BIP 2018 Team Leader Application
Message from MC Dear applicant, You are about to get involve in some real adventure! Moreover you will have the chance to work on a national level and spread the word of AIESEC in the whole country. Business in Practice is the biggest event of AIESEC in Bulgaria and you are going to be in charge of it ! Feel what is to lead a team that will create and design the experience of more then 200 delegates. Engage in developing partnerships with media, businesses and institutions. This is the world of BiP jump in it ! We all, are talking about how there is no connection between universities, students and business, well are you ready to do something about it ?
Business in Practice
Main role and responsibilities Team leader will be responsible to organize BIP18. He/she will be part of MC structure as manager under MC VP BD.
Main Responsibilities Ensuring team standards Regular meeting with MC VP BD Creating plan and timeline for BiP 2018 Delivering BiP 2018
Role conditions Term duration until end of May 2018 15 working hours / per week Conference fees covered by MC budget
MoS: 400 delegates
KPIs: # of registered people # of online reach # of offline reach * The JD will be developed further after that with MC VP BD
Business in Practice
Application timeline Application launch 16.11
Interviews 27-28.11
Round 2 launch 23.11
End of round 1 22.11
Business in Practice
End of round 2 26.11
Announcement 29.11
BIP 2018 April
Questions 1. Who are you and why did you decide to apply for this position? What is your experience in leading a team and organizing events. 2. Why BiP is relevant for Bulgaria ? 3. How will you integrate exchange in the concept of BiP? 4. Create a plan and timeline with main steps for BIP 5. How will you ensure each of the team standards?
Business in Practice
Requirements Filled in all the questions – saved in PDF file. Include one recommendation letter– saved in PDF file. Save all this files in a rar archive and send them until 22.11.2017 23:59h to:
Good Luck
Business in Practice