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The regulatory issue is currently the most concerning aspect for the development of the industry in the region, since most countries are still creating the roadmap for it, and regulation is still unclear.
Policy makers face the challenge of developing a tailored and carefully timed mix of policy and regulatory measures guided by priorities to reap the benefits of hydrogen production
Each country has a different set of opportunities and challenges in relation to existing hydrogen demand and supply, potential low carbon production routes and demand sectors, existing industrial value chains, infrastructure and ecosystems of market players, technological capabilities and financial services, to name a few crucial aspects.
Attracting investors takes second place in the list of challenges, which is linked to both the need for regulation and the availability of more affordable technologies, and a clear vision for the role of hydrogen in the national clean energy transition, as well as the country’s position in the future global hydrogen landscape and participation of foreign investment by country.
Technological development takes third place, both in terms of safety standards and hydrogen application, especially when these take place close to the consume. Amongst those technological challenges we can find carbon capture and storage, affordable generation, supply chain, and cost competitiveness. Low carbon hydrogen deployment depends on many technologies that are still under development, and considerable cost reductions will be needed to enable it to reduce global emissions in applications that may not be suitable for director electrification
Among others, our respondents mentioned: Processing of permits, LATAM customers, Economic viability, Accurate market information, supply of technology and equipment, production/storage/transportation chain, lack of information and knowledge in the energy sector, both private and governmental, about the generation, transportation and practical use of hydrogen.