2013 Bond Election

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EARLY VOTING October 21, 2013 through November 1, 2013

ELECTION DAY November 5, 2013

POLLING SITES To be determined, for more informa on call Mcallen311 at (956) 681‐3111 To vote in the State of Texas you may now use one of the following forms of Photo Iden fica on:  Texas Driver’s License  Texas Elec on Iden fica on Cer ficate  Texas Personal Iden fica on Card  Texas Concealed Handgun License  U.S. Military Iden fica on Cards  U.S. Cer fica on of Ci zenship (Not the same as U.S. Cer ficate of Naturaliza on)  U.S. Passport U.S. Passport Card You must be a registered voter in order to be eligible to vote. Last day to register is October 7, 2013.

FOR MORE INFORMATION Contact McAllen311 at (956) 681‐3111 www.mcallen.net



The proposed projects are planned to widen key intersec ons via the acquisi on of right‐of‐way, construc on of dedicated right and le ‐hand turn lanes, and restriping at the following: 23rd and Jackson (SB le turn) 23rd and Ebony (NB & SB le turns) 23rd and Hackberry (SB le turns) 23rd and Kendlewood (SB le turn lane) Ware and Pecan (EB & WB right turn) Pecan and McColl (NB & SB right turn lanes) Pecan and 2nd (Add rt. NB & SB turn lanes; add NB through lane at approach)

Bicentennial: From SH 107 to Trenton


This project constructs a new segment of roadway between SH 107 and Trenton Road.

Dove: From 41st to Bentsen


Extending Erie from Ware Road to Bentsen Road, this will provide the new entrance for the Nature Center.

Oakland: From “K” to Jackson Rd.


This project constructs a new segment of roadway between K Center Street and Jackson Avenue.

Wisconsin: From 2nd to Drain Ditch


This project constructs new segments of roadway between 2nd St (Colonel Rowe Boulevard) and Main Street.

Wisconsin (Auburn): From 10th to Main




The Performing Arts Center, a new City of McAllen venue to replace the over 50‐year‐old Civic Center Auditorium, is scheduled to be ready to bid in December 2013. The Performing Arts Center’s es mated cost is $35,557,465. Funding sources to complete the project are the 2 percent venue tax charged to hotel occupancy authorized by voters in 2011 and the sale of the Civic Center Auditorium property located on 10th Street and I‐2.

ERO Architects of McAllen is designing the 83,000‐sq.‐ . facility that will feature state‐of‐the‐art technology in acous cs, audio, ligh ng and stage support. The lobby will feature a grand staircase, balconies overlooking the lobby and the Conven on Center’s Oval Park, restrooms at each of the four levels and elevators to the upper balconies. The Auditorium will feature adjustable acous cs to accommodate popular music to sym‐ phonic orchestra; a robust acous cal shell with a celes al ceiling; and four levels of sea ng, including 550 seats in the orchestra level, 500 seats in the partare level, 400 seats in the first balcony level and 350 seats in the upper balcony, mee ng Americans with Disabili es Act standards.

Youth Baseball Complex at 29th & 5 Mile $11,000,000 Municipal Park Improvements Girls So ball $4,000,000 Bond Elec on $15,000,000 The development of sport facili es for the ci zens of McAllen is part of the 2013 bonds. The project will include the acquisi on of land at 29th and Five Mile to develop a 16 field youth Baseball Complex. The first phase of this project, included in the bond proposal is for 12 fields, with walking trail, concession, lake and playground. The second project recommended is to develop 6 girls so ball fields at Municipal Park. These fields will be used for Girls So ball. Municipal Park development will include addi onal parking concession and playground. Youth Baseball Complex at 29th & 5 Mile

Performing Arts Center


This project improves the pavement sec on of 29th Street from Oxford Avenue to SH 107.

Project Es mates Other Sources Bond Elec on



This project constructs new segments of roadway between 2nd St (Colonel Rowe Boulevard) and Main Street.

29th: From Oxford to SH 107

Project Es mate Other Sources Bond Elec on


This project completes Dove Avenue, connec ng it to Bentsen Road and Ware Road.

Erie: From Ware to Bentsen





For more informa on on Proposi on 1 h p://www.mcallen.net/bond2013/prop1.aspx

Municipal Park Improvements—Girls So ball

For more informa on on Proposi on 2 h p://www.mcallen.net/bond2013/prop2.aspx

For more informa on on Proposi on 3 h p://www.mcallen.net/bond2013/prop3.aspx



The proposed projects are planned to widen key intersec ons via the acquisi on of right‐of‐way, construc on of dedicated right and le ‐hand turn lanes, and restriping at the following: 23rd and Jackson (SB le turn) 23rd and Ebony (NB & SB le turns) 23rd and Hackberry (SB le turns) 23rd and Kendlewood (SB le turn lane) Ware and Pecan (EB & WB right turn) Pecan and McColl (NB & SB right turn lanes) Pecan and 2nd (Add rt. NB & SB turn lanes; add NB through lane at approach)

Bicentennial: From SH 107 to Trenton


This project constructs a new segment of roadway between SH 107 and Trenton Road.

Dove: From 41st to Bentsen


Extending Erie from Ware Road to Bentsen Road, this will provide the new entrance for the Nature Center.

Oakland: From “K” to Jackson Rd.


This project constructs a new segment of roadway between K Center Street and Jackson Avenue.

Wisconsin: From 2nd to Drain Ditch


This project constructs new segments of roadway between 2nd St (Colonel Rowe Boulevard) and Main Street.

Wisconsin (Auburn): From 10th to Main




The Performing Arts Center, a new City of McAllen venue to replace the over 50‐year‐old Civic Center Auditorium, is scheduled to be ready to bid in December 2013. The Performing Arts Center’s es mated cost is $35,557,465. Funding sources to complete the project are the 2 percent venue tax charged to hotel occupancy authorized by voters in 2011 and the sale of the Civic Center Auditorium property located on 10th Street and I‐2.

ERO Architects of McAllen is designing the 83,000‐sq.‐ . facility that will feature state‐of‐the‐art technology in acous cs, audio, ligh ng and stage support. The lobby will feature a grand staircase, balconies overlooking the lobby and the Conven on Center’s Oval Park, restrooms at each of the four levels and elevators to the upper balconies. The Auditorium will feature adjustable acous cs to accommodate popular music to sym‐ phonic orchestra; a robust acous cal shell with a celes al ceiling; and four levels of sea ng, including 550 seats in the orchestra level, 500 seats in the partare level, 400 seats in the first balcony level and 350 seats in the upper balcony, mee ng Americans with Disabili es Act standards.

Youth Baseball Complex at 29th & 5 Mile $11,000,000 Municipal Park Improvements Girls So ball $4,000,000 Bond Elec on $15,000,000 The development of sport facili es for the ci zens of McAllen is part of the 2013 bonds. The project will include the acquisi on of land at 29th and Five Mile to develop a 16 field youth Baseball Complex. The first phase of this project, included in the bond proposal is for 12 fields, with walking trail, concession, lake and playground. The second project recommended is to develop 6 girls so ball fields at Municipal Park. These fields will be used for Girls So ball. Municipal Park development will include addi onal parking concession and playground. Youth Baseball Complex at 29th & 5 Mile

Performing Arts Center


This project improves the pavement sec on of 29th Street from Oxford Avenue to SH 107.

Project Es mates Other Sources Bond Elec on



This project constructs new segments of roadway between 2nd St (Colonel Rowe Boulevard) and Main Street.

29th: From Oxford to SH 107

Project Es mate Other Sources Bond Elec on


This project completes Dove Avenue, connec ng it to Bentsen Road and Ware Road.

Erie: From Ware to Bentsen





For more informa on on Proposi on 1 h p://www.mcallen.net/bond2013/prop1.aspx

Municipal Park Improvements—Girls So ball

For more informa on on Proposi on 2 h p://www.mcallen.net/bond2013/prop2.aspx

For more informa on on Proposi on 3 h p://www.mcallen.net/bond2013/prop3.aspx



The proposed projects are planned to widen key intersec ons via the acquisi on of right‐of‐way, construc on of dedicated right and le ‐hand turn lanes, and restriping at the following: 23rd and Jackson (SB le turn) 23rd and Ebony (NB & SB le turns) 23rd and Hackberry (SB le turns) 23rd and Kendlewood (SB le turn lane) Ware and Pecan (EB & WB right turn) Pecan and McColl (NB & SB right turn lanes) Pecan and 2nd (Add rt. NB & SB turn lanes; add NB through lane at approach)

Bicentennial: From SH 107 to Trenton


This project constructs a new segment of roadway between SH 107 and Trenton Road.

Dove: From 41st to Bentsen


Extending Erie from Ware Road to Bentsen Road, this will provide the new entrance for the Nature Center.

Oakland: From “K” to Jackson Rd.


This project constructs a new segment of roadway between K Center Street and Jackson Avenue.

Wisconsin: From 2nd to Drain Ditch


This project constructs new segments of roadway between 2nd St (Colonel Rowe Boulevard) and Main Street.

Wisconsin (Auburn): From 10th to Main




The Performing Arts Center, a new City of McAllen venue to replace the over 50‐year‐old Civic Center Auditorium, is scheduled to be ready to bid in December 2013. The Performing Arts Center’s es mated cost is $35,557,465. Funding sources to complete the project are the 2 percent venue tax charged to hotel occupancy authorized by voters in 2011 and the sale of the Civic Center Auditorium property located on 10th Street and I‐2.

ERO Architects of McAllen is designing the 83,000‐sq.‐ . facility that will feature state‐of‐the‐art technology in acous cs, audio, ligh ng and stage support. The lobby will feature a grand staircase, balconies overlooking the lobby and the Conven on Center’s Oval Park, restrooms at each of the four levels and elevators to the upper balconies. The Auditorium will feature adjustable acous cs to accommodate popular music to sym‐ phonic orchestra; a robust acous cal shell with a celes al ceiling; and four levels of sea ng, including 550 seats in the orchestra level, 500 seats in the partare level, 400 seats in the first balcony level and 350 seats in the upper balcony, mee ng Americans with Disabili es Act standards.

Youth Baseball Complex at 29th & 5 Mile $11,000,000 Municipal Park Improvements Girls So ball $4,000,000 Bond Elec on $15,000,000 The development of sport facili es for the ci zens of McAllen is part of the 2013 bonds. The project will include the acquisi on of land at 29th and Five Mile to develop a 16 field youth Baseball Complex. The first phase of this project, included in the bond proposal is for 12 fields, with walking trail, concession, lake and playground. The second project recommended is to develop 6 girls so ball fields at Municipal Park. These fields will be used for Girls So ball. Municipal Park development will include addi onal parking concession and playground. Youth Baseball Complex at 29th & 5 Mile

Performing Arts Center


This project improves the pavement sec on of 29th Street from Oxford Avenue to SH 107.

Project Es mates Other Sources Bond Elec on



This project constructs new segments of roadway between 2nd St (Colonel Rowe Boulevard) and Main Street.

29th: From Oxford to SH 107

Project Es mate Other Sources Bond Elec on


This project completes Dove Avenue, connec ng it to Bentsen Road and Ware Road.

Erie: From Ware to Bentsen





For more informa on on Proposi on 1 h p://www.mcallen.net/bond2013/prop1.aspx

Municipal Park Improvements—Girls So ball

For more informa on on Proposi on 2 h p://www.mcallen.net/bond2013/prop2.aspx

For more informa on on Proposi on 3 h p://www.mcallen.net/bond2013/prop3.aspx

EARLY VOTING October 21, 2013 through November 1, 2013

ELECTION DAY November 5, 2013

POLLING SITES To be determined, for more informa on call Mcallen311 at (956) 681‐3111 To vote in the State of Texas you may now use one of the following forms of Photo Iden fica on:  Texas Driver’s License  Texas Elec on Iden fica on Cer ficate  Texas Personal Iden fica on Card  Texas Concealed Handgun License  U.S. Military Iden fica on Cards  U.S. Cer fica on of Ci zenship (Not the same as U.S. Cer ficate of Naturaliza on)  U.S. Passport U.S. Passport Card You must be a registered voter in order to be eligible to vote. Last day to register is October 7, 2013.

FOR MORE INFORMATION Contact McAllen311 at (956) 681‐3111 www.mcallen.net

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