Work Experience Logbook for in-Employment students
Bachelor of Building Surveying and Control (Level 7) Year 3
Authentic work experience Logbook and Attestations – Year 3
There are three components that are required for this course, and they are Teacher Directed Learning Hours (TDLH), Authentic Work Experience Learning Hours (AWELH) & Student Managed Learning Hours (SMLH), the two aspects, that these forms will be covering are AWELH & SMLH:
Teacher Directed Learning Hours (TDLH)
Synchronous directed activities which are timetabled, planned, led, and monitored by teachers and trainers. This includes timetabled/supervised assessments. The hours we expect a student to be engaged in learning opportunities facilitated by a teacher who is physically present on campus or with students in off campus settings. These hours include any face-to-face, or online teaching activities, in classrooms, laboratories, studios or workshops including tutorials and required online learning activities delivered synchronously with teacher facilitation.
Authentic Work Experience Learning Hours (AWELH)
The hours we expect a student to be engaged in learning opportunities focused on their real work activities that A-line to each course of study. Actual work hours with work experience examples need to be provide for each course in the logbook tables (listed below). These work hours should relate to the Programme Learning outcomes listed in (Schedule 2). These might be real work experiences, or they might be interactive learning activities that have been designed to replicate as much as possible the tasks or activities or settings of real-world work. In other words, activities that are designed to ‘feel’ like a real workplace situation. These may take place on campus or off campus and be face to face or technology enhanced. All learning hours allocated to authentic work experience are recorded in this category.
Student Managed Learning Hours (SMLH)
Completed outside timetabled classes, guided by the teacher. May include but not limited to, time spent researching, completing assignments, and undertaking practical tasks.
The hours where we expect a student to engage in learning activities without the presence of the teacher and where the student is required to self-manage to complete a learning activity within the expected timeframe. Student managed learning hours may be in face to face and online modes. The learning activities may be designed by the teacher but carried out by a student alone or in groups, for example in a student-managed project, asynchronous online learning, preparation of an assessment task or explore topics of interest to them as an adjunct to the formal learning directed by the teacher.
Guidelines or Information to assist students to complete the Bachelor of Building Surveying & Control (Level 7) – Year 3
The approach to the logbook and attestation in this qualification will be based on the student’s application of the course material to their day-to-day work and their Student Managed Learning.
a. The student will need to record and provide evidence of the Authentic Work experience relating to the programme Learning outcomes listed in (Schedule 2) below.
b. The student will need to record and provide evidence of the Student Managed Learning Hours (Listed below in the table). This could be weekly meetings discussing offences, notices, or statutory powers, presentations on non-compliance, professional reading or researching offences. Included also are all the hours spent researching and completing assessments.
c. The evidence that a student could use from their day-to-day work should include anything that directly relates to the learning outcomes and indicative content for each course.
d. The student’s supervisor will need to attest that the authentic work experience hours and evidence provided are accurate and reflect the evidence requirements in the learning outcomes in schedule 2 below.
e. A Supervisor Attestation Form and guidance for the supervisor attestation can be found on the Future Skills Moodle learning management platform. The student is required to provide this guidance document to their supervisor.
f. The student will upload a completed table of Authentic Work Experience Learning Hours (AWELH), Student Managed Learning Hours (SMLH) (logbook table supplied below) and the signed attestation from their supervisor directly to Moodle once completed.