Message From The chair
Hello dear brave candidate! Taking the step to open this booklet show us that you are willing to change the world while supporting the delivery of high quality experience to our interns! I encourage you to read each page and take a fearless decision becoming a part of Entity Control Board of AIESEC in Bulgaria. If you have any questions feel free to contact me at:
Application Timeline
• Application release date
• Application closing date
28-29. 10.2016
• Interviews duration
30.10-05 11.2016
• Announcement • Education date duration
• Term duration
Must Know Facts
Fill your application only in English DDL is 27.10.2016 - 23:59h GTM+3 Application link here Information about interviews will be send by email Positions are open for everyone if they fulfill the required fields Responsibilities, KPIs & Structure can be changed/moved depending on inside board decision and plan Positions duration is 6 months and can be exceeded up to 1 year
Application Timeline
Consultancy & Prevention
Case Solving
Consultancy And Prevention
Job Role: Offer high quality consultancy and prevention activities to all of the Local Committees, EPs and Interns. Job Responsibilities: 1. Answer all the messages and inquiries received from LCs within 48h. 2. Organize and provide virtual consultancy spaces and webinars. 3. Make sure that recipient have no more questions after consultancy is provided. 4. Provide consultancy and action steps regarding breaking realizations. 5. Organize and provide consultancy spaces during the national conferences. 6. Revise Internal Rules and provide suggestions on amendments that can improve the work of the ECB.
Consultancy And Prevention
Main KPIs: Av. time of the consultancy answer % of drop in cases comparing to previous peak NPS score Additional KPIs: # Virtual & Physical consultancy spaces hosted # Participants of consultancy spaces in total # Reports to the plenary # Cases solved at local level Required to attend: Board meetings ICB Webinars Recommended to attend: National Conferences & Congresses Required Language: Bulgarian English
Job Role: Make National plenary aware of current state of the LCs regards Standards fulfillment in every LC and analyze possible risks in this field.
Job Responsibilities: 1. Create a methodology of Virtual and Physical Audits which can bring the most relevant and representative insight about the standards level in the entity. 2. Create a relevant criteria which can be used for decision if to make Physical Audit or not; 3. Conduct a Virtual Audits for all the entities by the end of the peak. 4. Record and document the Physical process of Audit as detailed as possible. 5. Create a clear, user-friendly, representative and engaging reports on Audits done present report no later then 2 weeks after the Audit is done. 6. Created the reports should include recommended action steps to the audited entities. 7. Revise Internal Rules and provide suggestions on amendments that can improve the work of ECB.
Main KPIs: # of entities who received extraordinary Audits % of drop in cases comparing to previous peak NPS score Additional KPIs: # of entities audited virtually # Reports to the plenary % of Standards and Satisfaction Fulfillment Required to attend: Board meetings ICB Webinars Recommended to attend: National Conferences & Congresses Required Language: English
Case Solving
Job Role: Ensure that every case received by ECB is solved and followed up the fastest and the most efficient way possible. Ensure that everybody leaves the solved case in peace Job Responsibilities: 1. Answer all the messages received by the ECB email which are connected with a case. 2. Follow Case Solving Flow in order to provide high quality Case Solving. 3. Inform the second party about raised case together with accepting the case, provide action steps needed from their side. 4. Give a second party 7 days for submitting proofs against the case. 5. Provide a solution of the cases while following XPP. 6. Inform ICB regarding all solved or not solved cases and break realizations. 7. Through all of the process make sure everybody is clear about procedure, roots of decision and next steps. 8. Revise Internal Rules and provide suggestions on amendments that can improve the work of ECB.
Case Solving
Main KPIs: Av. time of response - (24-48h) Av. time of solving Cases (7 days) NPS score Additional KPIs: # Reports to the plenary # Cases solved at national level Required to attend: Board meetings ICB Webinars Recommended to attend: National Conferences & Congresses
Required Language: English