MBM Issue 9

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The global magazine for Muslim women

‫المجلة العالمية للمرأة المسلمة‬ A p r i l / M a y 2010

٠٢٠٢ ‫مايو‬/‫أبريل‬

magazine ‫مجلة المسلمات الجميالت‬ Jumada al-Ula 1431

٠٣٤٠ ‫ماوى اىدلي‬

The Taqwa Issue ‫قضية التقوى‬

Volume I Issue IX

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CONTENTS April 2010 Editor's Letter …………………………….…………….Pages 4-5 Islamic words explained for the Non Muslim……………....Page 6 My Thoughts on Sister Aminah Assilmi .………...……..Pages 8-10 The Treasures of Taqwa …………………………..Pages 12-15 Blue Hijab Day—April 2nd 2010…………………...Pages 16-17 Decisions Decisions ……………………………….Pages 18-19 Habibi Halaqas Feature ……...……………………Pages 21-29 Tips for New Muslims from a Convert Brother…….....Pages 30-34 Ten Tips for Non Traditional Adult Students ……….Pages 37-39 Halal Hawaiian Recipes ………...………………...Pages 42-48 Quran Challenge ……………………….…………..Pages 50-51 Tips for New Muslims from MBM Readers …..………..…Pages 52 Journey to Jerusalem Chapter 6…………..………...Pages 54-60 Interview with HalalTrip.com …...………………...…Pages 64-65 The Ability to See the Signs of Allah…...…………...Pages 66-68 Interview with Sister Fatima A. Khan ….…………. Pages 70-72

© Copyright Modest Beautiful Muslima Magazine 2009-2010. Reproduction or redistribution of anything from MBM requires proper credit to be given.



From the Bism Allah Al-Rahman Al-Raheem. In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. Assalamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullah Wa Barakatu. May the peace & mercy of Allah Subhana Wa Ta‟ala (Glorious & Exaulted is He) be on you.

Dear MBM Readers, InshaAllah, I hope you are all in the best of health and increased Iman. The theme of this issue is Taqwa. Taqwa is really hard to describe in English, as it encompasses so many beautiful dimensions. Taqwa can be loosely defined as “God Conciousness” or “God Fearing”. Commonly, Taqwa will be described to a child as “worshipping Allah (SWT) as if He sees you”. In this issue, I invite you to reflect everything you read to your direct life. InshaAllah, I want you to really think about your relationship with Allah SWT and see where you can inshaAllah improve. This editor‟s letter will be shorter than my usual letters for the simple reason that in Islam, everything is built upon proofs of the Qur‟an and Ahadith. Therefore, when speaking about an Islamic concept such as Taqwa, it is essential to speak from the direct proofs. Therefore, I invite you to watch a khutbah called “Who are the people of Taqwa?” by Brother Nouman Ali Khan here.

Jazakum Allahu Khairun

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This issue will be dedicated to Sister Aminah Assilmi, who passed away in March, Inna Lillahi Wa Ina Ilayhi Rajioon. May Allah SWT be pleased with her. Please take the time to watch some of Sister Aminahâ€&#x;s lectures on YouTube. She was truly a good example of Taqwa. Enjoy the issue. Everything that is good in this issue comes from the blessings of Allah SWT. Everything that is bad comes from me. InshaAllah everyone will benefit. And Allah SWT knows best! Jazakum Allahu Khairun,

Yasmin Essa mbmuslima.com


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My thoughts on Sister Aminah Assilmi

By Brother Yusuf Sjamsuddin

A while ago, someone asked me how I normally heard announcements of janazah prayers within my community. I responded by simply saying that I just happened to hear it. Alhamdulilah, I always try to pray at the masjid, so while Iâ€&#x;m there, I get to listen to the announcements. Alhamdulilah, it has become a habit for me to pass the news to all the Muslims in my community via E-mail and text messages. This time was unusual. Before the Jummah prayer,I received an E-mail regarding the passing away of sister Aminah Assilmi. Inna Lillahi wa inna ilayhi raa’jiun I said. Then there was a flashback running in my head. I clearly saw myself sitting at one of her lectures during an ICNA convention. She was explaining Verse no. 59 of Surah Al-Ahzab. Alhamdulillah, this gave me the flavor of wisdom behind the order of putting on Hijab. Then one of the brothers that I had not seen for a long time came to my mind. Photograph: Pedro Diaz | Dreamstime.com

I thought of him because he told me that his wife decided to take her Shahadah after sitting at one of her lectures MashaAllah. Suddenly, I felt different. I felt so sad that she just died because I know sister Aminah was one of the best representatives of Islam of our time today. I know that she always worked hard to clarify misconceptions in the minds of the non-Muslims and to the Muslims as well. My sadness then became balanced with happiness because I know that one of the signs of good ending is passing away on the day of Jummah. Another forwarded E-mail came to me from Brother Riyad Shamma. This E-mail is one of a kind. It was about the lessons that we can learn from the life of sister Aminah. He mentions three of her qualities that we all should reflect on: commitment, constancy and jihad (strive on the path of Allah). For those who know her, I am sure they 8

can easily relate to all of these in respect to her life. As for those of us who barely know her, after reading her biography I am sure each one of us can relate to her commitment to Islam. She became Muslim back in the time when Islam was still not familiar in America. Nowadays, it is not uncommon to see someone taking his or her shahadah at the Masjid, especially after Jummah prayers. Alhamdulillah, nowadays there are many Muslim support groups, da‟wah groups and social committte in every masjid. Back in 1977, I could only imagine how difficult it must be for a revert. On my way to the masjid for the Jummah prayer, I felt the urge to tell the brothers to make announcements after Jummah. But I thought to myself, I am sure that they already aware of her passing. I even had confidence that the khatib might mention her during the Khutba. However, when they made the announcements, her name was never mentioned. I was so disappointed and became more sad. Alhamdulillah this actually pushed me to keep making du‟aa for her. My wish is for every Muslim in America listen to one of her lectures about Islam. I wish that every Muslim recognioze her and make du‟aa for her. mbmuslima.com

When I got home, I forwarded Brother Riyad Shamma‟s E-mail to every Muslim in my contacts.. Every time I received a replied from someone, I took time to encourage that person to find out more about her. I myself went to YouTube and listened to one of her talks again. It definitely strengthened my Iman. The next day, I made it to Fajr prayer at the Masjid, Alhamdulillah. As usual, most of the board members of this Masjid were present also. After the prayer, the President of the board members requested the Imam to make du‟aa collectively for sister Aminah Assilmi. Apparently, he just read her story the night before after receiving emails that were circulating around. He shared her story to the Fajr crowd which were only around 12 or13 brothers. Alhamdulillah, this just made my day. I was so happy and excited after the prayer. I decided to send a personal email to the President afterwards, thanking him. I wanted to make sure that I expressed my appreciation for this. I will take one lesson from the life of sister Aminah. When I watch her lectures on YouTube or listen to CDs of her lectures, we can clearly see that sister Aminah was always stressing the importance of following what Allah SWT commanded us to do. 9


Ask yourself the following question: From all the commandments that Allah has ordered us to do, which one should we always prioritize first? All the guidelines and rulings of Islam were given to the Prophet Muhammad (Sallallahu „alayhi was Sallam) through Qur‟anic revelations except as-Salah. As-Salah refers to the five daily prayers that we should establish every day. The order from Allah SWT was given directly to Prophet during Isra and Mi‟raj. All of us know the story, but how many of us really understand the importance of this commandment? Therefore, we need to live this life integrating the five daily prayers into our daily routine, as the most important parts. Work, activities, school, meetings, doctor appointments, entertainments, etc should all be revolved around our five daily prayers. Once this is established, then we never feel satisfied with the minimum. Add the extra prayers, especially the Tahajjud prayers at night. Then when we make du‟aa at night after the prayers, all of us need to make du‟aa for our brothers and sisters in Afghanistan, Iraq, Palestine, Iran, Nigeria, and the entire Ummah who are suffering and being oppressed as we speak. And Allah knows best.

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While writing this article, I am feeling an awareness of serenity. Usually sitting at my desk I am surrounded by various little notes haphazardly placed. Keeping these notes serves as inspiration at moments or fuel to spark my imagination. I call it my calmed clutter! Even though it may appear out of control...in the end everything falls into place, insha‟Allah. [God willing] Ever since reverting to Islam almost three years ago, I picture myself as a „student of life‟ seeking knowledge. My purpose is to learn and fulfill all the obligations expected of me by my Creator. Each day my desire is steadfast, to sincerely live my life as a better Muslim insha‟Allah. Studying Islam has shown me that there is a harmony between serving and fearing Allah swt. It is virtually impossible to read the Qur‟an and not feel a change occurring inside your heart. We are constantly reminded that at anytime, we may approach Allah swt through prayer and ask for forgiveness. No matter how great or insignificant we view our sins, it is through His Mercy that we have the hope of gaining our ultimate reward…Paradise.

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The Treasures By Sister Nazeeha


Of Taqwa


We are told in the Qurâ€&#x;an to fear Allah swt from the deeds we do in this life, and again we are told to fear Allah from those deeds that we are sending ahead of us. This means the actions we are doing now, for which we will answer for on the Day of Judgment. We are perpetually being tried and tested in life. The believer is given trials to see if his or her devotion to Allah swt is sincere. In times of struggle and contentment our iman and acts of worship should not falter. We need to remember it is the actions when we are alone, those seemingly innocent thoughts and desires that can be our greatest downfall. I would be less than honest if I did not say; there are times when I feel distracted by this world. There are days when as a woman, I want to get my little make-up bag‌put on a pretty dress and simply go outside. There are still parts of me that remember life before Islam, and I am only speaking in reference to the things that I describe as being feminine. Even before becoming 13

The Treasures ofByTaqwa Sister Nazeeha becoming a Muslim I always dressed modestly. I know it is only the whispers of Shaytan causing me to think “Go ahead, wear the perfume in public what harm will it do?” or, “It is so hot outside and letting little bit of hair show from under my hijab is no big deal right”? Wrong, sometimes the hardest thing to control is what seems natural or harmless. It is only from asking again and again for guidance, which I am able to do what is asked of me as a Muslima. As humans we can only judge people by what they display to us through their actions and words. It is possible, we may see people who appear on the outside to be filled with taqwa…but we can‟t see what dwells inside their heart. The opposite is also true. Some people who from outward appearances, may seem to have a lesser deen than others, and in fact may have the greatest of hearts and taqwa. “Allah does not look at the outward appearance or wealth of any one of you, but He looks at your

hearts and deeds.” [Narrated by Muslim from the hadeeth of Abu Hurayrah] The heart is the seat of taqwa and a man‟s essential qualities and the treasures of knowledge, and deeds are the balance in which people will be weighed before Allah swt. I came across another beautiful description which said “Taqwa can be compared to walking through a narrow path with thorny bushes on both sides and a person passing through it tries his level best to save his clothes from being torn. The thorns are the sins and the clothes are one's Iman.” [Author Unknown] With that image in our mind, it becomes crystal clear how careful we must be in guarding our faith. As believers our intentions are to please Allah swt through acts of obedience. These acts will create for us an understanding of what is pleasing to Allah swt. Performing our deeds in the most perfect manner will be foremost in our hearts and minds, insha‟Allah. The rewards and Mercy of Allah swt is given to those who have taqwa.


“Verily, the most honorable of you in the sight of Allah swt is that [believer] who has taqwa.” Surah Al-Hujurat 49:13 It is keeping our obedience to Allah swt, and asking for forgiveness that separates the believers from the non believers. Taqwa in my opinion is keeping the soul in a state of preparedness to return back to the Creator. There is not a single moment of the day when Shaytan is not trying to deceive the believer. Nourishing the heart by prayers and fasting strengthens more than the physical self, it changes our soul. While

there are many things a person can reveal to us, there are equal amounts that may be hidden. The heart is the most important part of the body. Alhamdulillah it is amazing that while we may know someone all of our life, only Allah swt, who created us, knows all that is kept inside. Insha‟Allah may we all increase in taqwa. Letting our deeds be the best that we can offer. May we never fail to ask for the forgiveness of our sins and receive the best of rewards Jannah alFirdaus, Ameen.



‫أ‬ ‫يوم الحجاب الزرق‬ ‫ٌوم الجوعة ‪ ٢‬أبزٌل ‪٢٢٠٢‬‬ ‫‪www.MuslimasOasis.com/Projects/ BlueHijabDay‬‬

‫أ‬ ‫ارتداء الحجاب الزرق‬

‫للتوعية بمرض‬

‫التوحد‬ ‫جيب أن تعلم‪:‬‬

‫الحوحذ لٍس حالة ًفسٍة‪ ،‬الحوحذ لٍس هسألة جحعلق بالصحة العقلٍة و لٍس ًاجج عي سوء الحزبٍة‪‎ .‬‬ ‫إًه هزض عصبً حٍوي‪.‬‬ ‫الحوحذ ٌؤثز على ‪ ٧٦‬هلٍوى شخص فً أًحاء العالن ‪ ،‬هي جوٍع الوجووعات العزقٍة‪ ،‬الصبٍاى‬ ‫ٌصابوى بٌسبة أربعة أضعاف البٌات‪.‬‬ ‫الحوحذ هو الطٍف‪ .‬هذا الوزض ٌؤثز على كل شخص بشكل هخحلف‪ ،‬ولذلك جحزاوح شذجه هي حالة‬ ‫إلى أخزي‪.‬‬ ‫ححى وقحٌا هذا لن ٌحوكي هي هعزفة سبب هذا الوزض‪ ،‬و لكي بٌٍث األبحاخ على عالقحه بالعواهل‬ ‫الوارثٍه بجاًب عواهل أخزي هخحلفه‪.‬‬

‫ال ٌوجذ عالج لوزض الحوحذ‪ .‬و لكي الحشخٍص الوبكز والحذخل الطبً ٌؤدي إلى جحسٍي ًحائج العالج‪.‬‬

‫يوم الحجاب اىزرق هو بالتعادن مع‬ ‫‪17‬‬


Artwork: Artist wishes to remain anonymous.

Decisions Decisions

Photograph: Michael Marcol | Dreamstime.com

To be or not to be. That is not the question. What to be? Now that is the question. We all ponder this question at some point in our lives. When we are little, we see no limit as to what we can be when we grow up. Our imagination and innocence lead us to believe that we can become anyone from an astronaut to the president of the United States. However, as we grow up, we limit our options and try to attain more reachable goals. Some of us enter college knowing exactly what we want to do career wise. Others come out of college still unsure of what profession to pursue. For women especially, there is a lot more to consider than just a career. It is not only a question of what to be but also how to bal-

by Tayyaba Syed

ance marriage and family with a career. Cultural and family pressures may affect a femaleâ€&#x;s decision-making process to what route she wants to take in life. Many of us want to pursue a career first before we get married and have kids. However, many times, there seems to be an age bracket that certain cultures create for what is the right marriageable age. If a woman surpasses a certain age, then it may become harder for her to get married. As ridiculous as this may seem, it is a reality that some women face, including Muslimahs. It does not have to be one or the other, though. One of the beauties of being a woman is our ability to multi-task. Allah created us so that we may handle more than one talent at a time. It should not be that marriage should be put on the back burner while we try to “becomeâ€? something. Why are becoming a wife and a mother not always considered part of the equation? Unfortunately, we live in a society where


pleasing the self is the ultimate goal. It is believed that we should put ourselves first and then everything else. That is not the proper way of Islam. Allah Almighty states in His Holy Book, “The people who are protected from the greed of their own selves are successful” (Qur‟an 64:16). It is unfortunate that marriage and family are considered distractions and obstacles in the path of pursuing a career. Women are forced to choose one or the other making it difficult for career and family to coexist at times. This stereotype can only be proven wrong if women choose to balance a career while being a wife and mother.

The importance of marriage should not be disregarded for the sake of a career. Prophet Muhammad (SAW) said, “Whoever gets married has safeguarded half of his/her religion. It is a part of who we are as Muslims. Marriage saves us from so many things and can bring true peace and tranquility in our lives. If a career is so important to us, then we need to find a way to do both. It can be done.

Photograph: Michael Marcol | Dreamstime.com

But know that there is no better structure in Islam than marriage as was said by the Prophet (SAW). He also said that the “greatest blessing in the world Even if a woman decides to is a pious wife.” get married and have a family over Now that a career, there is nothing wrong with that either. is something to be.

...maybe I can be all three... Artwork: Artist wishes to remain anonymous JazakAllah khairan Sis.


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Photograph: Stephane Tougard | Dreamstime.com

Three doors of good

1. Fasting is a protection 2. Charity is the strongest proof (of faith) 3. A manâ€&#x;s prayer in the middle of the night

Courtesy of habibihalaqas.org/ 28


When you educate a man, you educate a single person. When you educate a Woman, you educate a household!


Tips for New Muslims from a Convert Brother by Brother Kyle Smith

Photograph: Olgalis | Dreamstime.com

Assalamu Alaykum fellow MBM readers. Alhamdulillah, at birth, those who were born Muslims received the best blessing possible in this life. Although I did not receive this blessing at birth, Alhamdulillah, Allah SWT opened my heart to Islam, and I am now a Muslim.

For those who have also accepted Islam, it is clear how challenging it can be at times to be the only Muslim in the family. However, this is a blessing in itself, because the more difficult it is to practice Islam, the more Allah swt rewards us tremendously for this. SubhanAllah. InshaAllah in this article, I am going to give some tips that I believe are important for a new Muslim. I will also provide some examples from my journey to Islam that I have found particularly helpful. The very first thing you should do is get your Imamâ€&#x;s contact info, specifically his cell phone number. You never know when you will have a question about something. Personally, I call my Imam (Imam Moustafa Zayed) all the time to ask him about anything. For example, I call him to ask him where a certain ayat in the Qurâ€&#x;an is or if something is permissible or not. Your Imam will not mind you doing this, because they are there to help you. 30

Therefore, definitely take advantage of this. In my experiences, I have found that the Muslim Ummah is like having a second family. This really comforted me during my transition of coming to Islam. As for sisters, it is permissible for them to call their Imam. However, many may still not be comfortable with this, so E-mail is a great alternative. Another thing that is very important for Muslims is to learn Arabic. Some Muslims are fortunate enough to learn Arabic in Islamic school, or in their homes from their parents. However, those of us who accepted Islam obviously did not attend Islamic school. In addition, many Muslims are not of Arab origin and have to do a little extra legwork to find resources. It is important to learn Arabic for multiple reasons. First, at the Masjid, it is always common for Muslims to greet each other with the common Islamic expressions. It is very important to understand these, so slowly work on becoming familiar with them. Second, the translations of the Qurâ€&#x;an do not give justice to the beauty of the Qurâ€&#x;an in Arabic.

Whenever I pray in jumaa (group), and the Quran is recited properly, it brings tears to my eyes. mbmuslima.com

Currently, I am taking an Arabic class with Shaykh Mohammed ElAjamy, one of the most accurate reciters in the world. I am working hard so I can InshaAllah recite like that one day. Find someone who is qualified enough to teach you Arabic, I guarantee you will not regret it inshaAllah. If you decide to take a Quranic Arabic class, you will be required to practice, and memorize surahs at home. Personally, what I like to do is get a good reciter on CD, and listen while driving in my car. I leave one surah on repeat and just keep listening, while simultaneously reciting along. I repeat this process many times. I am sure we all drive a decent amount going to and from work, so this is a great way to multi task. This is important, as we all have crazy schedules, so we may not always have a lot of time to sit down at home and memorize. SubhanAllah, I realized that by doing this, it refrains me from listening to fitna, on the radio and in music. On the other hand, I have a bad habit of talking on the phone and texting while driving, so by doing this, I avoid these things as well. I know it is very important to listen carefully to the Qurâ€&#x;an, so I focus all of my attention on listening and reciting, not on my phone.


Transliterations are very helpful for reciting Quran correctly. However, I do not recommend reading one while driving, so do this at home. Transliteration.org has good transliterations. As we know, in Islam, family is very important. It is also very important to stick to your deen no matter what. It will be challenging at times, when your family will question you as to why you do not participate in traditions that you used to participate in. It will also be difficult when they ask you to do something that you know is not permissible. My advice is to be as firm as possible, while being extremely nice and sincere. As we know, Islam is the perfect way to live life. Allah SWT made whatever is good and beneficial for us Halal, and whatever is harmful, Allah swt made it haram for us (Qur‟an 7:157). So be nice to them while give them a good explanation as to why you cannot do certain things. There are plenty of halal things to do with your family such as going to dinner with them, helping them with household chores, and having deep intellectual talks with them. Your family will recognize your manners, and they will realize how important Islam really is to you. Since I have become a devout

Muslim, my mom has begun to notice significant changes in me. From noticing how important Islam is to me, my mom has also become more religious, as she now goes to church every Sunday. My mother and I have always been close. However, ever since I accepted Islam, we have become even closer. Islam has made me realize how hard she really works, and how much she really cares for her family. We now have a lot of in depth talks, in which we discuss our whole lives. Before Islam, there were several things in my life that I did not always put out in the open. Islam makes me live a life in which I do only what is halal, so I never have to worry about hiding anything. Islam really has made me a lot closer to my family. This is evident in little things such as my family now saying “I love you” to each other before we leave the house. It is not very easy for a new Muslim’s family to understand why a convert/revert will no longer celebrate Non-Muslim holidays. It‟s important that we do not use expressions such as “Merry Christmas” as we do not honor these holidays. I know it may be hard because we do not want to offend our families, but in situations like this, we have to ask ourselves how will Allah SWT view this on judgment day if we do this. 32

Refrain from using expressions like this and simply just tell your family why you do not in the nicest way possible. It is also very important to spend time with our families on these holidays, so be with them and have a good time. Gifting, as we know is very important in Islam. The Prophet (SAW) encouraged us to gift others frequently. If your family decides to gift you on a holiday, accept the gift, but do not gift them back as you would be participating in their holiday. The solution to this is to give them gifts on Eid. For someone who has not yet took their Shahadah (declaration of Islamic faith), it is very important to respect your family‟s wishes if they ask you to take time with your decision. Before I said my Shahadah, I had already made my decision in my heart. I honored my family‟s request when they asked me to speak with the Priest before I made a final decision. My family was extremely supportive of my decision, Alhamdulillah, so I had no problem doing this for them. As we know, manners are so important in Islam. Good manners weigh so heavily on one‟s scale of good deeds, even more so then if one was to stay up all night praying mbmuslima.com

to Allah SWT. So walk around with a smiling face, a face that would make anyone feel comfortable to approach you. Treat everyone with the best of manners, and always be totally honest about everything. This has a huge impact on people. When individuals see your good manners, it makes them ask themselves why this person is so nice. What is their religion? Previously, before I received the blessing of Islam, I did not always treat people with the utmost respect. Do not get me wrong though, for the most part, I treated people very well. Islam teaches us that we should not backbite (talk about people, or make fun of them). Alhamdulillah since I have became Muslim, friends who knew me before I was Muslim have said how I have changed for the better. This is rewarding to hear this from them, but more importantly, I will be rewarded by Allah SWT inshaAllah. The point I am trying to make is that, your manners are important and will have a great impact on people. It‟s also a great feeling when you know that you treat everyone great. Find good Muslims and develop friendships with them. Pray in Jumaa with them, as we know this is great because, inshaAllah, we will get 27 times the reward. Photograph: Lars Christensen | Dreamstime.com


On numerous occasions, some of my Muslim friends have told me that their Iman has increased since we have became friends. They have had the same impact on me, Alhamdulilah. When you have Muslim friends, it makes it easier to practice your deen. So go to Friday prayer with your friends, attend lectures, start up something great (like MBM) which you can give dawah. The relationship that you have with your Muslim friends are very real and sincere. InshaAllah, your Muslim friends will always be there for you. I am not saying you should desert your non-Muslim friends. As stated earlier, just like family, your non-Muslim friends will see your good manners and respect the new you. InshaAllah this will have an impact on them, your manners alone is

great dawah, as it will make your friends wonder why is he/she so devout to Islam? It is likely that at first your friends will not understand why Muslims cannot do certain things, or talk in certain ways that are not permissible. You just have to be firm with them no matter what, it may be difficult for them, but inshaAllah they will respect it. It is important to stay in contact with them, give them a call every once in a while to see how their doing. here are plenty of Halal things to do with your non-Muslim friends, such as going to the gym, playing sports, going out to eat. Make halal food for them. I have had my friends try halal food before, and all of them really like it Alhamdulillah. And Allah SWT knows best.

You can E-mail Brother Kyle Smith at

sptiger51@yahoo.com to ask him any questions. Jazakum Allahu Khairun. (May Allah reward you for the good) mbmuslima.com


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For Married Muslimahs:

A blog about Islamic marriage written by a fellow Muslim sister.

Photographer: Sameh Abdallah




SUCCESS GUIDE FOR THE COLLEGE MUSLIMAH. MBM Colum Inspired by Sister Glory Ali from NJ. JazakAllahu Khair Sister. A new regular column in MBM, The Success Guide for the College Muslimah will feature a top ten in each issue. In this issue, we will be looking at “ten tips for non-traditional adult students”. Future issues will provide tips for Muslimas that are : - High school seniors - Graduating seniors - Fresh Graduates - Uncertain about choosing a major & much more.



10 tips for non-traditional


Get contact information. In general, it is imperative for students to get contact information from at least 2-3 classmates. This is even more important as an adult student. Since you are most likely also working, it is very important for you to have contact with a few people from class in the case you need to clarify things amongst each other.

3 4


Make Du’aa. This is the best thing you can do for yourself, in any situation! Make sure you are constantly striving to make sincere duaa and inshaAllah, Allah SWT will help you with your endeavors.

Give yourself a break. Most likely, you are a full-time worshipper of Allah SWT. full-time mommy, full-time wife, full-time employee, and now a part-time student! That is a lot on your plate. The sooner you realize what you are getting yourself into, the more likely you will be able to rise up to the top. Realize you will need to manage your life better to make this work. Also, realize you will have stress and do something about it! Eat healthy, work-out, and give yourself breaks in between the madness.

Find someone like you. Look for a buddy in class that has a similar situation as you. That way, you will be able to motivate each other. If you canâ€&#x;t find a perfect match, settle for second or third best.


Utilize online services. Everything is online! So go find it. You will be amazed at how many things you can do online (register, payments, scheduling, talking to professors) that will save you from making the trip to campus. 38

Adult Students. By Yasmin Essa


Be organized. This is key! If you are disorganized, you will never be able to tackle this knew endeavor of yours. Don‟t waste your time and money by being a sloppy disorganize person.


8 9

Take care of your body. Many adult women are so busy taking care of everyone else around them except themselves. Stop doing this and start paying attention to yourself and your health! It‟s vital.


Manage your time. Scheduling has never been more important. Learn what works best with you and how you can most efficiently utilize your time.

Know the MSA. While you probably will not be able to part take in the MSA as a regular undergrad, it is still important for you to know them and even act as a mentor for them. Don‟t let the fact that you are older stop you from doing that.


Prepare early. Throw away any procrastination habits, as they will do you no good. If you really have a problem with it, you can Google some good articles with tips on fighting procrastination. 39

Spring Cleaning the Halal Way by A simple guide to finding halal, non-toxic cleaning products and a basic checklist for how to quickly and efficiently deep clean your kitchen. E-book in pdf. format. 334 kb, 9 total pages. PayPal or credit cards accepted.

Price 1.49 The E-book includes: 

What is Halal Cleaning?  Products to Use  Getting Started  Cleaning From Top to Bottom  Inside the Cabinets  Cleaning Large Appliances  The Exterior  Floors  Finishing  Cleaning Products Brand Recommendation

Click here to purchase Yvonne’s wonderful Ebook!

Brought to you by 40

Is your kitchen halal? Turn “my halal kitchen” into “your halal kitchen”. Photograph: Michelle Meiklejohn / FreeDigitalPhotos.net

Visit myhalalkitchen.com for all your halal needs.


Photograph: Julia Fikse | Dreamstime.com

Courtesy of www.myhalalkitchen.com Š Copyright My Halal Kitchen 2008-2010. No reproduction or redistribution of this recipe is permissible without the express written consent of the Editor of My Halal Kitchen. 42

Photograph: Manon Ringuette | Dreamstime.com

During my teenage years, my first real job at a local pizza restaurant exposed me to a variety of specialty pizzas, including a Hawaiian-style pizza that was very popular with customers. The original contained ham and bacon so naturally I had to think of a halal substitute to replace those meats. I‟ve found ground turkey to add a nice flavor complement to the pineapple, but ground beef may be just as delicious a substitute.

1 Tb. olive oil  ½ lb. ground turkey  salt, to taste  ground black pepper, to taste  1 pre-assembled, uncooked pizza (with cheese already on it)  1 cup pineapple  ¼ cup roughly chopped basil extra shredded mozzarella cheese, optional 

Photograph: Kelley Tibble | Dreamstime.com



In a large sautĂŠ pan, heat the oil and add the ground turkey. Season with salt and pepper and cook until completely done, about 10-15 minutes. Set aside to cool. 2. Preheat oven according to pre-assembled pizza instructions. 3. Top pizza with ground turkey, pineapple and fresh basil (and shredded mozzarella on top, optional) and cook for amount of time called for on pizza instructions + 3-5 minutes if adding mozzarella to the top. 4. Serve while hot and enjoy with your favorite tropical juice drink. 1.

Recipe Courtesy of www.myhalalkitchen.com Photograph: Abdone | Dreamstime.com


If you like hummus, you’ll be nicely surprised at how the addition of the Hawaiian macadamia nut enhances the flavor of this traditionally chickpea-only bean dip.

1 ¼ cup cooked chickpeas or 1 15-oz. can of chickpeas  ¾ cup macadamia nuts  2 Tb. Tahini (sesame seed paste)  ½ tsp. salt  1 tsp. olive oil  freshly chopped basil, to taste

Photograph: Arturo Limon | Dreamstime.com

Recipe Courtesy of www.myhalalkitchen.com



If using a can of chickpeas, drain of excess liquid and rinse thoroughly. If using freshly cooked chickpeas, allow to cool before proceeding. 2. In a food processor or blender, place the chickpeas, macadamia nuts, tahini and salt. 3. Process in a food process for 30 seconds. Add the olive oil and process for another 15-30 seconds. 4. Top with freshly chopped basil and olive oil to garnish. Serve with pita bread, tortilla chips, or fresh vegetables like carrots or cucumbers to scoop. 1.

Photograph: Michelle Meiklejohn | Dreamstime.com

Love Yvonne’s Recipes? Ask the cook questions by E-mailing your questions to admin@mbmuslima.com All questions will be forwarded to Yvonne (Founder of My Halal Kitchen) 46

Makes 48 mini cups 

1 lb. cream cheese (2- 8oz. packets)  ¼ cup sugar  2 Tb. unsalted butter, softened  2 eggs  ½ tsp. vanilla  1 ½ Tb. flour  2 tsp. cornstarch  10 Tb. mango pulp  1 freshly diced mango (optional) mango syrup (optional)

Photograph: Manon Ringuette | Dreamstime.com



Photograph: Remy Levine | Dreamstime.com

Assemble one rack in the middle of the oven. Preheat to 325°. 2. Arrange paper liners in 2 sets of 2-inch muffin tins and set aside. 3. Process cream cheese in the food processor for 30 second. Add sugar and butter and process for 15 seconds. 4. While machine is running, add eggs and vanilla. Next, add flour, cornstarch and mango pulp. Process for 30 seconds. 5. Using an ice cream scoop, fill each paper liner ž the way up with the cheesecake filling. 6. Arrange the middle rack of the oven for two muffins tins at a time. Bake for 35-40 minutes without opening the oven, until the tops are lightly browned. 7. Remove and cool. Refrigerate for at least an hour before serving. If you have it, serve each cup with freshly diced mango pieces and mango syrup for a pretty presentation. 1.


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Photographer: Sameh Abdallah

Each issue, MBM will choose one Surah that we challenge our readers to memorize completely within a month's span. This issue’s challenge is Surah Al-Bayinnah MBM is currently focusing on smaller Surahs to encourage those who are new to Islam, inshaAllah.

On the following page, you will find the Translation and Transliteration of Surat Al-Bayinnah. MBM wishes you all good luck to memorize this, inshaAllah!



Surah Al-Bayinnah (The Clear Evidence) Translation Credit: http://noblequran.com/translation/surah98.html Transliteration Credit: http://www.islambasics.com/view.php?bkID=30&chapter=98

In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful Bismi Allahi alrrahmanialrraheemi 1. Those who disbelieve from among the people of the Scripture and among Al-Mushrikun, were not going to leave (their disbelief) until there came to them clear evidence. Lam yakuni allatheena kafaroo min ahli alkitabi waalmushrikeena munfakkeena hattata/tiyahumu albayyinatu 2. A Messenger from Allah, reciting purified pages [purified from Al-Batil (falsehood, etc.)]. Rasoolun mina Allahi yatloo suhufan mutahharatan 3. Containing correct and straight laws from Allah. Feeha kutubun qayyimatun 4. And the people of the Scripture differed not until after there came to them clear evidence. Wama tafarraqa allatheena ootoo alkitaba illamin baAAdi ma jaat-humu albayyinatu 5. And they were commanded not, but that they should worship Allah, and worship none but Him Alone (abstaining from ascribing partners to Him), and perform As-Salat (Iqamat-as-Salat) and give Zakat: and that is the right religion. Wama omiroo illa liyaAAbudoo Allaha mukhliseenalahu alddeena hunafaawayuqeemoo alssalatawayu/too alzzakata wathalikadeenu alqayyimati 6. Verily, those who disbelieve from among the people of the Scripture and Al-Mushrikun will abide in the Fire of Hell. They are the worst of creatures. Inna allatheena kafaroo min ahli alkitabi waalmushrikeena fee nari jahannama khalideenafeeha ola-ika hum sharru albariyyati 7. Verily, those who believe including all obligations ordered by Islam] and do righteous good deeds, they are the best of creatures. Inna allatheena amanoo waAAamiloo alssalihati ola-ika hum khayrualbariyyati 8. Their reward with their Lord is 'Adn (Eden) Paradise (Gardens of Eternity), underneath which rivers flow, they will abide therein forever, Allah Well-Pleased with them, and they with Him. That is for him who fears his Lord. Jazaohum AAinda rabbihim jannatu AAadnin tajree min tahtihaal-anharu khalideena feeha abadan radiya AllahuAAanhum waradoo AAanhu thalika liman khashiya rabbahu



Tips for New Muslims exclusively from fellow MBM readers!

Put all faith in Allah(swt) - Brother Mohamed Ndiaye

Study Tawhid (The Oneness of Allah). Follow the Have patience and offer prayer. Friends and family teachings of the Qurâ€&#x;an & the Sunnah of Prophet may not be as accepting in the beginning. However, inMuhammad (pbuh) and offer Salat (prayer) at the shaAllah those that have unconditional love for you will prescribed time, Inshallah. come around. - Fatimah Washington - Adeelah C. Creighton

Put your faith and expectation in Allah and Islam and NOT in Muslims and Community. Be careful to get your information from reliable sources, there is a lot of confusing innovation and culture mixed up with Islam in a lot of communities. -Emma Apple

Assalam Alaykum brothers and sisters who read MB Muslimah. Here is my humble contribution. As a convert, myself these were based on my own experiences. And Allah SWT knows best. Tips for new converts: 1. Do not debate with your parents... but instead answer any questions honestly. 2. Corroborate the information gathered in the web with your local Imam. 3. Make the intention of reading the whole Qur'an at least twice a year, including during the month of Ramadan. 4. When bullied about your conversion to Islam turn it into an "education minute" teaching about Islam and/or the Prophet Muhammad SWS. 5. Keep sharing with your family in family events. Not drinking while others drink, not smoking while others smoke; rejecting pork while others eat is a subtle manner to convey Islam to others. -Hajj Wilfredo Amr Ruiz, Muslim Chaplain 52

Sameh Abdallah is a photographer and graphic designer that tries to provide anything artistic to fellow Muslims from photography to graphics.

Facebook http://www.facebook.com/xspideysamx Personal website www.samabdallah.com E-mail: abdallahs1@yahoo.com Advertisement

Advertise in MBM For more information, E-mail advertising@mbmuslima.com


Chapter 6

Raj By Meena Ansari "Raj who?" said Daniela Raj: "Raj, the tour guide ma‟am" Emma: "Oh! We are okay, we don‟t need help, Thank You" Suhana: "But, but who knows! We might need some!" Both Daniela and Emma gave Suhana an odd look. Daniela: "Suhana, come here for a minute, Emma you come too, and please excuse is Mr. Raj" "Take you time Ladies" said Raj with a smile. Daniela and Emma took Suhana away. Daniela: "Suhana, you don‟t know these people! Especially theses guys! They are never up to any good I tell you!!" Emma: "And plus! We are in a foreign country, we should not trust these tour guides, they could be frauds for all you know!!" Suhana: "But he could also be a very kind and knowledgeable person, you can‟t stereotype him like that!!" Daniela: "Suhana! What is up with you! I noticed that ever since you saw him, you have been staring at him!" Suhana: "I don‟t know, there is something about him…" Emma: "Suhana…Look, I agree, the guy is good-looking, but please don‟t get deceived from the looks!!" Suhana: "What harm is there in giving him a chance?" Daniela and Emma: "Suhana!!!"



Raj: "Any problems miss?" The girls turned around to see Raj standing behind them. Even though he was not eves-dropping, he could tell that something was not right. Raj: "Because if there is, then I shall not waste your time" Suhana: "No, no problems, how much do you charge by the way?" Raj: "I don‟t charge, I am doing this for my class project" "Class Project?" said Emma with surprise Raj: "Yes miss, class project, I am in my last year at the Rothberg International School at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, I am studying History, therefore I have been given a chance to explore Jerusalem with tourists" Daniela: "Ah! I see…" Emma (smiles): "Well, in that case, we shall consider you" Raj: "That is very kind of you Madam, I am delighted" Daniela: "Well right now, we have to check into our hotel, it‟s called Hotel Trinity" Raj: "Oh that is right down the block, I can escort you there if you like" Emma: "That would be helpful" Suhana (smiles): "Thank you so much" Raj (smiles and looks at Suhana): "Anytime Madam" Raj began to walk with Daniela, Emma and Suhana towards the hotel. While they were walking, Raj and Suhana kept glancing at each other and slightly blushed. Once they reached the hotel, Raj said: "Alright, here we are, Welcome to Hotel Trinity and I personally want to welcome you to Jerusalem" Daniela (smiles): "Thank you, we shall see you tomorrow"



Raj (smiles): "As you wish Ma‟am, I will come here tomorrow at noon, and we will start our tour towards the Old City Inshallah" Suhana: "Are you Muslim?" Raj: "Yes miss, and before you ask, I am half Indian as well!" Suhana (with excitement): "What a coincidence! So am I! I actually did suspect you were Indian, because of your name" Raj: "Yes, my mom gave me my name, and what is your other half miss? I am half Arab" Suhana: "I am half Afghan, my mom is Indian and Dad is Afghan" Raj: "This is so funny! Even my mom is Indian!" Daniela: "Okay lovebirds! We need to get going now!" Suhana: "Daniela!!" Raj: "haha Ma‟am! Alright so tomorrow at noon Inshallah, I will take a leave now Salaam" Suhana: "Salaam" Emma: "Good Day!" Raj: "Same to you miss, Bye!" Raj headed off to his way. Emma: "Daniela, why were you so mean!!?" Daniela: "I still don‟t trust him Emma" Suhana: "Oh Daniela! Come on now!" Daniela: "Suhana, I am serious, it‟s not that I hate him or anything, I don‟t even know him, but I do take a while to be friendly with guys, I don‟t trust them easily" Suhana: "Wise Girl"



Daniela: "Thank you, and you should be too, I don‟t want anyone hurting you like that previous guy did!" Emma: "You know, this is so amazing, that in such a short time, we have begun to care for each other so much!" Suhana: "It really is wonderful" Daniela: "Okay girls; let‟s check in, I am very tried and sleepy" Suhana: "Yeah and besides Raj is coming tomorrow!!" Emma: "Woo! Someone‟s in love!" Suhana (blushes): "Emma! Please!" Daniela (sighs): "Girls! I am going in!!" Emma and Suhana followed Daniela into the check-in. "Okay Ladies, your room number is 786 on the second floor" said the man who was the Registrar. Daniela: "Thank you" The hotel was nothing special. It was an average hotel, but had all the basic facilities available. There was even a place located inside called "Café Trinity and Bar" that served Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner along with Cocktails. The walls were adorned with Angels and pictures of Jesus and Mary. The girls entered their room and found a bunk bed and a single twin bed. The room was average size along with 3 small wardrobes and a bathroom. It even had a window, from which the main street could be seen. Daniela immediately put her luggage on the single twin bed. Suhana grabbed the down bunk bed and Emma took the upper one. Emma: "I find it odd how even train number was 786 and so is our room number" Suhana: "Did you know that the number 786 is considered lucky and blessed in Islam?" Emma: "Really? That is interesting"



Daniela: "Girlfriends! I am going to get fresh and then take a long nap!" Emma: "I am going to unpack my luggage" Suhana: "Daniela, once you are done, I want to use the bathroom as well to get fresh, I need to offer my prayers" Daniela: "Of course Darling, I will be done in 5 minutes" Meanwhile in Al-Aqsa Mosque, Raj was offering his afternoon prayers. Al – Aqsa Mosque is the largest and oldest Mosque in Jerusalem. Mosque is the center where Muslims gather for prayers and other religious events. Mostly, a Mosque is always divided into two sections, one for the male, and the other for the female. Raj was done with his prayers and headed outwards, when suddenly he bumped into his best friend, Kabir. Raj: "Salaam Bro! How are you?" Kabir:: "Walaikumaslam Bro! I am good! Where were you the whole day? I did not see you!" Raj and Kabir had been best friends since childhood. Therefore, they never hid anything form one another. Raj: "I finally found some tourists whom I can guide!" Kabir: "Mashallah, that is great bro! Where they from?" Raj: "They are three girls from the States" Kabir: "Wow! Three ladies huh? You hi the jackpot Raj!" Raj: "haha! Nah Kabir, they are very respectable ladies, and one of them is very sweet and cute" Kabir: "I see where this is going" Raj: "No Kabir, nothing like that, she is a very respectable woman"



Kabir: "You literally say that about every female!" Raj: "haha! But really bro, she was special" Kabir: "Special? This is the first time you have called a girl "special" Raj: "I don‟t know bro, there was something so unique about her" Kabir: "Woah! So finally a girl in your life!" Raj: "No Kabir, I doubt she feels the same way, I am nothing in front of her" Kabir: "Okay that was the most false statement I heard! Raj! Do you even know how many girls try to hit on you everyday! Some even try to flirt with me to get to you!" Raj: "haha Kabir! That‟s funny! And quite embarrassing too..." Kabir: "Funny? Embarrassing? Raj, any guy would love to be you! Just look at all those girls! And here you are staying all reserved for God knows what!" Raj: Kabir, Bro, I am waiting for that one girl, I really don‟t need a thousand, I want one and only one, the one who truly loves me" Kabir: "Okay, no offense, but do you know how girly that sounds?" Raj (smiles): I believe that a true strong man is the one who sticks to his morals, and these are my morals" Kabir: "Oh! Come on now!" Raj: "This is how I am Kabir, I don‟t know why I am like this, maybe that is why I don‟t have a lot of friends" Kabir: "Raj, I am telling you, you are special, don‟t think that you are odd, you are not odd, you are unique" Raj: "Thanks Kabir, I have to go home and help mom now, so take care bro" Kabir: "You take care too, Salaam" Raj and Kabir gave each other a friendly hug and went their ways.



Hope you enjoyed Chapter 6. Thanks Meena! For previous chapters, please check out previous issues of MBM

Read the next chapter in the next issue of MBM!




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Assalamu Alaykum, Alhamdulilah, we have launched “The Dua Club� on our new blog (mbmuslima.com/blog) At The Dua Club, will be able to post requests for duas from your sisters and brothers in Islam. Simply leave a comment requesting other Muslims to do dua for you inshaAllah. You may specify the reason you would like dua if you wish. Also, please read the requests of others and please make dua for them. There have already been posts, so please go check them out. Although MBM is a magazine and blog for Muslim women, this will be a club open to both males and females. JazakAllah khair.

Click here to visit the Dua Club! 62

Personalized Scrapbook Blog Layouts made exclusively by Summaiyah

Click to Visit 63

Interview with Karim Saad from halaltrip.com Background Info: Brother Karim Saad, founder of halaltrip.com is 27 years old and from Vienna, Austria. He studied Media Management at the University of Applied Sciences

Assalamu Alaykum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatu. Thank you for taking the time to complete this interview with MBMuslima Magazine. To start off, what is HalalTrip.com? Please describe it's background, goals, and story. *** Wa aleikum salam and many thanks for the opportunity to talk to you and your readers. halaltrip.com was launched in March 2010 and can be described as a Muslim-friendly hotel review site. We offer a directory of hotels worldwide and give relevant information (if the hotel serves alcohol, if halal food is served, if a prayer room is provided, or if they have a ladiesonly pool). Users might search and rate those hotels to generate the most transparent travel source for Muslims around the globe. In addition, we also launched our blog offering insights and Muslim-friendly travel ideas. Not only are we are hoping to serve travelling Muslims, but we are also hoping to make hotel management as well as owners and aware of Halal Tourism and its market potential.

I understand that HalalTrip is still fairly new and recent. When exactly was HalalTrip started? Furthermore, who are the faces behind the website and what is the inspiration that led to it? We've just launched to public a couple of weeks ago, but we have already received a lot of positive feedback, alhamdulillah. I founded the site on my own and got technical support from an external developing studio. As I am a passionate traveler, I use services like TripAdvisor or Booking.com to check reviews of hotels. This made me question where all the information for Muslim-friendly hotels all over the globe was. More than 1.5 billion people arenâ€&#x;t a niche to ignore, no? Many nights and cups of hot tea later, halaltrip.com was born. What kind of feedback has HalalTrip gotten so far? *** As mentioned, we did get a lot of positive feedback. People are happy about the new travel resource. In particular they appreciate the Islamic approach. What are future plans for HalalTrip?

Photograph: Antonio Ovejero Diaz | Dreamstime.com


What are future plans for HalalTrip? *** halaltrip.com aims to be the number one travel source for Muslims around the globe, inshaAllah. Ratings of guests will be examined daily based on a fair and faithful set of criteria. Trust means everything to the idea of the project. How can our fellow MBM readers help HalalTrip grow? What kind of feedback from them are you looking for? *** Well, first of all, we are happy to talk to you and to present our idea to your audience. halaltrip.com is growing because of Muslims sending us reviews of their journeys from various hotels. Whenever you visit Hotels complying with our Halal criteriaâ€&#x;s, please don't hesitate to rate the accommodation on our site. Moreover, we are thankful for any information about Muslim-friendly hotels that is currently not listed on halaltrip.com.

Besides giving you feedback, what else can our readers do in order to become involved with HalalTrip? *** Each and every Dua'a for the project would be great. Due to our high goals, we are always looking for passionate people who want to get in touch with us to help grow halaltrip.com. If you have any feedback or would like to be a part of our team, please feel free to contact us at any time. JazakAllah khair for sharing your wonderful endeavor with us. Do you have any final comments inshaAllah? *** I wish you and your reader a blessed 2010 and especially a beautiful Ramadan, which is not too far away. Many thanks again for inviting me to talk to you and your readers. May Allah SWT bless your work!



Photograph: Jinyoung Lee | Dreamstime.com

The ability to see the signs of Allah. By Harun Yayha

Say: "Praise be to Allah. He will show you His Signs and you will recognize them. Your Lord is not heedless of anything you do." (Surat an-Naml: 93) In today's society, people assess the Qur'an very differently from what is the real purpose of its revelation. In the Islamic world, in general, very few people know the contents of the Qur'an. Some Muslim people often hang the Qur'an on the walls of their houses within a decorative cover and elderly people read it from time to time. They assume that the Qur'an protects those who read it from "misfortune and trouble". According to this superstition, they consider the Qur'an a sort of amulet against misfortunes. The Qur'anic verses, however, inform us that the purpose of the Qur'an's revelation is entirely different from what

is mentioned above. For instance, in the 52nd verse of Surah Ibrahim, Allah states: "This is a communication to be transmitted to mankind so that they can be warned by it and so that they will know that He is One Allah and so that people of intelligence will pay heed." In many other verses, Allah emphasizes that one of the most crucial purposes of the Qur'an's revelation is to invite people to ponder. In the Qur'an, Allah invites people to reject blindly accepting the beliefs and values society imposes on them and to ponder by pushing aside all the 66

Photograph: Michell Paller Dreamstime.com

prejudices, taboos and constraints on their minds.

jects that clearly testify to the existence and uniqueness of Allah and His attributes. In the Qur'an, all these beings that bear Man must think on how he came into witness are designated as "signs", meaning being, what is the purpose of his life, why "tested evidence, absolute knowledge and he will die and what awaits him after expression of truth". Therefore, the signs of death. He must question how he himself and Allah comprise all the beings in the universe the whole universe came into existence and that disclose and communicate the being how they continue to exist. While doing this, and attributes of Allah. Those who can obhe must relieve himself of all constraints serve and remember will see that the entire and prejudices. universe is only composed of the signs of Allah. By thinking, while isolating his conscience from all social, ideological and psy- This, indeed, is the responsibility of manchological obligations, the person should kind; to be able to see the signs of Aleventually perceive that the entire universe, lah... including himself, is created by a superior power. Even when he examines his own Thus, such a person will come to know body or any other thing in nature, he will the Creator who created him and all other see an impressive harmony, plan and wisthings, draw closer to Him, discover the dom at work within its design. meaning of his existence and his life and so prosper. At this point again, the Qur'an guides man. In the Qur'an, Allah guides us as to Each thing, the breaths a human what we should reflect on and investigate. takes, political and social developments; With the methods of reflection given in the the cosmic harmony in the universe, the Qur'an, he who has faith in Allah will better atom, which is one of the smallest pieces of perceive Allah's perfection, eternal wisdom, matter, is each a sign of Allah and they all knowledge and power in His creation. operate under His control and knowledge, When a believing person starts to think in abiding by His laws. Recognizing and the way shown in the Qur'an, he soon real- knowing the signs of Allah calls for perizes that the whole universe is a sign of Al- sonal effort. Everyone will recognize and lah's power and art, and that, "nature is a know the signs of Allah in accordance with work of art, not the artist itself". Every his own wisdom and conscience. work of art exhibits the exceptional skills of the one who has made it and conveys his Undoubtedly, some guidelines may messages. also help. As the first step, one can investigate certain points stressed in the Qur'an in In the Qur'an, people are summoned order to acquire the mentality that perto contemplate numerous events and obceives the whole universe as an articulation 67

of the things created by Allah. Allah's signs in nature are emphasized in Surat an-Nahl:

like him who does not create? So will you not pay heed? (Surat an-Nahl: 10-17)

In the Qur'an, Allah invites men of unIt is He Who sends down water from the derstanding to think about the issues which sky. From it you drink and from it come other people overlook, or just dismiss using the shrubs among which you graze your such barren terms as "evolution", herds. And by it He makes crops grow for "coincidence", or "a miracle of nature". you and olives and dates and grapes and fruit of every kind. . There is certainly a In the creation of the heavens and the sign in that for people who reflect. He earth, and the alternation of night and day, has made the night and the day subservi- there are Signs for people of intelligence: ent to you, and the sun, the moon and those who remember Allah standing, sitting the stars, all subject to His command. and lying on their sides, and reflect on the There are certainly signs in that for peocreation of the heavens and the earth: ple who use their intellect. And also the things of varying colors He has created "Our Lord, You did not create this for for you in the earth. There is certainly a nothing. Glory be to You! So guard us sign in that for people who pay heed. It from the punishment of the Fire. is He who made the sea subservient to (Surah Al'Imran: 190-191) you so that you can eat fresh flesh from it and bring out from it ornaments to As we see in these verses, people of wear. And you see the ships cleaving understanding see the signs of Allah and through it so that you can seek His try to comprehend His eternal knowledge, bounty, and so that perhaps you may power and art by remembering and reshow thanks. He cast firmly embedded flecting on them, for Allah's knowledge is mountains on the earth so it would not limitless, and His creation flawless. move under you, and rivers and pathways so that perhaps you might be For men of understanding, everything guided, and landmarks. And they are around them is a sign of this creation. guided by the stars. Is He Who creates

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Interview with Fatima A. Khan

from Interview by Yasmin Essa Image Credits: www.LifePepper.org

Yasmin: Assalamu Alaykum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatu Sister Fatima, can you first give us a little background information on yourself? ***

the potential I had and encouraged me to takeup the life coaching certification. On the first day of the life coaching certification, I called him up to tell him that I'd found what I'd been searching for. At the end of my certification I realized that I Fatima: Assalamu alaykum warahmatullah must put these astounding skills to use and sister Yasmin, my name is Fatima A. Khan LifePepper was the next natural step. and I'm a Certified Life Coach. Alhamdulillah I graduated at the top of my class held Y: What is the significance of the name by Muhammad AlShareef from "LifePepper"? DiscoverULife in the summer of 2009 and I *** have been actively practicing life coaching and NLP skills since then. F: A pepper is used to add zest to food to make it exciting and extraordinary. Y: When did you first realize you had an LifePepper is that exact spark. The tagline Allah-given talent to motivate and of LifePepper says it all, it's the only inspire sisters? How did this manifest it- Pepper that you will need towards an outself into becoming LifePepper? standing life. *** Y: I think it is great that you focus on F: Alhamdulillah, I'd been naturally drawn relationship coaching, as this is towards personal development and human something that is really needed. Can you psychology for many years. Even before speak more about this? high school, I was the obvious go-to person *** whom friends, juniors and seniors alike would approach for everyday situations. F: Alhamdulillah both my husband and It was my husband who truly recognized myself look to grow constantly in personal Background Photograph: Daisy | Dreamstime.com


Interview with Fatima A. Khan development as Muslims. Having honed my skills as an NLP practitioner gives me the advantage to straighten out problems faced by married couples immediately. On analyzing the language of most couples I've realized that their problems are mainly self-inflicted and a proactive approach such as life coaching even for a few months can easily improve their marriage tenfold bi'thnillah.

learn from sheer observation and insight, and subhanAllah just how productive a conversation can be with the right skills intact. There was an Iman rush that I felt after my first coaching call and alhamdu lillaheach call since then has been a climb up.

Y: Obviously Islam sets the ground for many of your primary values. Other than that, I am sure a lot of the ideas are creative things you come up with yourY: I am looking through some of your self. But how does Islam shape your serevents. They look very friendly, in line vices and make you different than other with Islam, and beneficial. How do you relationship coaches? come up with the ideas and how can sisters sign up for them? F: As a relationship coach I can direct you to any relationship coach should you like F: Alhamdulillah I gain invaluable insight as to work on your marriage. For the most a life coach, as I notice a general trend of part, each relationship coach is going to questions that arise amongst sisters who tell you more or less the same things. When approach me. The ways to execute an my you come to LifePepper, you get a ideas and present them in a most ap- relationship coach who is looking for you to proachable fashion are a result of creative succeed in this world with the constant brainstorming sessions. focus of success in everyone's ultimate destination, the Akhirah. At LifePepper, we Sisters can sign up in just about every me- want your marriage to be an outstanding dium! You can go to my website one so you can join your husband amongst (www.LifePepper.org) and each page con- the highest ranks of Jannah, inshaAllah. tains a sign-up form. You can even go to my blog (http://LifePepper.blogspot.com) Do you have any future goals for Lifeand sign up there, or simply log on to Pepper? Facebook and sign up from the LifePepper fan page! I see LifePepper to play an instrumental part in empowering thousands of women Y: What is your favorite thing about be- who are themselves filled with knowledge, ing a coach? insight and the drive to share the khayr with the sisters in their households and their F: Alhamdulillah, the constant lessons that I communities inshaAllah. 71

Interview with Fatima A. Khan Currently LifePepper has launched an Y: JazakAllahu Khairan sis. Do you have Ebook that can be obtained from the web- any final comments? site (www.LifePepper.org). F: BaarakAllah feek sis. I'd like to add that Y: Some sisters may really think this is most women come up with the excuse that, something great but may have the "This is not applicable to me because _____ * I ideology of "oh this is nice, but I don't have children / I don't have time / my husband is need it?". What do you have to say to busy / I have a job)" and the list can go on. However in all honesty I can tell them that? through personal experience that the only F: The only thing I can say to them is the way to overcome these excuses is to own best time to seal in the walls of your house your marriage, and take responsibility for is before the storm. Also, sealing in the all that they make of it, and are lacking in. walls is acting out on the basic requirement A life coach is going to enable them to of you, or living your life in neutral gear. If reach their goals ten times quicker inshaAlyou're looking to live your ultimate dream lah, because of our fine-tuned Excusesof your marriage and to take your mar- Radar. I leave you with a verse from the riage into top gear, having a life coach is Holy Qur'an that urges us to set our life a must. I have one too, and so does my hus- compass straight, subhanAllah. band. “And every one has a direction to which Y: How can sisters get more information he should turn, therefore hasten to (do) good works; wherever you are, Allah about LifePepper? will bring you all together; surely Allah F: All the information can be obtained from has power over all things� my website, www.LifePepper.org I can also (Al-Baqarah 2:148) be reached at lifepepper.org@gmail.com

Visit LifePepper Now 72

Assalamu Alaykum, Alhamdulilah, we have launched “The Dua Club� on our new blog (mbmuslima.com/blog) At The Dua Club, will be able to post requests for duas from your sisters and brothers in Islam. Simply leave a comment requesting other Muslims to do dua for you inshaAllah. You may specify the reason you would like dua if you wish. Also, please read the requests of others and please make dua for them. There have already been posts, so please go check them out. Although MBM is a magazine and blog for Muslim women, this will be a club open to both males and females. JazakAllah khair.

Click here to visit the Dua Club! 73

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Photograph: Stanislav Butygin | Dreamstime.com


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