized under the laws of the State of Nebraska. The Designated Office of the Company is 2412 S. Mineral Drive, Papillion, Nebraska 68046. The Registered Agent of the Company is John Murray, 2412 S. Mineral Drive, Papillion, Nebraska 68046. The Company was formed on June 17, 2022. First publication July 1, 2022, final July 15, 2022 NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION OF H&S COUNCIL BLUFFS 3125, LLC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that H&S Council Bluffs 3125, LLC (the “Company”) has been organized under the laws of the State of Nebraska. The Initial Designated Office address of the Company is 1303 South 72nd Street, Suite 209, Omaha, Nebraska 68124. The Initial Registered Agent of the Company is Kendra Ringenberg, Esq., 14301 FNB Parkway, Suite 204, Omaha, Nebraska 68154. First publication July 8, 2022, final July 22, 2022 ERICKSON | SEDERSTROM, P.C. 10330 Regency Parkway Drive Omaha, NE 68114 NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION OF JULIET BRAVO, LLC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Juliet Bravo, LLC, a Nebraska limited liability company has been duly organized under the laws of the State of Nebraska, with its designated office located at 25018 Mason Street, Waterloo, Nebraska 68069 and designating its registered agent as Erickson & Sederstrom, P.C., a Limited Liability Organization with its registered office at 10330 Regency Parkway Drive, Suite 100, Omaha, Nebraska 68114. First publication July 15, 2022, final July 29, 2022 Andrew J. Huber, Attorney LAMSON, DUGAN & MURRAY, LLP 10306 Regency Parkway Drive Omaha, Nebraska 68114 NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION OF ANDY’S INVESTMENT PROPERTIES, LLC Notice is hereby given of the formation of a limited liability company under the laws of the State of Nebraska, and that the name of the limited liability company is ANDY’S INVESTMENT PROEPRTIES, LLC. The address of the designated office is 21025 X Street, Omaha, Nebraska 68022. The name and address of the registered agent is LDM Business Services, Inc., 10306 Regency Parkway Drive, Omaha, NE 68114. The general nature of the business to be transacted is all lawful business. The company commenced existence on July 6, 2022 and shall have perpetual duration. The affairs of the company shall be conducted by the Members, as prescribed by the Operating Agreement. LDM Business Services, Inc., Organizer First publication July 15, 2022, final July 29, 2022

Joshua W. Weir Black & Weir Law Offices, LLC 1904 Farnam Street, Suite 425 Omaha, NE 68102 Notice of Organization of Shannon Persinger Counseling, LLC a Nebraska Limited Liability Company Notice is hereby given that Shannon Persinger Counseling, LLC, a Nebraska limited liability company has been organized under the laws of the State of Nebraska with its designated office at 7529 Drexel Street Ralston, Nebraska 68127. The registered agent is Joshua Weir at 1904 Farnam Street, Suite 425, Omaha, Nebraska 68102. The general nature of its business is to do any lawful act concerning any and all lawful business for which a limited liability company may be organized under the laws of the State of Nebraska. The company was organized and commenced business on April 20, 2022. The affairs of the company are to be conducted by its managers. First publication July 1, 2022, final July 15, 2022 ERICKSON | SEDERSTROM, P.C. 10330 Regency Parkway Drive Omaha, NE 68114 NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION OF BONDESSON PROPERTIES, LLC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Bondesson Properties, LLC, a Nebraska limited liability company (the “Company”), has been duly organized under the laws of the State of Nebraska, with its designated office located at 10612 Bondesson Circle, Omaha, Nebraska 68122 and designating its registered agent as Erickson & Sederstrom, P.C. a limited liability organization with its registered office at 10330 Regency Parkway Drive, Suite 100, Omaha, Nebraska 68114. First publication July 15, 2022, final July 29, 2022 Notice is hereby given that a limited liability company has been formed under the laws of the State of Nebraska, and that the name of the company is The Essential Wellness Doc, LLC The name and street address of the company’s initial registered agent is Law Offices of Barbara Medbery-Prchal, P.C., L.L.O., 11102 Blondo Street, Suite 103, Omaha, NE 68164. The designated office is located at 7053 Starlite Drive, Omaha, NE 68152. Melissa Brown, Member First publication July 8, 2022, final July 22, 2022 LAW OFFICES OF EVELYN N. BABCOCK, 16264 Rolling Ridge Road, Omaha, Nebraska 68135 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Farwell Aviation, LLC has been organized under the laws of the State of Nebraska on June 23, 2022. The address of the initial designated office is 16264 Rolling Ridge Rd, Omaha, NE. The initial agent for service of process is George T. Babcock, 16264 Rolling Ridge Rd, Omaha, NE. The general nature of the business is any and all business which is lawful under the Uniform Limited Liability Act of the State of Nebraska. The business of limited liability company will be conducted by its managers. George T. Babcock, Organizer First publication July 15, 2022, final July 29, 2022 Joshua W. Weir Black & Weir Law Offices, LLC 1904 Farnam Street, Suite 425 Omaha, NE 68102 Notice of Organization of Beauty by Bowling, LLC a Nebraska Limited Liability Company Notice is hereby given that Beauty by Bowling, LLC, a Nebraska limited liability company has been organized under the laws of the State of Nebraska with its designated office at 10725 Fairway Drive Omaha, Nebraska 68136. The registered agent is Joshua Weir at 1904 Farnam Street, Suite 425, Omaha, Nebraska 68102. The general nature of its business is to do any lawful act concerning any and all lawful business for which a limited liability company may be organized under the laws of the State of Nebraska. The company was organized and commenced business on May 11, 2022. The affairs of the company are to be conducted by its managers. First publication July 1, 2022, final July 15, 2022 MYRON J. KAPLAN, Attorney McGILL, GOTSDINER, WORKMAN & LEPP, P.C., L.L.O., Attorneys 11404 West Dodge Road, Suite 500, First National Plaza Omaha, Nebraska 68154-2584 NOTICE OF AMENDMENT TO ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION OF ALTUS ARCHITECTURAL STUDIOS, INC. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Altus Architectural Studios, Inc., a Nebraska corporation, has filed an Amendment to its Articles of Incorporation effective as of June 23, 2022, amending Article II of the Articles of Incorporation as follows: “ARTICLE II. The aggregate number of shares which this corporation shall have the authority to issue is Twenty Thousand Shares (20,000), having a par value of One Dollar ($1.00) each, all of which shall be common stock.” Loren J. Lamprecht, President First publication July 8, 2022, final July 22, 2022 Notice is hereby given that a professional limited liability company has been formed under the laws of the State of Nebraska, and that the name of the company is Big Oak Properties, LLC The name and street address of the company’s initial registered agent is Law Offices of Barbara Medbery-Prchal, P.C., L.L.O., 11102 Blondo St, Suite 103, Omaha, NE 68164. The designated office is located at 15713 King Street, Bennington, Nebraska 68007. Jason Brown, Member First publication July 15, 2022, final July 29, 2022

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Notice is hereby given that a limited liability company has been formed under the laws of the State of Nebraska, and that the name of the company is King Equipment, LLC The name and street address of the company’s initial registered agent is Law Offices of Barbara Medbery-Prchal, P.C., L.L.O., 11102 Blondo Street, Suite 103, Tekamah, NE 68164. The designated office is located at 3310 HWY 32 Street, Tekamah, NE 68061. Scott Shamburg, Member First publication July 8, 2022, final July 22, 2022 Whitmore Law Office LLC Suite 200 7602 Pacific Street Omaha, Nebraska 68144 Notice is hereby given that Laura Christensen Counseling, LLC has been organized as a professional limited liability company under the Nebraska Uniform Limited Liability Company Act. The Designated Office of the Company is 7205 S. 151st Street, Omaha, Nebraska 68138. The Registered Agent of the Company is Laura Christensen, 7205 S. 151st Street, Omaha, Nebraska 68138. The Company’s members, managers and professional employees are licensed or otherwise legally authorized to practice mental health counseling in the State of Nebraska. The Company was formed on July 6, 2022. First publication July 15, 2022, final July 29, 2022 NOTICE OF AMENDED CERTIFICATE OF ORGANIZATION LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY OF PEERLESS HOMES LLC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that an Amended Certificate of Organization Limited Liability Company of PEERLESS, L.L.C., f/k/a Peerless Homes LLC, was adopted by the Limited Liability Company on June 8, 2022, to change the name of the Company AND to change the address of the Registered Agent of the Company, specifically, the name of the Company’s Registered Agent being FREDDIE ELLIS with NEW ADDRESS of 2123 South 38th Avenue, Omaha, Nebraska 68105. The full text of such Amended Certificate of Organization Limited Liability Company is on file with the Nebraska Secretary of State filed on the 24th day of June, 2022. FREDDIE ELLIS, Manager 2123 South 38th Avenue, Omaha, NE 68105 First publication July 1, 2022, final July 15, 2022 NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Diamondback Consulting, Inc., a Nebraska corporation, has filed Articles of Dissolution with the Nebraska Secretary of State on June 8, 2022, and the corporation is in the process of voluntary dissolution. The terms and conditions of such dissolution are, in general, that all debts and obligations of the corporation are to be fully paid and satisfied or adequate provision is to be made therefore. Deana Casper Marcelino, President of the corporation, will wind up and liquidate the corporation’s business and affairs. The corporation has no assets or liabilities as of the date hereof. Dvorak Law Group, LLC 9500 West Dodge Road, Suite 100 Omaha, NE 68114 First publication July 1, 2022, final July 15, 2022 GORACKE LAW, L.L.C. 10846 Old Mill Road, Suite #4 Omaha, Nebraska 68154 NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION OF LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY Goracke Properties, L.L.C., with its initial designated office at 619 Shorewood Lane, Waterloo, NE 68069 has been organized effective June 27, 2022. The name and street and mailing address of the initial registered agent is Bruce J. Goracke, 619 Shorewood Lane, Waterloo, NE 68069. Bruce J. Goracke, Organizer First publication July 15, 2022, final July 29, 2022 NOTICE OF ORGANIZATIONOF OMNICORP COUNCIL BLUFFS 505, LLC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Omnicorp Council Bluffs 505, LLC, LLC (the “Company”) has been organized under the laws of the State of Nebraska. The Initial Designated Office address of the Company is 1303 South 72nd Street, Suite 209, Omaha, Nebraska 68124. The Initial Registered Agent of the Company is Kendra Ringenberg, Esq., 14301 FNB Parkway, Suite 204, Omaha, Nebraska 68154. First publication July 8, 2022, final July 22, 2022 Andrew J. Huber, Attorney LAMSON, DUGAN & MURRAY, LLP 10306 Regency Parkway Drive Omaha, Nebraska 68114 NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION OF MIND & BODY WELLNESS CENTER, LLC Notice is hereby given of the formation of a limited liability company under the laws of the State of Nebraska, and that the name of the professional limited liability company is MIND & BODY WELLNESS CENTER, LLC. The address of the designated office is 1755 Ridgewood Ave, Omaha, Nebraska 68124. The name and address of the registered agent is LDM Business Services, Inc., 10306 Regency Parkway Drive, Omaha, NE 68114. The general nature of the business to be transacted is the practice of providing certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist services. The company commenced existence on June 2, 2022, and shall have perpetual duration. The affairs of the company shall be conducted by the Members, as prescribed by the Operating Agreement. LDM Business Services, Inc., Incorporator First publication July 8, 2022, final July 22, 2022

KOLEY JESSEN P.C., L.L.O., Attorneys 1125 South 103rd Street, Suite 800, One Pacific Place Omaha, NE 68124-1079 NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION OF AEF ACADEMY, LLC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that AEF Academy, LLC has been organized under the laws of the State of Nebraska. The designated office of the limited liability company is 111 South 186th Plaza, Apt. 305, Elkhorn, Nebraska 68022. The registered agent and office of the limited liability company is Koley Jessen P.C., L.L.O., 1125 South 103rd Street, Suite 800, Omaha, Nebraska 68124. The limited liability company commenced business on July 1, 2022. First publication July 8, 2022, final July 22, 2022 NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION JLG PROPERTIES, LLC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that JLG Properties, LLC (the “Company”) has been organized under the laws of the State of Nebraska. The Designated Office Address of the Company is 5845 South 118th Circle, Omaha, Nebraska 68137. The Registered Agent of the Company is DDLG Business Services, Inc., 9500 West Dodge Road, Suite 100, Omaha, Nebraska 68114. Dvorak Law Group, LLC 9500 West Dodge Road Suite 100 Omaha, NE 68114 First publication July 8, 2022, final July 22, 2022 NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION The name of the Limited Liability Company is GOTTSCH FARMS #3, LLC. The designated office of the limited liability company is 16212 South 120thStreet, Springfield, NE 68059. The registered agent and office of the limited liability company is Marcy Stern, at 16212 South 120th Street, Springfield, NE 68059. The purpose for which the company is organized is to engage in any and all business which is lawful under the Nebraska Uniform Limited Liability Company Act of the State of Nebraska. The company commenced its existence on June 3, 2022, and the period of duration of the Company shall be perpetual. The affairs of the company shall be conducted by its Members in accordance with the company’s operating agreement. First publication July 1, 2022, final July 15, 2022 Darren R. Carlson, Attorney CARLSON & BLAKEMAN, LLP 2002 Douglas Street, Ste. 100 Omaha, NE 68102 NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION OF SARINA MCNEEL REAL ESTATE, LLC Notice is hereby given that SARINA MCNEEL REAL ESTATE, LLC is organized under the laws of the State of Nebraska. The initial designated office is 2002 Douglas Street, Ste. 100, Omaha, NE 68102. The Company’s initial registered agent in the State of Nebraska is Darren R. Carlson, whose address is 2002 Douglas Street, Ste. 100, Omaha, NE 68102. The purpose of the Company is to engage in any lawful business and activity, as may be mutually agreed upon by the Members from time to time, and which are not prohibited by the Nebraska Uniform Limited Liability Company Act. The Company commenced with filing its Certificate of Organization on June 21, 2022, and shall have a perpetual period of duration. The Company is a Member Managed Limited Liability Company. First publication July 1, 2022, final July 15, 2022 BENJAMIN J. PICK, Attorney PANSING HOGAN ERNST & BACHMAN LLP 10250 Regency Circle, Suite 300, Omaha, Nebraska 68114-3728 NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION OF SCC UBT PLACE, LLC Notice is hereby given of the organization of SCC UBT Place, LLC: 1. The name of the limited liability company is SCC UBT Place, LLC; and 2. The street and mailing address of the initial designated office is 2116 N. 179th Street, Omaha, Nebraska 68116, and the name and street address of the initial agent for service of process is Benjamin J. Pick, 10250 Regency Circle, Suite 300, Omaha, Nebraska 68114. First publication July 15, 2022, final July 29, 2022 KOLEY JESSEN P.C., L.L.O., Attorneys 1125 South 103rd Street, Suite 800, One Pacific Place Omaha, Nebraska 68124-1079 NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION OF OSCORP FARMS, LLC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Oscorp Farms, LLC has been organized under the laws of the State of Nebraska. The designated office of the limited liability company is 1125 South 103rd Street, Suite 800, Omaha, Nebraska 68124. The registered agent and office of the limited liability company is Koley Jessen P.C., L.L.O., 1125 South 103rd Street, Suite 800, Omaha, Nebraska 68124. The Certificate of Organization was filed with the Nebraska Secretary of State on July 7, 2022. First publication July 15, 2022, final July 29, 2022

Robert J. Likes, Esq. LIKES MEYERSON HATCH LLC 444 Regency Parkway Dr., #100 Omaha, NE 68114 NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION OF J&J sutera llc Notice is hereby given that J&J Sutera LLC, a Nebraska limited liability company, has been organized under the laws of the State of Nebraska. The street and mailing address of the Company’s initial designated office is 3714 South 184th Avenue, Omaha, Nebraska 68130. The mailing address of the Company’s initial agent for service of process is 3714 South 184th Avenue, Omaha, NE 68130 and the Company’s initial agent for service of process at such address is John Sutera. First publication July 8, 2022, final July 22, 2022

FRASER STRYKER PC LLO 500 Energy Plaza, 409 South 17th Street Omaha NE 68102-2663 NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION Abrahams FAB, LLC, with its designated office located at 1217 Pinewood Drive, Blair, NE 68008, gives notice that it filed a Certificate of Organization with the Secretary of State on June 17, 2022. The period of duration of the company shall be perpetual. The registered agent is Elizabeth A. Abrahams, and the Registered Office is 1217 Pinewood Drive, Blair, NE 68008. The company may engage in any lawful business or commercial activity for which a limited liability company may be organized. First publication July 1, 2022, final July 15, 2022

MYRON J. KAPLAN, Attorney McGILL, GOTSDINER, WORKMAN & LEPP, P.C., L.L.O., Attorneys 11404 West Dodge Road, Suite 500, First National Plaza Omaha, Nebraska 68154-2584 NOTICE OF AMENDMENT TO ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION OF ALTUS STUDIOS, P.C. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Altus Studios, P.C., a Nebraska professional corporation, has filed an Amendment to its Articles of Incorporation effective as of June 24, 2022, amending Article IX of the Articles of Incorporation as follows: “ARTICLE IX Authorized Shares The aggregate number of shares which the corporation shall have the authority to issue is 20,000 shares of common stock, and the par value of each said share shall be $1.00.” Loren J. Lamprecht, President First publication July 8, 2022, final July 22, 2022

Burnes Law Office 5017 LEAVENWORTH STREET, SUITE 103 OMAHA, NEBRASKA 68106-1438 In the District Court of Douglas County Nebraska: TO: WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: You are hereby notified that on May 12, 2022, Stephanie H. Kochera as Plaintiff filed her Petition for Name Change in the District Court of Douglas County Nebraska at Case No: CI22-3562. The object of the Petition is for the Plaintiff to change her name from Stephanie H. Kochera to Stephanie Anne Stone. You must file an Answer/responsive pleading with the Douglas County District Court on or before August 29, 2022 or said Petition will be granted. First publication July 8, 2022, final July 29, 2022

NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION OF BRAIN DOC ON DEMAND, LLC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Brain Doc on Demand, LLC (the “Company”) has been organized under the laws of the State of Nebraska. The Designated Office Address of the Company is 9500 West Dodge Road, Suite 100, Omaha, Nebraska 68114. The Registered Agent of the Company is DDLG Business Services, Inc., 9500 West Dodge Road, Suite 100, Omaha, Nebraska 68114. Dvorak Law Group, LLC 9500 West Dodge Road Suite 100 Omaha, NE 68114 First publication July 8, 2022, final July 22, 2022 Koley Jessen P.C., L.L.O., Attorneys 1125 South 103rd Street, Suite 800, One Pacific Place Omaha, NE 68124-1079 NOTICE OF INCORPORATION 1. The name of the Corporation is 1884 Trucking, Inc. 2. The Corporation is authorized to issue 100,000 shares of common stock, having a par value of $0.01 each. 3. The Registered Office of the Corporation is: 1125 South 103rd Street, Suite 800, Omaha, Nebraska 68124, and the Registered Agent at such address is Koley Jessen P.C., L.L.O. 4. Articles of Incorporation were filed with the Nebraska Secretary of State on June 21, 2022. 5. The name and address of the Incorporator is: Taylor C. Dieckman, 1125 South 103rd Street, Suite 800, Omaha, Nebraska 68124. First publication July 1, 2022, final July 15, 2022 Notice is hereby given that Graceful Swings, LLC has been organized under the laws of the State of Nebraska. The designated office is 2953 Paddock Plz #189, Omaha, NE 68124. The initial agent for service of process and office is Li Law Group, 8424 West Center Road, Suite 108, Omaha, NE 68124. First publication July 1, 2022, final July 15, 2022 NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION of a Limited Liability Company Notice is hereby given the registration with the Nebraska Secretary of State’s office of Mogar Construction, LLC under the laws of the State of Nebraska as follows: The name of the company is Mogar Construction, LLC. Registered agent and office of Mogar Construction, LLC is Miguel Garcia Olvera at 2759 S 12th Street, Omaha, NE 68108. The designated address is 2759 S 12th Street, Omaha, NE 68108. Initial members: Miguel Garcia Olvera. General nature of the business is to transact any and all lawful business for which limited liability companies are allowed by statute. The LLC was organized in May 2022 for the perpetual duration and is managed by its members. First publication July 1, 2022, final July 15, 2022 WHITMORE LAW OFFICE LLC 7602 PACIFIC STREET, SUITE 200 OMAHA,NEBRASKA 68114 NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION Notice is hereby given that JMDunne, LLC(the “Company”) has been organized under the laws of the State of Nebraska. The Designated Office of the Company is 5129 S. 82nd Street, Omaha, Nebraska 68127. The Registered Agent of the Company is Jessica M.Dunne, 5129 S. 82nd Street, Omaha, Nebraska 68127. The Company was formed on June 22, 2022. First publication July 1, 2022, final July 15, 2022

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APPLICATION FOR REGISTRATION OF TRADE NAME Trade Name to be registered is: Phoenix Resources Name of Applicant: Ghosh LLC Address: 3005 s 70th street, Omaha, NE 68106 Applicant is a Limited Liability Company If other than an Individual, state under whose laws entity was formed: Nebraska Date of first use of name in Nebraska: 06/08/2022 General nature of business: IT Resources/Staffing ANINDITA GHOSH Signature of Applicant or Legal Representative First publication July 15, 2022 APPLICATION FOR REGISTRATION OF TRADE NAME Trade Name to be registered is: Elk View Ranch Name of Applicant: SLR, LLC Address: 634 Kingfisher Circle Ashland NE 68003 Applicant is a Limited Liability Company If other than an Individual, state under whose laws entity was formed: Nebraska Date of first use of name in Nebraska: not used yet General nature of business: real property holding ERIN K. ARTZ Signature of Applicant or Legal Representative First publication July 15, 2022 APPLICATION FOR REGISTRATION OF TRADE NAME Trade Name to be registered is: Superstar Auto Sales Name of Applicant: D & L 3 in 1, Inc. Address: 8005 Blondo Street Omaha NE 68134 Applicant is a Corporation Date of first use of name in Nebraska: Upon filing General nature of business: Buy and sell used cars RODNEY G. GNUSE Signature of Applicant or Legal Representative First publication July 15, 2022 APPLICATION FOR REGISTRATION OF TRADE NAME Trade Name to be registered is: Mueller and Associates Name of Applicant: Stacey S. Mueller Counseling Services, LLC Address: 15359 Ohio Circle Omaha NE 68116 Applicant is a Limited Liability Company Date of first use of name in Nebraska: July 1, 2022 General nature of business: Private Practice - Mental Health Therapist Stacey S. Mueller Signature of Applicant or Legal Representative First publication July 15, 2022 APPLICATION FOR REGISTRATION OF TRADE NAME Trade Name to be registered is: Superstar Trucking Company Name of Applicant: Paris 3 in 1, Inc. Address: 4110 S 184th Street Omaha NE 68135 Applicant is a Corporation If other than an Individual, state under whose laws’ entity was formed: Nebraska Date of first use of name in Nebraska: Upon filing General nature of business: Transporting goods and towing vehicles DANNY TRAN Signature of Applicant or Legal Representative First publication July 15, 2022




orneys H, P.C., L.L.O., Att GROSS & WELC ITE 1500 SU , EET STR 72 2120 SOUTH KA 68124 IT, LLC OMAHA, NEBRAS PERCENT PROF NIZATION OF 100 NOTICE OF ORGA y an mp ited Liability Co braska a Nebraska Lim t Profit, LLC, a Ne en that 100 Percen under the laws of Notice is hereby giv zed ani org n bee pany, has d at 2613 Limited Liability Com ated office locate ska, with its design is registered agent the State of Nebra its 11, 681 ska aha, Nebra 0 N. 42nd Street, Om ce located at 212 offi red iste reg , and its The CertifiFrederick D. Stehlik Nebraska 68124. te 1500, Omaha, reSouth 72 Street, Sui of the Nebraska Sec ce offi the in d ion was file pany commenced cate of Organizat Com the 1, 202 3, tember The affairs tary of State on Sep petual existence. and shall have per mber. business thereon, the Managing Me by ted duc con be to of the Company are . zer ani , Org 1, 2021 Frederick D. Stehlik 1, final October September 17, 202 First publication

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We publish and file trade name applications, notices of organization and notices of incorporation for the State of Nebraska.

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Page 31 • July 15, 2022­

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