Engaging ISC Alumni: Revisiting Their Roots ISC 341 Brock Johnson
Problem Statement ● Small social media following
● No designated alumni community
● Lack of two-way communication
Positioning ● Networking community ● Belonging ● Two-way communication
Target Audience ● Alumni→ ages 22-27
● Achievers and Innovators (Vals, 2018)
Objectives 1. To increase the number of alumni followers, between the ages 22-27, on the ISC Department’s Twitter and Facebook by 50 percent in the next five months. 2. To establish a LinkedIn profile for alumni of the ISC Department at the University of Kentucky by gaining 75 followers in the next five months. 3. Increase engagement of alumni, ages 22 to 27, with the ISC Department by receiving RSVPs from at least 15 percent of the alumni who are invited to the event.
IMC Strategy Public Relations ● ● ●
Social Media (POES media)- Implement a LinkedIn account for alumni, students, and staff to connect with and share information. Word of Mouth- Alumni will connect with their colleagues about the event, as well as students and staff. Events- Alumni Symposium
Advertising (Paid media)
Key Messages Our key message is to encourage alumni to continue to engage with the department of ISC’s social media and to attend the ISC events as an audience member or on the panel LinkedIn: Connect, Get Informed, Sign up, Network!
Connectors Owned Media ISC website, Social Media accounts, Press releases, email (list serve)
Non Media Connectors ●
Media Connectors ● ● ● ●
ISC Trade Journals Journalists Social Media not owned by the department- UK See Blue account Websites- UKY PR site
● ●
Jay Blanton- Director of PR for U.K. Adam Kornblum- CEO of Ogilvy & Mather Ashley Murphy - ISC Alumni
Tactics 1. Advertisements- Use paid media to share information about the event on LinkedIn and other social media platforms. 2. Social media- Paid media -> Owned and Shared Media -LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, and the List Serve. 3. Events- Alumni Symposium: alumni will be invited back, through social media and email, to be a part of the panel or to attend the event.
Evaluation Plan Event Metrics â—?
We will measure how many people will attend the event by prompting them to sign up for the event before they attend. We will monitor the number of alumni and students attending the event.
Social Media Metrics â—?
We will monitor impressions, shares and clicks on the associated social media accounts to monitor the connections being made with alumni and students.
Evaluation Plan Advertisement Metrics â—?
We will measure how many clicks are registered from sharing ISC department advertisements and advertisements for ISC events.
Takeaway ● ● ●
Alumni of the ISC department were not always aware of the possibilities of returning for department events. Social networking adjustments and opening two-way communications with alumni helps to build the bond that the department has been searching for. Develop an initial connection with undergrad ISC students.
References Dimock, M. (2018). Defining generations: Where Millennials end and post-Millennials begin. Pew Research center. Retrieved from http://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2018/03/01/defining-generations-where-millennials-end-and-post-millennials-begin/ Mintel
Oxygen (2017). Marketing to Millennials US, http://academic.mintel.com.ezproxy.uky.edu/display/793221/#
Ohio State University. (n.d.). Communication. Retrieved from http://undergrad.osu.edu/majors-a nd-academics/majors/detail/36 VALS. (2018a). Achievers. Strategic Business Insights. Retrieved from http://www.strategicbusinessinsights.com/vals/ustypes/achievers.shtml VALS. (2018b). Innovators. Strategic Business Insights. Retrieved from http://www.strategicbusinessinsights.com/vals/ustypes/innovators.shtml
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