What is happening with AIESEC in Bulgaria?
Election of next generation • We have elected MCP – Desislava Dimitrova (currently MC VP OD, home LC – Varna)
• We have 10 candidates for MC VPs (5 internationals)
• We elected all the LCPs
Projects & Initiative •
The country is focusing on OGCDP (outgoing voluntary internships) and IGCDP (incoming voluntary internships)
Business in Practice will happen in Sofia, Ruse, Svishtov, Varna, VTU in April.
25th Anniversary of AIESEC in Bulgaria will happen in middle of April.
EURO XPRO 2016 will happen in Bulgaria.
Results: 2013: # of Exchanges – 240
2014: # of Exchange – 368 Growth for ‘13-’14 -> 53% This quarter we are dropping in results. •
We have a new national IGCDP (social) project for the summer – interns to go in small cities to deliver training for importance of education and career orientation.
Result from last campaign for EuroCO in November 2014
Thanks to donation from alumni and investment of MC side, all LCPs attended on EuroCO ď Š
Time for EuroXPRO in Portugal Dates: 23rd -29th March
Who we want to send?
Varna – Iviana Stoyanova Sofia university – Taniyana Georgieva Plovdiv – Desislava Garcheva Svishtov – Elitsa Vasileva Ruse – Martin Hristov Blagoevgrad – Sofia Bunza Technical university – Donetian Petkov
Invest in next generation of AIESEC in Bulgaria
The fee for conference is 295 EUR for one person. We need to transfer the money 4th of March
You can donate for exact person or contribute to the common fund
via PayPal
Motivation Здравейте, Казвам се Елица Василева и съм Президент на ЛС Свищов. Може би не знаете, но от м. Ноември нямаме ЛСП, а офисът ни се намира в доста затруднено финансово положение. Именно възможността да отида на тази международна конференция ще ми помогне да натрупам знания и контакти, които ще са от полза да се справим със ситуацията. Ще улесни самия процес по обмена на студентите и намирането на желания от тях стаж. Ще имам нови идеи и виждания за нещата. До сега никой не е споделял какво точно се прави на тези конференции. Искам аз да съм първата - от сега да науча изключително много неща за това какво е да си Президент, защото имам уникалната възможност да го споделя с всички в офиса и да започнем работа веднага. Искам да се запознавам с нови хора, да обменяме взаимно опит и идеи, защото от това по-хубаво нещо няма. Искам да се върна в този мрачен град и да предам цялата натрупана слънчева и положителна енергия на всички, да ги залея с идеи и нови знания, които заедно ще усъвършенстваме и приложим. Също така това пътуване ще спомогне за сплотяването на ЛСП комисията - едно наше общо приключение, за което заедно ще си спомняме и ще си говорим през мандата. Моят ЕБ екип знае, че ако в един изключително важен момент за целия ми предстоящ мандат, като ЛИС, ме няма, то това ще е за по-добро в дългосрочен план. Аз вярвам в тях, че ще се справят без мен, както и те вярват, че чрез тази конференция ще имаме повече знания и възможности да се развиваме. Всички вие имате възможността не само да помогнете на мен да отида на EuroXpro, а да промените съдбата на ЛС Свищов и всички, които са настоящи, а от скоро и бъдещи членове. Повярвайте и Вие в мен и обещавам, че няма да Ви разочаровам! Благодаря Ви за вниманието и помощта! Ели, AIESEC в Свищов
Здравейте, Аз съм Мартин и съм LCPe на AIESEC in Ruse. Може би повечето от вас не ме познават, затова ще се представя накратко. Член съм на организацията от година и половина като съм минал през ОС, ОСР и VP позции, всичките в които са в ТМ (като в момента съм VP TM). AIESEC за мен се превърна в спасителен пояс. В период, в който аз бях толкова несигурен за това дали съм направил правилния избор за специалност, университет, град, а дори и държава, организацията ми даде това, от което имах нужда – цел. Вярвам, че смисъла на живота е това да намериш смисъл в него. Сам за себе си. AIESEC ми помогна да намеря този смисъл за моя живот, помогна ми да се разгърна потенциал, за който дори и не съм подозирал, че имам. Има много русенци като мен. Млади хора, добре представящи се в училище или университета, на които обаче им липсва този „Х-фактор“ така нужен, за да успееш в живота. AIESEC ми помогна да открия този фактор в себе си, това, което не ми достигаше да бъда човека, който искам. И от деня, в който се почувствах достатъчно смел, за да се кандидатирам за LCP, аз реших, че това ще е моята мисия – да давам надежда на младежи със същия или подобен background като моя. Искам аз, моят екип, всеки сегашен и бивш член нa AIESEC Русе да дава надежда на младежкото общество в града. Това се превърна не само в „смисъла“ на съществуването на нашия локален офис, но и на моят живот. Участието ми на тази конференция ще е историческо за мен, за семейството ми, за университета ми и най-важното – за офиса ми. Ние сме най-младата част от семейството на AIESEC България и ентусиазмът ни за развитие е нестихващ! Поне това е гарантирано през моя мандат. Младите хора в Русе заслужават AIESEC, заслужават да виждат как някой като тях успява в живота, заслужават да имат надежда. Надявам се, че ще успея да „попия“ от възможно наймного „извори“, за да помогна на офиса ми да стане това, което искам – място за сбъдване на мечти. Мечтата да си възможно най-добрата версия на себе си. Дунавът е готов да „наводни“ EuroXpro 2015 in Porto!
Мартин, AIESEC в Русе
Dear Alumni, A day after I was elected for LCP I felt the biggest responsibility that stays behind the position. And it was not the responsibility of leading a big group of people or providing good experience. It was because I was watching news and just realized that there are a lot of wars around my country - in some kilometers people are killing people and simply destroying the world. I was scared and in the same time I thought about AIESEC. I saw for the first time the clearest picture and it is that the world needs AIESEC a lot right now. I believe that when there is a problem the first part of the solution is to speak up about it. Also I believe that when a lot of young people get together in one place and start speaking up for the problems they will start thinking for solutions. I see now that the young people are the leaders the world needs. When I was elected for LCP I promise to myself that I will work not only for the success of my LC but for the success of my country. My ambition for my LC is to become the biggest LC in Bulgaria which provides the biggest and extra special experience and it is not because of some numbers but because of the needs of my country. I have the plan and I am going to do it. But I need help. I need to see more of AIESEC. My responsibility for my country is bigger now and when I am thinking about the wars and about those big problems in the world I see Bulgaria as a solution - not the whole country but the young people and our future leaders, people who act. And these leaders can be the people who can make a change and stop the wars. All we need to do is start acting. “There is something magical in this country – take care of your home.” – This is how say interns say goodbye. I want to go to EuroXpro because of all I said but mostly because of the future of AIESEC in Bulgaria. I think that every LCPe should go and represent AIESEC in Bulgaria in the best way and then to come back with much more motivation, knowledge and power to make our country really a better place for living. And when we have this better place for living people here will have more opportunities to develop young people’s potential and by this people to make the world a better place for living. I am lucky to know the other LCPs in elect and they are people who care for Bulgaria and AIESEC in Bulgaria and all of them are young leaders who are not only speaking up but act and do what they say. And doing but not only talking is something that should be supported. The time is now. The place is here. Lions lead without fear. Desı, AIESEC ın Plovdıv
I want to go to EuroXpro 2015 in Portugal for several important and crucial for me reasons. Right now I am building a committee from ground zero and, since we are starting a new era in AIESEC, EuroXpro will give me the needed information and direction to ensure my committe e will grow aligned with the vision for 2020. This conference will also give me the chance to spe ak and make friends with a lot of young leaders all around the World, gathering different poin ts of view and building a network with a lot of foreign LC's and SU's. Last, but not least I have n ever been abroad and so this will be my opportunity to partly see through the eyes of the EP's.All in all, this will be my chance to make sure that what I am building will continue to grow, connect ed to 2020 and the AIESEC network, not only in Bulgaria, but as well in the World.
Doni, AIESEC in Sofia Technical university
My name is Iviana Stoyanova and I joined AIESEC in March 2012. From the very beginning I am part of the Finance commission and since then this is my main functional area. This led me to my current position – Vice President Finance of AIESEC in Varna for term 14/15. I joined AIESEC because I felt that this is something different, like no other else. And I was completely right. I would say that I joined AIESEC because of the opportunity to travel, but the actual reason is behind this and I realized it soon – every journey you take will start and end, but after all it will bring you change. And it is not about change in the place or in the hotel or something else. It is change in YOU which is provoked from the people you met, from the variety of stories, feelings and moments. There are people wondering why I am still in AIESEC – I graduated last year, I have a wellpaid job connected with my degree. Normal people would use their free time to relax or do something for themselves and they are wondering why I don’t do the same. Well, the answer is simple – I love to do something for someone else. For my 3 years in AIESEC this is the thing I was realizing: I am happy only when I help someone and I am smiling when I see the result of making people fight for what they believe in! What is my passion? – LC Varna and this is completely true. LC Varna changed me, it is still changing me and is the reason to believe: that I am not alone, that I fight for better, that dreams exist and even if they don’t come true I have an aim and my life is fulfilled. The financial state of LC Varna is not good at all. Since I am in AIESEC it was getting worse and worse and this year money are not factor at all. This is the reason why I am writing to you. Why I have to be on EuroExpro 2015? My goal will be to take everything I can and to pass it to my LC. And how I will do it? I told you what one travel means to me – it is a huge change. Being on this international conference will bring me change and after that I will bring it to the members of LC Varna. Ivi, AIESEC in Varna
Dear Alumni,
As you may already know, conferences are a big part of the AIESEC experience. To learn, collaborate and a lot of other things that cannot be contained in so few words. However, to me and my LC the value of a conference like this is much more than one would expect at first glance. The number of new members in the LC far outweighs those who have been in the organization for long. On one hand, this is an opportunity to start something new and revolutionize things but on the other, there is so much knowledge and so many experiences that we are yet to obtain. Going for a conference like this will give me the opportunity to bring back the knowledge that will transform LC Blago into something no one expects from us; knowledge and experience that I cannot get from elsewhere. I believe in the people in my LC and to me, they are worth every bit of my time and deserve all the information and resources I can possibly bring to them. I also believe in AIESEC in Bulgaria because they have completely changed the way I look at the country and the people in it and at this point, anything we can do to develop more young people is worth doing. Sofie, AIESEC in Blago