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Pre-Access course

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We support you

If you feel you are not ready to begin an Access Diploma yet you could tr y a Pre-Access course. A Pre-Access course will help you get back into education, find your feet being in College and build your confidence levels.

Deborah Lane After completing the Pre-Access and Access to HE Diploma in Health at Middlesbrough College, Deborah is now at University studying Paediatric Nursing.

Pre Access to HE in Health and Social Care

Modules include: • Human Lifespan Development • Health and Social Care Values • Effective Communication in Health and

Social Care • Healthy Living Modules offered may vary.

Entry Requirements You will be required to hold or be working towards a Level 1 qualification in English and numeracy and you will be required to take an initial assessment test to assess your current abilities.

Assessment Methods You will be assessed on a continuous basis, through a mixture of assignment work and online examinations.

Progression Options You can progress on to a range of full time Level 3 Access qualification which are designed to prepare you for University or into employment.

Please see our website for up-to-date course information.

Access to Higher Education Courses

22 Aviation and Tourism 22 Built Environment 24 Business Studies 24 Computing 26 Engineering 26 Games Development (Creative and Digital Industries) 28 Health 30 Humanities &

Social Sciences 30 Law & Criminology 31 Media & Film Production

(Creative and Digital Industries) 31 Music 32 Policing 32 Science 34 Sport Studies

Apply to Access in 3!

1Visit our website and complete an online application form for the Access course of your choice

2Come in for a chat with our team! You’ll be invited to our campus to meet your tutor and chat through the course. You may be asked to complete a personal statement before your appointment, this is nothing to worry about! This allows our team find out more about you and your career ambitions and make sure you are on the right course.

3Offer! You’ll be offered either an unconditional or conditional place on the course depending on your current qualifications. Our team will be in touch in August with information about how to enrol onto your Access to HE Diploma!

Please be aware that this process is just for onsite Access to Higher Education courses, if you are applying for a Distance Learning programme you will need to apply online and our team will be in touch with the next steps. 21

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