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Business Success through Personal Growth
Napoleon Bonaparte once said, “An army marches on its stomach.” He knew that the ability to feed his army determined the extent of his success for each conquest. Today, this lesson is more relevant than ever – in the world of business.
MARCH TO Success
Your business “marches”, in other words operates, develops and grows, on the personal growth of each of its members, from the executive level down. Your “conquests” – your customers, market share and revenue – rest on their collective backs, not on your technology, products or services. The personal growth of your employees is your “food” for success; and consequently, for that of your organization.
FOOD FOR Success
Personal development and growth is about giving your people the opportunity to learn, understand and apply new information. It’s about providing them with new experiences, encouraging them to explore new ideas, and offering new approaches to lessons they have already learned.
It has little to do with providing technical skills and management training courses. Why? Because without the foundational context – business and personal mindset, experience and core values/creed – participants lack the insights they need to successfully apply what they’ve learned.
Business and personal foundational training and coaching addresses this contextual understanding. Ideally, it is conducted over a period of time, usually three to six months, in order to meet your business needs. This approach ensures that the lessons, tools and methodology can be understood and implemented as part of your ongoing business operation. Having a core process for business and personal development and growth will drive your business success in an ongoing, sustainable way.
Business and Personal Coach
The MECC Cornerstone
As Napoleon knew, and every successful business knows, your “army’s” sustainable achievements rest on the shoulders of each member’s continued contribution. By providing your people with the foundational training and coaching specifically aligned to your business, you will see an increase in personal confidence and creativity. Engagement, performance and productivity will improve. Their ability to communicate in any situation, and to promote your brand, will grow.
The bottom line: revenue growth, reduced cost, and hence, increased profitability.
You can take action on this today by contacting:
Larry Lall, Business and Personal Coach The MECC Cornerstone 647 297-0741 info@theMECCcornerstone.com