Midlands Business Journal November 17, 2023

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Vol. 49 No.46

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Upping the Value







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NOVEMBER 17, 2023 • Vol. 49 No.46


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Page 3 • November 17, 2023­


Here to Stay

BAIRD HOLM CELEBRATES 150 YEARS Few companies are as heavily ingrained in Omaha’s history as Baird Holm. In the literal sense, Baird Holm’s attorney Clair Baird helped pen the current Nebraska Constitution back in 1920, nearly 47 years after the firm’s inception. This year, the firm celebrates 150 years.

Key Ingredient: People

Originally named Montgomery and Son, the firm was founded by Civil War Union General Milton Montgomery and his son, Carroll S. Montgomery in 1873. For reference, the Civil War officially ended on April 9, 1865. Milton Montgomery’s steadfast determination to return to his brigade following an arm amputation and six weeks as a prisoner of war set the tone for the firm. He could have accepted a recruitment position with far less danger, but instead, he went back to the front lines. His men — his co-workers, if you will — were more important than his comforts. That comradery remains today. It’s one of the reasons the firm has a high retention rate and several lateral hires. “When I interviewed, I got to sit around a long conference table with probably 12 of the partners in the labor section and you could just see

their relationships through their responses,” said Kara Stockdale, who was named partner in December of 2019. “You could see that not only did they respect each other, but they had a great affection for one another. And that was when I knew I wanted to be a part of that group.” It’s a refrain echoed by executive committee member and Partner Grayson Derrick. Derrick interviewed with Baird Holm during his first year of law school and remembers “walking out of my interview thinking that’s exactly where I want to be.” He said his tour guide was Vickie Ahlers, who is still with the firm, but at the time was a first-year associate. Ahlers took him into an office with Bill Dittrick, who was a partner at the time, and attorney D. Nick Caporale, a former Nebraska Supreme Court Justice. “That was very intimidating … but I was put immediately at ease because Bill turned to Vickie and asked her about her mother, who had been ill, before we started,” Derrick said. “It stood out to me because here’s someone who has been practicing for 35 years, talking to someone that has been there for maybe seven months and his concern was not just about her practice, but how she was doing personally.”

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You could see that not only did they respect each other, but they had a great affection for one another. And that was when I knew I wanted to be a part of that group. - KARA STOCKDALE, PARTNER

Commitment to Diverse Leaders

For Amy Lawrenson, the promise of professional development from experts in the real estate field solidified her decision to join Baird Holm. At the time she had been happily working for Mutual of Omaha. “I had an epiphany that this was the right opportunity for me,” she said. “It was with the assurance that I was going to get to work with people who were going to take a huge investment in me and create every opportunity for me to be successful in my career.” She also saw the number of women in leadership positions, as well as the firm’s Women’s Initiative, as a strong indicator of her career’s potential trajectory. “They had the highest percentage of women for a firm of its size in the region. And, those women weren’t just at the firm, but they were partners,” she said. Today that remains true for the company, which recently received the Midsize Mansfield Certification Plus designation. The certification certifies that at least 30% of a midsize firm’s leadership is diverse. “Nearly forty percent of our equity partners are female,” said Chris Hedican, managing partner. Lawrenson became a partner in 2017 and chaired the Women’s Initiative for six years. This year she stepped back from the Women’s Initiative after being voted onto the executive committee. Hedican and Derrick round out the three-person executive committee that essentially acts as the key decision-makers for the firm. It’s important to note that all three were elected to these roles by the partners.

Fostering the Next Generation

In a full circle moment, Lawrenson said she’s now in a position to help other young attorneys grow. “That’s unique in the practice of law can be a very dog-eat-dog, and that’s not how [Baird Holm’s] system works,” she said. At Baird Holm, new associates walk alongside senior associates in the beginning. “The best way for a young attorney to learn is by being a part of the process,” Derrick said. “From the beginning, our associates are side by side with us so they can see not only the work, but they’re a part of those client conversations and meetings.” Hedican said the firm also encourages associates and attorneys to select a mentor outside of their practice section to confide in. “Everybody has insecurities,” he said. “It’s important to have outlets so that they understand they can be vulnerable and not fear that someone is going to judge them as unfit or incapable.”

He admits that mentoring and training on this level is time-consuming, but “it’s critical.” “If you don’t take the time to tell them why their work was good or not good in certain areas they can’t learn,” he said. “Then you don’t have a firm that’s enduring.”

Building on a Legacy

Over the past 150 years, the firm has continued to evolve alongside its clientele. Take, for example, the firm’s technology and intellectual property section that Derrick chairs. “When I started in the technology section about 20 years ago a lot of what we were helping clients do was licensing and implementation of brand new electronic medical record systems,” Derrick said. “Now there’s licensing or a software aspect to almost every piece of equipment or product that a hospital has.” The same thing goes for financial institutions where electronic transfers, debit and credit cards, and cryptocurrencies have surged in the last decade. Lateral hires, such as national fair housing expert Scott P. Moore, have also allowed the firm to add new practice areas. “One thing that has changed is that when I came in we had lateral attorneys, but it wasn’t super common,” Hedican said. “[Now] over a third of our partners are lateral. From my knowledge, I’m the first lateral to become a managing partner.” The combination of lateral attorneys and attorneys who started their careers at Baird Holm creates a varied ecosystem of 33 practice areas. “I can walk down the hall and talk to Brandon Tomjack if I have a creditors’ rights issue, or I can go talk to Vickie Ahlers about a health care regulatory issue, or talk to Kara in immigration,” Derrick said. The firm takes great pride in being at the forefront of renewable energy in the state of Nebraska. “We’ve worked on essentially some capacity or another on almost every commercial grade renewable energy project in the state,” Lawrenson said. Hedican credits Lawrenson with being one of the attorneys who started the section and worked to advance it to a “100-pound gorilla.” Lawrenson said her passion for renewable energy projects comes from her background in a fifth-generation farming family in a small South Dakota community. “Typically in agricultural communities the schools are suffering from a lack of financial support,” she said. “Tax incentives from wind projects can fund an entire school, or help with renovations or expansions. “We love projects where you can see the impact.”


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Here to Stay

COVER story

BAIRD HOLM CELEBRATES 150 YEARS Baird Holm’s 150th Anniversary

The law practice that would become Baird Holm was established when Nebraska was just six years old. Since its formation, the firm has witnessed 29 U.S. Presidents, two World Wars, a Great Depression, a global pandemic, and numerous cultural and technological revolutions. As of today, the practice has over 100 attorneys supported by a full team of paralegals, legal assistants, and staff.

1892: At the Helm of the State’s Most Prominent Early Cases

1873: The Beginning Ten years after the Gettysburg Address, General Milton Montgomery and his son, Carroll S. Montgomery, founded Montgomery and Son. The firm is the oldest continuously existing law firm in the State of Nebraska.

Carroll S. Montgomery appealed, argued, and won the first case from the United States District Court of Nebraska that was decided by the United States Court of Appeals in the Eighth Court.

1894: A Senate Win Against a Future Presidential Candidate

1898: Paving the Way for Omaha’s Trans-Mississippi International Exposition

The firm’s John Mellen Thurston ran for Nebraska State Senator against William Jennings Brian, who later became a three-time Democratic candidate for the United States presidency. Thurston won the Senate race against Bryan and served as Senator from 1895 to 1901.

Carroll S. Montgomery was an organizer and then served as general counsel for the corporation that organized the TransMississippi and International Exposition held in Omaha in 1989, which welcomed more than 3,000,000 visitors. Montgomery successfully argued that the TransMississippi and International Exposition was a valid use of Douglas County municipal bonds created for that purpose.

1908: The Foundation for the Firm’s Education The firm’s Paul Martin became the first Dean of the Creighton Law School and served in this capacity until 1919. Over the years, he was also the President of the Omaha Bar Association, and Vice President of the municipal corporation that was an early predecessor to the present University of Nebraska at Omaha.

1916: The First Female Attorney Joins the Firm Effie Cover becomes the first female lawyer to join the firm, which is noteworthy because this was four years prior to the final ratification of the 19th Amendment to the United States Constitution establishing women’s right to vote. She was also the 30th woman attorney sworn in by the Nebraska Supreme Court. However, it was later discovered that she did not practice as an attorney but as a Legal Assistant. Page 6 • November 17, 2023


1920: Contributors to the Current Nebraska Constitution Baird Holm attorney Clair Baird helped revise the original 1875 Nebraska Constitution in 1920, which remains in place today.

1920: Old Senate Chamber

1968: Founding Member of the American Society of Hospital Attorneys Attorney Edmund D. McEachen was a founder and later became president of the Board of Directors of the American Society of Hospital Attorneys, which founded the practice of health care law. In 1997, this organization combined with the National Health Lawyers Association, and is now the nation’s largest educational organization devoted to legal issues in the health care field.

1970: A Merger and a New Office The firm known as Young, Holm, McEachen & Hamann merged with Lane, Baird, Pedersen & Haggart, resulting in the creation of what is now known as Baird Holm. As part of this new identity, the firm moved into the newly completed Woodmen Tower as one of its first tenants.

1976: Prestigious Recognition 1988: Baird Holm hosts its Inaugural Labor Law Forum and Health Forum

2003: Baird Holm founds the Best Places to Work in Omaha initiative The initiative is now in its 20th year.

2010: Involvement in Renewable Energy Projects With substantial involvement from Baird Holm, the Nebraska Legislature passed Legislative Bill 1048, which created a framework for State approval of large utility-scale renewable energy projects as well as a system of property taxation for renewable energy facilities.

2014: A Significant Ruling for Employee Safety Baird Holm obtained a Nebraska Supreme Court ruling for a Fortune 500 client that afforded greater protections to businesses seeking to protect their employees from threats and violence. In what was described as a reversal of 100 years of precedent, the Nebraska Supreme Court extended restraining order and injunction protections to businesses as never before.


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1800’s Omaha Skyline

William J. Baird, one of the firm’s namesakes, received the Nebraska Bar Association’s Presidential Citation, now named the Award of Special Merit. This award recognizes an individual for services advancing the legal profession, the administration of justice, and the public interest.


Upping the Value









Architects located throughout the Midlands say the pandemic combined with the higher interest rates that have followed, have provided dual challenges for firms and their clients alike. In response to this, many architects are doubling down on technology to help boost efficiencies and control costs. “For-profit, developer-led initiatives, which have not yet been designed or have secured financing are seeing incredible challenges,” said Curt Witzenburg, principal with Holland Basham Architects. “While lending rates are nowhere near the historic highs of 18% or 20%, the current rates are negatively impacting several projects’ ability to start design. “As a firm, we actively monitor key market indicators, working to strengthen or reposition our efforts within new, existing or emerging markets as situations dictate. For projects coming off the boards or in construction, the labor and financing pressures have



largely been accounted for within the project proforma, allowing the projects to proceed per schedule.”

Technology Abounds

Witzenburg said new tech has helped the firm be more efficient, boost collaborative efforts and eliminate errors. At the same time, these tools allow architects to maintain total control over the creative process. “Visual-based artificial intelligence is having a profound impact on the creative world,” Witzenburg said. “While AI-generated outcomes rely on designer inputs, it has an incredible ability to quickly generate multiple iterations, thus streamlining the process of searching for the best forms, materials and colors. “Holland Basham Architects has always been quick to embrace new and evolving technologies to enhance our client experience

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Upping the Value




and optimize outcomes. Our offices also have fully integrated building information modeling, which is a five-dimensional modeling program. This program is combined into our virtual reality devices, allowing our clients to experience the interior and exterior architecture in a totally immersive environment which replicates the final built environment.” The firm has employed these tools to great effect in recent notable projects including the 103,200-square-foot Steelhouse Omaha. The $82.8 million performing arts center was completed in August of 2023. One of the first venues of its size in Omaha, seating about 3,000, it features cutting-edge design on the exterior to make it stand out and build an identity. “Holland Basham Architects worked with design architect Ennead Architects and took the project through construction documents as the architect of record,” Witzenburg said. “We also worked with acoustical engineers on the details to provide a stateof-the-art, acoustically engineered auditorium.” Other projects Witzenburg noted included a 21,500-square-foot, $3.5 million tenant improvement for Scooter’s Coffee, completed last fall, and the $23 million orangutan exhibit renovation, which

began this year for Omaha’s Henry Doorly Zoo and Aquarium. “Technically, the zoo project is very complex, with selective demolition of portions of an existing building, installing new structures adjacent to the remaining building, and keeping all program spaces within the structure with proper adjacency,” Witzenburg said. “At the same time, we are combining all of the building’s physical spaces, and the entire exhibit needed a complete overhaul to retheme and elevate the visitor’s overall experience. “The Scooter’s project was unique in the sense that all workspaces are unassigned and needed variety in their set-up to adapt to different tasks and work styles. This project included

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Visual-based artificial intelligence is having a profound impact on the creative world.


new training rooms, meeting rooms, huddle spaces, lounge areas and desks, thus allowing for the greatest possible flexibility. In addition, technology integration was needed to accommodate in-person and remote meetings. We also paid special attention to environmental graphics and added a full-service coffee bar to reinforce the brand.”

Creative Solutions

High interest rates have also provided steep challenges for projects as owners look to leverage available dollars to the fullest. Beau Johnson, DLR Group senior associate and design leader, said the challenges are complicated by clients wanting to design the most flexibility CONTINUED

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Upping the Value





possible to accommodate the new workplace, yet struggling to determine what that looks like. “The obvious challenges within the financial markets – inflation, rising interest rates, et cetera – tend to get a lot of the headlines currently,” he said. “But I believe the uncertainty on how we occupy the spaces and buildings we create, as well as those that already exist, are in many ways the root of our struggle. Following the pandemic, so many employers are still searching for the right ways to ‘come back to work’ and that has caused an instability that many are still processing.” Johnson said the firm has taken additional steps to help create beautiful spaces that work for clients today as well as provide flexibility for the future. “On the one hand, we’ve worked directly with employers to reassess the evolution of their workplace,” he said. “There is not a one-size-fits-all solution to the workplace, but by utilizing our R&D teams in our daily practice to better understand the users and the space itself, we’re finding quantitative and qualitative ways to make the workplace worth it again, for both the employee and the employer. “On the building side, we are working with a variety of clients to re-imagine creative solutions for their existing spaces. The adaptive reuse of vacant office buildings creates an opportunity for innovation and the revitalization of our urban core.” Once again, technology plays a major role in the company’s workday. Johnson said from drones to wearable model gear, DLR



Group has emerged as a leader in new thinking when it comes to ways to get buildings drawn and done. “Especially as it applies to adaptable reuse, our teams are able to capture highly accurate point-cloud models in a very short amount of time,” he said. “This data can then be automated into workable BIM models for our architecture and engineering teams. “The accuracy of the modeling and photo imagery significantly benefits the workflow of the project teams during both design and construction. Beyond that, these point cloud models also provide our clients with detailed records such as 3D scans, photo imagery and measurable digital files of their existing buildings, which can


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We are working with a variety of clients to re-imagine creative solutions for their existing spaces.


be extremely useful throughout the life of the building.” One standout project on the company’s resume of late was the 360,000-squarefoot Gretna East High School, which opened for class in the fall. DLR Group not only designed the physical structure for the $139.5 million project but did the entire creation of the brand for the school itself, which will eventually accommodate 1,600 students.

Human Touch

Not everything is about digital tools, however. Joseph Saniuk, principal with AO*, said the human touch has never gone out of fashion. “What sets us apart is meaningful communication in a timely manner,” he said. “There is nothing that replaces regular, dynamic communication and continuous involvement by team members from beginning to end. This has been at the core of our practice since the studio was started in 1981. “We feel strongly that intimate connections between team members help negate the inevitable information drop that occurs when a project is handed off from design team to production team to construction administration team. The faces seen at the first meeting, therefore, will be the same ones seen throughout the construction administration phase. This continuity of personnel, combined with regular team meetings throughout design and construction, helps to reduce errors and omissions.” Employing this philosophy has led AO* to many highly visible CONTINUED

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Upping the Value



projects through the years. Some recent standout work includes the clubhouse of the Lost Rail Golf Club, a 16,000-square-foot project completed last summer. Renovation of the Japanese Gardens at Lauritzen Gardens is another standout project, including a unique curvilinear path that provides an accessible route to view the greenhouses and orchid collection punctuated along the way by stair shortcuts and movement along the perineal color burst plantings and opportunities to rest with views. Of particular note is the company’s $10.5 million historic renovation of apartment buildings for inCOMMON. AO* was engaged to help renovate the historic Bristol Apartments and the three-story Queen Anne Georgia Row House. Both properties have been listed on the National Register of Historic Places. “The 1921 Bristol building, originally called Hanscom Apartments, will contain 64 renovated apartments on five floors, with InCOMMON utilizing the majority of the lower level for community spaces,” Saniuk said. “The 1890 Georgia Row House building, originally built as three dwelling units will contain 11 two- and three-bedroom units after redevelopment. “These spaces will also be open to members of the

neighborhood with the encouragement of use for community and neighborhood meetings. These buildings will help fulfill InCOMMON’s mission in the Park Avenue neighborhood, creating a working model that they can take to additional neighborhoods in the city.”

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There is nothing that replaces regular, dynamic communication and continuous involvement by team members from beginning to end.


An Eye on the Future

One bright spot amid architecture’s challenges is the abundance of young people headed into the field. Still, numbers aren’t the only measure of a healthy local industry, which is where AIA Nebraska comes in, providing for continuing education and mentorship to keep the state’s best and brightest. “Following COVID, the UNL (University of Nebraska-Lincoln) College of Architecture and AIA Nebraska members continued their mentorship program for students,” said Sara Kay, executive director. “This program pairs students and members of the profession and provides opportunities for students to network and learn more about

architecture by participating in firm tours, touring buildings under construction or built.” The organization is also casting a wider net to help ensure future generations are exposed to the architecture profession at younger and younger ages than previous groups of students. “AIA Nebraska’s Architecture in School Committee has created tools and information about becoming an architect for grade school and middle school students,” Kay said. “It’s an informative tool about opportunities as well as some fun elements of architecture exercises for students and classroom teachers. This is in the process of being distributed to teachers and schools across Nebraska.”


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Balancing the Books

ACCOUNTING profession






While an accounting career can be very demanding, it can also be incredibly rewarding. The outlook for the industry is strong, but there are notable changes both in culture and technology that professionals are seeking.

Projected Growth

The number of U.S. accounting graduates has dropped across the country and that has been felt in the Nebraska market, too. But it’s not all bad news. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics estimated a 4% increase in job openings from 2022 to 2032. Scott Scheef, CPA at HBE LLP noted that growth will likely come as more companies focus on providing a more attractive work-life balance.


“Many firms in the industry are beginning to sense the constraints of the labor market and associated difficulties in hiring and retaining qualified staff,” he said. “To aid this aspect, firms are working to revolutionize the industry and its perception. For those looking at a career in accounting, now is a great time to get started within the profession.” Robby Renshaw, human resources manager at Lutz, believes that to attract workers to public accounting, firms need to provide the right benefits. “We’re seeing that many professionals are transitioning to private accounting roles or leaving public accounting entirely,” she said.


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Balancing the Books

ACCOUNTING profession


We are at the forefront of a revolution within the industry that allows accounting professionals to succeed both professionally and personally like no other time in history. SCOTT SCHEEF, CPA, HBE LLP


“Focusing on strategic retention efforts along with improving benefits for employees and creating customized career path growth should be top of mind for firms. “Being in the public accounting industry can be incredibly rewarding and cultivate unique career opportunities but the industry overall is burdened by the compression of busy season hours and expectations. It’s no secret. Firms must take reducing hours and overall compression seriously to help employees find work/life balance and keep talented

individuals in the profession. It’s not a small feat to accomplish but rather an entire mindset shift requiring proactive efforts. The work demand will exist, but reducing the load should be the end goal.” Young professionals are also looking for flexible work environments and a focus on diversity and inclusion. When a firm can harness these values well and create a culture that appeals to those entering the workforce, the future looks bright. “Fostering an inclusive and diverse workplace is crucial,” said Lisa

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Page 18 • November 17, 2023


The accounting landscape is undergoing remarkable transformations, with technology at the forefront.


Fitzgerald, chief human resources officer at Eide Bailly. “Encouraging individuals from various backgrounds and experiences to pursue careers in accounting not only promotes diversity and equality but also widens the pool of talent available to the industry. This can lead to a richer, more dynamic, and adaptive workforce.”

The Impact of Tech

It’s not likely that technological advancements will ever fully replace the role of an accountant, but one thing is certain: it will change how accountants do their jobs. “The accounting landscape is undergoing remarkable transformations, with technology at the forefront,” Fitzgerald said. “We’re experiencing a surge in technological advancements and automation, where artificial intelligence and machine learning are taking over tasks like data entry and reconciliation. “Data analytics is becoming increasingly sophisticated, empowering accountants to provide valuable insights. The adoption of cloudbased accounting is now the standard, providing both accessibility and collaborative capabilities. The use of technology also frees up accountants to engage in more impactful activities allowing them to naturally up-level their roles moving from transactional to leadership and transformation.” While embracing the many changes that come with technology can be difficult at first, over time it can help give accountants their most important asset back: time. By utilizing the right technology in day-to-day practices, they can save time on routine tasks and provide key insight into how to make their firm more profitable. “Technology advancements and continued demand in the field have created an even stronger opportunity for aspiring or current accounting professionals to obtain a meaningful and impactful career,” Renshaw said. “It’s exciting to see the advantages of utilizing technology because, ultimately, this means less time doing the work and more time in front of the client, helping solve their complex business needs. Adapting the use of emerging technology for accountants and firms is not only going to create strong efficiencies in the work but also to foster collaboration, save time, reduce costs, and increase overall productivity.” When it comes to certifications, continuing education, or additional

credentials, there has also been a shift. “The cornerstone of credentials within the accounting profession remains the Certified Public Accountant (CPA),” Scheef said. “Traditionally, other credentials are then built upon the foundation established with the CPA designation. “The industry has seen a shift toward technology specialization and certification with the rise of data analytics and technology-related service offerings. At HBE specifically, we encourage education around the area of business succession, specifically related business valuations due to the massive shift of baby boomers leaving the workforce.”

The Future

While accountants will be required to embrace change, it’s a promising time to start – or continue – a career in accounting. “The outlook for the accounting profession has never been more positive than it is today,” Scheef said. “Due to the profession embracing technology, we are at the forefront of a revolution within the industry that allows accounting professionals to succeed both professionally and personally like no other time in history.”

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With a new executiv TIVE DIRECTOR, OMAH e director at theSMITH EXECU helm and, an strategic plan, the Omaha - LESLIE updated Municipal Land Bank “My proudest momen spreading awareness t was being able to address of its operations, its reach, sets its sights on and the need for affordab both a policy need and making the most of community assets le housing developm by fixing ent by standing up a land deposit program , the first in the state,” neighborhoods in reaching up vacant properties and supporting sweet tea is The she said. capture and operatio their in the South anymore! “I was also able the nalizenot “Well, I’m definitely In Tennessee, Leslie Smith full potential. the legislativ was a bit surprised by to e intent note, Ibehind created.definitely on a serious shoulder.” would shoulder why BAM cities This all depende different.dBut, to greattolengths creation, Blight out there with folks,go heavilymarket to nice compared towas ensure to get clean up anonprofi on building out toher Authori here is very went ty ofthere true Smith The Memph partners when Omaha. times ts of hips with is, and, were Inc. (BAM), was a success.. felt vast reachagain, we directly addresse now Smith is applying In Memphis, met everyone, I have d a policy those to pay a contractor And experien At BAM, need.” and, while I realize I haven’t the capital have ces, she Tennessee didn’t in tenacity, discover They solving and relations knack ed property.hip-buil y and I love it.” just how in Southern for problem the communit by importa she said. “Working nt relations driving change. ding didOmaha it myself,” hips are overwhelmingly welcomed thattolast year and in her role “So,ofI went out and in executive director Smith noted in the process, I was out as the Omaha and, after nearly passing her priorities in the new role, brings value al Land Bank. the community and “EveryoneRegarding heat is pretty intenseMunicip Smith recalled updates to its strategic plan, to developi several made about ng our howshow cared I leadership commu she that Bank was officials nity, Land rs, you tasked with taking BAM the neighbors tothe organization neighbo of theelected able to reachfrom functioning, operatio to the full extent of never diversified fromit concept address knowand awareness when nal landban to will tcomeincluding those relationships increased best tok.find a solution and into would do my transparen play,” Smith. explained. “I have about this work and will be repairing fraught and its operations and thriving ce my ability. I’m truly passionate create sustainable relationships to get toOmaha toexperien to find a solution.” the ultimate goal but will work just as hard REPRODUCED WITH “It is our hope to empower problem of I’m y and PERMISSION FROM about our capacity, willing transformation THE PUBLISHER lving drew Smith to communit OF MBJ ies through the equitable INC. FROM THE JUNE

That knack for problem-so 2, 2023 ISSUE OF THE

communit intermediary for community development in the first place. properties, and serve as a pathways for that land banking “creates Omaha,” she said, noting vacancy through addressing systemic stimulating the local economy immediately apparent added. she core. its career,” at my by the issues Olivia focal point in the community’s needs. Informed and been drawn to the character “We are looking to support In fact, Smith said she’s always to learn, listen priority t, it is my Scandal. strategic plan we aim to implemen a land bank Pope from the television series right solutions distinguish the that finding for differences key knack this be present. It’s one of the crucial for success, “She shares this same drive, I discovered We know that outreach is said. “Those were skills that business. Smith estate real a problems,” from to complex been to doing that ‘heart’ work.” to help the communities I’ve and the team and I are committed plans, Smith said the organization pretty quickly I could leverage challenges a distinct passion for addressing As the OMLB builds its outreach and resources to put on more privileged to serve. I have for sponsors regarding the community-led is always on the look-out through innovative solutions, and community programs. economic development industry.” “profitable warm introductions to companies she , goes against the world of “We also would love any Smith Land banking, she continued for challenge of about the Land Bank’s mission,” adding another level can we nonprofits to spread the word real estate development,” the community’s needs. How stated. “We are here to support to solve. complex long-term benefit and assets for the community’s marries my passion for solving our of banking most land the , make me,” “Naturally fit for and communities?” legal and accounting – a natural reduce harm to neighbors operations problems with my love for Land Bank is limited to Currently, Smith said, the Smith said. Smith applied her skills and BAM, at efforts and resources. Before her pioneering are going to as a an organization that served to support the mission if we “But we will need everyone passion toward BLDG Memphis, corporations (CDCs). nt landscape,” she said. change the conversation and she involved with resource to community developme work, Smith was previously policy, and advocacy support,” Outside of her day-to-day “We offered capacity-building, needs of the and the Memphis Urban allowed me to identify the Institute (ULI Memphis) explained. “This position by implementing the Urban Land to leverage that experience League Young Professionals. community, and I was able to support organization that worked banking work.” “I supported a nonprofit through solutions through my land ming and emerging businesses an Memphis’ young up-and-co to launch their business through ctions in Omaha mentoring as they prepared dancing and I had Accelerating Conne Smith as Shannon Snow’s added. “Also, I love Latin nt accelerator program,” she In March, the OMLB announced y entities to to work with a riverside developme which partners with communit we an opportunity to volunteer where turn, program, in t successor of the nonprofit, housing, y engagemen and deliver affordable corporation on their communit classes and revitalize distressed properties the neighborhood’s the summer, offering free during unlocking and Thursdays lots hosted Tropical reducing the number of vacant dancing.” potential. social nt M!( joked: full developme impressions of Omaha, Smith When asked about her first

banking answer isn’t MIDLANDS BUSINESS development and land problems where maybe the JOURN “I’ve always AL loved solving a bit of a and it’s something that’s become

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MEMBER spotlight:

ENTREPRENEURS’ organization



I had a passion for helping more than just people buying homes, but also helping real estate agents develop the careers that they want to develop. -MATT MICK, REALTOR AND TEAM OWNER, LINCOLN SELECT REAL ESTATE

Like many college students, Matt Mick wasn’t entirely sure what kind of career he would land on. After switching majors numerous times, he graduated with a degree in education. But, almost immediately, he realized he wanted a different journey, and pursued a real estate license. In 2013 he joined a prominent real estate group, which became a valuable learning experience. It was then that he realized a desire to contribute more to the industry. “I had a passion for helping more than just people buying homes, but also helping real estate agents develop the careers that they want to develop,” Mick said. From there his entrepreneurial spirit kicked into high gear and he pursued the creation of his own real estate team. He formed Lincoln Select Real Estate Group in 2017 with a core focus: empowering his team of agents. “Everything we do in our organization when it relates to the real estate side is empowering our agents to create exceptional experiences for their clients, have a healthy work-life balance, to learn, and grow professionally and personally,” he said. 

 Focusing on his team has paid off, RealTrends ranked

Lincoln Select Real Estate Group at No. 24 on its list of top medium teams in 2023. It was also listed at No. 1 for Nebraska in its category. Those rankings are a testament to the team’s lofty goal of each agent selling 24 homes a year. Mick said being part of EO Nebraska and learning from other members has helped him to build the needed skill set to be a leader. “When you start a business, typically you’re the problem solver for the first several years,” Mick said. “EO almost forces you to step back and learn how to actually communicate and be a better leader. It has taught me a lot about how to lead myself and how to lead the leaders around me.”

Address: 6301 S. 58th St., Lincoln 68516 Phone: (402) 937-0090 Website: www.lincolnselectrealestategroup.com Social Media: Facebook, Instagram, YouTube

Email: PO BOX 540815 Omaha NE 68154 Website: hub.eonetwork.org Social Media: Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn

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Tim Marten




OF HCAN LINCO Josie Rodrigu LN & SARPY ez Home Care Advoc acy Network (HCAN ONEWORLD NAME ) of Lincoln and announce the appoin S JOSIE RODRIGUEZ Sarpy is please tment of Tim Marte & INCLUSION CHIEF OF DIVER d to ns as President. SITY, EQUITY Mr. Martens joins the organization Josie Rodriguez, with 17 years of and is ready to BS, MHA, was named senior care experi position HCAN Chief of Diversity, for OneWorld Commu ence as a premier provid services to individ Equity and Inclusio nity Health Center er of non-medical uals in the greate n s. The position was and prioritize diversi r Lincoln and Sarpy/ created ty, equity and inclusio to increase Cass markets. n efforts as OneWo grow. Mr. Martens is rld continues to an active memb er of the Nebra Healthcare and ska Association Hospice and a diplom for Home Originally from central atic advocate for Throughout his Nebraska, Josie senior care issues combined 17 years holds Service a Bachelor of Scienc . Administration and in the senior care with the senior e in Human a Master of Scienc industry, he has population. “Senio from Bellevue Univer grown passionate e in Healthcare Admin r care is my career different than workin sity. Josie worked about working istration and my life. I don’t g with seniors. for the State of Nebras During her time see myself doing I thoroughly enjoy with the State, she ka for 30 years. anything it,” he says. worked for the Nebras Medicaid, Childre While senior care ka Department of n and Family Service is the service HCAN Health and Human s, Public Health 2011, she rejoine Services in and the Office of offers, Mr. Marte “Our number one d DHHS in the Office the Nebraska Attorne ns is also an advoca core value is to of Health Disparities and Health pursue the genuin y General. In te for caregivers. Caregivers, they e success of others Equity. will feel valued Josie also served . If we do this well , love their jobs, on the board of the and provide incred with our People’s Health Josie said she has ible care to our Center, now Blueste Mr. Martens is clients.” always admired also a huge propon m Health, in Lincoln Federally Qualifi to those who need ent of working in ed Health Center , Nebraska. of the ways we it most, s tandem and for providing health can best care for as a Latina, the opport with other non-m number of Latinos care services seniors is to partne edical agencies. unity to work for we are in a critica is a great fit for her. r with like-minded an organization that “One l labor crisis so agencies. It’s no serves a large partnering client seniors are receivi secret that care with other ng all the care they With her vast experie trusted providers need.” helps to ensure nce and knowledge in working to addres and advocating for To learn more about diversity and inclusio s health disparities, HCAN careers, advancing health n, Josie said she inclusion strateg partnerships, or is equity ies looking to advanc forward to using in-home care, please e OneWorld’s missio diversity, equity contact us. n. and “We are working HOME CAR to create a diverse E , equitable and inclusiv they belong,” said 402-287-617ADVOCACY NETWOR e organizational Josie. “OneWorld K OF LINC culture where everyo has an internal LGBTQ EMAIL: TMA 1 OLN AND want to get to know ne feels SARPY + Task Force and RTENS@HCA everyone in these an Employee Counci WEBSITE: groups and engage let people know l, and I WWW.HCANTH NNEBRASKA.COM that leadership values with team membe WWW.HCANTH rs at every locatio RIVE every employee n. I want to and that at OneWo RIVE.COM/LIN .COM/SARPY OR rld, everyone has COLN a voice.”



Shawn Ben gtson


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EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT & CHIEF RISK OFFICE Shawn Bengtson R was appointed Executive Vice Presid security, investm ent and Chief Risk ent underwriting, Officer, effective physical proper Enterprise Risk, ty security, busine July 1, 2022. She Security, and Proper ss continuity, corpor will lead Woodm ty & Facility divisio enLife’s expand ate insurance retenti ns. ed risk management on, and current “Risk reaches into efforts in cyber and forecasted many areas of the business risks. She will also lead business world a strong leader, and is constantly the WoodmenLife will evolving,” said be well positioned WoodmenLife Presid to not only handle ent & CEO, Patrick the current risk Bengtson started L. Dees. “By ensuri environment but her career with ng our Risk Manag also be prepared WoodmenLife in from University for ement efforts have the future. 2001, of Nebraska-Lin and most recent ” coln in the Interde ly led WoodmenLife (CFA) since 2004, partmental Area ’s Investm she earned her ent division as Vice of Business, with Chartered Insura President. She has focuses in corpor nce Operations ate finance, investm multiple degree Professional (CIOP) s including a doctor ents and bankin designation in 2009. ate g (1996). As a Charte WOODMENLIF red Financial Analys E • 402-342 t EMA


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velop Congratu lations to Talent Plus on their recent a Lockwood De ahimplementation of the NetSuite ERP Om platform. Talent Plus ns inNetSuite to streamline operations and better n Opewill leverage serve their clients. d King Locatio in 2021, Lockwoo

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Commo nwealth Acquire Rydalch s Electric Commonw , I n c ealth Hold . ings, Inc. operations is pr in Sa

word e EAD the wo e tula thgra SPREADCon ttl nt Plu rd tion NeswtoLiTale s ment’s


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Rydalch Ele

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oud following th to announce the ex pansion of e acquisitio its n of Ryda

ctr lch Electric, ation store franchise oper electrical co ic is a long-time leade Inc. the Little King Omaha Little King g the r in Utah co After acquiring ns the firm’s first Opening featurin announcing that nstruction industrial ma truction services for 1, with a Grand Development is er 5. emb er Nov projects, pr the state’s emb rkets. The public on Saturday, Nov for d ov co opened to the Talent dule idi co Plus co mm enhancem mpany’s ca ng nstruction ents with NetSuite include: yball team• sche pabilities inc ercial, institutional manageme Integrated financial and operations Creighton Volle systems ts a step forw Luardtzfor an nt team, as A Utah-bas d, represen • Automated ge Roa billing process ed well as a kn lude a complete desig d West Dod E ted at 8602 • Consolidat Omaha area. n-build and owledgeab reporting Adv volves relationships company for over 25 the The store, loca print ined its foot le and i ye C d • Streamline s se ar bran wi d close rvi s, Rydalch li process th its custo ce departm both the store was ory S Ele mers, gene first Little King Lutz, a Neof ervic ent CEO bras where the very of its Cl ral contracto ctric has established ent. close toappreciate ident and ka-bas es O e is very Meridian ient Adby the our partnership James, pres “The comb and looks forward great rs and deve be ed bu “Our new stor visor ,” said sChip nefittoired helping insp you fferi y Secontinue siness to ed in 1969 ination of Ry your business. rvice it openimprove lopers. nce. We’re trulysuppor s fromspiri ou so n located when that t, along tsoturced ac s (CAS) offe lutions fir t’s no coincide g da th ying “Tha lch t. e carr re men to Electric’s em ring. Th m, is ex sources an elop with a ha countin we look forward Lockwood Dev d new oppo ployees an geneScration of Omanew technologg to accountinis service will cited to anno ric franchise, and will foster unce th extend g softw y-focus rtu as well as a new for smott Miller, Co d rs, cu roots of this histo nit ome sto ies e cust ma an ar ed mer base, growth ns that Comm e cons all ny of th even stron packag l Little King ulting, our se businesse ulting Directo e. plus on forward to loya Commonwe ge s ta rvi training e same ke ong r, said, “The small ces to the cli todinin and alth Holding r company,” said Pres wealth brings to the alo pie residents.” of ingent’s uniqu ne. Each or accounting practicanceinvit ta s, Inc. ident/CEO design and functio e ne ganiz e and your daexpe bines modern n ca T. Michael ble, tacan y-to-dact y acco eds. We offe ation is dif foot store com ork. Customers king on the CF areferent n be a heav unting r artw Pr -squ mu and ice of es Ry 1500 ltip , so y The dalch Electr operat Lutzand sand wich O role. branding ions to le packages we work to burden ” sic Little King uring subs to focu is committed soup s ic willEdw fu fro ta THE WORD area with clas SPREAD , an s on well ved menu feat coards belo nt ’s re as ru.lly managing yom outsourcin ilor growingasto providing inu k t, pu King ca e-th Mar e mea e ta by pit driv Littl to a iced tio ali MERIDIA seen ga ding operate un va N store and fresh-sl ze on encthes, ur acco to order from es, will be over n and history in their da eir buinclu in veni unting siness. lue-add servi stor d con de ent bake of d equ r ety th 1/3 ta subs will remain ces to With th e same name th - 4.7” X 7.825” and dis made with brea PAGE ntage of a vari our cli d Dev elop men t’s “Our e new Lock cove in place, lea e Salt Lake area. 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Its gene dership and staff ich of what it has best and so many fam th fast-food busi me Day to day ope ey Directo and allow us Expanding th financial inf model is to to the l in the ha dea up t ve become ral contracto interruption ormatio highlight he a grea r. e CAS to bette ns who grew that servicemea d n and lp custome ard, mod erni ze it, and r ac Omaha native bran se a rs, cu in rve ree stomed. the same gr lin wi mov moitve forwrs make our cli nity about with th ll informe ent ba eto Learte eat service n more we get the opp ortu stry I’m passSeiona Lincoln. se,” sa strengthen e stress of Comm Omaha and abou managin d ou po id Stev to merge the indu in our area ,rviand to ces henow onwealth Ho plan to open in sit e Nebb r Deve “It’s an honor ry re: ww t Lutz’s Clien in th entg d Lutz ionlopm ia, s of rich histo ldings, Inc. w.lutz. t Advis Lockwoo Consult e the parent orythe team at us/cas , and more than 50 year was formed ing es, Edwards co Jam mp tions SP an loca RE earlier this y of Comm baked dmm Co brea THE W2, 2022 52 •AD in a series of new Page September first with LU e on the ye on is mad TZ we ar we es, ORD alth Electric in The new store sandwich elopment in alth will be co 1/3 PA deli-style sub wood Dev Company of October as tra GE - 4.7 ine prof t is known for its 214 W re its sale to Lock at 8602 dWes the Midwes X 7.825Deli & Sub s essionals to mbining its resource ORDS e ”King the company befo new locationar ” s wi t. About Little King in 1969 by Sid Wertheim, Littl deliver exce Bob took over ea, in addit a, including the ha , Wertheim’s son es serving Omaha, Nebrask llent electr th Rydalch Electric’s ion to its cu Founded in Oma order. In 2001 to stor d King slice e t highlyical service informatio mea rrent locat tly operated Littl den fresh on site and t. s n, pen ion to men vis inde s in Nebras the Salt La it www.co d Develop e are six ke City ka mm 2021. Today, ther is the first owned by Lockwoo , Iow on wealthelec a and Arizo h .COM tric.com. Dodge Road, whic na. For mo LEKINGSUBS EV.COM re (402) 330-17 HTTPS://LITT OODD COMMO 60 • WWW.M BY@LOCKW BJ.COM NWEA EMAIL: LIB 2) 345-5959 (40

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ober 14

, 2022



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Lutz Evolves Client Advisory Services Offering Lutz, a Nebraska-based business solutions firm, is excited to announce the growth of its Client Advisory Services (CAS) offering. This service will extend many of the same benefits from outsourced accounting to accounting software consulting, training and support, along with a new technology-focused package. Scott Miller, Consulting Director, said, “The accounting function can be a heavy burden for small businesses to take on alone. Each organization is different, so we work to tailor our services to the client’s unique needs. We offer multiple packages

from outsourcing a small piece of your day-to-day accounting operations to fully managing your accounting us practice t Pl and taking on the CFO role.” to Talen NetSuite ERP Lutz is committed ations implementation of thebetter serve their to providing value-add services to our clients, giving them gratul the fle nt to fo and

The following are some guidelines to consider when posting legal notices with the Midlands Business Journal: 1. Submit a written notice in either Microsoft Word or as a PDF document either through mbj.com or through the Legal Department at legals@ mbj.com. For trade names, submit a copy of approved (bar code in upper right hand corner) Application For Registration of Trade Name from the Secretary of State to the same email address. Please include your billing address and the desired duration you’d like your notice to run (trade names run for only one week). As a publisher and not a legal advisor we print notices exactly as they are submitted and therefor only comp reruns when the notice was rejected or messed up due to a MBJ error. All companies submitting notices are responsible for ensuring the content fits with the State’s requirements and are responsible for the cost of republishing the notice if it is rejected due to misinformation or missing information 2. You will receive a confirmation and price quote. Legal notices, except for trade names, are charged per line. The flat fee for a trade name is $50. Payment is now credit or debit card. 3. Deadline is 5 p.m. on Monday for a notice to start publishing that Friday. 4. All costs include fees to file the notice with the Secretary of State and/or any appropriate courts. 5. Invoices must be paid prior to publication. Erin K. Artz, Attorney LAMSON DUGAN & MURRAY LLP 10306 Regency Parkway Drive Omaha, Nebraska 68114 LEGAL NOTICE In the District Court of Douglas County, Nebraska Case No. CI 23-8130 In re Name Change of Lu Ann Dugger Leary, Petitioner. Notice is hereby given that a petition has been filed by Lu Ann Dugger Leary, the object and prayer of which is for the change of Petitioner’s name from Lu Ann Dugger Leary to LuAnn Dugger. A hearing on this petition will be held on November 30, 2023, at 2:30 p.m. before the Honorable Kimberly M. Pankonin in Courtroom No. 408 in the District Court of Douglas County, Nebraska. The courthouse is located at 1701 Farnam Street, Omaha NE. At the hearing, unless sufficient cause is shown to the contrary, the petitioner’s name will be changed from Lu Ann Dugger Leary to LuAnn Dugger. Lu Ann Dugger Leary, Petitioner First publication November 3, 2023, final November 24, 2023 NOTICE OF DIVORCE PROCEEDING CI 23-5528 Meliaa Burrows v. Antoine Burrows TO: Antoine M. Burrows, whose whereabouts are unknown Upon whom personal service of summons cannot be had, and is the Defendant in said proceedings: You are notified that on July 14, 2023, the Plaintiff, Meliaa Burrows, filed a Complaint against you in the District Court of Douglas County, Nebraska, at case No. CI 23-5528, the object of which is to obtain a dissolution of marriage on the ground that the marriage is irretrieva​bly broken and to obtain an equitable division of the property, among other things. You are required to Answer said Complaint on or before December 27, 2023 or said Complaint against you will be taken as true. Meliaa Burrows Plaintiff First publication November 10, 2023, final November 24, 2023 NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION Notice is hereby given that Blue Rivers Wealth Portfolio, LLC, has been organized under the laws of the State of Nebraska. The address of the Company’s designated office is 1910 S 44th St, Suite 101, Omaha, NE 68105. The initial agent for service of process at such address is Tran & Associates Law, LLC. Andy Luu, Organizer/​Member First publication November 3, 2023, final November 17, 2023

Sandra Stern Attorney at Law 1299 Farnam Street #369 Omaha, Nebraska 68102 LEGAL NOTICE In the District Court of Douglas County, Nebraska TO: Trent Nissen, upon whom personal service of summons cannot be had, Defendant: YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that on August 27, 2023, Brandon Essler, as Plaintiff, filed a Complaint entitled, Brandon Essler, Plaintiff vs. Trent Nissen, Defendant, against you in the District Court of Douglas County, Nebraska, Docket CI 23 No. 6826, the object and prayer of which is seeking damages for medical bills, lost wages and personal injury caused by you upon Brandon Essler. You are required to file an answer to said Complaint on or before the 17 day of December, 2023, or said Complaint against you will be taken as true. Brandon Essler, Plaintiff By: Sandra Stern Attorney for Plaintiff 369 Landmark Building 1299 Farnam Street Omaha, NE 68102 First publication November 3, 2023, final November 17, 2023 STEVEN G. RANUM, Attorney CROKER HUCK LAW FIRM 2120 S. 72nd Street, Suite 1200 Omaha, Nebraska 68124 CORRECTED NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION OF BRIDGE DERMATOLOGY, LLC The name of the limited liability company is Bridge Dermatology, LLC. The address of the initial designated office is 1309 South 204th Street, Suite 134, Elkhorn, NE 68022. The name and address of the initial agent for service of process is Croker, Huck, Kasher, DeWitt, Anderson & Gonderinger, LLC, 2120 South 72nd Street, Suite 1200, Omaha, NE 68124. The company is organized to render the professional service of dermatology. First publication November 17, 2023 Notice is hereby given that Block 27 Consulting, LLC, a Nebraska Limited Liability Company, has been organized under the laws of the state of Nebraska, with the initial Designated Office Address as 2742 WHITMORE ST, PO BOX 12143, OMAHA, NE 68112. The initial Registered Agent and Office Address is NANCY WILLIAMS, 2742 WHITMORE ST, PO BOX 12143, OMAHA, NE 68112. First publication November 3, 2023, final November 17, 2023

NOTICE OF CONVERSION OF ASHTON J. PAGE PSYCHOTHER​ APY, PC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Ashton J. Page Psychother​apy, PC has been converted into an unincorpor​ated entity. The name of the resulting entity is Ashton J. Page Psychother​apy, LLC and the jurisdiction of its governing statute is Nebraska. First publication November 3, 2023, final November 17, 2023 EMILY F. MORDHORST PANSING HOGAN ERNST & BUSER, LLP 10250 Regency Circle, Suite 300, Omaha, Nebraska 68114 NOTICE OF AMENDMENT TO THE CERTIFICATE OF ORGANIZATION OF HIGH ESTEAM, LLC Notice is hereby given that pursuant to the applicable provisions of the Nebraska Uniform Limited Liability Company Act, the Certificate of Organization of High Esteam, LLC, a Nebraska limited liability company (the “Company”), has been amended (i) to change the name of the Company to Delacia Hartman, LLC and (ii) to change the name of the Registered Agent to Delacia Hartman. The Amended Certificate of Organization was filed with the Secretary of State of the State of Nebraska on October 27, 2023. In all other respects, the Certificate of Organization remains unchanged. First publication November 10, 2023, final November 24, 2023 NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION of a Limited Liability Company. Notice is hereby given that Vallin Millwright & Constructi​on, LLC has been organized as a limited liability company under Nebraska laws, with its designated office at 640 W 3rd Street, Fremont, NE 68025. It is organized to transact any lawful business for which a Limited Liability Company may be organized under Nebraska laws. Its affairs are to be conducted by the manager Gustavo Vallin Lopez. Its registered agent is Gustavo Vallin Lopez and his office is located at 640 W 3rd Street, Fremont, NE 68025. First publication November 17, 2023, final December 1, 2023 NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION Notice is hereby given that Renao, LLC, has been organized under the laws of the State of Nebraska. The address of the designated office is 1910 S 44th St, Suite 101, Omaha, NE 68105. The initial agent for service of process at such address is Tran & Associates Law, LLC. Michael Shnayder, Organizer/​Member First publication November 3, 2023, final November 17, 2023 Notice is hereby given that C-Bacon Property, LLC has been organized under the laws of the State of Nebraska. The registered agent and address are Registered Agents, Inc. at 200 S. 21st St., STE 400, Lincoln NE 68510. The designated office address is 4175 S. 61st Avenue, Omaha, NE 68117-1137. First publication November 10, 2023, final November 24, 2023

NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION OF RUSH FORWARD, LLC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Rush Forward, LLC (the “Company”) has been organized under the laws of the State of Nebraska. The Designated Office Address of the Company is 14301 FNB Parkway, Suite 204, Omaha, Nebraska 68154. The Registered Agent of the Company is Jennifer L. Rattner, 14301 FNB Parkway, Suite 204, Omaha, Nebraska 68154. First publication November 10, 2023, final November 24, 2023

NOTICE OF AMENDED CERTIFICATE OF ORGANIZATION OF SOW & EARN, LLC Notice is hereby given that the Certificate of Organization of Sow & Earn, LLC, a Nebraska limited liability company (“Company”), has been amended to change the name of the Company to Mount North Capital 4, LLC. The Amended Certificate of Organization was filed with the Nebraska Secretary of State on October 25, 2023. First publication November 3, 2023, final November 17, 2023

KOLEY JESSEN P.C., L.L.O., Attorneys 1125 South 103rd Street, Suite 800, Omaha, Nebraska 68124 NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION The name of the Company is Nebraskin Aesthetics, LLC. The Designated Office of the Company is 12413 Pheasant Run Lane, Papillion, Nebraska 68046. The Registered Agent and Office of the Company is Koley Jessen P.C., L.L.O., 1125 South 103rd Street, Suite 800, Omaha, Nebraska 68124. This professional limited liability company shall conduct the practice of cosmetic and skin care treatments, procedures, services and products, all in accordance with the rules and regulations of the Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services. The Company commenced business on November 9, 2023. First publication November 17, 2023, final December 1, 2023

NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION OF WH DESERT DOVE, LLC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that WH DESERT DOVE, LLC has been organized as a limited liability company under the laws of the State of Nebraska. The designated office is 515 N. 162nd Avenue, Suite 202, Omaha, Nebraska 68118. The registered agent is Midwest Housing Equity Group, Inc., 515 N. 162nd Avenue, Suite 202, Omaha, Nebraska 68118. It commenced business on November 7, 2023, and its duration is perpetual. First publication November 17, 2023, final December 1, 2023

WHITMORE LAW OFFICE LLC 7602 PACIFIC STREET, SUITE 200, OMAHA, NEBRASKA 68114 NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION Notice is hereby given that Split Stitch LLC (the “Company”) has been organized under the laws of the State of Nebraska. The Designated Office of the Company is 801 Pacific Street Apt 413, Omaha, Nebraska 68108. The Registered Agent of the Company is Corporation Consultants, 7602 Pacific Street, Suite 200, Omaha, Nebraska 68114. The Company was formed on October 20, 2023. First publication November 3, 2023, final November 17, 2023 Page 26 • November 17, 2023

LAMSON DUGAN & MURRAY LLP Phillip T. Sanberg, Attorney 10306 Regency Parkway Drive Omaha, Nebraska 68114 NOTICE OF THE ORGANIZATION OF NBDG, LLC Notice is hereby given of the formation of a limited liability company under the laws of the State of Nebraska, and that the name of the limited liability company is NBDG, LLC. The address of the initial designated office is 10306 Regency Parkway Drive, Omaha, NE 68114. The name and address of the registered agent is LDM Business Services, Inc., 10306 Regency Parkway Drive, Omaha, NE 68114. The general nature of the business to be transacted is all lawful business. The company commenced existence on November 6, 2023, and shall have perpetual duration. The affairs of the company shall be conducted by the Members, as prescribed by the Operating Agreement. LDM Business Services, Inc., Organizer First publication November 10, 2023, final November 24, 2023

NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION OF LEGACY AIR, LLC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Legacy Air, LLC has been organized under the laws of the State of Nebraska. The designated office of the limited liability company is 30809 W Reichmuth Road, Valley, Nebraska 68064. The registered agent and office of the limited liability company is QDA Inc, 30809 W Reichmuth Road, Valley, Nebraska 68064. The limited liability company commenced business on October 30, 2023. First publication November 10, 2023, final November 24, 2023

NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION OF GOLDENROD CLUB, LLC. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Goldenrod Club, LLC (the “Company”) has been organized under the laws of the State of Nebraska. The Designated Office Address of the Company is 14606 Branch Street, Suite 100, Omaha, Nebraska 68154. The Registered Agent of the Company is Zachary A. Wiegert, 14606 Branch Street, Suite 100, Omaha, Nebraska 68154. First publication November 17, 2023, final December 1, 2023

PANSING HOGAN ERNST & BUSER LLP 10250 Regency, Circle, Suite 300 Omaha, NE 68114-3728 NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION DAN GORDMAN FUND The Dan Gordman Fund, a Nebraska nonprofit corporation (the “Corporati​on”) has filed Articles of Dissolution with the Nebraska Secretary of State with a dissolution date effective on September 30, 2023. The terms of the dissolution provide for the payment of liabilities of the Corporation and the distribution of any remaining assets to the Jewish Federation of Omaha Foundation. Lisa Marcus will manage the Corporatio​n’s affairs and distribute its assets. As of the close of business on October 20, 2023, the Corporation has no known assets or liabilities. First publication November 3, 2023, final November 17, 2023

KOLEY JESSEN P.C., L.L.O., Attorneys 1125 South 103rd Street, Suite 800, Omaha, Nebraska 68124 NOTICE OF INCORPORAT​ION 1. The name of the Corporation is Beckmann Holdco Inc. 2. The Corporation is authorized to issue 10,000 shares of common stock, having a par value of $1.00 per share. 3. The Registered Office of the Corporation is 1125 South 103rd Street, Suite 800, Omaha, Nebraska 68124 and the Registered Agent at such address is Koley Jessen P.C., L.L.O. 4. The corporate existence began on October 20, 2023, when Articles of Incorporat​ion were filed with the Nebraska Secretary of State. 5. The name and address of the incorporator are Marlon M. Lofgren, 1125 South 103rd Street, Suite 800, Omaha, Nebraska 68124. First publication November 3, 2023, final November 17, 2023

LAMSON DUGAN & MURRAY LLP Phillip T. Sanberg, Attorney 10306 Regency Parkway Drive Omaha, Nebraska 68114 NOTICE OF THE ORGANIZATION OF Mac Riv RC, LLC Notice is hereby given of the formation of a limited liability company under the laws of the State of Nebraska, and that the name of the limited liability company is Mac Riv RC, LLC. The address of the initial designated office is 10306 Regency Parkway Drive, Omaha, NE 68114. The name and address of the registered agent is LDM Business Services, Inc., 10306 Regency Parkway Drive, Omaha, NE 68114. The general nature of the business to be transacted is all lawful business. The company commenced existence on November 6, 2023, and shall have perpetual duration. The affairs of the company shall be conducted by the Members, as prescribed by the Operating Agreement. LDM Business Services, Inc., Organizer First publication November 10, 2023, final November 24, 2023 LAW OFFICES ABRAHAMS KASLOW & CASSMAN LLP 8712 WEST DODGE ROAD, SUITE 300 OMAHA, NEBRASKA 68114-3419 TELEPHONE 402-392-1250 FACSIMILE 402-392-0816 NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION AJVVAC1, LLC has been organized as a limited liability company under the Nebraska Uniform Limited Liability Company Act. The street and mailing address of the initial designated office of the company is 8712 West Dodge Road, Suite 300, Omaha, Nebraska 68114. The name and street and mailing address of the initial registered agent of the company for service of process are Timothy M. Kenny, 8712 West Dodge Road, Suite 300, Omaha, Nebraska 68114. First publication November 3, 2023, final November 17, 2023 Robert J. Likes LIKES MEYERSON HATCH LLC 444 Regency Parkway Dr., #100 Omaha, NE 68114 NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION OF 3EAGLES INVESTMENT GROUP, LLC Notice is hereby given that 3Eagles Investment Group, LLC, a Nebraska limited liability company, has been organized under the laws of the State of Nebraska. The street and mailing address of the Company’s initial designated office is 5204 California Street, Omaha, Nebraska 68132; the mailing address of the Company’s initial agent for service of process is 5204 California Street, Omaha, Nebraska 68132; and the Company’s initial agent for service of process at such address is Clay Wulf. First publication November 3, 2023, final November 17, 2023 Notice of Organization of ITS FROM WITHIN THERAPEUTIC SERVICES LLC Notice is hereby given that ITS FROM WITHIN THERAPEUTIC SERVICES has been organized as a limited liability company under the Nebraska Uniform Liability Company Act. The address of the initial designated office of the company is 2502 PIKNEY St. Omaha, Nebraska 68111. The agent for the service of process for the company is DANITALYNN ALMONTE located at 4099 S 39TH St. Omaha, Nebraska 68107. First publication November 3, 2023, final November 17, 2023

NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION Notice is given that DE MENAS CONCRETE & LANDSCAPING SERVICES LLC, has been organized under the laws of the State of Nebraska with the following registered agent and registered office: Jose Castanon Rojero at 4216 South 16th St. Omaha, NE 68107. The designated office is located at 4216 South 16th St., Omaha, NE 68107. The general nature of the Company’s business is to engage in any lawful business permitted under the laws of the State of Nebraska. The company was organized on Oct 25, 2023, and it shall continue in perpetuity unless sooner terminated in accordance with the terms of its operating agreement. In general, the Company’s business is to be managed by its primary member Jose Castanon Rojero in accordance with the Company’s operating agreement. First publication November 17, 2023, final December 1, 2023 Jeffrey T. Palzer * 10828 Old Mill Road, Ste. 6, Omaha NE 68154 NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION The name of the Company is Family Ties Senior Placement Services, LLC. The street address of the initial designated office is 1102 Dillon Drive, Omaha, NE 68132. The Registered Agent is Jonie D. Sturek and the Registered Agent’s address is 1102 Dillon Drive, Omaha, NE 68132. The general nature of the Company is senior placement and relocation management services. The Company commenced on November 7, 2023, and shall have perpetual existence. The affairs of the Company are to be conducted by Members, the President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and such officers as the Members shall determine. First publication November 17, 2023, final December 1, 2023 NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION OF SUNSET COMMUNITY INVESTMENTS, LLC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Sunset Community Investments, LLC (the “Company”) has been organized under the laws of the State of Nebraska. The Designated Office Address of the Company is 6208 South 181st Street, Omaha, Nebraska 68135. The Registered Agent of the Company is DDLG Business Services, Inc., 9500 West Dodge Road, Suite 100, Omaha, Nebraska 68114. Dvorak Law Group, LLC 9500 West Dodge Road, Suite 100 Omaha, NE 68114 First publication November 3, 2023, final November 17, 2023 NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION OF ALDR SERVICES, LLC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that ALDR Services, LLC (the “Company”) has been organized under the laws of the State of Nebraska. The Designated Office Address of the Company is 1613 Maenner Drive, Omaha, Nebraska 68114. The Registered Agent of the Company is DDLG Business Services, Inc., 9500 West Dodge Road, Suite 100, Omaha, Nebraska 68114. Dvorak Law Group, LLC 9500 West Dodge Road, Suite 100 Omaha, NE 68114 First publication November 17, 2023, final December 1, 2023 Page 27 • November 17, 2023­

KOLEY JESSEN P.C., L.L.O., Attorneys 1125 South 103rd Street, Suite 800, Omaha, Nebraska 68124 NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION The name of the Company is Paymal Real Estate LLC. The Designated Office of the Company is 540 North Jackson Street, Papillion, Nebraska 68046. The Registered Agent and Office of the Company is Timothy J. Paymal, 540 North Jackson Street, Papillion, Nebraska 68046. This limited liability company commenced business on October 31, 2023. First publication November 10, 2023, final November 24, 2023 NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION OF RUSH INVESTMENTS, LLC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Rush Investments, LLC (the “Company”) has been organized under the laws of the State of Nebraska. The Designated Office Address of the Company is 14301 FNB Parkway, Suite 204, Omaha, Nebraska 68154. The Registered Agent of the Company is Jennifer L. Rattner, 14301 FNB Parkway, Suite 204, Omaha, Nebraska 68154. First publication November 10, 2023, final November 24, 2023 Notice is hereby given that Bazata Tech LLC, a Nebraska Limited Liability Company, has been organized under the laws of the state of Nebraska. The Company’s initial designated office is located at 14008 Meredith Cir Omaha, NE 68164. The name and street mailing address of the initial agent for service of process is Stephani J. Bazata, the initial registered office located at 14008 Meredith Cir Omaha, NE 68164. The general nature of its business is to engage in and do any lawful act concerning any and all lawful business, other than banking or insurance, for which a limited liability company may be organized under the laws of the state of Nebraska. The Certificate of Organization was filed in the office of the Nebraska Secretary of State on October 26, 2023, the Company commenced business thereon, and shall have perpetual existence. First publication November 10, 2023, final November 24, 2023 Notice of Organization Gazelle, LLC Notice is hereby given that Gazelle, LLC, a Nebraska limited liability company, has been organized under the laws of the State of Nebraska, with its initial designated office at 14754 NW 27th Street, Raymond, Nebraska 68428 and with its initial agent for service of process as Lori Garris, 14754 NW 27th Street, Raymond, Nebraska 68428. First publication November 3, 2023, final November 17, 2023 WHITMORE LAW OFFICE LLC 7602 PACIFIC STREET, SUITE 200, OMAHA, NEBRASKA 68114 NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION Notice is hereby given that WP&S Properties, LLC (the “Company”) has been organized under the laws of the State of Nebraska. The Designated Office of the Company is 10041 County Road 13, Arlington, Nebraska 68002. The Registered Agent of the Company is Wayne O’Callaghan, 10041 County Road 13, Arlington, Nebraska 68002. The Company was formed on October 17, 2023. First publication November 10, 2023, final November 24, 2023 NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION OF ASHTON J. PAGE PSYCHOTHER​ APY, LLC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Ashton J. Page Psychother​apy, LLC (the “Company”) has been organized under the laws of the State of Nebraska. The Designated Office Address of the Company is 144 S. 39th Street, Omaha, Nebraska 68131. The Registered Agent of the Company is Jennifer L. Rattner, Ringenberg & Rattner Law, LLC, 14301 FNB Parkway, Suite 204, Omaha, Nebraska 68154. First publication November 3, 2023, final November 17, 2023 LAW OFFICES ABRAHAMS KASLOW & CASSMAN LLP 8712 WEST DODGE ROAD, SUITE 300 OMAHA, NEBRASKA 68114-3419 TELEPHONE 402-392-1250 FACSIMILE 402-392-0816 NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION OSI Investment Holdings, LLC has been organized as a limited liability company under the Nebraska Uniform Limited Liability Company Act. The street and mailing addresses of the initial designated office of the company are 8712 West Dodge Road, Suite 300, Omaha, Nebraska 68114. The name and street and mailing addresses of the initial registered agent of the company for service of process are Thomas J. Malicki, 8712 West Dodge Road, Suite 300, Omaha, Nebraska 68114. First publication November 10, 2023, final November 24, 2023

EMILY F. MORDHORST PANSING HOGAN ERNST & BUSER, LLP 10250 Regency Circle, Suite 300, Omaha, Nebraska 68114 NOTICE OF AMENDMENT TO THE CERTIFICATE OF ORGANIZATION OF JOHN ALLI CARPET CLEANING, LLC Notice is hereby given that pursuant to the applicable provisions of the Nebraska Uniform Limited Liability Company Act, the Certificate of Organization of John Alli Carpet Cleaning, LLC, a Nebraska limited liability company (the “ Company ”), has been amended (i) to change the name of the Company to High Esteam, LLC and (ii) to change the street and mailing of address of the designated office to 241 N. Third Street, Arlington, Nebraska 68002. The Amended Certificate of Organization was filed with the Secretary of State of the State of Nebraska on October 31, 2023. In all other respects, the Certificate of Organization remains unchanged. First publication November 10, 2023, final November 24, 2023 Law Offices ABRAHAMS KASLOW & CASSMAN LLP 8712 West Dodge Road, Suite 300 Omaha, Nebraska 68114-3419 Telephone 402-392-1250 Facsimile 402-392-0816 NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION 718 N Pacific Street, LLC has been organized as a limited liability company under the Nebraska Uniform Limited Liability Company Act. The street and mailing addresses of the initial designated office of the company are 8712 West Dodge Road, Suite 300, Omaha, Nebraska 68114. The name and street and mailing addresses of the initial registered agent of the company for service of process are Robert M. Schartz, 8712 West Dodge Road, Suite 300, Omaha, Nebraska 68114. First publication November 10, 2023, final November 24, 2023 ROBERT M. GONDERINGER, Incorporator and Attorney with CROKER HUCK LAW FIRM 2120 South 72nd Street, Suite 1200 Omaha, Nebraska 68124 NOTICE OF INCORPORAT​ION OF 8 TO 80, INC. 8 to 80, Inc. has been incorporated under the Nebraska Model Business Corporation Act. The Articles of Incorporat​ion were filed on October 11, 2023. The street address of the corporatio​n’s registered office is 2120 South 72nd Street, Suite 1200, Omaha, Nebraska, 68124, and the initial registered agent at that office is Croker, Huck, Kasher, DeWitt, Anderson & Gonderinger, LLC. The corporation is authorized to issue 1,000 shares of common stock. First publication November 3, 2023, final November 17, 2023 NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION OF NAUTICAL DYNAMICS, L.L.C. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that NAUTICAL DYNAMICS, L.L.C., is organized under the laws of the State of Nebraska, with a designated and registered office at 811 Verdon Court, Plattsmouth, Nebraska 68048, manager and registered agent at such office being MARCUS P. OSTERGAARD. The Limited Liability Company is organized to transact any and all business, and perform services of every kind and nature whatsoever, which are not inconsistent with law. The Limited Liability Company commenced doing business on October 19, 2023, and filed Certificate of Organization with the Nebraska Secretary of State on October 26, 2023, and shall have perpetual existence. MARCUS P. OSTERGAARD, Organizati​onal Member 811 Verdon Court, Plattsmouth, NE 68048 First publication November 10, 2023, final November 24, 2023 NOTICE OF AMENDED CERTIFICATE OF ORGANIZATION OF WEALTHILY, LLC Notice is hereby given that the Certificate of Organization of Wealthily, LLC, a Nebraska limited liability company (“Company”), has been amended to change the name of the Company to Mount North Capital 5, LLC. The Amended Certificate of Organization was filed with the Nebraska Secretary of State on October 25, 2023. First publication November 3, 2023, final November 17, 2023 NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION OF TR EMPLOYMENT, LLC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that TR Employment, LLC (the “Company”) has been organized under the laws of the State of Nebraska. The Designated Office Address of the Company is 6414 S. 118th Street, Omaha, Nebraska 68137. The Registered Agent of the Company is Jon Novak, 6414 S. 118th Street, Omaha, Nebraska 68137. First publication November 17, 2023, final December 1, 2023

WHITMORE LAW OFFICE LLC 7602 PACIFIC STREET, SUITE 200, OMAHA, NEBRASKA 68114 RESTATED NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION AND AMENDMENT TO THE CERTIFICATE OF ORGANIZATION OF RED STAIR HOMES LLC. Notice is hereby given that Red Stair Homes LLC (the “Company”) has been organized under the laws of the State of Nebraska. The Designated Office of the Company is 615 N 40th Street, Omaha, Nebraska 68131. The Registered Agent of the Company is Jason Payne, 615 N 40th Street, Omaha, Nebraska 68131. The Company was formed on March 6, 2007 and has been Amended to change the name of the Company to Red Stair Homes, LLC, and to remove the extraneous and private information included in the original organization of this LLC. The Amended Certificate of Organization was filed with the Nebraska Secretary of State on October 13, 2023. First publication November 3, 2023, final November 17, 2023 NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION Notice is hereby given that CZKT Home Rentals, LLC has been organized under the laws of the State of Nebraska. The address of the Company’s designated office is 1910 S 44th St, Suite 101, Omaha, NE 68105. The initial agent for service of process at such address is Tran & Associates Law, LLC. Charlie Ziegenbein, Organizer First publication November 3, 2023, final November 17, 2023 NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION of a Limited Liability Company. Notice is hereby given that Phoenix Life Group, LLC has been organized as a limited liability company under Nebraska laws, with its designated office at 2943 S 120th Street, Omaha, NE 68134. It is organized to transact any lawful business for which a Limited Liability Company may be organized under Nebraska laws. Its affairs are to be conducted by the manager Audiel J Magallon Diaz. Its registered agent is Audiel J Magallon Diaz and his office is located at 9429 Ohio Street, Omaha, NE 68134. First publication November 3, 2023, final November 17, 2023 NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION OF INMERSIUNE, LLC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Inmersiune, LLC, a Nebraska limited liability company (the “Company”), filed a Statement of Dissolution with the Nebraska Secretary of State on November 8, 2023. If you have a claim against the Company, please provide the following information with respect to your claim: 1) your name or the name of your entity; 2) the nature of your claim; 3) the amount of your claim; and 4) the date your claim arose. All claims shall be mailed to 6417 N 157th Street, Omaha, NE 68116. A claim against the Company will be barred unless an action to enforce the claim is commenced within five (5) years after the publication date of the third required notice. Dvorak Law Group, LLC 9500 West Dodge Road, Suite 100 Omaha, Nebraska 68114 First publication November 17, 2023, final December 1, 2023 LAMSON DUGAN & MURRAY LLP Phillip T. Sanberg, Attorney 10306 Regency Parkway Drive Omaha, Nebraska 68114 NOTICE OF THE ORGANIZATION OF TLAC, LLC Notice is hereby given of the formation of a limited liability company under the laws of the State of Nebraska, and that the name of the limited liability company is TLAC, LLC. The address of the initial designated office is 10306 Regency Parkway Drive, Omaha, NE 68114. The name and address of the registered agent is LDM Business Services, Inc., 10306 Regency Parkway, Omaha, NE 68114. The general nature of the business to be transacted is all lawful business. The company commenced existence on October 31, 2023, and shall have perpetual duration. The affairs of the company shall be conducted by the Members, as prescribed by the Operating Agreement. LDM Business Services, Inc., Organizer First publication November 10, 2023, final November 24, 2023 NOTICE OF CONVERSION OF CUTCHALL MANAGEMENT COMPANY, INC. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Cutchall Management Company, Inc., a Nebraska corporation, has been converted into Cutchall Management Company, LLC, a Nebraska limited liability company by filing Articles of Conversion with the Nebraska Secretary of State on October 30, 2023. The effective date of the Articles of Conversion is October 31, 2023. The Designated Office Address of the Company is 13305 Birch Drive, Suite 201, Omaha, Nebraska 68164. The Registered Agent of the Company is Cutchall Capital, LLC, 13305 Birch Drive, Ste. 201, Omaha, Nebraska 68164. Dvorak Law Group, LLC 9500 West Dodge Road, Suite 100 Omaha, NE 68114 First publication November 10, 2023, final November 24, 2023 Page 28 • November 17, 2023

ERICKSON | SEDERSTROM 10330 Regency Parkway Drive, Suite 100 Omaha, Nebraska 68114 NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION Notice is given that IOTC, Inc. dissolved effective November 2, 2023. Edwin C. LeFebvre, President of the corporation, liquidated its business and affairs effective November 2, 2023. The corporation had no liabilities. The assets of the corporation were distributed to the Stockholders of the Corporation. IOTC, INC. By: Edwin C. LeFebvre, President First publication November 17, 2023, final December 1, 2023 NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION OF GUBBELS VENTURES, L.L.C. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Gubbels Ventures, L.L.C., a Nebraska limited liability company (the “Company”), filed a Statement of Dissolution with the Nebraska Secretary of State on November 8, 2023. If you have a claim against the Company, please provide the following information with respect to your claim: 1) your name or the name of your entity; 2) the nature of your claim; 3) the amount of your claim; and 4) the date your claim arose. All claims shall be mailed to 8217 County Rd 33, Blair, NE 68008. A claim against the Company will be barred unless an action to enforce the claim is commenced within five (5) years after the publication date of the third required notice. Dvorak Law Group, LLC 9500 West Dodge Road, Suite 100 Omaha, Nebraska 68114 First publication November 17, 2023, final December 1, 2023 KOLEY JESSEN P.C., L.L.O ., Attorneys 1125 South 103rd Street, Suite 800, One Pacific Place Omaha, Nebraska 68124-1079 NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION OF DAHLSTEN REAL ESTATE PARTNERSHIP, LLC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Dahlsten Real Estate Partnership, LLC, has been organized under the laws of the State of Nebraska. The designated office of the limited liability company is 2015 S. 193rd Street, Omaha, Nebraska 68130. The registered agent and office of the limited liability company is Koley Jessen P.C., L.L.O., 1125 South 103rd Street, Suite 800, Omaha, Nebraska 68124. The limited liability company commenced business on November 9, 2023 . First publication November 17, 2023, final December 1, 2023 Law Offices ABRAHAMS KASLOW & CASSMAN LLP 8712 West Dodge Road, Suite 300 Omaha, Nebraska 68114-3419 Telephone 402-392-1250 Facsimile 402-392-0816 NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION ONE Marketing LLC has been organized as a limited liability company under the Nebraska Uniform Limited Liability Company Act. The street and mailing addresses of the initial designated office of the company are 18120 Cinnamon Street, Omaha, Nebraska 68135. The name and street and mailing addresses of the initial registered agent of the company for service of process are David C. Nelson, 8712 West Dodge Road, Suite 300, Omaha, Nebraska 68114. First publication November 17, 2023, final December 1, 2023 NOTICE OF AMENDED CERTIFICATE OF ORGANIZATION OF RISE MEDICAL AESTHETICS, LLC Notice is hereby given that the Certificate of Organization of Rise Medical Aesthetics, LLC, a Nebraska professional limited liability company (“Company”), has been amended to change the name of the Company to ELE’VI Medical Aesthetics, LLC. The Amended Certificate of Organization was filed with the Nebraska Secretary of State on October 25, 2023. First publication November 3, 2023, final November 17, 2023 NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION OF GRAEM GROUP, LLC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Graem Group, LLC (the “Company”) has been organized under the laws of the State of Nebraska. The Designated Office Address of the Company is 13305 Birch Drive, Suite 100, Omaha, Nebraska 68164. The Registered Agent of the Company is DDLG Business Services, Inc., 9500 West Dodge Road, Suite 100, Omaha, Nebraska 68114. Dvorak Law Group, LLC 9500 West Dodge Road, Suite 100 Omaha, NE 68114 First publication November 17, 2023, final December 1, 2023

Erickson | Sederstrom, P.C., L.L.O. 10330 Regency Parkway Drive, Suite 100 Omaha, Nebraska 68114 402-397-2200 NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION McCollister & Co., a Nebraska corporation, filed Articles of Dissolution on November 7, 2023 with the Nebraska Secretary of State’s Office. The terms of the dissolution provide for the payment of liabilities of the corporation and the distribution of any remaining assets. John S. McCollister, as President, is to manage the corporate affairs relating to the dissolution of the Corporation. Any Corporation assets will be distributed in accordance with the Corporatio​ n’s plan of dissolution and it has no known liabilities. The Corporation requests that persons with claims against it present them in accordance with this notice. Any claimant shall send notice of a claim to the Corporation to the above address. A claim against Ralston Insurance Agency, Inc. will be barred unless a proceeding to enforce the claim is commenced within three (3) years after the publication of this notice. First publication November 17, 2023, final December 1, 2023 NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION OF EELLS CONCIERGE, LLC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Eells Concierge, LLC (the “Company”) has been organized under the laws of the State of Nebraska. The Designated Office Address of the Company is 5831 South 58th Street, Suite B, Lincoln, Nebraska 68516. The Registered Agent of the Company is DDLG Business Services, Inc., 9500 West Dodge Road, Suite 100, Omaha, Nebraska 68114. Dvorak Law Group, LLC 9500 West Dodge Road, Suite 100 Omaha, NE 68114 First publication November 17, 2023, final December 1, 2023 MATTHEW T. PAYNE PANSING HOGAN ERNST & BUSER, LLP 10250 Regency Circle, Suite 300 Omaha, Nebraska 68114 NOTICE OF AMENDMENT TO THE MILESTONES DISABILITY SERVICE, INC. Notice is hereby given that pursuant to the applicable provisions of the Nonprofit Corporation Act, the Articles of Incorporat​ion of Milestones Disability Service, Inc. (the “Corporati​on”) have been amended in the following respects: Article I of the Articles of Incorporat​ion of the Corporation is hereby amended so that, as amended, said Article shall provide as follows: ARTICLE I. NAME The name of the Corporation shall be Veritas Community Services, Inc. The Articles of Amendment were filed with the Secretary of State of Nebraska on November 8, 2023. In all other respects, the Articles of Incorporat​ion remain unchanged. First publication November 17, 2023, final December 1, 2023 NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION OF ARMOR OF GOD EQUIPPING CENTER LLC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Armor of God Equipping Center LLC has been organized under the laws of the State of Nebraska. The designated office address is 3602 South 154th Street, Omaha, Nebraska 68144. The registered agent and address is Halie Asmus, 3602 South 154th Street, Omaha, NE 68144. First publication November 10, 2023, final November 24, 2023 JAMES D. BUSER, Attorney PANSING HOGAN ERNST BUSER LLP 10250 Regency Circle, Suite 300 Omaha, Nebraska 68114 NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION OF LK02 HEARTWOOD, LLC Notice is hereby given of the organization of LK02 Heartwood, LLC: 1. The name of the limited liability company is LK02 Heartwood, LLC; and 2. The street and mailing address of the initial designated office is 12910 Pierce Street, Suite 110, Omaha, Nebraska 68144, and the name and street address of the initial agent for service of process is James D. Buser, 10250 Regency Circle, Suite 300, Omaha, Nebraska 68114. First publication November 10, 2023, final November 24, 2023 NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION OF BRENNAN CONSULTING, LLC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Brennan Consulting, LLC (the “Company”) has been organized under the laws of the State of Nebraska. The Designated Office Address of the Company is 19512 Gail Avenue, Omaha, Nebraska 68135. The Registered Agent of the Company is DDLG Business Services, Inc., 9500 West Dodge Road, Suite 100, Omaha, Nebraska 68114. Dvorak Law Group, LLC 9500 West Dodge Road, Suite 100 Omaha, NE 68114 First publication November 3, 2023, final November 17, 2023

NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION OF JP & PC WEST DODGE, LLC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that JP & PC West Dodge, LLC (the “Company”) has been organized under the laws of the State of Nebraska. The Designated Office Address of the Company is 12325 Emmet Street, Omaha, Nebraska 68164. The Registered Agent of the Company is Paul G. Cech, 12325 Emmet Street, Omaha, Nebraska 68164. First publication November 3, 2023, final November 17, 2023 Robert J. Likes LIKES MEYERSON HATCH LLC 444 Regency Parkway Dr., #100 Omaha, NE 68114 NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION OF WULFPACK CONSULTING, LLC Notice is hereby given that Wulfpack Consulting, LLC, a Nebraska limited liability company, has been organized under the laws of the State of Nebraska. The street and mailing address of the Company’s initial designated office is 5204 California Street, Omaha, Nebraska 68132; the mailing address of the Company’s initial agent for service of process is 5204 California Street, Omaha, Nebraska 68132; and the Company’s initial agent for service of process at such address is Clay Wulf. First publication November 3, 2023, final November 17, 2023 Notice of Organization Joan M. Edwards, LLC Notice is hereby given that Joan M. Edwards, LLC, a Nebraska limited liability company, has been organized under the laws of the State of Nebraska, with its initial designated office at 15534 Decatur Street, Omaha, Nebraska 68154, and with its initial agent for service of process as Joan M. Edwards, 15534 Decatur Street, Omaha, Nebraska 68154. First publication November 3, 2023, final November 17, 2023 KOLEY JESSEN P.C., L.L.O., Attorneys 1125 South 103rd Street, Suite 800, Omaha, Nebraska 68124 NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION The name of the Company is Villa My Home, LLC. The Designated Office of the Company is 75 Peppermill Point, Valley, Nebraska 68064 The Registered Agent and Office of the Company is Koley Jessen P.C., L.L.O., 1125 South 103rd Street, Suite 800, Omaha, Nebraska 68124. This limited liability company commenced business on November 7, 2023. First publication November 17, 2023, final December 1, 2023 NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION OF HAWTHORNE JAMES, INC. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Hawthorne James, Inc., a Nebraska corporation (“Corporat​ ion”), has filed Articles of Dissolution with the Nebraska Secretary of State on November 7, 2023. The terms and conditions of such dissolution are, in general, that all debts and obligations of the Corporation are to be fully paid and satisfied or adequate provision is to be made therefore. The President, David Tewes, will wind up and liquidate the Corporatio​n’s business and affairs. The Corporation has no assets or liabilities as of the date hereof. First publication November 17, 2023, final December 1, 2023 BENJAMIN J. PICK, Attorney PANSING HOGAN ERNST & BUSER LLP 10250 Regency Circle, Suite 300, Omaha, Nebraska 68114-3728 NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION OF STBX GI, LLC Notice is hereby given of the organization of STBX GI, LLC: 1. The name of the limited liability company is STBX GI, LLC; and 2. The street and mailing address of the initial designated office is 12910 Pierce Street, Ste. 110, Omaha, Nebraska 68144, and the name and street address of the initial agent for service of process is Benjamin J. Pick, 10250 Regency Circle, Suite 300, Omaha, Nebraska 68114. First publication November 3, 2023, final November 17, 2023 Notice is Hereby Given that HJEMKOMST CONSULTING, LLC, has been organized under the laws of the State of Nebraska on 08/02/2023. The registered agent and office of the LLC is Beverly Lahlum Taylor, 1520 N 10th Street, Bellevue, NE 68005. The designated office address is 1520 N 10th Street, Bellevue, NE 68005. First publication November 17, 2023, final December 1, 2023 BENJAMIN J. PICK, Attorney PANSING HOGAN ERNST & BUSER LLP 10250 Regency Circle, Suite 300, Omaha, Nebraska 68114-3728 NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION OF DREAMVESTING KEARNEY, LLC Notice is hereby given of the organization of Dreamvesting Kearney, LLC: 1. The name of the limited liability company is Dreamvesting Kearney, LLC; and 2. The street and mailing address of the initial designated office is 503 S. 36 th Street, Omaha, Nebraska 68105 , and the name and street address of the initial agent for service of process is Benjamin J. Pick, 10250 Regency Circle, Suite 300, Omaha, Nebraska 68114. First publication November 10, 2023, final November 24, 2023 Page 29 • November 17, 2023­

LAW OFFICES ABRAHAMS KASLOW & CASSMAN LLP 8712 WEST DODGE ROAD, SUITE 300 OMAHA, NEBRASKA 68114-3419 TELEPHONE 402-392-1250 FACSIMILE 402-392-0816 NOTICE OF INCORPORAT​ION JAV.VAC, Inc. has been incorporated under the Nebraska Model Business Corporation Act. The street address of the corporatio​ n’s initial registered office is 8712 West Dodge Road, Suite 300, Omaha, Nebraska, and the name of the initial registered agent of the corporation at that office is Thomas J. Malicki. The corporation is authorized to issue 1,000 shares of Common Stock. The name and street address of the incorporator of the corporation are Thomas J. Malicki, 8712 West Dodge Road, Suite 300, Omaha, Nebraska 68114. First publication November 3, 2023, final November 17, 2023 NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION OF MONDO EYEN WE LANGA GROUP LLC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT MONDO EYEN WE LANGA GROUP LLC (the “Company”) has been organized under the laws of the State of Nebraska. The Designated Office Address of the Company is 5326 Hanover Circle, Omaha NE 68152. The Registered Agent of the Company is Robert Penn Jr, 5326 Hanover Circle Omaha NE 68152. First publication November 10, 2023, final November 24, 2023 NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION OF MAJOR HOME HEALTH, LLC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Major Home Health, LLC (the “Company”) has been organized under the laws of the State of Nebraska. The Designated Office Address of the Company is 16199 Capitol Avenue, Omaha, Nebraska 68118. The Registered Agent of the Company is DDLG Business Services, Inc., 9500 West Dodge Road, Suite 100, Omaha, Nebraska 68114. Dvorak Law Group, LLC 9500 West Dodge Road, Suite 100 Omaha, NE 68114 First publication November 10, 2023, final November 24, 2023 KOLEY JESSEN P.C., L.L.O., Attorneys 1125 South 103rd Street, Suite 800, Omaha, Nebraska 68124 NOTICE OF CONVERSION NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that BMI Service Group , Inc. has been converted into BMI Service Group LLC under the laws of the State of Nebraska. The Designated Office of the company is 3606 North 156th Street, Suite 237, Omaha, Nebraska 68116. The Registered Office of the company is 1125 South 103rd Street, Suite 800, Omaha, Nebraska 68124 and the Registered Agent at such address is Koley Jessen P.C., L.L.O . The conversion of the corporation into the limited liability company was accomplished by the filing of Articles of Conversion and a Certificate of Organization with the Nebraska Secretary of State on October 27, 2023. First publication November 3, 2023, final November 17, 2023 NOTICE OF INCORPORAT​ION OF BALKH TRANSPORTA​TION, INC. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that BALKH TRANSPORTA​TION, INC., is incorporated under the laws of the State of Nebraska, with a registered office at 2518 South 114th Street, Apt. 1C, Omaha, Nebraska 68144, registered agent ABDUL AZIZI. The general nature of the business is to operate a general trucking business, to own, operate and perform services of every kind and nature whatsoever, which are not inconsistent with law, which are necessary, suitable, proper, convenient or expedient to the operation of a general trucking business. The authorized capital stock is $10,000.00, consisting of 10,000 shares of stock having a par value of $1.00 each, which stock shall be paid for wholly or partly by cash, by labor, by personal property and by real property. The corporation became a corporate body on October 21, 2023, and upon its Articles being filed with the Nebraska Secretary of State on October 27, 2023, and shall have perpetual existence. The affairs of the corporation are to be conducted by a Board of Directors, the number of directors to be provided in the By-Laws, and the officers shall be a President, VicePresi​dent, Secretary and Treasurer, and such other officers as shall be designated in the By-Laws. ANTHONY L. GROSS, Incorporator CATHERINE L. WHITE, Incorporator 3018 South 87th Street, Omaha, NE 68124 First publication November 10, 2023, final November 24, 2023 NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION OF RW PROPERTIES, LLC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that RW Properties, LLC, a Nebraska Limited Liability Company, has been organized under the laws of the State of Nebraska, with the initial Designated Office Address 8922 S. 66th Avenue, Papillion, NE 68133. The initial registered agent and office address is Christopher J. Roth, 8922 S. 66th Ave., Papillion, NE 68133. First publication November 17, 2023, final December 1, 2023

Gnuse LAW OFFICE, P.C. Rodney G. Gnuse 11311 Chicago Circle Omaha , NE 68154 NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION OF ROGERS SPECIALTY FLOORING AND IMPROVEMEN​TS, L.L.C. A Nebraska Limited Liability Company Notice is hereby given that Rogers Specialty Flooring and Improvemen​ ts, L.L.C., a Nebraska Limited Liability Company, has been organized under the laws of the State of Nebraska, with its designated office located at 10909 Jones Street, Omaha, NE 68154. The general nature of its business is to engage in and do any lawful act concerning any and all lawful business for which a limited liability company may be organized under the laws of the State of Nebraska. The address of the limited liability company’s initial registered office is 11311 Chicago Circle, Omaha, NE 68154, and the name of its’ initial registered agent at such address is Rodney G. Gnuse. The Certificate of Organization was filed in the office of the Nebraska Secretary of State on November 3, 2023. The Company commenced business thereon and shall have perpetual existence. The affairs of the Company are to be conducted by the Members. Rodney G. Gnuse Organizer First publication November 10, 2023, final November 24, 2023 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Ione LLC (the “Company”) has been organized under the laws of the State of Nebraska. The Designated Office Address of the Company is 3839 South 148th Street, Suite 160, Omaha, Nebraska, 68144. The Registered Agent of the Company is Angela Schmit of Koukol Johnson Schmit & Milone, LLC, 3839 South 148th Street, Suite 160, Omaha, Nebraska, 68144. First publication November 10, 2023, final November 24, 2023 WHITMORE LAW OFFICE LLC 7602 PACIFIC STREET, SUITE 200, OMAHA, NEBRASKA 68114 NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION Notice is hereby given that Matson Construction LLC (the “Company”) has been organized under the laws of the State of Nebraska. The Designated Office of the Company is 7202 Giles Road Suite 4 PMB 250, La Vista, Nebraska 68128. The Registered Agent of the Company is Russell Matson, 4974 Laplatte Road, Papillion, Nebraska 68133. The Company was formed on October 17, 2023. First publication November 10, 2023, final November 24, 2023 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Invest Pro Title & Escrow, LLC has been organized under the laws of the State of Nebraska. The designated office of the limited liability company is 11725 Arbor Street, Suite 140, Omaha, NE 68144. The registered agent and office of the limited liability company is John Massih, 11725 Arbor Street, Suite 140, Omaha, NE 68144. First publication November 17, 2023, final December 1, 2023 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that JMP Consulting, LLC has been organized under the laws of the State of Nebraska. The designated office of the limited liability company is 15517 Nebraska Ave, Omaha, NE 68116. The registered agent and office of the limited liability company is John M. Pleiss, 15517 Nebraska Ave. Omaha, NE 68116. The limited liability company commenced business on November 1, 2023. First publication November 10, 2023, final November 24, 2023 NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION Notice is hereby given that Three Awesome Bees Realty, LLC, (the “Company”) has been organized under the laws of the State of Nebraska. The address of the Company’s designated office is 1910 S 44th St, Suite 101, Omaha, NE 68105. The initial agent for service of process at such address is Tran & Associates Law, LLC. Wills Stadin Pierre, Organizer First publication November 3, 2023, final November 17, 2023 ERICKSON | SEDERSTROM, P.C. 10330 Regency Parkway Drive Omaha, NE 68114 NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION OF WILLIAM & JERRI SALBER, LLC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that William & Jerri Salber, LLC, a Nebraska limited liability company, has been duly organized under the laws of the State of Nebraska, with its designated office located at 17145 S Street, Omaha, Nebraska 68135 and designating its registered agent as Erickson & Sederstrom, P.C. a limited liability organization with its registered office at 10330 Regency Parkway Drive, Suite 100, Omaha, Nebraska 68114. First publication November 3, 2023, final November 17, 2023

NOTICE OF AMENDMENT TO THE CERTIFICATE OF ORGANIZATION OF 13478, LLC Notice is hereby given that the Certificate of Organization of 13478, LLC, a Nebraska limited liability company, has been amended to reflect its designated office as 13478 Chandler Road, Omaha, NE 68138. The Amended Certificate of Organization was filed with the Nebraska Secretary of State on October 30, 2023. Dvorak Law Group, LLC 9500 W Dodge Road, Suite 100 Omaha, Nebraska 68114 First publication November 10, 2023, final November 24, 2023 NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION Notice is hereby given that Waterfall Rental, LLC, has been organized under the laws of the State of Nebraska. The address of the designated office is 1910 S 44th St, Suite 101, Omaha, NE 68105. The initial agent for service of process at such address is Tran & Associates Law, LLC. Khanh Tran, Organizer/​Member First publication November 3, 2023, final November 17, 2023 NOTICE OF CONVERSION OF CUTCH, INC. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Cutch, Inc., a Nebraska corporation, has been converted into Cutch, LLC, a Nebraska limited liability company by filing Articles of Conversion with the Nebraska Secretary of State on October 30, 2023. The effective date of the Articles of Conversion is October 31, 2023. The Designated Office Address of the Company is 13305 Birch Drive, Suite 201, Omaha, Nebraska 68164. The Registered Agent of the Company is Cutchall Management Company, LLC, 13305 Birch Drive, Ste. 201, Omaha, Nebraska 68164. Dvorak Law Group, LLC 9500 West Dodge Road, Suite 100 Omaha, NE 68114 First publication November 10, 2023, final November 24, 2023 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Harbor of Hope Dog Rescue (the “Corporati​on”) has been incorporated as a nonprofit public benefit corporation under the laws of the State of Nebraska on October 30, 2023 which is organized exclusively for charitable purposes and will not have members. The Registered Agent is Heather A Noyes with the office at 1311 Sunbury Drive, Bellevue, NE 68005. The incorporat​ors are Heather A Noyes at 1311 Sunbury Drive, Bellevue, NE 68005, and Anita Oldham at 58299 207th St, Pacific Junction, IA, 51561 First publication November 10, 2023, final November 24, 2023 NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION OF MALIK’S HOME RENOVATION LLC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Malik’s Home Renovation LLC, a Nebraska Limited Liability Company, has been organized under the laws of the state of Nebraska, commencing business on October 20, 2023, with its initial designated office at 12962 Meredith Avenue, Omaha, NE 68164. The initial agent for service of process of the Company is Malik Milat, 12962 Meredith Avenue, Omaha, NE 68164. First publication November 3, 2023, final November 17, 2023 Notice of Organization Notice is here by given that a limited liability company has been formed under the name of Sway Property, LLC. The registered agent is Florence Nightingale, 4911 N 64th St, Omaha, NE 68104. The address of the designated office is 4911 N 64th St, Omaha, NE 68104. The general nature of its business is to engage in and do any lawful act concerning any and all lawful business other than banking or insurance, for which a limited liability company may be organized under the laws of the State of Nebraska. The company commenced on October 31, 2023 and has perpetual existence. The affairs of the limited liability company are to be conducted by its members until such time as their successors​(s) are selected pursuant to the Operating Agreement. Sway Property, LLC Florence Nightingale 4911 N 64th St Omaha, NE 68104 First publication November 10, 2023, final November 24, 2023 NOTICE of ORGANIZATI​ON The name of the company is Live Authentic LLC (hereafter the “Company). The Designated Office of the Company is 3803 N 153rd St, Ste 200, Omaha, Nebraska 68116. The Registered Agent of the Company is Brooke Steppat, 3320 N 125th, St, Omaha, NE 68164. The general nature of the business is to transact in lawful business. The affairs of the Company shall be managed by the Members as prescribed in the Operating Agreement. This limited liability company commenced business on October 26, 2023, after filing the Certificate of Organization with the Nebraska Secretary of State and shall have perpetual duration. First publication November 3, 2023, final November 17, 2023 Page 30 • November 17, 2023

NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION OF RUSH HOLDINGS, LLC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Rush Holdings, LLC (the “Company”) has been organized under the laws of the State of Nebraska. The Designated Office Address of the Company is 14301 FNB Parkway, Suite 204, Omaha, Nebraska 68154. The Registered Agent of the Company is Jennifer L. Rattner, 14301 FNB Parkway, Suite 204, Omaha, Nebraska 68154. First publication November 10, 2023, final November 24, 2023 LAMSON DUGAN & MURRAY LLP Phillip T. Sanberg, Attorney 10306 Regency Parkway Drive Omaha, Nebraska 68114 NOTICE OF THE ORGANIZATION OF TLMH, LLC Notice is hereby given of the formation of a limited liability company under the laws of the State of Nebraska, and that the name of the limited liability company is TLMH, LLC. The address of the initial designated office is 10306 Regency Parkway Drive, Omaha, NE 68114. The name and address of the registered agent is LDM Business Services, Inc., 10306 Regency Parkway, Omaha, NE 68114. The general nature of the business to be transacted is all lawful business. The company commenced existence on November 1, 2023, and shall have perpetual duration. The affairs of the company shall be conducted by the Members, as prescribed by the Operating Agreement. LDM Business Services, Inc., Organizer First publication November 10, 2023, final November 24, 2023 ERICKSON | SEDERSTROM, P.C. 10330 Regency Parkway Drive Omaha, NE 68114 NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION OF THRCDM, LLC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that THRCDM, LLC, a Nebraska limited liability company, has been duly organized under the laws of the State of Nebraska with its designated office located at 513 Ridge Road, Bellevue, NE 68005 and designating its registered agent as Erickson & Sederstrom, P.C., a Limited Liability Organization with its registered office at 10330 Regency Parkway Drive, Suite 100, Omaha, NE 68114. First publication November 3, 2023, final November 17, 2023 Walentine O’Toole, LLP Attorneys 11240 Davenport Street P.O. Box 540125 Omaha, NE 68154 NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION OF ICONNECTU, LLC ICONNECTU, LLC, with its initial designated office at 7018 S. 183rd St., Omaha, NE 68136, gives notice that it filed its Certificate of Organization with the Nebraska Secretary of State on October 30, 2023, and that it has been organized as a Nebraska limited liability company under the laws of the State of Nebraska. The initial agent for the service of process is David P. Wilson, and his initial mailing address is 11240 Davenport St., Omaha, NE 68154. The company’s period of duration is perpetual, and the general nature of its business is to engage in any and all lawful business for which a limited liability company may be organized under the laws of the State of Nebraska. David Burke, Member Tami Burke, Member First publication November 10, 2023, final November 24, 2023 WHITMORE LAW OFFICE LLC 7602 PACIFIC STREET, SUITE 200, OMAHA, NEBRASKA 68114 NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION Notice is hereby given that PRLC LLC (the “Company”) has been organized under the laws of the State of Nebraska. The Designated Office of the Company is 620 Ridgeland Avenue, Fremont, Nebraska 68025. The Registered Agent of the Company is Michelle Garule, 620 Ridgeland Avenue, Fremont, Nebraska 68025. The Company was formed on October 20, 2023. First publication November 10, 2023, final November 24, 2023 NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION Notice is hereby given that Patriot de America, LLC, has been organized under the laws of the State of Nebraska. The address of the designated office is 1910 S 44th St, Suite 101, Omaha, NE 68105. The initial agent for service of process at such address is Tran & Associates Law, LLC. Khanh Tran, Organizer/​Member First publication November 3, 2023, final November 17, 2023 Notice is hereby given that Badlands Design, LLC has been amended as follows: the limited liability company has changed its name to Harding Design, LLC. The Amended Certificat​ion of Organization was filed with the Nebraska Secretary of State on October 31, 2023. First publication November 10, 2023, final November 24, 2023

NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION OF JAC HOLDINGS, LLC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that JAC Holdings, LLC, a Nebraska limited liability company, has filed a Statement of Dissolution with the Nebraska Secretary of State on October 31, 2023. If you have a claim against the Company, please provide the following information with respect to your claim: (1) Your name or the name of your company; (2) The nature of your claim; (3) The amount of your claim; and (4) The date your claim arose. Please forward the above-refe​renced information to William M. Rhoades, 18729 Lamon St., Omaha, NE 68130. Claims against the Company will be barred unless a proceeding to enforce the claim is commenced within five years after the publication of this notice. Dvorak Law Group, LLC 9500 West. Dodge Road Suite 100 Omaha, NE 68114 First publication November 3, 2023, final November 17, 2023 LEGACY DESIGN STRATEGIES, LLC, Attorneys 9859 S. 168th Ave, Omaha, NE 68136 NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION The name of the Limited Liability Company is EXTREME BALANCE CONSULTING, LLC. The designated office of the limited liability company is 9859 South 168th Avenue, Omaha, NE 68136. The registered agent and office of the limited liability company is Andrew C. Sigerson at Andrew C. Sigerson, PC, LLO, at 9859 South 168th Avenue, Omaha, NE 68136. The purpose for which the company is organized is to engage in any and all business which is lawful under the Nebraska Uniform Limited Liability Company Act of the State of Nebraska. The company commenced its existence on September 25, 2023, and the period of duration of the Company shall be perpetual. The affairs of the company shall be conducted by its Members in accordance with the company’s operating agreement. First publication November 17, 2023 NOTICE OF GUARDIANSHIP PROCEEDINGS IN THE COURT (PROBATE DIVISION) OF DOUGLAS COUNTY, NEBRASKA To: Any interested party with respect to the Petition for Appointment of Permanent Guardianship filed by the Petitioner, Dominga Pedro Pedro De Gregorio, for appointment as permanent Guardian of Luz Marina Pedro Pedro, case PR 23-0001897. You are hereby notified that on November 2, 2023, a Petition was filed to appoint a Permanent Guardian for Luz Marina Pedro Pedro, that the hearing on the appointment of a permanent guardian will take place on November 27, 2023, at 9:00 AM in Douglas County, 1701 Farnam Street, Ctrm. #330, Omaha, NE 68183 the object of which is to have Petitioner appointed as the Permanent Guardian of Luz Marina Pedro Pedro. You are required to answer this Petition on or before that date or the Court will proceed with the appointment of the permanent guardian. Dominga Pedro Pedro De Gregorio, Petitioner By: Lucia Marquez, Lucia Marquez Law, LLC 3035 Harney Street, Suite 101C Omaha, NE 68131 Ph: 712-333-5225 Attorney for Petitioner First publication November 10, 2023, final November 24, 2023 NOTICE OF AMENDED CERTIFICATE OF ORGANIZATION OF BLUE STEM CONSULTING, LLC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Certificate of Organization of Blue Stem Consulting, LLC has been amended to change the name of the company to: Blue Stem Contracting, LLC and to change the registered agent and office to: Koley Jessen P.C., L.L.O., 1125 South 103rd Street, Suite 800, Omaha, Nebraska 68124. The amendment was accomplished by the filing of an Amended Certificate of Organization with the Nebraska Secretary of State on October 24, 2023. First publication November 3, 2023, final November 17, 2023

Thomas H. Penke, Attorney 12020 Shamrock Plaza, Suite 200 Omaha, Nebraska 68154 IN THE COUNTY COURT OF DOUGLAS COUNTY, NEBRASKA ESTATE OF LORA IRLBECK JACKSON, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that on the day of September 18, 2023, in the County Court of Douglas County, Nebraska, the Registrar issued a written statement of Informal Probate of the Will of said Deceased person, and that Judy K. Erb, 5127 North 134th Street, Nebraska 68164, has been appointed Personal Representa​tive of this estate. Creditors of this estate must file their claims with this Court on or before January 24, 2024, or be forever barred. Reyna Poggee, Registrar First publication November 10, 2023, final November 24, 2023 APPLICATION FOR REGISTRATION OF TRADE NAME Trade Name to be registered is: NEBRASKIN. Name of Applicant: Nebraskin Aesthetics, LLC Address: 12413 PHEASANT RUN LANE, PAPILLION, NE 68046 Applicant is A LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY. If other than an Individual, state under whose laws entity was formed: Nebraska. Date of first use of name in Nebraska: upon filing General nature of business: Cosmetic and skin care treatments, procedures, services and products. Max J. Burbach Signature of Applicant or Legal Representa​tive First publication November 17, 2023 APPLICATION FOR REGISTRATION OF TRADE NAME Trade Name to be registered is: MIDWEST VASCULAR IMAGING. Name of Applicant: Ramos MD, PC Address: 1301 S. 75TH ST. SUITE 230, OMAHA, NE 68124 Applicant is A CORPORATION. If other than an Individual, state under whose laws entity was formed: Nebraska. Date of first use of name in Nebraska: June 26, 2003 General nature of business: Medical Practice. Tammy K. Ramos, M.D. Signature of Applicant or Legal Representa​tive First publication November 17, 2023 APPLICATION FOR REGISTRATION OF TRADE NAME Trade Name to be registered is: MCCOLLISTER & CO. Name of Applicant: McColliste​r-Stokes, LLC Address: 16611 SPRING CIRCLE, OMAHA, NE 68130 Applicant is A LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY. If other than an Individual, state under whose laws entity was formed: Nebraska. Date of first use of name in Nebraska: upon filing General nature of business: Real estate holdings. Stephen J. McCollister, Manager. Signature of Applicant or Legal Representa​tive First publication November 17, 2023 APPLICATION FOR REGISTRATION OF TRADE NAME Trade Name to be registered is: CENTER STREET MEDICAL. Name of Applicant: D & J Olson, LLC Address: 1722 S. 87TH STREET, OMAHA, NE 68124 Applicant is A LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY. If other than an Individual, state under whose laws entity was formed: Nebraska. Date of first use of name in Nebraska: July 13, 2023 General nature of business: Ownership of Medical Office Building. Paul M. Brown Signature of Applicant or Legal Representa​tive First publication November 17, 2023

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MICHAEL J. WEAVER, Attorney Vandenack Weaver LLC 17007 Marcy Street, Suite 1 Omaha, Nebraska, 68118 Telephone 402-504-1300 APPLICATION FOR REGISTRATION OF TRADE NAME Trade Name to be registered is: TEMPORARY WALL SYSTEMS LINCOLN. Name of Applicant: Nebraska Wall Holding LLC Address: 1506 SOUTH 152ND AVENUE CIRCLE, OMAHA, NE 68144 Applicant is A LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY. If other than an Individual, state under whose laws entity was formed: Nebraska. Date of first use of name in Nebraska: October 1, 2023 General nature of business: Rentable wall containment systems. Michael J. Weaver Signature of Applicant or Legal Representa​tive First publication November 3, 2023, final November 17, 2023 APPLICATION FOR REGISTRATION OF TRADE NAME Trade Name to be registered is: IT’S GOT TO GO. Name of Applicant: IGTG, LLC Address: 7727 KEYSTONE DRIVE, OMAHA, NE 68134 Applicant is A LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY. If other than an Individual, state under whose laws entity was formed: Nebraska. Date of first use of name in Nebraska: upon filing General nature of business: Debris and junk removal. Zachary Johnson, Member. Signature of Applicant or Legal Representa​tive First publication November 17, 2023 APPLICATION FOR REGISTRATION OF TRADE NAME Trade Name to be registered is: MIDWEST VASCULAR AND ENDOVASCULAR SURGERY. Name of Applicant: Ramos MD, PC Address: 1301 S. 75TH ST. SUITE 230, OMAHA, NE 68124 Applicant is A CORPORATION. If other than an Individual, state under whose laws entity was formed: Nebraska. Date of first use of name in Nebraska: June 26, 2003 General nature of business: Medical Practice. Tammy K. Ramos M.D. Signature of Applicant or Legal Representa​tive First publication November 17, 2023 APPLICATION FOR REGISTRATION OF TRADE NAME Trade Name to be registered is: EXECU-SUIT​ES. Name of Applicant: Parish Enterprises, Inc. Address: 12020 SHAMROCK PLZ STE 200, OMAHA, NE 68154 Applicant is A CORPORATION. If other than an Individual, state under whose laws entity was formed: Nebraska. Date of first use of name in Nebraska: April 1989 General nature of business: Executive Office Suites and Services. Jerry L. Pont. Signature of Applicant or Legal Representa​tive First publication November 17, 2023

STARTING A business? We publish and file trade name applications, notices of organization and notices of incorporation for the State of Nebraska.

goto mbj.com for more information. Page 31 • November 17, 2023­

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