Event Manager Specialist
Message from MC Dear applicant, You are about to get involve in some real adventure! Moreover you will have the chance to work on a national level and spread the word of AIESEC like never before in our history. Do not worry, we are with you to support you in your quest of engaging the youth of Bulgaria to act upon the sustainable development goals and develop its true potential. Select your dream team and seize this LEADERSHIP opportunity.
Main role and responsibilities The event manager specialist will be responsible to organize both YSF17 and BIP18. He/she will be part of MC structure as manager under MC VP BD and also Team Leader of both events. He/she will be responsible to select the team members for both events. Main Responsibilities: - Ensuring team standards - Regular meeting with MC - Creating plan for each event
MoS: 600 delegates(combined) KPIs: # of registered people # of online reach # of offline reach
Role conditions: Term duration together with MC 20 working hours / per week Conference fees covered by MC budget
Competencies developed: Event management Team and time management Leadership Working in diverse environment Planning and prioritizing
* The JD will be developed further after MC planning
Application timeline
Application close date: 09.06
Interviews 10-11.06
Announcement 13.06
Questions 1. Who are you and why did you decide to apply for this position? 2. How EwA events contribute to AIESEC Essence? 3. Tell us which are your previous AIESEC positions that you had. What were your main achievements and learnings? 4. Create a SWOT analyzes of YSF16 and BIP17. 5. Create a timeline for the two events (YSF17 and BIP18). 6. How do you ensure each of the team standards?
Requirements Filled in all the questions – saved in PDF file. Include one recommendation letter– saved in PDF file. Save all this files in a rar archive and sent them until 09.06.2017 23:59h to: bg-lions-mc-1718@googlegroups.com If you have any questions please refer to angel.stanchev@aiesec.net
Good Luck